14' heCtia Statesmanonvl, Dec.,2, 1970 Mtchell chose "'The Money everyone a taste of what the (Reverley)3 ~wavle Changers' as the tiieme for performance will be llke*. Mrs. Ford ent (oi)o hi mssge radngMathwdays, as we conjugated aur (Eleanor) adMs us1 of B * "'ar' c 1:1-3.Jeussad MyFrench verbs, or wrote aur Scott (Bvrl)oBo an Quick Action W neso B ivision Daringïon Shoo! Soccer ulaîe,~ dd~ N LEgihesy i îepr-vle n isSilyHr By W ork Depi.es~b à soccerýleagpe ws"Division for boys, and, yes, Sohina. grsha eedonated through, cur-:ma.de it a'den of thievesY some strange,iokw iteo sh an Abe Bd chîldren in Dasrlinton publicl The boysoleague, which con- fourteams in contest, was won Funds to serve'. The local rep-, of Chrseofad ae Bof stuff falling fromn the sky. Hart of Ohw n ae rstavelRikAkwo Chitadiis ad of On Nov. l9th, the agricul-'Bring on the skis, tobaggans Hart of B1 ihCouba S v s F n e slove. Ail people are of value'tr students of Grades 10,1 n k-os! I' nwn!! As uvv ltr S ave F~nd rs acools.It iscallethe Dr-1aited o fiveearnsfrornarea ySale. fortaeJuus, wrhippngp Gong il 12ind 11,ook2teadayo1f -The fneralserv eowf Winter came last Wednesday * Spir.it and Truth and we need school and had a super time Mrs. Eva Goe fOhw vihabn ...anafe o now whbat that means i at the Royal Winter Fa'r OBTUARYhe t21 aura o crashes too, as motorists coin-1lvn.TehideTont.U IU RYedt2 tended with the,à dvent of the, sang "Hark! The Herald An- From the double gym cames 28th, at teMlts ne. Elippery, slushy raadways. gels Sing" and Mrs.- Visser the sound of bouncîng basket- MRS. LAWRENCE HART son Funea Hoe sh a Wýithin the space of two favored with a solo, "Ail balîs, Now joining the junior A li fçlong reaident of Osh- Rev. ThomsGace0 hor)urs, the Newcastle OPP haýd Hail! Emmanuel". girls (wbo are playing i awa, Mrs. Lawrence Hart of manvillecodcdth . * ~ six accidents in In the United Churcb ev L.O.S.S.A.) is the boys bas- 136 Albert St., Oshawa, died'vice« IntrntwsnOs their disrict. Fotunately said *~erend Victor Parsons ito ketball team. The boys-. are Thuîsday, Nov. 26th, 1970, ataaUinCmtr a'n OPP spokesman, they were ducd nd wciecomed Rever-ilooking forward ta a good the Oshawa General Hospital. alfam ntuWre. End Laurence F. Wilmot, Pro- seasan, and we're behind te The deceascd, who ha enJH Bawmanville went alirnosi, testant Chaplain at the Psy- A hundred percent! sick for anc -cek, was in her unýcathed... only one very chiatric, Hospîtal, W hi t by,l Last Thursday, representa- 69th year., minar scratch. Conat., Tracy wýho was the guest speaker.1 tives of southeru Ontario uni- The former Bessie Mac Davi-, of thelclplefoHe chos "Mental Health and'vriie pke ta thé senior Howard, the' deceased was a praisaed the quîck attention of:teChrh" for the tapic of stuet of Corie ndduhrofteatHey the Works Departmienin ýsait- 1s cma.Mr. Wilmot deait nei hbring high s cho olIs. Howard and Isabelle Mlo _____________ ing the town roada. lHe said with th, problems of mental They Pr"vided information, land. Born in Oshawa April i probably prevented a num-! patients - causes of their ýd iscussions, a n d answered 2à, 1902, shc had lived here GenerlIsuac ber o[ accidents from occur-i troubles, their remnedies, and questions on the tapics con- ail her life. ring. e haw the pastor of the church cernîng campus if e. a s Twice marricd, she was FIRE adATMB _____and tlhe people can sit Friday, Nov. 27th, a s predeceascd by bath her hus-ISRAC .7 More than anythîng, these sembly was held for the stu-ý bands, Ormond Reynolds in z troubled people necd accept- dents ta, become familiar wîth 1935 and Lawrence Hart ini Contact HAnceO ad confidence. Mis. our many clubs and activîties. 1965, HARR OR A 3 Lawrence Malcolm and dau- For exemple, the Drm1lb Ms)at ssrie ~ oa~31 r0335 Vimaltors et thert i homeveafb Mi3 andMr, J.R. etekf1urg ghter Miss Gail Malcolm sang presented two short scenes six daughters, Mrs. Bruce 33KIG~T thd Mrast wEkwr, i.R . "Ring Out Sweet Beils cf fromn this ycar's production, Jackson (Barbara) of, Osh BW ANIL he pa't :,V Christmas.", "West Side Story", ta gîve awa, Mis. Harold Knîght ______________ Patton, Wib; i.Northonf, Owen Sounrd and i. and Mis.- Bruce S,;tephensarn of Dectroit,'fý On St rda venlnig a sur- SI pr1Ise birthday party was held At the_- home'o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd for Mr. Larry Stoutenberg of Straud. Guesta wvha were present were Mr, Gary5 Murdoch cf Stroud, Mr. and Mrsý. Joseph Strychalski, Mvlis-. Elisbeth Sanders of Osha- w;Mr, and Mrs. William Hiolroy,,d and Mrs. Doris Hal- royd and Mr. Frank Halroyd, ail of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mis. John Moîrisette and Mr. and Mrs.ý J. Thibodeau of Oshawa; Miss Sally Malnprize o! Hampton. M.and Mns. Fred Holîoyd attendjed the Holroyd-Vandefl- lierc wedding -on- SaturdaY effernoan et St. Joseph's Cath- ceChurch, Bowmanville. The Hampton Unitedl Church Wromen will meet next Mon- d1ay the 7th of December at the homre of Mrs, L. Mýletcalf. Thbis Sundey la 'Awer,âd Sun-, diay" when ettendanne pizea will lie given oub. Thiis willl lie caî1bined with the regularý ehiirch service. Ail, parents re murged ta attend. The HEampton United Chuîrch »cubljes Club will lie holding, herannuel Christmnas Party Vih-s Saturday staîtIng wýith gpper t 5:30 in the C.E. Wing. Ti - - - respondr -t van be i'sached et 263-2985. Naines of iplayers and s;par- Huiggins, Ronald David, Bruce (fronit row from lefi), Edwad stra, Quinn James, David' es oni the boys' teai are !rom Snowdeu (cthie captain), Russe-] Smithson, Kevi CBwl rry ISnowden. hle Lltbckov) Donlald Gordon,, Dennis Yellowlees, Pascoe, Wayne Yellowles Smith, Ma.rk Rogers', Richard Gregory Bray, RandyDrwCare Smitnson, BillHien 1 KING STREET, E. AT TEMPERANCE BOWMANVI LLI of Atn othr New E K ~E - Names of players and spar-]Mairsi, Candy Aik-inson, Mariau. Carol Allin, Terry Bickle; guer, Lise Craig, Heether Le- es on thse girls teainar fromi Boîken, Jaiie 'Kazak (the i(front row from the lcft), Blanc, Janet Canfield, Debbie,.' ELIZÂBETHVILLE ihe left (back row), K cpti), area Wojln-ik, jackie C,_anýild, Ingrid Schîlïie-IJoues and Delibie Knapp. huc sevcswere Ield descrihed by aur commiienta-' et Il. e.m., a new time for us. tor Miss Helen Trew and dis Rev, J. Ramjit was thse speak- iplayed by an exhibit ma.de b er. Little Shawn Allen and thse rest of thse club. Mns. Lloyd Robert, sons of Mr.*and Ross Beatty and Mrs. Gco., -Mr. and 'Mrs. Victor Mal- mnteîi brtda dminer for Jong, Mrs, M. Fir7ît, Mis, W. J Mils. Edward Coul and Mr. Cawker were the lead ers,. cola, iattende1d thie weddin-g MnHa lro'vided by- ihe WCits. aNi rs. H. Moore. wcre,, Mr. and Mils. V. Peao0cký on S~iidyof hier brotheýr, re.staurantji (His so usehd ta The ladiesý of the groupcx eýhristencdl. The choir render- were et Mi .and Mis. W. Mr. Brc eiand M\iss pay, fo h , ten airc o taMi. Wy, c'd ani anh oney's,_Milligaii, Sunday.,, Frances Caï,rchidi, in -St. Nestieton Scouting News gerde and Mrs. Mýl4ecolmy for, Saura tse4H lu irs Mr. and Mns. 0, Mercer Mary's Curch, Lnsy n NnelarsoCawîhthireclntedehIP and eItfejdcd their Achiecveme-nt, ,ere with Mi. and Mis. R. the recepiion ini the C.0C F. ,Scout Movement attended tIseia sincere "Ithank you" i ls n Dey heîd et Bcthaniy. Thse rovost, Lipidia. Sunday._ Hall. Other guesta frýom Nes-[ Scauters' Club meeting in voiced ta Mlrs. Wygcrdefo uni, neES~i, aswe Mn t1to w-ei, ~i d MSIeaver on on S~urci Tosel~5~ly ________________________ Mr. Ken Trcw spent e few day l tsehopialWayne Malcolm, Mr. snd Mrs,iwho attended weîe Scoutmas-1 sundey Services Now Avalabi we l tking tests Mr.t .Aywin Haines and Misa Den- ter Jim Sloane, Culmaten ln'tIse PreshyteritaCuh Mulidîcw la out of tIse hospi- nieMloi.Walter Welis, and leadersSna unnM.Ire ja Mr. Strong came home! Mu. and Mis. Howard Sut- Perny Grandel, Pat Pornili,ý-- f oron Thuîsday. Mis, Muldrewiton and Tracy, Peterborough, Barry Ma lcolm, Lawrensce DBJU R Oshawa aend Toronto respec-lMr. and Mis. Larmen Hy- ifeîy Freer and Barbera Welts. Kitcehener EdmuInsosi Burton 1 tiely.land. On Sunday MÉs. Hyland Business of thse club was Mia.t- C.M!e pn accompanied hieu deugliterl discussed. This was followedi A resident of Nestîcion copl f ay lt hrde-anýd son-in-lew, Mn. and Mis. by a "training peîiod", end ditcede onisnBu.a; R.Cobeeu iMNIcoln otpot lunch concluded another pua- 1deonOctober 29, 1970, In ghter, Mis. CarobeM ÈeàCrombie and littie Shene, this Cbourg and visited lier ii- fitable meeting. 'Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ter, Mis. Melville Trewin at aadMs WlsEtran ville., He was in bis 69th year,', als caledon IA- Port Periy, an kl alfrtepat two years. lý an eecuive metin oftheertFarrow. etranda r UýCW waandl M. ud. Vi.ue 'tIse home ai Mr. and Mis, bain in Brackville, Ontario, in -rde. Ms. rew resdedBowmenvilie, visited Sunday Walter Welts on Setuîdey 101 ýitii e s of Joh Henry' wii r.Bnse hdtes h ay pce fb so er Ellen Matilda Cl.H a t 1.Seveal temsof avin a olîdy wih hs! te frm, omeof wich a m iember cf Nestleton Pnesbýy- and Mr Geoge incý,or Pecock an Casowaies , eis~ wife, Jeninie Grdn, '-'U'h aGadnHlL chpîedeceased hlm on Jenuary 6h i.Stouiffville. Te brs(200) have long 17, 1952. was sei.rveMs.dema been a hobby of the Welis Mr. and Mîî. Robi ýWest-ý d ROd ismi pieasuje faoer.Meeleo mran, Karen, Wilson and Bleai y andm il lhar teirkov s M ae bis M alierof DEC. 7 ta DEC. 12 heuser and Mis. Thicksonl Little Brîtain, weîe thuda emg wt share thelukn6 Biockvlle, Ont., and sevenal weîe in Toronto Saturdey, .uests of Mi. en eudyidewtsyugfl. nieces and nephews. , -,ýiigMi. Thicksauî. ;' iadîsonCci Owing ta the incleinency, Funeral service was heldý un Clu hd te Mr. and Mis. Wilfîed Vine0 Saturday'swahî a-, October 3 lit, fuom PE evie tCanton ad1Wl a&imlyMradMsBetbaaadRnrassedthth Satudy ot-PaaaW week at a metin oen ~he Goldnd2yIY Lodge. r igtee sfB'Pack Kitchune oeinsort Ponr SAVE 20c Mr undayr. Boweî andJon, shwa of tIse birds had been com-ý 'iî i icelcnutn spntanda imîn inheelei enjoyed Sunday evening dia- pîeîed. th ser itc lcodct visiiingn nTi-n rs Gihterg pars. To conclude a pleasant and, Thse palîbearers weîe Allen, Cet Cash ay ended the Brooks-Langmaîn Nestîcion me nd dnstitute. and Gardon Wilson. Nesletn Wni nsýtut ýinterment was in Cadmus A T E M A N ciel Board Director o! Fed-frm1a..t4pmave BOW ANVLL L TA S 8 1 F 1 E D 8 Onara aicnedtIeanueLHD R otary X m asl Phoneo, N o623-om3303s. Jo . y M . and Nurs. G rant Sm ith, 1BU e der ted 23,2 ng inrd theh Ki g theal ol N ew ark, Del., have been visit- -evi. ad Ms. ant hom- ad Ms. ygere' s lades.ng ai M. Lloyd Smith's. Mi.~rs anda Mis.or Grant Thmp i isA son ettcnded thse funeral of Mrs Melcolm gave an in- .iaTylrMs.G- The Teachers and Stdnsolheir cousin,,Mi. Paul Thom p- troductIoîy talk coveîing tIse don. Taylor and Mis. Talmage son etWilîe UniedChuchmanual. Mis. Wygerde essîsi- Taylor ettended a showeî for on, f Thursday, >November 26th cwith, tIseprectical work in Mr. and Mus. Larry Sinith et CLR KIE Ft IÀ h " - aigarudo etn the home of Mi. and Mia. Les t ~ ~ b and thse interment at Cedar- Johking aes rondorll.gu v'ae Ccmetery eit Canningion, 1er cushion and demonstraied Johsn Westl Himl orn cordially ~~~Sympathy la cxtendcd tai the the pîoper mcthod o! insert. isMyteTmlyTrn f dilyinvite o theirý' family. ing the zipper. tai, visited Mr. and Mrs, Wil- On Sunday Mi. en-d Mýiai At thse noon pîcnîc lunch1 fnld eomnd i.Fe ei hpsnwrhattaterthe hostesa aerved coffee and ,,M n r.Fe ai f hmsnwr ot o tee. viited MnI. and Mis. Morley j A the Neil Weîrys, ail ofBP ck Those attending werc Mis.ý Gllry nM, Broia al L 'mil, f:or evenidn:Y;n d in J. C.ere Wlls.L. Malol, Os hawa, vlsited et Mn., Gardon hanar- of- e -number- of birtft- -isn .rs TaylaeFm- A. days.d DMis. n Mv. is., Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Smnith,1 5' j Nestîcton United Chunch A7. HyBd s . Fiý"hr M sher, and femily attendedi a amily welcomd tise Official Board Mis .FseMs .D gatherîng at the homre o n lu the I We7-dnesday evcning, Nov. 25.! anI MiflIA Bnooklir Tise mnseRvcndVictOrr MIEL V F BrMi. RselCcrn pn HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Persons chaiî-ed tlie meetin a Rewdusswel rlaiese and busine(ss af the c hange: HEAITING SPECIAIST Dunali-ville. ý1as icse. olwn 17 Libierty St. N. Mis. Tcnry Smnith -,nd Seanr,ý Scut.~~ Dec S h bsinesýs Period thse United B mevleLeith, have been vlsitin-g Mn,. n-WÉ0 (hurch Women -served re- aH N 2379 nd Mis. Fred Sei *n 1Stu- ci . e . 51th 9 70 i reshînenia. P O E63791 ar t; Albert Semnis, Universi11ty, Mu. eind Mirs, John Bcn, 24 HOUR SERVICE ýof Waterlao, wesqý homei for, thse at 800 .m ~Canolyn) end, Douiglas, Ld-Oil, Gas & lcncFurnace weekend, an3d other visitons et sait, W(n Mudy spen&Ar Condiîtiun installa - i the Sais home1c were Mua, guis iih ber m.-othr, I. tions -CentraI & (Wudw Roland Mayr and Christophr, Ivanm- ïrui nt - Clarle Hfecla Oshewva and Mr. and Mrs. M0on-ý Guest Seaker:Mn. an-ic Mrs. Bruce Heaslip Fide1qimn eyý Gilroy, 'Brcokliu Dr. C. H. ViÎpond, M1.D., Oaiw naydSne vening di- ieEtmtM.Leslie Cocrantre wa I rr et Thec Acresý re:stRarnt Buge Termsi Availa,ýble rcntdnenusiwhM. for tIse ocýcasion of a comýlpli- ad is usei ocrae i zmumurM BECKEIZI Refreshlug Reconstiîuied ORANGE JUICE SP REG, 1 QT, (40Coz.> 45e Beer's Fns Quallty AiU Flavours SPF I CE CREAM BRICKS BACO N ALL WHITE GRADE "A" LARGE FRESH EGGS Reg, or Kiug Size SPEOIAL FER C/ CIGARETTES SMALL FACK 45e lb. doz, SEILRGEr.C There are now over 3' BECKER'S Stores to serve y, STORE HOURS 9 amm to il p-.m 7 P AYS A WEEI ECIAL 33c ECIAL 1 32 you! while the supply lasts 4 o zs. PEAN UTS2 BUJYONE, GETONE Fl'M c Fresh Daily WHITE BREAD BUY ONE, GEToNE-f 7E POTATO CHIPS md 1<M- BUY ONZ,.,GETONE'ERUE4ffý while the uupply lasts 9 19EEi BECKER'S- WIENER BUNS55 Reg, 33c With the Purchase of MAPLE LEAF BIG 8 WIENERS