6 The C1 ndiAn Satésir1ân Ewmanville, Mar. 10, 197l1 ar s ThFGil'goal( H In the first garne playecI l o n thfiaMdetgrete lMthRoyale e feete clthe Ban ed~edthe teelrs bya cl-e1 côuntThe Bruins' goals byDnSnt wt w ol 2- '%ce heAnrias goals Were scored by Larry RI, sdtoass er ol wereco d byflady rossy JrryJohanston one goal Odtogas rcGsc n a Tery WtherpoW onie ~assist, Randy N owa, oa ndoeasît Ii ai Jefi~drondonKevin Tink whle Doug Farrow pickedU negaStv are n anfi )anUdye pîcked U as-onue assist. The Novice B goal olTrrïohsontree sist. Te Seeles' odl wasa scored by Nick GibbsIa'nya oe sst score, ] y Tîm ýAiniond, assisted hy Bill Wright is. Fed l 1 the seond garne, the Denaîs SobilSOpuleeaoo 'r, Jm Bldd sh01outthle ndians by In the second gamcIle-Stpen oefh;ana a ~ 'i 3- cr.TeBae'goals CB's goal was scorede.,byGary , were scoed by Ben-t Filîniore aaîu eetd h evOedn wît tw, en Ioyon whleers by an 8-2 count, The Canaý- Mgrao for the2 Jefi Cafield and Kevin Rynes des ol eesoe yAo eg~ had one assi t. Rion Jukie three goals aid, ci.f hj3t: . To te ony Tye plyoffassitsSteve Greengrasa wo iray gaineofThrsdy vein tegoals and two asssts :0 r - igr v.Ilyl Royas deeatd th BomeraDallas two goals, Peter Vi10.0an ioss aa- ili 30 arn.eiS ti Cliprsv by a2-1 scre.The Royals' lnughby one goal while Gond goas wre cord b StvènMcNabb had two assists, Rob Cnuea a yé Braun nd Ch c esh, Thre Payne, Fred Wind and Rick i' 0pn.-V arovs Bo _brsngal wan scored by IMevkey one asjst each. The, FaksVre'(rcie Rôb ordn asisèd y Rt- eavra~goal was scored by! chi W e ndVauhnWels.Richard Knakeuberg and Wayne Johnson while Gordoný ATOM Hl OCKEY WAlace and Barry Livin gsutone OBT ARî Ta te fiat g ineo-Sa.,Fe had one assist each. OEHCEI ON 27ththeFargs dfeatd t InT a gaine played o Tues; am bya7. 1 score. Thte Faýr- Feh. 23rd the Wings defeated Tooohelhortept .J < go eeled by Rick Bain with the Blacles by a 5-3 score. TheltwO yas oehCclFuc,~ forgolvhile Dave GatcheiliWingse goals were scored byIof orie id tDyoa, pickci uip two goals and Kevia Bill Evers one goal and {wolBeachý, Florida, Februjaryý 28, Gray jone, wifle Ray Prout assista, Ken MacGregor one 19 7 1 h1ad oaac asist, T-he lone mark- goal, Raymond Hopkins one B3orn in Courtice on March CostbeMra Jo t eri for th-e Ramai was scored bylgoal, Joey Whyte and Mark 6, 1899, 35-r Found was the sonMedt Of thre Ontario Provinci Joe owln.Mahouey onue goal each. Bruce . mobile safety to Grade 8 chîldj Ta th second cotest, 'the loPson picked up two essists, I bîrnl hsae i iges efecated the Bisons byi Trent Mastersonue. The Blades' Ifnvnle l !rinowmobileaac ii a -2scr.Thle Tigers' goals goals were scored by -Bob, novdi nwoieac-a were scored by 'Andy Jarvis,.Shantz with two and Terry dents it certainly, will not be i. onie golal iud one, a5sist, Jacky Sarginson one white Stewart for want of being told the o, Pchonegalanid mark Van.-iSanderson had nue assist. .' proper way to o)perate and son i1 on hl oga Iny l the first gaine gf Fid, * aide h acias h plI- icd p cone assi t'h Bs eb. 26th the Kiags defeated-q, iNew castle cdetachinent nf the h onus golwssoedb eîhe Wings bv a 4-1 score. The i*Otai!Poincial Police lsaa Wardï. King' goals were scond y rceinIt tatv [lu the thirci gainte of the day, Glenn Martin with tbree -hleaFo heP0 ewmnt h stj the Chppers defecated the Co- EBihBrkett had onue. Assîsts the detachment's safetLy offi- d aurners' Gas Tyke Ahi Stars, by went to Mathew Jouestw cen, Constable Murray Joynt,h a31scoire. The Clippers' goeals Eric, Burns, Chris Mrhn has been visîtiug achools in c were sco,-red b-y Len Witie, nule John Vandermieet and Sai he district preseatîng a mes- goal auMd One assiat, Keni Davi- Elliott, nne assist each i sage to the children on anow- an nue goý-,al sud one sssist, In the second gaine the: mobile safety. On Wednes- P)r Udriy onue goal while Blades defeated tbe Rangerasday hdTusayli e PalFîce and Mlike Hleenian by a 5-1 count. The Blad7es' he concluded his rounds with bad onue assist ieach. The Con- goals were scored by Doug a visit to M. J. Hobbs SeniorC Guer'Cas goailwas scored Stainton with two and ic .e Elementary achool in Dar- by~~1 Dae feader asssîsted by assst, Mike Nolan onue goal ç Rob DeBo and two assista, Don Cowle hrwiitenepo Tuth inai Atorin gaine the one goal and Bob Shantz Mn-eahn d saf f t Frsn's Vriety defleated the Wayne Willis one assista. The, . chool, Constable Joynt pre- RjoyalF by an 8-1 count oun Ragers' goal was scoredbysne sprga whc l- goals by Paul H,-ïodgn with Lsrry Woodward assisted bycueda3,mntt- o twJif Payne tw,,o sud nue Don Robertson. 1fI aeMn. and M1. John each clasa and ldc practical1_ asia, rayRobson onue, John In the gaine played on Set., Fuu.ne wes nmannied at damnonstrations lu the achooli el1 ue Mal brenuFe.7tteHa sdfatdEner Church, on Manch grounds on the operation ofIt oal sudonie assist, RobMc the Leafs by a 9-3 score. The 141, U123.the machines. Those studental o'rl - aa oal1 while Pst Hawks' goals were scored bv ýT le d 'a(d,)undedi Oýlha- who wished were givan Ihelt Eýreyiiolçs andI Jay Nimtigon Don Childs with three goa15,ls,%e oo Podctnl 1931. A"toiportunity to drive thei adnue,âs-st eacht. The Don Devison two golsun vryeciva irmmber at the Eh-1 snowmnobihes theinselves un-[ Roas'goalw! scored by t, wn assista, AI Spencer, John enzr nited Church, hie was der the watchful eyes of thel MakChrau ssisted l hySmith, Tom Connell. onue goý1al su a meýmber 0of Lebanon aduht- instructors. cot eneteach, Chris Stainton onuegoaliMasoniciLodge. twsale.;ndomk' ____________________ and onue assist, Randy Coonev j He was a past president -of t as ail desigoredto ae o îwnththeiuoesCreubtiona a.v. anc ,oassistas, Paul Passant, Eenl teLosCu. omuih;the clen meuitoe an do Carter onue assiat. The Las elder et the Ebenezar United dangers la operating snnw- ~ I$ goals wer-e scored by J:mrn Church su;nd a former super- oils 1MacGujire with twn, Scott intendent 0 f its Sunday Sehool. Th Jackson oune while Dnny Pas- He fi, survivedI by his The ou message came through w1fe lwu ad ean. cne o ssita.the fomerLer Elzabth If the statistîcs 93 fatali- BANTA M L E A GUE Pickell' u ~uheMrs. Tatafnlgaine of Set., Feb. William H1enny <F (ay), ofias Cnd a1997 u 27th the Braves defeeted the Courtice; tw,,o sisters, Mnat nombl acdnt i Panthers by a 4-2 count The èWillarn Lymer (Olive). Maple roen an much itto th se cil- Braves' goals wr scored b!-y Grove and Mrs. William Alltînrnafitttoknapca (Me-y, Bomanvlie;nue i aaing wheu they were told Joe Benuiett, Tinm(arozkoski, t; ne hat 13 of these fatalities Ron Jamnes, onue goal chl, lMrother, Arthur Found, nf Stev Jaes ue oalsudnueCoutic. H wa prdecas-were children under 15 years assiat, Steve Hepad two assista, ed byfour bro r,.ila of age. TtadyJarisan Mak hi- NrmnChale sd Fsn ' They may bave looked holn oit assst.The an[]-i'S a!tiie blase when told that 50% ofi J' LIABILITY insurance 1 oi u sia.TePnhr'MnFud rse t thie 185 auowmnobîle collisions! rover your legal iabifity foi'!goals iwere, scored by Rob rmton VUneral H0o Mne,, BocIiy Injur rDmg eDoruoghu.e sud Bien T1 Ohw. h unrl evcehsnya er with mot Proplerty of Others arising whîle Bob Cowle picked upwil edlutechploun eils o ihss u f ren:onueassist. . Merýc1h 41at 1:45, p. ne-te eaec eadwe luth ecsd gaine the H- ment was at,, the Ebenezer, Premises Ines sCubabatld o 4 Crntey ith Rev. 'David usiness Dreciory Operat[ions ai or awsy froinie. The Huskies' goalsweeR isffctig premrises sc'ored by Robbie BroughIl - rrodluits (dlaims arising ou0 twn goals, Ronald Davison one ef products sold or handhad goal sud cine siRdd CHNECOK_____________ by yen) Phillips onuegoal and onue as-, APRIL 251h WM. J. Hl. COGGINS Comp)-rleted operations (work siat, .Daýve MaCe Or ne Deytlight sevha trne il Chartered Accountant doue by yen aftir coin- assia-t. The Cuba' goals wercoret Bwavih t1:01 115Liberty. St. S., Bowmanville phection and aba»dnoumnt) scoredi by Gordlie Koweak a i. Sunday, Apnil 2t.it____Pne6361 Elevators (if any} with twn g, oals, Bob haci-wl take six monthe tone WILLIAM C. HALL Operations of catatostnwith two goals, Jin tgihehorci sep a.B.Comm. eauployed by yoix Stacksrjuk, George Bowen sd Sandrd tcieneyQtsOcto- Chartered Accountaut Countractual fiability (liabil-!Davîd Beheaonue assiatec.beflt 361/ King St. E., Oshswa ity for Bodily IsdzrY andlu lnthe third contest, ithe 1,Flv- - 75-53 P1roperty Damage whieh yen ers defeated the Pea WeeB. eepoe 2-63 Jaeassumed under any by an 8-4 score. Thep Flns- -ontract or agreement). goals were scored by keL d & Foet C h ir o pr ac Iic ~ EMLOYE'S iabilty Hobbs with threa olen Tusîaucenue assiat, Steve Hobbs two G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. goals, John Turner tw'o oalenP rt Chîropractor MEDICAL Payments sud ona1as - t, lrey o-sOffice: manegoalw, eDaiaAdC îî 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Fo FrterInoratonCalKuppau DugSaan hd Fiý-ý'st mpes iion ' Pone 623-5509 must supervise arld assis tais iiiu' H edqurtrs ort bsi to determine the exteat Open Tuesday through Frlday vifq inrJuries sud pmonideth c 9 a.m. 10 6 pin. daily u"eceSSary trceabiment. Other Telephone 623-7349 ~~ steff memaeri a ee cted b RO O Mact xia casualties sud simulat- I n s u r1 a n c e cd injuri-a sd behevior and ______________ postinig rprsetabveofDONALD A. MaeGrREGOR mn e raaîsti. To jugeaisuranc e ý eeh eaOUu ped u 67 Klnig E., Suite 2A cffc ecy f beetnen. CinlBowmanville - Phione 623-5962 PRICE9$9.95 0 nsattv n cul r-Oplo m e i r y FROMe__ _ _ _ 111w1La1 KEITH A. BLLLETT, O.D. IT",S V OUR BEST BUSY BY FAR IGon bo c poena EASY TERMSARàAN f;E D îne 8."2-34" 10-1 13King St. E.- Bowmanî111e 1-albrtn 428 40 8-15 ,Office -Houtrs: By -appointinent lA ALU '.I I IE Goderani 0 030-36'.-in, Telphoe 63-3252 B W MN I '3 ~Asey~ 30-40 -0Ma usThurs -Fnl 26kING S-i.cUOE6203-5Prýu le221('1WW1 u Si 9-12 slua ~evr'd Thuadayeveings StuJ dents Le-arn 'Snowmobile Safety BRus Usin g Parkwa y Creating Problems A oua-aman deputation ap- the Sepansta School Bosrh, peeled to Bowrnenvîlla ow Councîl decîded bo forward Councîl on Monday nîgbt to a latter to the Board in Pat- prevent the Sea nse Sahool erbnmough expiressiug bbc r buses froin travelling tbrough coucero sud prayîng that the suburban Parkway Cre - through a modîcuin ofc- cent after b .ding sud un-'operation sud serlous con sid lnadîng students attending eîstion. an affective compro- St. Josepb's Roman Catholic misae and solution could be School.acbîevad. Williamn Ray Preston of 56-- Parkway Crescent, chaimîng POLICE CRU1ISER FROM to ha actingý on bebsîf of tha residents in the affected ares, 1cWN *told Council that, as thera Cowan Ponbiac-1Buîck s wcre no sidewaiks lu the been awarded the coitab~ auburban ara, the situation supplI the Ilowmanviulc pol- cneated by buses usîog bcir orewbhe05 rusr route wasae potenbiaihy dan-:subject 10 the company's ganous one for pedastriaus,: meeting Council's spacîiia- aapecially cbildnan using bcloso tevbca Cowan road. ýtandered a figure of l725 Ha said thal bbc prohieni (net, axcludiag taxes asud began on November l5th rance). The ouhy othentan whan Fathar F. K. Malanp danerecia s ri o bbc pnb est of the St. Josaph' Nichols Motors.,Ris .oflar Roman Catholie Churchfr was $2,247.00 (oct excu, u bade the achool buses to u,,. taxes and licence). bbhechcurch parking lot foi'aia depot or turnebout. The fou r NWSBArF 8E buses whicb carry the st. i E UWYFNSE stdents to sud froint chooli After imnu mouths of >5moruing and nigbt wcre then1 detoured traffic, the final . . s5~.~î ~obliged bo drive complatehy work on the subway untb anound bbc crescent, of Newcastle la undcrwa, The reason for Father Ms- lVith the roroUtingý of of thc Newcastle detach-1 Elementary School. Cousta-bla Joyat speut two days eat laneas action was appanently br9cks.11 î ,al Police axplafins snow- the school last waek talkinig b each clas on bbc rules, because the hesvy buscs were No officiel word lias becs ren et M. J. Hobbs Sentio(r 1ragulations . .. and dangers. in operatinq, snowm-robiles. csusing bohas lu tbc drive- received concerning when wsy, to the cbuncb lot. the road. will agaln be open aformd that '70% of t1hoken coller bons and a gasb cyca 10 becom trnuriýst bîbten.' Mr. Preston said thet hae for Iraff ie. accidents învolving children in bis rigbb leg which ne-, The resuit . . .blnos had wnitben to bbc Sepanatai --- - indar 15 years of age had quinad 60 stitches 10 chose. The Constaibia escib Scbool authonities lu Port occurred Ibis way. Or the two suowrnobilers turbanr causes of accidents Hope sud Peterborougb cx- Thougb their eas pricked. travelling in single file down1asud aceÏutacach exaî-n-Iplaiuing tbc problero Thein ip wbea Constable Joynt me- ara ca yoe Tenepc ibswrning aad ad- suggestion wss to appeal to, ate ame0f bckidaOf in front stnpped suddenly ieo hw be ayh b own Council to open up ,1 accidents people hava bad onl wibhout wamning and bbcvida.a road to bbceeat of bbc nowmohilas, their eyes posi- ota0olie1oolbfon "bsra te acin o chool wbicb, the buses cud 4M,"~/7 ively widenad whan be h rear. Tie minuou thec watr rrats if you bravel use as a turnabout. lîscovencd that, bbc misbaps second machine wa taken te on]an l.sd stay Wel dean Town Council lîowavem oh-I he was talkîng about bed oc- 1 bospibsu witb multipla frac-i of open arpaa." jected bo this suggestion, sud PAOO TlÇ :urred at Kirby, and at Ty-'tures sud laccrationa. "Use the buddy systein . fait that as the problemn arose, V4(4' rene and Port 'Perny. That lboudbvbauaetdnerrvlaon" over a diffarence batween'1 ii1~Z vas very close toi home. if bbc lcad driver, had used Repair defective machin- tbe achool sud tbbchcuncb, T . But bringing lb close toIsignalsand if thbcmin on the eny îmmedbaýtely... and do tbc solution sbould naît wibb17 hme is tbc wbolc purpose 01of er machine hednot h lbýi corracthy." tha exercise, according 1Ioea As a fia[or aamon- anothar such eincngs.ncy Constable Jnynt. Hea efda follng otecseCnstaleishad "DoNn race", and me-, arisa. bhat snowmobiles have thair Jytrl hecîde. lated an accident habinsaifl Quite possibly thig wilb not place, and as an ardent snow- Sometimes lb la the passen-[ had beau involved lnae short happen again this winter but nobiler himnself, woufld belger who gets burt. Twent-y-- wbile ago aena nowmoh cio ni h ae o1 tha hast one b o ondemu ýnue of bbc 93 fatalities hast club rahîy. har b e ayo u them. But, ha warný S. () ye-ar wera passengens, accord- I have iearned m ry lessýon,,, cbiidren for naxt yaar sud unbihing rau be dangerous, îng to O.P.P. atatistica. But lia bild bb-chcihdmeu, "Racing: tbc succecding years. This f not lathýal, to the person there are many more wbn get la for pmrotessionals."1 incident bas beau rcpated icho operates bis machina injured, some sanioushy. Consitable Jnynb la bbc bon mauy turnes ia the paîtB'YA M without propen cana sud cau-ý Suchas the case laist Janu- Npesble detachinent's fullt udiui othaprmted1 tion. ary of s man ha Port Penny turne satety officer. A majori occur again. 'PLUMBING & HEATTNG Such as the man su Kirby who look bis family nl part of bis job is to beach' We trust you will, look who wýas travehling along aïsowrnobiling with bis two safety bn achools. Ha bas hecti into Ibis mattar promptiy, PHONE 2'63-2650 trail at excessive speedadnudchildrcn on s sleigb in bow. 0evr cho b b dssCueue arns l if) bld ot sas bbc dmop-off. un- The youungast child did not'bnci "sInce hast Saptemban. Rentrice sud Haak yrone, Ontarin til ton isa. When bhey found bave gngghaa sud the intensp- Sonnaschools lieba visited. Va Donp hin ha bad a brokea lag. ly coud weather caused hisiIbrce or four limes5. __ Must Be'Ready to Make Decisions R. R. 1, Enniskilleu, Ont. Marclh 8, 1971. Dear Mr. -Jame, A gearumb.er of pretof school-aged cildreir have becoma un- creasingly alarmed about the transpor- tation of our children duning the wia- ter time. TheSchool Board in their cozy offices un Cobourg aithar' do not real.iza lire weathrer conditions wa ara faced with in Ibis area or aven worsa, they Mn. W. Frank Thn Dean Sir, As parents of lwo, Elei-nu- tany Scbool aged childr-en, we ana writing to register a complaint about bbc mauner lu wbicb transportation of achool cbildren is bandled - or nsishaudled - iu this ara We live lwo miles aouth of Enniakiblen sud nur cbildnen attend Enniakilîcu sud Burkcton Public Schools. This naturally meens thal tbey bravai to sud froîn achool by bus. Ib would aein that waa- ther conditions bu our ana dîffar vary cousidcrably aI bines froîn weather condi- tions la Cobourg. Due 10 Ibis variance wa feel that soins- ne in this ares shouhd ha respousible for giving autb- onizabion for the buses to transport cbîldnen homne lu a< safe ansd orderhy manuer wiheu weathen conditions la- dicate Ibat dehay could raault lu seninus coasequen- ces. Est Thurs., (Mer. 4, '71) la a casa lu point. AU ras- ponaibla parions lu Ibis ares wareaara that blowiug snow wss causiug haavy dnifting thus makiug mauy main roads, sud ail sida roada completely impassebla. Added 10 Ibis wes the prob- bain of reduced visibility '- raduccd about 75 per cent of the lime 10 ail' At the ons;et of luÉis wea- ther problem telaphona caiba were made hy Burley Bus, Co. to the Board lu Cobouirg requestiug permission to bave the buscs imakethi rues eanly snd gel tas cbîldrcu home before dnIîviag becaeareaily bzrdu.No authorîzalion VweIa7 gî Veil thain. Seversi pnîncwýipals lu bbe ares alsn tceephoued 10O Cobourg but lb seema on rapreseutatives - with al the autbority for thesa malf- bers - wera "oul 10 lunch'i" froin before 12 aam. (butLI efler the caîl fnom. Burley.,) until anme turne after two p.in. This claly indicaba(,s 10 ns, the worried par-enits of Ibis achool district, Ibat thera was very lîttîs con- cern on bbc pa rt. of the Board, for the saealy sud- welfare of sevaral buuiýdred achool cbildren wbo were snxiously awaiting word thatt tbey migbt ratura 10 their homes. Had the buses lcft when the situation warrauted lb, in ail pnobahility ail child- rau would bave arrîvedl safe- hy home- much worry, 5fear and incouvanience cou1d hava been avoided.' Whpt reallv happenad was quite ;z I i n t rmatr. Maw ',hilF ,po nid ot arrive homec until afler seven p,M. just don't cane. Wa Wi7sh to bning tire siýUtuatio their attention un a mannar which ce-n no longer be ignored. Severýal wornied parents are writing ludapendient letters bo tha board. We are anclosing,, a copy of tire latter which wa, my busband sud 1, ara sanding to the School Board in Cobourg. Sincerely, Beatrica VanDorp. Others wera as late as 8:30 aud tblil others dld net get home et ail, that nigbt. The cbildreu were sub- jected 10 lonig and cbilling waits wbila the snowplow sud bulldozers mae a palh for thain 10 crawl lhrough. These cbildren also kuow the hazards of driving when vîsibility waa so limited - for mauy of tbanr il was a truly trigbbeuing axperiau1 ca. Several cbildren, four of thain kindergarten pupfils, bad to be lakan home on ibh suow phow. Wibbout the manvalous as- sistance of the Townisbip road crew maiuly the rv ans of bulldozers and suow piows, wbo want o uI of thein way to ha of assistance, sud ahso bbc akili sud courage of the bus drivers, many of our Il cbihdrau could very weil have beau abandouad lu a snow-bsnk somewhare he- twaen achool sud borne- or worsa yal, bave been lu- volved lu a bad accident. Minor accidents involving school buses did occur. This wbole incident, wss euliraly unaceasary. MuaI we wait until sojmething lregic bappeas hefore staps are taken to raedpty this malter? Tf bbc School Board bu Cobourg la not going 10 ha availehie sud coucerned about these mattena,' soîne- oue - a local board main- ber, a responsible memnber of Bunley Bus, or bbc Pria- cîpala of bbc varsous achools - somaenne lu bbc immediate vicinily should ha authoriz- ed 10 ake action sol McGREGOR'S lee ONME-STOP OZITE CENTRE Rubber Backed Ozite lIndoor - Outdoor Carpe't 3.9%Orders Exçeeding $3.88 12 Sq. Yds. ..... %ýn vol OZUTE SHAG CARPET SQUARES SeIf-Adhesite Klean 'ni Kling Bondîing 1Systemn -Five Colors to choose from 12" x 12" squares Package of six ---------- or ~ Hardware BOWMANVILLE 95 KING ST. W. PHONE 623-2542 sq. ya. 9 0 sq. yu. $6.95