Mines Minister,,Here to Meet Delegates Wi'nnin -Justeinn MinMiiserStte in Taiking to Delega tes For thé înatrof Mnenpai n hefrilciéey cf gov- "A goôd teacher ahon d ha,,-l and ortbrïiAffiaAllan ri-i nmet oparaitenam, haurged, wrhmore lthan a ammPr Lawee, uningte rce te anid lesa -onthe sie f gevern- tratorF," ha said, iý suc rme oat ament Dpenin, "You don't sec the do(ctoraz.ll juat the begînrnng.It was a familiar admionition bigpi 5t5lteeM' Se eaahiFslga. and nlea which hlas bmanddpia amnistaosi d o? But iti, abig finut stop, md him a smehEg faroahoaud.cpan coo ls attemlpt te acheva it lbas and given Ihum a strong iden ibhoptl«gaiain kept him busy oundîng tattwthtoubnlerlIf electad leader, Mir. La- husti-nga, tallîn to delegates wîng cf the Consenvative e once has pledged te ld 1the and tryn econvircoem crlParty. lino on provincial aducatioi lhat hocildoffen 1,the p"wil l "The sîze cf the bureaucnaýjcy csafrtnoyas-o tf ngs"sylflaenhpfrand the scopa cf government utlauainacut o theproincal rogessve on-activity in this province have nyatidrahrta h evaiepay ron rmralams -uent 41 par cent cf the pro-ý sýýn"tig vincialkh ybudget. On atrda afenooi, anfriglteningly, lover the P's, Ha sa-id blurnitl tht buasi- 8tMLawrence stoppadcoul Mfdcds"M.Lw aa hudh eetaîe briaeýlfil n Bewm nanvïille. Inaccas- rané!ce is queted as saying ifnd no gdiemv u ual onveeatin haChaýtteo Satunday s Globe and Mail. ot"u odnbreha.H %iw7ith the, DubairdelatsradjH intimated that goveran- didj gae hm fak nddw~-mont should pay'mono atton-, net ,, i relaberateolhthîs " if, o î-ý oat ve f his leaderahîlp tientehegasetadshudodncbtaldde p!ýïîfonl. o te grssrots nd;limenped fori nanives te a- > plttnm.pressed for a greater sharing trc inutjY te ail regiosc Itws uit lwke as f ideas and information the province. sie bad i th baque rom aon the people of the pnev-, Mn.Lawrc, aTnet atraiFBern Duftheman Motet incaawyer, whe bas bean a2ma- .. Ta. eaue fth ncamn "fthe people aaenet in- brc h rvnillegisia-!ez wierwather, Ithe turneut f o ecf ti at a bner ou f sine 19 (P.. St Gal daiegates waa disappo)iatingly g)apnal a i rn de]. Tleewr ny1 lemIs anid then given an eppor- r pa nh A il solutions, thon the death kel adyongnpat,,mbclcnddaean Mnstr fMiesan orhenM-,Lwene, ef.1 ha MPAlx1anuhes -and at least fou-r cfteo cf time party wiîî ba sounded," ant_ s 'îi(11 ntnl sî wa,,ra emebers of bis onh and aiscptlzn Affairs , was in BwavlaSat., Jan.. 3Oth, i te eetthe on Mr. Lwrnc'snghtl was theranand se was party trvligpar-î,tyani tbree Haiecriticîzed the regional cnacsha bai_,s mad as m-'Drha delegate-s. atflE-ade 1tn4ot sadn o h a woemmbr f the press.MitnElotstnignthfa Eut tat did net doter [the governmont pregnama saying 19istar cf Mines and Nertbern A wneitompeeted niany vcf' them re om laft. lNax vi M Elliett is Moira Lawrence, the wi fc 45-year-old imantpr romthat tbay sbould net hbed ý,"Affaira.'i ll* the s r. hrlsFik !kig is ptb aspeke 1as a blanket policy acrosa thleSer) rthe nly MpP ten dep l- attendsng aftcrnonretoni hl in tmha ý,Fiing tÎhe Mnse.Ais nta itr e r.Cane ik wîhth uitcnfdnc fprovince and taFetancaepb I upor fr_î_Ducma Mte InTw wodi-mkeiteu wr <ia belide ti 0-anm shuld tbey ha impesed wll-is Thomias Wel1s, tha eat onteents la hudrd tmMin MnîserVEpad and soearepaira nlecessary aven.Lot horaho goato em-thatmanycases, ha f el-t ail I have net really camp.iaugar-I reetew hpiahds _______l'et______c____________Èhatwas required was a bel-1dfo supot.rem th L n n If k ïlaInher repont fer the Fine JOHN ~' steing cf the ceunty or loc-al MýpPs,- Mn. Lawrence anpdîn m Disaster Comamittee, Mrs. governrïment, d te the press after bis talk u Noal Weod noted aid had been He o ccnîered that 1th err. 'I have spent mnostcfI (il I .i I Igiven tei six familles fcllowing was semajiustification lanfem- mytimaetl h ning- ~ 'Jo ii ii ir il I T fines. It was agreed te rpur- Ing regiens te include thý,ose m ei elognthes. l'idU WU SW W 'chase pestons fer distribu.tion areas encompassed by an uirhan1H o Hý-is stahe egest suppenterthetonshp la 1Btigeeabeen- ibis -wi-fe Moira who accomr,-0 r Weneday eenînnwfr mv p-ýremellinî MrsMrs, B.Diîling M 'r E. Bràcd tbmguth e ship prier tonded that "wo have gene aS panies him everywheire- She 20th, the ,i-B social tet -ný îld C.Dwn.v Rlh Pr1s71 apn-.on Genra î,suane far as we sbould go at pros- was once the president cof the tfilt Hetîulurl celearyeitppMr W Minorall ctos ercc yarar Ms oýnt", and su 'ggested it wa.5 n Torento-anea Young lPro'gras- beld its annual meueting in 1fer the flower shows, MIrs. C.,FB. Cryderman, Mrs. K. Flot: Besth,.atey Fino erB adetin- time te pause and evaluate the siva Consanvatives and thus a Trînity Suria Schcool HaillDwnoy for plant sales, whiilo cher, Mrs. J. Nesbitt, Mrs. D. vet igat areas cfceerain AUTOMOBI LEtrend to regional geverament. olitical veteran in ber ewn At 6:30, over 50 membens sat Mn. 1M. lute preseated the -, Park nd Mrs. A. Blair. Audi- norapeysonet ad tprodure VINSURANVE Ho ardently condemaed tho nright. down te a pot luck suppen. ] seretary's report as wrell as tors, Mn. L. Mason and Mn. A. blt fpouigoyo Contaet ~~ig-h expendCitures on Euc-Tbough tboy were composedrpatisfo th suerteinlianmleot. Hey HARRY VOERMAN b ,i a eiaw te ensuna thlatan afbltrugutta had been canicd eut byth M.E.Gnelcdutd umn th evig the equipment, etc. tboMrsB. ilsng coingyar. he ffCe n ith uical seti ens ch el ect dfer 1971: Prelsident, ni 7iNGS.F nd weill". He osdrdth oebtennae yRalph Preston: Vice-Presidleat, 3, IN S. , f dm niri te , grueling pace a lenidenship The business porino h ireir' n 91sýo( l ïc1ce NisI onpl BOWMANILLE oats andidae mua mainain. Toîr .ortio cf te diretors or 191 stan as iclude MissCathanne BlirmJontPalmr; Seratar, Mrs t oal ut eiia ibralt. narrw escape from disaster aenîrng wscnute ytefllw:Ps resident, Mrs. on ýý0 :P tha vilin,1opia yNelWcd resrrMs j ~~~ ~ ~ 'fc theirplnacsbaonnd hig Meeks. The chaîrmea etfimeCrae Tintr iîtViePr- swelas A'1na1and 1Carl Superviser, Miss Laura Mer- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hi peanow bsvanmeus comimittees reorte iat n rhi hta Sueon the accordtion aal ltoni; Loan'Cupber, Leonard an ot taeonwahdbenccmis-ectayTaurrseh iao er Senior Citizoens' Cen- o sbock adcoacera which ,cid dîring the paît year. Msfappintd at tha inal dinýc- 'Tlimeeveintg'S acýtj\iiiscn-mtteChranMs.Hg j T OWANSHIP 0F CLARKE uh~elmskdwssilE. lute (,pf)iled tnf o rsmetng ludd withlv ma1ka rrom iDeGeer; MWeltar-e and iHDisaste7, But fr potssonasthr embl-rshjp aad welceming Diretor fortwe &ycan ar e lie incomng peidnClan- MnTs James Kloepten; Eh-st isolynaiocsng ly can dýo.cmmittee, Mn C. Dcwney Mns.LMon. A. Suli, ance Tink, __________I Aid Commiltea, Mns. Douglas The'show 90 n, Seltand Robet Ryley. OBITUARY I In~fITy's L ongregaTion TOM WRAT,ý 1yenr, lima doath et Tom o ld s An a 1I Weray, aged 92 yoans, occurred sA nu lGeLog te on Friday, December 18, 1970,1 by Mn, 1. Mnnday snp in l 1f ime Obse-rver. Robl.HenryTed Watson, at Memorial .Hoapital Bow- Afl a hw yM.A o utn lnLib manville, The annual meeting eto ria Mekle ontima gýrp el aedet N e teards: Mcsna.G. Son efthlie laIe Mn. and'îty United Cimrch cengrea-unerevli o odtse egeR. W-elsý, Mri Mrs. Robent Waho amý,iien began with a poFî luck 11 ýîlvornld. Thopra e eda te)haAlIin, Allin Colo,, L. Ayre, bora aI tGcodmaanhnmy, Yonký- supper with almoît .100 par-, great c-prto ewe teRit uwe G. 1Lameînt, R. sbire, Egla,,whceafha ne- taking et the doudcous fo d.. give Pr and recaýiver cf Ibis ilo 'c Minyr(. T. Gatchaîl.1 ccved bis education. Ho an- Atten Grace imn Rcv. G. Ward nial el - at r as crop, Me CSarFa. K.,umnfodand nived In Canada la October, lime U.C.W. ladies handled tarnsidarfccod, lite and Wýý. C. Ie! ar returnîed as 1903. On June 17, 1914 ha receiving and servîag oet tm oe rsos married tho fermer MaT;rylfood and cleaniag up afler- Afeâdjeuiirameal Rav. Mntersaal eePrsy Eiïzabeth Rorn wimo rHc-w .P caaed lm prde1ad.ad preoun [ced fibe Bene- ý ýtMrs. 'S. R-ae, eas . Affer su-pper, ail wcat lai iionI. L Wod Vm . C. Ives. liedecsd bad nem [ he cbunrh where lhey were I New Fiders re:Mn S. M- Aud,-itnsrFaappoialed, S. Rý mla Hampton, for .51 enad ondb a goodly umbar c utr ean lr lla ae nd L. wli beor mvigthrahn lvd thrs arrTy Cooper, L-s Langa, Ibhis îla avery shýort resume. laj hw and thl snua- Mr. 'Ward coaductcd a short Laurence MaDegn, eh. To leara more read the annual i-gditi. A capetrhowrsipsrvice wilim Mns K. Muttedin, Russoll OshrnaAi. oent -Read il, digest it and w.as emnployad -meat c f bis ,lIfo BiietI atithe )FýOrgna. Sylvester, CccilMen ison., Stan pfl an te make yourselt part ef la ime building induslr , ppeointmrcnls wre: Chair- McMurter,__Lary omnlinsoa-, Isim--ilroefer 1971. I cet tn ane oar atHam- mnthe Rev. G. K. Wand;- ton Miil wbjiebwa one tSacreLary, Mnr. Alan Lohb B T H A N thiat lime by bhis tatber-mn- Press, Ms. I. Munday. Minutes- lawP Mr. Ciales Hern. Theofe lait ycar's meeting were , N laI1tý,e Mn. Wray ratired 17 accepted as If rend. (Intended fer laitwek "Begin Teday" and "That b otm-I years ago. Report fer the Session was A speci.nl WeV(mea's Day erseme conjunction - But" . A membor cet Hamptoný given by the Clerk, Mn. C. Service was he n lalie Unitad Mns. Harold White rond a UýLnited Chuncim, ho wns always Trlm. He sald he wlsbed te CimuncimaI Be-thaay oni Suaday modern hcusewlfe's version et iactive in chuncim attairs as band eut semae "bouquets", a when Rov. Daviî ti NcrLhey con- the 23rd Psaim. long as bis health permnitted, spécial co te Mnr. Ward, eth- ducted lm installoaofethle Th-e ofterng was receivedj and scnvod for many years oniers te Mrs. Bothwell, our very United ChcimchWcmoa's cf- by Mrs. John Neals. ,Ima zoard fet!Truss ffe nt nsaxtn; te Mns. Bail, ficers for Ibis ya. r.Thomas Jea,ýnagsa s- Hamrpten United Ch-urcm. Ha time cburch aecretary; te ail 'e cniptrr a opanied by bon dancing pup- wa aisha aîsPrsiantcf ropa ndlimir eaersaa wa lme Sen e t ngland Ldge la laitut fanfrombl e M n read by Mns. Enni Argue. pet sang "Them Dry Bones". Bowma SnviflEl ad fo a veryiW. asceu ar r an G Eitl r. Mns. Ronald Jackson sang The financial report was glv- lowng lewasand n actv cm-W. AstatCleankaMretGSessio. ' "My Task". The cboir's an- an by Mrs. Vincent Jackson. berg cfm Hamprto e mery Mssstn. AlnDas gaesime lbtem was "Give Yeur Best te Announcemoal waa made ef ber f Hmptn Cmetry M, AvinDavs gve t)eýhe astr".a Kentucky Fnled Cimchen Sup- Board. Stewards' report, and tie limaM aterd.Nortbey gae peor te ho heid lanlimaSuaday Mr. Wray la survived hy Pa 1971 buýdget. Ha gave mugaMs nvdScimool hall and lthe Worid Day son, Jackson Wray, and a' credit te Mn. L. Langa, lMrs. tow e"monnd outhied lex puro- of Prayar, observad on Manch daugitar, Mns. Sam Keane Colwell and etimers. oMeanouledtépr25h (Elleen), boh o f Oshawa. Mrs. A. Davis, la ber report posOeofthtee-Unitad Cimunch 251h. ebCpisgv a Thme funeral service was on lime U.C.W., mentiened Womcen.MnHebCpnsgv a ield aI lime Morris Funeral saving oif stampa, nylons,, Do- Uaitad CIngreh Womea report efthlie réenta Presby- Ciapel, Bowmýlaille, on Mon- minion tapes and Christmas lmeUild -unmWm b onalumeeting d la Preer- dy, December 21s1, aad was carda, hallag and sending et met Mcnday atternoon lanlime bthe , ndas pesnd ceaducted bny Rev. Wesley cletiîg te Street Haven, Osima- Sunday Scimool Hall with Mn. imUCW. budget for 1971 ln Herbent et Kingsview United!wn Miss Hestel, Fred Victor Henh Ceppîns pnosidiag. lime ameunt et $1,015.00. Cimrch Osawa Tio cm- issonTonnto Dept f r sM. Aulna Beor had charge Mns. T., Jonningi rend mie- mittaI service was aise held Ovariens Relief: visîting lime e iepormadsoe ts e rves meig la lime Ciapel with temponanylsick and auI-mns, cieemîng lime filai strip "Dry Bones" gliv- etons thIanks for gifla, Ch , rensins for beiag a trcmHarh Neals. Douglas La- Cem1eptientVaulI. Buig imes, spîî isti;an aj nd ,\w cunt gnand Tononto Street Hayon, la Hfei apta Ceme lller, i ~In gtransportatIon for ebr e ep ihsca napeai from Opération Eye- ______Ha___________te______ iiad mar-n o imerproer s evc ek "im anti-gases, n letton et thanks frnom rure 0f oun socîty h lime ack ime fermer Konean feston cb1lld Mn Wadexpnessed nÏ, Yîcltonad omu[Kong ukChnwimo bas preialon e alfon ce-ôecra- clcee1onFît" Msnw compleled hon educalln, en !lBeerwh1Sý "1e i d îepooma ý Il uvaiagreed leass l im wor lamestly bohind tha Vouth Groupa la their proiýcîs scre. adîuch more cx- ile adopl anelimor feston clld teinsive lian any cf us reaILs ~ w rm - Two iymas were ug ia enlloned as 1970 bh IL L L ~ i3 Fiewn ieieeil~ rligimîs, lime every-imome viiab7fUT unch wns served b-y Mrs tieii n laMarcm, tie gretmng cn WE y Tt)"1,' Alan Been and memrbanseo( F.U p i 7 litns dunlng cburceh servirr e i ber :neup. metn etle lime etling up ef n Cradie Ro , Manvei-s Red cross lime Meals o Wheeis hy Jack -.e É . h nulmeigo h aa id JiIi, Ris plan' can we il rFICee, YON anvens Township i3rancm1 cf c*rqenseOur stewvardahImp oIlThe Canadian Red Cross ýSe- rthe summer months limne, talent and money W ICFOKSRf>" ci y was imld in St. Pas l's wa, oh-forthe eueâ,h. ýIn limeabsenceoet lieI ) in the perîod sncdfrlm 0dcae aFýiJPrsident Mns. Al Reports on ovtendod a mîd hiM-n NeellWood, Us nH a-oin ndMaan ~ lm emndtin-wOeegiven h MsKena&ihSi cla uvýadquotsaump.ni mana-gon. neponled 18 luoeîtrd, he on aamabhl cnvasser bad a Inlatcd tI cf tnd ad aia ongottig ayear's drive for funds whlcm coopaainee n 'nn dlIled $374ý84 tf;cetd. sotsB t at'-esd limelak'Miss Leurs Morton for !oe :0 pm. Mrd ic aconea in laTrm1litx B.Llooýd Donera' Service renrl- fer ny acretio sim ste~s-od 9 dorien gave 38 dornations lng hatobsdre aed, guld rejecticns and lime bol an o ndth sosîd aHI A VEY thme srvice oetsonnée -eldelyI 'e nie-it l Ci atanEducallenn ors. A lotter fi-cm Mrs.1 Il ~ ha warig~o e u D k ~ hn Ray of Peterborough cengegalen'l metIn w hIw as rend concernice ie n-l ER,~ hao udybut thi wzORONO 983520 1slzAft hieDistrict lCinilc a-i Mn. LLa se cdlimeE,ýP I¶OME aEAT S8ERVIC71E i-n~- oyî nr~ quw Imprtance et çpe tng oui- sub ______________lima' loin culiboard well equlp-U Dut e Ma rc h lst, 1971 Payable et the b 1ranch Offices ofltii. Canaian mperal ank of Commerce at Orono or Newcastle. TaX hbik wiII be mailed within a- week. IL DeWITH, Clerk, Township of Clarke, Orono Ontrio, BOWM11A NVLLE CUISTOMERýS CAILL COLLECT Ask O perator for 668-3341 or Dia[ 1-668-3341 DX,'t FUEL OUL CALL us TO-DAYI FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE j F- 3R GARBA&GE PICK Township of Cartwri cAis fior Tendier&s for 1971 for Garbage pîckup for (aproxmatly650 pickups- 27 caIis June 14 to Oct"ober 12. ,jes r amy tend-4er not necessarî ly et Ted r mui be in Townshîp Office bef Fute dails 'township Clerk's office In the Editor's Mail Fim,ý. 4, 197].1 To 'me Ediler: A-Point ofdIntarest Congratuilions, b lima, Bowmanvilla Pestiai Serv\ice! A young rasideal t owo- manville -namred Rimadca who attends S;t. Joseph's Slimool mnissed two days cf scimeel lait waek hecause of Ilîneas. On returalng to'scmool aima bad a note la an anvelope witb only ber toacimer's anme on Il. Thîs acte was acici- denltaliy dropped lanlima matilbox aeiI-ng willh semai otmer lattera Rimenda bad le post on ima eway l simol Would *yout elieve? Fiva,, days inter lime nota ýwa de,- llvared tle ie tacher. Mns. G. Gould, BewmnvilaOnt.. S Duko SI., The Can.acian Statesman, Bôwmanville, ýFeb. 10, 1971 20 H. P. $ 925. NOW -........$900 SKIMO SLEIGH $159. NOW...$12t,00 ALOUET SLEIGH $113. NOW $89 eMII SKÉ$275. NOW ....$15.0 SNOWCRUISER COVERS-,... $14-50 Genuine SnowCruiser - Reg. $39.95 SNOWMOB1ILE SUiTSý NOW., 75 JACK HOAR & SOiN Taunton Rd. E. at Zion 725-1901 OBITUÂRY Èhter of tè 1Àte3Johnrun i MRS. J. A. REFFERNAN Lynçhý Mrs. Heffernan wal . A cnceebate -unèalmember of the CWL. an,! A coce1br~td ~n~, Altar Society. Mass fer Mrs, Julia Ann Hef fernn ofR R W5raw ~ She is survîved by sors, Rev. Ray Heffernan of Bow- held at Our Lady of the As- manville, Frank and Vince cýf sumpion churh, tonaeeOtonabee Township, -daugh- from Duffus Funeral Homne, ters Mrs. Richard Moher (Ma- January 27, 1971, at ilar.ý rie), Mrs, Cletus Sullivas' Most Rev. F. A, Marroccol, (Marguerite), botb of Dourù.-_ Blshop of Peterborough, :,aid Twsi.adMs e~c tlhe Rite of ComrmiiIn To w unsh(ipade) f shawa,ý' and Farewell. Qin(ltle fOh,ýa a brother Michael of Balti- Mrs. Heffernan died iii St. more, and sisters, Mn, Mur Joseph's General Hospital, 'Hefferna-n of Douro and Mrs. Peterborough, on J a n u a t Y Margaret Iaeffernan off Pote:-- 24th. The principal mclbraintj boroughI, and 19 trancIchýId- was Mrs. Heffernan s's son ren. Mrs HoTffernan wasFýe Rev. Ray Heffernan. Bna deceased by her huisband, was in St.,Peter's cemnetery . Thomras James Heffernanr, ý.d Born in Centreton, Ont, ýone brther, Jozepi, and en Mrs.-Heffernan was tHe dau- sister, Rlose. MASTER NE CLEÀ&RÀ&,,.