TUNIOR TOWN LEAG-UE TNIG asof Dec. 13;th, 1970 by Alan Cole iÇen's_ _ _ _- 9 4 4 1 TOP 10 SCOR> as of Dec, 13, nM. uihn, NIlos T, Wo Ber icls L BHeialles . RAlder, Bis --------_-- ~ERS 1970 GP 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 7 7 9 9 Gýoaltenders Averages as of Team GP eep, Legion 9 Pts. 13 9 8 6 Pts. 23 17 15 15 15 14 13 il il 10 10 De.1, 1970 CF GAAvg, 32~ 3.5 Tyke Ail Stars Beat Newcastle 1 at thIýe Memoral Aren. obrWalave opened the, scorng itha ssi st f rom Stan Greenham. 011Robert Deboo! mnade the scorE,2-0 hebh sýcored a goalt h nassitgo - igto Brooke Bain and Kentý I hree Teaims Tied Jin Town League Baskefball Loop A% three-way tie for jfirtlin the first quai'ter and ilu-!rat pîcked up 21 and Kev-,in place was crated in the jMPenn crA their advan ta ge the Forret rminded nutL the Fuel's Ton asketball League lastrest af fthe -way ita wln rathe-r tOtal wvith th!ree, Tu -dyiighýt at the igh eaily School gymnasim. IHo'oper's "Joje" urwgess led theJee- ea tadig Jewellers, in the leaguebaelrs it a fine 16point er- IV L F A pIs. ment. claîmed this second vc-1orLm)nrp , closels Coii-i,, zone 'J' BantamToraen ment mwas ld i]RcLiberty BowlNe 'vll-1 On Sunday, ecý , àthwi 12 Thýe girls and boys teami - froma Lakevlew wvon bath sec- IThusayDecembher 1) tions, tegirls rAverages 2695 and t1he boys 2708. ln DrsTmkn 0 wlth th r)Viin second spot !or the girls were ai MC on20 Chemýton-g Lantes ind Baýwman'1- Marlenie Staey ,,ý1 .93 Ville for teboys:ý, High triples of 900 for the p.Oyce nstae boys were Ter,.ry Gallagher Dorothy Stark, 191 the Novice "F's" by a1 4-1 637, Garry Coomrbes, 631, Bih lalMaan 7 score, The- Canadians' goals Jlohuston 639, Garry H4achiue Gr aro ~179 wer scredby Honnie Jukie, 1620 and WFarren Gordane* Mre rm'7 Peter Willoughby, Fred Wînd,1601. . ernice Hienderson ~ 173 one goal aila one assist and Bil îohinston bowlIed a bîig DlrsWle-----6 Gord MacNab One goal whileI310 for the Ihigh single. Hiigh Coren arcard --- 16 James Pocock, Ray Dallas and triple for the girls goe ýtaOlie, edesn - Todd Wlo each had anc Sherry Guse wlth 574 and the Jean Pallard 1 65r assist. The NIovice "B '" gol high cingle was Elaine Hanui Pansy Johnson - .~ 165 was scored by Kenny Cowew,238. aie abe--5 BATA LA'EDale Coran - - ----- 1355 ln the first game the Braves seldorp tied the score,.dYPeg ilsn152 defeated the Pee Wee "B's" by' Visser eArnipg the assiet. T>ný P7atMisn10 a 2-1 score. The Braves' goals Movers got the go-ahead gol hirleyMatl15 were scored by Tim Jozkoski by Dan Farrow, Wayne White-- Pat Hiedgýes --- 147 and Mark Chisholm wl/le man and Peter, Nemiez get- SuanMaekie* A37 COUNTY Chrysler-Dodge Ltd. PHONE 623-2586 219 KING ST. E., _____BOWMVANVILLE ORONO FUEL & LUMBER Ltd. PHONE 983-9167 STATION ST. . 1R.R. 2 ODNTARNO SPORTS PHONE 983-5444 DAVIS MARINE PHFO0NE 7 28 - 5681l 617 RING S1T. E. ORONO ORONO ISHAWA FountI! ain aSIsted by Rick Vilsn -- 1 0 Scoit, Rick aesasitdby 650 Triples P;rî Ferry 3 - Bowmanvijle I. 801, G. Wilcox 770, Bob Rich-ý Thursday evenini.u'n (ronai ards 7 _NT . W o 754, Macl Arena, Pee Wee B teams from Richards 7i53, L. Sinale 751, Port Perry and Bowmanville D. Zealand 751, T. Bagnel 739, played good fast exciîîng E Brock 732, H. Brock 718, hockey with Bowmanville on D. Bradley 703, H. Moore 701, the short end of a 3-1 final F. Bradley 687, R. Selleck score. 665, H. Bennett 665, D. Bag- Mîke Gosick played out- neIl 656, Marilyn Richards 654. standing goal for Bowman-, 250 and Over Games: ville for two periods at which M. Wilcox 254, 266, D. Brad- time the score was 1-0 for the ley 325, L. Smale 315, T. Bug-. local Septics. Jerry Leddy, nedd 252, Mac Richards 36 assisted by Steven How-ard, E. Brock 272, Hl. Moore 265, was the loue scorer for Bow- D. Reynolds 316, 339,, Marilyn manville. In the third pe-riod Richards 277, G. Wilcox 301, Bowmanville changed goaFlies D, Zealand 253,,265, H. Brock aud Port Perry- came ta life, 272, D. Bagneli 265,' B.'Lux- firing in threc goals ln rapid ton 265, O. Etcher 273, 291, succession. Port Perry's goa1lie F. Bradley 277, K. Kennedyl played an outstanding game 2ý50, L, Coombes 251, B. Rich- between the pipes ards 262, 307, wi)( uavalabie 1f r entIs-n goal anianc assiet, Trent Ms a daily or hourly basis. 10esacgalwieDnl A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tr lagoudo ktigae as ndgWaynie Dnalhd' wil be ff2constructed lu .thje pad- Cancasîp UchTh2Bades' dock, an-1d two of the mn wigas wre scoredi by Terry his lu he Park have beenf Sarginson and Wayne Holroyd i designated for tobogganiig;.,while Joei Reynolds and Rab' Heated warmup and chatigelBryson had one assist. areas will also be prarvided, 1,ui the second game the Leafs and the paddock restaurant idcfeated the Rangers by a 6-3 will provide hot meals throughlcount. The Leafs' goals wereý out the dlay. scored by Danny Pascoe, oneý 72 Kî "WVe're giving serious con- goal and two assiets, Jimmy, sideration ta rnstalling a f am- MacGuire and John Semplon-, ily type ski bill at Mosport as ius one goal and two assiste, well," says Harvey Hudes, the Scott Jackson and Darrell Park's Geucral Manager. Knox, anc goal each, Jim Sar- "There are a couple of good ginson anc goal and oneasit hills in the south end of the The Rangers' goals wcre scar- Park, but wc won't he able ta1 cd by Dave Down with twoý do anything xvth them thie and Dave Browr- one, -,hîI1- year." ITony Williams, John Lab~ Daily admission at Mosport and Allisan Erwin had ance4 this winter will be only $1 forIsiet each. adulte, with children tinder 121 i lu u e of Sat.,I dj admîttcd frc;, 121h lhl Canad!an3 defe at.j If LYHI Start5 1:30 p,M. BIL'SIILIRD ing St. FE, Bowmativll, WINNER * RU NNER - UP $1)00ý ENTRY FEE - $ï.00 Spaicious 5Balconly for Spectators c 1