wav and h-usband,,1 I tetal o 111 gu~Ls, Enrtn t i > I m e wavided by Mr. P h rie 6 3-33 3 aii l Ms.Johin Stainton of MVa pie Grove on NoVemb.-er 14 ini hoino r afthe birthdlays of MsW.Davis of[ ade n StudaMrs. Stinlon's mothr Mrs. Mri1. and ve W iIf. Bennett., and M r. Stain- .i hr mthrMrs. Annei e nms foto-ow smterMs rrStai righlChrcb Sret. gust l yurhome, odla tn.The evenling waâs sr1,nt! Lynn Sc borugh, re Sl- isits wýith flnsor rltvs n.Oto-onget nld Ms. JamesAbcrnethy. for ithis columnn. Jut dalM. n Ms BhMons1 Wine s;r 0cLileN.i.,6ý23'-331 l'03. sonri obbie, .ber grandýson Mr. Winnrs n te Ltti N..L.an dMs.Alan Mynsand drw l'ut Sat1urd y, Nove- Mn and Mrýs. Glenholme dlauighter Shelljy, al of Ottawa, bÈr 2lst., were Nos. 44 iinid Hughei s, and Mn. Dan H«ughes,.e o n ndMs adn 118, in the sum of $25 each. King St. East, ttnddthePotadonPulndhlip Mr. Jim Hall, Trent iiv- -Fednc ýal LhealPolicyvCon- Bleil.Alopeetfrom gity, Peterborough, visitec ifhisvention helila0Ottawaa last ton we Ure Mr.Fric- Stainton,j granclmother, Mrs. James Hall, Frida y, Satýurda,,y and Sunday. Mr.WlfBnnet, Ms Reta~ Lbrty St. North, on Satur- Mr. Hughes- vas -nofca iis r nd Ms .Fox drx. dlegte.and Mn. . nd Mrs. Ken Fox. Mn. Waltér Frank of IV. Mr. and MVrs. N\orman A Frank Real Estate Limited rec- -ams 1d son Ronne and: ently netunned [rom a bu ,in 55 M ýichaepl, Londono, Ont.,, were TVflFI trip to Ho]land, Germany and weeke , -ni ,guýests ý of Mrs. James'i T R N Switzerland. parentls, Mli. and Mrs. Wmn. M., Tyrone L.OB.A. held theiri Mr. and Mns. Ted Goddard lun, Suo Street, and at-EetonadIsalaino of Montreal left for their ene, teSanrta Claus parade, Offcieon andInsaatov.o hometody ater vit wth o Saurdy. 8th. Sis. Cora Johnson, Past thrsite-i-lwMrs. Hnrb- M.anid Mrs. Jý A. Virtue Granrd \,istress of Ontario ent Go)ddandr, Ch-urchi Street. of HJ-1 to and Mr. and Mrs.iBasf, pjresidedï for the elec- ~~ c ~~~ Ch ries, Spencer of Ottawa [o ffiesa ntla rails, Ont., spent a few _ays were wveekend guests of their tion. T'he: following officers last wieek w\itfihber son and parents, Mni. and Mrs. R. L. wn lce:Wr ites daughter-,in-laiv, Dr. and M Mitcel,.etr1Sret adSis. Leverne Taylor; Deputy Keith Siemonm, Centre Street. .1 oîned mii the celebration la 1Mistness, Sis. Lois Lawny Miss Edith O'Hara ofhPo of M.MthlsBt Jr. Deputy Mistness, Sis. Rt Brampton aýnd Mns. Charles hnhdyMurphy; Rec. Secretary, Sis. Cassin of Bolton were Sunday!. and MUrs. Mlenedith Mof- [Ann Phi]lips; Financial Sec- r ~ts of Mr. and Mrs. Alan1fat 0fOsaw accompanied retary, Sis. Reta MeRoberts;l HOshorne and Mrs. F. 'T. Mr. Percy Mýoffatl, Mns. Pearl ýTreasuren, Sis. Carrail Far- Tighe. Aïrstong4 and Mrs. Gertrudeý row; Chapiain, Sis. L. Hen- Mr.andMrs Keth erg- Mllienof Killanney, Mani- dren; G uàar dian, Bro. L. sonrDv. and Bnian, ath en- toha ;t visit cosins ini Bow- Brooks; Director of Ceemon- lae and Andrew, Enniskillen. mavll, Ms aidPr n ies, Sis. J. Vaneyk; ist bec.. wee uaaydine gess f ises Beryl and Hilda tuner, Sis, Vemna Chamber- 7VIn. and Mrs. James Aber-1Tomso.lain; 2nd bectumer, Sis, tthelý Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clanke, Gable; Pianist, Sis. Connie neh.Lamib's Lýane-, accomipanied Mm, boweny; Inner Guard, Bro. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gonyea, and Mrs. Ross ,ýiClark,, Highl Roy Patton; Outer Guard, Tononto, vîsîted last weekendý Street toinAmniliton on Suadayi Sis. Dolly Patton; Commnittee, wi&îth his gnandparents, Mm. 1 and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Mr.W eatDk t~and called onmiI\rs. E. B. Moses Sîs. Ruth Bradley, Sis. N., andMrs W.Benett Du'p , ,ýwho is makîI,ýng ber home with'Mills9n, Sis. K. Davey, Sis. G. ý5 andunce ad antMr. and i and unie an aunt Mape)Mr. ughterand soa-in-law, Brooks; Auditons, Sis, Ruth di Mrs. John Stainton of Mpe r and Mrs,ý Ron Hanna, 18iBradley and Sis. Ruth Mur-R rv.anMrAB.Nra Westmouý,nt Dr-. phy; Sick and Visiting Com-i fý Coutic ceerAt Ed termn Mr. barryMudokPrince rmittee, Sis. M. Milison, Sis. E. 2f,5thtce weddeg aavemsr atEdward Isan, ho was en- Gable. Sis. Johnson was as-i the home of their daughtem, ro ta bo is home from New sisted by Sis. Wright, Sis.ý Mrs Shil CoipskiofBow _York, Wood7stock a3nd Hamil- Bnglish, Sis. MeMullen, Sis, Mrs.Sila oietrki ov o- ton, vsited his wýife's -parents,! Mnrccasin, ail of Janetville. emher 2lst. Mn. and Mrs. Syrhney Venton, Bro. Dobson of Millbrook Division Street, for a couple gave a very interestlng ad- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chant of days last week, ieaviag for dress on "The Orange Onder." and familY, of Collingwooýtdlhis home early last Friday Social time was enjoyed with werc avernight guests lastýiirig a cup of tea. Fridav of Mr. and Mrs. J., mornin--A. .. - _- This select group of Honor Graduates from Cart- left to right, Guy Bonette, Bill Thampson, Caroi Wot- wright High Sehool were honored an Friday night ten, Gerald Henkýe; back rôw, Bruce Fish, Douglasý uring the CHS Commencement Exencises at the Smith, John Larmer and Robert Mairs. The ninthi Recreation Centre, Blackstock,ý They are, front row, graduate, David Smith, was unable ta be present. Valedictorian Receives Plaque OBIJTUÀRY WESLEYVULLE Tiie vemy id ethnhsibne h 1 ecprtmse citer [the y:qe1'.s hairvei [om Pnt Hope hospital asiýý aven. Coma picýk ingri>, finih-,dese u ast e but the ,ýis stihisoe a o.th em I cmlee-,eae Sev erai romhomre wot o h ihwnd fttp th e AO0TS me 1. hlbuiewd hv rugtd tour a th cemnt woks e cam o jithe huge dar c oowmanvile on ,Wd day, ,whîchj, wem ii la he fedb7 nigt, avmbe hth.Amn' efid- aeTijose Lha c hiree Ithem eenaaliihasapnItitatldanger ad td5 ,ind son Donald, GareTUF- frunt hey feli whc nc ford ccd son John, Tlias. Wih-on ws n the road, son anid Alain, ancd Arlýld Tlhomadke.Thee ws a venyhay ClýaaDrk h had made pamty etý the home of M.r. m plans Ita1spend the ,w iaer in M rs.. besli e F rd n S t xr a P or H pe h d a m i or ac i- evening, N ov. 2ist, w he ne p o r f l p e ,ir li r r a c * ' r i e n d s g a t h e r r i t a n i dont which caused(1 a return good wishes na the ocso of back trouble. She is in of their neceat mriae[he Port Hope hospitel and pro- eveoing wvas speniIn Ipîayïngiý gressing favoumably. ca1 nî vroespe. Mrs. Mary Morton had the once: was assHure v when-Me, misfortune ta falhast week and Mrs. Donî Cmftpiner while doi ng hem househo Id. auoniemi!Ire and orag o ahanes and fnactured a coller The hoored 'coupl mdMrm Croit reccl an adriress on be.- haîf of ail fnîen,e.Glfts of a HAYDONgames table, four chairs amR e minron weme presented I b, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Dud- Bud Ellott, Earh Ashby, Ro.w ley, Burliagton, were Sunday bort Dinner acd Clarenice visitons of Mr. ccd Mrs. An- Nichiols. Leslie and Janet thur Reed. thanked thein friends wih* Mrs. Jack Patts, Mms. W. sang "Fon they are jolly go)od Martin and Mrs. Tom Potis, fellows." Ail present slgfned and Mr, and Mrs. Russell the address bookiet and the Ommiston ad Billie, Part rest ai the evecing was spernt Hope, were Sunday visitors la visitiag whiie refreshSento et Mn, and Mns. Arthur Tre- were senveri, win's. Mr. ROY Thompsoa, Les- kard, Mir. and Mrs. E. R. Thompson and Cynthia, Bow- menville, visited thein mother, Mrs, A. Thompson. Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Ashtoni and Mr. and Mns, Ross Ashi- ton ad Grant weme Friday, dianen guests of Mr:s, Walter Murray, Toronto, 1Soerry ta lose Mn, and Mns. E. Topple and famiiy fm aur commaunity 'who, having sold thein pnoperty Ia thel village, have moved ta Bow-ý mnanvihle, Theywere present-I ed with a gift fmom the com- munity, a large hend painted' ail picture. ADULTS DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOQUR EDUCATION 1 with £A-duit Counselling Servies - Fallis motoned ta Tononto on -NTYPOOL1KeithStinsacn (pley rd Fas alSuünday ta visit fniends tee PONTYPOIOL ilady) wstied wý'ith MI s. We extend aur eagretula- Goon iStronig fan- 2nd; ens tioins tao Mr.* and MVrs, 0111e A frmr esdot ndfan- lst1Mn, Sidney Powers,2ndCooper of Onono who cal-Pe- mer wrli-troiiBay-M.JohIn-Peyne, More -Pof !the brated thîr _Goldeýn Weddîng duIff Cmtn nSaa asm when another ocheAaaiverseny on Saturdiay. At the persan of Mn.Hema willh he hold in the Orange one time the Cooper fami.y. bethague. Decea;sed peasîrd allPantypool, tis FniVrday. lived on the Best fanm near away in Oshawa Hospital aioQ Sevenal local citirens a re Manvons Station and Ollie at- servie was fronm Comtstock coýlle-cting donations 1 esitr tn ded __school at-Canscaddrens Funeal ome l ilmo.M.and Mns, AdyS tchJ.,Ischool. ,Toths whi omurna we c-i gctting r-sa]sidalr Congratulations alsa gýo taý r ted ar soipthy Iaingthoîr 'home b, fir. n.anid Mrs, Wehter ali ýISeveral fo here atteîîd- Anynn0Ie not coaaced cn Sm who ýeir-hbated their 3t ed the Progressive Euchre i ievethrir donatjin'at Ma*anv rsrnecentiy. ThE Fl Balyuf o Fidy vPio an',- 1Hardw,,are Store. Pre 'riihelp eveny wonthy ceuseý Pnîze wîn-Vners were: Laia ~naîndr dance wiil be end Dorothy le the -rgnîs lat Mrs. bila Kerr, 2rîd Mn., held in the C, aoI C. Hall on foi- the Marsî Churclh,