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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1971, p. 6

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Th anafian Statesman, Bowmanvîlle, Feb. 3, 191 ee Iti ewYa.But, ac- vide the spiritualned he thingsa' edin aRev. Tom Gracie, may require, 'Remember those 10 ~lco fS.John's- Anglican This is what concerns the letter words that could à Chrhi omn île t is youth of today, he asserted. the world," he said in -eew àh difference. "Listen ta their sangs,"1 he clusion, "and perhaps you "it la a ew life în a new said. "You can tell in them realize a new meaning to wal, edeclared, speakîng that youth is searching for a "If it; is te be, It isu tac Bowma7nnville Rotarians at new religion, a new meaning me." rheY ir ist "meeting of 1971 on ta lie" Rev. Gracie is married Jasay7th at, the Flyiug He suggested to the Ratar- has four chlldreu Foi Dutýchma MtorIn "Ad t!ans that they should start years ke was a tool and l s oen which people shauld! looking ai themiselves in a maker wîth a companr look t n ewPl new way and in the light of Peterborough. In 1956 hE "Te ld stand-bys argo the changes taklug place in tered the nsinistry, gradu ln,~ h sld "ndine ir the sacîety. in four years Instead of place , a nnewoutnok haseolr God has left us an unfin. regular seven ("By the G vnêýe oneol utrl and eo ished world," he said, quoting of God'), Keith Slemon a poem written by a retired facetiously in bis intrc 1s~ou matesgeologIst wha took up a study tory remarks. The Rev. He4ssetJ that it was a of theology in Sweden a few popular speaker, injectiný NO tm oewhich we years ago, "We find a new talks with a fine sensý v -l neyr epersence again. wonder every day there humer. Thug he etýerual NOW mnay are sangs unsung and Thanks were offered by brrn,-g unexpected develOP- beauty unseen.r God hâs Dairymple. Pres. Stew in1ent; we have gat ta live In given us a lîfe neyer lîved Tavish presided' over ,hiasiutin he maintaned. before ta discover these meeting. Thr a lot we do nat lUebcuewe want an or ewt ery and decent lite," b tad, vbu -w have ta leru talv îhth nxetd (Intended, for last week) ed over ta Rev. V.Par ehasiges that croaur lives?' "it s acorpIetey rew Mr. and Mrs, Harry Van whe or ga n iz ed discw warl," e sid. Hisary naCamp called et the Mackey ruao Cuc no inttr owunelevbl, asFuneral Chapel, Lindsay, on llvely discussion was eni Ihapeed Jut hîk bck10Friday to pay respects ta the and questions were answe yearîs _ wh woulld late Mrs. Annie McDowell of Plans were fInalized for - hvetho -à i possible ta Janetville who passed away Family Nlght ta ha, held ir put a man , onth moon by in ber 101st year. Christian EducatIon Bull ~969,Naw t suold at " Mr. and Mra, Stanford VananSdyevigJa _The Ang'ica_.-.inmister point- Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Richard 31 at 7:30 p.m. At thist *d ittht e au see the VanCamp and femily attend- Miss G. Tobî-n of Port P siwesb bserving the ed the wedcbng of then- niece w1lllshw ber sildes o! teenagrs of odayand cousin, Miss Gayle Woodý 0tknos e-tpt "Thughwe iIn a wanld ward ta Mr, Walter Daniel In Jean Kyte reed the si ~aeredbymoeythe chîid- the Timothy Raton Memoii ating repart whlch was ye tda aethings coim Chapel in 'Toronta on Satur- onded by Mrs. A. Duf! yleel difeanl ie re- day. Pansons lnstalled the ~akdThe annuel meeting of the officers ansd welcomed Hle atoe that. aur soc- Blackstock Agriculturae Se- naw Presidert, Mrs. W. t'etty poie for the basic1 cltir wes bald on Tuesday Wright. Mrs. Glenn Lai ~nateialitic eeds of its' evenIng su the, Township Hall expTessed the thenka af ~nembrs, b t atitleve t wlth nearly 40 members at- graup ta Mms. MeLaugllir up a heinîdual ta pro. tersdiug in spite of the very Mrs. Wrght. Sha then -'bad weether and raad con- sented Wrs. MeLaughlin dittans. President Victor Mal- Mrs. Parsans w1th LIfe Y olm preslded far the opeulng bershlp pins on bhaalf of b'usiness. Thé treaurer' repart, U C.W. Ladies. nesented by Mrs. Grace Kelly, Officera far 1971.pastp bowad a balance of $927312 dent, Mrs. Roy McLaug] M.Stuart Dorrell presented President, Ms. Walter Wi anexcellent showIng and co- laIt Vice-Presden, Mrs ruentary o! a slide show 01 Skeldlng, 2- d Vice-Preaic RýusIa and British Iles from Mrs, Richard VanCamp, SE Fa m e Qeev, bi t o these areas laat tary. Mn , Gardon Pal ?ue Treasurer, Mrs. Murray B, Anthr igbgtOf tbe Convenars . Christianr e O venng waswen President MIsaionary Education, Si Mslan rsne the great- ardship and Vocation, ly ste~id ervceDIPloma Stan-ford VanCamp; Cili ta M, ad Ms. ercy Van SMip ndSOCial cton ! C m ~orthirn-any years of munt Fiad1n selis srvceta the Agri- lng, Mrs, Glen Laer; ultra $clty and Marly grain, Mns. Win. Mabaf!Y ter fcaso comunltY lue Mrs, Stuart Dorreli; Lit Dî teBaktckae, ah ture, Mrs. Harold Lai Mran Ma.VanCarnp r- Supply, Mrs. Harold MeLai pve ltlgy lin and Mra, Carl Wrght;' Menysuggstios wee m'- Leders, A M., Mr. I tedforinîraenintstaLarmer, P.M * MrsGo e 191 lacstck Fair tauh ut n ied on tuidey., August 28 _______ Mn, Art Rowan was chair U R _ for tse nomination of h OBITU R 12directors wblcb. resulted lu, an lectian- somethlng çulte_ HERBERT W. FLINTO1 naovel for thls socîety The 12 al,:ected dîrectars were Meil Farmer palice chie an VanCap, Venon Aseisine !long resident of Os: Lamre Hoakin, Stuart Dorreil, Herbert W, Flîntof Johln Wolters, Vctor MalcoI;us, Thursday, Jan,2lst, at Welter We,,ts, B. C. -laîintz- awa Ga eral Hospital affi ma, alaàW ltJm long ilîneas, at the age af yers and Ba n eJong. Ta Chiaf Flintoff served ad ate ectmn the, l2th years an tbe Oshawa pi WhzStdneg r eat psitin'wa wa by a fhlp of force, enlisting June 1,1 new inte spot, casi he cin'as a cosnstable. dowi ahfl oriowbe~~l'e sateof ffiers chOsen, Six yeans latern 1 hin asnwmbPe rnm theaboyaliatcf direct- Constable Flintof! waa ors, lso lvolvn n lection moted ta the rank o! E enjy te trfl ofbo~ aa: astPraidetVictor tive Sergeent, the fîrat s s!edin o th exit- Mlcos;PraidetMernili ber a! he Oshawa police tî men 0fsking ithsal VnCap; at icaPraidatmade a non-uniform detec - tughWhi-Skd, Veruon Asseis-tina; Z2nd Vice- Prasideut, John Wlters. In 1936 ha was made Dealr equiies nviedl The annuel meeting of the spectai', a titie wbicb U CW ws bld n te cE ehangzed to Sargeant ofIDf Building o.r Jenua y 12 at avs four years later. 1: .. 0 Thaý Prasident, Mrm On Mey 1, 1954 le Ray McLaýughlo, oee the chasen aver 38 epplicat meeting wlth a aoeirn .Thia succeed Owen D. F Iand was fallowed by wo shlp on chef, serving Il yearsl the theme, "How ta Deal wtb bis netirement n 9 WTsme"' lad by Mrs& H. K 'te. successor w-3s C ef W ~ liThe mnutes were read by Jobsiston, LOCAL OFFIE OPE RATIONýï PLACE 2nd FLOOR - U.L.C. BUILDING 310SIýMcýOE ST. S., OSHAWA 'DAY EAWENDA HOR5 - 9:00AM.-4:00 P.M. eE ZPHONf",E: 5 7-10 FIED FFIER JAESF. MOGAN an advisory, capacîtir. Police Chia! Jon Jai described the laie chifa! de dicated police et! icer bighly reapected tbroug the province for bis e: lance. Regardiesa o! wbe go Iu thse province I am e about hlm." The son o! thsa late Mr. Mrs. Flintoff, 'Herh" Flii was bornulu Danhingtan T ahip, Fab. 25, 1901, and1 allhi bs lfe lu the area, r ing ta Oshawa foliowing marriaga ta the former1 nie McEacbern, Dec, 24,1 For mauy yeers the fa residence bas beenau t 70 St. R Besîdas bIs wifa. ha la vîved by ana son, GaargE Fhînto!! o! Oshawa, sud granddcugbtens, Geargia grauddaugbtars, Georgia Barbera. Two sisters and two tbens elsa survive, Mrs. Ge Ryau (Florence) o! San F ce, Mns. Ediths Melvoi Hamilton; Alfredadu bath a! Osbewaý Members a! Lehanon L and other bretbren bali Masonîc memorial servicf the chapel a! the Armati Funeal Home on Fnida; 7 p.m. The funaral service beld Saturday, Jan. 23rd 3 p.m., !oiiowad by mIner in Oshawa Union Camel with Rev, Wesley Herberi Kingsview United Churcb, ficîatîng. Senior members o! Osi Police Deparimeni acting palîbearers were Police C Jon Jenkina, Deputy -C William Jordan, InspE Ernest Baker, Inspecter man Smytbe, Inspecter D. Powell and Lieut, Ken Young. O-nly Footsteps Remain as Landmark Torn Down twa- *:':i bauge ' Up toa~: d and .Iedau- U~i i rie n- 55N srce M is a :'5.5' se of~ .4'5~ Thé aid Moorey residence ai Enniîskillen, an placed only three years aio at a cost cf more than $900, snshistonical landmark in that area, has been tom dGwn has been removed and workrnen are pnepering ta assion by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authorty, knock down the walls of the second floor of tha i. A In the pîcture aboya the roof, which CLOCA had ne- building. ioyed vared. by Derek Sidanius Fogg, a works supenînteudent Seuit in the 1860's, bougbt the le the dusty etusosphere o! a r th Th ai Maneynesdane i wîtb CLOCA, and the last miii for the "h rgaîn price' a! miii, the wbole operatian )rte Teodûoe eïec nresîdaut in the building. $1800. closed down. [n tha Enniakillan is being tam down "hr aenotsls t elk ib iî n Teawr te atr lding ... in the naine o! Conserva- hr eemnh at t alkaith îsî-i Tr weohrfcos iuary tien. The Central Lake Ontaria winter wben aur fuel 'bill ex- the anea, water dnîven. But sn! o, Bill Mooray's daugutar tu, oneraton ~ ede $0, h clia 1928 a big flood swept awayl Madaine Mentie a! Bowman- Penn the bouse re ove sit weus Tbe faoons bad stertad ta the dam, releasing the waters' ville seid in e telephone inter- Expai too bexeovedaeashis Aust shrink and baud witb lae in the amaîl pond 'whicb etlJvîaw lest week. "The mîflîs su expn pransve-t repinbAuse wand ta correct the slopes would flood-gate wes 17 feet in depth. Har-pton, Bowmanville and Dmin- pobably ha mce eu ave involved a major renova- The waters tare pat the null!Tyrone wene nunnîng and the sac pac, n mpaye ! hetian proranm a CLOCA and bouse but fortunately no cainpetitian was pmetty steep." se-aev , ut n ei lu a eepfhe spokesman nseintaîued. seiaus damage wes doua. 1lI addition ta thîs, sbesaaid, Rev Auhorty aidin teephne The CLOCA, wben it ex-luI the foliawîng. yeer, Mn, business was slow generehly, new interview recantly. npitdtelu nAga Mooray însteiled e diesel Jirn Moorey died in 1953- in the The bouse was a iendmenk 1965, bed apparently întended motor. The miii was niator- the bouse ha bad huilt up and 'aiter ie tbe area It wcs buîlt by ta reut the bouse or have an drivan until 1944, wben, ha- given bis naine ta, His wifal ,mer Jobn Martin, an immigrant employae stay in it ai reducad cause o! lus aid age Jîi and son nbaerited the ýproperty. ethearmiler, more thar 85 yearaega, charge, Money was almost in bis 80tb lu 1956 the ald miii was aoid and and usad as lis home whiiale I aenly 1968, su orden tae yaer), and because bis son, ta a graup a! Dutcb people. pre- hae orereted e :four and gn et messe the place more lîveable William, bcd deveioped asthme wha usi*d the bricks and au Mem a best it bcd ae nw roof put on et wbîcb pnecluded bis, womking a tones iu building two bouses if the Tt lied aerved as f amily a cost of $990, and in Decaus- residence taetiraa sepemate ber o! that year tbey paid out&4 familles - the Mantins (until $570 ta replace the furnace lu Prest- 1907), tha Plawrîgbts (!nom tha bouse ghlln; 1907-1913),and, the Mooreys But thara the wonk stcpped. right; (frc4m 1914-1959). "A coat o! peint on The in- Geoa Iun 1959, Williamn Moarey, sida would bava doune won- dent, the son o! thaenmen who bougbt dans," a persan faemulîr with ecnae' the place lu 1914 and wbosa the aild building said, slyanne bas beau given ta the The axtanior o! the bouse yers. estata, reutad the bouse ta the bad beau paintad by the a nd Moore Park Rod and Gun Moore Park Rod and Gun Club 1tew- Cluban exclusive Toronto- shotly alter it ied tbougbt it, Mna, hasad ssirntsmar graup. The According ta Mr. Grnt ut waLs ;lzen- club punrcbased thé propertir the firai time in 33 years the Co-tio years laier aud kept i outaide bad been painied.. It Proi- unopm 1965 wbaii it was ex- wes so dry, hae remerkad, tIsai end - ated by CLOC-A, is the wood ebsombed hatweeu 22 present o ns ai 24 gallons cf paint. ara- Selby Grant a'! Bownsanville The club bed nenoveted the rmen; was oua of tha charte' mamn- place on its own, making it ista augh' -ihen o! the Mcare Park odJ!a ?comfortable rfuefront tIsei Uni ad Gun Club and the onaeu- ustle-ýbustieo!ctylia ~aphstumntln acquining ta W ptMrehcret, r irdon aile- fo2r the club.Gatmche, ipoe h Ha said thbelbouse was o! kitchen facilitîeq nlhe goo- d aolid construction, mae a furnaceanad replaced the of Virgîn pine lumber that Was ducting- tilad somee a! the "dean throîig1out". flo'a , and ganerally clean- "Yo cuhd'i rot akuin, ed up enoued the prapenlir." M> tFhe boards," hae reusarked, Mr. Grant was disappointed It we absg place wîtb four thai CLOCA wes teanng dow n-d' a hedroome, large living sudtha building and feels thatý hewe, dîning roomsaend ae-luge tbey culd bava nepairad theL ý dîed kitchen, placeaet neasoueble cosi Os. - Seton concrete labe, it was reesorable that îs invewa ter a dîfficult ta keap wnm ini tbe the bistorical signiicuc o f69. wi ter, accardîug ta John the bouse, 1 44 -- - :Mrs. Mary Samisa!Rnis- poie Business Director y killasu, whos gan:alie, _ 1922, Toa ,;dr À tîced witb on Matnin 198, ccon ancy tEugland,wesai -ýsopuzzled by prothe dcisioin o! tbe Conserva- pr- WU Jý H. COGGINS lion Authorsly. atac- Chertered Accounaent Mauy a! the esîdenîs lu the neus- 115 Liberty Si. S. Bawmenviihe anea feel ihet the, building ta ha Phone 623-3612 sbouid bava beau saved and ýctve, WJILLIAM C. HALL presarvad iu ramembrence o! In-BCm. a former aea was Chartened Accaunlent Somatbiug mîght haiva bear letec- 261/2Klng St. B., Oshawa donc if ihe peopla lied e.ted Talaphana 7254539 soanen. wa- Thea ubja t o! teaîng the ita ta c bulding down was firai ideas Ch r p brouglit up i a CLOCA meet- unt3 . DINMNN ,C ng 'n May 1970. A rasolution H Cirpaca was passed ou Juna 2, 1970, ta altan Office bave thealbouses au the Enuis- 1b n5Egi t, orr! ose , 'ilieu site demoiisbed (and, nan ClosDSaturdaY, Sunday sud John Siemon, who awne the w' of Manday genenal store suEqaîin E IL FR L S PUS Jack, Oe Tuesday tbraugh Friday bas an eaaly ledgar book 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daîiy wbichbebaouged ta John Mer- adge Talaphane 623-7349 lin, Mr. Mertnscelhed the I nd ~ n place Boyne Walar Mille 4 trng su ibace thadgam is a sale of 100 aiDONALD A. MaaGREGOR pode!furtJhnLm kina on July 30, 1879. The ceai was L'fe, Auto, Home $.0 opmdwt a dct Insuranca 30.Cmprdwt o rien 67Kug,. uit 2A day's prica o! $720 Ihs repre- ment 67 îngB., ult 2A sente a rate a! inflatiao!r teny, BowmauvIlla -:Phone 623-5962 abun0%l 2yas t, oi Mn. Martin died intestale o af- 0 p io m e r y June 5, 1905 and the asiateY Chy erD d e Ld was probalad by Tenante Cen- u îawa KEITH A. ILLETT, O.D. anal Trust. On Apnil 19, 1907, POE6325 g as OptometrIst il waa sold ta James Frederick bhlef 143 Klug St. E. - Bowmranvlla Piowrigbt for $4500. Six yaarsI219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Cbie! Office Hours: By eppoisiment haler, on March 19, 1913, the aclor Talephone 623-3252 Trust company foreclosad and ON A à P l T Non- Mion. - Tuas.- Thurs.- Fr1, the p rapaty ravarted la Iheý ý John 9 a M ns.t 5 p.m Merlin estete. On Jsnueny 19,1 PHONE 983-54I net Sl -12 1914, Jamnes Moorya eme R 1 ORONO Tbrsayavnigs Whso had be îor ung iand a harn luibatheviclity a! caasad bar lu 1968, ihey lîved. 5Knox Scboal in Bowmanvile near Bethaey, then moved to Old Mrs. Mooney dîed lui Millbroýok, 1958, aud the yaar folhowîug,l' She wes a member e! St, William Mooray rented the big Andrew's United Cbuncb sud bouse ta tha Moore Park Rodý the UC.W. aud Gur Club and netired ta a saeier bouse iocated about' She îs survived by two 100 vyards nortb-west o-fc t daughe's, Mrs. Howard Bra'.. famîly borne. Il was the aea kenrîdge (Sadîe) o! Saiuth cabin wbîch bis faîbar bcd',Mouaghan, and Mmi Stenford, skîdded down !rom bis fan ,Bmown (Auna) o! Ida; a son, lu Long Seuilt meuy 3ear- Johuston Rowland o! MiII-1 befoma 1break;six grandCh...dren sud Ie 1961 lie soid the prap,- togetgad id arty and buildings ta ibe club an the condition ibal ha couldý remaîn lu Ihe sînali cabie foriî the nexi 10 years. The deal went ibrougli ou June 21, 1961_1 Wben CLOCA boob aver th' property nu i 16 (as part o! a "~~ parcai o! 66 acres ih bcd ex- prpited su the area), it tureed the bare mb u îs anea svorksbop, whera the aigus and park banches and tablas, etc., ~ wane made. Bill Moomey wes i pemmîited le remaîn ou Ihe i site iu the amaillbouse i Lest Novamben, Mr. Moorey' was obiîged to vacateansd caîssequenly moved ta Taranteo RiEandM NYI whare ha now stays wilb a daugbtar. *~ Employae Dishonasty "Ha bas a good collection o! (Fidelity Bonds) pîctures o! tbe mihi suinIbe eamly daya," said Madeline* Money and Secturifl* Martin. "I kuonl'e would bha eBuglr happy le show them te euy- eeBgar ona wbo is îutareslad." R lobhery (hold-up) Jusi as the aigu admoniss "Take nothing but photo-* Stocek Burglary grapha. Leave notbing but* Valuabla Papars footprnts." Cen CLOCA say the- saine9 Credît Card lasý ~ .~, Fo'r Fusihan Informalian Cal UfI1UAYL! Mrs. Elizabeth Rowland The funeral service for Mrmi Elizabeth Gertrude Rowland a! Milbrook, agad 92, who dhed January l9tb et the Gol- den Plaugh Lodga li Cobourg, was heid au Thursday froni the Comslock Funarai Hame su Millbrook. The Rev, Jobhn Oestîelcl'er o! St. Andnew's United cburcb a!!îcialed. Bur- il was in Gardiner's Caere tary, Cavan Township, Sh a ws horn luCartwright Township, daugbten o! John Alexauder Jobuston and the former Elîze Ney. Foflowîng bar mamiaeata John Rowland, who prade- amsisur aneceC RIng St. E., Box 100 Bawmaavîlla - Ontario Office 623-5681 Resld~îîee. 628-5023r 623-5495 Âile* a ýhort visit Io vour Ski-Doo dealer ahis exciting array of '71 Ski-Doo émobilles could return you $5,000 in cash. Deasy S Aml out an entry form showroom. ilhen you mail it in to, Ski-Doo. name could be picked out a few days and you could end up $5,000 richer, plans right now to visit vour Skî-Doo ,r and become eliible for one. of those A cash prizes. Rernember, there's nothing i. So go today. *Trade nmàrk Bomba!ýdicy L-d. ept Swdays I Fl, ElI i'H>ONE 983;-9167 STATION ST.,OON 617 KING ~ PHONE 728-5681 ST. E. OSHAWA, -1 j 1 31

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