-ih DL ' 1-r SPOTup! ~ EAG-LES HOME SUNDAY fi la theirfinal appearance on homp -ice 'in 1970, Bwin ville Ege wil mrreet Sutton at theMmra Arena, Sundaýy ThN Iochlsplay Stt ÀHilay nïghtla Keswîcfolinl ing anther away from home emnoatr toniht, whea hey e e ' vîi n~ f the loop's new enties ihis y 'eel, i e!,c o lh agles h t ýeirn T i M fhere Sunday Qaigt.fnan excatîn The los Ieftthe Eagles in second place, wîth league -A _Markham o n1 ledgPortlflKpe panthers, a nng~couple ;o! tîmes ýto Y NVCOp khm M C.SS. Girls Basketball Team Goes t the Top Commercil Hockey M&G's Beat Fra nk's 7.3 Bryson's Down Bîrooks byJi.'Km Clarke jive., tweo-way so1~ aG i-t o &GOuld cniudGeorge Salnisbury eh axedm their supi,.riority lin Commercial, their second Win ci the y',, League h appenings, trouncirng:collecting the wlnner at~ Walter Frank's 7-3 ln Sunday'.,o-f the third., morntng's opener. Alded by Thle victon-Yry f h )mokc Bysori's Smoke 'chope's 4-3 Shop squad left thrm twte upset againist seconld place points behaind tird,, place Wal- î3rook's ,Sapiere. ti'her first ter Frank's and ifour awayl pace residenjts inow sport a, from slumpïng Brooks. While six-po)int ljead. -Bryson's win wa. .asolid tefanm 1Mutton ,&Guds rup efrgoalle K en Velclwas Vds thleir ïe hin aline 1hrilifant. He saved his most contests with il players figur- ama,ýzîning tps for Steve Burns ing in th<--sc:Oring, Waltr duing1-the game. rnksBlain Adjams opened Sainsýbuîrv, with -à ai f- tefrtgamel's ScorIjing atgals-, along -wlth Lloyd llamn-