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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1970, p. 5

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asC ur A ýfS and Bake sala l Pr ath Stda:School hall (tA i I cig Anaews s5yr an C ul n !zt t pint, rsetýp Tè decoratioris v j1Il f Chu.mastheme w(. he! kork fMis. Murray log:At,' ]\,j.r Ray Porteous, Mis. fRo- hait Pt yiey, Mis, Heib Colp- Pin a.î Pd Mis. Harold Wie Mus. Harb Coppin ,UC P.iotand Mis. !Ra,, r- teutreasurer, wele1c Mr.Carl Porteous Mis 'Tho sJenningc; and Me ù o ii R- ~dDrivai wver( m car of the homa-&ing -. 'PeTuesday lUnit Group ~ sal ovelty craft,, And gifti, Mis. Irene Meflanld andl Mi onNoals were ,sales- laisA thflicneedlèwork ahdl Seuving ta g s wera MsqH&rold White, Mi. Ai- laReer, Mis. Murray Smith, M iis. Howa[rd Pawân and Mis. ton e aksonr e Mis., rs Mis. RobeItyey wera the, plnigconvenais of thîs tverY SulýeeSsâful bazasi. --- Mr. and Mis, Marvin Burtis aresho wu in the above photo as they eut the wedding cake at the receptian followirîg their Ënsaniage in St. Andrew's Presby- tenoan Chiurch, Bowmanville, on .Saturd ay afternoon, October 17, 1970 at four o'clock, Frel Miss Lorry Joanes, the bride la the daughter of Mis. Pauline Joncs of Bowmanville and the late Mr, Edword Jones, and the groom is the son of Mi. arnd Mis. George Burtis, Orono. McRobbie Photo BURTIS - JONES theofcatu clergyman sud[Orange and green ceutred1 St. Aud1,%w, sPrci-byterian1during the ceremnny Miss d, coiifeursaisnetled riheir Chuich, Bowmanviiia, was ~Bragg piayed "The Lord' ofeus0u1 he ane Churcli. Pnuýinibouquets , f yellow anIld au-_ the setting for the marniaga Prayer" and 1"O Peor f e etlhuri'munis. t0f Miss LryJoues, daugh- Lv" fM.Eu tvn1wshs tai- of Ms auieJones of Given ln marrnaga by ber m,,an sd the ushers wereM. Powmanviile and the iste Mi.'grsndfather, Mr, Fred Me-iKen Staînton sud Mn. Ricýky1 Edward, Jones. and Mi, Mai-,Quanrie of Duudalk, the brida Joncs, brother of the bie vin But, son cf Mn. and wore a formai iangth gown of TercpinwshlLii Ivin. c-orgeBuris o Oro&, wit~-satin-with--fickor leugth'S.Ade- Cuc hr ai four oeiock on Satuiday1 train falliug from two large 't nrwsCuciwi-e aftarnoon, Octobe-r 17, 1970. ýwhite bows at the shouidars.f the guests were îecalved bhY Bey, . JS. Gîichrist wasiTha short sleeves were of' the bride's mother who wore Slace, and lace boîdered the, a deap pulae sdrees wit train. Her four-lier veil of!mthn ae iae u PUllVOWL S t corsage of white sud pale, French nylon wasscaught pntarainsohgoms p M ý1 IL OW L s a crystal tiara, and bar bridai Pmotarnasios.The t o rei HEA1TING 'SPEC1ALIST bouiquet was ef white car-!and woîe a royal blue dres- 17 Liberty St. N. ntin ud oanecoiored wîth crsaecf white and PHO E 63-791 iss Sanldra Jones Was The couple houeymooned at PO E6379 maid of honor for han sister,, idn sd frtaeln 24 HOUR SERVICE ad the ridsisweie the bridle -wo-re a puiple part 011, Gas & Eleeýtrie Furnace iss Malene Burtis, sister of suit acconted by a silver & Air Condition Insitalla- fthe groom, and Miss ýLor 1rie eei . Mand Mis. Bur- <éton - Centr'al & Window Boe. hy eo tIr' tis are residng omn IUnits - ,Clie Mca& formell Ie ngtb rneiaville.É I Findley Equpmnt chffon go)wns offset by giýren Tiehe bidè - is a graduate 0fý Free Esimtes erbroidry slong the empireCoutiaSecondsry Sehool, Bdget Tback, sud the1 iir ggroom i-. s a graduter ug. sd arond te sleve- f om .vîrHigh Schinol. Both ar'e employed at Huy -weil Coutrois Ltd. ~. ~r '~ Guests attendad froni Bow-, t ~ , mauvilie, Toronto, Ml. Aibeit,1 Goîmiley and Duudalk. Saverai parties houored thte bride prier to her marriage. Miss Mariano Bunitis sud Mis. H.Adanson were hostessesý fra showr. . G. Linton, î J gave a shower, sud a showeî' Pentecostai Church. AND_ o ne Tuesdayi, December lst We f ny onl y thse fines-t IHalibut and potato, ln 100% puire vegetable oul. FOR OUR OPENING SPECIAL 1 Tues. and Wed*., Decemb6er lst and 2nd wMt Every Order of FI S YOU GET 1,i Order of Chips '1337 KING'ST.,E. 42 OBJTUAIRY NTebr 12, 197 ut Me morial, nhospital, B twmsuief bu ber 19th yarShe bdii beau iii for averr a ya-1r paild bn hospital for eightmot. Dauighter of the lata eChanliel MeGilI snd riSar rott, the! former MilredAiena MeGili w-s borniut Lotus. Ont. SI, P receivad ber e7ducation et Lot- us Publie Sehool sud Black- stock Higyh Sbol. On Januf ary S 93 hemnir i Monwin Mutoywosur- vives,.m Thro deceased i bcd livcd i Hnipton for 25 yeas sd ho- fore movbng thene rasided bu, Cadmus. She mias a member of Hampton Unitaed Church, sud aise of H-ampton Womeu's, Institute. Through the years, she was organist sud choir' leade' luinseveral commuubtyi Mis. Mountjoy is surviveri by ber husband, Meîwbn. TFhe funeral service w7as heiri on Mouday, November 16, fioni the Noîtheut Eliott Funeral Home, Bwavie *~ ~ ~ ~ ~' aniwscnutr yRev. mentwa u CamueUnion, PeibAiers.wee esîs mmii sud famiy of Tnmt ,were wweekend oguesîs -withi Mi -.ud Mis. Vincent Jackson., M),sud i ùsJ. E. Ev ans ýmovpie hrefro Mlibî)ook lestwee, puhsîgtefr Mvi, àsudMi.NanNle Thomas Joîn u ufnsy n. sud rýi M , [uk Or, lu Loudon wît i. RdM- s ipet the pasl wk In Pian Tbvan puhiny tlWedChugwr J/e Çqde a C/uYistras QÇIA TIIÊ WORLD FAMOUS Modern Masters of Time elodel 53910 fAutomatie Day-Date Caien- diar with- push-button date re-se4ting, 21-jewel shack prate.cte, waterproof ta 98.2 ft, Lunsinous diai and bands. Yellaw gail-co)loied dial and top and gald-filled adustsble bracelet, $89.95 Model 53971, 7same wîth san ess teel caie and bracelet $79.9 L7zelusively at BEAUTY Thinking of that Speci. special pierson... Kut ' Kuri have an why flot give a Ç/lt UQ for: WASH AND PERM i or MANICU They make an 1iea1 gifi la very hard to buy for! Conigratulsations to the' ANNIVERSARY DRAW Ella -Hopkins-,, 2dprize ($10,00 3dprize ($5.00 Mlrs. Mar.y TiIl FOR APPOINTMAEN' or stop Il KING ST,, E., B s 'MTie (aaln~aeraBw avfa l,,2,1? Celebrale SOth Anniversary ýMulders -Beat watced Mudar Ci-ghls de- fout Petebioroýugh 3-1 on rýthuid, ;fm Novembet hth. Il a an exciti ng haird- hitig"'gam. Mulders staîteri endi viszitons aIMi. amd Mis, F. W. Wrys Mn. auriMs. W.Griffur fond were Fiday avoiugý cahiers nt R. Gîîffiul'sl Mi. sud -Mis. Wâltcr FRab1)m. Tyrone,, were Surudsy eveuiu )g Vlioswith the R.,(riffru1 I Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper iMi. and Mis. Y. O. Cooer pesent. Their two grand-f ro-eeathé Primon -f celebîsted their Golden Wd daugbters, Karen Fagan, and istor, the Premier of Outarljo ding Anniversary at a ap-Ln Cooper, aiong with thein sud oth(er Members ofPal- lion lat thé Odd Feiiow s' Heil, 1gi andson's wif e Geraidine Tag- meýnt. Mn. Alex Canrthrs Orono, Ont, on Sot., Nov. 21lst,1 an, looked afler tisa guest MFP, accompaniedcbyMis 1970. book. ýCarruthers, attonded sud pi-e-ý The bride sudl groom nec-1 Thei tes table was exquisita- sented themt with a plaquie, a eived their mny g uests, at-I ly docoîoated-with a autfu i rmthe goe -,nnt. f teuded by M\is'. Bill Irwin,Iwèdding cake, goid caudies Manyý other lovely gIt,! fitheir bridesmaid of 50 yoarsisud smsall sprays of gold fIlowe(rs sud cards were nec'- ago. Mis. Bill Cochrane rep-Imusus. Those pouring tea wera edfnm their numerous resentêd ber deceased husband 1Mis. Bill Cochrane sud isters relatives and friands. More who was the best man. Assist- and sisters-in-iaw of the bride ' than 175 guesîs anrived from f ing their mothen sud fatsan toand groom, namely Mis. Fred Ilocal and distant communiliosý receive guests were Mn. and Lycatt, Mis. Norman McNaliy,I including Toront o, Oshsawa,! Mis. Robait Cooper cf Agin- Mis. Perce Cooper sud Mis.IElI.Iot Lake, Peterborough, court sud Mi, suYd Mis, . 0Mj. Chaîirie Cooper. - Kingaton' Coîborne sud Cob- J. Fagan of Markhams, Ont. Congratulatory- messages ourg to help celebrate thisý Ail fivo__grandebýidren were wene neceived from the Gov- happy occasion. Celebrate Golden Annieversary, On faudathe 24th oUMrs. Michener, Alex Carruth- lovely flower ar:ranigemnt Octobe>r, the 5Oithi We(iding ers, M.P.P. for Durham; His including one from the TownI Annveraryof r. and Mrs. Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs, of BowmanvIlle. Thebrd HaTýrry Van1 de BoIt S.wa on behaif of the citizens of and groom were also surp sed5 W EL I G O I ýE # ceertdat Mmoia ark B1owmanville, and Russell, C. wich a famiily memory book, Th'Iey we-re ar Honey, M.P. Also received Open house was held 1froî BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ried on Octobeýr 29, 1920, la was a telegram and a gift Of 8 - 12 pm. and upon arrlilng thebc Netherlanids. The annl- money from relatives in the guestis were asked to sign the EEH N 41)6358 eray couiple have o ne Netherlands. guesù book. The evening was daughter and ftouir sOns . Then it was time for the spent remlniscing and dancing. MIIGA)RS O 2 Marthia (Mr-s. Enest Knappl), happy couple to cut the three- Later in the evening a loveiy Bowmanville; Herman, Hamp- tiered wedding cake. The bride buffet'lunch was enjoyed by RowMAýNVILE,ONA O ton; Gerbard, Oshawa; Harry and groom also received many ail Jr., Bowmanvilie; Fernand,- ____ Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Van de u . U , u m m Belt have 16 grandchiidren andi two great-grandchildren.E NI I I IL I I A ovely turkey dinner h Th ... Ilanik-Offering Beavertoin Strdy enjoyed by aIl and the dinner meeting was held 'Wednesday Mr. and Mrs A. Herring, was also att.anded by six cous-. p.m. November i8th at the Oshawa, were recent visitor mns of the bride and groom. home of Mrs. Stuart Lamb. with Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb. The bride iooked iovpliyin a The worship was in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lam blue crimpiene dress ihMs . tne h gv h n mathig a4e. ftMwr fes;.R t gr f Hlenvé Ke an Lesley spent Sunday with their ~ ~ ~ i chirnpeetdt e M ry AhoHn a eller. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hummel ýLhir liidre prsoned ll"IlMrs L.Ashon avea wlland Mrs. Rachel Grawbarger wihgoldenj rings, the- bride1 prepared paper on "Christian Milibrook.VN LrAv FLOORXINGý rece.iv!ig>a "feily" ring w,ýith Stewardship-" The roll cal thehithtoesof ailfiv was answered with gifts, for M.r. and 'Mrs. Roy McGill AMazing nerw comfcrt: Soft, Warm-,Que chlild-tren and the Lro' he Ont. Hospital, Whitby, viie' r. and Mrs. Chaýrieyj So btEa-uiifu] and so easy to care for intai ee nrae n i ollowed by business and dis- Il _îgmi. naIn uda_ rn.cuýsion conducted by our pre-f Mr, and Mrs. Clarence,â.1.1 Telgrai wre eadbv idernt, Mrs, R. Ho'we. GrouplEagleson, Bailieboro, Mr. andï M;asteirof Ceremies, Mr. R. 2 served lunch. The past twolMrs. Joe Rekker, Bowrnan- paehr frrom HaUIltarn. Prime wceks the units have held cof-iville, Mr. andi Mrs. Murrv MVjiister Per Ellintt. rudedu focfe parties for the purpose ofiMarshall and Andrea were seýnt s tlg with h is bestlco-llecting chiidren's' bibs andiSunday" evening, dinner guests wishe, Aio recivedwere plast1ic pants for the Christo-let the C.Avr. terasfrOni Johnr P. RO- plier Robin Home, Ajax. Mr. and Mrs,. Fred WrighIt, ba t~ P i Minister of On- Our deepest sympathy i3 Barbara and Bey, and grand- taro; ovenorGenraiandextencied to Mr. and Mrs.1 son Kenny Wright, Bowman- Neil Maquire and famîly onivilie, were Friday evening - Sthe passing of Mrs. Maquire's visitoys with Mr. N. E. Wright mother, the iate Mrs. Versl and Mrs. Normna Bradford. Grove, Uxbridge. Last Thursday Mr. andý El Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scot, Mrs. E. R, Taylor visited Mrs Bob ancd Frank Kedron, Mis- T. Tay.%lor at Enfieid, and oni s;es Louise and Mari orbe Mc- Saturdýay they visited Mrs, 1Intosh, Whitby, Mr. Rodney Boy Taýyli- at Biackstock. Irwin and Miss Claire Con- Mi-ndMs. Jh el ai iftforth1 rad, Brampton, were Sunday an'd famiiy were overnigiht ial Gft fo thatguests of Mr. and Mis. George guests on Tliursday and Fni- lrwin, day wth Mr. and Mrs, R. Mi, and Mrs. L. Staintion, Griffin. Satuîday morningf. Mrs. H. Stainton were Sun- they left for Thunder Ba,,- ideai day supper guests of Mr. and Port Arthur. V Mrs. Clarence English, Bow- Mr. and Mrs, L, Stainton mnanville. were Saturday evenýing sup- On Saturday Mr, and îMi ý. par vguests of Mr. and lMis.ý Y, Dorlanid had dne ihRyHpPic let Mr, and YMr, S. 'Turner, Osh1- Ms .GegM.adBULîNFA ,rU/4icate M' STbis parents, Mr. adM 1-H1, agurt Wih, VILT WIG At-_toe rcksetth ekfSQIC)P NS V Mr. and Mrs, ,Kns n ih e ahradss RE and girls were Sujîny tea to, Mi N.E. Writid~ n if's cushionied with iny fa gussof Mrs, S. Knmn0Msirdfr.O Stral ifor thaL persan who C rtie.they"ý wereail inne (guet-, / won-ru nekind of comfort! VWarm, Sol", Quiet Mr- and ie, A, Shap, M, ofMi, nd Ms, Crl Wr tigh .t / - osSap and Kathy v-,isitedria tc. uurïousý, easy vto cean, vinyl f1coringri hondwi- on unaywith Mis. D. BP .T. Mand Mi. rd oarh iylfam. Sof'Itred îs richly embuossed. to help hide heel- inner KyTrot.MsH.Gggad amyMpleGae retu;ýrn om witH.t m A MIw r; SUdaTspr gess marks . rmask uneveri 'nfloors. Juaýt'Coi! it out. No mess. t : er iafew ,dnys with- Mis,. Kay. wth1 1Mr.n, ndVMrs, c.'ta - No emetingnee ed. 1dalfor sseddforS GfCetiat)M.and Mis. F. W. Wer,îy ton.c-,Ve fl Ennikilln Mr, Wery'sgrnsonlitte Talor ere isitrs w t tday n seal il he !oVely Softred patterns andcor Gl1t Cetirts PerJame Morrf, 1o , MW.Wm E R-Fan Rs Mi n rs i ooeat W.Rhns, rno EKND SPECIALI wi tri the Maorlrcrafts om frth wek$nd9 Iock, ~ ~ ~ ~ '0r Ut.;. MF,>,Mr , 1jayor M.'ad rs.E Wij, A, NYSq TPHONE 6231.5019 Mr.;1W brnty a-da bnrgesswt r manville E. Wrîgt Mis Bradfod an MrR.Ormstn san a is Mrgurie Wigt. H RD ARE by A Nkwthhssstr r. n nLME rceTy~ 'li oM NV IM VrîaoryhTooto ada ailkwraSna i~POE632 *ad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hx, tasre c(Fr ~Ms R oéAndME. Ralo ý1 5RNGS.W.BWnNIL the congA-Id were leadirg 2- Owheu Peterborough sea,- ed thaîr ouiy goal. Muldars sacurd thair leaad by seorig anothe'- goal with two min-~ utes f4 letb Rteame, ScoingforMuiders wam J, le su-,d D. Dykstra 24 As-uists we;-nt to D. Dykstra 1, H .ý ludkra 1 i andi M. Stel 2. The rgoal loi Peterborougil went to A. Stoter with Fe Sttr 1tting the assist, Mudr'next gansa l18 v 11 tOLD APPLTANCES STATESMAN at TOWNLINE QSHAWA 576-444

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