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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1970, p. 21

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low ai' ni 'Il :hoI -o - Â ction Sales i Auction Sales ' 1ucton ale t Pethiclt's Auction sale, twO private"Announcemnentir u ýoShed a tEniski 1Ie n et s rpyOf Mr'. Baldl- thi Saurdy eenigDec. 5. wn Simncoe St, S., anc eSa S a r ge quanltity orf u-rpiture. lfrom Elgini St., to0 be held t î~le tie7 o'clocký. CU Sirteants ucto al, 33 15tck Aciner. 48-1 Hall St., Osha ,ýa, Saturday ___-nigbt, Dec .5 a1 6 p.m. - cton aleof frn fre ric tove, refrigerator, wasl- ciotingstoe ec. See billsling mnachine, Delicraft coffee . fo îçplte ist, ppety 0f and end table, French Pro G'ordon Gaý3e bcia. St., 1Vinclal1 coffee and end tables.,« Ponypol Sturay Dc.5. 9-pJee cdiling roim suite, '00ad Saleat 1p.m TedJacsoncon itimoelm and antique 48-1. wicker chairs, hall mirror. -- chrome suitloor and table' W E ,K L i lampe, hall tree, 3 'large rugs, LIVESTOCK SALES! g0-d condition; 19 5 Honda, 1bedding, luggaýge, large quant-1 Ati.rlxam (Conty Sales Aret , ty of dishes, pots and pans; and OrOo Eer Turs, :3 pm.aplianes. Alilfurniture .'n Sln Horses, Cattie, gow ondition. Plan to, attend CleShpeep, etc. Charli Terms cash. Myles King, Auc- ~el, uctonerand Pro- tioneer,72-51 48-1 J eSsse Vanl Net prietor. 23tf ____ Selling Thursday, Dec. 3 at President John :F. DeWith le Thursday evening, December 8 Durham County pleased to announce that Mr., srd -TIe7:0pm Loca- Sales Arena, Orono, the Dis- Jesse Van Nest has joined the! tion TheNursýy oom,26 persal Sale of Registered Hol- sales staff of John F. Deýith-, King St. East, Oshawa- Auc-sticatermPneRde Real Estate Ltd. Mr. VanNedt tionsal 0fbran ne o~ -~School, formerly known as The ha a 8yaseprec all types - dolîs, games, s ý Ou rl rinn ho.I- in the real estate field and ise ed animais, inflatables, etc. cîuded In tbis sale of good we]1 quanlifled to serve thie Your opportunity to dlo your Hoîstein cattle are open andi real estate neede of citizens of' Christmas shopping, n biti osadhies lu h ra your own price! Exciting! No be osat elrpu h ra some calves whIch would be an reserve. Termes cash. Hlenry excellent addition to any farm- Kahn, Auctioneer, 668-6189, er's'herd. Cows such as OT. 4 S1. Carol Leader, rateti Good ccid n &UCTIO SALE in 305 days, miiking approx. 50 lbs. a day now lorTound'~L iOnmmer fth oo BR1IHTON Prmoor elAal, 2 year 'ý -' P OnSuniday nmorning, mr'es fteMtrCity backgrounds, In the photo, front row, lef t to right, CrClub visited the Pine Ridge Training School for Louis Ballagh, John Grady, Asst. Supt, Walt Hall and ,4UC'TION HALL old record 14,872 lbs. of milk, Two out-of-towners receÎv Boys here to stage a model car show with judging and RecreaionDretrW W. agl;saniBo ~ SALE EVERY 577 ibe, fatI 0bas, prleset t minor injuries early Satur- prizes for the best entries, Model kits for the contest Clarke, Roy Begner, Sp.Gog twrRg Saturay, :00 .m 152 rayson.35 5 çlb5umse ndymrin hnth a nhad been distributed to the boys the previous Sunday., McMillan, Club President Gary Challice, Tedrnih Aseiue, Fn lsssdCn which they were riding went Ch Furnture antique andtuinMdlemlig50bs out of control,,rolled over andti ThispPhoto shows club members and staff each holding, Bill Lînington 'of the OPP Whitby Detlachnient, Glenn moe) la M es of a day. Also includeti in the ended up in a Iarmer's field:ia model the boys had assembled. Several boys had Milîson and George Kennedy. Mouselsoý ld i eres !tOen o sl[a y Seiling Rock-,ýot on Waverley Roati. u sed the ir ingsenuity to also poîeaporaepcue mnee.Oe o aearcowsant el lssuhpovd prpit itr consiguments. mncw n efrspu Donald Thomtpeon, age 23,- Viewing Friday, 12 - 9 many other cows which are f_____________________________and_______Marion_______ CENTRL AUTIONCo. milking 40-65 lbs. a day. Be olDwsiw ad Mro0 'mtigta a as AutonesTd enesysure to -attend this important Art * e 18, ol MindenPth Aucioeer, edHenesey onersusta1nMi ninor tcuts and bis and Donald F. Smith. sale. Charlie Reidi, Auctione ebut refusetilocal hospita ýCo0" 7l'On teLa Compiete Auction Service' fer and Manager. 48-1 tretme, I ' II"UII Duty te ReprAeies' Indueirial, Commercial,, Farm w ib ~Daa e te ehicle wh,1ich Section 143,(1) H.T.A. t, e and homhe 1L0 IO tLo CrediLoIr reiteet!n,,enmeo m______a_________________ ani,1 1aevery.,person in chiarg'e E Te REDIORS oge'of-, a motor vehicle who le di-' Bîho 47 175 _iîTA ND OTHERS estimateti at $600. rectly or intiirectly Involveti ltf te Estate Bowmanv s ille Towirig n olicepTueday, December 1, 1970 hbilitation," Suspendeti sentence lence when rumors are spreati in an accidient shall, if the Iaudy ec ud n W Nthe 0f deALa restldequrngino th Juige R. B.,Baxter presiteianti probation for two years Sentence wao auspentiet i .th-ýaccid7ent rcuits 1h personal In- SatrtiyDec 5 Stiten OWAN RUL, iecasei.accident and do not have tht Assistant Crown Attor- was given, Heie j to report to out probation,, uners, or in dJamage to rop.. death - Quick Sale, - Auction Creditors anti others havingço,,, of the drivýer for: publi- saleaI atte ati armnia dams aaint te etat o?~~~as et.ney K. Stubingzton. M., Kelly probation officer once a week~ Bruce C. Gibbon, Scarbor- erty aprety.ceeding $200i1 sal ofcatle n luingm a l Bow.agnTruIt he saeo itiCona et.,s crdwstewa s Legal Aid -Duty Counsel. in Kirkland Lake anti proba- ough, anti David Sandison, 17, chinery, hay, grain, RicharuA. Noysrchareti tio canlberelaxet as tîm Torontechargti Octoer tht 20 horhor catle 30youg a th Tonehp 0 Dahinton înestgatng ffier.October 29th in Newcastle goes on. H1e wae also, tolti to with break and enter no dlucks (reatiy for Christmas in the County of Durham, on It was a quiiet week for the with using a license pinte on attend A.A. once each week. Ontario Sports Centre belong- r kil), Ferguson tractor, 3-pt. the 2let day or Aulgue , 1970, Newcastle deachment of the a car other thian the one for He was remandet ini custody ing to Larry Beaupore, Tow- hitch (gooti), McCormick 10-20 are requesteti to senti par- Ontario Provincial Police, wihi a sutpedt nCbugutlTusa osi fCakpedt uly tractor, Ford 3-pt. cultivator, ticulars of such cdaims to the wtwlaciet rprei i hi a sud lae nCbugutlTusa osi fCakpeddgit, Perguson front-endi loatier, Mc- untiersignet Atiministrators ati the -area since hast Wednes LAIewsfonigit ppa nfrhr hre nTo iibksatiaeal~~t adtefine was $50 anti $3 Brighton court, sumn of money were taken i j~ Cormick hammer mill, rubber- h saaSopn ete day. Occurrences of a criminali costs or in default five tiays Gene Petere, 27, 79 Apple- ecreen was remioveti togan ' tireti wagon, George White Oshawa, Ontario, on or befone o usance- nature wene low'adtlivtt r taan ot rsWibcagt nrne n iewercv th-resbing machine, 5 section the 2lst day of December, 1970,a eH.1e was given two weeke to Septeniber l2th last, Town- eret ini some brulsh.Tei harrowà, 1100 bus. mixeti grain,Th Mot'utiy f ail e îdasrbtedthe ig et h o pcaulrcahpay. ship of DarlingtOn, titi unlaw- were later stoppeti by a Cvt 120blshonuniy0fwl edsrbtthvigt-ocreia :0a.mi. on Suýn- Dennîs Willii, charged Octo- Iully drive on Conc. nine W., of the Peterborough OPP anti gcrap, -2 oxen oe, niu gr ny to daims that have day when William Hl. Mýason, ber 23rd in the Township of while ability was impaireti, the other bike anti twri hein, steeaniqu oga, atiuey been ecivetsati. 11tirv hogCutieRnManvers with taking a motol' pleatietinot guîlty. Conet. Pat- etc recovereti. They 1w1ee settee, scales, iron ketebgy ATDaOhaathslh north of ýthe 401, apparently vehicle, the property of ROY ick, OPP, Peterborough, while founti guilty. Mn, Gibo whelscuter nmerus th da Noembr,197. loit contrai. of hie vehicle antiStrong wîthout hie consent, checking cars at 2:25 p.m., offereti to make restitutiono cm rtic,, the- property of the CANADAPEMN T befone coming to reet hati pleatiet guiîty.ý This was in- heard louti screeching of tires the money anti Gibbon Ji late Elmen Musri.ýtarti, 5 miles TRUST COMPANY, coîlti with eight guide vetigateti by Conet. Kozak. anti saw a- 1965 Oltismobîle ta take up resitience witb is ,W, i rbRr nge, 6milecoth i heosprý,ihawa pnoste , i onefncbe otd H e wac founti guilty anti the nearly run ia the back of a mother. A pre-sentence report ____________ Sanifrd d. onCo, 6 S O shopping Cntrepnf 0letu a ni fine was $100 anti $3 costs on Volkswagen. The driver step- le ta be prepareti on Gibbon '1Wlsi.Terme cash. No Osh awa, Onno.20 feet of feniing. in tiefault 10 tinys, Jutige pet out anti emelled strovgly anti he was remandeti on bai juerve. ale ti 1 pm. A Llnoyd By: RS nt, i cNEE ,Dmget h acnvh-Baxter remarkei it wault of alcohol, appearedtt be in to Dec. 22. Sandison ws nOOIN cle.on19anti W.tiacD. Atkinsone eetheirperSolicitor hes herein.ei ~a1eMangersantAucton-46-3 ce 97 otawset-havebe hae atk izedi condition, eyes glassy probation at the time Of theIkurMn Cens. 48 ad ucio-1 ____ mte-d by OPP at $50:There taxi, anti blooti shot. The officer affence for varions Charges irv w r v reportinues Car1 Etiwati MacDon)ïald, 46), foui 14 pints af aie in the 16,1ewermnitiics audaDcme St- NOTICE TO CREDITORS A wo catr collision'at 12:ý05 Kirkla-ntd Lake, who appear'et car tnunk and two pinte in the todyta D1ec, 15. 111,M ROLL d Dio a1 i7,teie tocT- T ANth OTHERS lastL Wednesday on the November 2nti last on a!glove, compartmevt. He was SOE ~men , C'ram Quta, Diry BWMAN aI ANUS ent aI ewtoville su~;charge laid June 111h wîth ûoh-ilater tumneti over to Conet R P R LVRSASG an tiousealti CrediNtoR tecast.ed $1000 ani $250 camages taîîg ahanigods Irom Moon of the 'Necated- O PEF Equlpment 1a s aantitherýs aic nr nvn yooîa oe Slaght anti Cook's service sta- tachment. Mn. Peters saiti hel P E O 1 ntIe~8baiaHîtincam gie h sae oF Llingîon, Conn, atiMaX tion by means of a worthless hat been up for over 24 honteQý cetleO mtur Hostein C0WS, An'gus Bowman Truli, who Morgan IBihon epc heque appeareti for sentence, anti that matie him unsteady. The Nýewcastle Detachmen t 8 brei an milking, one in fulti a h owsi IDr- tîvely. There were vo t'eportetiecida h Twsi fDr Hie lawyer bat sait previaus- Jutige Baxter faunt Mn. Peters af the Ontario Provincial Pal- 110w anti opeýn, 284 Iibs. Creami ingto, i h Cut a -nuies. Quoa pr cw slîsWit ~ urbm, ntaiaon he 7 h On hurdayat 2:1 p.. y that hie wife will take hîm guilty as charget anti the fine ice froni October 251hta Quarbc lHahsnteinwhe ifes ti9 DayhamSOptarmbe n 170 arucrs drieay John1 Gr10 --backanti that he hias a job was $150o ni 3coste or iv October 31st, 1970, Investiga- çom,,H olsteinti erorti calvesoreq eteti eti170particu as ck ovCabellJo riantiin Kîrklant Lake if given an- tiefauît 15 tays anti the auto- et 16 motor'vehicle collisions Hoîtei bu1, yere lti 190 a scb aim tatheundn- lleofnthaI Kenlodandoîit-other chance. Mr. MacDonaldmatic license suspension.m e vwihtre esn ee .n. Hoclsenhu 250 tractorlive960ofsignet Admnisttors the T e -Ae onmitheof Egtne of asked for suspentiet sentence wvas give ou eeks ta pay Iînjuret anti four persans wen Ca k e ewhTt.4tble,95h0 SopintCnre Care nl f igwailt mkeamnePntrstt- lm W Gaohageichargei with traffic offe e wer, l~es o îgwy 5 ion. Jutige Baxter stateti "you Septemben 29th wt iiigi oncinwt hs ci rT;1970 Cackshutt manure Oshawa, Ontario on or beforeDamnages wr estimated i at1h opretier PT; In. tmil ype he 2st ay a Decmbe, $50 fr the Grimcbuk vehicle hve a long record dating back ivj the TownshipaIMveedns '7 I. pwermowe, Tt, wee 197, alerwbib dae te ati 400 or mit's.ta 1946 hut I hate ta deny youileability was impaireti. Aeanetite wne6 bdrsie màedTt.r3-arpweta Iwllbedisniuttiha-oate oTThrsnyat 40yorafeeon ifthne e hepîede nt gily.Hiecae gnealoccrrncs athec tmail pILugh, like new; Cock-ling regant anly te cdaimis that ,P.,,again, on the Eighth sghet psiiiy arh-waajontita Decebrtee eefuFrprsa shttcutiatr,17 tilsc seet have beev receiveti.Concession iaI Clarke, thîs lime 22Io ia.BekEnratiTfthe dm11, grain cdryer, grain augen, DATED at Oshawxa, Ibis îotb at Highwvýay 35, a single car RESULTS r4r' Tr'rI pau erih uk t, eorsa CmonTet ixThis MA electrîc ot malien, hny elevat- day of Novemben, 1970f. crasheti cauing somre S$550 ivn ~~"pleadeti guilty l1ulawuly eotaiifumlamagoe, wofli9IV or agonani rack, quantity CANADA PERMANENT diamages. The driver, William Consuit a Member of thse assauting a local 16-yenr-old Dmsi opaitoetc o! rilsagnticta otll RS OPNHmoa oothtmnrgr.M.Fmill's couneel stat- turbance Complaint, two Tres - June af machinery, bay, grain, Thje Oshawa inuis et the girl anti Mm. F ter pssing Creomplapinen anaFINERST QUAI 17smaw Tn. pmp ntiunefor Shopping Centre, 17lan, 2Vit.inits, 2 D epeal BOsaaKS E"m' differences. Mm. Ferrill realiz- including.three womnen wene- ut,. caollngunit. Fu2 ie : a E -M A K , anci M cNEEL Y,'ZT"TT D Ves i e is stke and t i il le eas- chargetiw ith c im n loffe nc"esý - n abi ta as u m e Iis co sduc l in con ection w ith the ce oc un unitsnycallier it. Fr The oïprop-eri wiTAR ale vol aesree tet. nratrences. One person bas been Refrgeraon, able, chirs,- r RS. HAROLD WIERSMA MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Altamnýey Subnlo ait1il le charget wi th impaireti Dnî-SRLI ey af Grant Archer, Lot 22, NOTICE TOCREVDITORIS Me mc ihlo ir- Oshawa & Districat wy trieîleargme t. i anti the-e rascageiTBNEE n rici muetW bes U ri,7, Ope Twp., 1 mile eat AND OTHERS ma,belovet wife af HaroldiThreoterme _-wthe iquor offens. "IlWIN LidsyanDovyvll N TEETTE 0F ETHEL Wîirsma anti dear daugbter aoRef Etat B a cnt MARGARo Dwievil,' T ETESTANLEY' FMi- Mm.eR. R. Nichosonoanticthe onu e is tpe FiondcOfaOctaber 3,17,'h u ______O____ cash. N Cari icano, TrA at f heCuvyBomvvle niseate v eout vlreso t t10 via- nsspor o Hw. ,,ortha W0 nah oreserve. Sl'elaI LYN h O flie Rev. R. R. Nicholson aOfone_________id__il__ Sporns pnem-se , iOalo n BowmavvilleCarlonakwas ibrtken juta. StolofR Ptne,.Reabora, Ontana Iwuhm.Wdw dcaeMMe.R .Maa(ama)a Wid05-324-9959. ,-senIraïm the prmises wr 7,5-24999. ýwha iet i aIBowmanvilO-ChcgFni rJ .Camp-17k-Ré-C" five Honda mini-bikes, a larg Inria on r aboutlte ,1s1day ell Alie)ofOanwdati k- unttyaIsk-toabemes FIE ULIY aISptmeon97.Mo.W.MMilW"Rth f SAElD YR Ifittile show as he teamet upi Service needed on today's prreisîi equipment. i~on persans tnrowîng rocKs, M'Vi RS ývîth Mme. V. Prout on thel Furthen darmage was tione in lamiipIon, Orno, Blnckstfock III W R CRN-,ewcmére Donald Smith, Our Serviee armn always le your best anti Nestletovi, by persansý Vav 987-4636 Dona Petere anti Barr'y Cmaiv throwý,ing eggs anti rocks. 00C wer ;wll ecevet bythe bel, but foir ai, tlime we're offering even Aohriitcc e We uy ron Ras, aterie, ota, Crs Jaà audience, moe ,. ihndly I1Hspotliglit. It's a FREE formet In thîs athe1 SAVE 25e TlieJpabore -rgulc M'throwing af obstacles an Uthe and Trucks for wrecking. BllCaeRo Lxon anti IS'peïtCmei orfl dtîs Ted Hallman, Herb Wso, B USSei.Con nfruidtal.streets anti highways. LittIe, Cole Ron1ýuxcvnai3ddo they know, but il the pen- Franltk Frieseni kept the show - responsible would onfly We seli parts for most makes of cars, angle OPEgNtaniîreîngpceT.M QHPUIrelrelaiPui aneo iron and pipe . M aster I fCerem onies J. l p ssbl I A Coyle Sm., tieligtet thiýe sraudi-eendet TWENTY-FOUR HOUR TOWING ec ibecletsur Inab nets nnfn-'TI L 9 P.M tance albn.ily enouebme Iroaiin e CUSTOM WELDING Nex LaÀre,~nda 3 KING ST. E.ý BOWMANVILLE nnou Thsoioca- evnng lcebr131h, T(own feyder can he consderet Hal5 800 .m.patent ai assassin enci lime àbe i Theý Canapmdianatesînn, ôwmfAnville.De., t 176 rpr'the accide-nt immredi- île oFfIFi e, la ompet andi Iunlsbh lm lnihuci n- acciden-t, woulîd rec ýui foratoncocenig the acciý- charges beln laid me ýdeni as , may be eqtuiret yHgba mf i. Freezer Supplies TOP QUALITY' GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS HINDS lb, 79c P O RKWHOLEilb. 51c Above Prîces Include Cutting - Wrapffing - Freezlng We Extend le yaua PERSONAL INVITATION le corne and leck areund We carry a stock of Beef se yoU can lake your pick. CENTRAL SMITH ICE (MREà,AMah6 5I Gai( Assorled Flaveurs BUIK SÙPPLY LCoZkER,- 0F RENTAL FROZEN FOOD SMOKING priced le Save!!! CURING D YKSTôR Ar!S FRIGID L OCKER SYSTIM 73 King St. W. Phoie 623-5578 - 623-3541 401ME 0F QUALITY Your eaqarters for FANCY DELICATE55EN'or EXOTIC FOOD$ GFOR SOMETHING DIFFERIENT? Deparirment we carry a completse lins cf DELICATESSEN MEATS POLiSHl SAUSACE CORZNED HAMN SALAMIil TO NGUE LUNCHEON MEAT 1.TURKEY ROI 't' We Specialize In PLATTERS 0F ASSORTE» Made ln Ycur Specificationi IDEAL FOR PARTIE eek's St"pecials ! ! alb, 2Tins 79C WITH 19-oz.i0 Tin tCH p 37c Kî TANGRINES FRESH CRIS? CELERY 2R' 39c, SAVE 30c, -'RED ROSE COFFEE 89lbh SAVE Se - HIENLEY Fruit Cock.Itail 25.047 c SAVE 26c - NESTLE'S QIK INSTANT Choclats C/lrl4smasQIFS, ;ce Our Large Selection of FANCY GIFT BOXES or )F CHOCOLATES or'BISCUITS HOCOLATE NOVELTIES rcured TOY SMOKING lAýs SETS SETS BEEF R.OLL ,LL. ETC. 2 79( Tee Bags 69 SAVE 15. 14W.1-1-M Ë 11-119- r- 'a

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