TeCangain Statesni.an, Dr'avllfer- 0, 11701 Webber, Kowal R<inks Tied for First Place TinŽI1diray-nihrLkps wmnners over Perc Crapper. - C-hrlce cuîrling aýction et, the~ AI Heffering d-fateci Stu Bownianvillep Curlingi Club, James 5-4, Bill Webber nip- t~e~iiWebbe)ýr and Paul peci Jack Gay by the same 5-4 Kowa nnk rciinedtie!d1score, AI Rundie downed for first pl , with four '¶lVoe" Preston 9-7, andiJi pointsjý,j apee elwon over Les Zikowski. Kow\al niade it- a Cdeanz ~s~.' forsrr~ sflwîîîe see, winding up it ai Webbr dwn~ ~lHeffr;n1shre of' the Thursdayý night 0-.The otzljcE encounterlaiwt o atn ah sa~ I-owa DGIriston defeat rk with eiglit points.- Code i1-5. On Thursday's play Kowalj Arit dne1-5 cefeateci Crapper .9-7. and Exetfor 19-ai Anderson's Lawton doubleci the s;core oin. opidd17-3- 'ictory overCode(, 8-,4, AtCode, the imst of Tues- Runi1e shadeci Bell 3-5,1 ,îy' scheduls resulteci in Jack Munt;,iday bandeci Allun al cloe ams.P -aul Kowal edg- 110-4 setbnck, andi in th e other ed- Buid 'Alin U8 to shareltwo contests, James defeateci first spot in t bu division, as!Gay and Heffering býowed to! werll, withl Fraed Kramp, 8-61 c anai cian Preston, Trave! To SoLIth AfricaHas Show-r Big lncrease The numibr ifeCanadiens' dîsagreementin this counti visiting south Ai-Ica lias In- with the Sout'h Afrcan apar cased f-ive tir-cne in the peet theid (Separate raDces-) policy five yasf ro ieM 1000 to M000, Why thfe apparent incon accodin to1~1îols Sath- sjstency? kis, nagr onl'he Soth b Canadians are great tr. Ari CanaTurdaopoaio eliers," said Mr. Stathal, is, Canada. . in an interview ef'cer a Boy Thus dep1t e grwsn n-anvîlle Rtery precentathcý lest Thurs--,day,. "Thernumi)be of Canadian trave1lers biý i Lady C ue7 creesing ecdi yar. They ai P-reparoe for îWoofferth ors.Su1 Xmas 'Il aft y with t beaches, with a tan ~m as ~ rty perate climate and season revarsed to Can1ada's, lias tht b7;Qeenc Ieteher 'something which satjiefies ti Onle 0oc l'he b iIsbst places n modern trave,,ller." Eawanviiei ,he Country It would appeir ,astsocia Club where frsrent curi- conscience has nothing, to c( kin7 sc1en i- ir-: fil sFwing. with vacation planning. Ther Ladiie' Setin, which meetc twice weiyon Tues- dîirari enThurscdaî efternoons, O JU R le- aRbour t t strtthe second 0 IU R xchedlule, Andi tLiej ihave a fuli R.F G'ONS ,-nltry They wý-i11 wind up the MS .G ONS Xciiik' Troirphy play, Tues., Eollowing an illness of twi Der, 1- the fif7tw .Ir a five-game weaks, the death of Mrs. F. G p1;aY for tolp hco rnoms. Cornish,-aged 93 years, occur F'riday,ý, Nov. =9ho Skip Betty raci on Saturday, Novembe ~isii~ eWb~r tea n-mts., 1970, et Oshawa Genera ~Vadla, eregusteofthle Dau 'rliter the laie Mf ~lshwa urlig Cub.The and Mrs. Thom.as Hardly, ti evei.wec ahInvitatlonal former Martha Ann Harc, Eoncplel and h girls report was bornaet Tyrone, OnYt., an( a. r J 's enoyeýble da,; Vattendaci Bradley's Schccola Thee ere two lO-enci SoIî, On 11May 12, 1912, sci meonl aur gi'rls wan bath mrieiMr, Fredem-ick Georg, theîs ctal onswreaCrîhwho predeceasec irh lÉit lsday ý's wne.svrlyaseo 0-Dc,17, th& local ladies Mm1s, Cornisýh, who reýside trsli1 hiot their arnnual Christ- et RR. 2. Whitb'ýy, haciai ~ia Paty.Thist event laa-ilveci etZo. She was th ysanticiïpatci with muchl ast survivour of the l a p'ieesre bythe mmbers andi Thomas Hamrdy andi Mar, ta -real fun dy Blackburn Hardy. A house -..----wife, hem interasts centrei around lier home and laeilI Irt 1he diýO"S al! She was a member of 'North ine-ter United Churcli, Osh 2Jane St, Sumviving are two scor BoGwmanviile' Mark Hardy Cornish eti ler r, James: m n x-famihy of Sudbury, and i S Thefahowlg l anex-ney Frederick Corniel an, _earpt from YiMm, Cari Hay- family of Tyrone, and on -'nsvaledîctobry address: daughter, Mrs. Annie'IHaweý Many hrburticthaught Fairview Lodge, Whitby, fiaý,t tbeic iividuel I bits rlasition le 7z representa-. The funcral service wa tive 0Ïfth graduates Who heIci on Tuesday. Decemie ï;btailc , their senior ma- îst from the Morris Funers trîuhtin.By the came Chapel, Bowmanville., end wa i token waldé It not haP conductaci by Rev. Harr fýitting that those who oh- Meliow. Interment wes i teidncitheir junior nma, Bowmanvhlle Cemetery, 'tiulation nci proceeci ta Amnong the lovaly -fiora hufgher r ýo f educaionj tributes, evidence of thae e to have at spokeernan?, teem in which she weas held MA!ýy .Iconigratulata Mr. 1wVas -one, from the Minno ~~lYr.na,-ýn for 'his insight and Leake Lions Club, Sudbury, ~eomescon)f ils feilow Pahîbeerers were Messi, 1 xttderts fromn our four yeam Isaac Hardy, Gordon Martir -arts anci science course Arci, John Darlington, Frank Ben .1 Rsk why ot, Why not a nlett, Kenneth Bulison eti v~hed rofrm the junior Mark Crnish Jr. iyn-tricuhlation greduate, Wil 't1lese t Rnt ftepr obtein- .nhercllege degrees n iot O JU R cïnribtet teprogresOIUR àrid sfgur on f aur sýcty 1eY z tfithe came plevel hIIRS. W. B. COTTER aclee b ur ufllhversIty The death of Mrs. W, M4ay 1 ask y,,ou Mr. James Cotter, ageci 82 years, occur eboa the question why nat? reci suddeniy in Bowmanvill W'hy was;i the Junior matrîcu- on Sunday, November 22nd ;:ation gradr.uating clams omit- 1970. Eigadte o ted in ts entirety from Br nEgactef ,ypur paper of Dec. 2. Shoulci mer Florence Grace Gordo not, thase yaung peopla be ýreceiveci her eariy educatio gïven tuhe came reognîtiîon there, anci efler comingt taFechilevement as their gracie Canada attendeci schoola thiten ehowgraciuates. Roseneath, Ont.' In 1907 ci ~V~[P'uui.~w ul eeli marrieci Mr. William Bruc ira ail faimness 7that a p icture Cotter who predeceaseci h cf both gracauate casses in 1962. woufld hîave achi eviec a great- Mrs. Cotter a lied li Pr sýervice tharm did the pic- Coborne, Ont., mince 1964 ani tueshowing tliie commence- before mnoving there hact re !nerint gueste sided. et Newcastle, 0Ont. Sb Com encmen lea tîme was a member of Coiborn fcor graduates, -a1 graduates, IJaîiteci Church, and her in cd'l cen not comprehend terests centred araïunihb itijnior n.iitrîrulation famiiy andi home. reduiratr shu-A e made to Surviving are nine ch Îceel aîhsser nxp erience of en, Leslie, Harwood; An achevmet1than that of a (Mrs. John -Hayes>, Havelock ,Fnior rmatrle[tton gredu- Esthepr (Mrs. Johýn MC tiate. ek ac7k), Flushing, N.Y.; ar Sa 1 ;uJK again Mr. Kenmore, NY.; Johnj, (Cc rocms rcgiirifor ahi borne;, odnDnMi W. 1ry flot Grace (Mms. Douglas T1aylor Yo)ursý siriceT-ely, anci Viola (Mrs. Charles, Bon" Mrs. W. othwell. tien), Bowmaniville; andc EdtrsNote: We'ra ail rie (Mrs, Roland iVI!orrisor. ror il.,lbut it's a matter of Grafton. She was peee L-y ar- y. Ma- ith fe, m- )la (ls îe ial ir- rah Mr Rte uy .Id ila, te- ed- md me es, vas Der rai as rry 'n rai I, ow -s. il- id 13. r- le or- lon in to at che .nd idi Me k; r- ry, ol- Ls; LADIES' SPORTSWEÂR (Dey, 7) WiaII Level IN THE arOS- -q OSHAWA StPSN SHOPPING CENTRE a] scent to suit her ever-y mood. A gift with on aLuraOf 1IuXury for nany wvomnn isHebottled aond sealec iright in France. Naw" sh- con have arondrfu!frgrnce ta match \eery mood. Box of 15 purse size batties. Eachi a dif ferent fragronce, Jj COSMETICS, (Div. 8) Mail Level CI{ISTASPHONE HOURS: 723-11 IA,8ý0AM-,3 . 93