--ThL-Canadi-n-Siatesman, Bowmanville-lec; 18, 1970- - Two False Alarms at Arenc DuringHallowe'en Night Raiste Question of Paym eni Raisle Funds (FROM RAGE ONE) get, almost fwo-thirds ia rais- ed oach yenr tbrougb endow- monts, donations and the Chrisfmnas appoal. Mr. Beers asaured the cînss that every penny counts in the fight te Iid cures for auch dreaded dîsenses as cysfic- flb- rosis and leukenija. The Hoas- pital ia world-famous for the advancernenfs if bas made lu the care and treatment af sick rblidren Up to the ageofa 19. Operating on an annual bud- get af $30 million, if provides 240,000 bed/day, cares each year. The hospif ai bas a pat- ient capacity af 800 children and a staff af more than 3000. The average patient stny la about eigt days, only a little above that. for Bowmanvîlle's M.ýemorial Hospital (7.6 days). The occupancy rate is about 86%. Tho costf of caring for ano paiet asanppraximafoly $100 n day. a figure almoat three times bhigher than at Mewtorial. But, sînce the ad- dition of a new wing af Sck Childre's, the rate bas drap- pea ta about $86, The hospital ia famous for its heart surgery. Recently, if made the headlines in succeas- fully carrying ouf a difficult apen heart operation involving the removal af a tumour from a yaung lad's left ventricle. And if you have evor won- dered where pablum was dev- eloped, wonder no more - if was at Sick Children's. 1The cbldren af Mr. Brry's clasa really picked. a winner.1 The PETERBOROUGH- VICTORIA- NORTHUM13ERLAND & DURHIAM COUNTYt ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Rids wi eacceptai! ioT SURPLUS'SOHOOL S located la nt.e Village of Newtonville known as Lot 8, Cou. 2, Township of Clarke Bld Forma may be secured by contating th 'etrbr ongh Victoria - Northum- berland and Durham County Romran Catholic Sparate Sehool Boaxrd - Attention: Purehasing Officer, 200 Simcoe -Street, Peterborough. Rida wll be receîved untl December 30, 1970. For further information, please telephone: (705) 743-4,861 Hlghest -or any bl-id not necessarily aepe G. B. Rickey, Business Adniiinltratorii Who la responsible for pay- been set off there during Ha Ing forfalse alarma, The oc- low'en night. cupier of the building In which IHowever, Council turned the alarm ia situated?' Or down.. Their reaisoing,: i should it be shared by ail the outside alarm box was tied: benefactors of the lire alarm with the Arena's sprinkl sytemn? Or why net make the systemn thereby making It< town wholly responsible? integral part of the fire pr hapenaif he iretection to the building. 71 What apnifte1fr alarm box was also placed ou alarmn la situated outside the ad h uliga h r building and Is therefore of Committee's owýn'request ai somne benefit to residents liv-e ing~~~~~ nery h hslai-xpense. Ing earb? Wo ha liail- The Committee had alsor ity in the event of a false< quested In Its petition that t] alarm? outside fire alarm box ber The Bowmanville Recreation stored. Trhe box had beý Committee brought the mat- taken out and piaced inside t] ter before Council on Decem- Arena, in the furnace room,1 ber fth, The Committee ap- the Pire Chief early In Nover peared W e oarguing on a point ber, that as they were nt the sole If they realize theya benefactors of their outside hable for any false alarms fire alarmn box, they should flot IgrnatIng front the Arena,1 have been assessed the $84 bill ide or, out, the Commnittee m which was being charged well think twlce before, after two false alarmis bad storing -,the outside box. Ro--tary Pre--sident's Comment on E vents Beomo Prealdeni t, I lathe -- quickesf way ta becomre past- capntiess dalla. president. Lynda McRobbie, chairn lie was being facetiaus af 9J the club's Christimas pi course, but when AI Wfhor- jeet cammittee, preseufOd1 spoon spoke ta bis fellow Ro- giffa last Friday ta Capfý tarians lat Thursday, rellvlng Len Frmoa the Bowmanvi the year o.f is presidency çf Salvation Army, while berç the cub (1967-68) ho was Todd McRobbio, age four,a poinflng ouf that_ the trials Sherry Chipman, age- thi and tribulations aI the execu- daughter aIf Kinette presidi five post are aten mare than Barbara Chi-pman, bave a fli one might expecf., 1 test ride on twa af the kidd If la a demancling job,, af bikes. fîmres thankiesa, but always , Nnw Captain Froat bas1 rewardlng, ho lnferred. job aI disbuirsing ftho giff s Mr. Witherspoou, wa§ one needy famîlies in the area. of four past preaidenits of the Wich îa enougb fa w& Bawmanvilie Roary Club Wha the cockies in any Sai spoke about the evonts af bis Claus's beart.. 1 1 yoar In office - recaling the And the children's fao, bumnorous incidenta . . . and fbey open ýtheir presents the disanaraus rons toC. Christmas morning. The othors wbo spake ln- cluded, Keitb Billetf (1962- 63), Ted Mann (1963-64), and' Bob Stevens (1965-66). Accident Kinettes a oudU 7 (FROM PAGE ONE) t Sinco last Wednesday ne wrapped and each designted teh Newcastle detachmenf on a small tag on the O nt tario Provincial Pol oast wmalt ageo the respent had invesigatedi 20 vehi sta what age thrpet accidents. Many were mi shoud h an whf br i but thore were fwo wl should izon te a girl or a boy., , .-- -- The gift s are for cbildren *befween teae Iof 0 aI about 16. There are literally bundreds af presonts, mute testimany to the work and effort t'he 31 active and five honrary mom- bers af the womon's club have put int o their annual Christ. mas prai oct, There are foddler quadra- cycles, a madol howitzer,a nuniber af hockey sticks and manyï, rmany jig-saw puzzles. There are numeous games and DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS '&uSELLS Cbartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES OSHAWA SflOPPING CENTRE OSHIAWA PARTNER.S: GORDON W. RIEUL, F.C.AI RL.A' BURTJR. WATERS, CA. PHONE 728-7527 Town of Bowman, TU Notice îs hereby given that the Council of the - has, -rC'soved that the Municipal Office will be Deçember 28th, 1970, a-% A holidayf in lieu n pitalization. Ait hough l ronds have been suow cavei and slippery the pasf we .s matoriats, according ta an 0' ospokesman, have shown a gc 1 adaptation ta' wintor dri -techniques. e A two..ear collision ou lii way 115 rnorfh aof Enterpr Hiil involved two pedèstrL ha who ro standing besîde1 rond wbere the accident, curred. One of the pedestria Roy McCabe, age 64, was'tal fa bospital in Toi-auto w~ Iundeferminod 'injuries.1 9ther pedestrian, whose na ïg m ' -nn. a,, k two-days-kteri-.The driver-D - IL -U-T 17RA v the other car was 'Barry Row I -um-A R u&r1Dapkgo-Bw X"&i botham of St. Catharines. I ville Fire Departmnent basa r i y 7 M e t0 1 'Damge-ý vere$200 tothé SYDiEY ENýON ýegiii ranc hed aservice new permanent volunteer. e f Rowbothaým, car, and $650to M uch Beloved t, 730 p.rmi Wednesday. He Is Graydon cike A son of the late Williaml Brown. Council approveC o IRogers car. T m The the majr acidets One of Bowmanville's mosti John Venton and Mary Bickle,ý the appointment' last wee 1I pr s ou i which have occurred the past h1hyraetd îîes y the deceased was born in after it was notified Mr. week are listed below. O ney Venton died suddenly, Devonshire,. England, Dec. 24, Brown haît successftllIy rom- souceths ee wa Ona ur saDc 8, 1970, as th"e 1887 ard spent bis formafive1 pleted Jis sl, c montha' pro- F r A I rrne C ost K.o Laonce t he Nwek w castlt result of a heart attack while years c;lose to the soul. AtI bation perlod. K ao ofteNwateon bis way ta the downtawn [the age of 20 hie enlisted in ______ _-O Ocoe 2,190 teithtf u0fhse. area from bis home at 'igthe famed Coldstreamn Guards MrwodNrsn om e sses are ,e f ccdnal Russell Best of R., R. 1,1 Division St. He was In his' Regimient and served for E ~ D ' ceived a bill from the town or eiraly the occupiers Er H natheon ea w aa knvolved A formr ear mmbr h threle years. l~ ** M office. The amnount - $48.00. of the buiilding will be charg- Haminthen , wl-knofarm A or er ro te Arriving In Canada 'ln,1911 Teep1ain-f oere ihtecss a n in vehicle accident with'Oshawa Police Departmient, Mr.doý faTeeplnto ocvre it ip ot fRý a-William Harris of TR. R. 1, En- Mr. Venton served as chief 0 n Vntnwreoa!am1 fl5 . u M costs af an accidentai firese alairmi." ît iaklln, n ridy atatpolce iiBowanlll îom oths area, but when the W MMîM alarm signal ruug in from the M1\,r. oauctcddta about 10:20 & monon Solia pl c ri 1928 f0 M a a t, 19f 7. Fiirt V World W ar broke ou f he < RO AG O EM arnw pod H om e on O ctobe r the 1e- or s e _ hcd p ra Rh aodut 0o2rth on Scdina. A pastpre998nt o f V1,iIte 19" 2wasrecahird to England ta lOfh. graph were "ilbe" andc 1er Doadmes we f Jr $40 av eien tSou thAssocia-rejoin his regiment. Affer a fred Repot, publishledaftei JW Cobban, manager of that this imust imply that on ata the riost and Harris vehiclesý tion, hie was active in mnany 1,en tFrancei and was tak-!w e srs cîtie iieec for: the bome, was upset. He had andatrNimbr9h 90 ro- epcie. NO înjuries were of the townaq cormtunity pro- ei prisoner Oct. 29, 1914 dur- ýaceelerated1 growvth ini theineyer heard of such a policy. such castý is l he exacted H; rh reportedi. jects. ig1e1tBtî f ~ eaenrein IMfo He said he was not macle aware reAsourd that be mwas being ut- Tw lca bosAlanFln-: The fpneral service, at.i uhfdfrteMus "nae anfgo n there would bc one when hie charged retroact.ivehy. enatof ad ÉobrtBothwell,. ss-which full honora were ac- Star before bis capture. leas there are jobs available, lhooked Into the lire alarm ' Af a recent meetinge couricil anda toi nd Rort system last spring.y embrsofdisrit &And so ho deait with the comrplaint. <nd~~~~~t taied fouorrnjuies n n nrde bymembrs a disric single car crash on Highway police forces, was behd at 2 Duigtefu er ndh esnd)AdIdnt wrtem f0 the Tng Cek.W r otlwes"sl re- To wes of Bwmanie at p.m., Tbursday, Dec. moISi, a ître onfhs hie was a pris- mean More Of the same in Joseph MTVcIlroy, ta brlng the Coun. Hoopeaglg ta Iheabot :23arn o Saurdy.the Northcuft Elliott Fu-nerali oner of wvar, Mr. Veto-n work- 0Of jobs 1 . I ean ivrtymatc up in the council iVr obnwsi ai'sL t- the- abeither:2equired osptaia-Hoe. ntrmu a ;lued in a coal mine anid'on farmsa . . . sUCh qýas uvriycom- nmeeting on Decemiber Mh iu r. s", and th ii a te olit en tion according to OPP. Dam.! Bowmanville Cemefery. nGran.pewodpod'17. shouîl pay for the lire cal. the age was estimated at $400. z The officers and memnbers Reheasod in 1919, he was re- Thýe Board even wý,en1t 50f ar Mr. Coibban restod his case "The pohicy wasIn effPort by aof lisacdn Jerusalemn Lodge, A.F. and pDatriated to England. The as to suiggest the fielda of 5tu- naphc ttmu nteadl oc eoetent >m- 'Shortly a r hsAM,, af wbich the' decea sec ie year hoe returned to Can- 1cdies wbhich inigbf be empba- mte bc ercle rmwssn u, adCuAhn wasreortedanohe ocured asa mmbr, eh a erie da and wenf fa work on thesi7zed inthe new univeraity - thle town authorities en No-' The verdlict:_pay up, rèon ighway 35 af Taunton attefnrlhm'f7pm fraondb i rte-transportation and mnedicine. v7ember 9th - 18 days after or- we cars driven by Wedneaday. Members o the în-law, Norman Dowfl, near1 "We suiggested sindies iu the thj is ie and bill, an-d l-William Hickman af Cornwall lomnlh oa aain sna ao h sje yoar ieidl of transort'aions mainlY 30 days affer the lire alarmi na n letMcAhear of Osb- ihe joined the Oshaýw Police becauise of the bistorical role as accidenfally set off. ay ,colided causing $5 O and Deparfrnent, wbich est thatl tiýs âarea la pae i le Ac-dn tM . SHO P th r"$100 damages fepciëy.(%t ime conisted af only about development of tranisportatio)n prtnnt pHarah w0 car driven by an Etohi- fou- or five mien lui Canada," Mr. Harthey said -Cu, lhsthrfr u A woman, Alice Grievéson~ag, . LE Wifh noarly 10 yoara' police "We suggested a me-dical ni tufdmet dieyua wetof I âu experience under bis boit, Mr. lity bcause'of au idlenitifiable h s ead wen ttoff the 40gar Hoît g o ii l WS Venton moved f0 Bowmanville nreed for another training con- plîy u hib Reod hitting te garo.Draiin- ia 1928 fa become chiof of Pol-, fre lu the province." tute measures f0 ho sure that for yu bofoe cmin f0 stp, am- Thursday Dec. 10 - Tyke ice on fbe retirement aof Bu theiiitv a aetepooa ilh aeul age wasciestmaed at 00 Newcastle Tykes, receîved bat eRichard Jarvis, who had beeti losf. onsideredod au reviewed. I f The ccidnt hppend nttheir second home ice defeat in been chfief of police for 48,I uy17,QensUi heBadbsas eta~ 1 abut7:0a.. nSuda. a row asthoy dropped a 4-1 yoars. At the time hoie ssa Another single car accident decision ta Port Hope. Scottf ed bis duties, ho andflelt est u Çnso noue1eolfo aabismmo occurred at 1.56 pari. on Sun- Foster scored Newcastlei onyWalter Hall handlled the w:ork a pooa 0dvbpstdo uiiaiisaskrng for on- nan day wben Dawn Martin, age goal, asslated by Nra of [lie force for 18 years. flo 'u ndde d tattheobd cvi or Ilzaios aln coN EFor- ro7- 19, crashed her car on County Shearor. Mr., Venton ia survived bOyiiin ad'<e htte i, 1-,T'1goiztiný ndcrp tleRoad Nine near the Oshawa Novice blis wfe the former Etf a Janeý sponsors suIcIIas fli '-",NL' afo citizens for support. * *~ ýain Ski Club. Damage waa about, Newcastlecame on stroug Auwbom lho married ii C. P., 1and Goveimmeuf of CaÎn The Board wants fa bring IJEO $1000. [lun thelater stages of the game 1921; a daughter, Mrs. L. a rdyfcbpl$0000ogte aUniversify Advis- FL IE0 sod On Mon day at 11:55 a.m. a to break a fwo-all fie and wenf Murdock (Audrey) of Char- eaco per year ta effecf il. ory Commitifee with broad ee, tw-a olso nHgwy on fo defeat Bowmanvllle 4-2.,lottetown, Prince Edward lq- And thon in, October 1970, community memberahip to de-i ont5 south of 7A, caused $125 Scaring for Newcastle wxerelland and a son, Donald, o pcbfinge htYr eo rgasfrfi n- H US H L lnt n 50dmgatocr r-Rb Coolahan îrom Don 1eeroruil nvrsifty lu Toronto wouîd versify. To sf art off, the Boardan ies von by Clifford Knapp of Pon- Eowhey and Mike Danilkoan~d Palibearers were Cpiý .U~b the probable site for the recommends establishing a' lisfypool and Donald Fox of Wii- Coolahan bis second frOmn Lee. P.C. K. Laton, Newcastlbe next medical achool in the F ounding Commitfee whoseý lowdale reapecfivehy. Pbiiip Dost. Scaring the event- Defac-hm-,ent Provincial Police;l province (the sixth). ýfunction 't will ho fa decýâeý i0A the Finally a singlecracdn ual winner was Marty Lowy P.C. J. Fishley, P.C. A. Gril- "Thero is no renson wby a who will vit an the University! ta curn f ecracdn fram Danilko and Coolaha-n fin, Oshawa Police Dept.; universif y lu this' area couhd Advîsory Commiffee and wbaf A PPLI N E ocrigat2-50 this rnorning adtefnlga asaoe CD SihAdCpi. T. flot study somie other aspect f ho fermis of reforence wîl hoLIA C onHgha 3 ea roo by Rowhoy unnsslsfed. , Davis, Bowmanville Police of transportation," aaid Mr. for the commitfee. rm did $1000 damages toa a ar ueleDp.Hrl,"Adwt-Trno Bfei c'ralyg; uta driven by Charles, Harrison of Jvni'Dpt afytAh ih ooto Bfroi anrai ghne62-58fo Scarborough. In this game, Newcastle camie growing iko 'Topsy', the ad- down ta business, te CJB Poo6350 o as he PPurgs divrs aon strong and when they went iKIGSCtO MR difion of a medical centre ta1 must have the unanimity of Free Delivery oni useextra caresndricautio nfthe dressing rooraï,atthe' II SI0LMR? York woubd 'only increase an -ceaire expressed by -the five onus xtacaean auin send of the second perlad theyî Kids must ho lîkiug achoal undesirablo pressure upon!municipalities that make up -- long as the slippery snowy had a 4-1 ead over Uxbrldge more these days. The North1- urban grawfb. Thusan goadifs planning area. The COJPB L ýJ~ -conditions 1romain. on goals by Glen Muilphy frorm umberland and Durham Coun - reason ta look. somnewhere la urgiug the municipalities ta Gerry Thompsau and Dan Nar- f y Board of Education reports' else." support ifs position, or a h HARDWARE ton; Brian Anderson from that t bore bas been n markedi The COJPB la elearby hop- very leasfta olot the Board! ta"S olf S oe 1Bruce Abdred ,nnd Ken Part- reduction, in absenteeismi over iug this area wiliprove a suit-1 knaw where fhey stand on the! 36 KING ST, E,. Santa ofS o ridge; Partridge from Ander- the period fromn October 1969 able alternative. If bhas writf on'maffer. sou and Grog Gray, and Ander- - Oct ober 1970. The rate aI ,variaus gaverumeuf doparf-I Lasf week, Bowmanville BOWMANý,VILLIE R etrne as iftson bis second from Aldredl.Idecrease bas hbeen calculatedimonts seeking their coopera-ITown Councîl nofeci receîpf af, Ret&îried a GÏtEarly In'thethird Thompson as approximateby 19 per cent. fion and' assistance in acbiev- the letter from the COJPB1 Sec Our Large Selecti* ooan, The olwn ae co cored Iram Norton and DouLgý The- total enrolments for ing ifs proposals. lunder item 13'aI the council'si aI of' tWIg am co- Rlckard Ilta baost N2eaafbe's elemen-tary achools iu the!Ilecenfby if receivod n reply section on correspondleuce. o hita it dic ipanedthe refuru of n golf lead fa 5-1 but tbey thon had Counfles have not changdap rm Prime Mînif or, Robarfa .If ivas filîd wifhout i- sho ~ 1to Parade Sauta Claus aîpeadsaw this lead aîlpreciably ti gs eap- ýwro si hle oul îsi-leiasio i-r Ed Leslie, wha losf if at theta a 5-ahI fie as Boy 'verbuLrgb- h, time af the Sauta Claus par- faced 19 abats. Newcastle fin- no- de. Ho had usod if as a welgbf aîîy gat back an frack when the fa bold the, parade programas Thompson scorod b 'is second red in place. If was returued, as fronpj Norton and Rickard toi eok, a specially wrapped Christmas gveNewcastle a 6-5 wiln.ApA Sgft, during the Lions Club'a ecsb ecle I1 ood Christmas party hast1 week. penalties banded ouf a nd Roy ring Tepe red:Verburgh faced 35 abats aùppas- PIE The streets wo,;re hned witb ed fa, the 30 faced by the Ux-EFCTE gh- happycrda bridge goalfeuder. )riscý Excitemeuf filledi the air, Friday, Dec, Il - Po et HITA Laa hefat ererayal Newcastle Pee Wees received theli pae their worst trouniclng af thec' oc- iAnd Sanna's slelgh was there. soasonas they wero hammer- W Programa were neatby sfacked ed Il-0 by the vislfing Stouff- îtkIeple ville cub. Recelving penalties The Ta ho givon alang the wny for foyeostewr rayden aineA free, Moore,. Dan Qulnney and Dave L DAshoe .would, ho naperfect Denise. ',tý _ vbut 'atherwise uthurtThe paper-welgzhf d,ý1rivers af the vehicles were1 Tbaught' Lions lead-weight I, Garfield Wtniore and Donald Lesllie Perrin,- bath- aI Peterborough. But affor ail was said and doue Damagos were $1000 and $680 Ohd Sanfn's ha-ba's furued to respectively. The fimne, was a sob, 10:25 a.m.'on Sunday. IËt shoe was nawbore: ta ho Lesa8 than hall au bour inter, found., a- twomcar accident on liigh- Nat even Jahnny'g pleas could way 35 noar.the Twln Onka do the job, sent Rager Swan, .a passonger We hope your lesson yau bave in a vehîcle driven by J. Rog-j 1, learneci, ors af Newcastle, ta haspital I A happy Christmass la lu store, lu Bowmanvillo. Mr. Swan, For under fhis trcee l a parcel îwhase .injuries are nat known, fryu j waa released from bosptai Phease use it nsa paper-woîghf - no more. -PARTY FOR RETARDED This mornlng, several membors of the ý Legion, headed by Llew. Burton la a clown costume, dropped la on the Bethesda Sobool for vileRetarded ,Children îai the with gifts from the Legion, caady and fruit donated by the Ae& P. The officiai party was pipod lu by two mem- bers of the pipe baud and a c E drummer. They evon brought Sauta Claus with them. The event was a real surprise and the cblidrea thoroughly on- Town of Bowmanville joyed themselves. Uriiortu- uately, the Statesman photo- closed on Mondav grphrcompîeteî Iorgt -about it and missed some J of Boxi ng Day. god ictures. ______ GARBAGE (OLLECTION For Holiday Periods Garbge ormlly ickd u onFridy, eceber25th, will b. picked up en Thursday, December 24th Garbage normally picked up on lMonda2y, December 28th, will b. picked up on Tuemsdayf, Deç'ember 29th Garbage normally picked up on Friday, January is!,e wiIl b. piked up onThurisday, December 31,C CIIRISTMAS TRlEPICK UP North cof Not 2îHighwa.y South of No. 2 Hîghway Wednesday, anary 64h Thursday, anury 7th 4'KINDLY KEE P HANDY FOR FUTUREL REFERENCE» JOSEPH M, cLO, ..V1 The Bantama acideci a liffle brlghter outlaok dol eatlng Part Perry 5-4 on, a lasf minute goal Iram Bihl Wagar andi Ken Bayd. Scorlng the other New- castie goals were Wagar frora Bayd and T. Martin,, Wagar from Porry Meadows and T. Martin, Gary Cax from Noeil Vandlerstook and Paul LeBlauc and finally Bill Wagar com- plot lug bis bat trick aasisfod by T. Martin andi Don Martin. Sunday, Doo. 13 - Town Longue In the firat game Cowan- ville carrIeci their unhoaten- stroak toi 7 as fhoy' handed Elinhuratfheir 5th bass lu a row by dumping thom 8-2. Ail but one player figureci ln the CowanvIlle acorlng. . CawanvIlle: Gary VanDamn 1 goal, 2 assista; C. Green, 1 goal, 2 assista; Fred Aldrod, 2 goals; Paul McCullough, 2 as- sista; Pote McCullougb, 1 goal, 1 nsisf;L. Brown, 1 goal, F. Sînfer, 1 goal; F. Daich, 1 goal;- Al Ahdread, D. Farrow,. P. Heasmen, G. 'Rawo, each one assiaf. Elmbhurst-Brian Rowe, 1 goal, 1 assist; B. Sino, 1 goal, 1 assiat; B. Wright, 2 assista. Second Game The second game was a, bard- fought baffle wbich saw Part- uer's pick up thoir second vic- tory aud move into 'a thIrd place fie by doîoatiug Johns- ton'a 7-5. <PROM PGSONE)1 qualiýjfy fr tei hristmas holiday pay, with production of cars begin-. ning ail out after New Year's. No details of the agreement were released, pending ratification by the employees. Thiere was no word on the new pro-posais that were brought to the barainngtable by UAW President Leonard Woodcock f ollowing lis weezkenid meeing with lames Roche, the President tof General Motors Corp. in'D etroit, but appareý-ntly they tuirnedi the tide that brought about Thi;s will be greait news for eyerybody 1-in the area, especially for tàewho have been on strike, and th If ailies. 2 KING STREET EAST Corner of TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE REXALL DRUGS