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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1970, p. 3

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Announces Engag ement Mre. James A. Murphy, Cherry Valley, P.E.I. h'appy te ancounce the engagement cf her youngeî daughter, Phyllie Helen le Lt. Michael Leddy,so a~~m nd Mme. Jack Leddy, Bowmanville, Ontario,.Th mrariage bto ake place ie the Church cf the Most Hol Redeemem. Charlottetown, et 3:30 p.m., Dec. 28, 1970. ( Wedding MYERS- CANNON were attired in formail eng- gowns of royal blue velv The marriage of Miss Mar- wîth fitteci bodice, loi garet Catherine Cannon, dau- sleeves and1 full skirt of pa ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard1 lime-green chiffon, W hil John Cannon of Oshawa, and, and lime-green flower tri MVr. Ross Houston Myers, sofl accenteci the neekline, sleev of Mr. and IVrs. Vincent Ross' acd bodice. Miss Kethy Myers of Bowmanville, wa, Cancon of Oshawa was floe solemnÎzed in St, Mary's of! er girl wearing a royal bl the People Church, Oshawa,1 velvet froek trimmed wî on Saturday afternoon, NO- white and lime-green flowei .vpm.ber 21, 1970 t 2 o'elock. They wore white and li Fpither IN. Gigriai offîc'iated, green flowers in their coi "rnd for the ceremocy the feurs, and the senior attei ~cuchwsenhanced by love- ants carried bouquets .1" arrangements of white and bronze single 'mums tied wi Ï- i-ize 'mumns. white velvet ribbon. TI _" iven in marriage by her flower girl carried a bouqu eI;,ther, the bride wore a for- o hte'us mal engh gwn f wite Mr. Michael Myers of Bei 'velvet wjth hîgh neckline,i manville, brother cf il -~4cg uileleves an fite groom, was best man er idc.The skirt flowed into ushering were Messrs. jei si small train, and a lily-of- and Leo Cannon of O shaýv jheF-vallpy headpieee, trim- brothers of the bride, and -jTý nied wiýtjh penis, caught ber'Stacley lack of Biner- th1ýree-tlet'rd veil. She carried Master Paul Cannon. broth ~~~~- briai ouoet .f i -ht f e bride. was ring bea- oaratînsy&iw weetheart Thle reception was held r0ses and tepan1is-te Credit Union Hall in Os * Mrs IanBarkell f Os- awa wbere the bride's moth aw asmtrncfl'honor for received wvearicg a beige f ersister, acd the brides. ted dress with brown sîe' wer Mis Jann My les cathighlighted b, er's, ster cf the groom0 o-rosger.malbonem tmanville, rsSten-leyBakadylowseter r of crftanld Ms vdThe gro0om's mothepr 'i *~~' lepre dr- s wi1,!thft'dol c2iirtsrna lie. lHer corsagýe watc s swetbeert roses. & calAs the couiple left on th, wedding tri n e taw icg a naend wbite dre THURS. ;ý FRL SAT, it hiefu--fabrie co *rfTflEP And lak atntlather a ELECL IU cessories. A corsage cf whi carnatioins and yellow swe ~ beart rosýes complemented h PORTABLE travelling ensemble. Mn. ae Mr. Mye1Výrs are residîng x1% Rq ~1294 King St. East, Osh awa 1ý i The bhride, who attended M 1 09 Christopher's and. MeLai.î Idea Chistas efi lin Collegiate, Oshawa, is e, ployed at Alger Press, '- for Mom! awa. The groom atn Central Public Stihol, B SPE-CIAL! manville, and Port Hope H1iý SehooL. He is empioyed 9 Oshawa General Hospital, .9 Out-of-town guests atun ed fromn Windsor, Oakvil Corcwall, Bancroft, and eo I manville. COMPARE AT $11,25 The bride was guest honor et several parties pri SPhone 623-5408 for ýto ber mârrni.age, Miss Joari Free Delivery Myers gave a micelianei -~ shower et the home of h, mother, Mrs. Vincent Myei Bowmanville, Mrs, Caeth Cannon and Mrs, Theresa MHARDWARE Avoy were h05tesses for 3( 36 KNG ST. E. er's home In Oshawa, -wb: was attended by relatives : 99BWMANVILLE the bride' Mrs. Anna McCammond e Sîee 0Our Large Selection Mrs, Cerman Patraboy, of Cristas Gfts Oshawa held a licen shoôw of Chrstmas ifts et the latter's home when c ~ Jworkers of thýe birde wei ~ present. Mrs. Bernice Rous 3<UT 'N XURL BEAUTY SHOP for exer airstyllng by Violet - Joan -Sue LÏinda l and Carol in a frîendi,ýs atmosphere FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 6231501q pa KiiNG sr. E. BOWM ANVILLE Mrs, erald Cassidly and Mrs e e ty Ae 1 B le il KENDAL 1The Canadian 'Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec, 9, 1979,3 pensosi 4ýwer et Mrs. Rome's orne unOshawaMn, Douglas Menen spent** 4 J MM0, iao f s- ~he weekend wutb bis cousins.aIU P ItaI a aw Wi ho teisfor aàmis , in Toronto. murm e. iuwu uUIUI MmLU eiiious hwer helId et ber i u'Mn. and Mrs. Jack Fonký home ~and tiheir sons spent the f A " ' ao ,ill sowe ii weekend wîth bis folk et f was g1iu n honon of the 0 S ridïe id groocm by fiende Thfs Orangemeni held thevr ' e k n ~ a aa a u t 1,tehome of Mrs. Vineent cr et i h al ndv* ii'iifi nigt inrs r. W all Bughe 7rBowmaenviile, wben Aýalc Buhn the couple wes pnesentd~t o tbedbigb men, Thet10w Durham Club Meti gq wîth an, oven broiler and a -Id 4hws tebigh ayn. Fre A- U IL cheque,. 1Žu Iomen's pnî.ze went to Edgar JWilson and tbe low man Mell bY Aleen Aked rooted ln Canadien life, 'Dr, was a1 lovely old staircase witl' Wilson. Elswrtb Caswell wam A most 'înteresMnuteeig mor nese.tsths bt 2 i e-i o aedtreadwonb Suleiutte lucky irione f the 5050wsbdbyTrn' D- million .people mtr b ave tbe feet of thlose seeking g- 4Vda.The neýxt card pantylhem County Clubon Friday, money anid resources toe de- knowý,ledge for oven 100 yeans. wil b te lthcfDecmbr.Nov. p7 t thle Education veloP sndfoush i15Hw comfortablc ;t -was tco a h mJT.A ietn ws Cnre oleeand MCalPresident Jolin F. eund àowithoot-e,,o hs hel jeth seoolTusda Ss~,thelet metig f 170saidi abouti our two countnees: wbo bad gone before rather 1l1ewelattenided bazean "h'i'.evenio D1e. cmberl sday Tshe rogramcnee n. 1 Th0twhich nature bas joined than bc a pioncer. Dr. Mutcb- hel jo te Cetholie Womee's hel tI, . Thual eynsJ. Henderson, arrengedth together ILlotn'man put mon, trod these stepe of Uni- Leaue St. Joseph's Church~ gaditeue h asundn."Inte.rnational co- versity College. On.tbem euî.t 'îrnon - idey evenîng, n i fie enie et same exee,ýpt for e new food speaker, the Very e. .R Ioversies can become bitter hung -a large portrait of Prof,. Noisbr 01,we ms sc-'coveo, Mrs, Anc Cooper. Mutchmor, D.D., LL.D., well and unyîelding; Pope John Squah-, head of the French ceseul.TLu xaety of et- TeyaePesMs.LCa-knnasMdrorcth brought in e new climate Bus- Dept. and an early supporter tseiey erangeý,d booths :2z. cart. Vice Pres, Mrs, L. Bren- United Church of Canada mness men are demanding a, of the Durhamn Counfy, Club. j h otusfu.dde-cora- ' 'i ni, Secretary Mrs., L. Den- 1962-64, a native of Manitou,- necessarySuniday day of rest Apprciatonwas?ý,expresscd dne'svnd wbosscrvcdrin W rld olýand selling, Alanger by M. Lloyd Pwho k said mayIs'spresent.Uginig a 'me"droMs rna oe a Ie iyRde asurof integriîy- and cemn- a d Mr, Brnna movd Wr I t Viy Rdge;wasas ancw member liec was sure toChism as tenomete d I- n it i thet the P.T.Aý form a nomi-1 Chairmen of Chaplain Servicesmohestisndd nurpscbytewdrulpa- Lue tolu n wset ansforedthe . nation committee who will cf World War II; his "Me- sceyueecyetisr rs and the quali'ty of the a beau tîful settiuig for the ~~~~~present the siete cf officersi moins" publîshed by R yersonaneicbsleaayndm-metgsotnebyuha lY haa ar. fomtheeictinsc De, 171.Prea i 195; TVperan È -used - casier to collect for salgop h oilhu winre:' ol -TemaIdewt u Final arrangements w e re ality; neted for bis long and notbn hntkwr;mr as in charge'cf IVrs B. L- - wer e. S 00c B, Tom Cas-madfr b'î Penny Sale, faitbful service te im novethe work and te witness these Snell and Group 2 Mirs. L, c nte,16 Liberty S S. Shown in the photo above arec n j rs'h ,,. r on e u-ltc mnid Hssubjeet things face te face is.necessary. Peacck, and PMrs, E. V. Poi-~ Tenene uSe.ominonwhMwr . u nitdinmr- c bae e qantt areg gtepr ot of "Sankidarsi, oe's HMthno cue ith adpc e n cfeN and .L hs a$10t o a u wsDMtcmrcnhae vt00, Mrs, A. Wite, 42 Trec uk olno hyUie nmr SadrsI c t ýstory:In the HighIandsý r ordta n ofe,-Z Sîirron Ave. nage October 10, 1970, by Re- Warrbcksforthesehol. ey ciny.of Scotland, Donald was seen Dcmbn 0, nen raws-ulted i n the I y oay hrhBl ev.e, aTmin iantmnconsIst of novels, library, "Toronto hasbeen called the le tihe àght puttig sscep 's Io'1lloo-n, winoens. Christmas Rsr hnh elvle r.Tmisni h math tests, and the Naturel most affluent city le the world, thruhte nglasour'fenc no'. .Vies 5fi5 131 former Elaine Shirley Golden, daughter cf MnT. and History cf Canada. Arrange- J(rich, weaithy, ahourndiugign10wbere thîe grazinrg was better. - ow Avc£a]Dctbe ILshnruy SaSnta!s Boot, Eî- -Mrs,-Josepli Golden, -Cennif ton, Ontario, and Mr. Tom- ments were made for the goods). Our- standards- were- Brougiît-te t-ask hy the-Min,-' e1L ns Orehardview; linson is the son cf Mr. and 1\I-.Wila .Týom1ins.'n, P.T.A. te supply candy fori founded on a pioncer society- ister wh'o esked: "Wbat would for G1u ngteDo1i's Name (Me- OnonoinsWlla A. " m the Christmas concert x hicb 10 large capitais net fan from you think will happen te you g ~ - tîla) Ms.Angele Hoilen, _______________________ will be held Dec, 17 et -8 p.m. the bush. John Gaibrait's on judgement day?" Donald .estive Secson lsewtnvll On Thursday, Dec. 3rd, Miss book 'The Affluent Society, replied: "If 1 tbeugbt I Rec ntl t4aried inOsh vva eutnalel and Miss Hughdie forecasts the land will be ccv- wouîdn't have te, accounit until At Your Door LONG SÀTJLT shi Os awa atep et a Pnimery' Work- ered by roads - toc much~ ce- then, I'd have put tise cow in P l\Ir sd Mns.P. MeCrmiekwas gîven about activities et1cens froun carbon dioxide. Thîs e"- - Mi,ý P MeormckSummer school. Plans were year is the 350tb annivcrsary Mr. Henderson said as a 10', At Youtr Store gth Courtîce , ncd Mrs. Gaba- b vet irie! Roves and Mn. and Mrs, -md o tofnhrmeet o -teancuîng cf the pilgrîms years' retired ucacuuer cf Oak- ing orn knatnddte in'gs le the new year. Con- on Cape Ced and tbc 300th wood Collegiate I., he was )aiel benit dance in PontypoolJ M~ tinucus progrees, testing, and Anvrayc b usntnle ybcmsclpo te or tin aîd Ms Ady utc -,. idivduaizauon an ' ieBay Co., expansion Into the gress being made there end min- t t for Ld rs, ndy utei Itbemetuic appoand t heh-wilderness continues tbrcugh troduced Miss Averil Specce, 'JO Jr,!tra uh q n eesm fbct'iFrobisher Bay. As Moderaten President cf the Symphony cas Ms.Me Johns, SuesetI.j: I travclled 70,000 miles *le Orchestra cf Oakwood C.. Jos LegeBiave, Mn. and discussed. Cnd. Mrs LT BaerAs soon as more snow cameCOunadat Tec" native, cf Jameica fuil cf )w-î adgisLaodtrdy b1fik Ou r saclcty Ile sta Tc-musical rhythm. Miss Spence lui' Mr. n.d ed Mis.,Bruce Baker o audyt1 ok o -4d 0h ,Mrnd their snowmcbileýs eut andnoelogical Society, ccntinucd played On lber flube oce j itl an Pa, Ohaw, ad wnt or ide Sudayeftr-Dr. Mutchunor (wbcisc kncw- Claude Debuýssy's- compositions àe 7,aek1tek, Mi and Mi, liniowa rti unday nie-ledge deals with inidustriel arts. fiiled wibh birds-' sangs. Mis Mr. and Mrs, Joli The ~~~~~Ford plant is neapeVlreWesý it uif- Baiser ana boys wene SundayJ - - -' e - for riding, lb was cold but bthe sa xml aei ek a nrdcd boyprgues 0f Mn. ccd Msl- V -snws eypesn esc of a machine conbreliing se- another 15 year aid ebudent cf G Ber eeîebato Mr s. Andnjoyale evening s.cîeby. Secondiy ib is a Massive from Oakwood, who made bbc G. Bkerceleratng M :ý:: ". ocity - U.S.A. and Russia grand piano, sing wth Scbu-, îth Jolies' bm onbrid.yls. prx arc betb massive societies and benb's "Nocturne", Bobis girls -o Mr. Mis, B. Kokenj -'" ou nFsa et prx China le lime will become played a duet on bbc flubes set and famei:, Mr. John Bieicsik, i. ~ metely about 50 people satet h aeo h yro n ina dlýfl feo Toono - eSndy ust down te a sumptucus cc heslbufbfeten n iao n dl fl f m-A dcc0uLs )w o r.and wsre uPet e E-- r- cinnr-oiddbt a 1a-Pross and the European Com- iens - a, very professional and NnAehleDhk teý Mn. ced. wABnOs-as' 1otdvait f ailknacf- largen, weelbhier secieby; big- teenagers wbo cbeuld go fan hoil Nes, awe rs. Wednesdayaffe- 1, 4 t ooFrtemde u fger and bigger corperatiens musicaiiy. Im a 51'. eWeniayat-,fo, o hemdstsmo devclap. Thirdly lb Is a Wcl- The Prcsident's remnanks had voon gue. ts of Mns. Sophie . ' * -- ' fmycetweeaid$2. fane Society - Lard Bevcnldge's a special welcome fer Mrs, A. K ovaes and Wednesday everi- - . iFclaowing bbc dinner wc wene rpr formed bbe basic of te- A. Metie and Mrs. E. V. Heer, iftng guests cf Mr. ccd Mrs. G. - elgte e ae n an wer t te a Communistic Bcwmenville, beth attcndlngel% ~er Kceae aedpunis.Mrs, C. M. Joncs cf Newton- ~ j<r 73eS and girls. '~"~i4$ ~-vlewt sM.Jns~ Jsocsety, bbc cbrong bear bbc the meeting. Miss Akcd tbld 0-V 1r n r.F .Smiuth;,vllewit us MrJ-,s sow-burdens cf bhc week, cuch as cf e necent waiking tour a r aI Bc v 'ne ii", weîe Sundc ~. p'. ~ -, d a .number cf pîctures Medicare; ,minnyarhnd-rud bb Unvniyc ce rgvisInsatte Smîth 'are handwbichuho thed taken et bbc ,sý hoe.h.i-- - Ceneia l e Jn Mtnycapped, comnsby ege or pcv- Teronto conducted by Prof. Cetenil n un, .n erby; we arc geographlcally Aclend, President Architectur- Poe6354 cefit-~~ >'5i peeeesoe cnes thek- handicapped - many, live a ai Coniservancy cf Ontaneo.b 99 Ring 'SC.W, V-Týff - , ~e" e a etanv om ianRemeun- bhundred miles or more froun a was alsc archiýtet fer Darlîn--1. a ~~~~~ ~~ ~e batnce Day bisisearnere-doctor. or hospitai. Feurbhly to-PrkCenniligbus.BYRTR (1î~Il CW. uît wii hid -l"~ ~"~-'~-~ 'were aleccorne ald cnres tek- wy angEquirysodeby- i- lsbd a Uioni' elee CHIRISTMAS TREES - s~r su metin et-- . c cfbbc ' f bc wys eyig fr cmeblngOCbLîle n,185i9 whicb once bous- Pr' ofîi r Cr burnîng of bhitme, nover really cwnicg a cd thie entiro Universiby; btnc Ihi' chu 'ce1'huîîdsy, Dc. 10. .~ ~churcb, and aIse of bbcenec- caroreu.Ffbyiisa l~aevî i ç 5 uain c d Mn.~ - .~., -l ~ ~ don f he preent churc, A dcio S cey cc Ia Mn Jncs isesbawd urelies on ceunfont chemnicals, Merenii H piai Bet wsh- - '- .-ecece rou thirvieiltet doesca'b like pain, le bebituatcd -k- ltoMcdseraIe atintsim ' -Japan lest yea n wWcsew aed nccl wanbicg poiiin. ow s fr aspedy esoery -' Marty views cf Expo 70. Later Sixbbiy, lb is a Thermo-nuclear ,,,;. u-dysupngusec Mrs. 1 H-awîiî wherc we saw bbc blown te 'bits ln seconds; cd~.C.Scede sî M.Bob homes of bbe poor, aIso beau- Canada le midway, between esi MnDoul em &oced,J J ', 'tîful aparbmeet buildings and U.S.A. and Russie as le a sand- 7es panke. We did eppreciate Mn, wicb; bbc positive side te nu- uallari lieu-uîinddfthAgnu- - andMne. Joncs ccmîeg at tire- dean power will meke a new llI TE eeeato of Agricul-- ast minute 10 share their Italy, change sait water inb lI br cnention lei Toronto u jT wonderful piclure witb us. frcsh, make desonts blcoom, and HIRE FOR THAT les wek. -m ~The young folle are very yeb bbc fear cf being made inte lianMer M. a ButîEry busy practising for bbc Christ-duet persiste, xd,,el -Pewekend wîth bern mes concert that tli-v are We are a Traditional SocietyH PY u.trMn dMs.Wiilerd . getting p We will ail have and because w . bad ail this, lb HOLIA. - New to e redy t goeut and bnings a feeling - tise sense cf ' Yens. J - *linbtharchurcis,,guilt; an Incer-dirccted Se- L apte Geva, wre eent M BiePeggy Fosten and cicby because disons arc net soLO K ,. / Mrci eMs re Sevens, BnMise Geach are et bthe ed fentunate bninge almeet a senseq vsicswLh Mn, and Mrs, E., cf il. cf shame; today's other direct- ladT~s aid Wîbu Bîck Mn. and Mme. Rs oso ynsoni h The U.C.W. meeting was cd socioby le a permissive one - w-lu ostnMes soni h held et thse banceOcf Mrs. Reg do wbeî wc like - think wbet 7rh boeaadn ncd Mrs eboJve photo chose Satýurday afternoon, Novemben 21, Elîlott with Mme. T. Stevens wo like, The negative side of LIONS CLUBr CHRISTMVASTREY OL etGi, l Shia 6etwcre SaG 190- e1 Wo o'clock fer their mariege in St. Many's pnesiding. The sbary cf Christ- a permissive. socieby je enxicby IA EEBR11,17 ureysupo uests c n.-f h PoleC -ch, (O)sbewa. The bride le the former masa' ra ndMs Se we are idden pretty bard FRA,,D ETI F 1t 9Q nd- ce 'Ms-- lekbre MssMrgaret Cathenine Cannon, daughben cf Mn, and yn omce ni t. gie ba large measure of anxiety Mi.eo Weish wcs hostese neminating cemmibîce namcd fron wibbic. Tise tragie eveebe eu)Wu-y tnohoraMe oam onCnonc saaadtebi e Iesamne officers as were in cf Messrs. Cross and Laporte bai-vshcwe for Mrs. Tony groom is theî son cf AMnI, and1 Mrs. Vincent Rose Myene for lest yeen Tbey agreed te climaxed' Ibis feeling cf OMNI L of 1 oly castle. cf bolmanviile, stay for enother yer, Plans ýanxieby. Prime,,Min i ser or -~-------------------------.-..-.weemade for the Pot Luck Trudeau surnounded by plain- une UTTt7ADTUITTTTr gsupper for Friday evenicg. clethes mon kcked off bcC E N R sus ± iiiVjijiIN Gifle were turned le bo go to Gnev Cup. Canadieins were ý8 IGS. .6352 ian Chur. s vîa wnahei jf ,Ç ,fç fl ~Il'ffI t he Golden Plow Lodge 'in nrunning scared, ns et 14arn he S nday Seoci W ~ ~I5555 Cbourg for Christmas, Mne. Terme of a massive soet N «W y, Sit uecg bcd er bsemnt sem eIditaà u re wll11l ecialize La1d'-iL bul- bplat. n. . W-il ô eai a Cy mze coresandncecousethe purchase of one of our rqde lcefon tise W- 22heurs ski lessons ithat bey didei't know about, tI men Day cd c cnîcetwce ad ail the lift rides wilf1tsered. rec [in F Weeerplye ~ wentMn Terry Hewkins, Co-ord- seaCn.Tma icsmlnc Guidance Services I ~~lj MnpHaribsncme home startfing e 10,0 frtise Nerbumberlend iand PilaI ee fon Tnotoios- he 0%pîs txe Drb, Caunty Board ücf la piaNMs . htes1 g caqia()n, cmnbnl7 ed fbist , b enseghomeson rs-)dtolDICUN T the umber cf Ibousewix,ve wio bni ht n R Svnyl l' K CU tei duaile surning Z)y1 W ATîCHES by Bulovoi hosita s Oisaw. onr tetrGROPSlteking K Valved at $49M5 or -mon-rle k B a course fr ise menta tm-~MDLNt 49Ml3 osvmnvile osptal iseet anyare lbeestd -dgaýie Pr1! Th se som rel. rpamto fr en il i. llemîncue w etiiascpmA R S J Il r 1î quelon Wdnesi y ifnielcidnabl lime ad monc!ccc Ci- 31 KING SI, W, BOWMANVILLE 7 Si t TrceMr P Wodcx Tl.81-45-71 aut counllr b efore eon- -VENNG -. ei-e Wnday ven1g, _______a____rcureby6BU LOVAOPN E N NG TL9pm Pairyboe. or Mss end rollcgle n edcabona

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