18 rbce Canadian statesmett, Bomanville, Mar. 31, 1971 Council Agrees With Engineers heTowrn of BowmanvUll bas oncuredwith a resolu-i tion fromn the City Engineers Assciaionfor greater pro- iincial sýubsidies for rmunici-ý pal pollution control projects. The ,pAssociation resolved in its anntiual m-eeting held on YFehbr ua r y722nd HinToronto 01a3thle "roiciofOntario be requested ta ive serlousi consideration toathe provision of subsidy toards th capi- tél and oiperaing costs of munLIJIicipal ponllution contrul projacts, such as separation ef storm nd aiaysewage,ý iýutrci ie nd secon-' dary adtrtaytetet" The CitY Engîners Asso-ý uation habý,ve offered any as-J sitnc hat may be -ýrequit-, ed 1to develop appropriate p.rop)o--ais nnd/or formaulas for Counties Gve Qualficaions For Welfare pose broke doas a person have 1t)wb beore lheecan apply for welfare? 1Weil, in h Unted Counties (of Northumrber] and and Dur- ham the aJnswý,er is this: -forrr P ae-amily, no cash Amcge a ter than one' ihnhswelfare subsistence - Pfo asinm'peomn. no eueh assets exceedng $50. Zor pro applying for home nursingcare no cash Mmst n excess of $650. leased durîng the usdy Mýarch 21ndS sesson of the tjnitd CountisCéoiL 13 TachG enIl ral Meet- igw:;s-,held iThu-rs daFiy cven- ngq Arch 2WthWth 24ý minemJbers, present.ý Our Presi- dent 1Mrs. W.Dowrn opntJd with a poem c=l4e1 "T hef, ïWdin Mine,"The mmts S.f ournt, meeyrpctg wrread by Secretary Ms J, Locke, iind ap-proved. Ms.Robert fuir gave a short report on lhe visiýtaftintothe tre Nu7rsinrg Homres inBom- Ville.Two or thrree ofour members havebeen istn ach homte, each week. Th1en; enFnereen, thre f ari cndute ahingo ganmi aoHto e hi)o la.Thurs-! day afternoo , ie ladies and! 26 ebldren NusOm ur Sund107 Sehool went to Marnwoodi ;and lput n a-:4prog'ra-m con-, fal~ing ot puao olsreta-1 iions, eveallively ign numbe-ra ýand Somen ý,bato liwiing-. This seneedto be- well recived bte ladiîes on The Nush'g omne and ve niuch enijoyed by the cildre ~rt1dpting. Ît5lehopeýd that wewill Lbe able tlO do conne- thingsmia in thje a fuuefor the 0other nrjqsing,, mat, Soarf and Pin Magic 'Show, Wed., NMarch 3lt t Vemr, a Pot Luck Dinner arvi afternoon of fellowship wîth nir MaUple roe adiesý,We1,. May Sth: alo. our United Churicli Womens, churich er vie wbhh Ln tobe June27tA wnih eCv. Ted Colell a gueSt speaker, fomloeQya uommnunity picic at Drling- ton Park. The correspondene a- gîe yteresidenî in bs nce f ur tesrr r npin -"Ted ColwcIl NLIh', howorked thi-Lougllh Lti1se UntdNations, an-ý"d ith theif Mep0 UNESCO fomed a sial band of actors and mc- iiut Pnrnguayý, nmaking rin cWl the people, and puttîng on shot plays that would hjl) thle epope ee how theyjr' could help hmslesad zo-ia ke,-ithelL'i r onvsalt easie.Thse film howedhw tise United Nations ,wojrksIný 5ý0 mnni-y valous w'aysevr through Mhe heatre hcu eof a çediateýd mn a At the cocuso -fth fim tecosn heectn M-ii- *IIIi BISCUITS 5J B.M - Chalet WAFEIS PJEACH PIES for 1.00 14-or,ý Pkg. 48c, E1I Jaeks 10-or. Pkig, Cheese TWISTS 57v PrePriced 10-M-Hershey ' Giant Pkg. of 3 Chocollate BARS 97C 24-or. Pkg,. 49v Baver8-or, Pkg. PopigCORN J 12C Richmello Pkg. of 12 Yeast DONUTS 43v Rihmrîlio 16-or. Pkg.' ANGIMEL CAKE 39v Ricmelo - Pkg. of 6 Hot Cross BUNS 38c Richmello Rot Cross Prkg. o 12 UN S ri9 c 6 Variefies - Betty Croek 13 Varities- etCrcc 3-or. Pkg. - J elly Desseý 4 'Vairetîes -Rîch & Reai 4l - or0z Tics U6 VarietieIs - Duncan Hiic 14:-or, Pkgz JELL-O 1>2-3 Ma,;ple Leaf Y ork Gol Sel -Chunik ecr Beaver - Salted 8-or. 1'kg. CASHEWVS . 79ve Lowneys12-or. Pkg. Brig ixtr e 55C Hershey - lad. Pkg. Planters SpanLïsh PEANUTS lb. 97c, 10-or. Pkg. 45C Mitchiell - Faney' 28-or. Jar 39v APPLE SAUCE 38v rt Capria - Standard - Sliced ,28 ov-Tin 2v PA CHOE S 38C Dominion - Choice 28-or. Tii es antry vSheff - Sliced 28-or. Tins 45v Pinae3 fo Pkg,. E.,SmhChryi 3 N PE FILLING 11/2-1b. Tin 1.49 15-or. Tic 6-r.Tic 43C -o.Tic 20c 4-o.Tic 2eoff -Omo tiant Pkg,. DETERGEiNT 71vC Doinion- Contrlled Sueds 4-lb, Pkg. DETERGENT 99c' 25e Off - Drive King Sz DETERP5E N T 1.27 DominkoBne 3-r DETERGENT Pkg. 69v »omüjino ine 5-lb. Pl n ALL69 WED. -THUF 44c r 1.00 1-or. Tic 49c M.. Glnd - Plastic 100 Ft. Roll Pkg. Glad Pkg. Sandich a;s Deto w- Pick or White 2 RolPg B a t room L!Ti ssu e Robin Hlood 36-or. pkg, GUICK GATS 47c post - Cereal - 9-oz. Pkg, H1ONIEYCONE 48v Quaker 1534-oz. Pkg. NUFrETS 39c Chocolate or Variety Carnation Instant Pkg, BREAKFi AST plXEggs c of 10 93C 13-or. Pkg. 45c Nabis 'o - Spoonsize 13'-or. Pkg. Shredded Wheat Prairie Maid Wheai Puifs 34c 12 Qt. Pkg. 31C -M St. William's - Raspberry or Strawberry - wvith Pectin 24-or. Jar JNS 55ý Beekist Creamed White' .12-or.Cot Yok ce B9ox Jar 16,-oýr. Jar îc 56C Kraft 24-or, Jar Girape JELLY 59c 014 Tyme 16-oz. Jar TABLE SYRUP 32c 36-oIr. Pkg. 3v CIAT F00»P 92c Budget15-oz. Tin ruiina2-lb.Pkg. DGC HOW1VI 54C Martin25-1h. Ba.g DOG iBT77EE 2.95 Ken-L36-oz. Pkg. B-RES 77c Park~ Det Cooured -Sart MAA RI,-k ,N E 59C Kr-aft - - Presn Grated CHEESE96C Brick or Colby 14-oz. Pkg. Baden Cheee 69C R hm LExtra ,lOld '8-oZ. Pkg. Zing - Sui»s AlàprtrdedFa ur 12 PortSuozPkg. Uofn.rdb - Whip D sr Top PNG 'ý"39v 9 el SLIC ES 3 for 1.1 MN, - T U E 9a.m. Io Hîlltop Pkg. TEA BACS RichMello TEA BACS of 100 63c I'kg. of 90r, 94C Red Rose'- Orange Pekoe 8-or. Pkg. TEA 69c Mother Parkers,,,- Orange Pekoe Pkg. of 60 TEA BACS 59C Taster's Choice 8-or. Jar Riehmello 16-oz. Pkg. Bean Colfee 87c Country Club- Vacuum Pack Ai l arpose ICi-oz. Tin Doiin-Fancy 48-or. 'Tin 48-or. Jar Appl e J uivre 17c PrePriced 3/1.00 61/2-oz. Pkg. Orange Crystals, SW'fIN G 89v E. 1). Smith Garden Vegetable 28-or. BtUL Ccktl-ail Juive 33c Sunlighlt Liquiid 24-or. (ont. DCpEERGýEN T 59c Swvam IÀ-uid 24-or. Cont, D ETE7UENT 57v Dove, Ljiqid 12-or. Cont. D E T9Xl uEriNT 46v Domino LiJqniv 6-o.Cont. D E T E R c ENT 88v Mir Liud -4 or.Cnt. DETERGET 69c Seope 17-or. Sire MOUTH WASH 1.23 Aibrt - Born Free 5-or Sire SHIAMPOO 99C F.DS. - B3ath 14-0Z. Cont. O IL EE ADPS ,97c FXD.. Dodornt -or. (ont. BlA,TH G IL 97c TOOT0 H P A SEi:39vc Fm)o, pkg. of 20 FRUIT SALTS 87c Evenfilo Boix of 2' SuperDry Ban 4-or. Sire DEOURANT 97c 31c 28C Decor -Wblite. or Yellow 4 Rol Pkg. Budget 100 fflyFtLRolPg McCaîn Potato 8-or. Pkgs. PUFFS, 5 for 1.00 3i Varietips - -MîCai 18 oz.P~ PUDDINGS '47c Riehl's16o.Pg COFFLEERCH23C Rich's - Whipped TOPPINO 24-or. Pkg, Doinin 3-o. k WAX DEANM,,ýS 43v Chip teaks4 for L1.00 Bee &Kideyor Tnrkey York. 8-or. pkg,'s, NMe atPe 4 fo r 89v 4 Vrees Morton DINERS 4 to 9p. i ZS. FR1. Meaty, Easy f0 Carve RUNP FROAST STEAKS or RO0ASTS Fresh Ground CHUCK STEAK Meaty, No) Fat Added SHOULDER ROAST Easy to Carve - Short Ris MOAST Meaty - 6 to 7 Rib PRIME RIE ROAST' Boneless Plate Brisket POT RGAST lb, lb, 1.8 lb, 73c 85c lb.- 65c unmmx's. Fresh Cut Shoulder & Bntt PORK CHOPS Freshi,May PORK EUTT 1ROAST Tenderloin End -- 3!.,> to 41, b PORK LOIN ROAST 'slM ý Frozrn Grade "A" Eviseerated 21/2 to 4 lb. Avg. Frozen Grade "A" Eviscerated 5 to 7 lb. Avg. CAPONS Frozen U tility Grade Eviseerated 5 to 7 lb. Avg. ROASTINGCHICKENS Froren Grade "A" Eviscerated 5 to 12 l-b. TURKýyEYS Frozen Uitility Grade Eviseerated 5 to 12 lb, FrorenGrade ïAn Eiscerated 4 to 5 lb). Avg.% CHICKENS ib., 58C lb, 48c 64c 33c lb, 46c lb. 31C lb, 37c lb. 29c 38c s i z Mary Miles Cooked Boneless Ready to Eatlb DINNER HANS99 MWaple Leal Bone In Vacuum Paeked lb, FUl Coked Ready to Eat Hams lb,1 BUJTTAL57 CENRECUTS 79e Maple Leaf Mýiid Cured Vacuum Paei(ked lb. COTTAGE ROLLS 55 Shampoo KIT Qnikki Poly Kîtchen Pkg. of 15 CATCHERS VARSOL Gînde Room Country Style SAUSAGE39£ Small Liuk Random Pack lb ., SAUSAGE 49c Vearmans Italian Style PORK SAUSAGE Bsttners BratwurstStl SAUSAGE lb, 69C lb, 79C S-AUSAGE MEAT 39c Shopsy Old Vienn3ia 20-or.SreEaeh SALAMI CUS >0 Swift'$ b Pan D1andies SAUSA57GE59 Triangle Brand BEEF PATTIES Gallinger Brýand BEEF STEAKETTES ýAustral.ian L'amb LOIN CHOPS Australian Lm MIB CHmOPS lb. 49c lb 58r. lb, 7 6e% lb.ý 46c Mary Milesl, BACON Maple Leaf and Dopminior b IENERS58 Mary ýMiles1-b WIENERS 49 Swîft's - Empire Branid BACON Bittner Mild -'Smoked Feamjealed Baek Bacon EN» CUTS CENTRE CUTS CENTRE CUTS - Sicced COOKED 1-lb, 64c 7el4e 8 4ef MEATS M0ary Miles - By the Piece BEOLOG IANA lb. 29e Shopsy Famous 2-or. Pkgs. CORNE» BE DE F 4 o0r 89C MAC.& CH EESE LOAF 59e CHCKNLOAF 59C Mary Mileýs Il1-b Store Slicedlb CCOE» RANIr,99C s e s - s s i - - s, s 's s Soft Form Feminine Napkins Box of 12 1,1O0D E s s45c 6c Off Pins KOTEIx Box of 12 39v 6c Off Battle oif 8 Tablets Aika Seltzer 37c Anti. eptic DETTOL 7-or. Sr LO07 Bayer' Botie 'of 200 Tablets AS P 1î MiN1.07 Listerine Famîly SreBox of 2Tbe TOOTH PASTE 1105c abts- 15 ýce, Bottie of 24 DRSTAN 89c WernetsLarge Sire Denture Cream 59c Modem Handie - Teflon 10" Sire Special Two Toi-e Irish COFFEE MUGIS -IM 3 .19 En. 37c Preinium Quality MAANAS Ariia Gron ni CA ROT S 2 RAD411ISHES 2 Slb, 12c M0-lb.;mg 38v927 3-or, Sire 2.99 3 7Bc ,C , 3-l . B g 37v partan APLES 9vl 45 r U.S.A. Grown ASPARACUS Cabfornîa - Sire 24's CELERY 15h. S- SAT, 6. p.m dollar for doll airyoubuyC' ci Yellow or Aqua - Sheif En, LINING PAPER 4-3c BOWL BRUSH 47v mýmzEýýM wli41k-1ý