Browniesl Present Wheel Chair to Pediatrics Ward ~n wawn~ LONG SAULT lAnn, Rt and Garry, Mm. HOOI'ER- SAMUIS Ohwa ws somenîzed in and Mrs. John Baker, Ricky 1 Boý1wm1anilWe Baptist Chamch and Staven were Sund.ay sup-1 The marriage of Miss Judith on Saturday afternoon, Nov- per guests of M. and Mms. D.' Ann Samis, daughtem of Mr. j ember 21, 1970 i four o'clock. Hall, Hampton, celebrating and Mrs. Hughi I. Samîs cf Rv rat Gordon was the' Ricky's f ifth bîrthday. Bowmanville, and Mm. Bruce 1 officiating clergyman, and Mm. Mrs. Fletcher, M. John William Hooper. son of Mmi F. Laird played the wedding Johnson, Oshawa, Mm. and and Mrs. Frank-Hooper of musie. Miss Vivian Sadier Mrs. Bill Johnson, Janrtville, 1&was the soloist. 1 weme Sunday gursis of Mr. Ânnuunce New The bride, who was given and Mrs. Bert Johnso'n inmariage by hier father.' Sympathy of the commruni-' ifafïîng Substance: wore a formai length gown of ty la extended to Mr' and C 1 ~white crystal satin with r-em-1 Mrs. Sidney Cornish on the' Shriniks Piles 1 -Ip waistline edged wlthý passing of his mother, Mms. F. ý Cbantilly lace and seed peamis. G. Cornish, Oshawa, Satur-' ,Xclsive healing substance proveflto sbrink The gown featured long, lily- day evrning, hemorrhoids and repsir damaged tissue. pointed sleeves with lace in- Mr. and Mis. W. Vanryk sets, and a detachable chapel visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Srenowned research institute has train with lace inserts around ý Vandrbmînk. Whitby, Friday' ound a unique heaiing substance tihe hem. Hem veil was held'evrning, and on Saturday rv- vth the abiity to 8hrink hemor- by a headpirce of white satin ening werr guests of Mr. and" hoids paînlsly. It relieves itching flowems and petls, accentrd Ms C raden when the: nd ~ ~ ~ ~ ý dicmfr i ints n seed peamis, and she car- Vaneyk family beid a birtis- peeds up healing of the injured, ied an al-whitr bridai hou-ý day pryi oor0 h îflmedtisue.quel of carnations, or'chids hrad of lise famnily, Mr, Wal-1 In case after case, whilé gently and stepisanotisý.i ter' Vaneyk. Brlated best elieving pain, actual reduction 1 Mrs. Raymond Adcock was wisbes. ghrinkage) took place. matron of isonor wilis Mms. Mr. and Mrs. Kari Bader Most importan olal -resulta James Diling and Miss Nancyan fmiy Tonowr metotorougtati imraprv Samnis, sister of lise bride, lise, Saturday guests of Mr. and )fntay mantaied. r p rio sidesmaida. 'Miss Lori Ma- Ivrs. P. Ercegovac. f many monuhs. thus, niece of the groom, w35 Mm adMr. aerEre This was acrompliahed with a fiower girl. Ail weme altiredigovr and Anna wer Eruday .ew ealng ubsanc (Bo~Dne)in formai irngtis pant dresses, guests wt med nTm dwchs ýa tÀuîcky elpe hofinuedtihe matron of honor andon. stimlats gowt ofnewflower girl wearing fuhI- Mis ud VrteEnis lengijs mauve gowns over k isJuyVrue ný- No Bo-yn î fre n in- s d and the brides- killen, was a Satumray gurjst NowBloDyn leoffredin in- idpurpie -ourole fuli-lengtis.of Judy and Louise Kovars. Prepartion Askforit a al drug stores. Satisfaction cr your money I TIME TO SHAMPOO THOSE RUGS gowns - over mauve pante. Pumple linted button 'roumai warc worn in tise coiffeure ai lise matron ni honor and! flowem girl, and mauve tintadl button 'mume weme aprinkîrd' an tise brideemaide' coiffeurs.1 AIl carrîed bouquets ai'mf Iinbrd tao match tise ilowers is tiseir coiffeurs. Mm. David Hooper wehs man for hie brother, and usiseing were M. Larmy TYRONErn Mr.andMrs LýrnePhae,, On M/onday eveniing, November 3th, the 2nd botties in which ta save the money they e(arned by Mms. Brela McCoy spent the!To. add to this important occasion they presented a presentation was madle byny Porter, one of the werkrnd of Nov. 20 and 22 wheelchair to Hospital Administrator R. E. Elston for senior Brownîes, Also pstitrrdabvewilth the Brown- in Essex and Windsor and aI- the Pediatrie Ward at Memorial Hospital, The Brown- lies is thse Dsrc omsinrV VMechin and trn d e d th e 5 0 1h w e d d in g a n - e u n d e r lo ot eký i c s o t e p i k r s nivesary celebratîon of Mr oir thisý projecl a-, their way Kf ccle-bratiîng tIelaeso tepcMs . TownsleýIy, Mrs.ý Bruce and Mms. Percy Pisillips (neea the 'Diamond Jubiler Year of Guiding in Canada. They Bail, and Mr1s. Wm.Laais Vema Colwiii). started their project last January when theydecorated jury Lvl (G STf. E. 6731=1 atTpr a c tBomnil Tihe Canadian Stateqrman, Bowmanvile, Dec. 2, 1970 1 guese, Ibmn in Englisis. On Fmiday, Nov. 20, we heid aur annual Talent Tes, aI wbicis we bcd a goodhy nuin- ber of memabars sud friande. Tise Ch urcis Hall waa- beauti- fully decoard as a rural corne and lise offeing en- velapes weirc pt into, a large eplira ai a rural mail box. Alitem tisese werr dedîrated by Rev. Mr. Ward, tisey were )opan hepar and Mrs. I.zth17bf Munday the medItation. Thisl waes aIl .!basedý,ý on "Light In the World". To beautiful mii- fsionary soloswere sung by MsV.Sadir, accompanled >by . a Cole . Mrs. u y introduced Rev. Ted Coiwlè,l who spoke for a few minutes,. and then show- epictures of his work in Brazil. He said that Brazilians speak Portuguese and taughti us the spiritual "It's Me,O01 Lord" n that language. He said It is sometimes hajrder to bea Chrstian in Canada, b- cause we have sr aysae of grey. Many o1 their hom>-es' are good ,buit many live as they have for centuries. Some of bis pictures werc of bis church, one showing thel roof and windows, which were! largeiy furnished by moneyl from here, Brazil ita fourth in produe- tion f rm, and also have bananas, sugar cane, coffee,ý among othiers. The people are in general happy, though many are- very poor. In the question period ho sald that the Indians are be- ing pushed farther and farth- er back. Mrs. Puk expressed the thanks of ailan presented hlm wlth a sil1 remem- brance. The hru "Womený of God Arise" was sung and tCi iSamis, booier of the b ricl-e, i rs. n.Eith Mrphy sie1 etabhpy;ohvg,1cedncruci LF FORCHISMA J an M. edDilig.Mr, and Mms. Waitem Murphy, th IChurc rento belhappy; i rha & curî'icuou au' 'un TisCRSTAS1 e dMr eptings ed tNewcastle, on Sunday. p rre ýn',ý bm fled for the hie the1y tta rmarin avuabytad k best Dîhan m nd Me Don Saintonhave to lead; tb be rupe l' À atya.Two duets "Go useetiecbbc Fy n uca Mobrj d aai MoamanrndT nity huc %'U.. . 12r H ea orormisd" and "Teame,,Ia'hVle usnneBtheanviilennGune sI svîsited on Sunday with Mr. to serve their Us ta Praanemebsungt10tise werecvd by tise bride's' and Mms. James Simpson, as ab qipdfrajce woealm wiih they can make aAVE LE moîher w-whorealm TRenpaa e qipd o ot piemeaialbyM.S.E gre osI and drese nsemble! Mr. and Mme. A. W. Rundl3 comiortabie living, There was R p r Wst and Mme. R. CoombsnA w:th bescled neeklne. match- viLîd thir daugiter Mrs.1 ,aln dscssin n ru,.Mm. . 1%Hanloela onn ni cesrîsadcr ýg fLynda Sup-ryka and new "Tise ladies are ecrc'anging Trnity U I..C.W. have a n.Apna lmaino pink sweelbeamt rsa nd ganddaiugislrer t O sh a w a Christmas gîfta aIlistehome vcir fol and interesting weei . Stewards !-ip wa p)irsenîd b7y T A SPRAY FOAM paie pink carnations. Sise was Genemal Hospita.l on Sunday. Ms . Mre IorD-O udy ie11,toMme. C.'Allun (Leader), M,. RU CI ý,sited n ecivngbyth, rs BllRo ad ebiecember meeting. Tisey are no', oerstands were presenîrd K. Siemon, Mme. C. Tewinr, WA CI RUrCEAER asisd an ereivin byhse a Mmie. hRoarndDerbîend t exreed $200. Il is nowîoo to lise risurrhis n memory ni Mrs. T. Rrhdem and Mme. S. jaýckat-dress in a ýmediun i Mm.CiiHaprSegv, . laIe ta gel our oid 'woollrns Mmer. IW. C. Ive. Mme. L. F. James.. SEI green sisade, gre c ccesories. on Satumday. - 5 ' sent away and bcbeaeRhadnniWtby, a long- Tise Dnxzolo,,y wa. un andcorageof ellw crn i M. ad Ms. eore Al-Chisismas for blankeba,san we ltime firnd, spoke bmleily of and ail enjoycd a social tm lin adoange sweethcart dmaad, M. anid Mm. Lod wili have ta send llsrm in Mmes. Ives' devotion balise over tes, fruit bread anfd roses. Alldread andi Maxine attend- '~ Januamy. So gel tbem mready.1 churris and Mme. K. Sumers- ciseese. ~ QFolawng the rereptian h daiml ahmn on Mms. Yvonne Hoy and Mm._.'fomd made tise presentation. copeji o oemO ad a iehm iM.-< Mandera served a tasty lunch, Rev. G7.1K. 'Fard conducted copelffrahnynoýSunday at the Ohomankeweoeexprsse..e.dd..a.on.A..e tis in tise Paronos Mounîs, Penn., 1adMm. Jack, Welsh, Bow- Ou ,ak er xpesdb bis .I5UtUS..LI1U Aler th U.SA., and for travelling the manville, In honour ai their MrMnesfrhrhsi -uc rvc e fMs brdewoestriped coatinatradusndMm d taiy Ives' former asaoristes and rsGAbati.apient Copr t$,8 orange, beige and browiMme. Have Strong'es 5tis A Pot Luck supp0'r ha being friends gatisemed in tise Churrhins omnil Hospital. W.1 f onez ver s brown drees. wedding anniversamy. Con- y la Bnwmo séalhllhurwsh ranll te et tonesoerd intise Snday Shool Hh t forasial ba bom rs, W.hem ahlls rai.. Bmownarressories ' omgauatn avandndar- comon Friday avening, De-wistseamyMeW.Banvitd lt sage oi Wcburn Abbey Sweet il mytr Tyrone fi- ebr4b I6pmfre-Tise regular montisly meet- Mm. and Mmrs, Orvald Greer .,- heaml roses rompieentad ber enda. Iemyone. Came and bring s cas- Ing ssised Tueaday even- adfmiOiaa nMn HARDWNARE enseble. Mm.Fand Mme. Hoop- m ndMe Gog Rbarole ai tise fimat course or a~ ing in tise fomma of a pot-lurk day. t rileiea 36 AtIN G SGT.bakwce iE.r dessert. Admission is 50e ta dinner, 'Wien about 100 weme Mme. R. DavysetMn 36 NGS. . E ., Osawa. gets last ek iMmïndý driray axpensea. Rev. Mm. present (nat ail for dinner), day ini Oshsawa. Tie rdaWhoatrdd meVonSaitnLnEsp Snrlgrove ie going taisow bis Alter alisad partaken ai tise iVrs. T. Pîtzgrraid is vieil- BW AVLE -Vinrent Massry Public Scisoclýpar gurats, of bis brothier, M11r. pirtumes. Tisera will also ha genemous suppiy of food, Mms. ginAa wisMm.E S(ec OurLargc e Sction adBwavll ibcaad m.W am gamea and musical salarIions. K. Sumersiord led in a short Smith. us c isa lbortom trhnoogit. me.Frak GnarauxandMm. andi Mme. T tvn igan.Mme.-Puk, tise Congratulations ta1(-,al]î h of ChristmasGits A photo - lit ilsophr, tise, i Mlhla, IF"vîilter 1 pen s iw'dys«a bieir president, expeseda sincere hle naywyt iidTitradatr t ~~attrnded KdmanPub- pnarente m.and Mme. T. C. >ý homeinlToonto. crme adMm.G., tt'ief-atfrbs taCusstl.werof. vr 11ro1DnMn ~ouuy We hoe ora attenjid-!literpara ba kgrsund disi. Lesinoale lil Scisool an -lnCail-!Dad] on'Simaefr ndeaur çrtrdbliym- e-aytok odSnd n a legat IsttueOsssa. Mre. Ednsa Wood and son - anre ai tise Cisurcis Supp-er oniviewed several new books is prize in Bonwmanviiie Sanlats,îwhtapî70 ______ ____John were rerent supper Fiday evening, 1tise libmamy. Clause parý.ade on Saturday.$5.1 gueste ni bar son, Mm. and - Our chrhi attend n te- basi Mm - N. Osbore read tise lbjla- whf hi regret wa repo.rt If's the Mol' eeleeta~ d ýMme. Ted Wood, Port Perry. gone down alarmîngiy. Sine epomb of tise nominating rom- Mm. Gary Alisan bas bren a~ uaagvsi rcso ee.e Sympatby s axtended tau, -foaks have deci'ded sametising mitter wblcis was arrepted patient in Part Hope Haspitalre muoaveet nrizdb i Mm1adMm.Sinyioleis , - bmuet ha donc ta get people with schU a few Offices ta f111. Gary le now cnaecn Ipwrel hsavne einmy ur ïIearà lesMr. hndchIe. SinteyeCfoushl anlylensfirgmoreeexpen. and iamiiy on lise paesing of oIaan Mies Peggy Poster Unit 9 had charge ai tise homne. Wr wlis him wel, pwreil hemos athr ud rnh(dmie,) ~ ~ f - and Miss Bonnie Gescis are Werhi Service. Mrs. E. Congratulations ta Mm. sv ac.Tersi:ahg Mme MrbsaConîI,(rd h- x,- ~ ,loping tb get up a Christmas Sisarkciton read tiese criptume Bian Lee and Miss Gloria acrîwîhtawl iea er ofOhw.Fnea evcýPageant bisaI wouid include selerlion, Mme, T. Rebder tise Graca who weme marrlad on ayaccra epedbepromn i95E \T FN "U i ssawa. Func Mrais uerieeyn ntecomnt.adya wa hldimm orisFueml Mr. and Mms. Brucre William Hooper are shown eeyn nts nmnl.-Friday evening. Chapel on Tuesday. tIeaoepooa hyetts cdgck tteIf bise young familles gel in- thry can geltishe show started. Mme. T. Balrey bas rebumnedi And you nyrhv awn i Mm. K. Sidier, Wiitby, Mr.I inite oepooa hyeu h ednyck tteterestrd and involvedrl in blisa Mm. and Mme. Doug Walkerlhome mter spending two, and Mme. G. Estabrooks, Cour-1 reception following their marmiage i h omnil iursts bednewudaescdn ata hi ek iiigl aa tire, were Saturday supper< Baptist Church on Saturday afternoon, November 21, go up cônsiderably. Prarlire, two werk holiday lime with Mm. J. Smîh is a patient in HOLIAY ~O1HE gueOfniM. and Mre, A. 17 tfu 'lc.Ts rd stefre isfor bise Pageant cmuid be held'hem parent, Mm. and Mme. G. Býowmsiiviile enaHis Knowibon.utiCremaonlatsMee, 1s I. RuUeHTmEntoJudith Ann Samis, daughter of Mm. and Mrs. Hugh 1.undayChstmaoou tisi SndsMe laSwtrchsem .H ad Bwa-Jwler itSo vîsîtrd n Suniday witis beri Sam ri r of Bowmanvilc, and the groom ilsthse son of soisool tima. I liSe.edvsiig e auitr,.r . vll 1-mclbbai ,Bumelon niera Mmrs. A. Hamiltonan sd Mil. and Mme. Fank H-ooper of Oshawa, Moaday rvrning ai Ibis week Eii raiira on-l ovlsige oestr3 igW BwinIl M Hmiaanhem sîter Photo b y Aid.sworth Photograplhy imom 6:45 until 8 P.m. Pleasre 1vicw me nl;y sid was hbmouglisf apending ýsevermi weakn in i Mme. John Homne whis la Ps-- bring your ideas ta Prggy,-homie by ber daugbber stOea a sn ad owanie We csC05SIcytlaeItc5 lient in Bawmanville Mem- i nitrnor BonilGeers o Mndy.hositcm Mme. Gardon VanCampe anial Hospital.L Bowmanvîlla, epent a faw W sdseîrsiga1 m-Dmlgo dM _ _ das ld wek ithhemaiesnow bisaweakend ai Nov.21 Ama Cooper, ni Bnwmanvillrl 1crMr. and Mme. R. Gibbs. - Ieacopp TieyaeavaiedIai t s tayed on for 'a few days Sunsat Ldg acapair sater snd busband, Mm. and until tise wrsîber rbangad, Misa C. W. Stewart ta viel LIONS CLUB CHRISTMAS TURKE Y ROLL Ms. F. Farguson, Enniskillan. , i, ietmeaueglmgMe alotneduiî Miss Barbara Bilmer, Lan- Up 10 o the 40e iset week. This m, Helen Glover ai Oshawa, FRIAYDEEMBR lth 190 onwiIs m, nd ms E.A ain iselped t take il off. 1Mms, T. Stevens, Miss C. WV Virlue snd called ais friands Ga lwemi nta iStewartand me, G. Caticamt mUfl in isevillge.snow, isowaver tiese nawmo- stendad tisa bazssm In New leMm. and Mmer .AViteblefîewuld have likod tonvihle in apte aibsemi were Sunday dinner guestas tisale wt Tisera wera many fin of Mm. and Mme. Normn Allin, bisinge for sale and s very Bowmsnville. chesa iePr oe, lasty lunch rnjoyrd. AT Y U Mm. and Mme. Douglas Park,, m.P d og Tise Kendal P.T.A. womc 8 F 4 KING ST. W. 63550Oshsawa, wrme Sunday aupper adimlNerslwm ar vemy busy geltin bing CLOTMS$1 guesîs ni bis parente, Mm. and Sunday supper gurats, Mm rd lerPeny Sleha C L A ER "WeSpecialize In ShirtLudeii"Mme. W. Park.MmsdMe and Mme. O. Hogg and famîly, Kendal asanio nextSaudy Chas. Murnay and fBomnva.,wreSbudyIDerember tis. Peterboroughs wrme Sunday 1auppar gurata oi Mm. and Mms.[FLo Bill Roy and Debihir. A rucrise paty wass bld in tihe Orange Halsl Salurday, Mm. and Nîrs. Jin Rnwan Nov2s.Me Aera o - ~~~~~~~nd Danny vishîrd on Sund. y bse higis.adieieaoni____________ be aents, Mm. and RgrDwstemnsh Mr- - - - hep-------------- r -ý -1 49--KING S$T. W. FOR CHILDREN'S .GREB KODIA K INS",ULATED BOOTS S" BOOT - ALSO- WITR STEELTO ix7Tl V »r --RUVV £V I Vi,. JT- Marie Claire e WINTER SNOW BOOTS SNO-B -ELLS Womcen's Sizes 6 - Il $9,95 to$1., Winter Mm. sud Mme. Robet Soutis- I m.Li oery of Hamp- - wrll and son, Oshawa, were ton and Richard Harris for M,,% ISunday aflemnoonvîiosntiamnRoPaonwnta hie brother and wiie, Mm. and ,50-50 daw. Tise next gamLle Mm. sud Mme R. Gibbise sud lise Orange Hall. Tise Orange-' Mme. Gordon VanCamp vieýite men arr hiolding tbem br hisie)mtiser, Mm. T Gbbawrk about wibh Newton-vilc. I (Cama)aI Glden Plouhj Mrs nterraI was taken a Lodg, Cbacg. lsdta rante reyCup football gaImaý Mme.Gibsa l mus îmravd' Stum a aImro w h p issats o treal came oui ahead by1_, Mr. sud m Lae Phare s q23 ta 10 score. Tey ar Werre dinnirm guret 'ý1-a1 l 1 urky 1h aI Satuda wa Tis remyofiVr. an M N II wammer and tise ain cm Don Alîma2n, Osawa._ eamiy lunlise momning, than MmI. and Mme. Merton, Mavin clearrd nff. 4nd bo"ys, Oshawa, wr Suni- Our W. I.meetrig wae 1Isad day;spper goets ni hem min- Tuacsday reiga iehm tisevJr Mm. Eduna Wood !ainfaiMme. MUiirîi adrs Mmdd Me.AmiuYo-snTise Miial wa(Ii MmI. and Mmers. G.,M arti asipet peeva. Tisa Mùoowa Kevin, Brooklin, wrre dlinner Hms ar tiesa seppiu gorets nifMm. sd Mme. B. tones tae a greatnaio."Tisei- Henniing. tapir aein hme iMe Mm, sud MmVI?..IaUn Yun- le nar Cotr udrCitizen-Ï' -tMm. su re A. Youngrnsan. go n H-isemaker n n t ha- Mmr,.1and1-1M f JI.> rff' n fme i; fil. 'iseC. W%- W. Rahm. tem are; Wisc want aux chîd- pI * * a: WHITBY -w DOWMÂN VILLE -OSHAWA ec t inSa Dem î2th ýnly are eligible for that day's drawI e% slips, or this ballot, or a reasonable J&L MURKEY DRAW W61, rE Ir Each day at eacli Jwry & Loaveli sýtore Monday through Satrday - wveeki of AMon,, Di and Mon., Dec. l4th e Sat., 1Duc, l9th The layir uchsesand thosýe depoaiing ý,slips oi Youýr naeloÉe J ndphokn number on our sali fa-ceimi-ile is A that is required to enter. Our employces ad immediate families are flot el; ý- -1 meni ana suppueiLory lulim -- i m ius wore pui plu a - i gâ 'Jgn*ltllhp rnn,;nlmt.ion Liii/ub wu l il - 1 1 TURED 0OF ~SITTING ATCý HOME ? W.e have a vacancy for two ladies to act as, rentai TV attendantsý in a local hospitaL. A pp ica ts ust be of good apparance and enjoy meeting andý dealing with the- pub- lic. The position is suitable for ladies weho have about four hours, to, spare during the afternoon. PLEASE WRITE ADVERTISER 1u1, c/o CA-NADIAN STATESMAN, P.O. BOX 190, BOWMANViLLE it's electronic e ctht'snewsC 7 K ýmk 144-7- Nom à à e-ýtw à tg %0 IýÈe kIf MW MW la v av MO-ma lu 'W $36-95 *25-9-5