,~ ~ ision M l jr R n vui fltgoryahmswas taken asie resitof ,vt, ak y ths P t.players hmsles Conigratulations a rAr To Exp ankd E ni ergernicy D1)epý11 eev'i i' e N ~Underway ut 11s î* Seh;tool Boar'd at the noma tinHeld, mý n BlacksTsplc T h r e a r j c h a m e s n l t p y w i l l c " m, e t r e y thm e g ec-a e w s b e a l l 1 l a t M o n dl a y n ï g h t , h 'cieTeaig-pth1alsfosv bg wihh avexbeer n rgent 1, » a id Mn El-Atthep MAbn VersTsp ~he ~,pwmanvlleemorialgdally-1 b Ildig pevertan. "When it was jiuilt, t nomin.ation day held mBeh-$l * )pia~~ tèse dys a workincc he hapita opend mn ar epected ta hancl h but 3a1Y on Nor 7tinth pr bas~~ bFg11n91112~l re- 196e, Said M.Elson. 2700 cases a vear.lAt present your crrepnet was high:s nrsTsiîii2mîrogrm desigrned ta Mr. Biston si hat b-leirsexnrel noad oil preitv n being an cus f hehsptassondaout9 cssa y a." gntda n acclamtinor imprve omebosit~ wak fnanm~lpostio itwill not The risc does noi r1Itjlde Reve wereicmenev floxvs. bave t~~o go tathe district the Strawber ilaRc isnHalpadicii Thepiu r betie x 'uiiplte aakfor F estýi',va1 loadissions a i n oncillr R çJ.Paye. planedRicardEls~mho~ mo~y a cvertheaddd ~- smme. Aseprat "f "of ""Ànat - fr cun cil werr pra dini traotaThe pndtue.The h o sp ii sist11csm'on kept foremer- ,ambnrConillo( Avi - taeanon Friday, îýIo ta i- srvsowmanvihe, Darmng- gencycasesarisýing out Oai Mtcl,former Schaol Board rrease thephysiapr a adtn ec l adCak. taffPirI hîra GoreNel,fo improve flitijes ai the Ihe renovaton program cbas Thë expa n i lprvdeme ounicillors ei c emergncy dpartmnt. een in thepla)nnisg es onr ap econd emergency mlinorGi adA H aMatr The adnistratinoffic in' cDcember li'9. The peratliing raom ;and a p atienit Und medical records depari- hospil waet he O.H-,C. trrettandexmnsin esuggest every ratepayer metwhich arem being dis- on December 2rd ta apprise room capale af bandiing chc-ose fbs(r)rI piaced by the enlargement i ofhSm ofits needs Aiter per- threr, examinatians simultan-nmei on che voter'it The emergecy caeaare big misson uas grantea hAITul, mc, de atr trnse br ff moved ta tire aid surgery tescturýl pluns were AdrInNew men's Wand wen'sassamn rta rthe prvc,,,ý, rizg ai the haspital. (Gnon, amwAkr, angley wshroam Wfa swil bhmnymWaistkshave heen lmi The renovation program iW- Ke£neidpsde elck, Deon- but. There W Al ne re detnl ae cludes -phylcal (ch-anges là the ,hir et& Wilon of Trant) waitng aires toaeacmmodate We also urge ever"yoet, rterillzsption a-,1di soiledi linen aind tenders cllrd for con- 25-50 people. And another exris hir franchise or areas, an improvempent ta 0hp strulction. 'Van Haf onsrucroficefor h M bu clands-ce candtdaes aitheir choice bompîai fîre alarm system, tionr(Whithy)U P ,was, patch ccéntr wil boir et upn but Cd0- let out ta ,vot,O(ne air adptng worooms là awarded the cntrct. Wr hul eccpee i f ~greaite;t condemrnatianis tAn obstrcal ing ta bandie "Our nen ed for nling tin aing Febru8ay, levelled ;0arprsetmui gynaevalagy cases.ciarumst ebyvose ro- The cost Mf te changes ivirncialauthoir)ljyit j the a - being shared by the Mlemrpr, Hôspial Services Commission, y E ta c n siospit l and reOnar tiirde respectively1ý, The $47, a kr l yt ch 0 Memria ~irkeHig Scool MayPurchase ' Board Ai Educatrion repre- ta Improve the sitation.--l' sentatliv-es met ith D.P. F Pr TïHopeGujidre, Ourhaideprtmet on ossile dmilg-s svn'loeirn Unit , W/TY A 1*11fHigway, rgaringthe prair- YELVERTON S v trg ,lems atthe entrance ofClarke MnollHsitll osd Cr K(FFp COSTs È)O N Hg h Sc hoo.Cnrtltos aMade0gpucagamco IF Y01/11 OVdGir Th e bard s5c ancre r.Bruce Kerr (nee r î im ntt ep odnetr T//Tabout the danerous turn-of nlcodnýetp codtos o coo istCarchici) wbo were ma-rrisd sherer weigbt a ofrds tha turning -into tec, choaudie m icsa nStud S e rmust ire kept on file.The cosi -'way from H1-ighwýaYS 35 eadIr uderstand miat tede iwly- a tie necsryequipmenl 115.wIms are' setting up bouse-w ould be about $2,000". i -> . . McLodbuines d-keeping in tMe former Ms PBt" alTRihrdE1tn A.MCelhW9Emma Henders residence at hospitalammltatr thtI * tewse tatir sehni narowandMr. Murc Mnheatenvd-cost 1us ta uilde ;dd]itonal o~~:tt ae e,,r ifetr d te edin a 'gdoaufsagýe pace ta bouse arilr mlghnt be a)chieved by wciden- ghter"ilaToronto on Satur- recors In cie raditina ma,- ing tire ntanedaýy.> er à Ha tuotedHat Mthe - hooi l Is Conratlatons ta t h eTemdc]rcrsa o . ..u . e d lot a ight and tire members ai tire Bethpny sr, aiethe ioial5sgrown o[ùtl HARVYEY epntrane é difficulta innd Bail Club wAo1wereoiicialai fit, s present faýciîîty aciwill becuse tire 1wdemisyflty resemtIed wîtlthir trapues r5 e r ioatd a ,henext e i> et t r P aitlcîgt at thpler enrance and the at thir danre on Saturday: mantirs in pa modevn, well eteebililince aif the sigirs evenlmgý. The re included the ognzc rai ieodsr~ OMONO 983-5208 ai thre adjacent servicetations Ricbardion Trophýy 0(0n1M me-inrje wdng HOME HATSERICE aidiei n restaurants. iory oM tire !le Tony Rýichard-i l hpra eoai T0iONF"FA EBr e board, e ire l,;wou i ntaiPontypool, 01-pac roga uremyunir Saprcitethe acivice 0of tetoiyandçl tireoverali Cam-i pni hospil. udewa Jiim had four rambunIctious bosadonly anfc rooM ffor foemta5seep in. No.w, lie n'reeded ito turn tire TV ,'roonx into aenothe'r bedroom., Hiellre mve waç tO t!Ie Commerce. here lie skdfoIr a Bankplnan. foind put haw nmuch firniture, rulge,and re.dccoratîIng dire roomwotidcoqtTI-ken we set lira onrthly repa;ym-ent plan that îhi bdget could afford, Thie kird of plannedc pf esclserviejewhy we cali àt aBenkplan baoýn, Whether you need m'oney ta maikec room for ani expanding fa i ot planl for tire ediainof ateag dautgilre o'r so, e'd like ta helIp wihacarefullywrkdut B aniplan an It'S one more way more o'f do moreU for you at thre Commerce. B2ANK 0F COMMERCIE mor cWasdo omf:r you ffor for day huitnter a Car ~ 3 rmerainter-1 ~~ r'.f~c ~i fDriga' ad4eer~o~apera