HeIpArmTy Spread Chefer Af ter an cill-.night 'barginring etn of the union memrbers session,tettvagemn was Thurdatrnoon civto ratif y the recçcheDd at 1: 15 p.m. to--day by negqo- agreemii-nt that Could end the three- tiators for General otr of Canrada Tmonth ioid strike. and the United, Aut[o'Workers. Asokma for Genecral Mot- In Oshawa, there wl be ci ors was reached at the Rloyal 'York today, when he told TheSttema thcat if thie agroteent is ratfdter ievery reason oblev h l wili bLe back to woirk in iet VOLUME 116 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBSER 16, 1970 15#Per Copy NUMBER 50 Do Hunidreds of Dollars Damage Sn-owmobiîle Operators Destroy Young Cuttings On-BroolkdaàlePPropetrty KnxHenry of Brookdale Th7le sniowmobile enthusiasts jý"swav Nursery thîin k s_ rgrn-ped ail over the Brookdale, snowmiobiles are great fun.. property w vere, beneath tat * xmly- those -t n Fe ralil -ie-fý& o - nw- G-tng DarlîingtonMani Wins Lions, CIubs New VegaSedan