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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1971, p. 5

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Receive Aywards for'Improving Premnises T Y RO N E TeCnda taemn RandilS, e.1,17 3 OJITUÂRY fre The annual Congregation3ll homne of Mrs. Yeo. Barbarp sudden passing of hrbotirwas br tPnypo hr meeting of Tyrone LlnitedifHall read the minutes. V/e Mr. Ivan Stephens, Toronto, MS .3 ALRN h eevdhreuain wihRv ýR okiscal* oes;atrwegn urptyt Mrs. Fred Ferguson. Following an illness of 'WO married, Jh ae Ii manwh ld i abref ý-maeral utan, inedonEnniskilien and Mrs. Gordon weeks, the death.of>Mrs, . J laren wopeeesdhr votonl prid.Reprt wee hepieesofthepater,,an VaCapBowmanville. Hallaren occurred et Memor- fiade ot nd, isused tencutîtou. he w cos M. ndMrs. Paul Vaneyk iliHospital, Bowmahville, on Shewaalf-ogrsdn foloig ficr wree ormetngwha e, ndM . and Mrs. John Van- Sunday, February7t,11.o Poyoo.A hueîe apoite: esio, r.A.ios unh.ey wrelast Wednesday ev- Shle was in ber 88th year. hea cif ners scnte Youngman, Mr. R. Graham, Although stormhy on Friday ening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Daughter of the late Robert . roudhrfmi n o Mr. T. Pleasance, Mr. L. Sie- night, it didn't stop the card Walter Vaneyk in honor of Shè wasamme fBly mon, Mrs. J. C. Cook, Mrs. A. players from attending. the Mrs. Vaneyk's birthday. Maple Grove, were Sunday duff Prbtein hrhad Knowlton, Mr. R. Hilîs; Stew-1 Euchre party. Prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stain- supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, was înretdi muit ards, Mrs. J. Vaneyk, Mr. D. Mr. John Broome, Mrs. David ton attended a bos ar-Gry onsh fars swlla hseoh Craig, Mr. J. C. Cook, Mrs. M.1 Hall, Mrs. Marjorie Blanch- ing party for their son and Mrs. Aldin Hoar, Mrs. Ralphchrb Hoar, Mr. J. Woodley, Mr. A. ard, Mrs. Ruby Birkett, Mr. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hills and Mrs. Walter Park Mrs. Hlae s~r1e <t Milîson, Mr. A. Haines, Mr. C. W. Woodiey and Mca. Stainton, Oshawa, last Frid-y attended the Hospital Auxili'- hy adagtrMr.Ahi A. Hamre, Mr.. G. Lowery; Vivian Carl. 50-50 draw was night. acy Tea beld at the'home of Hoy (em> ie gad "~, - . . . ~Trustees, Mr. D. Craig. Mr. won by Mrs. Ruby Birkett. Mr. and Mrs. Hacry Boiter, Mrs. E. V. Hoar last Frîday. childrenadongra-rn- . .R. Glaspeil, Mr. R. Lambert, A family dinner party was Toconto, were Saturday guests V/e wisb Mrs. Don Davey son. it., i, i$'Mr. M. Yeo, Mr. W. Loveridge, heid Sunday, Febcuary 7tb, of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dodd. a speedy recovery Sbe la in Th, uea evc a - Mr. L. Slemon, Mr. A. Gar- at the home of Mr. and Mca. Mcs. R. Glaspeil, Mrs. S. E. Bowmanville MVemorial Hos-~ held o ensaFbuy erard; Manse, Mr. J. Woodley, 1t Doug Delaney to honoir the WhitMs Aldin Hoar, Mrs. pital.îth ro tb NrtctEl Mr. R. Lambert, Mrs. R. Hilla; recent lOth wedding annivor- WalterPak attended the Tyrone village bad a'bus hoU ,ttFueaHoBwm - Mission and-Service, Mrs. G.1 sary of Mr. and Mrs. John Oshawa Presbyterial at Port time olver tbe weekend dig- ville, adwscnutdb Alldead Mr D.Soubwe;MarieykMTose attending were Perry last week. gîng tbemaselves, out of the Rev. Bai1 og Tnprr Elements, Mca. A. Youngnman, Mr àad ris Keith Devolin, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fraser terrible snow drifts, Mr. Lloyd etmmn a nteLn Mrs. S. Cornish,' Mrs. W. Oakvile Mr. and Mrs. J. A. -and son Doug, Oshawa, were Smith had bis barn roof am-Vuit,Orn Ce try ad Loveridge; Ushers, Mr. A. Rosevear, Hampton, Mr. and Sunday supper guests of Mr. aged fcom the storm. buriaill ei aldf Knowlton, Mr. L. Phare; Nom- Mrs. Walter Vaneyk, Long and Mcs. Horace Hall,'Stuart Mr. and Mrs. William Cowl- Çemetey Bowmnanville Chamber of Commerce Citations of Real Estate, Claude Dykstra of Dykstra's Frigid Food inating Commiîttee, Mrs. J. Sault, and Mc. and MVrs. Mur- and Joan. ing, Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. Metwce presented to six local businesses by Mayor Locker, Gord Carnegie of -Crest Hardware, and Murray Vaneyk, Mr. m. Yeo, Mcs. J. ray Yeo and. family, Mc. and Mrs, Dlon Real and Elton Brock and son Bcock, Evideneo h semi Ho1(bbs on January 2th during the Chamber's annual Larmer of Larmer's Groceteria. The sixth recipient C. Cook. Rev. R. Hopkins Miss Jean Philp along witb boys, Greenbank, wece Satur- Mcs. Lloyd Snowden, Mrs. whîcb he eesdwsh closed the meeting with the bier sister Mrs. W., A. Goo dedy viaitors, and Sunday visi- Kay Tennant, Messrs. Murray were temn oeyfoa gýeneral meeting. the recipients, with their awards are, was Becker's Milk. The awacds are made to those busi- Benedîction and a social time fellow visited their brotherý tors wece Mr. and Mcs. L. and Clair Cowling, Bowman - tributesaogwihwr from the left, Jack Phillips and Art Burgess of Pine nesses in town which have made a significant improve- followed witb lunch served by Judge W. A. Pbilp at Torontoi Phillips and family, Bowman- ville. wece Saturday guests of thOse Io aldf .. Ridge îAutomotîve Supply, John F. Dewith of Dewith ment to their premises during the past year. ýthe U.C.W. General Hospital, aise vIsited ville and Mr. and Mcs. Gordon Mc. and Mca. Lloyd Smith. and fromfins - -~-~-'---- - The monthly meeting' of hîs wîf e wbo bas also been 111 Milîson and boya, Newcastle, Congratulations to Mr,.V/il- Honorr aîeaeswr Tycone U.C.W. waa heid at and as staying with frienda in of Mca. W. H. Taylor and bect Mark wbo celebcated býis Messrs. oetBon ly Ee t N w E e u ie C a b r o Co m rethe home of Mca. Walter Park Toronto. 1t boys. 80th birthday on Feb. 1 th. Faillis,Lear CaAli * Elei Ne Exe utiv Cham er c Com ercewith 16 present. Mrs. Park Sympatby ils extendedto Mc;. and Mca, Ralpb Davey, He spent [part of the, day MitchelNibo adRlp poe, Pupoe" wtba Mr. and Mc . R. Gibbs on theý Robert, Susan and Andcew, shovelling anow. by hast meeting 'and Minuesof-_____ ence wece cead. The World Day of Prayer to be held at Enniakillen on .Marccb th.Y u a iyA lw n e GoesSà Treasurec's report was giv n Y u a iyAlw neG e o M c anMeigreevd W,l A t Park reported that the Bay of Fu t e1vrvIn I Quinte Confecence is to bc' hedMarch lat and 2nd ,Gu t . speaker, Warden of Women's penitentiary. Devotions were U Mca R Dveyan Ma.given by Mca, A. KniowltnM EU on soap by Mca. ClîftLon; med- itation by Mca. Knowlton, fol- iowed by hymn 490. A 5kit' was put on by Mca. A. Hoar Mca. Knowlton, Mca. Davey SI ý~3 e~ .:~i...... .:.:.....Cloaed wîth prayer.Pe :44 :~save used tamps and nylons Meting cloaed witb Benedir tion, followed wtblunch and ~~~i5 V v*social bouc. ~î~tr~ ~k~ ~Extra Special Values Thursday, Fridlay, Satrd se,. t~ 1 'i.$kt, ~their third meeting Èebruach[ ~' cay Yeo. V/e opened our meet- ing with the 4-H Pledge, thlen s .' .the roll eall. Next meeting isl 1 being beld Feb. 1lG t tbHe The executive committee of the Bowmanville on his lef t, and the 12 derectors, seated I rom the lef t, WESLEY VILLE'll Uhamber of Commerce was appointed during the George Stephen, Gord Schîssler, Freda Kramp, Mal- (Febr îary Rth) arinual general meeting of the Chaimber on January colm MacKenzic, George Webster; standing from the'! Snow can be a very 8celb 2th at the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, They are lef t, Don Gîlhoo]y, Jack Locke, Maurice Preston, nuisance on the stecets of theý President Bob Lawton seaýted fourth from the lef t , Everett King, Don McGregor, Gordon Carnegie, and town whece confîned spacel mlreasurer-Secr-etary, Peggîe Frank seated next to hem Fred Tippins. Vece-president Bil Luke was absent. forces it to accumulate ený __ unwanted places, and on bigh- A evnin diner uest wih M.way an roas weremod-ý Alnp Active Year en g înergutaransM, 7~ portaion wants a and Mca. Cecil Wilson, Sunday, desr road it laSa coatly nu'is-0 supper guests wece Mc. and an-ce, but on the land where->t-ý5 luàdmi 90 Ms Norman Lycna Lori, roots of next yeac's grasses1 - rU Iu DL~Annie and Kevi, Uxbcidge. grow, it is a bleaaing. Thisl Probema! Probems! wîntec the land la well bleat. Snw ncw eatflOn Tuesday, Febcuary 2nd,à ~be Bowmanvîlle O utlines Many recently bave been i of h ecmU../ t ChmbrofCo m rce Iii n197 0:aedb ta fluffy ma::ial eddteane etn However, the telephone, radio CbugPebtra edt Chamýrbe 1sgo ficant împrovemcnt to wide as mat people belîeved.adtevso provide contact V/ackwortb. L ad ies fo 0fCome cbld its annfual»tein premîses ln the past HIe said that tbe older people-wîth ncighbors and with hap- these unîta gave a dramnatie genecal e etnat tbe FIing year". on bis staff were able to relt enn raound the world, Dutbma Moon nn n Jn-Tbey were, Pine Ridge Auto- better to the boys than the Syptyl xeddto presentatio 0f the fod aon uacy ,ý2th ,-preceded by a din- motiv Supply, DeWitb Real younger ones. Such as bis 80- residents in Caifornia wbo "How My Roda.Wilsntrdu-as I n and an entertaining talkýEstate Dyktras Frigid Lock- year-old teachen of floral eshae suffered bass of life and abe came clown the cburch hMajor Anchie MacCouo rCetHrweLc1'sgn a course which provcd a property in. the rerent eartb- aseakn Vhc o." da~of theSaivation Army GoceiandBesMl. big bit witb the students.Or1qtiake. Ore local ceaident, liamber president, Bob! The rosat heef dinner waa the 71-year-old farm manager woemte n te ea h rm otne ih tvslv hrpoead news hecadines given by Mes- Lavo introduced bis 19711attended by 82. who bas never bad ascoatvslv hrpoea dames Gerald Byera, Archieý ex'výutive committee, consiat- Major MacCorquodahe, a-polr ihteby. ali elwt hm el-Fr n ereTfod al--ý o v obpesimntthllLuboysaysphoe c al came in fcom NewvFr n ere Tfod ec fvtepeietBl ue asa popular speake to He aaîd that though the o kSaesnSnay i Each received a reply In a' Ucaure ~eretrl Peggi eBwmn ville audiencesrea - oto the future in dress andI eaie ap ae-prino h ogb c. f , ik, and 12 directora. He ed some of bis experienceaistyhe, they look to, the past forî e'Da mnpceo nw Thos. Wilson aecompanîed by cm î~wcd the Chamber'spaati-ofat an l-ýiwdth hme'sat-ýworking e Concord bouse, the directionan guidance. icnedal a here nsi eacf on the guitar, with fbb vtîies in 1970) and urged foi' Salvation Army home forý The new generation, is otwa a glane of ic I .r , concluding reply, "The Anaý- ant enthusiastic membershiplyolung offenders (boys age 16-1quite s0 iconoclastic as society hr r rheaeeybr wer is blowing in the Wînid" diýve for tbis ycac, inhoper,!'20). bais imagined. according te theven in England, as they em From the pulpit the other o) bî over "the 100iVith a capid-punch and un- Major. hback on the new, monetary participant Mca. Mary Kellog r-limbei mark". Lest yeaî celenting bumor he descibed:ýfý threwce 3 ai u mm i avetuesan msave- He rcvealed bis code for be- decimal syatem. Even feedîng repeated "The anwcc la blow- ' bers Hemenione tbt ay tres n blpig th bos oer-ing a part whicb supplies an the birds bas hecome a pcob-îninheVidfo Cavy enlidul a join thie group, corne their problema n fn answcc and not a pcoblem - 1cmn with tbc snow as deep. not 200heeded ut. av ~ ~hc m h i bsies o anaewc fc hpp h eiset an example and get in- The lateat innovation is a pan.nthee. volved. fastened to tbe clothesline h îhwid n r e Th eo ýzis 10 a yearu. socicty. iin, heChabe' Herahndtauice Major MVacCorquodaîr wa.e it may be rue out among th, stolm of hast weck- lttered e ~ 'ment inn 1970, Mn.1witlî the' question "Are you ictrodur-ed by Captain Le, trees tc hio ~ dn rud th gro un wbnbanhs n h u on ai tathoaditonprtcith pohemorpat fFratofth Bwmnvll Tîitsmwatesm l-b caused some bydro and con- Plus ~ ~ - 'eceuved an interestieg letter pital on Saturday, Febcuary VîsCicDaetabkinSizes 8-16 Sie 7-12 Sizes 4-6X PlsGo their daughter-ila 6th, 1971. He waa In bis 77th ber apactment in Port Hope Ordinarily 7.M0 Oerdn#y 6.00 O«tnareiy 5.00 . I NFANTSg VIflIL PANT lIra. Delton Fisher. The Driion year. aftec a short stay la a nursingi Fsesadson Scott are new, The o ftelt re home and is now quite well. i4 a Fihraynd son f bbclate George Thece ila sgreat deal of 41u ý 91 n anOC 99Mupyec holidantying in MrocoSaing abon elieMuph ,ewas in the sucroundieg ares, Mrs.ý r fery cosedfomSpinbyboeon Jan. 3cd, 19,a C. Dickinson, one of the lateati Brgtnvnal. H a r radabie j in ble or P* Susse and Leanne Fisher cf cesided Ie O saawa foc the past r vicim , is weh on bb a t oný ayc r n eff e at 'n a sl Blackatock, apent Friday to40ynrs.reovry Sv' el qtunday itb their graedpar- Lieds Thoradyke, aINFeANTS" reatdcoSLtbE hroig ens masore I C S S Ma.MitOn 40 MrphsW klWf tWtno Uiesbs fancy qtraq)ed pteasadccoroDom ~5Se~~INFA mpnTSMS EEP RS n tberrlo nieritLas Mr.Arthur' Hyiand. Mca. in Oshawa and Bowmanvîhle third year. Hec wnrk terma at! 'It a~ig eeysrWHe' pif hre ~ s123 McreneMlol n . for many yeara. He retired a present lis la Toronto athough' ýarnc acomad r'fesý years ago. most of ber work courses[ m Bruce HeasaiD, spent an ec'Ioy- abl che day on V/ednesday in Port He la sucvived by a sister, were ln Kingston. Penny at the Ninth Annual Mca. Clude McDonald (Vera) The cegular meeting or!n mneeting of Oshawa Preabyter- 0f Osbawa and a niece, June Wesleyville Unit of bbc UC . S. -a1 United Churrh V/omen. The Mcflonahd. ,anINGfo bb4secndSWd K port Perry ladies are te be Mc. Murphy rcated at the nesday of bbcemnibwaaW 1 NE6 -54T hospitalitY and their culinacy Oshawa wbere the funecal Wednesday, and church sc A __ C3-54 arts in providing a delicio lis service was conducted on vice at V/elcomc was wîîh-1, and bountifuil dinnee. Tuesday, Fcbnuacy 9th by Rev. drawn on Sunday rmorning. V sI M. and Mrs. Hrman Fhed1Jehn, Morris at 3 p.rm,, follow- W/ayne Megit retucned fo miqn, Karen, Wilson and Bliir, cd oy 1tu î in Mount peut Hope hospital at bbe end Lïtte Britain, were Saturdayu Lawn CemeterY, of the week,

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