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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1970, p. 15

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Vi i oydrs s by f ai r ute ii homspon aiCa rt n f C mencemen Navember 20th, 1970, five years, we are truly flatter- oured at aur Graduation Ban- fr Cartwright High Sehool ed. We have aiea, received a quet on Sunday, ithe final P Mr Paisley, Members of the document that will, for the pages will slowly and sadlyo S ) Students, P arents, rest of aur lives, testify ta aur be rend until the stary is coin- Frtn ,,1 7 nd Felow Graduates. proficiency and application plete and the book put away ti; :jr i~ided a huur orduring aur High School deys. on the sheif. it me ta spak t you thiis even- In September of 1965, as we Though only toid once, it is i ing, on behaljpi f cf the graduat- started the first chapter of aur a ýstary that will neyer leave e: lng ia s s ofIL9 7 0. 1 sincerely Highs School lives, this evening the hearts, and memories of tt thank th-osýe who have given was a date in the dima andths characters it invoived ai -,oe thiis privil ege. distant future. . . an evening ,. a story where aur great- y( Toniight we have nieard some1 we thaught would neyer ar- est worries were exams, teach- el exceeCdinigly ]pleasant remarks rive, Only now, as we look ers and Mondays and aur hap- w mnade concerniing ourselves and back, do we realize haw short pîest moments were during w elthou gh they,ý are nat an echo the book was. This Commence- lunch hours, spares and Fri- tf, cf the, het and warniings ment pravides the climax ta days . . . a story where ve in t hat wve h-ard fo)r the past a ýur story, and asweire hon- develaperi fram timid, giggling ai Grade Niners ta bold, gigg- o1 ling Grade 13 students., u We sheil always remember w the happy times, the schooi h; activities like Tabloid, the mi T Carytwrig ht lctr Snow Carnivai, magazine sales, w i-, -coo trpsand of course I el must not forget the Glee Club. d( Ir'We apologize for everything, pi VoCan e M r. Ashton. cc We shah aise remember the tt littie thinge ike the.-day one E] clsemate appeamed wearing th onie teacher's wig, ar whenw I nther gpt bis water truc-kw atck in the school yard. . . 1V and perhaps moet of ail wveïtc forV ai remember skipping class-ý etogether, si 'lowever they were net ail fo hppy times for we wlll naeyerifa fget t tragic death of one st of ur beloved' cless mates. co lus nmemary is with, us bere ni TWO YEARS EXPERIENCE ta:',,-night as we graduate, for he he, was truly an ideal studenit tc and-a good friend wha basth ýen sorely mlssed from, aur Whiie obtaining aur educa- on et C.H.S. we have receiv- id a second benefit . . not sa wbious but of tremendous im- )rtance and influence in our ireers. 1 refer ta the abillty oget along with others... ;n ability which. h as praven )ftremendous importance in ,e past two months, as we -ave left our familles and iends and traveiled ta various arts of the province, in search )f higher leveis cf education. Now, naturaiiy aur thaughts -rn ta those who have made Iail possible by piaying such in important part in aur indi- viduai success . . . aur teach- rs cf course. What a task bey had! You really begin ta ippreciate your teachers when you have several professors who ýrase with their left hand what they have just written with their right. We thank bem for their persistent faith [n humanity, their tolerence, Dnd their patience. Neyer noce did they refuse to, give us help, and neyer once dld we think ta thank them. We ave came ta knaw weil, and rspect aur teachers at Cart- wright H-igh School . . . sev- crai have shared aur ups and lowns for five years. Our ex- ressians cf gratitude will )ntinue to bec nsanifest .rough the years ta came. mmersan must have been hinki 1ng cf teachers when he 'rate, "The reward of a thing vel dane is ta have done it." [ay we now add aur thanks ;that reward. I wauid aise like to, extend îeciai thanks ta aur parents 0îr their gre-at courage andf aith. As we've matuired I'm ire that we've caused them- ntesnumnbers of \very jervous tms Many parents veturnecI gray just tryrng inderstand uis an(,. ow ai- haugh w. are awey from home I'm sure their worrles have nat stapped. W. want ta assure them that we shail ail try aur hardest ta live up ta their expectations. fer we are fecing the future with optlmism and determination. Our ambitions may lead us far afieid and we may en- ceunter many obstacles, but the knowiedge and sklls learn- edat Cartwright High Schoi and at home -wlll aiways stand with us. Finaily, a brief word ta aur successars, the students cf C.H,S. Always look ta your schoel with pride and ap- precietian for it Is truly a magnîficent dwelllng. When- ever my new friendr, start arguing about whose scheol was larger, or better or bad Lmare gymasiums, I tell themn about haw amail and wonder- fui my school was. No one yet has been able ta challenge my dlaims. Soon eniough you will be standing In aur sboeýs, yes, at your graduation. Perbaps you will feel as we do now. 1 sin- cerely hope se.' On behaif of my fellowý graduates and my- self 1 wish you every success in the years ta came. Remem- ber, as you clmb and master that Iadder cf life, keeln look- ingup ta thie next rung, fer the slivers cf success only hurt as you are sliding dcwn the ledder, And now toalal the students bere tanight, the torch I leave yau with is that of the search for pence. For with peace, understanding and reaisen we are reedy ta face tomorrow Thenk you. NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Grant Macffet, Frank, Bob and Donald cf Oekville spent Sundey with Mr. W. S. Moffet and vlsited Mr. Jack Moffat In the Me- mariai Hospital, Bowmenville. Mrs. Marshall Chatterton, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Chatter- ton, Carol andDavid enjoYed the Lipizzan Horse Show in the Maple Leef Gardens, Toronto, lest Thursdey even- lng. Mr1s, Mooney cf Sudbury, mother cf Mrs. C. S. McLaren, passed aw,ýay recentiy. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. .Robert Kenneth Nixon, the former Miss H-elen Kay Stec, an their marriage, Sat- 28th, at Canton United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon will re- side on Somerville Drive, Orono. A Generel Meeting will b held on Thursday, Decemberý lOth et 12:30 maon and will be a .o luck luncheon In the Main Hall. Mr. Fred Tamblyn bas been aý patient ln the Oshanwa Gen- eral Hospital. Mmrs W. Bryan of Pturketon recently spent a few days wlth MNr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper. Mr. Lawrence Squair, Mr. J.aek BelrstaWw and Mr. Ray Carietan are patients in the iMemnorlal Hospital, Bowman- iville. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrsi. Kenneth Sutherland who are ceiehrating their Sth Wed- ding Annlversery this week. Six Units of the Orono Unit- ed Chuch Women held meet- i1ngs on December lst, In the afternaan Unit 5 was at the hbomne of Mrs. Alfred M. Johns- tan; Unit 7 at the home cf' Mrs. Wm, Irwin, Unit 2, Pot Lurk Noon Dirnn in tbe Main HTall; Unit 3, Pot Luck Supper éet thne home of Mrsi. Ed. Milii- snand a joint meeting of Uiýts 1 and 4; Pot Luck Sup- per at the homne cf Mrs. Orville Guitter Balle M das22 Aces- G Wilson ý 22 Screw, Balis - A. Cole- 18 1,z 'Head Pins - P. GocL--- 171/2 Sore Heads, - C. Kniapp 331/2 ýAlley Cats - B. Partner 51/1 R. Giood ----.-----274-337-257, J. M.cKnight 9217-222,212' J. Luffmnn______- --- 210-230 A. cale -------- 208-208 D. Piper - 216-205 B3. Pertner 229-218 J'. Sierbuis---- 207-242 N. Cowle- - 221-259 G. 7>zipsuii-- - 235-2321 D. Snowden - - 236-'2001 G. Wilson ___ 227-2891 Hospital Aux. Draws 3 Dols The Hospital Auxilliary held a successful Bake Sale and Doil Draw lest Friday, Nov. 217th at Cliffcrest Cleeners. The President, Mrs. Eerl T'lhompson drew the three Inning tickets for the dols vwhich have been an display in The Jamnes Insurence Agency iwïindow for, the lest several week-s. The first prize wlnner wes Deborah Rashotte, daughter cf Mr, and Mrs. Erniest Rashotte, 2,4 Liberty St. N. She chose the Barbie Bride Dci, whlch won first prize at the Orono Pair, The second n)ame drawn was Garnet Rickerd, R. R. 4, Bojwrïinville, anid the third, Mvrs. C. H. Greenhem, R.R. 6, Bowmaniviile. The- remalnlng dole wili be drawn for at the H-ospital Tea ï-n. March. The second and third prize dolls fromi Orono Fair are stili ta, be drewni, as .wvell as severai others. The tickets which were not drawn on Friday are being heid for the draw,. in Mneh. Tickets will continue tû be sold on the Sincere thanks goes ta Mr. Lame MçýcQurr- f -,rest Cleanlers for the use cf his, premis ýes and aisa ta Orono ParComi-ii.tte for theirdoa ion Ocf the dle The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 2, ý197e Sinclair sayslé 1 know what yolute i. And, se do a lot of other people Who today are taking fulladvantage of Deep Discount Prîces. I'v. been talking with them je the stores where 1 shop ...aund, let m'e tell you they're really pleased with Domninion's Deep Discount Prîces. TFry Dominion yoursolf. foaetýterd. there isn't one 1lhi I, 1 I l' ~ Dominion Fancy Tomate Kam 48-os. 'Dominion Red Soekeye 12-osm BLPrn I I I i ~' 7%ýý-os. Maple Leaf 28-os. Tin 15e Off Drive 59~ nceeat55e Detergenit 24-os Ail lagor 3cCanleton Club Dinks l Qf. iz 10-os, DoveToltRg Cloverleaf Flakes 6-os. Tin Richimello, Coffee il-os, 10e Off. Nestle's 32-os, Dutch Tua451Creamner :55c Quik _9(____1_à Derby Varieties '5Vz in Eagle Brand Cond. 15-os, Habitant Pea Veg, 14-os, Padqs l Do oo ~AL iI 9 Soup 17c S... E9 Bordeni's Hot 16-os, Powdered Vints-b Aylmer Harvard Dole Fancy Fruit 19-e7, jacob's Creme 7-o, eins 1 Act i %V Mq6 IZ 1'b 1 0 il- â%eg upubu @% VF@ -- - . azM Epl W#% 14-oz. -21c Campbell's Tmae 10-os. 2S-oz. 47-os., Mcr Sn.FIuc A Aylmer Choice Halves 14-oz., Dominiont Choc, Chip 16-oz, Libby's Pork aad 19-oz. Future Pechs 22CcCookies 48C Beans 26c Polish Richmello Raisin 16-os, Mouthwasht Bread 2F5c1 Scop MEATY -ROUN-D -BONE MEAY BNELESS lulb llb MARY MILES 1-lb kg.c Il luiKi aïoù lb Minute -lad 6V14-oz. Florida - Sweet l2O's 16-os. 87C 17-os. 1,.03 Ricinuello Blueberry 24-os, Lady JPatrich D14s Pie 59 arSry54c Ricbmello Angel 16-es.Deoan6oz Cake 39c iTturd7 Kreamy -White 24-os, Weodbury 8-es, Bread 19C shamlpoo o88c icmloYeast S's Clear Glass* 9os Donuts 39C Tumblers 10 Tenderfiake lard Pillsbury Cinnamon 1-lb, Tablets Bottie cf 100 %%2c Tums p 83c Vasellae Hand 37C Lotion 7-oz, 67c Scott Assorted 2-Bell Dominion Chilled 32-os, Paper Orange Towvels 4 5c J uicea 39PeP Hostess Fotato Frozen Orange and Juicy Juice 4,k99c Tangelos 2 9 Chi-p s E. 0. Smitl -Bird'si Eye cool Wip E. il-os, 'York - Frosen Ment 8-os. 63c Pies 4'89 th Garden 28-oz. Richmello Peaniit 1- 32a.Calfornia Large Bunch e e a le2 ( B t e ~~9C ocoli 341 eeal 2cBte 'York Froizený Fancy 2-lb. Florida - Fancy On-the-Cob Instant Richmdllo Peas 57C Corn 5'48 Coffee 9 ca.m. TO 9 p.m. MONDAY TO FRIîDAY OPEN 9 a.m. TO 6 p.m. SATURDAY FREE PARKING Items,, Advertised i Toronto Paper-s AIl]ecads Is Giuaraniteed To Give 1001%Satisfaction We. Reserve- the Bigli t t Lim,ýit Quantities m DOMINION STORES LIMI1TED KING ST. anid SIMPSON AVE.Ni (H-wy. No. 2 East) 39c 10-os. Scotiain Gold, 19-os. 1.25 Appldesauce2,35&, ý-mw qwmwu m au _uw__ if 7,77, 7-7) fWý

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