Two Reeves 'Announce- Entry in Wardenship Race Reeve Harvey Malcolm of Manvers Township was Reeve Howard Quantrili of Hope Township, was arcclimed as Reeve of Manvers. on Friday and im- acclaimed at the township nomination lastwekand mefdiately launcbed bis campaign to contest the has also bit the campaig,-n trail for the United C'ounties wvardensbip of the United Counties Council in January. wardenship. Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Ilewvcastle Social and1 (ersonal New.casie- -Thie Newcastle »,oyed the Christmas dance, Lions Chistmas Dance wsSaturday evening. highly scesu in every' Recent visitors with Mr. an< wa.Thecorations weremrs. Ron Hope and Michelle beautliifuýl, hiuge giimmeringland Mrs. Betty Brown, were staýrs and bails were strung MYrs. George Skeiding and high fro thei iînaidst fam-ily of Chippawa. bri'-ghtly clre teaes We are sorry to, report thaý Thestae bckdro, dcort-Mr. Dave Noden is a patient dwthaChistmas trq ee and in a Toronto Hospital where snowlake, wih a eai reehe recently underwent surg- hrgtylit Plac a h fotey Mrs. Anita Holdaway 1th1-tagenear the rs. Dorella Chard anc 'je people1c raýpidly filied the MNr' Marilyn Kent are in Me- baeahin fthe festi!ve odiFî optl sndeac ejoyngthensive -Hockey Mot hers wlill meet orj, ver muh, eveal inig Mondiay, December 7th-., whîhe ýjpot prrizes held throuýghouit the ý i wili be election night for the evening for the, lucky draw. The Schooi Board and also nearing '. , e'vent took place just be- Christmas and everyone find- fôre, the end of the night when ing themselves quite busy. This thec draw on the Moto-Ski was meeting is also quite import- "ade, the iucky winner being ant. Ail members and anyone C. D. McEachernj- on Cambridge wisiiing ta become a membex Street, Lindsay, Ont. To ail are urged to attend. those purcl-,asing draw tickets, Students from Grades four anrd those attending the dance, and five of the Newcastle sincere thanks are expressed Public School recently enjoy- «y the Lions Club for your co- ed a trip to the Science Mus- Q)peration iin making their pro- eum In Toronto, accompanied icct a success. The next dance by their teachers. Wvill be New, Year's Eve. For Ice time has been rented to ý1urther Information be sure ta students of the public sehool, re-ad the Coming Events and free of charge to them. It's aict now to avoid disappoint- an Ideal way. to keep fit .-ent. through exercise and at the Mr, and Mrs. Ted Dlenny samne time learn te skate and aîd ýfamily, Ottawa, wvere In! keep, up with their friends. the village duriing lthe wuekenid The younger chfiiren, those In In. visit with Mr. and Mrs.lGrades one to four, w&ill go on Wiïn Collier. They a-lso en- th ice from 2:30 until :30 p.m. PLAN TO ATTEND NEWCASTLE LIONS MILLIONAIRES- NIGHT NEWCASTLE C-OMiMUNITY HALL SatrdyDec. 5, 1970 Diur6:30 p.M. 'eALL MEN ARE WELCOME TO LIONS TURKEY ROLL M A unilque shAoppe weeykou ean enjoy yn or Wust broýws-ing. KING-- ST, EAST, IN NEWCASTLE acroas from the CmuiyPr Irtlookfor theConiliu Phone 987-4213 every Frlday, bcgirnaing t Friday, As help wil be need- cd la putting on and tying un skates, parents who can came out and hclp are asked ta con-' tact the sehoal and advise them. This la a great oppor- tunity ta those wha do't ai- ready skate. Congratulations tao tw a Newcastle mca who wcre clected ta the Boy Scouts Couneil of West Durham ares d asat Tuesday cvening. Tbey eýIwere Dan Imais, ciectcd as e Chairman and Bill Sutton, i clected again as secretary. Pst Biaker, also af Newcastle, wha t !resign-ed this year as Chair- t man, was eiected' as Apple eDay Chairman. Having donc - a gaod job as Chairman af y Dtirict Couneil, we trust he d wiii do equaliy well the job -,i Appieý Day Chairmain as did th-e manbefore lAp iHeadr, wýho didn't rua for:' eelection duc ta bis hcalth. e Messrs. Dan- mais and Bill gSutton, aiready active la their - raie with West Durham Dist- c rict, atteaded a dinner held -Monday evcning for Presidents eand District Commissioners rConference hcld at Brighton. Apologies are exteaded ta rMiss Elizabeth Kozub and sister BTins who arrangcd the -Brawnle trip and picked up -tickets and handicd other ne- 1spansibililties ai arganizing an > auting, and who werc bast la the background due ta, a mis- uaderstanding. Last wcck's seredit went ta Mrs, Maryana L aIis who asks that the credit Sbe givea wherc lt beloags, Ithat she as leader aecepted .their ides, but feit that this 1 tîme she was anly a passeager ion the bus and a chaperone1 while at the theatre. And alil managing was weli donc by' the Kozub sisters ta, whomn she affers ber awa personai thanka' as weli as apologies for the errar. LastSaturday a.m. members ai the PioncerGil frami thei Newcastle Baptist Chureh be- gan--a-hard- cld waikr-amldst a sprinkling ai ram wbIch added ta their dIscomfort. Howeve-r, they are -brave people and there were 34 girls who started the 10 mile waik. Fourý hours later, ail 34 ai them had complcted the waik and returned ta the cburch. Their efforts, despite the wcather, werc not la vain., The amounts plcdged ta the walhers was $56000 exactiy the amount af the cost oi the furnace installa-' tion. To the supporters, their thanhs, ta the waikcrs an even bigger thanhs ,and the know,- Iedgýe that thcy wiii be qulte, a bit warmer with the newi furinace installed and the wight aof thc coat off thein shoulders. Withi boys, and girls abu,- king thc Com-muaity Hall lai theý mannier they have over a nel i time, it finaly came ta h point of binging law ta thp building, Signs recent- ipaedthroughout the build- inga nead, "No Loitering" and ý thosýeecaught loitering wiil be K Praseieute. This Is toa bad,1 bcausIe il is aiter ail, yaur- buildJingI, But time tad again' itba been prOven thiat a nube a people couiid't care, lea.s about t heir oawn Or othe4r people's property. There wece time, wen desitethewokt the caretaýken put lan tryling ta hkcep th1-gs1 cican, others: m.ade th-e hall Iaok samethbing just a Iittie icas thal n tc dumirp, and cct I his beau- tifull building was not rmeantý ttake an such a a . Cubs, prepaning fo- Chist wIas, are askcd ita briag one orange Iito the _Paek with- tbem nex adycei The flolgwel lc aides, ia can af pop, "NOJ 1OTTLES PLEASE", anida gltnot ta (ýexceed75. e glnnag l theNewYeaCube JLIý- -LU rng Ir batIes tail 1 3 meetings, or any extra iaoney arebyhlm by same chore he ics donc ta prepare for a trip. Please save your botties and belp a Cub wýho asy CaRU on you. Last wech's bowling news appeans thisweeh, baviag re- eeived It tcoa late for last week's edition. This wech's bowling news bas beca lost somewhere between anc belper and another, It dîdn't reach thc Tilison home but Mr. Hcnry did write it Up. 175 pnd Over R, Coueh 295, E, Moore 2541, A. Langstaif 242, K. Mercerf 2331, G. Dwyer 2321, j. ,-Huttoný 2221, T. -Rivers 220, --D.* Lang- staff 216, F. Luan 215, B. Lake 2-12, I. Pattoni 212, E. Perrin 207, F. Wright 204, D. Mercer 204, V. Watson 200, C. Picker- ing 196, B. Stapicton 193,, N. Williams 192, 1. Brown 191, E. Mercer 191, T. Langstaff 190, B. Thompson 183, M. Wade 181, D. Forth 178, J. Bowcn 178, P. Breen 176. MEN - 200 and Over L. Taylor 331, J. Bruton 278, G. Kimbahi 262, J, Kne langcn 252, M. Henry 252, B. Buriey 241, B. Lewis 236, G. 'Cawiing 228, W. Flintoif 226, J. For- rester 214, E. Cawling 210, T. Waltoa 207, D. Harris 203, C. Rivers 200.1 NEWTONVILLE LADIES 175 and Over MV. MacDonald 225, L. Wil- lemrý 'i 22, A. Vogels 190, W. Rahme 190, A. Holien 189, E.ý Sutherland 189, M. Turk 18i V. Gray 186. THURSDAY MIXED 200 a.nd Over P. Griffin 281, B. Glanvill 270, W.' Forget 228, M. Lewl 221, A. Farrow 219, M. Ibboi son 206. M. MacGregor 205, fý Couch 203. FRIDAY MJXED 200 and Over M. Henry 285, E. Embley 261 A. Pearce 268, B. Wilks 26ý R. Bur]ey 263, A. Peer 261,1 Huber 2-55, B. Hoogkamp 25 A. Kupery 244, -P. Kkid-23 B. Madil 236, J. Jenkins 23, S. Powell 234, J. Tennant 22' R. Gaod 227, N. Hoogkamp 23: T. Emibiey 220, E. Nesbiltt 21! J, Holmies 215, A. Simpson 211 G Grey 208, M. Burley 205, 1- M. Mlunro 203, O. Halsey 20: M. Pearce 200. Newcastle 111ursday, Nov, 26 Tyke In this game Newcastl Tykes battied Willowdale ta 2-ail tic on goals by Normai Shearer from Scott'Foster an Jeff Myres from David Mill son. Novice In this game Newcastle cam, up agalnst some very tougi Competition as, they werý dropped 5-0 by Oshawa Cycli Centre. Juvenile Newcastle scored their firs victory against two losses an( two ties as they defeated Wes Rouge 5-4. The NewcastL teàm was sparked by fine goal t.ending as Jamie Wright al lowed three goals ln 21 shot and Roy Verburg allowed onli one of six ln the second perioc It was. a very excîtiný Rame as both teams piayec hard-checking with 22 penal tics being handed out. Scoring for Newcastle were Brian Anderson -fromn Riel Stephenson and Glen Murphy Dan Norton fram Stephensoi and Anderson, Doug Rickarc from Norton and Murphy Richard, from Norton anc Jerry Thompson and whai proved to be the winning goa by Tim Walton from Thompsor and Richard.. Frlday, Nov. 27 Pee Wee Newcastle Pe Wee's couic only manage ta get on thE score sheet with a penalty tc Keciny Neal as they were de. feated 3-0 by Pickering. Bantam Newcastle Bantams defeat- ed West Rouge on goals bý Bill Wager from Tom Martir and Ken Boyd; T. Martin fronr Boyd and Rick Lovekin and the final tally by Neil Vander. stook unasslsted. Sunday, Nov. 27 Town League Ja the opcnlng gamÎe Johns. ton's scored with less than iC s.econds lcft ta defeat Partner', 4-3. Scorlng: Jobnston's-R. Gooc 1 goal, 1 assist; T. Fisk, 1 goal 1 assist; P. Henderson, 1 goal: H. Bouidreah 1 goal, R. Doum: -Che]], 1 assist. Pat'c'-.Peit'hir, E.Fos- tîer, C- Hunter, 1 goal ech; B. Stiies 1 assist. There -were three penalties, two ta Partner's and one tc Johnston's. In the second game Cowan- ville remalned undefeated by downing the slumpiag Elm- hurst club by a score of 5 ta 1. Scoring: Cowanville - Pete MeCullough, 1 goal, 3 assists; Fred Aldred, 1 goal, 1 assist: Paul McCuliough, 2 assists; Gary VanDam, L. Brown, Jim Davaeh 1 goal each; C. Greene 1 assist. Elmhurst-B. Wright, 1 goal; W. Pearce, 1 assist. There were 16 penalties handed out ln this game with 10 ta Elmhurst and 6 to Cow- anvIlie. Pee Wee Recreation Losing to Oshawa 3-1 the one goal was scared by Daie dI: 4. This, question rclated ta edu-ý cition, cîther seconda-ry orl post-secondary sehooling. 36.4% of the population ii ýk Bowmanvilie have not rom- 5,pleted higb achool. il 7.7% have compicted or are 'd attending nursing sehool. Y, 9.4% have complcted or are ýd attending (colleges. It 12.8% are la or have cam- Il pleted university. In- 13.7% arc attending or bave completcd other post-sec- andary institutions. Some U99% af the popula- d ion was not surveyed since ýe this was anc, of two questions o frequcntly unanswered. -5. How many years have you iivcd la Bowmanville? 0- 5 years 17.9% -6-10 ycars 11.5% Y 11-15 years 12.7% n, 16-20 years 13.6%l i 21-25 years -___-140%7 dl 26-30 ycars 5,8% -31-40 ycars 8.8% Over 40 years ----- - --_ 15.7% 6. Wcre you bora la Bowman- ,ville or did you moire here? -Born bere --------------23.7% Moved bere -- ---- - 76.3% ,1.Those people nioving ta IBowmanville bave originated Ifrom the following sources: 17. A larger City 43.8% -A smaller to,-wr 29.0% The- rural arca . n183 A. foreigroutrï) .% 1; P,'-l wbat-year did-yau afove ta Bowmanviilc? Prior ta 1950 32.7% 01950-1960 -- - - . 28,8% 1960-1970 -------- 38.5% -9. Do you live in an apartment or bouse? -Apartment 14.31% House - ___-85.6% 10. Are yaur living quarters rcnted or owned? nOwned -----80.5% lRented------ - --------19.5% 11. Do you owa or rent a sum- mer cottage? Owa cottage 16.9% sRent cottage- 5.3% c Neither -77.8% 12. Do yau own a camping triler? Yes -14. 4% No -85.6% 13. Whcrc la your cottage or camp ground? Kawartba District---- 32.2% Haliburton-Muskoka District ----------- - 26.5% Georgian Bay District 4.6 Belleville Ares -. 9.2% Other districts - 27.5% 14. In what towrn or City does the head of the household work? - Bowmanville 47.7% Oshawa __-32.7% Other centresaraund Bowmanville -- ------6.7% Not working ar retircd 11,4% 15. Where does the bhead af the houscbald work? Goodyear --------- ----- 12 8% Foundry ---------- 5.3%î St. Mary's Cernent - 1.1% Honcywell ---- -- . .%ý Holliccgshcad ---------- - -- 1.5% Gencral Motors---------- 2.2% Unempioyed ---- - - 1.5% Rctircd of -------- ---------13.7% Other sources o cmployment --------- 40.1% 16. Doca the wife bold a job' outsidc the home?1 Ycs - 25.8% Na, - 74.2 %J 17. What is the approximate annuai income aof the f arîlly? This question wsýs the anc mnoet freqiicntly tunanswere.d; c cordxnly ý no information is aaabefor 23.1%l of thce' population. Basedi on thp sur-' vey figures the salJary vmake- up for the population aif Baw- manvilie is as follow\ýs: $0-$5,000 - ----- -- - --- 12--- s 5,001-$10,000 45.7% $1l001-$15,000 -- 12,7% Over $25,000 14 M,. How many Cars are thiere On, 7'2.1% Twio 17% nhrecrmore .4% 19. How aid is the car? (0-2 years .------ --- 2t-4 yea-rs - ý--.ý.- 18.9% 4-6 years - 28.2 6-8 years . 2.%i P-10 yas64 20 ayour car aîlare neor 12. 3Vil youi r net car be a n, [le t- 39, 34, D2. 55, ý7, ;2, 9, in .1, le Id st- le ts [y d. For Clarke Township Coun cil- Vote with 4 Years Experience on council Your support will be deeply appreciated. ELEýCTORS 0F CLARKE TOWNSIP Vote, for Pro gress with a Balanced Budget ELECT TED "CO p p1NG FOR TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Your Voteirsj, Vor Right Use It on Dcme ~ Pôlis Open 10 a,- 8 pm Resuits of Town Survey By' Students Recently the students ai the enrichmnt level ai Grade 12 Geography, Bawmanvile Sehool, campleted a popula. tian sunvey ai the town af Some 11.8% oa he rcesîden- tial units,_ ineluding spart- ments and houses, were sur- veycd. The scîcetion ai those units ta be survcyed weas made hytain cvery ltb nanme la the 1969 polling book, The sttstics obtaincd from thie su'rv'ey were generalized ta represent the w-bale popula- tonfa BawmanvileL. 1The average number of pea- pie ner residential uniit is .3.3. 2. HAow long bave you been manried? Yearg Married Less than 10 years 28.7 11-20 ycars 20.7V 21-30 ycars 2. 31-40 ycsrs 1. 41-50 years 7.0 Over 50 ycars 3.4, 3., The survey showcd that 45.6%, ai the populatian ai Bowmanville la under 20 years ai age, The actual make-up la as fallows: Under 5 - -- 16-2n 21-25 - 26.30 --- 31-35 - ,36-40- 143-4,5- 4t6-50 - 51-55 56-60- 61-65- 66-70 -- 10.4% -12.8% 10.9% -11. 7 - 6.1% 7. 1 - 6.6% 5.7% 5.4%5 --- 3.5% ~4.6% --- 3.7% - 1.7% 'rhe Canadian Statesm, law ýmmanvilic, Dec. 2, 1970 A Icoholism's Recognition As a Major World Disease 'RIeflecfed in AA's uGrowth *The Ilncreasing r nmber -of ielf-governing. They shaýre:Aniother Amisone, of A.A. groupa thraughout the experleaces with eachote the past year, said Dr. N'orr, world reflects a growing rec- throuigh the Genierai Service was the first, WoldSrvc - agnition of alcoholism as a Office ia New York. ýMeeting, held ctobr"-Io l major disease, coupied with a Dr. Norris -notc,1d a 067New t , I ws ttend1ed ,greater willingness on th e groups. abount two-third1s 0f bý 27 dele!gates> from 16, cour- par ofisvcist ehhltew0rld-w,\ide total, are la'rieswh discuJssed vaýriausi DýJr. John L. Morris, naon-alco- caenl the Unitedi States -,an d aspects 0f their structure, fin- holic Chairman of the Board Canadaý This represents an ane.pulihig dsrvieÎ f of Trustees of Aleoholies An- increcase (0f-aîmost 500 groupsexprinceatworkshops andi onmusaid in a recent from the year before.. rouindtabie isusson, This adrsA.A. graups ov-erseas n meeting h-a.s alrcady , rsc.cted3 In issulng A.A.'s annuýal re- creased from 3,34(1 in 1969 o lain poe omnctos 1port ta thie puiblic, Dr. Nýorris, 3,559 this year, while hospitai increased undicerstanldin.g nd Who ls former assýociate miedi- and prison groups rose framn greater unity on a world wide,- cal' director of Eastman Kod- 1,539 last year ta 1,637 in 1970(. basis," said Dr. Norris,. ah Company, said that the Among the highlights of the Dr. Morris added that twar number of A. A. g r o u p s past year, according ta Dr. new and important commit,- throughauv the world had in- Morris, was the '35th Anai- tees have been formed In thq creased framn about 15,000 in versary International Conven- past y ear ta heip strengtheni 1969 ta nearly 16,000 thîs year, tion at Miami Beach, Fiorida,ithe structure of A.A First i: There Is no practical Way wýhIch was aLtnded by 11,000 a long-range planning commit- ta make an exact caunt, heý A.A. members, their ' familles tee charged with respaasilbllity said, but total A.A. member- and friends fromn 28 cunitries.1 for anticipating, A A.'s fuJturOý ship Is now estimated at more During the Jui'y 3_5 gathfering needs in the cont'ext of psil than 475,000 men and wamen, at the Fontainebleau Hotel economie and social changes-, la 92 counitries, compared wlth there were 75seio. Start- The second wiil deal with tho, 425,000 ia 1969. ing at 8 arnm. and runaing as, growing number of piat and Th onl ui g gro wth of late as 2 am. these mieetings' ýpublic agencies and organz A.A. throughout the worid Is încluded formi talhs by ex,-latio-ns la the ft'eld af alcobol- refiected by the 12 idviuiperts la ail areas ofachlim ism., "They wiiisggs polï - A.A. groups and estimnated 185 workshops, paneldicson e and guldelines for theý members in Lakcshdre District and regular A.A. met-in)gs at'Fellovyship ta foiiow la coop- -Ajax ta Coihorne. the Fountaineleau as wcill as erating withk such rop wit-h- "According ta a recent, sur- gatgteig a Maii h rmwr fteAA vey the average age of ncwp ahshgovninHl, rdtos"D.Nri ad A.A. members has been de- crcasing steadiy over thie, ycars," Dr. Norris sald, ntn TO THIE ELECTORATEL 0F that this indicates that young people today are quicher taý CLARKE - HOPE NEWý,CA5TLE deteet and do something about an alcoholile probiem thian thcy were In the past. "Ani- other indicator is the increas,- cd number of young people's- A.A. groups la the United % 1 States and Canada," he sald. K E N Ü rst Aicoholies Anonymous is Ea Fellowship of mca and wo-1 men who maintala their own 9 M sobriety by heiping other aiea- halles ta recover. A.A. groups-J E F F R are lacal units la various towns cities and countries O E TN C NDIDATE 1 troghot heworid. Esca H P W P A group Is scif-supporting and - large or compact one? Large ance62 Compact '19.3% Uncertain ----------- 44.5% 22. Do you owa a pet? Yes - ---49.3% N o ------- -- -------- 50.7% Those, who indicated that they ýowned a pet favor, dogs. The percentages show that, 41.2% of Bowmanville popu- lation own a dog, 32.4% have a cat, 14.3% have birds andi 12.1% have other pets. Crower Runs fer Scthool Bd., Henry Eikens whor wasi nominated by the Separatel Scbool supporters' for thie position of Trustee of the' Four Counties Roman Catho- lic Separate Sehool Board isi a'resident of R.R. 2 Orono.1 A well known tobacco f ar-, mer in the district, Mr, Eik'-l ens is considered to be an, open minded man who doesý not hesitate to speak out iný matters that are important. Mr. Eikens, born in Hoi- land, emigrated to Canada iný 12.Started growing tobac- co on the Dariington-Clarkeý Townline in 1956, he purchas- ed the Kayacs Farm and thisi past faîl was named field champion at the Port Hope fair. 1Mr. Eikens Is 1married and father of four chiltireni whao are aittendIng St.fosep1h's at Bawmanvilie. For Northumberland Durham County" Board of tEduication HntSincere, Aggre'ssive Administration Backedl by Years of- Experience ini Mana emen and Adm inr to ON DEICEMB ER 7ti for N, D. County Board of Education represenoting lre Newcastle and Hope Has 12 year-sexp riene n e ool ards, the- pst twvo at h e Counity level. ToEIectors of N ewcast1l, Clarke and Hope VOTE EXPERIENCE *7 yearx Durham Countyllgh School Board. ir ~ " * 2 years Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education, VOTE EQUALITY and PROGRESS A flrm belief la equal and progressive Educational opportuaities for ail stuîdei Ic i~ the Counties, VOTE ECOINOMY As an ares taxpayer for 22 yearsafevn desire ta sec aur tax dollars, yours and mine, speat wisely. In seeking re-eîlectionlfe that YI have diligeutly anldhoetysrd the reidents of Clarke, H-ope anid Newicastle to the ea o iy ability and if re-elc ed promoise to do seo once agaill, ON MONDAY, DECEMBER Mih VOTE C A RM-A N1 TOUR SUPPORT WILL B'E APPREFCIATED1 Commenciug 8:00 p.m. Refreshments -- - ------ - -- - - ---------- - -------- - -- ----------- - ------- ------------ ------------------------ -------------- ---------- 0 ------------------- 1