4 - The Canadian States an rn ille, Feb, le, 1971 EDIT%#'ORIAL COMMENT Bowmanville's Mayor Promoted Latweek, His Worship Ivan M. HOL1bbS, Mayor of Bowmanville, was ý1ce y acclamation to the post of vicechaimanof the exe-cutive commit- tee of theý Oshqaa Area Planning and ,Develapment Stuýd. Jt is obviau-s from hîs election that he is held in high regard by the civic oDfficiais fromr the otherý municipalities throughouit this area, and we extend Great Exercise Theý Oshawa Area Planning and Developmnent Study has been if any- t'hing a great exercise for planners. S-ince itwa formcd more than two yasago t5P stuidy has generated four Jengthyý and at times highly complex, There- was a prclimînary stucly and then the f irst draft of a proposed reg- -îon.1 This wvas followed by the Third dicsinpaper whichwas ail the rage with- planners last flu Now-a the stage is set for the intro- duction of paper number Four. Whein the study was formed there vas provision for six discussion papers ai.The planners themselves must SSuppose Any FIndians It'-s been suggested on several oc- teastonis this winter that we should sel thecountry back ta the Indians. No ~doubt that remark was heard again an iTuesday marniing, fallowing yet another -,torm that piîled the snow high in drifts. Trhis ina viast amount wcmiL into de, the- townl dlut for younigster table ta) sr-i! i* Th e H It is l M 'realîze that. l >here -ard th Fébruary in a.nother heall The Heai t~ant, Essentia ,3gratcomp ,ers - heart Ifeets, ta ca - Il Diseases bi, which thelp to fight, ithani 77,000 di That is mowN ~resulting ire causes of dca- cular dîsease cenit af all dc The heai heartiest congratulations ta him, and wish him well. Mayor Hobbs has shown oerthe, years he has. served this communityv, that he has a considerable grasp of the complex operation of'this munlicipalîty, a gif t of patience that would bc diffi- cuit to match, and a quietcapacityv for work that is trernendous. This tawnv owes him a great deal. e for Planners have feit that six was overdoing things because they have incorporatedl much of the material -itended for thce last two papers into tLhe Third and Fourth reports. Incredibie as it rnay seem the plan- ners are appaýrenf!tltyin,-g ta conclude their scholarly vivisection of the re-ga ion and corne up with àa definîtivese- menton the feasibility of a repgion heire Possibly, just poss;ibly, theFort discussion paper will bc the end-aill to be-aiLl There are few who do not feel tLhat the Fourth paper will be, in effect the maRking, or breaking of the OAPADS project, Would Like to Buy It? Frankly, we have yct ta hear of any. Indian who would be interested. If you should encounter anc wvho showsth slightest inclination, ta take over, please advise and we'1l do aur best ta make the necessary arrangements. Sugar PIum Mountain Opens nning, wc Led lanaagond amouni ai lime and eacrgy_ mb ôtrans- aly when we timk ai the orming il labo a ski, sîcigir, toboggan ai effort and moniey lirat hîlh cailed Sugar Phum Mouniain. tvehoping that ilîl west af, np, int a phayground area Our thaaks ta Carson Ehioti and ns hîs cabants who saw the possibihities and Jy hiad a great idea and was macle tbcmn corne truc, despile maay t quite efiectivcly ta many obstacles. Go sec Sugar Plurn, ît's quit@ dcvoted a- considenable a spot! Ieart Fund: A Unique Health,,Cause ipaniant for everyone ta ab straction, Alhbougir national and in-, he Heant Fund, çonducted. ternational la scope, il exisîs as a pain- îm-ughôui Canada'durng lfui and cosily reality nrihirere la ibis somethi.ng m-iore tran ji town. If you have doubla, examine tire th drive". btae hh peri u'il ri Fuad isuaiqueîy impar-obuaswich ppr a urday dly, 11tis a combined appeal aewspapers. You will find that our local ýe ,,ý1ùnîid fiht gaistmartalîby expenrience closely parailels re natinwide fiagdhi againsnational, figure s; tirait,on the average, lex ai, distkes aad disordîabout hall aur drath inotiçes willrma- attckstrkerih bood lion "beant aiack" "s7trake" or"beart irardenîng af tire anteries, dsae.Alt, 1petri r vrand inora heart de- ies" l n Le hs cm r tion anîy a îew, . appiied ta a iybnea-,dwinaersila tire ai the beari and circula- piea 1e mnl h 0t 0ya your Heari Fund dollars age bcacket, bare responsible for more There is oniy anc practical way to [eatbs la Canada each year. figiri beart disease,, aamely by support- irtan tlire combined total,' ing your beant. Foundaiion's baianced m all airer diseases and programa ai research, education and ia-. tir, Ia lad t iese cardiovas- formation, You can do Ibis by cantrib- ýs accouai for aven, 51, per uting beart Fund dollars. Truhy, tire ýars. b-eani Fuad deserves a place ai the vcry nit problemin 1 no distant top ai your "giving for bealtir" ist. ÎNo Excuse for Complacency' In recent years there has been: a lcndenicy for the observances of Broth- ;ýrhood 1Wec-k ta be sormcthing aiofa formnality, a celebration of our belief thtwp are ever s0 mucb more civîliz-, f7d a.nd tolerani than aur aqnestars. But 1't-er- is ýna excuse forsuch complaceacy cuing Brotberhood Week of 1971, says TPctýr C.-Newman, recentiy appointed Edilor ai Maclean's magazine. Tire ast 12 mnonths have been a bad ,J;n for, the whohc concept of the rotbeiýrb ofa Man. Ail over the warld cark forrces ai hatred and iintalerance have beenrevîvîng and gaining fresh st'ren-gt:h. Ia the Soviet Union, tbc per- secuitn ai the Jcws hasbecome almost as3 open and unashamed as il 'vas in cz7a1nist Russia. In Ireland, the ancient ieud between Catholics and Protestants bas erupted in bloody batties. Ia the liJnîted States, the coaflîct between bilacks and whites seems ta be gather- ing fresb bitterness. Hlere la Canada, the tragic events olf las-t faîl have discioscd as neyer be- fore, what a cauidron ai batredhas been smyiouldenjing under the surface la Que- bec.,1And nol la Quebec ahane. More and mrrore evidence bas been coming la ta showý that aur treatment af the lad lans -ind Eskimnos is creatîng a racial prab- lem as serious as that of the Negroes in the U.S«A, Brotherhood Week is an appropri- ate time to look carefully at these developments. It is not enough to try to check particular manifestations of intolerance, important though that is. We must teach ourselves somehow to think of our fellow-citizens of Canada and of the world- - not as white men or black men or red men, or as Cath- olics, Protestants or Jews, but as indi- vidual human beings ta be judged on theïr individual, qualities. It is a ter- ribly hard lessen to leýarn, and the time for learning it mnay be drawing short. TO MY VALENTINE 1 bought a lovely painted heart, Wreathed round with flowers of every hue, 'Midst filmy lace, a golden dart, Had pierced that glowing heart so true. And now, I'isending it to you, (For you alone my heart does pine,) To ask the question 'old - yet new, Oh! will you be my valentine?? -M\/arîorie Cunningham ~J\~i ~K ~~ii~ '~~d~{ ~L#'1 i 1. DurhamrnCounty'a Great Faanily journal, Es fr.blished 117 years againi 1854 Also !ncorponating The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent .Thre Orono News Second clas mýail registration auinber 1561 Phone 623-3303 .Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 -66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 623-3303 JOHN M. JAMES PATRICK GOULD GEO, P. MORRV EDITOR-PUtLISHIM ,ADvTG, MAi;AGEn BUSINESS MGR. ."Copyight and/or pxeperty tights subsjat in the image rapearinq on thig prootL Permission te -1e1roduce in wiioie or in part end in any fore% whatsoever, perticaiiarly by photographic or offset precesa in a Crpublication, must . bcibained irom th publiaher and the printer. Any unauthorized reproduction wMilb, ubet te recourse tin ew." $6.00 a year - 6 months $3.50 $8.00 à Year In the Unted States strictly in advancA, AihuheveZY Prscaution wli be taken te tavoid errer The Cancdiae Sirtesnien accepta acdvertis:- hmq ira ia ciunon tihe under.îanding tiratit ilwiirni e irael.for eny error in any odvertiaement prïijired hereundea unis, o eproot ,fof aucir adverciment ia requested 1.n wrmting iry the advertisue ond returned to The Conadian Stateamen buiciness offie duiy siçmed by tire edvertiser and with surir error or corrections pieiniy noted in Ta rting ihereon, and in tiret ces, il eny error aononted ïi. net corrcteýd b, Tire Canadien Sletffinren its liability %hall net erceer! sc aportion of tih« entir, cosi ai sucir advertcerei sthe spoe e ccupier! by the noted errer ireers 10 ho whoe rci pre dcurîled b,,, ruci dh tiee 25 'YEARkS AGO 49 YEARS AGO A MacDuff Oitawa Report Not Scratciîng - iust Peeling OTTAWA-Cries of, 'resign, sec favorable signa in econ- aýnd si-ttîn that thpr econom- resign" \were hurlec i a the omnic indicators thal, would ir mesures lnow taken governiment front benches in suggest the economy has sbould soon be Improving the the Commons this month as stopped îts downturn and lm situation. However they Prime Minister Pierre Tru- now beginning the slow concede that the unemploy- deau and his Cabinet came painful recovery, Prime Min- ment figures may get worse under concentrated attack ister Trudeau suggested that before they get better, from the cambined oppo- these favorable sigas be The Goverameat bas rock- sition in Parliament. kept In mind. ed under the scathing de- Mr, Trudeau who had The Prime Minister, was auinciation of the opposition been away from Canada for -urgeci by Progressive Con - for îts handling of the un- 24 days attending the prime servatiï e Leader Robert Stae mp e),iloyment crisis. How- mInisters' c o m monwealth fjeld to take action now ta ever whea -another "secret" ronfererce Ia Siagapore and introduce measures ta stimu- memorandum, that was be- visitiag several other Far late the economy and pro- Ing circulated among pepon- East couatries as a VIP tour- vd winter works programs naci hE.ads of key gaverra- ist rtunc reaxd nd to ease the unemployment ment departments came to ecomi a tao faceifhe in problern, The Officiai Op. light- .it was "leaked"-the eCanadc a. M ot ein un position Leader called for lid blew off. The !rate and Caynaha d soueti ue hi seiected tax cuts at once. indignant opposition de- governiment to severe criti- However Mr. Trudeau saisI manded to know what was cismn from the provincial the Opposition must" îeacni going on behind the scenes. governiments, the miuaicipali- that the Goverament is not The memorandum propos- ties and members of the prepaced to introduce new esI that $2,000,000 be set aside opposition during the last moeasures to fight uinemploy- to provide special jobs for weeks of January and the ment every time the oppo- 25 0 unemployed French first week la February.1 sition parties demand such Canadian University gredu- At the last officiai couit action. He made It ciear ates. A copy of the memn- Canada's jobless totaled that the Goverameat is orandum marked. "confi- 538,000 la December. That .pîriniag its hopes on steps dentia]" was d e livecred total lm expected io go high- taken in the Spring budget through the mail to an Otta-' er when the Jaauary and Iin 1970 and the December wa TV newsroom. Typed later the February figures budget Ia 197at to improve across the top, obviousiy by are issued. Government econ- the economny and speed up an angry civil servant, were omists saîd privately they its recovcry. the words: "What about the are expcctîng peak unemn- Finane Mnister Edgar merit principie". Under the ployment figures th!-is winter Benison ansI Mn. Trudeau nit principie the person If arud7O,0,a pna -hvec gdth rvnca etqualîfied for the job lm as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' hiba 7zrtO oeamnsan h Cn U ae o e tregard- Howeer ameecoomita dia__popl tobe atint easof whetheýr lhe la French Repot1fom Ottaowa By Russelli C. Honey, M.P. Whea 1 was appointed Deputy- Speaker of bbc bouse ai Commans in October last I discantînued Weekhy Re- ports through the newspaper andthe radio. I did this because of the neces- siiy ai the Depuiy Speaker, like the Speaker, heîag absoutlhy non-partisan la a political sense. Since, that time many constituents bave wrilten and telepboned ta ask if it was not possible ta resume the Week- ly Reports. In the past I tn ied ta be objective and non-partisan la repactîng ta con- stituents and I have decided bo staîýt tbe Reports again by, newspaper and radia, but ta keep them entirely nanýpartisan. MVy duties as Depuiy Speaker re- cjuire my presence on Parliament Hill at ahll im e bhc ouse af Commans is sittîng. This menas irom Moaday ta Saiurday. However my weekends are frcc and I spend them ia the Riding. As Deputy-Speaker I act ia tbe ab- sence of Mr, Speaker, the Honorable Lucien Lamoureux. The House sits on an average of, six and a half hours per day., The relevant Standing Order, of the House ai Commons states that' Mr. Speaker (or in his absence Mr. Deputy- Speaker) shahl preserve, arder and dec- arum and shaîl decide points. of order or prac ice, questions ai pniviiege, etc. Many of the decisions on points of o'-der invoive complex questions of law and parliamentary practice. The pria- ciple ai staredecisis apphies ta rulings macle by the Chair. This means that decisions made by anc occupant oi the Chair are binding upan subsequent oc- cupants throughout the years. There are, of course, advisers'avail-, able who are usually hawyers experien- ced in parliameniary practice and pro.- cedure. They advise only. The decisions must be made by the Chair. Edsnote: Weccme back, Russell! Religion for Today The Dîffîculties of Unbelief by Rev. Gardon C. Smyth People are allen very mucb im- pressed by the diliculties ai religiaus beliel, They iind lb bard ta reacb any absolute, convinced iailb. Indeed, ibere are doubis and abscunilies whicb every anc feels. And yet dcl you ever squarely lace tire ihought, ai a logîcally complcbcd unbelici, wiih no region ai spiritual hapes ar ai worship, a universe ab îýso- huiehy witbout God, a permancntly faitirlcss warld? 1What is the diicuhiy bere? The dilficulty 15 tirai ihese aspects ai lii e, thougb they are ofien bard ta hald, are harder stihl to let go. Faiih bas ils per- plexities. However, no sooner do you eiminale the spiritual iban yau are conironicd wilb a series ai experiences, emotions and intimations wbicb are simply inexplicable. Let me put the situation la lire words of Dr. Ignace Lepp, "Long before 1 became a Chrîistian, I believed in tire world. But I was also vaguely aware tirai ibere was someibing deficicat ilaa world ai constant becoming. For a long time, I believed that evolulian reacbed ils amega in, social revolubion. Gcad- uailly, I came ta sce thal revalution could not justily tire marvehousad ever-increasing spiitualizatian ai tbe unvrs.Oiy aller I understnnd the Chniistji nmessage dîd everything be- caine clear.," Ignace Lepp, wbo died la 1966, be- came a practicing psychotberapisb in Paris aad also a priesi. I commend "The Faitir of Mea" (MacMillan) ta yau. Many a reader will sec bimself la the pages ai a book wbosc author quickly and candidly states tirai until be was twent ,y-sevea ire knlew 11111e about Cbristianity and cauhd nat have caned less. .Tire Faiih ai Mca" bas optimism, intehhectual deptb and psychogicai in- sight. Bcgîinag with behief la God, Dr. Lepp discusses cvoluiionary creation and tbe hure of the Easteranrehigioans. betakes up the mysiery ai tire Trinity, the Eucbanist, and bbc Crucifixion, ne- hating tbem ta aur ives on eartb. He bas many inieresting and significant things ta say about miraches, ciernal li1e, and tbe Churcb, Yes, maay a readîer wiil sec hlm- self la ibis book and emenge wibh the opbimism whicb characienizes ht. He will iind that il bis dfficulties of belief were greai, bis dillicuities ai uabellef are now greaten! ,Wbat is, an the wbole, tire besi workiag ibeary ai lue? Under which \ icw af 111e do'the acis, on tbe wbhe, besi f nîl? Especiaiiy, what conception ai hile bolds bbc bigbest LacIs, the great irresistible spring-iides, whicb same- times risc wiiîhia ithe soul, ai hope and lave and desire? These questions tura bbc cnîtical, skeptîcah temper back upon itself. spcaking or Engiiab speak- ing. Tceasury Board C. M. Druny ai first denied al knowicdge of bbc secret memorandum. Laber be coný ceded that lb was part of a "fcasibility study" but stress- cd lbwa wrong to descnihe it as a Govecament pcagcam. Hle saisi it w as mnecely part of a sbudv being made by bbc Public Service Com- mission ta determine if more francophones coulsi be cm- pioyed la bbc gavecameat service. Acting Prime Minîster Mitchell Sharp fielded bbe tougb opposition questions as best he could, but dlaimi cd bbc Government had no knowledge of this mnema ta provide special cmploymenb for French Canadians. More than once Mr. Sharp lostibis bemper under bbc sharp questioning. Losing your cool la Panliament la a card- inal sin becs use then bbc npposition Intensifies is at- Ta a sease tbc LIberalm were reaping wbat they had sawa. Ia bbc eaniy days ai the John Diefenbaker Gov- crament when bbc Progres- sive Conservabives w er e wcestling witb veny severe unemploymcab bbc Liberala la opposition - J. W. Pick- ersgiil, Paul Manian ansI Lionel Chevrier .-.acied oui aviclous ansI continuai bar- rassing of the govecament benc hes the iike of wbicb bas scidam been sea lan tbc Canadian. Commoas, lb heip- cd undermine bbc confidence af bbc Progressive !Con- s e c v a t Ive administration. Nop.lb la bbc Liberal gavern- mnent's bura, andi tbc Taries are abviousiy celishiag bbc opporiuniby ta drive homne their abbacks. Mn. Trudeau on marc than anc sitbing day citer bis ce- tuca looked as if he wiahed be wece hack la bbc Fac Easb vicwing bbc Taj Mahal an other exabie sights. lb was a (Feb. 14, 1946) Miss Lumby ansI Mrs. Thomas were Sunday guests 9 af Mc. ansI Mrs, Ronald È Hethenîngton, Manvens Rd. Mrs. Charles Spencer bas retunned fram New York City whene she spent àa weck's holiday wlbh henhus-a- band, Capt. Charles Spencer,n receably ceturned f noain avenseas. Whiie on holiday she was stnlcken with acute r appendicîtis andI was forced ta stay a couple mare weeks rccavering from operabian. Capt. Spencer bas been ap- c painted Adjutant of the n Irish Regiment at Toronto an comipletion af bis 30 clays' leave.c Wcekead visitons witb Mn.V andI Mns, Jas. A. Newman were Misses Ruth andI Jeul- va Newman, Toronto, ansI W02 Beynon, G. A., R.C.A.s 7, of Pacry Sound who bas e just cetunned from aven- sea. a. Citizens from Bowman- f ville attcrýnding tbc Hoqr- 1 Plante wedding la New St, James Presbytenian Churcb,F London, Saturdav aftcrnoon, were Mc. and Mca. E. V.E Hoar, Mc, Russell Smith:,ý Dr. ansI Mca. W. H. Binkal and Mc. andI Mca, T. W. Cawken. t Capb. Bill Brown, 2osI Canadiara Armoured Regt., Lord Stnathcona Horse, las home on two wccks' fur- t iaugb from Camp Barden. Mca. Rubv Laskaris la vtsitlag la New Yack City, guest of ber brother wbom ah" bas not sean for 26 s year.s.i Mca. Wand Haffman wag sololat aithbb Smith - Coult- bard weddlng whicb took F place Saturday evening at e Grace Cburch-on-thé-Hili, Toronto. Enfield: Miss Margaret Smith and Ray Smth spent the wcekead la Toronta and attended the Ire Follies. Newcastle: Miss Patnicia v Pearce, Oshawa Generai Hos- b plia,, spent the weckend at home. t trying time for the Govera- 7 ment andI the Prime Min- j ister. Howeven wlth the Liberala solisI maJanity tbey b will have no diffîculty- r weathcring tbbc starm. E Mc. Stanficid welcomlng s Mn. Trudeau back home sIc- f livered anc af the hast j speeches of bis careen .0 fac as Officiai Oppostion Leadi- m er. He opened up en a hum- f ourous noie. He sympathîn- 0 cd witb Mn. Trudeau because i he bad read reports of the P.M. gcbting a sevene sua- bucn. The Opposition Leader who la partially baid looked so acrosa at bbc prime miaister CI wbo bas a balsI spot on bbc a:i top of his hcad and. saisI he AI cauld symipathize wîtb hil toi In the pain of thai ex- W. penience. He saisI that dur- cei ing the cnsuing wcek when tiý he secs bbc prime minîster inr scnatching bis bead hbe will of know lb la not because Mr. na, WHY WORRY ABOUT FAT IN THE BACON Ifs anc ai ihase wild, Canadian aighls, witb the wind bowling like a pack ai wolves an an LSD trip, and saow seeking oui evcry crevîce. My wife came dawn today and iound a litihe kid trying manfully ta shut aur front door, which bad been blown open, There was about eighi inches ai snow inii he vestibule, and the furnace -was grunting awaylike a bippa with a hernia. It's the sort ai night wben yau thiak wiih awe ai aur ancestors. Ia ibeir draugbty log cabias, and, their sad bouses on the prairies. They were giants, campared ta us pampered, daugby creatures, wbo wbimper and gel sick ai the thaugbt thai we migbt not be able ta get the car out ai bbc drive la tbe marnîng. Wc simply caa't imagine getting up at i ive la pitcb dark, ligbbiag a lamp, building a i ire, breasting il through thrce or four feet ai snaw ta the barn or hean-ta ta sec wbeiber bbc animais have survived, ieeding them, numb ta the banc,, and camîng back in ta make porridge. A taugb 111e, but in some ways we must cnvy ibem. They didn't have ta wocry about iao much choleste.rol lathe eggs, boa much fat la the bacon. Tbey didn'l have that demon ai ioday, the alarm-ciock, ta tear their tender morn- ing nerves. And maybe, because bhey weren't geaced ta thre dock, tbcv missed some of the joys ai maclera ile. Thev didn'i bave ulcers, because tbcy bad ta do somethiag about ibeir probiems, not just warry about tbcm.É Tbev weren't constipabed. because tbey didn't bave lime, la that cold. Their wamen werea't sa acurotie, be- cause thev dida't have lime ta warcv about nerves. cancer, gray hair aad wcinkles. It was a bard, brutal 111e, no ques- tio)n.'Rut wice thev worse aff thana rue? Maybe their kids had ta walk tbree (Fch. 16, 1922) Another Durham OlsI Boyý, gains promotion ta high of- fice. Dr. R. J. Niddecp. Toronto, wbo bas been Higî? Sccretacy of bbc 10.F., fanr Central Ontaria for 25 yeaca, has beca notified af bis appalntment to bbe Chair-, manship of bbc Medical Ad-, visocy Board of the same Order. His parents, wece residents af Enfield, North,' Darlingtoa. Mr. andI Mca, W. H. Os-- borne, King St. East, wlill celebrabe their golden an- niversary an Fciday, Fcb, 24. Mca. Norman Kccshaw anid childcen ansI Miss Eabwistle,- New Toronto, speat b~ wcekcncl at Mca. Evenson Prouts, Elgin Street. Mn. ansI Mca. T. A. Ander- son, Toronto, spent the week- end at Mr. J. D.- Haar's. Mr. John Fenneil, hard- ware merchant, Kitýchener, former esteemed ceaident of Bawmanville, is Presidentý af The Ecanomical Mutual Fire Tasurance Ca. Ex-Warden andI Mca. A. J., .Henderson of Cavan aeon aà trip West visibing fniends canroube at Toronto aa)D- trait. At Jackson, Mc. bhey will visit bis aisten, iVîc. Gco. Clarke. Mr. Bert Baunsaîll wha la taking, an Officers' Training Course ai Stanley Barracks, Toronto, was home avec bhe weekend. .Mr. R. H. Sylvester, LînrI- say, la visiting ber sîster, Mca. L. A. Tale, ansI otlier relatives bere. Misses Allie T,.Rr igianJ Ethel Oke spent bbc eek end wltb fricacý,Is laPart Hope. Miss A. E. McKow an spent bbc weekend wlth friendaï la Toronto. Misa Aura Caldiwrl.l l vlsibing relatives la Peter- bordugb, Mca. T. W. Stanley spent the weekead la Toronto. Trudeau la perpiexed-be la juat peeling. Mn. Trudeau was pu'zzled by bbc Opposition Leader's remýanka andi turned ta Regionai Economnir Expan- sion Minister Jean Maý;rchanld for an explanation. Mr. Marchand gninnes ianid point- ed ta his heasi. Min. Trudeau was not amuseci. Mc. Stan- fieldiccis anï,lna ahum- ourûtus vein for abautl five mninutes andI the i ltfiY wibb bis heavy ammniitioni. 75 per c ent af overseas per- ;ncil selected - by The United, bhurch of, Canada serve i ireas of techraical assistance,, .bout 25 per ceai are ini pas- àrai work. Since the general Nelfare of people la the -con- ýrn ai their awn gavecamient, Ic Cbucb's assistance is b itation onily, and in areal )funique and deveioping ieed. > miles to, achoal through the snow. But, wbcn they gat there, there wasa't any- body trying ta convince thcm that saif.» fing nail pouash was the greatest. And the same kids, when tbey bit- their teens, were young man& women, -capable and independent. Myý, grandmathcr died ai 311. Fatigue iiid ' cbihd-beaning, common enouigh in thosc'. days. There were aine childrcn. Aad, my mother, the oldesb girl, reared ibe lot ai tbem. Most ai aur kids today couldn't raise a guinda pig wiihoui the help ai twa parents and a veleninarian, I amn prescnthy tryiag ta canvince my daugbbcr thai the icce-enierp rise svstcm bas ilis points. She bas soa,, piano pupils. She, thinks il is atraciaus ihai she gels onhy hall bbc ice thre kidg pay, a mece $2 a hall-bouc, wb.ile the studio ownec takes tbe other half, $2. I, paint, ouita b er ibai be picks ber up and deîvers ber home, ibat ilt is bis studio, bis piano, bis advertisîag, bis overhpad. Nope. It is a clear case ai viîius capitalistiicexploitation ai ihe young. And my -moiber bitcbed up, the horse-and-buggy, or barse-and-cuter, and drove al].avec Clumet Island and bal ai Pontiac Couniy, givin,« lessans aI fiîiy cents an bouc. And drove tbe long, clark, lonehy road home. It'snot 'tbe moaey. balf a buck iben was probably wonbb mare tban four dollars ioday. It's bbc attitude. Tbece's nobody ta be bhamed. TbcV-, grew up in an cra ai comparative peace, when a sicong back and a straag wili gave yau a ile ibai was rewarding. W-_ grew up tbraugh a depression and a wanld war and sougbt sccuriiy. Or kids are growing up la, an ena ai via- lence and fear and rapid change and insecurîiy. And perhaps the last are mnore idealistir iban any af us, cdoser Ita0th, bruir, wih iheir slogan ai rrLave and Peace," Cam