2Tbe Canadiîan Statesmari, Bowmanville, Eeb. 17, 1971 Pupils Present Great C oncmr uutrunigRi Newcastle- After months of preparation, practice' and costumne-makrng, ýstaff and students of the Newcastle Public Scihool on Tuesday, Feb. 9th presented their1 Winter Concert and Comn-i miencement" in the main au-1 ditoriumn of the Communityi Hall. Despite hazardous wea-, ther which left walking or1 driving almost impossible,i the hall was filled to capacity.i And despite this same wea- ther whîch no doubt caused the staff some anxious mo- Ments when learning of sick- xiess among their cast, the eveniing went by !seemingly by the audience at least, with- ou1t a hitcb. A great deal of apprecia-ý lion should be awarded the! staff, whose efforts must have been rewarding whlen they heard the applause of ain ap- preciativýe audience, and to thbose taking part on stage who were undoubtedly enjoy- ,ing thelr part in the perform- ance. Mr, Ronld unro, princi- pal, expressed a warmn wel- coirne to thec parents and to the higb sýchcoJ students who were also in the au!diente. Speaking very briefly, he then initroducerd the first play "01d King Cole", pre- sented by students of Grades 3j,e' and 5, and directed by Mrs, G, Gray and Mrs. C. 'len -WesteneindH, accomipanîfed, by Mrs, C, rnwihwt ,eacher assisants bemrg Mrs. 'I'. Martin and Mrs. J. Bacher. This musical Play, written -i-nany years ago, related in sorng, wvordis andi actions many nf the nursery rhymnes. The costumnes were quite colorful And the choir dressed, în white shirts or blouses witb tlark pants or skirts, their youthful voi1cesý addeld a great dieal to the evening. When chïldren from age '7 to 14 take part in an evening such as 'this, their part, -no matter hlow big or how small, plays a big part in any musical play. From tbe star to one behidc the scene, every move- ment îs important, One can't be great without the other. ýHowever, as hesitant as we mîight be to mention any one, person above the other, it would be remiss niot ta miake mnertion of thie great littie ectress, Menla Gilbank. When ihe stole the sho-w in her part tf a baby,, crying and heart broken, tbe audience wasil s;imop]l amazed at bher cries. Costuma-jd in a baby dress, bonjnet, and bib, comipleta Counici WiI , Tend1er f or Bowanill'sPol,.ice Chiafl rBernard Kitniey bas recom-i nirended that the 19'70 Pontiac police cruiser, one of two on the t own'sý force, be replaced. Counicil, acceritlng bis recom- inendation, bas called for The pohle vehicles, cbalk- ing up on the average 1100 miles peýr wreek, need to ha replaced almnost yearly. Ac- coxrding to thie Police Chief il is niot aconomliraly sounid to 1,eep a vehîie once its, mile- aàge exceedis 50,000 miîles. hI ave found iii my 14 yecars experiance on the force flbat we can save about $250 a; year by trading our cars In arinually," the Chief said and aý,dded that bis rackoning is corroborated, by O,.P, find- ings and r-ecormandaitions. quai ~mew n wîth a baby bottie and pron- The last musical play wa's ped up in an aid fashioned~ presented by students of buggy, this youngster's cries grades 6, 7 and 8. Directed by would have had you believing Mr, P. Chrisomalis accompan-ý thera was a real baby in the îed by Mrs. B. Manlay with buggy with ber that she was teacher assistants Mr. L. Mc- pinchîng to make ber cry. In Mahon, Mrs. C. Cronkwright ber happy moods of waving and Mrs. J. Bacher. While in to the other mnembars of, the real life we find ourselves cast and rocking ber buggy watchîng earth people hbeing back and forth to the music sent to the moon, in the play, of the choir she kept the the man in the moon came to audience spellbound. visit with, the earth people, Followîng this first pîa, Wbile being dressed just a girls and boys of the grade hittle dîfferently' , they looked two rhythm band presentad and spoke enough like earth three musical selections. Dir- people. However, tbay, did ectad by Mrs. H. Nesbitt and have their troubles, which Mrs, D. Vondracak, they were fortunately had a happy end- acopaniad at the piano by îng as ail musical pîsys Mr. Ross Metcalf, music con- should bave. sultant. This brought to a close a Their fîrst number was1 the splendid evening. Credits and Skater's Wltz the second acknowledgements wiere ex- azr h Mxca a tended to Caroline C. Grave- Dnmer heatMeican s-sat on for "Old King Cola", Don Dae hyhcb fature twoofWilson for "Cowbay On The tai dncerhythe ban mmbarsMoon", Newcastle Hall Board was dne theaCfnl nme for the use of the auditorium, was~~~ th0olnl 9 c y Mr., and Mrs. M. Henry for Marcb. T he se youngstersthrasiane ttehl, looked quite smart' in their themosstaers wo mae cal- green and yallow1 capes and tuemsthe pepl who mdonats- bats, and judging from theauetepopewodnt wide smilas, they wera quita ad pnizes, the people who pre- proud of themselves and their sented prizes and awards, Phe musical performance. pupîls and staff who worked so bard ta make the program At this time, tbe grade possible. These credits warel eigbt graduation class lined by R. E. Munro. If the editor the stage. Recaiving their may just add ber own thanksr certificates from Mr. Lyle as well, soma of the staff McMahon were Jeffery AIl- mambans' names appear as dread, Michael Alldread, Paul directors, accompanîsts or as- Barchard, Dale Barratt, Tas-ny sistants and there are others Bernard, Catherine Bould, whose names do flot appear Larie Darling,.Keith DeMooy, but wbo we realize workad Stephen Dryden, Gene Du- so bard In the backgraund, beau, Cathy Dwyer, Chisto- doubling up their own class plier Dwyer, LanryForet durlng practices, the maka- Cindy Gars-ad, John Gaam up artists, and those who may Allan Gray, Grant Hendny, well have had the hardest Dabonab Jenkins, Melanea chora of ail, keeping the old- J e s s u p, Ban Kloostarman, an students calm wbile the Patti LaGreslay, Karen La younger anas performad and Comb, S u s a n Malkewîtcz, the younger anas quiet wbilej Marilyn McKnight, Charles the older anas were on stage. McLean, Jannifer M un r , To evaryone, our thianks. Gary Pansons, Christina Sel -__________ by,, Bradley Stade, Ursula t Stommal, H ub er t Vander- d stars-a, Bill Wagar, Geordie C icaum s i Walton, Ruth Yates. Not al] wera present, and one, Shir- ley Harniltan,wh rn akes T ory t membes-of the gsaduating (FROM PAGE aNE) tificaternailad tohber,. The Wilmot Gold Medal was awarded ta Dale Barrett from Mn. William Carmen, sahool board membes-, in the absence of Mn. L. Graenwood, another board memhpr. Mr-.t McMabon presented Christina Selby with the Coleman Pub- lic Speaking Prize. Thea Hooper Music Award was presented ta Ruth Yates by ana of the music teachers, Mrs. C. Cronkwright, stapping in for Mr. Greenwood tbis time. Mr. Munro presen.Yte-d the Squair Engl;"sb.prize ta Melanea Jessup. in 'the ab-t sence of Newcastla Lions Pr- sident, Mr. M. Pedwahl, Mr. Robaert (Bud) Wagar present- ed the'Lions prizes ta Dale Barrett and Jannifar Munno. Mr. John Rickand, a former. mnembar of the Newcastle School Board then, prasentedl the Rickard History Prizefota Stephen Drydan, with Mvr. MeMabann presanting Kareni LaComnb with the McMahon Sports Award, and Mr, Munro presenting the Munroï Award ta Cathy Dwyer. Grade savenl proficiancy awards- prasantedc aach year ta the boy and girl with tbe bigbest mark thist yaar showed two girls tied, and thenefora three awards were made. Donated and pre- santad by former Newcastle Board Member, Mrs. William Storks, they ware presented ta Brian Mikios, Aimnea Brere- ton and Jeanatte Wagar. DELOITTE, HASKINS &, SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA FARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, F.C.A., R.L.A. B3URT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE APPLICATION FOR LANDFILL DISPOSAL SITE CERTIFICATE of APPROVAL, NOTICE 'S HEREB8Y GIVEN THAT THE TOWN 0F BOWM1ANVILLE IS APPLYING FOR A CERTIFICATE 0F APPRO VAL, TJNDER THE ýWA STE MANAGEMENT ACT 1970 TO MAINTAIN A WASTE MANAGE- MENT SYSTEMI THE LANDFILL DISPOSAL SITE 0F WHICH 15 TO BE LOCATED IN THE EAST H-ALE 0OF LOT 14, 'CONCESSION 2, TOWN OF BOWMANVIL LE IN THE COUNTY 0F DURHAM. FULRTIER INFOrRMrATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE UNDERSJGNED.' J. M. McILROY, A.M.C.Tý Clerk-Admînistrator 40 Teniperauce Street Bowmlanville, Ontario ed whas-e they would rathen ha, Sa, they are always a lîttle vague, if not dawnrigbt fay, about the east, and politics and anythîng not of B.C. But thcy do nat know what they ana missing. If they cauld hava paekcd miat Maple Leaf Gas-dens lasI Friday they would have ths-own away their compasses got an-bbe neas-st stump, and cried out, lîke Canute, for any 'New Wsva' ta ,defy thern. There, 12,000 people, had galbhee-d ta witnacss bbe alec- cin and c nn of a new pas-ty leader. 12,000'! . . . thal was almost the population of my former town. A naw pas-Iy leader and premier! Inconceiv- able, Who aven heard of a pas-- ty leader retis-ing and making way for anothes-? Bennett will censura out that bit of news, ta ha sus-e. Fon colon and noise thene was nothing quita like the spectacle of the pasty faithful acclaiming thaîs- political bas-- oas. Theis- exuberanca was boundlass. Thaîr anes-gy in- credible. Fsrn stant ta finish, aves-y- thîng was motion. Placards habbad and swayed. Dalagatas and lobhyists cburned in the crowd, offaning roistaning glad- hands in thaîr attampts ta manaeuver eacb other n m Ibis camp or that. Chants boomad out fan no apparent reasan and caught lika wildfls-e tbrough thecandidates' cis-les. "Go Bob Go. Go Bob Go". Who could help but ask "where?" "Wa Want AI. We Want AI." Who could help but wonder "Das-cy. Darcy. Darcy," Il was a littia like the shaep calling for Bo-ýPeep. The anaes-ry would flliaw the next in staccato succession until the air xvas filled with a, fsenzed din. Bands would amerge fsrn sections of the crawd and blara out bnassy tunes which becama the trade marks of each can- didate. The audience wss told that whan the saints go mas-ch- ng in Darcy wauld ha thereý to meet them. And that Davis was the leader wbom veryone would lova,. I ps-aycd the translations would not ha taken lîteaaly. The climnax of aacb demon- stration was markad by the candidate îsing fsrn bis seat lka the Jolly Green fsrn bis pea-patch and receiva the ac- colades and plaudits lavished upon hlm by bis supporters. Somneona neaaby wouid grab bis as-m and fling ib high in the ais-, lika a victonîous box- er. Receive Grade Seven Awards Bacause two girls were tiad for pnoficiency in Grade' seven at Newcastle Public Sohool, three pnizes were presented this year. Winners were, from lef t tc, right, BnianMiklos, Aimee Brereton and Jeanette Wagar, with Ms.s William Storks making the presentatýon. Unforgettable Performance-. Pîg and W hi stieArtiîs EF.ntertaîi utlea,,gion Dance, 1 by M. Aanaert and also for- wharn thIe ap- dîent ish and chips service, Stars with parsonality plus plausa was endless. Mr. Waite, Business Manager, from the -Pig and Wbistla", Anita Scott, a typical British Four Sassons Travel Agancy, transfns-med the Royal Cana- performar, wha knew an end- Toronto. To ail those frorn the dian Legion ihall temporanily lass numben of ways ta attract Pig and Whistle wbo provides. mbt a traditional British pub, and hold the attention of an the littia extras beyond the Satunday evening. It was a ýentbusiastic audience. caîl of duty we, express aur night in which memonies beld Chas. Kent was ana of thoseètanks and sincerely hope for the winning hand. Reminis- people wba excels not only as a retus-n engagement vary cences of the Blitz, Doyen, an MC and an ententainar, but soon. Beükley Square, autbeutic Eng- also as an accunate imiÊtatar lish scenes, combined with a wbich laft no doubt in any- capacity cnowd with each one's mind. Chas, had a napen- guest appesning ta becoma a taire whicb would seldom, if a t part of the show emotianally aven, ha surpassed by live an- if not physically, turnad the tertainment, avening inta an unfos-gettabla Hugh Hagen and Dave As-- p. ,c Auf Wiedersaben. mour the show's comadians, There was a spontaneaus belped ta keep the parfarm- (FROM, PAGE ONE) rapport between the penfarma- ance on an amusing, ligbt-key a bodge-podge of linas. as-s and the audience fram thelwith many - pplîcable anec- Mn. Van Bridger sald that apening numbar ta the final dotes. Incidantally, Dave As-- the P.U.C. alms ta replace the finale. mous- will soon ha embarking pnivata linas with a unîfiad The Ken Stanley Trio ac- on a British tour. tawn system. cented hy Lynn Shaw, who Once tha performance was Bu t ivil aa rdaIpo seams ta ha one of those mndi- finished, the Ken Stanley Trio, cess because thara are literallyý vîduals who bas everything ably assistad by Lyna Shaw, 1hundrads cf lunes affacted. gain g fan ber - a vivacious brougbt the enïing ta a closel appearace,, a ýn liotir ofTi)( P.U.C. Manlager said i perance, a usadn iha na ancing. .ar lith hpsla nfuture, bafone ondesChala Si for eri.- ayI ro adco sum_____ingats undarway in tawn,Is sumaiy n anevr-ading NO AMETONG 1Tcrw will be, able ta ge L thira Therewere elevsion am-first and replace ,,thea unes. Thee wretelvisoncam Th e Wee A Trail- Datails an costs hava not aras and equipment wbereve slads wfi7l nat play tonigbt been completely astablisbed. ana looked, There was a lange agsînst Markham as, an- section for radia stations in the eastern stands pas-alieling for space the make-sbift tale- vision studios opposite tbem. Way up in the rafles-s there was a long galles-y for the pr-ess, ."1Whosa show is il?" askad a naighbor. "The press's on tbc politicians'?" At timas the differanca was oniy hais-une. But that onîy added ta bbe gliltes-, Ihe giamar, and the awesame significance of tbe wbaie avant. Did it maltes- who won? Sacratly, for a wastas-ner, il didn't. It was seeing how the gama was playod that caunt- ad. But sîil, I arn almost afs-aîd ta relus-n home la bail tbern ail about il. I bava Ibis feeling that lbey would neyes- balieve me. Public .?S Chooî1 M. J. Hobbs Senior Publie School was braken loto sometime Satus-day night and some tools wara takan. from the Industrial Arts room. Aecording ta Principal Etl Taylor, a 'couple of scrcwdrivcns, somne bits, and a set of wrenches were dis- coves-ad missing on MondayI morning. Industrial Arts teacben, Lawrence Robants, estimnat- ed thc loss ta be about $100.J The Newcastle detachment of the Ontania Provincial Police is invesigatlng thc theft. The candidate wouîd smile ...but suraly bis as-m must Pla ne Crashes bave ached. High in the stands sat youth, À sestive and ehauting out the Ne r A rport name of the wbatevar candi- date who was au bbc placard they w..era holding. Whan anea tN o da grew waeary caiiing out a par- lïcular- narne, ha would change A Beecheraft Bonaza ais-- placards with bis ueighbos-. ensft registes-ed ta an Ameni- 'When arla gs-w compiataly can owner cnashad aI 12:27 bos-ed with bbc whoie business, p.m. today about Ibrea miles ha wo,,uld make a papas- Plane fiarth west of Oshawa Ais-port. out of his placard sud deligbt The plane, an s-aube fsrn in hurtling il down upan the Buffalo ta Ottawa, appasantly spactators henaath. aucountes-ed difficultias due ta Down on the floor the bearl tbc waatbas- and was prapas-- of the convenion throbcd. ing ta make an ames-geucy There wes-e bbc polliug stat- landing aI bbc Oshawa Ais-port ions, arranger] In a harseshoe when il crashad, sud burned, at the south end of bbc as-ena. according ta reports. Iu the mniddle wes-a the press Il is ual known how many and a pasty baud. AIL the nosth peopie wre on hoard as- if end was a huge stage and aItheewwee any sus-vivons. massive hackdrop oif pis-tus-es The Boanza sires-afttcau jand the message Ibat bbc cas-sy d maximum of sis pas-ý pasty was a New Wava (ps-e- jseng ers. i nouncad ps-aviausly. Inslead, their sas-les witb Maskbam (besl of 3) will gel under- way bas-e Saturday at 6 p.m., wîth tbc second gamne ln Markham on Sunday.' Should the Bsntam A's losa latoMankbam lanigbl, Scugog SidewalIk (FROM PAGE ONE) thy îl o utr'of tne lation, il had been "virtuail playoffs and the Pee Wees impossible ta dates-mina bbc wiil then begin Ibaîr gama total extant of addîtlonal cul- at 5 instaad of 6 on Satur- vert piping and otbas- bus-lad dsy,' if the Tyke tous-na- obstacles whlch cauid cause mentis aen I tht bos-.additional expanditus-es". It is likely Ibera wîll b1aveP. bV F ta ha an adjusîment on lbc construction cost figura, and bcausa 0f Ibis the Commis- sion secammanded the proposai cii only ha accepîed provisionally until the full cosîs as-e known. (PROM PAGE ONE) Ms- Wattrecomrnendad Ihat T he town solicitos- advised no construction ha sîanîad un- bb olwn dyIa hr tii summer of 1971 and unlil tae not, aîngdacdnta thee38 Bell lelephone paies bava ciesk/administrator J o s a p h beansfere o th and tha nes MeIlis-y, suow plowing basonthsfasedeothhdropaes commencad in that as-ca, inonheessiafIbnsd conjunclion wibh the Town's Ha fait Ihat s gsavailed foot- oves-ail snow ramoval ac- patb should ha cansîs-ucîed Ibis year with s final Ireaaed tivity. surfc a lcdo ti Except for ana waak cas-liase sfaec1972c.anIli Ibis monlh when tbe public '9ecause of bbc inardinately beaslb nurse had ta caîl aI a high cosîs of, constructian the West Beach bouse, the road poetwsntcnîee bhas heen unplowad. Thefa rojetas5a nolcansîdred sebool bus, on. occasio~n lias featsibla asheamlol improvf bee prvened romgetingthe undartaking would hava in ta thea as-a to pick up and bean borna by borneownes drap off cbilds-an. One Clay fronîing bbe walkway. last waek aftas a parbicularly Coun. Hoapar asked pointad- heavy sriowfalî tbe West ly just who wauid psy, and Beach cilidren were daposît- was- tld by Reeva Dykstna cd an the cast sida of bth latthe funI wou coma rnarsh because tbc drives- a- s-rn bcganes-al rate af ax- ilcved hae would have got!,ation. stuck if hae had uscd the Wesl t hain I arn aain1st the Beach road.' The cbildreu bad re, comndaton"louneH"p ta cross the ica an the canal, C sId, and ka,.pt bis stland much la tba consternation of unîi bbc he ndi, ranan Ibair parants. . Ihat thara was-a aîhen parts of enae of tbe dapubation, \r.v1wnwbre homaeownarSs had J, C. Napier-, compîainad Ibat expraýfssed a nead for sidawalks despilee'bcganes-al rate ofilbut ad Ius-ned dlow,ýn council's taxation on their a"sessment,,prop)osais bacausýe thay w ,ould the West Beach residanîs b-ava ba la fa,ýce bigber taxas was-c nnly gatting two ses-- udes bb local improvamient vices-garbage and hydro. a7chrne, "The only reason wc got "If wa rernova si dawal1k con- garbaga pick-up," ha said,ssucjnfs-arn balng a locali "lwss because the Ontarioa improvemaunt w(,.are saîttilna al Wales- Resounces Comissý'inblgprca 1î orterow had tbld tbc Town la do he sald. samethîng about pollution." "But If we do, then I baliava Ha condemned what hae fait we shouid construct sidawalks was an 'apartheid' attitude% on a firsî coma, firss ses-vad 1 lbas- people in town hava for basis," ha added, and com- rWest Beach rasidants, and de- rnnld an a previaus appeal 3clared thal as long as thay by rasidenîs on Liberty Street, wes-c bcbg assassad bbc sarna Reave Dyksts-a cauntared rate of taxation lhay should Ibat tbc Scugog ps-oposai was ha bcntmtlad, ta bbc same ses-- "flot juil consts-ucîing a sida-ý vices os-, if not, receive a s-a- walk". bale in compensation. According ta bbc angineer'sl r I an interview isas-r, Ms-. report, bbc projact would in- 'Napier- saîd thal ha was well valve widcning the road lwo 1satisficd witb bbc receptin feel, axtanding culvarîs and s-e- bbe deputalion had seceived paising exisling structures, rfs-rn Council aud faît that maving farmn fences, and s- Etbay wcre ganuineiy mIes-ast- nauting belaphona limes. The cd in helping ouI. actual cosl of bbc sidewalk 1 Hi, confidence apparently!was only about ana-sixth of was reassded the foiiawing Ihe 'ol il estirnale, day. - i The Reeve, wba la chais-man B&P Women 's --,Club Learns About Foster Parent Plan O)n Tbursday, January 21, Audrewcý's Chus-ch, wibh bbc lion of bbc Plan - Ibat be- bbc Bowmsanviiie Business and Ladies- Auxiiias-y ses-vîng a sîdes improving bbc weii-ba- Professional . Women's Club deliciausý buffet-stle dinnas-. ing of antis-e familias, tbe Plan heid theis- monbhly meeting in Duie ta bbc stormy weathar, fights illiberacy by enabling bbc Sunday Scbooi raam of SLt.hbbc atendance was smaîler ebjîdran ta ataend school. lai tban usuai, but Ihosa prasent Ecuador, South Ames-îc of bbc Commission, said Ibal thora ughly enjoyed bbc ps-og- whes-a 50 many families lbv ha "aven quasbioned if a gs-av- ram ps-esenbed by Ms-s. P. in siums, surs-ouuded by pav;- ai taobpaîh wouid apply undar Powell, Toronto, and Ms-. Ed erby, deaal and daspair, two local improvarnenî'. Arnold, Oshawa. M-. Arnold, ouI of five cbilds-an diaebafore He remas-kad that bbc situa- wbo is empioyad by Honey- itbey as-a six yeassbid,. lion on Scugog was "bazard- weli Contrais, Bowmanvillc, Starbad mu 1937, the Pa ans" and neaded ta ha s-adi- racanbly flew to Paru la visit now opes-ates in 10 cainotsici, fiad. tbc yaung boy wbom ha is sup- witb 60,000 Fastes- Parents, "Wa have considared Lib pas-ing bhrougb bbc Fastes- supporting 80,000 childrain1and erty Street boa," Coun. Ps-out Parents Plan of Canada. In theis- familias. As a graphie said, "'aud wa secommand Ibal 1965, aI bbc invitation of Paru, description of bow one Poster' thals- situation ha loakad lmb bbhe.Fastes- Parent Plan was Parent can heip ths-ough a also,". startad binbat couuny, sud moutly payment of $17,00, now 24,000 cbildren and theis-Ms-s. Powell shawed a colos-tul tarnilias ara beipcd witb food, film caiiad "Cbild of Das-kueis, clothes and medical cas-a. Ms-. Child of Ligbt". N ew Arnold sbowed maving piclus- Because bbc B. & P. W. Clujl, k p Ir es of bis brip, and tld of bis membars wes-e iules-asted in uSexpeniences in meeting bbc leasning as much as passible litIle boy ha bas beau support- about bbc Poster Parent P1,i (PROM PAGýE ONE) ing, for bbce fis-st lime. tbc ususi business discussîin aI Geos-ian Peaki. LaIes- Ibis Ms-s. Powell, who was-ks bas hean hald avar until the yaear, ha plans ta go la Tbun- ite Fastes- Parent Plan nexl-, meeting,, ta ha bcid ojn des- Bay for- bis Si-, CS! in. in Toronbao, cxplained bbc fune- Tbus-sday, P ebs-uas-y 18, Ha is attening) Dus-ham Coîlege where haie ý,stsudyîngZ Civil Engineering. Ms-. Bpck- lay isa inbarseted in hockey Acu sud lacrosse, but bis main in-,11 nt R u i tes-est for bbc nexl fcw wccks of wbntar wil ha la deveiop- There w,,era 3moo- eiceveii and $350 for Cas-son ing a yautb progs-am aI Sugar acdnsdnn b atwe lats Plum wbere ha hopes 10 teacb ciet uîgteiml\e1 "l0ts some of bbc yaung skies-s ow in tha Bowmanville Town lii- Ycslerday mos-ng eai abhout ta insîruel. Ha will heavâîybiis, kecping bbc local police ,}tam a-sdia yAz abl fo prvat os gauplas foce us. Mil aremins-Johný of R. R. 2, Os-oaaa abl fo Prvae. r gou le- frc biý-,, Mot wreYnior Edward Vîvian of R. R.' sons. Aflar six p.rn.eau] "fendes-bandes-s", tbongb to Bowmanville, eollided oný 987-.4329. invoivcd soma personal injur-iSeugog Street nos-lb of the Skies-s wîilha Intcs-ested ta ics. I Knax sehool. Total damge learu Ith (Jim Collissansd bis staff bave înitlled unew ligbt- Neil McGs-cgos- of 2 Conces-1was $350. There were no ini- ing aI Sugar Plum, ta maka il alan Street eomplained of 2 uis ana of bbtha ist lit bis in easI- sos-e back af bar bis cas- was in es-n Outarn. Beginniug taday, collision wîbb ana dnivan by' waatbes- pcrmitlîng, Ibere wîî Shirley Rabbins of 46i WestRe m ha continuons skiing avas-y Beach, aI bbc carnesi- of Libs-Iyie n d day and nighb, from 10_madKn n udyalsno util 10 p.m. ta daetes-mine th1e1at ab)oul 2:30 p.m. Tha talijm '~rv iret olenliai Is-affie of tIbis in- JPaaty damg a sia- Bawmanville ski hi 11. cd hytbbc invesýtigabing offices-% Dauuy Slurroek basag-d Constable Tracy Davis, ta be T P~ B ig ta ke on the arganizabin ni about $150. 'o .. bbc Pea Wýea Pragrarnand Bo-b1 And a two-caýr cliinat Imprents ta bbc ap- Sheidn s rgaiin aski Wcllîogîon sud Liberby n op rClub of Bowman!vill HigbSun a i about 12:15'p.m. prosebes la bbe C.PR. Bridge eSebool studeuts and teachers, resulbedi in minas- injuirias taonilEIlin Street have heen -__________________ Wnltpr ~,fýre-acommended by Bowman- YELVERTON Miss Vi1 o i a Stephenson, daughtan of Mr. and M-s. Mil- ton Stephenson of this com- munity was honoured on Wad- nesday nigbt, Feb. 10 with a miscellaneous shower bald ln the basement of the United Cburcb. A large crowd of ladies was présent fi-rn this and adjacentj cammunitias. M-s. R aip b Pfoh canvencd the psogsam assistad by Mrs. Os-sm Moore. The bride-elact was assisted by ber sistas- Eilaen in the opening of the many gifts présent. Viola axprassed baer gratitude for the many gifts and ta tholse wbo bad arnang- ad the evening. Lunch waqs sarvcd by tIee comrmittea, Ms-s, Ralpb Pfoh, M-s. Os-sm Moore and M-s. Howard Malcolm. Our Manvars 'Township road cs-aws bave had an uphili figbt this past waek tai ps-vide their usual htgh standard 0fý snow removal service due ta s ev erne weather conditions, cauplad with employée illness and somne-machinas-y breakage. Hats off tai aur road craws! A numbas- from Ibis com- munity attendad bbe Consar- vative convention ln Toronto wben the suave, débonnaire Hon. Wm. Davis gaI the nod by a narnaw 44 vota mai oritv aven Hon, AI. Lawrence ta succaad the Hon. John Ro- bants as Premier of Ontario. Thase préent ana os- more days lncluded Ms-. and Ms-s. Don Broawn (Don was a voting delagata), Ms-. and Mrs. Floyd Stînson, M-. and M-s. Clan- enCe Page, Ms-. and Ms-s. How- ard Malcolm and Mr-. and Ms-s. Jack Wilson.' 1Spéculations as ta change of pas-sonnai in a future cabinet shuffle are of keen iotas-est ta Onlarioans. No great change in provincial policy is antici- pated with the cusrent change of leadership, Guass we']î bava ta wait and sec. 18 Prince Street, the 'passenges- and di-ver espectively \,or ana af the casi-s, The driver of the other car, Carson Elliloît of 53 Division Street, ascapad- un- has-md. Damages ware esti- mated at $150 for the Waaiey's Newi Folk Group At Jaýuý.moee This Sunday This caming Sunday, Feb. 2lst at the Town Hall Audii- torum Jamboree guast, Tomn Sswyer and a naw local folk gs-aup of Mark -Rowve, Milka Gib-san andi Bill Wri-ght wilfi ville Town CauncîL. An esti- mtdfigura of $10,000 for a nataiing wall and samrp, bave been sddad ta the noads bud- get for 1971. Th e action is subj entot Dapartmant afIHighways sub- sidias. The 1971 roads budget now stands at $283,185. GRANTED USE 0F FARM Snowmobilers hava Town Council's permission ta use th-e 54 acres which comprise the Old Short Fas-m. Appraval was gs-anted ln the ragulan bitrnon-thly meetine of Councîl Il'dli an Manday night. Snowma.bilans will, of course have ta observe the il p.mn. - Six ar..curfcw onbs-olling the a'paratian oîf he vebicIes wt- in town limits. JOIN US FOR - Supper Dancing Saturiïday, Feb, 20th in the Captain s Lounge, to the music of THE QUARTET faaturing Bo0bbie Sherron TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE PRO CLAMA TON BY VIRTUE 0F THE POWERS VESTED IN ME 1 HEREBY DECLARE THE WEEK OF Feb. 2Ot-h to Feb. 28th, 1971 SCOUT-GUIDE WEEK IN THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE. IVAN M. HOBBS, Mayor.