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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1971, p. 6

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The Canadien Stateaman, Bowmanvîlle, Mar. 17, 1971 I ette/rs (o (lie 8~1~t~ Mech -9/71 W,,7oolei, Ont, cheueac aver 'ý casýt Of MY reneel t theStetesman I 1t2leno it every week, eve tbughwe bave been over e araw I like to follw te yungpeople, as thygo o taUiverCsity, etc. endespcialy lketa rend aboutthe çungfolkwe kaewwhoarenow :Émarried nac lvig eseheeand I stili ted _a keen înterest la the aciv ities araund St, Pauls Curch as well. riwas memied in De- cembe- r and lîves et Scbu- lahe ow and he likes ta kpinta»uch with Bowman- Si---Cerély, Vema Dorlaad. Mercb 8, 1971. r . James: Temembers of the Boxv- mevle Museum Board wouldý, like to express their sincere tbanks and apprecie- fion for the fine publicity and news covemage of Mus- eum eveats and attractions in The Canadien Statesma tbroughout the past year of 1970. The Museum lest yeer hed the largest atteiidance siîice il wns established in 1961. wihatotal of 2,568 visitors, la the Museum's tenth an- nvrayyear of 1971, we îook forward to givîng a warmn welcome ta both long- ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOE HEAT SERVICE CIEand MONEY ! '~' mploee Dshoîei y BFdlf onds) SMeyand Seenrifies ' 4 Rber hold-up) L tc urgiary SVaîneubie Papers 'CrdfCard Jas, oruther IfrainCi Office 623-5881 Resedenee 623-5022 623-5493 tisne, and first time visitors. SWe teed the Museum pinys an Important role la the communîty - in pre servîng amen history, affording an educe.tionel opportunity for 'thé scbools; and as an attrac- tion for the town. Many tavellers seeîng, our high- way sigrs, come to the -lMus- eumn, then do sonme shopping or have a meai. In aiý,tion, the bouse and grounýd,3 are a beeuty spot, theBom - ville, and District Hortîcul- tumal Society helpîng by poviding flowcr beds. Again, our thenks for youm intemest and support. Yours truly,. Bowmanville Museuni Board Elsie Lunney, Publicitv, Oshawa, Feb, 25/71 Deer John: Please torgive me for be- Ing so forwerd but I want ta say this on, reedIng lest wcek's Statesman. Yau hnd la your columa of 25 years ae an item about Mrs, Will- etts and me celebrating aur birtbdays et Mrs, Willatts'. You know, I wonder how many people teel the wey I do, To me that îs really something and trom the bot- tam at my heart I sey tbank you. If mare people knew bow mucb pleasure onc gets tram little thiags our lives would be much heppier. I have a lot of good friends la Baw- manville but It le diffi cuIt to get down and home egain before dark and thiAs is mucb more rconvenient fr eta get ta sec Frý11eki aWbitbyý The, anly thing wro-_,ng is, I was bora lai 900,Now People will know my ege. Anywey, keep up the good wark. 1 wouldn't want ta be. without, your paper, If goces througb the famlly. Gad bless'you -and goad bealtb. Mrs. R. Ovcry and Famlly, SMarc-ýh th, 1971 Dear Mm. James: Heart .'nZ1I Canada Is now over,, and on behaîf of the Canadien Heart Fund, Ontario Division, please ac- cept aur .sincereit apprecia- tian for yaur co-operatian and assistance during our financiel cempelga ia Pcb- ruary. Our objective this yeam was $1,050,000, end althougb all retumas are not la, we are quite hopeful that aur ob- jective will be attained evea surpassed, Withaut your wIlling, ca. apemation la communIcating aur needs to the public the Canadien Heart Fund would net be able to express such an outlaok. Heart disease Is everyane's problem - and agnin aur thanki for helping us bing to the attention of the pub- lic thnt - research should be everyoae's responsibilIty, With best wîshes. Yaurs very truly, Canadien Heart Fund (Ontario Division) (Miss) Esther M. Richards, 'Director of Public Relations Worl aymfryer Servceson ach th, Ia the midst af vemy stormy wInter weether, the ladies of the Bowmagnville amen cburch- es were blessed with e beauti- ful suashlnyý day for. their annuel Women's World Dayt of Prayer Services, held la the Meranatha Christian Reformed Churcb, King Street East, ant Mrci Sth et 2:30 and 8 p.m, Mmi, Jean Sumeriford, in charge of bath services, wel-, camed nîl thc ladies presentC ad gave a briet outline of the0 purpose for these services eacb yeer.1 It was aur\ pleasume this$ yeam ta have the ladies from r Maple Grave, Caurtice andC Ebenezer Churebes jain wîthy us, and the total attendacet exceeded any of previous yearsy OBITUARY MES, E, P. IMOREILL Tic dealfb Mmf i. EP. mcd et Maycreit SeniorCi- zens Residence, Peterboýrough, on Tuesdey, Mnrcb 2, 1971, foliowiag e bniet illness. Born et Ridgetown la 1888, the former Mary Maude Har- per was marrlcd ia 1910, et Chatham; f0 Mr. Edwerd P. Morrilî who predeccased ber. Mr. Mormli was widely known in reilroed circles, beving bed e succesîful melroadý carder, A former resideat _of Bow- manville, meking hem home here for sevemel yeers, île aiea lived et anc..time la Tom- onto as wclI as la Chatham. The deceased was a member of St. Joseph's Roman Cath- olic Churci, Bowmenville, and as a housewife hem chiet latercîts ceatred nrouad hem home and family. Mmi. Mamnll is survived by e son, Fergus E. of Sun City, Arizona, a granddeughter, Patricia R. Morrîli of New York, NY., and a brother, Norman Harper of Windsor. Sic wes pedeceaeed by a foste-deughter, R ose mamy Znhre, Tic deceeeed rested et the Nortbcutt Elliott F un e r al Home, Bowmanville, 'wit-h tunerel mess conducted by Rev. F. K. Malene in St, Jas- ephs Roman Catholic Churcb et, 10 'clock on Thursday morning, Memch 4th. Inter- ment was ia Mount Hope Ccmetemy, Taronta. Pelîbeamers wcre Mesrs Sam Black, Joe Cuddnhee, Joe Cooper, Banner Passant,c Tony Molloy and Ed. Greenaný 180 KNG S, EPHONE 623-5662 OPERATED BY MCAiCAPLRAIRS as there were some 240 ladies present. This is e day set apart each year, whea women tram over 150 countries 'joîn la prayer together, eraund anc central theme, It being tam this year, "A new people for a new ege", taken tram the ecripture faunid in 1 Peter 2:10, The autline tam the services hed been compiled by seven differeat women tram Guy- ana, Jamaica, the Virgin Islands and the Caribbeen. Tiere was an atfcring of $109.36 forwarded ta the Wo- men's Intem-Chumcb Council of Canada, tram the services this yenr. The total afferings tram the Wafrld Wide services last ycar were $69,00ý0,00, which weme dispersed ta some 110 dîfferent projecti tiwaugbout the world, including many Bible Sacieties and Christian litemature lundi of varlaus cauntries. Ladies from the 10 churcb- ei lan Bowmaaville taak part as readers of tic prayers, usi- crs, and etc.: from Maranetha Christian Refarmed, Mmi. Pier Sikme, Mmi, J. Vagel, Mmi, E. DeVries, Mme, J, Broumer; St. Andmew's Pmesb., Mms. D. S. Ferguson and Mmi. Percy Cowling; St. John's Anglican, Mri, J. Newman and Mmi. M. Marchant; St. Paul's United, Helen McArthur and Mmi, J. Welsh; Pentecastal, Mri, E. Jeans and Mmi. M. McDonald, Rehobotb Christian Reformed, Mmi, A. Vander Ganît and Mmi. Janle Dykîtra; St. Josepb's CeItholic, Magda Laelman and Mmi., R. Poste; Salvation Army, Umi. Alice Hopson, Mmi. AIber- b a Haffman, Mmi. C. Belîman nd Mmi, D). Gillespie; Baptist, Mmi. Jo-Ana MacLeen, Mme, Alîce White, Mmi. G. Dallas, îsslsted by Mmi, Evelyn Jamie- ion of Triaity 'United. Speciel music wes pmovided in the attemnoon by five ladies fmom Tminity Church, Miss M. Allia, Mmi. Amy Tait, Mmi. J. Duna Mmi., D. Alldread and tirs. Ken Sumerîford who sang 'Live Lave". Ia the eveîîing service we were privlleged ta have Mer- garet, Jo-Ana and John Van Dyk with us, wha sang "Gad Gives His People Streagth", accampanying themicives an the guitar, andi also Mmi, Raie Ro.howsky, an opera soprano from Toronto, who sang very beautifully Hendel's Aria Na. 5, eccompenied on the flute by ler husband Karl, and an the mrgan by Miss Gall Thompian of Trlaity Ciurch, wbo play- ed tam both of the services. Mmi, G. Hiemîtra and Mmi, 1. Payer tfram the Merantha Church lntmoduced the speaker ar the service, Mmi. F. Groen, and spake very highly of ber as a women, e mather, e dedi- cated tencher and very deer miîend. Mmi. Graen came ta Canada tram Holland In 1951 with bier busband and child- can, and lîved la the Ponty- cool, Orono amen for same six 'enrs, thea moved ta Bowman- vie in '57 when she began ta cach school. It was la '58 atter the Lard saw fît ta taire e imaîl son and alia ber husband tram ber, that she was ieft to reise ev- en young ciildrea by herseif, cut she learned daily ta dmnw from the Lard needed gmace and strength for hiem task, and to trust in Hlm. for liem evemy ceed. Itwes very evident as she spake, that she hnd found Hlm ever to feil hiem, and one ould sense ber joy and great gratitude wle ibe exhamted cis not ta laie heart, as we Ive in a new age o!f drugi and iraelity and the breaking dowa of the aid Christian standards. Even In the midst of aIl this, we have much ta praise Gad for, she saîd. For our homes n;d families, our country, tam hei beautiful suasets and al te wýoiadertul thingi of nature oo -numerous ta mention, but st a_ ail for whnt the sriptüumes tell ui la 1 Peter .10, thet a et 6tlîa@ we were nat God's people, but nom through Jesus Christ who cern Into the world to'save sin- ners, we have found mercy and have býecome a new peoplt foe Ia nwcraure"i hrs for Ifa ny mca be l Cri While we Ilve for hlm as renewed people, we will finé Hlm always with us, ever when we pass tbrougb thE vallcy of death at the end o: life's pathway". She closed ber address wltf a verse from a 'well knowr gospel. song, whose words borE wîtness of her innermost faitt and experlences of life, with the hope that each one of uý could say witb John, of thE Book of Revelation, "Mars- natha - Came Lord Jesus, come quickly and let your kingdar reign upon a. new eîirth". God hath not promised Skies always blue, Flawer strewen pýathweys Al aur lfe through. He hatb not promised, Sun without ramn, Joy withaut sorrow, Peace wlthout pain But Gad has promised, Strength for the day. Rest for the labour And iight ail the way, Grace for the trials, Help fram above, His unfailing sympathy And undyîng love. The entire evenîng semvice was rçcorded on tape, and anyane wishîng ta borrow it ta mintster ln rest homes, etc. may do so by contacting Mrs. Jean Sumersford at 623-5395. OBITUARY, JAMES ROBERT FOWLER After a long life embracing a wide variety of occupations, one of 40 years duration whici earned hlm the title of "The Christmas Tree Man", James Robert Fawler ls dead, la hi: 93rd year. Deatb came Monday, March 8tb et Oshawa Genemal Hosý pital, following an illness of 10'deys. He had been a resi- dent at Hiilsdale Menar, 'Oshawa. The son of the late Robert and Estber Fowler, he was borna t Kendal, Ont, an Aug- 25, in 1878 and received bis educatian there, He mov- cd ta Oshawa la 1928. From 1913 ta 1920, James Robert Fowler ran a garage at Orono, He also farmed for seven years, north of Bow- manvîlle, and for a yeer in Wbitby, Township, near SIn- clair Scbool, He was employed la the maintenance department af the Oshawa Times for foui years. He was la the business of farmingChristmas trees for nearly 40 years and it was durîng this time he beceme widely recognizcd and known by bis usual pseudonym, . Mr. Fowler is survlved by bis second wifc, the former Florence Lillian Bullock, his son E-arl, of Blackstock, and two grandsons, Robert and James. He Was predeceased by bis first wife, the former Mary Irvine Walls, la 1917, and aiso by two slsters and a brother. Mr. Fowler rested at the Mcîntosh - Anderýsan Funcrel Home, Osbawa, where the tun- eral service, conducted by Rev. V. Parsons, of Blackstock Unit- ed Churcb, was beld on Wed- nesday, Marcb 10, ut 2 p.m, Interment was la Orono Ceme- tery, ______ Business Directory ile st id ,n of th n bh ýh s le c- i s s Accouniancy WM, J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountan t 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chertered Accauntant 36%/ King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 C h1ro0P r a CiC G, EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofie-Chirapractor 15 Elgln st., cor, cf Horsey siý. Phone 623-5509 Office Hours._ By appolntment JOHN HL TAYLOR, D.C. Chîropractor Office: 14 Frank St., Bawmanvllle .Telephone 623-5140 Office Houri: By appalntment D en 1al DE, W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S, DE, P. MONTGOMERY 75 King St, E. Bowmanvîlle Office Hours: 9 eam. ta 6 p.m. daîly Closed Seturdey and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 DE, STANLEY GEXTZ 67 King St., E., Bowmaaville Office Hours: 9 am. ta 6 p.m. Moaday thraugh Thursday 9 e.m. ta 4 p.m. Frlday Clased Saturday and Sundey Phone 623-7662 DE, WILLIAM KENT, D.D.S. Bowmanville Professional Bldg, 222 King StZE, Suite 106 Office Hours: Clased Seturday, Sundey and Maaday Open Tucsday tbraugh Frlday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Telephane 623-7349, Insurance DONALD A, MeeGEEGOR LIte, Auto, Home Insuance 67 King 4., Suite 2A Bowmnanville - Phone 623-5962 OP toM eiîr y KEITH, A, BILLETT, O.D Optometrist 143 King St. E. - Bowmanvllle Office Hours. By appaintment Telephane 623-3252 Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fmi 9 ami. ta 5 p.m. Wcîdand Set, 9 - 12 Thursday evealngs, ýSpeaks ai Durbamff College Gardon SpeIf sut f Pans Foar Taking Over Industries, ýNow Owned by Foreigners "Uaemplayment Is prabably tewamst social disease that any country can be subjected--" to," econamic nationalist 'Wal- ter Gordon told students et Durham Callege af Applied Arts and Technology lest Wednesday. "And it wan't improve as quickly as Canadians hope," he predicted, The onetime finance min- Ister la L. B. Peersoa's Liberel Gavernment of the 1960's, who is e dring force bebiad the Cammittee for an Independea-t Canada, told a stending-roam- anly audience of mare theýn 120 students and faculty of the Committee's interests and con- cemas, Ia a lengtby question- and-answer period be snepped out e seies of pertinent cam- meats an the current Canadien ecanomny. Besides painting a gloamy, but sherply defiaed picture of1 the unemplayment crisis, Mr.c Gordon elsa had this to sey- -That hopes of Canada1 gaîing contraI of its owni eca_-nomy were improving be-1 cauuse of the indication of cbenging attitudes on thei part of the Ontario Progres-c sive Conservetive P a r t y,1 tbrough the new Premier,1 William Davis and others; 1 -Thnt Finance Ministeri Edgar Bensaa's White Paper( of Taxation wns "as dead asE edoamnail", Mr. 'Gardon proposed a1 timetable for the Canadien Govemameat ta break ut)p foreign ownersbip of the larg-t est companies ln Canada Those mekingg $25 million a yecar or mare would be taken aover byl Canadiens within five yeamsc and campaniles with profits over $10 million a year wltbini 10 years. Accarding ta Gar- don, implementatian af such a plan would only brlng pro- tests tram the United States, not sanctions, nom the U.S. Marines, MVr. Gordon cited Jepan as an exemple of a current in- dustriel leader that has put heevy restrictions an foreiga investmcents, He believed this to be an important factor ta its outstaadiag econamic suc- ces, Ia cont rait, he empha- sized that no other country la the world bas allowed as much foreiga investment as Canada. Mr. Gordon invited Durham students ta jain the Commit- tee for an Indepeadent Canada, wbose main objective îs ta focus attention on the prob- lcm otfareiga ownershîp and cantrol of industry la Canada,. The cammittee bopes ta se- cure 100,000 members. EductionoardAroe ForminSchool Cmite ýr« Ine All ichools in th bnitcd Counties bave been given' euthomity by the Caunty Board of Educetion ta form schoal committees with iatereîted people in fhe communîtes tiey serve. tAnd they are being encour- saged te do se as quickly as *possible. "We w"ant ta be able ta pro- vide' a better liaison with the public,". Board Chairmian Al cStrike said la an interview on Friday, March 5th. *Guidelînes for the formation of the committees weme tablcd la lest Thui'sday's (Feb. 251hi meeting of the Board in Cob- ourg. They buggested that: - Eacb school form a coin- Smittee of its owa or witb (an) rother scbool(s) in the area it sserves, (The latter cncouraged rfor those schools wîtb less than four classTroms). c Tbe suggested size of te jcommittee to be between seven te 15 people, according to the desire of the commun-t ity; and that At be composed sof a cross-section of the pub-1 1lic, încluding school staff, prin-ý 1cipal, Home and School rep- resentative, senior students, 3parents with cbildren in schiool rand parents with childrernent in school, and cmuit organizations. -Scbool Trustees be ex- afficio members of the com- mittees and receive notices of: meetings etc. - The principal sbould not, be cîther chaimmen or secretary of the committee. - Eacb commîttee drew up its own terms of referenice for discussion topies, steeing clear of talk on personnel, Dolitical or selary matters, and encour- agîng discussion wbich gives e positive ýand constructive OBITUARY MES. W. C. WHITE Following an illness af, tbree weeks, the death af Mrs. W. C. White occurred on Friday, March 5tb, 1971, et Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. She was Ia hem T7th year. Daughtcm of the lete George Wiltshire and Anne Greene, the former, Louisa Wilftsbire wes bora in London, Enîgland: where she eceived hem edu;- cation. Ia 1913, on September 23rd, she marrîed Mm, WVil- liam Charles White wha sur- l vives, Mrs. White hed resided et R.R, 1, Bawmanville. for 34 years, and before maving tol this area hed lived in Faim Banks, e suburb of Ta-rrta. She was e midwife. As a housewif e, she wes a devotedjý mother and hem chief inter-J csts centred round ber home,l. family, grandchildren an dýl great-grandchildren, She was a memnber of Faim Banks United Church. She was ve--y fond of aIl the children la [ber neigbborhood and knîited meny pairs of mittens for them. She aise spent berýý, leisure kaittiag and makingj. quilts, for ber childmen, grand- children and great-grend- children. Sumviving, besides hem bus- band, are four hblîdren, Mrs., M. Kemridge (Melvia) of Toranto, Mrs. H. Myers (Ha- zel), Thousand Oaks, Calif._ Mrs. E. Marreil (Ruby), Oak"- Ridges, and Gardon of Bow- manville. Also sumviving are,1 eigbt grandchildren ad eight great-gmendcbildren. The funerel service was, held from the Northcutt El-ý1 liott Funerel Home, Bowman-, ville, on Moaday, Merch 8tb,', and was conducted by Rev.ý" R. C. Hopkins, Tyrone United Church. Duing the service two favorite hymans, The Old Rugged Cross and My God and I, were played on th e organ. Temparary entamb-i ment was ia Betbesda Ceme- i temy Venît, Among the numerous beau-11 tiful floral tributes, evidence of the esteem lan which the, deceased was held, were those from Goodyear Engin- eering, Neîghbars and Fmi-: ends. Donations weme also mande la memory of the de- ceased to the Heart Fund aadýl the Cp-rer ýr'.-tv bv theý General Electrie CorAqany, 1appraach to educational mat- principals but bas flot met with ifers, much success. 1- Each committee ho 'd a According to Dorothy Mac- 1mnimum, of thýeF_ meetings a kenzie, one of the leading pro- f cear. ponents of H X S Associations - The Home and School As- in the area, there are only 12 sociations continue to exist, H & S groups out of 78 public and where they do, the princi- schools in the United Counties. pal baving the option of form- Mrs. Mackenzie called the ing a school committee. sebool committees "a step for-ý "The. purpose behind this ward" and said that if handled plan is flot to supplant H &z S properly, they will enhance Associations," Mr. Strîke ex- the educational process in the1 plained, "Rather it is a guar- counties.l antee fa establish communïca- "At long last the Board lis tion betweén the community admitting that the scbool sys-ý and the school." tem needs the help of parents The H & S Association has! and concerned individuals in tried to foster -interest in its the community in educating program with local schooi our youth," she said. Canadian njo y 36%-Day Tnp to AfrgIca A graup if 27 Canadians wayo, Rhodesîa, Johiannesburg, escorted'by Marg and Aif Durban and Cape Town, South Allin, RRt 2, Bowmanville, Africa,. have just returned from-. a 36- day tour te Africa.1 The graup enjoyed perlect 1The trip, organîzed by weather throughout, and were Creightan- & Pearce Travel thrilled to see wild animals in Service of Thornhill began on their natural habitat at such January 25th and icludd lose range on seven different sosat RomearbKey, safaris. Ngorongoro Crater Tnai, They were also-very ilm- Salisbury, Victoria Fails, Bula-1pressed witb the beautiful scenery and modemn cities wîth' taîl buildings. While in Kenye, two days were spent et the Mount Ken- ya Safari Club w7hich is own- cd by William Holdea and As- sociates. It is only five minutes drive tram the equator and beautifullv situated et the foot of Mount Kenya, East Afrîca's second bighest moun- tain. Wbile la Nairobi, the Allias were entertaiaed by 5fr. aadj Mrs. Levi Annis, former resi- dents Of 'the Bowmanville area. Mr. Annis is in Kenya under a goverament plan setting up teachiag courses for the schools, The Canadiens wcre quite amazed to learn that as yet South Atrica does not have TV. Also to rend an item la the Joannesburg newspaper whicb steted that the first long distance telephone caîl was made by Alexander Graham Bell la the United States. The lest two days of the trip were spent In Rome and Included a visit to the femous "Cerandini Femms" just out- side Rame. This tarm bas purchased m a ny Hoîsteins £rom Canada whlch they are quite proud'of. The retura flIgbt was via New York on Alitalia's'new giant Jumbo 747 Jet, .LONG SAULT' (Intended for iest week) Mr. and ýMn, Bruce Baker and Pamnela, Oshawa, speat the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and famiiy. 5fr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were elso- Sunday supper guests. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cora- Isb, Mary and Wendy were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Gea. Armour and Berthe, Hampton.. Lit Lne S0 WHY SETTLE FOR MORE? Available in. REGULAR or CHIVE AT YOUR DOOR OR A,'T YOUR ST'ýORE AEYU1HAPPY -.WITH THEWA YOUR CAR IS PERFORMING? Is it liard to start when Ît's coid? Does it run too fast when it does start? Is there a whoie lot of black smoke pouring out of the fail pipe? Dues if refuse to sfart iu damp weather? Does if stali when yeu acceleraf e on the ftake-off? Does if drink foo mucli gasoline? Whafever fthe probiem rnay bce, big or smali, to any car that runs on gasoline 1 can fix theni ail with a DELUXE TUNE-JP FROM ART'S CAR MARKET To those of you who drive Imperials, Cont lu- entais, Eldorados, T-BÎrds or any other expensive cars, you pay flie same rate as others do. I amn proud to say that 1 have consfantly worked on mofor vehicles for flic pasf 33 years and received my first nieehanie's ceýrtificat e lu 1945. A point of lut erest is that If doesn't niaffer to me where you purchased your car - fhat's your ' business- my interesf is to sec to if that you gef flic very mosf ouf of cvery gallon of gasoline and make you a happy customer, Cali me at 62-504 r you may corne ii to 194-196 Ckurch Sti., Bowrnanville, for an appointment. IThurs., Fr1.> Sat. March 18-19-20 ALI MîERCHANDISE 15 GREA TLY REDUCED U p TeoF Tl sOMAAE 1ITE-M S IN STOCK HAMPA FTON &- 263-2241 M - 1 ET

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