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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1970, p. 19

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The Canaidan Stetesmah, w~vfe e.2, 127 the hoaa ae More 1u Tnn2 u L aer rsnlansweemae oopr catr for pa'W d dingi e i IMeetn eldhssmrvnluh Iicsl ithajlî Lea, o,,ý 1 n n mu OmemreeDistict an(e' gue wshcld at the Rock- haven rsauatin ! eter Wha isan lcooli? 'a cat hei n maswil n bchaploye-rs ta sek-'PP for tineir borough w,,ith some 150at 'a per n - nbthfetmdepublie. polm.,fen"h sitending who represented thie ti ly pc'! àmdar, H ecibdachlasa"h loolei h at ta eight teams in the Icague.A ne f lv' uCî seakrs rogessvedisease for which know that he has the dsaedlcossogsodspe at a edc ;oiel 1 in g thiere is no known cure, and like any othar disease it wssre olwdb iti aîcd atno~1ch1lcsb Hweverlt can be arrcsted."lis easier tao treat when caught bution i-o prizes and dancingý5ý Coburg last cdnsda H briefly ,rcviewed the his-j carly." ta a five picce orchestra. bib.tory af AA and outlined thel lie and other ýspeakers President Kennetb. Harso Mor tan 00]edais i 1 scp prora sugctc stescd that, canrtra ry ta presidcd and reviewed the iindusty otr, ayî o for members ta follow, fol-1 popular bali,an alcoholia season's record. întresed eope atenod hetowd b anaccuntof isdoes not ba;ve ta reaoah the Alex Ruth, Umpîre ognz meetng po~sore by chepersria lu, ho hawasdepths af the slhap bere er for the district, tendere lakeshoaae pbi ofr hlnciîiied n e can bie helpedi, "as long as thaiiks ta ail umpires wh *ration camittv'ai A cn-nighbors until he iinallylhe can recognize his problemn gave af their lime and am bouc Aonmusaith o oned AA and sought andaddcd a osmtigf rom. Lindsay and Terbor- bourg es Cllgite eceîved help. aouat. ugh. Ha commted on the Theb c- tO i( 't Dr. Cormack, wbo lbas donc bot t. fine teaam spirit chble enaesJh .aî a - con sidr able- amount aiof Dr. Cormacýk said, "Indus- ibrougbont- the - seaýsonnan houeiro Ota' _dDr work and research wjth aiea-[try today must, be eoncerned the quality ai cvery game, Gary cirî :-k , rçl i b Iolcs and their problems, cx-1not anly with pollution o ayi g special iribute to Cobouîg ,ao nWai1 3iamp- plained what alcoholism is by the atmosphare, but a50lso P ian Wilson and Douglasi' toaw l oîvn uychi at - iedical définition and toldllution af employces by alca- Hamnilton, the winning BRata- ri-li 1df ofaiAi. a the many wai's it can ai- hol." H1e rccommiended that any battcry, also thanking',- John" M Y3 li ld tOc ea- tedQe the individuals invalvedi industries set up programs the sponsors ai the League. son forAA -cixr's anony- andthose around them. ýdcsigncd ta detect alcoholismr i Emer 1Hgg of the Cavan rity by i~v hat A A is 1 e pointcd aut ta the main- inits early :stages sa that cm- Club officiatcd at the pra- more intcrs ii'Ic1naialy ion-akohabe audience that poycicîi lcadisdnttionoftrophies ta tha, persan oav ie a icearc certain smtosscck treatment bafore th scnate than î0rîoniHtei. aaid ta look for and that aleoholie became useless ta their jobs, Th KnntHarsnt- tIn ala ecorags popl t peplesbaldbc ncoragd'themscives and those around Ph for top league winner lri jais' sir-cey c?1 choassurcd by wives, iriends and cm-i themn. otcndiiinwn Mount Pleasant, sponsored byy Wm. Mitchell Motors. Accept- uaristFilniShowsirig it w:s Coach Gary ar 7,siFiîn bhThe Glenn Young trophy for veral winerin the nar- therri division went ta Orne- mec Shahl, with Clintan Endi- tif ic A ni aiscatt, coach, acccpting. an A ?i î m ci 15Bethany team were the1-ý- winners af fthe south section," il L Iand averaîl winner of the Inia ural ls, ic hebest fu,ýu Ir te 11- 1jiý isian uwar insct.Il tops ta Kruger National Parks, and o ee hminhp i Ed e bgoî i r a nunayise.four games straiglit. The Ede . - nd crhpsEden visit a famaily fi baboons in anc park in thc U.N. man- Raado rpy wsr was înficagroming one another. date arca ai South West Af- celved by Bob Rylcy, the Dis-z- It h anly a conjectureaoa' It 'S ail about life -- ic in rica - the Etosha park.ficILau topyb Bb eaursa, bu ic iefilm, 'The nature arid unpcrturbed by These sanctuaries, the tfi R as nd fic Distric Peae ama, hon f Bw-man. say, can give thec visitar "pri-IChampionsbip trophy by Jim;. nianville R ata r ian s laitý By inierence, fOis hs what vilcgcd moments" sO long as Kloephcr. Thu,-rday by,,iola'tta- peace hs, John de Silva thehe h ias eyes ta percaive and Individual trophies wcre Cio fic otsAfiaiSof ficnfl rae, a nced for peace. They are a awarded to cach ai the Ore Touriat Carian prasnt- says. Peaca îs nature and theal rtura ta, primordial wildcr-nimec Shell and Bethany pla cd cr:r ineingargumen thaL! gaine is living. There are, hani e ven ta Eden itself. crs, prcscntcd by AlnCafo.,, il might wcll 1'acien ays, no humýwan temperamcnti Mi-. Sahkswho bas been E. Durham AchievPnlmrt Day At f lea t i i dffcut in nrer - thare is no graed, manaiger oi the South African Thc East Durham 4-H ta agýi cenoliate, no jealausy - fei- Tourist Corporation in Cari- Homcemaking Clubs Achieve- Tucefim, a p'ctiuJa,,cx- herheagciitlciiiiiiý.. ada for the past fiva and a ment Day was hled Saturdiay position n vîdïieinfci ont confuse peace wifthhbalf yaars, ,was întraducad by at Grandview ScholBEf- na~ra haitts giesa cn-getteaî,"lie warns. AIf Allen and tbanked by any faaturing thc past unit d~dlao ettheamm] cogy! Lii c, ha shows, Ih a pi-accu Neale MeLcan. P r e sid e n t -The Cereal Shahf". athe soflcragidia af Af- involv,,i n n intricate nt tcicavs reie.Club presentations werc an rien wark ai oadclans'A-ani-, - Any -graup -may- request -alexhibt "Cercal -Desserts" liv Il describesa ainlsl grec- mal kis if it must ,. .. in or- sbowing of tOus excellent film1 the Yelvarton gîoup, wit{h ing mn eediiis', îit showsider ta survive. Iby writing ta Mr. Stathakis Candy Malcolm as Commen-l strugg11ýc dsr i l "Butover ah thra 1hat bis office in Toronto. tatar; an cxhibif "Carcali a plin ~d ~Snacks" hy the Orono graup, antatope reactivg 9 ta same bI keeping wiitO thee, ewîth Carol Barnett, Comme n-ý danger, if ulares a moment ithere is very lit île itai-van- B T A Y tator; an axhibit "ycafuring wîtb ap r ideo losresting tCon ifman infhe film. Corni-Corn" by ElizabethvilIe mei- under a capricorn sun. If fol- mentaýry hs minimal. The bers witb Helen Traw, Com- loWs a crocodile sliding grîm- sounds are thosa ai the ani-J Mr. and Mns. G or don mentator; and exhibit "Makel iy loto a ri-ber. Il captures a mals in the normal course of 1 Adams, Mr. and Mn., Arnold it witb Fauta" by Morcishi farnily of boïste rous hippos their daily livas. Vogan, Brantford, wcra Sat- Club with Dawn Lord, Com-1 srlaihiog ino a lake, scarin1g The scenas warc iilmcd la urday guests with Mi-. and mantetar. Înto fliglît a linge, flockaita gama parks in South Af Mrsi Chai-las Reynolds. Members ai Cardan Hili flamîngocu tf aïchesa 'lieide- Oculuhîluwe (pro-I LOL. 1022 lield a sucdess- Clubl Margaret Henry, Deblil ~liclngoufISif ng a nouoc7 Shîashi) and flic fui progressive eucline party Nystrom and Sandra Shcp-[ on Friday night ia the Orange pr aeadmntain hall. Prizes for high scores "Oui- Daiîy Bred". V-nt ta Mns. Leanard Driver iva maembars oai teCana-ý anc Norman Brown; second raska graup gava a skit "Pros 'rriesta Mns. Carl Smith and l and Cons oi Packa@gad Mixas. Thomas StaPls.Teewr A ikit "Cereals ia Other tes' tables ai playeri. Lands" was giver' hy the, Mn. nd n. ougas ay-Bethany Club with Heathari le ai of Peterborougb ware McGiîî, Barbai-a Wood, Mac-l ý,,gueuts with Mr-. and Mrs.ý lana Ryley, Diane Wood, Es- - ahe Neals on Saturday. ither Nixon, Ann White andi 'epa raie schel Bra 0F BOWMANVILLE n El1-ectio n to F111i the Offices -of --Trus--tees, -of -the0 Northumberland and Durham County Board o'f Education and of the Peterborough - Victoria - Northumberland and Durham, County Roman Caîtholic Separate,!Sehool Board w-111 be held DEC. 7, 1701 The plis wli b openfrom10 o'ciock a.m. and wI remain, open until 8 o'clock p*.m. Following isa ist of the pollngsbisos and helocation of te plinlaces WEST WARD POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 1 Comprising all that part of the Ws ard, west 0 the centre line of Scugog Street and Middle Road te the inorth lrit of the Town and narth of the centre line of King Street ta, the westerly lrit of Town. Polling place îs located in the Lord Elgin School Gymnasium POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 2 Conx-prising ail that part of the West Ward, east of the centre line of Scugog Street and Middle Road, north of the centre line of Second Street and west of the centre lin. of High Street extended to the north limit of the Town. Polling place is located i the Lord Elgin School Gym-nasiumn POLL ING SUBDIVISION No. 3 Comprising ail that part of the West Ward, east of the centre lina of Scugog Street, south of the centre line of ç'eg-nnd tre xet e a f the centre line of High Street, south vising Comprising that part cf the Northi Ward, east of the. centre line of George Street tio Cairlisle Avenue, south of the cenre ne f Crliie veneWest of the centre lin.Cf Liberiy'S tree t ta Church Streert, south a f -thée centreline ýýf Church Street, west of the centre line of St. George Street,, and north of, the centre line of King Street f ran George Street ta St, George Street. Polling place is located ad Vincent Massey School SOTHWARD POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 9 Comprisîng that, part of the South Ward, enst cf T4-niiperance Str(eat extended south toi the onorened rcaa4 allowance of Scuigfg Street, east of the centre line ntftheý vunopened road allowance 'ci Sçugog Street, north of tiie centre line of Durhamn Street extended ta the uropened road', allowante of Scugog Street',west of the centre lina of Brownr Street to 9ueený Street, narth of the centra Une of Quee-n Street in Liberty Street, West of the centre lina of Liberty-'ý Stree (i

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