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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1971, p. 6

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Th ciaiisatsaromnviirê.24, 1971 Clel,!.aring Dead Elms Provides Jobs for 20 Unemployed Men1' Phone Bi-il$3000Q a Year Boar ofEducafion's Mai Reach s5 Bushels a Da Aý The Nntbumi berIanid-Dur- !rtration bas far fewer indi admninistraltion operabioni Mr- nain Cont oard of Eduavias Thom raid that as mucb as tinbsthe bîghest ztudent- "The number of supervis- five bushel of, mail have ar- supe-rviso-,r' officiai ratio in the ory offica n w dw from rived at tbc office in one c wba ilwab forethe nw mornîng. ocf Ontario.T Wý 'F, ank Thomdseco of regional boardI was set uip" he The telephone bill for al T edcboin a prescotation bo saîd. the scbooils in the bwo counties, lar a] the schooi rustees at, a regula The efficieîîcy of tbe pres- be raid, has reacbed $30,000 a z acol ordmetn ecnly ntogaiaion, he continued, ycar, z expolan d ha bc board r d-jr duet te fact that the The superîntendent of plan- o mnsrto adewrofcasNorthumberland - D u r h a mn ning, D. W. Patterson and the l tha ay ohe bardinlb Board had the pick of the crop three arca ruperintendents, H. province. of education officiais wben the R. Moorcroft, western area; ift new board war, established. J. W. Reid, central area and :?~1 i "WUlth A total if 47 employ- "Also we do not use a policy H. 0. YKnapper, eastern area, eswcaentocoaeanof biring locally," hc added. gave tbc board an outline of th wc re otsuferig ecaure To emphasizc the extent of theirresýpective jobs.-Guide." of itl,' -rid. _a__:__if tbU~~oihe said lbSh %va'? aiso completciy dffcrcnb The director raid that inI e Sew rl uwed 'TIi cation ret-up witb bbc individ-W coaison bore insh cdu- M uw-T counties, tbbc presýent admin- y e Rnnt o u e c<"»ta S If A a (.HninilePule rslts bncuj, he cost tewrcshv u-hv b potnt owr Aîîia Utilîbies Commission has its war cstimatcd at $39,550. Tbe For 20 uncrnployed men inj$2.54 an hour with bbc Fore- ploymient aimost becomes aloif in bbc msiddle oft Decemnber. à way, part of a by-law whîcb PUC fecis however that this thir area tbc prospects for man receivîng an ndditional way of life.i "It's keeping tbc wolf fironi, was shelved a ycar and a haîf arnount sbould be incrEaýsed b'? winter look mucb brîghtcr. 23 cents an hour. Mr fbcmnacga otedo, adoemn aoregarding a sewer projcct 20% to co î ncreased corts otorh e r ldt!h or"sioemn wîhIbe e-bbroucc socoun 0fcontrutio is And tbougb the jobs maY risted on welf aeo nm but few would want to makelwelfare," another addcd, Thecl ppalngfoo$7 6 not be exactly wbat the men pinyment insurance ,hpnefits a carcer out of their present "I would mucb rather be1 T e poct bas been a)prov- In the original plan, about are looking for, tiey will pro- for the part few monbbs. One jobs. on smtig ayhg cd by councîil on July 7, 1969, two-thîrds of the cosb of bbc vide them wîth 'a steady in' ernitrîwdba en FrHrl rk o u i thm, ad W and bhc covcring by-law, scwcr improvernt war Vo be corne for bbc ncxb two mon mbsll Bryant h wa an unem- Number 69-17, had been rend borne by tbc 17 owners front- dk htbr d r on wcifare for more than a mn i iis a means of sup-1 poe ev qimn pr PIR Vre bme ad ascd Te ngbb lce Te emînngand ccp tn hngy andper-year and this was bis first job port until bis job driving a abor dbeor equhe tart ewit RE.thre ird r adbeev ewr /în t e ai d byTh bbc cor- r istent woif from their doors. in ail that whilc. cernent truck, cornes open itorbefoighwa s atdwt 'ay IlazardS exist ievcry invaiidabed ns lb had preccdcd poration. The special rate per Elm areOnpartiof Oerametio ayo h e r es gi.Thcbiggcst probiem to over- Do net underestîmate OtroMncpiBadsfo rnaewa e t$ 0Em nOtrogvrmn unc dlamage even a smal firethOnaiMuiia or'fotrnagwssea $.0 winber works program whicb, onally unernployrnent and: For Joe McGarvcy also of corne is tbc cold. cf bbc project. Conse- Tbc annuai rate was 66.2c per bhougb death on eîms, is in- waiting for, their normal jobs Bowmanvillc it is, an oppor- "It'r all a plot Vo geVlb o can cause. qucnly work neyer got under- foot frbntagc rcpresenting re- stilling n bit of life into bbc mta terialîze i spring and tunîty Vo support bîmseif and donc farter," one of bbc otule SMOKE- way. Council apparcntly can- payrncnt, on n baan arnortizcd provincial unemploymcnt prob- luaie.hs two- smali cbildrcn and workers winked. "If you stand A.fulyfrnc c 96.Te eso a gvnesiatdlfeo heswe ,spedcellcd bbc by-law on Otober over 20 ycars at 8%v. Thele.Acrig t apwke hs edabv wtrsilyowl fez. Aro. amfrae tcaougotcm. Oeaiobugte ltýabor jobs arc scarce at pres-11AThile looking for bbc 'rîgbb Whîch sccmr Vo be bbc hmbrogotfor this action. isystem was 25 years. cort 1 million and Vo last until cent. For bbc man who can offerljob'. Last year, he was witb moral for bbc wbole project deaup ob. a osy The projcct enballcd rewcr How bbe ncw cosb schedule bbc end of Marcb, invole b nothing more, scasonai unemn-,lands and Forerts but was laid cal]cd Operation Elmn. improvernents at seven loca- and current bank rate will rernoval cf discased adda EXPLOSION t ions in town. These wcrc: On affect these figures remaios Vo clms from bbc area cf one- Air infrequent happening, but Temperance Street from Wel- be seen. quarter mile off Higbways 401 E u a i nB o r l s uulydisastrous. lingtofl Street North ta 240' George Van Bridger, Manag- and 400. nortb of Wellngbon; on George er cf bbe local PUC raid that The Province expecbs toý1E a iîio no w l Street from 300' soutb Of bbc work ir requircd and roon- bire 900 men for bbc job cf Fior Furtbcr Information Cali Church Street te 250' North er or inter wil bave Vo be clearing away bbci oravagca iscd re-g e - from Duke Street ta 260' north- 0 i u c ce miesofe. Ifdy s F re a t Bdt c5mseatfbuh; ondAibrtm SredOnc i ls f ee Im is cf bc dadl Duth Ja es in ra ecsbcDuean fon On- provemeot proposais forer Bbc enBomnilea tarie Street bo 250' norbb-east town and he lotimater that tbc Coîborne cut-cif, 80 menl The Northumnberland and the "black". There is even a arca rnentally rctaidedase- Ag n y Loie f Ontario; on Vitoibbcet h lisV ne Dt a shorton-th in four team are working on Durhamî County Board cf possbîlty that bbc sui-plus ations. William Pette-y wis it 24Kigs~ EBo 10 nortbeasb cf Ontario, and on 69-17 is righ-t at bbc top. f allers are cuttîng clown and ycar of operation wîtbîn iess mark, district association, Dr. Ian 2ow4a St El., Ontarl0 Nelsen Street from Hunt Street IV would appear Vere will lirnbing bbc elms in advance1 than one per cent cf its fore- When bbc budget wns tabled Wilson bas been appoinbed by O t et 620' nortb-clasb cf Hunt, bc no gctting around bbc Issue cf bbc major work parties Wbo casb expenditures. The board last year, many cf bbc board tbc Cobourg and district as- and frorn Ontaro Street o 260' wbcn lb ncxb cernes before rim, buck and pile bbc legs administration was comnpli- members cxpressed consider- sociation wbiie Gary- Cook bas nortb-easb cf Ontario.' council. into neat rbacks. rnented bîghly for its efficient able conccrn over bbc fact that been appointcd by bbce Osbawa ~ib~R ~ .Is a leter bo counecil bablcd ________- The Departmcnt cf Higb- operation under bbc "ighb bud- it was sucb a tigbt budget. and district associatfion. The on February lsV, 1971, bbcPeN ways ir supcrviring bbc acti- geV" by bbc board's part chair- The first budget estimates were Trenton - Brigbboni district as- this reetbeomplcbcd aknd IU ±JThefyer.bsclnsman, Jeff Rolpb. trimmed down to bhec bare sociation did not submait an ti rubmib be n pete c b tbci n bigbULTh a swy, bae n sndollars and cents, educa- boner after bbc board icarncd appointment this year but cx- Office Residence cosb of lb for approval and ln- (lnbended for last week) l'.iisarea, given their unani- toa xedtrswr 8, ta b rnjtutr a ecrV uigbc53~4tr 82-61623-5023 corporation Into bbe t0oxvn's This inews ,,%ili be ail at icast imonus consent Vo let bbc bcams b317 dlers ta bbc 18This086 et gs t e qu oibe c', ame Bol. . ard ebers C. V. Jon 62349 bengdran p.Thewidr av nw aatd bmbrnoV necessaýril iianthat bbe pate-d. Yet Jby doîng ti, bb aie see rton bbc rc'barded ad- When bbc projet was firsýt and -al Provi ncial, Couinty and On Monday a crew tromabord bas athe usc ti board wavéy sli ble V masin taei avîrry oBITbcc Township snow rernoval bas Bowmanvilc and Newcastrtinouna bbcues bo ardinoVvcra hgincrease in'bbcie A Bt'iT isEdaR been baxcd te capaciby. Bull- startcd Vo work in a copse rcic ia iue eadn ae hul bdd' ev h or asdamto RO 'Mdozers lbave bad te be brougbb opposite bbc wesbbound Tut i oucsc rvne pri-anbigfr frilîs or conia- -~ n ix o combat bbe bal drifts. buil's Esso, service centre eas'c layra me cf bbc goarrdment gencie MM Al snowplowerr sare running cf Newcastle. grants.The boarinistrartteocorn F Lo vertime eieaning yards and Walb Bryant cf NewcastleHwvr dinsrto f up witb a beter mcbbod cýf i lianes, This brings memories cf bb ce wceks age hired asa eieprsdopismtagtiginrainte aetsDW M 1960 wbicb, was a very bad labor foreman by bbc Depart- wben bbc final audibcd report rcgnrding laVe and eancciicd winter. ment cf Highwayr, and fore- is tabied, tbc board wil be in bus runs in view of bbc pro--ie s a -e Mrs. Delberb Bowins had a mais cf bbc site, raid on Mon- - es encountcred . during bbe visît from bier only living aunt day that in that one area alone Business lab euiecfwekscfba intepro f M's Tom 150 rees bave been eut dlownDre or weabher. Alidrcad cf Carmen, Manitoba. and about 100 cords cf wood cTh n anc doe r tebb ewl as bepoui- A She ir 871 years aid and 1isd stacked. IA crew frorn Cob- CA 0u f ai doe ovh el pone MONEY ON travclicd alone hy air from bbc ourg bad spent lasV wcck ther _____________ ad bec transportation commit - E1CONOMY E wesb. She wili be visiing whiic bbc local erew was be- WM. j, H . COGGINS tee cbaired by Art Rowain, ais- PACK DXPRMIMother relatives in Tyrone and ing formed). Chartercd Acceunitant sîsted by Howard Sbeppard, Bcwmnnvllc. Seeral fa il IV is up te bbc farrncrs On 115 Liberty St. S., BowxnlanivlllcScwn ant bbfcd A oULT f bbc Alldreads resided ln bbc this land te decide wbnb bbc4y Phone 623-3612 ile *ue n laele ambUurg QUALITYDrum arles many yeas's ago. want Vo do wibb bbc, wood, SidneyAMWordcn and Ciarcneee FUELOILI apologize for an errer in Mr. Bryant raid. mFUaumEasLwe. a e- A bc eks pars, bbc work B.Comrn. One cf bbc main problcms C _______________________________________ rc ng bbc passing cf Mis. crew wiil advance owards Cbarbcrcd Acconaewl et eieambo fJ î Wlhrt Woo cf Cavan, ber Bowmanviile, cearing bbc 361/2King St. E., Osbawýa eo-ordînating information te ______ BOWM1ANVILLE CUSTOMERS fom rnam- apnparcd as areas on bobb rides cf tbbc Teephone 725-6439 bbc ajea radie sftions frorn aý CALL COLLECT "Wlsn wîe houIfi have bigbway cf 'the dlms. c- -entral souirce so that 15 bus, SML URE Ask Operator for 668-3341 heniSew rt. e~younger Hiring fo .bc 'roecb has oprace perators areýn't a1l brying te C or Dia 1-66 -3341 ays w r e miuen t h bbchome- been carried Out by bbc Can U i r O Jr a I C geV informiation h ou bal b0PA-1pyDR l oread ear B1-ydu8,M41dwa, aa anpowdt Centres and -- -- __--- re time witb resuling bah- lb STICF a usercfHaol Sewrtcflocal weif are fie b . Chiropraclter he-om1Yitte4e, will aise, D X FU EL O L Pr er sc] b~~ 0 iî15 Offie:Save, cokri.odbc cen-,IGA S n y snRosa ri v e cextend parbmenb of Labor. Tbcre 1 li tcr flesyS.pansta aebe eev CAIL _ _ US_ TO1-DA u ynab.a nofca gemn htPhone 623-5509 d -A, in cerain-ases-uses BOWMAVILLEPUBLI LIBRRY fu 'bug. Sid did make av"sit Mmi, Don Prout, Donase, 222 1'Uig St. Es. - Suite 1u6 ng uneinbloymriet sasuràace IERP BIO MA VILEte bbcIBR9Ydctoffr buýtmye are giad Randy and. Kinl, lMirs. Tirr Office Heurs: behÉfits te ebuôeoi Temerace tret t lern beyarehot mub Book an TomyBew- Closed Saburday, Sui'day and ecs. The teachers sffected manileviitd t ayCan-Monday wôuld be those éarniïsg9 lès irpeac Sre -Orrved. navie iibda a a-Open Tueday tbrough Frlday than $7,800 pet year. i II kUL Mrs, Keitb lbank and Mr'. ro's . Enarl Armrutage recieived wod Mrs. Ray Scott and Mrs. 9 amc. te 6 p ni. daliy The bôard will rend notice on011bycfbc sngc bei- Bruce Bunker, Oshiawa, wcre Tclcpbonc 623-7349 cf its apprôval tô ail ares fathiert wo hrsidcd su Cavan-at Mm Alex MéMastctr's cri mérmbers ô thebc egîslaturc And w EDN SDAY MAR H lOh vilageWe extend a Our syrn- Tuesdai. Cncrr, o- l tranh etlItario scoôû trutetes - Wcend oui' congratula- ente, visibed at Ray Cmr DONALD A. MacGREGOR Admîsaiin ofciist- tont rRyBea b eo' Sunday, mate that lit .ldcn bcBIL 1971 pic MrRayents s' bbc Oose Mm în'Saî0o1is- Life, Aube, Home boar'd an exva $8,'0 ti-$90thoni- Weely ime Th pcture tient at Oshawa General Hom- Irai A sand as bbc emiployer bi as o AA D f ai 8:00 p.m. shows Ray teces' îng bbc Sara- Dtbai wberc she had surgcry B 67 KnluligE.,PSuie 62A3-59b62 E uotrbite S OArP nu crens Car Club Raily Trôphy. on Monday. Bwavie- hn 2-92paid by emnpicyces. One board Ht w mas bon winner arnrig ï7 IV has been a long ttime meunher raid tbîs in biu couldSie1s foi' the purpose of: enrues in 15 1îe cur 0e i bcwahemogaeu p fom e r y have înbercstiagefeton- twden 16 f:Tewer Hihi and -points so snucb snow andc] several ________________obsabsens as. beachrs weuhd HEAINOREORT eat nd ebrsi Ra i bb sn brne aon hbb 5th con ci- KEITH A. BILLETT, 031. want even more mneeyt rwholîdayîag somewbere i~n nght guests on Saburday 143 King St. E - Bowrnanville dîbson Vo their regular demands and the Feîa nigbt. Offîte Heurs. By appolnbmcrint and, "it ail cornes frein bbc cric ______________ Miss Laurte Sbaîrtori spent Telephorie 623-3252 place, bbc baxpoayer's peeket", 0LCIO F DRiTR Saturday n witwbh Mr. asic]Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fr1. The advsîey cmmibcefe LCTODI CTRI TTEfi)M A N Mrs. Rarry vPe-lez. Oshawa, 9 arn to 5 pus trainahie retardcçd îi5r1now cel-rn- OM j C L A ", 'aI F I E D 3 e b c,,5bh concession WKi aodc] Sut - 9 - 12 picte wîbh anif-,ns o b Pno62-ý"3303 wanblek Thursday eveniags comîniee subnutcd by bbcân 0shawa Man Elected RegionaI Vice - Pres* Real Estate Boards5 Douglas Bullied, FR.1. of Hop Real Estate Boardi ~ shawa was elected RegionallthoeeExeutve Committee ice-President of the Ontario the Association. He is a 1 ýssociation of Real Estate President of the Oshawa oards on Feb. 15tb. 1 Estate Board. The Oshawa Reaitor will His, election came during -present the Belleville, Lind-Ithe 49th Annual Conference of ;y, Oshawa, Peterborough, the Association which a renton and Cobourg - Port held in Hamilton at the Shera-- tnConnaughi Hotel. %pproving ini principle" the tOElected 19'71 President wa location of the secood floor John Boyd, i.R.I. of'.mih )fthe armory building to theýFails. His Vc-rsdn o lpot. However, it is interest-ithe year will be Merv Hall o)t ng to, note that the board is London, ling this even before it bas eceived forrnïa1 confirmation bUl IIf lC bat it is to get the building lîâh1lt 70 1 'LES )sign the ]case, Talk around ie board table indicates thait HEATING SP;IEC1ALIST tthe board gets the building, 17 Liberty St. N. ,en it will lease space to Sir Bowmianville andford Fleming, roviding there is no cost to! PHONE 623-7591 he local board. Said board of. 24 HOUR SERVICE lucation di rector J. Frank' Ou, Gas & Electric Furnacr hom, "The rentai will be & Air, Condition Installa- 'orked out to the last cent."ý tions - Central & Windorw he actual money figures are, Units - Clare Hecla & ~it known right now as the Findley Equipment :k is stil] progressing on the Free Estimates )ard's proposai. 1-1 i gtTem vial -Examiner Bde em vial Summer Session at Trent Universiy off ers you ..e * SMALL GROUP TEACHING * 41 COURSES -IN 16 SUBJECT AREAS * AN UNMATCHED SUMMER SETTING Trent University's campus on the Otonaibee River at Peterborough offers summer school students an unusually attractive combination of small- group teaching with a vacationland setting. Tut- orials and seminars lire used to complement, lectures and to provide for individual participa- tioin in the teachiing-learning experience. Summer courses for 1971 are offered in: Anthropology (5), Biology (4), Chemistry (1), Greek and- Latin Literature (1), Economics (1), English Literature (4), French (2), Geography (4), Spanish (1), History (4), Mathematics (3), Philosophy (1), Physics (1), Politics (2),' Psychology (3), Sociology (4). Courses that may be of particular interest include a second-year course in General Human Geo- rahby Professor Peter Ambrose of the Uni- versity of Sussex. A field course ini Anthropology offers students an opportunity to work and study nt an archaeological site. There wiIl be as well a Sociology course dealing with Frencli-Canadiani Society, which will include a two-week field trip to the.province of Quebec. Summer school begins July 5, and ends August 14 Applications must be received by May 1, 1971 For information, please write: Director of Part-Time Studies, STrent University, Peterborough, Ontario. ANVILLE IGA rtised at this store onfly ýT THIS STORE ONLY DONOMYf rACK lieners, i9b EY3 ,i Peameal Bacon END CUTS 6911 CENTRE CUTS 7 9 rb nom i Legs 391b TURKEY 59c IGA White BREAD' C ON '24 oz, loaf' 30C 4 ioaves $1,0 ORL MR TO SQ D T ýPO DeW e - c4 l (ABBAGE'lýý 25C BLEACH 2 nottiess9c I t DOLE FANCY FACE SOAP PINEAPPLE Bars 1$1OO 3,$100 IGAI ANVILLE

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