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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1971, p. 15

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The Canadian Statesrnan, Bownalnvflle, Mar. zl, 1971 IWas l Looking Back l'o See PINE FENCIN( for'fhe Do -îIf- Yourselfer' __________ TOM SAWYER Solid protection wîth 1 x 6 boards on 2 x 4 rails, posts every 7' 21/". Au ideal privacy fence. if mny brother was chasing me! Colleen Margaret Cockwell, who was one year oldi on February 9th, 1l97î1, appears to be keeping an eye out for her big brother Stephlen, two andt a haif, who manages to keep her quite busy. Celleen started walking when she was 10 months old and has 16 teeth. She is the happy and activ7e littie daughiter of Gerald and Karen Cockwell, 15 Summerfield CoutL, Bownanvlle _____________-McRobbiýe Photography NEWTONVULLE Mr. and Mrs. Rlaymond Trim attendance of 21 membhers in the Sunday Sehool Hall, returicd lhomre last week fromn and two visiters. April 21, starting ,vith a pot- a oia nFlorida. President Mary Wade wel- luck luncheon ut 1 p.m. The, Mr'. and Mfrs. M,,elville Samis comeci everyene and opcned Nominating Cemmittee te se- were. dinner gucsts last Sun- the meeting with the Ode and Cure the nlew siate of officersl day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mary Stewart Colleet, follow- is Mrs. Samis and Mrs. Fergu- i Austin. cd by the Lord's Frayer in son. MMn. McCullough Lias Mrs. Burougs ofunion.asked to be, relieved of her Don Mlii was a weekend visi- Secretary - Treasurer Olive dteDstGriu ct nuten- tor with Mný. Mary Wade -Henderson gave the report of Tvei stwict beheldat Soina while son G ratî ttendedi the the previous meeting and fln- H-all on May 20 and Newton- OB.A, Conv1ention il Hami-lancial standing. Notes of!ville lias b(een. asked to takej ton. thanks were read from those.chiarýge o! thie Memloial erv Mc.Bob erinton o!remnember'Jed by the L1SInî1ne ice, aiso 't0su pà nDistricti irkson spenlt afe day's lasit Commiittee, several exýpre-sing Convenor for Hlome E:ornm- weei it Ms.Lena Oes theirs, in person. Mrs. Lan- ici and health. Mrs. Olive! Cale v ith Mýiss Allie -[Nes- caser reported on the Safety Iedno outee otk bitt 'duLrinig the past week were Baniquet held at the Welcome this office.,i M\1r. W. MIcQuoidd grand- Village Motel the previous Fr1- Convenor Iva Farrow prie- l daugliter> Toronito. day and ttended by herseif sented the program, openimg MUr, and Mrs. Wallace and Mre. Samis, where the with a reading "Times Have Boughen W:ýithi Mr. nnd Mrs. District Representative spolie Changcd". The Motto "Kind- Huh taleonand Mr. and on t he theme, "Sa!ety is Pro- ness is a language which thi.- MnIr. Ewarqit Robinsen attend- tection". dca! can speak and the dumbl cdtesprtsmecn's Show in East Durham Women's Insti- canql understand" wasgvn Tor-onto, Wdneday tute wili celebrate its 70th by Olive- Hendersoni, and a1 Dcbbie Mcî(Donald o! Tyrone 6zniniversary on April 16 when ce.ading by Leta Samis.11t waîjr a v1isiter with Cindy a ba-nquiet will be held at -Mi1l1- was expected r1that the District Brown, last ,wepk for several brook an-d several ex pressed President woctild be presentl ý das.a dsiete attend, Mrs. Lan- te give an ac,ýcount o!flier trnp Vsitors \%itli Mr, an& Mrs. caster agreeing te provide te the Westerni Convention,, F. Gilmier thie past week in- transportation. but unforituinate,. she failedý cluided Miss Inez Symeni, Th(- bus trip te Christie te appear. The Roll Cal Morrih Mr. anid Mrs. Mac Biscuit Ce. on April 14 was "What I rcad fi rst in the IriRsbryHland Mr' discussed and it was dccided newspaper" was followed by maand ds.tArnol rowe-lef te leave in the morning at the ef!erîng and the Mizpah ma ad aulte9Lur, o 'clock se that the new Benediction, a!ter which lunch rDl Merrill of Camp- Shopping Centre could be was served by the group. f beIfodwsa1iie hrvsited and arrangements were Mrs. Duxberry held, the Thunsdayý, witli his aunt, Mrs, made with the bus company lucky cup and the apprecia- BeaJens.te that e!fect. tien te the hesteis and group Mc. erb Paeden's home Annual meeting will, be held was expressed by -Mis. Wadep north 0f orthe ý,Base Line, just- cast of the Township Bound- arwas destroyed by fine, PNPO Satuirday morning. We under- :yr stand lie- has m-oved iute the byMr. Cliff Faîi with both Bethany and Po- ieu)Lse, on Pay-ne Crescent, typool churches participating.' formierly occuLpiedl by Mr. Mn. and Mns. Verdon La- Mr. and Mrs. Raîpli Sharpe, Výitor Red nd family. tan~i pettnewek 1 d Mn. and Mrs. Morris Gl Local peeipie inceluded in the Florida recently. Mri. Bar-lian falysnttea- bunladi frn this area attend- bara Hamilton, M a r il1 y ni,tersartdo! amit wseekt theirt ing Clarkýe ighit", Friday, at George and Harvey spent the hoer pnrthelag ýýe.ka te )oronto's Du.rhamr Club, were school vacation visitlng bier 1hm nteilg. ,Mn. and Mci. C. M. Jones, Mrs. parents in Florida. Mns. Don- Miss Jean Gray spent the~ Býea Jonces, Mr, and Mn. S. ald Cochrane and Donna weekend at the home o! Mi Lanicaster, Mr. and Mns. C. have aise been holidaying in Rusk and Richard. F2-o.,Ms arl ihlthe sectli. Mns. Ruili and !amiiy at- Farrw, n. arrli ichlstended, the wedding of!lber Mrs. Boyd Hiarris and daugh- Karen, baby daugliten of gado Wayne Litte , toe er icki. Mr1i. Joncs shewed Mn. and Mrs. Bart Medd, re- gade slides of Durhl-am County, turned home frem Civic Hos- Dorothy Anne Henry, in Sac-j ý,vjýje naris rovdedpita, Pteroroghon on-red Heart Churcli, Peterbo- whie \ick Harisproidd ptal Feerhrouh. n ooch, on Frid1ay _evening. thre ocal nmei, accomnP- day. She had been a patient ~~rpre httoo aýnieýd at the paob e thece for the past week, eîpl'yogmnae tealîe, Mi. iehli.Poutypool la quite-proud tei ne longer elligible, and tî-ia Mci.Sta Pae rtured ave ue f is ycngr Ctin \¼edding beils will lie i gil 1 homefie Toont lat wek-zens cliosen 'te lie a page in lu the net tee distantfure en.Ontario's Legislature. Coni- Congratulatiens! Mi. Don Elliott is apati ent gratulations te Diane Tax, iiu Pert Hope and District Hes- dauglter e! Mn. and Mrs. by Jack Payne pitaÏl .ris1o Peter Tax, who commences Yeu won't get muchiuw Contincing bis senieCo- hec duties on Tuesday. fcom me thus week as 1 ame scinen c at he C oîsn ,e, . The sym pathy e! the c ein- con ined te baracksi luCivic s c g e e spo ie on th at o! m u nity is ex te ded te M r. H ospital. 1 h av e be n ] e re BarrabaDs, Suuday morniug Leo Norman, whose father fer two days and don't ko the iman vwhe, resorted te ve- passed away recently as the how leng they wili keep m. lenlce tc, qci.eve bis ends, in resut o! an accident. 1 amn hoping It won't hl tee N direct uetrait te Jesus whose We are glad te report that long. gentleness and self-sacrifice Mr. and Mns. Norman Fisheri I was serry te hear of the Il wsSY1,nbolized by the Cross, have retucned te, their home passing e! a lil!elong fciendl -1Teans Fell From Ris Eyes" aud are betli feeling mucli yestecday. Mr. Taîbent Kel- wans the e!!ening Iy the choir. better, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher lettwas a patient in thuies- SuLppen guests, Sunday, wîth were lnvolved in a car acci- pîtal and was on the same M.and Mci. C. Farrow were dent monthi ago and since floor as me. To bis widow. M.and Mri. Glen Farrow, then- have been lu Osliawa, eue sisten Mci. Laura Hutch- Ceor;Miss Dalene Bow- 3here Mr. Fisher spetit many~ ison, four brethers, Jehn, en and Mn. Jeohn Cross e! weeks lu hespîtal. Albert, Ray and Leonard, we Torenteü. Mr. and Mci. Dennis Carter extend our sympathy. One Many !frem this acea attend- have purchased the lieuse on sister Ircue, Mns. Elmer Clark cri the enjoyable Skating Main St., formenly owned by predeceased hlm. Cajrnival ait Newcastle, the Albert Bewins. Tliey intend Sunday, Civice Hospital:~ patweekenid. moving lu Apili. Stili herý- and likely te be r. and Mci. Eani McEwen An Official Board meeting fer at leait anether week. PîFterbereugli visited Mr. was heid lu Poutypeel Churcli We were glad te ece four -id Mn. Don Vinkie, Sunday, Sunday evening. There was a girls !rom Durham picked ferý bniiiinig Mci. Agnes Buley very goed attendance bath page duty at Parliament, hoe again ater several !rom Bethauy and Pontypeel. Bldgs., Toronto. Twe e! thesel wek'visît with relatives in Both churches -are very peer are frem Manvers Tewnshipl 1the notli ceuntry, finaucially, and a committee and we wish hem ail every M.and Mrs. Orville Falls was chosen te appreacli Pres- success. o! Peterbocough were visitons bytecy te sec what canplbc Mr. and Mci. HRonnie Me- here,,, Friday, with his breth- doue. Mci, Skuce and Bill Millan and sou Scott o! Sean-ý er and s -ister, Mr. Reg. Falls Harper are Pontypoel's ne- boceugli spent the weekend1 an ci va Farrow. presentativeýs on this cem- wth hcmrothen, Mci _R J. Newtioville W.l. NeweuvlleWemen's liusti- There will 'bc R Geod Frl-' MissLnd2ougan- tutý iefetatthe homne c cday service In Peutypool i ucgig ugr uce - î !va F'arrow, Marcdih24 wtia lan on Fnlday, April 9hibugtsweed DELTA TOILET Vitreons china, close coup- led closet comibinaion in regular floormoe (Seat Not Intcluded>ý ft, A 10w eost unit for home or IL. cottage. VERTICAL WEAVE Evarything a fence should ha. Giving yen privacy, pro- tection, pleasiug appearance. 1 x 6 boards on 2 x 4 top and bottom rails. Poîts every 7' 21s". PARK PATIO ALTERNATE Looks goed on both sides. Simpîicity itself! . . . Simee Au iuterestiug weave look te build . . . Simple te main- te enhance auy garden. 1 x 6 tain. i x 6 boards on top boards on 2 x 4 top and bot- and bottem. 2 x 4 rails with tom rails. 1 x 4 centre 1 x 4 centre rail. Posts every board. Posts every 7' 2!/". , 8 -5' hîgh - 2.29 lin. ft. 6' high - 2.49 lin. f. 6' high - - 2.65 lin. It.f6' h.sgh 26-- lin. fi RANCH RAIL DELTA WASHBASIN 19" x 17"1 vitreouis chfina, ledge back, wali hunig basin.. Drilled for 4" centre. <Faucet Net Ineluded) Ideal for home or cottage. 1028 bathitub. 60" x 32"x16"p White Only. e49.9 5 Low pniced shower cab- inets, Porcelain enamnell- ed base with bonderîzed baked emaamel sides and back panels. Shower cur- tain and soap dish îucluded. 322, x 32"' x 74" CASCADE 40 electrie water 1heater, i10 year warranty on glassý lined tank. White enamel finish. 69.95~ BASKET WEAVE Higi enough and solid en- ough te give yen pivaey. 1 x 6 rails on 4 x 4 poîts. 7' 111/" between posts. HORIZONTAL LOU VER Pnivacy wlthout the lois of tliose cooling breezes, 1 x 6 louvers. 61 5yss" betweeu posts. 6 f t. hlgh179 lin, ft. ii t. IL h CROSS RAIL The ideal bouudary fence. 1 x 6 rails ou 4 x 4 postsý 7' betweeu posts. 1,95 lin, f t. 2.25 liii. f t. MUELLER " KITCHEN FAUCET Mueller Niagara 8" ceni- tre deck faucet, 9"'smine spout, triple chromer plat- ed with integral copper lulet. BEAVER STAIN Stains and seau wulth a csingle coat. A :quality pigusented stai with a lînseed nil basela Eed- wood, Cedar, or Walnut. 6.9.5 gai.- 2£50/o Off Electric Heaters Stock OnIy COTTAGE safe Non Ouil 2011 * safe and Coi bun Wei 6, New Floor For interior and exterior cn crete floors. Controls moisture and endff dust. Easy to apply with push broom or roi 1er. A wide range of colouws to choose from. 10.79 a Gal.. SPECIALS Lluminum Ladders Puish-Up Ladder wvith automatic lty lock. Simply push up exte- mand it Iocks ini place. i-slip Biat ruings. cighs only 16 lbs. 2 .8 ExesonLde wt 8 'Exenson addr wthautomiatic rty lock. Sure grip rubber feet, 4nonl-slIp rungs. ulete with vinyl nper and 11f etime ighs ony0lbs. pe Iyprplnerp. 29.A"1 Step Ladder serrated o-lp uble braced stops. Protective s'ure [p rubber feet. Crosd braced 10 vent loosening. ca for home or 14o Uage. Only14 8 WFETARETE "'Mouýture Bar" Proteets wall board panal againit mousture f roml masenary. Apply te walls- prior te installiiig panellin'g. Low cest insurance againit mousture. 3.89 a Gai. RESILACRET19 "Kwik Plug, Dry hydrautlie couerete, sets bard lu just Chre minutes. Tlbe ideal patchinig inaterial for hs baseneintlec. P.V. DRAINLINE PIPE ldealfor below-grade installation such as wr~dralit liles, septie tanks, etc. '31 perforated drainline pipe Io' length .9 4" solid drainline pipe 101 length 39 APRIL TOOL DAYS 1/7 HP JIG, SAW U makes stralght, curved, ir- regular ents lu wood, metal or plastie. 3000 strokes_ per minute. Weighis only 41% lbIs. Mlade and wrench'ineluded., APrI.L TOOL DAY'S PRICE ORBITAL SANDER Jlesigued for one-hand op- eration. Flush sands on hrce sides. Over 25 sq. hiluceto orbital actlin. 1/6 HP motor. Weglhs oly 514l~ APRIL TOLi;DAY'S." PRICE 16&88 7-.C% CUARSAW 1ý4 HP il-mtor gives Ail tIi poewer 701u1 ioettl adie? the to1;g1ejebs Cutting dph 2-i" at 99 l-sat 45' 7-1," blade and blade wrench included fiuprvice. AMPT 001,OOLDAY'S 108 PCE. SOCKET, TOOL SET Drop forged polished chrome socket tool set includes: 13 pe. I ý," Drive Socket Set. 7 pc. %ý" Drive Socket Set.- 15 pc. 14" Drive Socket Set, Il. pc. Allen Wrench Set. 6 pc. Screwdriver Set. 18 Pc. Box and Open End Wrench Set 5 pc. Spark Gap Set. Hack Saw Com2ple rvithmetaI l Bo.3 2 Tray. 3 vc. Ignitioin 21 Bids.Mtaoxw Open EndI Wrenchk Set with C14l 3 ý Special Bargain 'Table of Ligtin Fitures 4OVYo OFF OPEN M"ýONDAY - THUESDAY 8 VFiUDAY 'TtL !9 SATURDAYi'. 'TIL 4 14' x 16' »----- .-ý 216.50 BEAVER SUPER SEAL SHINGLES 210 lb. shingles designd y anadiant Gypsum for maxbim wind protection. A &9 -5 sq., wide range of colours to choose from. ORDER YOUR FENCUNG Its easy! Jnst measure your lawnv . . . fi nd the number of linear feet you'll need,' then phone or come dowu to, our store and one of our competent staff will give -you the exact cost, Each Beaver fence includes plans and simple building instructions. We also carry a complete Uine of stains, sakrete products, post hole augers to make building a fence easy ou you and, your poc ket book. z 'HOME

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