Mn- rueTlioEdtrPhoe 987-4213 Winners of Special Awards -ai ecslCmecmn ?7ewi Scial fi J Newcastic-The beaux> whoj somehow forgat their sweet-1 hearts an February 141Uh w a custamary Valen-tinecati mnay wcll be able ta crawl oui1 of thee togbouse by planning to take the littie lady to the Newcastle Lions Valentîne Dance, Sstunday, Februany 27.ý This will more insu make up for Youn fongetfulness, but, dons I]cave it toa late, or you'Il be back iu trouble again, These tiace are well ativertiet thraugh this newspaper anti by praise fromn thase well out- elie the ares who devotedly drive from OLtawa or Toron- ta ta attend. Order your tick- et anti reserve your table naw. Newcastle Al -Star Tyke coaah LaVerne Martin anti bis team have challeugeti the Newcastle Hockey Mothers ta a hockey game as s meaus of raising funtis far the Associa- tion, Hockey Math crs Presi- tient Mrs. Barbara Millsoni has accepteti the challenge, but now needs the Hockey Mothers ta support ber actions. Any- are interesteti lu having ithe funtis raisetihta funther sup- part the neei 0f these New cacheteams le îurgeritly ask- cd 10 contact Mrs, Milîson, ai 987-4087 Ail challengîng teaune will bc accepteti, reports Mrs. Mîlîsan, so came on Mathers, "H-E-L-P", The bohîle drive, belti by Isi Newcastle Cube anti Scouts an Saturtiay was a huge suc- cees, reparte Scouher Jim Stephenson, wlo wîtli Scouter Normian Tîlîsan andi'Pst Blak- er of the Sposonug Graup estimate approximately $70 or better wae ralseeti y their efforts. Papere taa wera r, ptbemeselves ln one of theirG L E strrequirements, andi at the 1 0111N WEDIJIJNU came Urntie heip others, Please ecotc:urage your boy ta enter.1 Mr, sud M rs. Clarence Neâlsý ey, wi1th their tiaughter Sn their Goldeni Wedtîiiu nn Ira, have arriveti ln ecatevery on Fridaiy, February froin Prince EdwardIsatlth Due to Mre. Neale' ifi I e U ersona-i Their mothers, Mrs. Rita mb lhealth they were unable to ley anti Mrs Shire Brchard have any public celebration. a;rp e ighte.d fa Jrnow Lhils Fifty years ago lu the Unit- pscked up by ths rqeeîglteýt posting wilil bavep their' it, anti thîs brougbt luin.another famnily a little nearer ta themý, 1ment wae ln Bowmanvllle $4, The Cube anti Scoaniti i them being postedti t the Cemetcry. their leaders express al sincecre Treuton Air Force Base, Among the rnany beautiful thank you to those whoeu- -- floral tributes, evitience of the portecf their project anti iePeteem in which the deceaseti to thank the fa)thereq who OBUITUA PV was hield, were those from the drove. Messrs, Elden Hireh1-felti, ingram & Bell Co. Ltti,, anti Wilton Myers anti Doug a MS RICHARD A, U. !MASO-NBowmanviile Pire Department. ton, also to Mr. Dick Locvekin Palibearers w e re Messrs. who loaned bis truckP anti tol The deatb oiii Mre. lRicarld Gregory Maeon, James Roy, Mn. Charlie Gilkes who loanet A Hý Maeon occurred at Rîv- Michael Bedforti, Barry Mason, and drove hie truck. Anotherlertia]e Hospital, Torouto, on John Mqaeon auntiJeffereon1 bottie drive will be helti in Tuesday, February 2, 1971. She Mason. May, the boys again will be Was suinber 44th year. asking for your support. Daug):,7,hter of Etigar F. Bed- attentiing the "Sing Out" 't,1be li lva Bediford, the -former I I C I Courtice High School iDoxr ty Lenore Bediford wasý O Saturday evcning. Boys i b nu Bowmanville sud re- ing a ride are to be at,0, thedcainlnBw1 Community Hall hy 6:15 m mavîll Public anti High iu uniform anti with enan - irst Unse 1 mission of 25c. Drivers are 1947, ehe roarrieti Mn. Richard neetiet, parents who can take A. Hà, (Bert) Mason who sur- a loati over or hack are ta vives. pîcase contact Mrs. Don Innis. Mre Maso,-n hati resideti forl Cu-be wlll meet next Mon day the pas tbree anti a baîf year.ý of T athe hall at 4:30 p.m. They lu Don Mille anti hefore loat- i iill go hy car from there to ing thene bad livet inluMonut theo home of Mr, sud Mcc. Don real, Que.; Calgary, Alta.; Oro- 1T Inois for a toboggan partv. mocto. NB., aud Regina, SaFk, They are to take a box lunch A housewife, her, suteresi., witb thcm; hot chocolate wil centreti arount iber family antiea hebanhc be provîdeti Tbe Cubs are home. She was a mnember 0f Pa blaite rnde now preparîng to enter the, the Anglican Church_ Isperial Bank of Conil West Durham District B3ird' Suhviving, hesides ber hus- Feeder anti Bird Hotuse (con- !band anti father, are s daugh- Newcastle. Due date fi testýt Information ant i nstruc 'ter, Mn . J. Roy (Kathryn}îsaîatlalea tini on tis ws sent home a ai three sons, Gregory, Thorn- Isaici .,hv the- lad imeeting. Parents are as anti Dausel A brother, aiket ta help with their son'- Jamies Btipforti of Bowmanvîllel de"son to make one or the aiea suýirvives, mach?1toM olther anti whether to make h funeral service wss helti it for himiecît or ta ccli it at from th1e Northcutt Elîsot hîs 'lime, wben ail monie5 Fuinral Homie, Bowmanville, raîseti wsll be doustedti t the on ThurstaFebruany 4th anti Chlildren's Warti of Memorsal was con'-ucteti by Rev. Thrnias Hos pital, Bowmsnvîlle, The Gracie of St1. John's Anglicaný býoys seremeti most anxioue 10 Church, Bawu'anvillc. Inter- ______________ These stdetswre the winners of special awards Speaking Prîze; Jennifer Munra, the Lions Prîze; Cathyý gitNwcsl Public Sha Commuiercement and Dwyer, the Munro Award; Stephen Dryden, the RIck-ý Concert. T'hey are, fro-n lf t ta rigi-t, back row, Dale ard Hîstory Prize; front row, Karen LaCornrb, McMahon ta3rrett, wînr of the Wilmot Gold Medal andi the Sports Award; Ruth Yates, Hooper Music Award andý LiJons-ý Prize;Chrstn Selby, tI1se Coleman Public Melanee Jessup, the Squair Engilîs;h Prize. Juvendles i n Fiîst S NexastleI laot uek whenil' the Nýewýcteuen is let Pik ring 'i j Jven les en Newcastle ice 2ain he eon gLn fthiri 3best two out of in try-ivng ta wîn thre game aýrid 1l _he -er e ne c, teir ail1 til-ne, iecsl tor, 1- r Fatiset t then a!ndig It evrhînty had_ Dependintg on whnyueil tèir&I the a7Yrna you may-7v ben confuse-d as, to@ it bing,11 hockey or fîghtnrgh How eebetwieen ac round(i of Liat ewinin thetcri proet m1anyý anl aux_1ipu mmet o he h o ckýe y fanris- ant diplayvers asD Ntice NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATIOIN Ftidcxy, Mrch 5th Prenf Pf Age- (r3irth Cetfi. PUPILS PRNEWATLE, PBLIWC' SCHOO RE LManni Ma eiter at1l'l i NEW CASL -E 1 PUBLICSCHOO Di5 -W on E Hawes ta gsve themi a 2-1 vi- tory over Pickerng anti fore- Beaf Pickering linenafîtb adti! aey thesr series which was starteti ingig at leTyke Newcastle playeti thesr. sec- ond gamin n wo nights anti Q ~ Ibis trne were s uitile mare !nd Thi T urs ay 2-ail on goals by David Mill- wrll The gaie entieti wth ar anti Tom Mý1artin., Endssg iScoht Foster froin Et Kanili- another victary for Necastlc, this gameîr, U-he uaers 0 f the gan anti Norm Shearer. the second su araw, wth a hwotam linieti up along Sanda y February 14 fual 9-'2, score. îthier sitie rf1 the centre une. Wit,0 ot smewet yn21-wcsti Batam CaI thefiret game Cowars- ho peveu anyfunther action Tom iiri vsthnT-onLau off-lhe ice ltharnI ht leti tt itheeï Waler Rîc %'an le layeti ain exhibition beenexpriecet on he cetrahy, sechapio awarti ae witl NwatcJuven- paesof bath teamn .e wre 0f1te oui Fastnnl ntn 1îes. They we-e succecsful rueheti u iercr niLitiî-le N H L1C Seis asd kept theinwulgsna Howevei- thiswa not so sul theirow ceesfo1r tedy Scorilug: Coajnville.iFrt t'he ickei-ug tiressng roreffort at' vc11-1watl 1trti gasiassiet, Bill not by ail players, precum- will now enter ihbe tunmu cClog 3assiste; Romi ably oe or two, but at the ta, be heldantia rel te Topo,2assiste; Charlie moment unknown as ho bow week of spnmug hldy hi re.Paul McCullaugh anti many or whos, the tempers of lsa àfour-ayturae niJonSse acgalac thase losîng the fîght or we certaîuly ws ieta Juveniles-Rick Stevenson, the gaine soaredti tire anti their caache-,GayWoi2 goals; Doug Rrckari, 2 a- point of taking thieir team beck anti Rick Rcka,,rdci ýeeyss Norm iTîlison, 2asse oui on the duci worR andt îy- succese. Gien Murphy anti Dao, 1lng f t her the nroam apani.---- one goal cacb-i, Davidi Shearer Ex Ou f lic dapmage lur osi anti Randy Tenuant, anc as- 110wevr thssi each. pn,,inciple remamju te qeston.C a s'el,1 u Inthesecod 'gamne Elm- These are not uifle C iichîient eete onsosi oui then tbey anc artily e.rsd tise senles ,two games te 0. whci 0,;igý, Iî ýc,ýij, new-s Elmnhuî st ledbyBl they wui dpll suha etun, Wright wosoei ailfour Withthe ewcatle .P.. byDavi Sherer goals iu the 4-3 victairy having ta be calneinu ho h uedy c. ilScanina fr Emsus: i arena a. 1>Pi tecti0f the second Wrighh, 4 oas;Brian 'Rawe, peniot in lu ope of c.pnec ngTk iM Wato , Jh eni fut1 igintcyw o aNwail u pa balr]d DAle tnsn Abn Grecu, dloui keptseafOcn ou ugbt btte but couitin'tl eachithr iee assisteL baud1( ýjuet a'few inuts on -oercamib sth ,trengthi of thie Jnhn,tion's-Terry Pick, 1 er thew a cekte cs visitiug Pont, Hope club asýgoa -asscut; Pete l4eudersou, ing_ raom beI-Cfore gýlvîg althey were defealeti 4-3 Scor- 1gol- 1ass-;B.Ni- igal CIean sinang for Newcastle were Norm ,iAntiy Sutch, Rîck Douincheil.! T'he tîd n osbylast Sheaner from Scot Potechhti anc asamît gaine if Newraehlte keep. their Poster fraun Eti anîigan,, Jalhu-stan e reccivet i fve nif cuti un as-.hhey'vc doue lu thc anti Brati Hopkins antci Dmsi lih-re npenalties hantietiout. laK iwogams, will he on M lîson fnom Gneg Marîn, lmhunrsi willi nw mcci homne ire, Thurstiay cvcnlng. Bantani 'owauvilce for the champion- Also ou home ire last Thuns- Newcastle, led by Gar nCx! shsp. day evenlug, aur Necastle witb three goals, tert Recreatian teamn met Baw- Bowmanvsllc by a scrore of B wln manivîlle, euftcring a 6-i lose. Joe Hartwig anti Neil Vene The loue goal was ecereti by stoop sconcti the other goas, 0W.1 i9 Tim Jenkine, wîtb assiste gaîung ta en On Sahurtiay, playlng ah Mcatiows wilb iwo sud ChneMon a Lae - 175 andi aven, Millbnook, il wae ani 11-0 vie- Dwyen anti Bob-,Lanry wîth-T. , Lagstaff 340, B, Major, ,tory fon thse Ncýwcaehle lads, ingles.i E39,H Caunoux 310, J. AI- Anti a second sbuiauh of uibe Jvnl ie 253, R. Couch 250, M. icague play by -Danny Hlop- ecs. okacmat-Mjr25 ,Lusaf94 kis.Scnsg or"h ica ig tw1o 1gaine leati in the be-sTý l. uton 243, D. Mencer 21 ,wcrc Jef f Butigen with 2anif five senie se they tinoppetiD.J-Forth 235, E. Mercer 225,1 Gary Zulaf witb '2, wiib 1 goail-Pickering by a score of q..,. C. Dluguay 222, M. Bunlcy .M(), each for Sheven White,, Rirkv Pickerng openct b saîgI.Bon21,Plren25 Glanvilleý, CaDe on Wils.Dalm ely but Tlmn Wallon quick,- A. Langstaff 212, M. Watde. .T~kin, hares oselDae ly scoseti from Bniars Ander- 204, A. Gogerty 203, J. Bown Mîlso atiDavi Rowley'. son anti from thený on it ,ý 01 G. Halloweil 200, E. Pe- Ba'aeWin Tounney ail Newcastle. Sconng N-- cm 199. M.Ga-rnoti 197, R. in- Onu Saturday morning, New- castle's aiber goals, weseDan wsn 193, J. Ser 12, L, Web- castle Bantames left thbe village Norton fromn Do Ricnid-tsen 189, D. Na 187, P. Lunn for lise Bauiam Touruament ah anti Jerry Thmp o b is'c187, L, arow181, E. Moone, Keene. Meeting Mllbnook îul Newcastle a 2-1 le at i he180, B. Lake 1.78, G. Couchl iwo games for total galenti Of theret rýlpensodntilu .l 76 C, Pickeisng 175. Newcastle wexe victoniaus inri s 1scndNecatl got ticea Meni - 200 anti aven total 0f189goals ta Mllbnooký's nawrcot take a B, Farrow 280, J, Kuelani- twa 1h as sut-ut or5-1leai cornng were Thomp- a 261, G. Kimbail 260, G.1 Tîm Blak-er tlu the fîretgamne, son uesteti, Ray West fnrn ato 20 P Adm 29 wlt gols e-ig sarei h Rîk Sephenson anti Rickanti G Cowîmng 27J Rbîso Gar Co, Tm aniu ati nasieeti j25i2, J. Ponresien 2146, B. Bur- BIl arwh saet ta t ihe thîrti. PenlotiNew Jl-ePyV241, D. Hlarri 22<1, C. ecac ingl gal macis bv castie roundeti oui, Ce scor ives25,L ayo'23 Don Manrtini, Penniy Mcatiows wlh fouir goals ta Pckernug'c 'întîf214 ,RSTaylffe23, anti Neil Vaienstaap anc. Norton sconcti fnom Rmrk- D. Eastabrook 211, 'É Cowlingo lu is seon gme.Kenyant atiGneg Gna\y Ken 20.4 G. Kuipery 203, j. Brul- Bayti scoreti A baipmk we aiîiefrain'Bruce Altreýti tn'202 he scoreti lhn-c gýoals, Bob antiRaty Tennani. Norton NcvniîeLde Lantiry scnéti two itb aoncen 1camý-pletet bis haht nmck ade ecri going ta( eli Vac11 n-again acc-icîti by Rickard nt 15 ni ver shaap, Joe 'Harnoan, BlWg-'hen Rickarti got hi eri , seod G Hge 58, U Wîllems lsesisteti by Norton anti Waltan 2ý39, A, Halien 233. M Smiifh in, finsis off tise scoring. 214, T Vogele 21_ý3, H, Willems LIONS CLUB Newcastle outshoh Pickerlng 900, G.' Henry 194, A. Vogels' ,7 ta- 23 againît Roy Venhuirgis 1_84. anti Newcastle also receivti Thrsdy ixti lS s UDA N L rme penalties to Pickcning's17 ani ve hhree. MLeis5,nM. MrGea rI' HALL iTissgarieicset theeaefor 240,BTGlanvîl2e5224, W. r- 'wbat coulti be tsGfnlgaege 2, .Vilerhg224, T. r arv 27th lot thse senîe this Tu!i, Ziuf20. ewis 21, M. lu Nesactl, Couh'18, A. Paraw 183. $4.00 ParCule ndy eny1 dr ixet-d -200 and oaven Pce Wee .Her 3l3, J. Sîkma 289.A A AMBASS3ADORS Nwatctook an early -0 M. Wînten 257. J. McCrsckeni icatias-on l goal by i<ern Na 5.APr 48, D. aly i hagineby Mko rmPace22 .Jnus22î, i - ,îhny -ieciES mes rem PeWhite Table Stock Mexican, Long Green ilcors Canada No, I Gre bel FA-ct ionPicd Jonc Paer Bkr SecialGs pU P I PEJIl~ie9 Flufy, uhi une odJnePre, o zeg Lena eBnaf c HIFFO A ~ e9 j"', ParIker,DcnnePenoTntd'(k f63 ) HOT CRO-ýSS U "z'¶2 7Ls=i Tins Co>upon , oad b RI, L! urhaee 9 ruiy n, 1 1-hi2o il An prî*ea ascown in this ad guaranteeti effectifve Febeuary 20, 1971. SHOULDERS BIEF LIVER (00KW MEATS28 Maple Leaf, Sie SIDE BACON 6 8 r-ef &Pork SA USAG E WUENERS 2 etm! PORK HCKS P26ý Sunlight Liqluiti DETERGENT Bref, ChiýIne etue, oe YORK MEÂT PIES A & P Psîmc APPLESAUCE Il il IL j F 24az 209 9C R 3 linpse8Q 14o16 Aylmnei Mixc Vegetable5 Diced Bee'ts 60 oz for 1,oo~ Crushed, ýx S lic d dbts Dole Pineapple 3 IN 00* eci Church aithaythe Rev. ames eckelofficiateil !for th-p e eddig ererony ci! 7Jessire Arnott, daughter of Mr. Ian rs. "lin-on Arnott, and Clit rence Neas, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jamnes îNeala. They have two son, rno)tt of Toronto and John of Beth- any andi three grandtIhiltiren, -Shirley, Rancll and Kevin Neals. Mr. and, Mrs. Neals are farmers on the outskîrts of the village and have been noted for their fine horses and cattie wbich have taken prîz.cs, at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, Exhibition and mal;," local Faire. They are memers rýof the United Church, A quiet dinnerpaywa held on Saturday for th un 1mediate ,f amily 0F CLARKE aIlment kX ES office5 of the Canadian nmerce at Oro no aind for paymenit of Firbt by extended frein .rch 31,t 1971 H, BeWITH, Clerk, il