4The Caaîait Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Feb. 17, 1971 EDIORALCOMMENT Problems of a EowmnvileOntario Pcb. 15, 1971 et 7:00 e.m. - time af bneking Dean'Editor: 1 vIwonder if bbrougb your columa I mjigbt speak ta aur bard wonking, mucb necded et imes, mca wbo try bo man- age aur snow plaughs? Oi' mai1 box stands elone, so fan it bas p!,icked up thnee scans, refuses ta opIenI, a-nd fecîs quibe iii wben we open bbýc crnd] et mailing ime, because she bas a rock on ber post. But this mama- ing ber pont han been bit, she bas staod off bbc road, buricd dowa la bbc shoul- detrying fa re spect al ao us drivers ýwbilce t bhc same time wanting fa please bbc mail drivers and fa stand et 'bbc c-orrect beigbt. lIfonly tbc driver would tura a bit ta bbc west (really, I a,,m neyer buried Ruiral MAl'Box la bbc snow on my side af the road). My problemn now la whcre sha uld I stand? Wby bother fa put me up if yau COULD dig fhrougb bbc zero bannier of ice, snow and frozen eartb? By bbc way - my owncr cannot dig et any bîme. Really I bave been lucky ta stand so long, my fricnd dawn bbc road tien been knocked "flying" twice la bbc pasb fcw weeks. We appreciate bbc bclp from oun snow removens, we nced aur mail ser- vice, but please slow down a second, aur snow i3 50 low, you could draw ia for several f cet there and neyer mind bbc top af bbc ditcb - please Mn, Plougb bave e bit af feeling and patience. Thank you. Sincencly, Helpless Tex Payer. Random Thoughts on the P.C. Convention Funny thing about politics, it's al- moist like a viruis. Once it gets into your system you n:eyer quite get rid of it. On, Friday, we d cucked out of the oflfice Just before lunch, went home, ulyintending to spend the weekend s3urrounded by nose drops, cough syruip, facial tissues, and the rest, in an effort to brecak uip a persistent cold. Fortunately, or unifortunately, tbe boob tube was carrying al bbe boopla and the excitement connected witb the Tory leadersbîp convention in Toronto, and we couldn't resîist ilb. So, from ecarly aferoo iutil far: into bbhe next morn- ing we watched, listened and lived it wibbth -Fe candidates, ail the wbile wheezing anrd coughing between votes. Iwas agea show\, thiat came near to flopping wbien those pes-ky 'liberal' vot- ing mrachines didn't work properly. We have tagie co-nsiderable credit to alth candidiates and their wives for th1-eir self conitrol while under great pressutre fromn those daumnable prying eyes of the television cameras and the iaequc:stionfing of some of the busy litieinervewrswho kept pushing mnikes inito their faces, interrupting bbmwheii they wretrying to concen- traie on othertigs Darcy McKeougb was theý only o-ne who almost expressed wbahpt we were thiniking. The rest, in- cluding bbcth new Premnier Bill Davis, restrai.ned themselves and did their best to, accommofICdate teirquestianers... ,qrd that mnust hiave been a dreadful chore. Televisioni certainfly has changed te-eni.,,re complOexioin of' polibical con- ve7rnions, k hbas inicreaseýd the cost tre- ,rnenùuusly bheeausce ever_.body is con- scious ,od the fart that the audience of vobers watching the showý is much larg- er than bb-, numbers wbo are present in the convention hall. So, the perform- ance has to be ifraie excibing and enterain (?jor hey lase their viewing audien-rcev. The esulti anAmericaniza- ion of our polïities5 withI, vast sums of m-oniey beingspt on organiization., stagiîng dcmonsrations, banners, bands, (nd bbcresilt. b ibealle3dersip convwention îin Ofttwa we Prime Min- ister Trudeau was chosen as probably bbfc first big exr1 agnz1 aon_ Aen cani jJnes. ,This was f o'jllowed by the Prog.ressive Conservative convi\ention that elCtd O ppoýstîinîclederStanfield and w tis onie followed the same pattrn of wl raîerehearsed sopisicaedproesionlim.The !NDP national leadership convention in April 'iffl be the next one and it will be in- teresting to see if tbey can live up te tbe new standards that bave been set. Now it's over and William Gren- ville Davis, at 41 years of age, bas acb- îeved an ambition, that according to publicists, was instilled in bim by that beloved former Minister of Agriculture and grass noots poliician the late Tom Kennedy. Mn, Davis took over Mr. Ken- nedy's provincial seat wben he retined and bas gone forward from there, with determination and long bours of work. He was the candidate selected by the establishment as the one mosb likely to follow the pattern set by retiring John Robants; tbey even look alike. But, bis elevation wasn't easy, tbere were oppos- ing forces that wanbed somebhîng new and different and tbey wAere supporting, another lawyer Allan Lawrence, wbo camne wibbin 44 votes of upsetting the apple cart and the party hierarcby. Had tbey been able to acq uine those few extra votes, the party would bave un- dergone a considerable change in out- look and personnel, but tbey didn't, so not too much of a radical nature can be expected. The new Premier -of Ontario is a cool customer, a superb organizen, who apparently knows wbat hep wants to cdo and where be is going. if be can get by bis first election . .. that pnobably will probably bc coming eitber in bhe spring or faîl of this year, lie sbould continue to iead the Ontario govennment stead- îly, but not specbacularly, forward along artbodox lines. H1e doesn't appear ta, be one wbo will make fast decisions with- aut giving tbem tborough consideration, ro bis mistakes sbould be minimal. iFankly, w7e feel the convention delegat es nmiae fthe right cdecision lI cboosing Davis, but anfly tim-e will btell. It was a great contest, Jif a lengtby and- costly one. One bas to wonder wbere al tbe money coîrnes fromi for these events, and wby only lawyers appear tLo be qualified for these posi- tions. On a ýilocýal not-e, we found it, mrost; intrjeresbinýg ta leralthat a frmrDur- amCounity citizenl, Ed Ký owal, was onie of thep organizers and floor mnen for Premir Davs. He is a brtotlher o)fPtr Paul and Mike Kowal and in anie yearsws n c ie member of Jno Farmes oranizaionsin fthisarea Nw he is a pracbtis!i-ng lawyer lai Toronto and] as Tomo Kennredy woufld have said, will bc becard froml one of these days ini the poliical f ield. We dfid bave one complaint.. The long stnetcb of TV viewing didn't doaa tbing for aur cold. ON THE FARM1 fi tn bcv llc ean ethnd To bbccanp bb bIs of Clarke Mfy mrycmory of myboybood 'Ean 1db a ý life fiime rmarký. Thece'r wl a clear coid streani Wherl IfisT dfor spcckicd rout Aad ecd e lot af nature Fram fbbc aiimels about, The stnang sweef smcl af claver The apple blossams new Anid bbc ycllow rose by bbc kitchen In wîld profusion grcw. The aId wind miii by bbc side af bbe lane Kcpt turhing by bbc roagsoubb wind MVade a clanging sound ai11tbrouigb tbe nîgbb tintil tf c day begîns eain.i At Chnîsbmas fiie ,we wited For bbceb ornes and tbbcsleigb Then rode out pent Clarke Union Neatb bbc blankets lanbbche.hy The sleigb belîs, sbanply iinging Anid bbc chimes sa swect and dlean Ring ouf the fidings of a bright New Year. Writtcn by Mr. Herbent Yeo, Prince Albert, Sask. Formerîy af Bowmanvillceand Tyrane Durham County's. Grcat' Family Journal C Establisiied 117 years agaoin 1854 Also Incarporating O WNA The Bowmanviile News The Newcastle Independent Pho-np The Orono News, Second clas mail registration number 1561 Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 -66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 623-3303 JOHN M. JAMES PATRICK GOULD GEO. P. MORRIS EDIOBtPULISERAD)VTG. MAZ4AGEXt BUSINESS MG.R. -Copyright rad/or prÔrpety rights suLsfsf in thec imae apepeciriaq on thîs praci. Permission te rrouein whioie, or iniport and in any form whatsoever. particuiarly by phatagraphic or offset process jaa opiblicaf ion, must lie abtaîneit tram the publsher andt the printer. Any uneouflorîzeit reproduction '-n le subjeci ta recourse intalw" $G',00 a yea,-r - '8 morths $3.50 %8.110 a Yeatr in the Ujnited Siates stictly lIn advance Aiteuli vey preceufan witufkèn t0 avit errer TheCndinStceenern aceteerertis. înci i 0 coluronsý on the Undlerstanding flot il wîil notfbcliabie for rony errer in amy avertisement pubuirhed iarudcrla(se -i proof of sucli edventisment is requested in writing by th-. ad-erkiserý ond refurnel ta The doncilation tctesman business office duiy signet bythe tvertiser ant wiLfh sucli errer or cretosplriLnlyivnctet in wrifîng thereon, andit hat case if oaa' error saoftêrJ tîiafý corce yTh', Cadia'rSfaitenman !te Elility shall 001 exceat sc, nportion of the tiect cf sud tvertismeat a fl c so ccuiet by Lhe oofed errero rsote Lewhole spore ccupied hy surI defseift Of'~: 6ÀA//~vt~Â' COAI5777VJYOA'~Pg ~O~OQ/~WP N/WiQ7M&~f A MacDuff Ottawa Rep ort Election Bait OTTAWA -The long delay- ed Government's Canada De- velopment Corporation was unveiled in the Cammons late ia January, after a seven year gestation period. Former Liberal Finance Minister Walter Gardon had suggested the formation af such a gavernment corpora- tion Ia 1963 as a means of enabling small Canadian wage earners taoi nvest in Canadian enterprises. He also saw it, as a chance ta keep Canadiein business Can- adian andi prevent ït being boughÈ Up by foreiga cor- Po rations. aeerwhen Mitchell Sharp succeeded Mr. Gardon as Finance Minister the pro- ject was pushed ta the back of the sheli. Sa maay af Mr. Gordan's îdeas-incor- parated in, budgets-had gane wvrong, thie government was leery about embarking an the 'CDC acheme. Now that Edgar Benson la Mi;nitr 0f Finance, the pro- jct bI-as becen taken aut, dust- ed off, updated and finally lntnoduced labo the House. Therewa adelav la bring- 25 YEARS AGO (Feb, 211, 1946) Mr, Jack B. Whltefiecd, son o!fMnifed Mas,. GB, Wbitfield (ace Grece Lin- ton), Wblh.tby, won firat pnize la bbc men's section fanrenos aen 21 ycars a! age, aet(1bbc -annuel Kiwanis Music Festival et Messcy -Hall, Tononto, St. Jolhn'a AYPAmat Monday evcaing whcn bbc members hed bbc pleasure a! meeting bbc new nectar, lbcv. J. dcP. Wight. Mn. Keith W. Slemon bas pessed bis final examsaet bbc University of Toronto Faculty a! Medicine, Dr. and Mns. C. W. Slcmon will attend bbcî graduation exer- ciscs et Convocation Hall on FnidJay evening. Mrs, Fo-bas Muni-oc bas returned !nom Montreal and Ottawa whcrc she lias been visibing lier husband, Lieut, Forbes Munrae. R CN.R, Mn. John Van Naît, son a! bbc labe Mn. and Mas. Jor- dan Van Nest, Bradleys Scboal District, visitcd ald frîcadsaet bbc Statasman office, Mondey. 1-e bas late- ly retîred after yeans o! auccesaful farming et Ver- mllon, Alta. - Mas. Fnank Mcîlveen, wba bas beca visibing Mr. and Mas, F. 0. McIlvccn, left lest wcek ta jain ber husband et Kingston, whene he bas rajainedbbc Bank o! Com- merce staff since bis dia- change faom bbc Anmy. Ptc. MinO'Cannor, C.W.A.C., Toronto, !ormcrly witb bbc Canadien Aamy i hows overseas la spending e few days with Pte. Ruth Hutchinson. The 2nd Bowmanviile Scouts met la bbc public school gym witb e goad et- tendance. The spedial event o! bbc evening was tbe in- duction a! Bruce Miens and Ted Buttery loto bbe Boy Ing it loto Parliameat uwhiie the Gaverament looked fora ieading businessman ta hepad It Up. But Canadian bigbuies men have examined the scheme and decided ta stay clear af it. The Gavernment final]y decided ta bring it forward. get thc legisiation passed and thea it would be la a position to show those It approached ta take aven the direction-of the Corpora- tion just what their terma af reference wauld be. lit addition thiere bas,-,beca R nationialistic seniment SWeelC ac]ïoss canada ln tbe past year. It hias becomen papular ta campaiga against the- takeaver of Canadiaa firms by American business- es. The Go)vernmnent-oae eye cocked an 1972 as a general electIon year-has decided ta bring forward the CDC. During the electIon cern- palga lb will be able ta point ta that measure as an Indi- cation of Its fight against, forciga takeavers. The Canadien -Dcveiap- ment Corporation as it ls, 49 YEARS AGO (Feb, 23, 1922) Mas. W. E, N.Sinc-lair-was gucstate bcrcceptioh hcld by tbe Speaker, Hon. Nel- son Perliament and Mas, Panliament, e!ter bbc formai opcaing o! bbc Orntario Leg- islatuna la Toronto an Tues- day lest. Mr. Gardon T. Pickell arid Mn. J. Lewton Collins, "Spe- ciel Representatives" a! bbc staeedepantmenb o! bbc "American Legion", Detroit, Mich., whiie bauring Canada, spent tbe pat bwo weekands with bbc formera parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Pickell, and called on bis sisten, Mas. L. J. Brooks and athers af thîs bown. Messrs. J. F. Osborne. T. H. Ciemence, Thos. Jackson, Samuel Rîckad & Son and Se Chas Alllia nurchesed e ine lot of Shothornsas e Dryden - Miller sale la Toron- taý Mas.T. Wesley Cawker who visibcd frlerds la Co- bourg sang bwa solos et bbc mneeting o! bbc Primary Chaptea of the ILOUDE. whîcb bbc .Cobourg Post says "wena grcably eppecdi- aed". Massas. F. W. Bowca, M.P., W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., ad W. H. Gîbson, Newcastle, a»e attending thbe Dominion Fruit Growers' Convention et Ottaawe. Miss Dorabhy Graham and Miss Bea Dcvitt, Victoria University, Toronto, spent bbc weekcad wtb Dr. and Mas, J. C. Devitt. Mss Minnie Blackweli, Toronto, spent bbc wcek- end with ber aunt, Mas. J. H. Bateman, Scugag St. Mr. Cynîl Sauch, Kings- tan Militai-y Hospital, la spcn ding e fcw wccks et home. Mn. Goldwin Anderson, London, spent bhc wcckend witb friands banc Miss Clara Rabbins, Toron- ta, spent tbc weckend et home- envisaged by the Govern mnent, and set out, la th Iegisiatian, will hav-e twa aimns; (1)-To hel dlevelop anc maintain strong Canadian owncd and menaged carpoa tians la the private sectar. (2)-To provide greaten op portunities for Canadians t( Invest, in the eccanmic de. velopment of Canada. Howeven the Corporatior will have ta achieve thcci aima, says Mr. Benson, ina manner compatible with "tht profit motive" and "the besi Intercst o! the sharehalders" H1e cxplailledlthet thi means thc CDC won't try I t buy up every Cenadian con. pany tbreatened by foreigr takeover, Before the CDC decides ta buiy, the camipaný "muast be a goad inivestmrer taa," he said. In the beginning the Carý adian government will tî sole shancholder Inl CDC, I will inveat $100 million ir tbh' Corporation Inla is firýl year, $75 milion lancac the Corporation's ,-ecorld an1 third ycars and lnaedditio make a boan fund totailine $100 million avallable ta th( Corporation. The CDC however mil have a total autbl,,izec cepitalîzatian0f e$2 billioi and comman shac araunci $5 eacli will ult-im ately, be evailable ta thI public. Big question la will corn mon public be preparcd fi bet $5 an mare an bhe profit ability a! the CDC. Soni amanrt boys la the investmcîr business are saying rue! ulIý "dont bet on it". Mr. Bensan explained thi shares will be made availabl to the public once the Car poretion "bas shown It viabilîty". Howevcr thia maý bake sevenal yeana, I lb recognized la Ottawa. The Corporations capitaliz ation will be divided be twean 200 million corme sharea at a probable value c- $5 each-tbat accaunts foi $1 -billIon-and an unspeci lied numben a! prefernec shares ta be sold la multiplcý of $5 up ta a total of $1 bil lion. The comman shares wil only be sold ta Canediar citizens and residents 0 Canada. Hawcven the preý ferred ahares may be belc by non-residents, The plans for the CDC as uaveiled la the bil, havi came under strang criticisn from thc New Democrati( Party as "a scîl-out ta prIv ate erterprIse'. The NDP is, also cncblcc herause the Goverraient lic written loto the bill proc visions that whlle the CDC la created by Parliament i wlll not be nesponsible tr Panhiament. Mr. Benson cxplaiacd l wlll act as a pnivete corpona, tian within the Canadiar Corporations' Act. It wil carne ta Panliament only i It wishes ta change its capi tal structure, its abjects c its pawers. >1He said th( objective la ta keep it clea o! paliticel manipulation i laterfenence. Howeven lt will produci an annuel report which wil be tabled In Pariament. Thi mea asslgned ta rua bh corporation wlll have th, option of buying Into faur and perbapa five, finaacIalI2 profitable c o mpanies ii whlch the gaverament nav ha% a major interest. Theý are': Polymer, Eldorado Nu clear Ltd., Pananctir Ol. ti N o r th e r n Transpantatici Corp., and once it la canvert ed Inte a Crown corporation n a ce rit 1-t n C ced [t n t n hLe ýIl t - t 9 y e er- n Jf v- 0- If in or li a or it, In lb u - n 1)y 1ev. Gar-don C. Smyth Notice the way in wbicb bbcef irst Comparny uf disciples was recnuited. Tbey did not ail gathen la response ta a personal caul by Jesus. Read St. Johni 1: 40-46. Andrew sougbt bis brother Peter, and Pbilip put a challenge ta Nathanaei. Discipleship was contagiaus. Many people are inclined ta regard their religion as a treasure ta find and hoard. Thcy "get religion" or tbey are "changcd." Thcy are satisfied, Howcvcr, this kiad of religion bas not as yet taken bhe first step înto the mctbod of Chnistianity. This branid 'of religion often evaporates to bbc disappointmenf af the anc who cxperienced it and bbe cynicism of those wbo know him. The first sign of disciplesbip is bbc desire ta communicabe it, I do not mean to bave your pastor visit somebody wbom you feel needs religion, or a new- camer down bbc street wbo migbb ac- cept a professional nudge. I mean ta take your own încom- plete conviction, half-establisbcd loyal- ty, and wavering ideals, and set tbem la bbe way of service. That is not only bbc mcthod of spreading the Christian religion but also tbc way bo reinforce and confîrm your f aitb. Whcn John Wesley went as an l8tb century mîssianar.y ta Georgia, lie went, as he wrobe in bis Journal, "to save bis own soul." Two years laten he retunned ta England a disappointed man having saved ncather bis own soul non those af bbe colonists and Indians. "I wha went ta America to, convent others," bie admibted, "was; neyer my- self coniverbcd.," Ti-en, with a ncw ac- cession ofseffrtules he turned totae bbcsrvicea oltheýrs, 1He was no longer Wesley bbcthenîtualhat but Wesley Élic evangclist "Km rsoui v\a, saved," writcs a bio- grapher, "because lie bad found bis A MIRACLE Love îs sornething the world is witbaut But nccds la a desperate way The hate aniong people isgreat tbcrc's no doubt But can you imagine bbc day - When men will bc brothers, and love onc another, Ail wans and figbtingý will cease The pon become wealtby, bbc sick again healthy, ____ bbc NoatheaCar(ýnada Pow-, an Commissiýon, Ma. Benson seýid bbc Gov- crament would like ta sec bbc Corporation became la- volved la are o! "citîcal Importance la economic de- velopment - aneas sucb as hîgh tecbnology industny, resource exploiting or non- thean-oriaritcd ndrsbry. But lb will nt dictate ta bbc Corporation as ta wbet lb mcust invest ln- Thet decision UP t0 bbc board The GavcramE atterApt ta inval la enterprîses reasans for cxiE than profit. H( sudl enterpaisese de and the Canw aI Raiiways. T] tions, la accord enniment paiicy, vide services tI always profitais mir anI SpiceW Sugc _WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY OFF MAKES Sometimes I f eei nothing but pity for those timid wretches who scurry to southern, warmer climnates at the f irst fa-li of a fae Te have betrayed one of the gr-eatpest aspects of the Canadian character - the stubborn, tenacious stupidity that makes the rest of us en- dure throughi the winter. This last week has been a grand one, and let mie hear no old-timer sport- ing contemptuousiy that "The winters ain't what they used to be." It started off ordinarîly enqugh colder than a tax collector's heart. In mid-week things warmed up, figura- tively. Out of the west came a bowling blizzard, winds gusting from 40 to 60 m.p.h., snow that ceut like a razor-blade, and a wind-chill-factor temperature of 60 below zero. Somehow, it was ail fun. I got Up, looked out the window, and saw noth- ipg but white. The bouse was creaking and groaning like an arthritic climbing a rope ladder. Didn't'ev,,en- put on my long under- wear. Took aý look at the cat, whose greeni eyes balefuflly' threw back, "Just try and thro1w nme out in that buddy." Didn't. Pluned o ut the back door in grpieat spirits anid sank to the navel in snow. Made il, to the garage because I knew there'd be no cabs on the rouad. The damn car started. Thenl the big dleci- sien, With the eye of a computer I iudg- ed the snowbank., Decided to use the bombing attack. Closed my eyes and sent her'backwards at full bore. Wound up like a stranded whale: four wheels in the air, body sitting bigh and dry on the snowban)k. 1Did I quit? Not on your life. A sav- age, gleeful mo took hold of me. Sbovelledp, called upon.the Lord in no uncertýain terms. Nothing doing. Commnandeeýre-d two high-school boys he coming b.Onbad his nose frost-bît- 'o tenrit back to) his cheeks. Put him id in the car, aitfthe controls. We rocked n-and shovelled and shoved, and made i- t. Crept to school through the white P- rage of the storm. Feit triumphant. boWat a peaceful place. There were 140- odd kids (and they had to be odd to walk it on a day like that), and 50moddl teachers (same comment). Normal num- bers, 1300 kîds, 80 teachers. W e enjoyed the best "sch-Ioolspirit" in years. We feit like a doughty hand of the chosen. The kids pl-ayed gamcs or received tuition. The teachers. joined tbem in the games, or gave tuition. Unfortunately, the, weather cleared a bit next day, and routine resumed. However, ail were cbeered by the prin- cipal's announcement that the lieuten- ant-governor had been visîting .thp county and had declared a sehool holi- day fo r the following day, Friday. Won a curling game Thursday nigbt on the last shot. This somewhat made up for losing my car keys in the swirling snow Iust before I left for curling. Things remained on the up-swing. Long, luxurious sleep Friday morning. Tbere's nothing sweeter than sleeping in on a day on wbich you'd normally 'be working. FounEd the keys (myv only set) by a minor miracle. Ai-d it's been goîng well ever sïince. This morning it was 32 belowý, but one of those perfect winter dayýs: brigbft sui, smoke curling up like miusical tnotes from ail the chimneys, snow cuinching, eyes watering, lungs hackîng. Don't tell me Canada îi't a great place to be id winter. -it is. Unflessyo have enoiugh money' toInget out. I have a friend, in his sevent-iies. Captain Dalton Hudson, retired Great Lakes captain. He's a salt-,y raconteur, a frightening opponent at bridge, or poker, and a deadly billiarids player. J,3ut he is living refutation of my la'st State. mniet. He could go to Florida. 1And hie does.- In spring he pilots a yacht to Florida, cornes home and fishes here in sumnmer, returns to fetch thie yacht ini fail, and says, as he stompsFnoff into a blizzard, pipe clenched, "Holy old Hughie, wbo'd want to live in Florida in the winter, when you cani live hecre?" A real Canadian. And to top off bbe week. a, pleasant and warmiîng letter from Ms.Marv Bellavance of Lake Lenore, Sask.. who dlaims, "I stili think you ran into -a door te get your black'eye . keep up the, good work." I didn't, Mrs. B., but l'Il try. waroik." According t, o et least anc ýhiston- ian Wesley's work was of suicb a calibre as bo savc b-.is couintryboc) frnm bbc br- rons of bbc French Revolution, ~Much bbc samre stany may be told of many modemns cngaged la phi lan- tbnapy on concenned about social jus- tice. Same imagine thaf thîs sensitivity la detached fnom religion and indecd a sont of compefiton xith religion. They may at times be nigbt. Churches bave fewer patrons nowa- days, sînce thcy are no longer prestige centres. That is gaod and yet if la bad if believers fail ta stnîke a fair balance la their inferests. Undaubfedly there are people wbo seek ta drown their scnrow over bbc loss of faitb, not in bbe baffle but humanitanian causes. Howeven, let it neyer bc forgotten thaf wben Jesus delivered bis finst ser- mon la bis home town, ifs theme was a praphetie message of hope for the needy. Therefore, we are dealing with a question af sequence rather than al-. ternative. Enterpnises of neform and social betterment are neithen substitutes for wonship non bbe wbolc aI Christ ianity. But if may well be, la aur day, and geai. eration, that fbey are bbe f irstLsigns of a xenaissance of religion. A contemporary Andnew or Pbîlip turns fnom bis own conitempflative ac- ceptance of bbc Gospel and at once thinks aI a relative on acquaintance. University students arc stirred as neyer befare by socicty's responsibility ta fthe Canadian Indian and bbc 'plight of Africans., Then, altbougb. many a student may sec nlo'religiaus connection, and mnany a citizen wondcr what bas gone wrong wibb aur educational sysemlb ay, ucll bethat bbc strarage transm;ission1 of discîpleship vill becone thbc reirth aof f aibb, and that la religion, as sa other bhings, it wîll prove truc that he wvho loses bis life wÎl actuaily save lb. This could become truc bog peace. Sa let un join bands, and funther unit c Ail whîte5, ycllaws,, bleek5aand browns, Throughouf bbc edensencas, cdarness we 'lail ,,]sec bbcheligbb And rejoîce at bbc peace wc've found. -Colleen Moore, Age 16, Elmonton, Aitn., will be left Non la lb tbe intention --'_ a!. dinýectors. bbc gavernment ta uise the cnt will not CDC ta create an assint cern- ive bbc CDC panies such as Cleintane la that have Nove Scotia and Churchill istence athen Forest Industries la Mani- e mentioncd baba. as Air Cana- . These- enterprises, wblch dian Nation- Mr. Benson dcacribcd as hese carpone- "disasters" werc bora, he d withi Gov-, suggestad, out o! a desire ,must pro- to baost the- economny a! a bat are no)t panticular erea rethen than )le. _ vwithl an alm for profit. .._j ReI"gion for Today Firsi Sign of Discipleship e_ýn 1or.aerfor 9oets we, In the Dim and- D istant Past From the Statesmani Files h-mm 1 1 nommoRenu -- a By Bihl Smiley