The Canadîin Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar., 21, 1971 Plan ~ ~ A $ 0,0 ddition To Senior Citizen s Home Plans for the construction of a $60L0O00 addition te the tfnîted Counties Senior Ct- .Izens H-Iomne in Cobourg, the Golden Plough Lodge, were approved] by Counties Councîl last Tuesday, March 23rd, The addition, giving 21,000 square feet more space, will provide 40 beds, a chapel, an auditorium, craft and conval- escent renais, beauty and bar- ber shops and a dining and eitting-room area, Preliniinary estimates show estimate is considerably more that construction. costs will be than the board of management $525,000 witb furnishings, arc.h. had originaily anticipated. "However, the auditorium, itect fees, landscaping, etc., chapel, craft roomn and other accounting for the remainder. facilities are badly needed for Reeve Ruth Clarke of Port use by ail the resîdents," she Hope, who gave the, report said. of the management committee Mrs. Clarke' said that with Lat the council session, said the new facilities, the Lodge that when the additions have wîll compare favourably with been coaipleted the number cf the type cf, accommodation lieds available for occupancy provided for senior citîzens by will be approxiaiately 165. other counties, and cities Mrs, Clarke -said that the across the province. Mrs. Forder Observes 98th Bjrthday 1 Congratulations o Mns. Eliz- a.ýbeth Farder whe observed1 her 98th bithday t Hllrestc Nursing Homne, Port Penny, on1 T1uesdeýy, Mardi 23rd, Ia the( afterneon ber daughter Mmsi Roy' Taylor ajnd famaly, aise other relatives, visited ber1 and honored the occasion writhi a bîrthday cake. In the ev- erdng ber son and is wif e,z MI'I. and Mms. Frry Mc-z Laugblin, ber 1grandson and1 bis wite, Mr. andI Mrs. Law-( rence MLauglia and ere Annual Defidtô- (PRODMPAGE On[II mnent took aven tbe Anene,E there lad been few, if ay 5.mprovements made te build- ing and equipment. (Ths does Dîot include the Kinsaient Club's édonaion et $25,5181 mnade îa 1967 for nenovtiens). Hlowever, since 1968, le 5tated, the budgets reveal ia- creases je mintenanice and in 1970 a $105800 capital expendi- ture ta Durcbase the Zemiboni kce surface scraper. '~Plaint mnaintenance, whicb Includes capital speuding and .ýebt charges, wes $33,031 la ,1968. In 1970 it had isen te ,$-6,686.80. - The spokesman said that ,flthough there las been an > crease in ceste., the Arena is aiîng 'ea fer better job". ý There îs ne deulit the Arena Î S a busy place. Durîag the 970 season, skaters, bath young and aid, used the facili- tîes an av'erage of Ilheurs e day, reven days e week. Hoekey acceuated ton about 00% ot the timie with figure/- ~ lasre/otskating sbaring aost equally the remainder. aThe 1970ïC expenditunes ivre (u6,70.4i(unadited) on eern- Èâinc of a- 52,052.00. The tnayar ,sources et income were T entaI charges, $12,215.95 for residents, $5,122.75 fer non- *eidents, and $9,105.75 fer Ipubic, ska't*ing. Incame freai ohese sources bas not deung- Pd signiiicanitiy since 1968. ~Caniteen sales were rip mLlout $2,000 la 1970 te $18,640.41, but the profit only amouinted te $722.08. Exp. (PROM PAGE ONE) o nssibiitîes ia ordor te ielp guide tbeir chiîdren into ueatisfyîn-g ompîcyment. The 'Expao' hepes te ettract a 'iigh proaotion cf the 2800 '9tudents attending schools ia ~lhs area. Buses will bring lu ,tudents fram, 17 neerby ýichools, including thie four sec- Snayschoals - Courtice, arwihClarke and Dur- *ham Chni-stiail, the se.nior pubi- lie,M. J. Hoblisý, the schoel et ieRïdge, and 11 public and ',eparate elomorntary ,schoais ',fetweerî Bawmaiile and ,ewtanviler, Kinliy, Grand- 'ewand Cartwnlg-ht, aThre oxhibVt;itors rereseat pn- ' rate fiins, public coxpoetîoas, 'poincial aecisand ted- ~rldopar:trents. There 'wil elis, be representatives ef ,vrious occupations, sncb as ~etsrlaw, surveying, etc., Io expiain what jolis in their eiect filds are ail about, A nuniber ot speciai eveats riltake Place. Seven exhubit- os-s ave flms wbich they will te sbowîng -coatinously through the day, Tlree other exhibitors will ho arreniging !peciai demanstrations in data pracessing, hairdressing and mnodellag. ~The Ontae rovc Pl Îce wil bce thone with a trailer Lul 3f infrormation. 1The acheal ceftteia wil be îransfornied inta a ceffee bous1e *wlehCre groups et local Mui-UÈ îaneS ll11perform duning tbe e ay. Proceeds from thie sale of icffee, soft drnks, éaad 1fond will go towayds nne-.titeirrs k or the Bewnianvllle Higli Scbol Bad. Cabcle ,TV wl filrm thle events bf1 the day for a hait heur m h w. great-grendchildren Lyna and1 Brent McLaughlin visited ber1 and agin honered ber witb a lirtbday cake. Ail the resi- , dents who wenê able, were( tneated ta cake and icèceano 1 on thîs unique occasion, One,t in the group, was Mrs, Mc- Leughlin's fathen, Mn. Herli 1ooey, wha willie 97 ia Aug- ust. Mns. Fonder, btter kaown as "'Aunt Lil", prier te ber mriarniage wes Elizabeth Jane Pollen. She wes bora lu Cartwrigt Township aad as a bride, moved te the Mc-t Laughia homesteed, now a century fanai on whicb ber son and lis wite, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry McLaughia rosido. In 1030 atten ber son's marniaget ia 1929, Mr. and Mrs. Me- Laughlin môved te Nestieton. in 1933 Mn, McLaughliai died and aten a nibon cf years Mrs. McLaughin married Mn. Jos. Farder. Following bis death Mr$. Farder continued te live lu Nestieton until aie made ber home wth Mrs. King la Port Penny and this1 lest yoar she bas been et "Fillcrest". Mrs. Fonder, always a work- er and active la communitYi atteins, js a litemembronfet Nestetan Woaon's Institute,( a lite meaber cf the Angli-( can A.C.W. and sbe aise as-î sisted in the, Presbyterian Churcli here.1 F er m a n y Cartwrightt frÎonds extend "best wisies1 for continued- iappiness and1 beeith iu ber "sunset" yeans. Receat Sunday visitons witb Mn. and Mrs. John Grandel and Penny wee Mr, nd Ms. AfIrport (PROM PAGE ONL) fer zone is requlred ton the; 5000-10,000 acre pleuned air- Althougi the de c ison where te ocoate Vhe iportý les not been taken, ScugogI resideuts are, mustoning forces te be, ready te oppose it if it should ceaie te thein ane. Tbey feel that the airpont would be haraiful te, the "valuable recreetionai and conservation aspects" of their regien. A gnoup of coucenned citi- zens are curnntly surveying: tie pople la Part Penny, Reach, Scugog and Cert- wright te ask if they are Jn' favor oet-an airpont la the li- mediate eear etoPart Penny and if tley wduld support a aioveaent arganized te op- pose IL. Reeve Cecil Fralick et Scu- geg Township and bis Coun-' cil are ail opposed te an air- port constructed on -the îsland. The Part Penny Counclî, îowever, bas endorsed the plan with the provise thet Vhe airpant lie located et least 20 miles treai Vie vil- lage. The Ontario County Cour- cil las voted 29-51 la favon et construction efthte airpont "eest cf Yoige Street," which ltleugh an ambiguous stete- ment, certainly ex ends, as, noted la an editonial ia the Pont Penny Stan (Merch 24), the invitation for the gevera- ment1 ta estehish the airpent lai Ontario Couaty. AV ioast aone meaibeofethVe Oshawa Area Planning andi Development Study gronp feels that tIe adveut et the airpont te their area weuld lie the salvation ef the con- troersiel nregionel gevern- meut propos-ai. Mayor Bill LeGnas of Ajax, a meaber ot the Executive Cammittee of OAPADS ceai- mented on MrcI isti durng the presentatiaonoethVe Faurtý,i Discussion Paper that indus- trial developaient required if the regian 15 te be a viable -econamlc unit cauld lie siai- piy achieved by putting Vhe eirport la tie sladow et Osi- ewa. Maypr LeGrôs fot that VIa airpont would produce ton the! easteran egions of Metre tIc sania comnpetitive advantaga 1tIat the western regione lave- Ne 'officiai mention bas been mach ofe anether possible gsite, eoutb et Bleckstack, thet l as beau surveyed. It will lie neelied thet Ry Wanaraken. Accident, Round,-Up Bowmanvîlle town police re-ý port four traffic accidents oc- curred in the town limits betweea Friday afternoen Mar. 26th and Sunday, Mvarcb 28th. Three cf tbe mishaps iavcived personal injuries. The worst occurred on Sua- day at 2:26 p.m. wben a car driven by Charles Dobson cf East Beach- struck, a hydre pole on Liberty Street near Queea. Mr. Pobson sustaiaed lacerations te bis nose but bis wîte, Dolores, a passenger la the vebicle, receîved lacera- tiens te bier face and riglit knee and suffered a fractured and dîslocated riglit ankle as well. Accordîng te Bowman- ville Police, Mr. Debson said that he could net coatrol, the steering of the car wbici 3veered te the rigbt and etruck the pole. Property damage- was estimated at $400., A car riven liy 19-year-old joan E. Vadyk of R.' R. 4, Bowmranville, collided with one operated by James Dlîlhng cf. Bewmaaville on Friday eveaing at 4:47 o'clock, catis- ing $375 and $350 damages res- oectively. The accident occur- red on King Street just east ot Liberty. Miss Vandyk eut ber riglit ring finger in the misbep. About an heur later on tbe other sîde of town, at King and Waverley, c ,ars driven by Harvey J. Tbeaipson cf R. R, 3, Bowaianville and Roderick D. Spencer cf R. 1, Buck- bora, colhïded, causiag $20 nd $350 iii damnages, respectively! There were ne reported in-J A local meiar, James Barry Pbîlhp, capeadof a eck in3uy flloîganl accidenMt 6,02 p.m. t Kîg Streeý inl Dweyne Wood and Judy, Mrs. Helen Climneli and Patti Ana, ail ef Toronto; Mr and Mrs. James Emerton and Lori An et Biackstock and Mr. alid Mrs. Norman Samels, Nestie- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- cack, Bleckstock; Jane and Robert Mew, Toronto-, Mr. and Mrs. Hareld Beatty, Reseanne, Bernîcé aud Brien, Dunsford, were Tbursday aid-day dia- ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland. Jane ad Robert Mew are steying with their graadpereuts, Mr. and Mrs. Beacocli, while.their par- ents are bolidayiug la Ber- muda. Mr. Elî Mairs who bas spent the last, couple cf months with bis daughter and ber husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Virtue and Donna, Bowman- ville, is iookiug forward te returuîng te bis home et Nestleton. He seys that he hears Nestleten calling. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. NormaCreen, Black- stock, who have reached their golden , milestone and were "At Home" tc their friends in the Panish Hall on Sun- day. A number ef local resi- dents called la houer cf the occasion te congratuiete thea and te extend "liest- wishes". Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Mce- Laughlîn visited Tbursday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham. Mr. and Mrs. K-enneth Saielîs, Blackstock, were Fnid.ay evening visitors wîth Mr. and Mrs. McLaugh- lin. Lori Lvons. Uixbridge, wbo speht Tbursday te Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Wilson returu- ed home wîth ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lycas. Jetf, Ryen aud Lise Cbap- man, North Bey, acàcemrpanied their grandporents, Mr. and Mirs. George Bowrs qte their home on ThursdIy, Mr. and Mrs Beer5~'~rnan~dfor the Mrs. Ttn Scott and Charles, Corbyville, spent a tew devs lesgt week with lier parents, !N1r. and Mrs. RIp[)i Saduer. Mr. Scott jcined theai for Sunday dinner. Cengratulations te Miss Lucille Beacock, Blackstock, whe graduated as a Registered Nursing Assistant on Friday, Merch 26. Fer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beacock et- tended the graduation cere- manies la st. peul's United Churcli, Toronto, whea a class et _52 received their diplomas. Sunday n e o n' luacheon guests witb Mn. and Mrs. Lorne McKee were Mr. Mel- ville Henry and Ian, Osbawa. Evening visiters wene Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, Maple Grove. FEBRUARY EXPENSES $30,443.71 Derlington Townsh!P's ex- penditures for February, 1971 aaiounted te $30,443.71. Sel- arles acceuuted for $5,910.32: welfare $8,1Ll32; general $2,- 785.65: Roeds $6,494,83, and total Roads pay list $7,141.5% d ýr d Ld 9ý HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFF!CLES!IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES 0511AWA CENTRE - 0,SHAWA PARTINERS. GORD43N W. RJIETIL, F.C-,qR.A. ILrURT -R, WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527i front cf theB,! rewers Retail. lete» Damages te the Phillip velui-1 lcId t tle- were etmtdb o. manville police te lie $300 and te Swiughammer's nïil. Two bit and n accidentsl were reported te the N\,ew- castie detechaient cf the Ont- ario 'Previncial Police duriag .'~ tbe past week. One, eccurred la Jaaetvîlle on Mardi 25th et about 8:20 p.m. wbena car collîded wîth a parked vehicle cwned, by Alice Luella McGill cf Janet- ville, cauing an estimated $500 lu damages te it. A Wiliowdale man, WiIlli amn Wesley Gray. wes later appre -1 hended by police and Ch argrd' under Secticn 143 (a) (i) et the Traffic Act, faîlure te re-: ,main at the s2enie of anaci dent. The other occurýred on Mer'. 27th at about 8:40 pai. wblen a car owaled by Ertwin Baldïurl Johni G. Nes Lange et R. _R. 3, Bowmanvill e, IlLest week, dur-in, aad parked on the Osbawa day- annuel asseaut town Une north et Hi gbwaY: Ontarioe Seenda.r Two was struick by a Passiug Teachers' Federetic vebicle. Damage te Lange's carlente, this area wE wes estimated liy 0F? to be by beviag one ef il about $140. Po1ïvce have a des- John G. Nesbitt, ele cription cf the bit anid rua Board ef Gevernc car. Investigation is continu- Ontario Teechers' ing.1 Mr. Nesliitt is he Ia other accidents hiappea-lence at Courtice iug la this area during the pest School end lives îix week, three cars collided Mar. ville. 127t1 at about 4:50 Higbwey 7A one nûlie east oft Nestleton. The drivers were Glen Hîughe Cordon Murray Park ef R. R. 1, Nestleten, Patrick Daniel .. 1Theaipson and Dale Engeae iCrawford lb t fPort Perry. 1Damages were estimated et -$300, ail, and $300 respective ,- -ly. There were ne reported in- ~ î" juries. Seventeen-year-old Ernest Raîpli Cobliledick ef Newcas- tie was charged by OPP with cereless driving tellewinga collisioa et a car le was drlv- ing with enother on the Third tConcession cf Clarke, one mile > east et Higlway 35 on Suadaty et about 4:15 pai. Damage te the Cobbledick vebicle was estimated at $400 and, te the ather, drivea by Howae¶1 Allia eto R. R, 2, Newcastle, $200. Ne injuries weî-e reported. 9 Reletiveiy heavy property 'damage resulted tram a twe car collision which eccurredý on Suaday et' 4:22 p.m. et Glenholme Hi Higbway 35 and 'the north His many friend junction et Highway 7A. There serry te leara th was an estiaiated $750 dar"mge Bowaianville Cour doue te cne ef the cars, d-riven Clerk of Newcastle by Paul Harold George eft Ibr- Hughes, died on Mei ente eund $700 te the other ing lu Oshawa Cen, soperated liy Bill Chow, aise tlaietter putting n. et Teronto. Mr. Chew was fight egainst a per cbarged by OPP und 'er Sectwon proionged îllness. 064 (b) et the Traffic Act, feul- vived by bis wif e *ure te yield ýriglit of way atter dauglitèrs, Evelyn (] cemliag te a stop. Accordîng Purdy), and Tina, a te investigating police there and a brother, Il were some miner persenalinl- Hughes, Toronto. H jurîes but nothing serieus wes et the Morris Fune reported. Bowaaville, wil d __________ mass ia St. JoseP A Ca~tholic Church oc , e indand it will net bel oad stopped. We have the choice 1 o Rv cf either force, violence 'and' Ook evi bloodsýbed or of aliowing change through deaiocratic There were st-atements te Gr up of S feed the rationale cf the partyr "We are living in an age Ccl. R. S. McLàughlînij lias !art awvakéned andi mispîred an fujture historians will calil onecf the finest private col- awareness cf the rugged beauty revolution . . . revolutionilcti)noncf ru of the country. They paînted against imperialisai, against' opcfSvntbe couatryside by goîag eut social injustice, against rep.. paintiflgs in Canada at bis linto it, by beceming a part cf ression and agaînst social ia- Par:kwood estate. dits laadscape. d ignation.", That's what makes Peter This bock 15 a ccllector's' Thr- ee rsv re-Melnaew bock, Group of item for -those whc, treasure mnarks about'the governmnfnt'slSeve.t i(MVclelland and Stew- Caniadiana art. It was brouglit statistics on the uaempldy- art) cf sucli intereat ila thîs tc pres only because cffthe ment prebleai. region. It's one cf the most efforts cf a lot cf people. Theý-re "The Dominion Bureau cf beauiful Canadlian bocks te are oaiy a few cf the Croup Statistics says that 675,000 per- be publisbed in several yea2rs. and thleir intimiate friends stili1 scnýs were unemployed ia Feli- Handsomely illust1rated wîth living. A. Y. Jackson, with ruary, yet on March 26tb many cf th'e Group's works, -Il»s remarkabie memory pro- there w ere 844,000 reevkgiclran iac-nd-white - ivided mucb-needed answers unemrpîcymnent insurance. Do the bock includes a comnpre- for- Peter Mellen la bis ex- biti thley meanl that saime of ttie hensive survey of their ýworks, hausqting research. Tbcreau g:h fu-Pecple receiving unemploy- togetber with excerpts froai MacDlonald prcvîded letters, gth orment insurance are net uneai- cîîclrv ow f themn. Thelplictograpis ,and mementoes bly cf tbe"pleyed'i"' Coup we(rè the fir-st te paiÀnt: bel,,)n ging te bis father, J. E, ý' Scbiool Thiere were the cutrigbtti e__Noth cntrýiy and tbheir'1H. iMvacDcnald - _Barker Pair~- (l lui Tor- condemnations that tbe coun- as hcacred try is b eing led intc a pro- employaien t and price stabi i ty is teachers, fcund abyss wbere, be said . . . but cnly if we are pre-> Land cted te the qucting a statemeat Trudeau pare-d to plan the ecoaomy. Asý rs cf ltle made a few weeeks ag inlg as it remnains Luapland Federatioi-, Montreal, "unempîcyment is ad omiaated by the copr-"oto adcSc-scmetbing wbicb Canadiansate structure cf the country,! Secondary will just have te erat iv h eoem il otnu e (FROM PAGE ONE) iBowman- witb." be a boom or bust one. Wei relieved the situation some- There was wry humer. lhave get te expand our prog- wbat by increasing the an-ý .If you bave ever wondered rams te put more people te nual- payments te $45,"1lie v abut wbat the difference is work. We bave got te redistri- said. S esbetween recesic, depression bute incomes. We bave got te ProvincialcilsevnE and panic, 1 wîll tell you.-Re- have a prices review board." A. Gomme, an employee of ',cession is where you bave te When lie bad finisbed. a long the Department of Municipal l~~tigliten, yeur 'beit. Depressicn lune cf men and wcmen forai- Affairs, attrîbutes the pre-i is wbere you have ne beit te ed almost immediately aad sent difficulties te the muni-, h tiglitea. And panic is wben slowiy crept past ýhlm. They cipalities' failure te impose ' your pants faîl dewn." shook bis hand and wished l subdivision control. Tbere was the presenit day we wbheron April 24th,ý afteri: " can assure you that the i~dilemma faciag Canadians. a new leader bias been cheseni people in Cayeu, Cramahe "If yeu waat tbe cost cf liv- lie will return te parliameat and Percy will be paying iag to stop rising then yousimply as the honorable nîem- stili biglier taxes In the fu- have got to put up with un-iber freai Naaaimo-Cowichan- ture," lie. is quoted ln the ~s employaient; or if you want The Islands. Port Hope Guide as saying. Sfull eaiployment then you have "It was the best speech 1 "We have net seen the end; ~<got te put up with a risinglever heard hlm deliver, any it is just the beginnîng and cest of living." Itime or any wbere," said NDP there is nothîng the Depart- Then there was 'the solution, candidate for Durham, Deug ment cf Municipal Affairz "Itis ossblete ave fuil Moffat as the uine filed past. can do." _______ posible_'! I lughes ds will be hat former ncillor and SGleabelme )nday mern- eral'Hospi- .p a gallant 'sistent and H1e is sur- Beryl. twe :Mrs. Wayne Sson Daniel 'r-ot. P. B. -e is neutiag 'rai Chapel, h tuneral h's -Roman n Tbursday RAISE PAY $100 ' 'e t h Zjm. Intermje tï.nt laBe 'W-'b Darlingtor; T'o W n Sh I Eaville Coeintery. (>ouncil, meeting ln Its reg- eler svssionl on March luth, voted jtself 7a raise in PsyUA of $100 across the board. ve f e The annual sllowanee'(1ie- RO AEN) eluding expense ellowance) f (FR MmiLP A ON ge t for the mnembers are now:faeCm te ls ugs- Reeve $1100; Deputy R,,eev ed that the policy et heving $1000; Counllors $900. a welfare wenker on caîl eech weokend lie cbanged and thet APPROVE MILES FOR a list of telephýoxe numbers MILLIONS of oach efthVe field workers The Miles fon Millions Ne-j end the admînîstrator be gîv- tionel Walk Conîmittees, on the clenk or reeve et each anneunced t I a t Satnrday, muaicipality May lst bas been estahlished, The persan epplying for as- as the National Walk Day la sistance la an eaiergoncy an Canada., a weekend could cotact any Recently the coamitteaeue cf the fieid-workers and wrote te Bowmnville Tawn if net eble ta reach eue, thon Counil exprossing its hope tbe neeve of the aunicipality that Mqyor Ivan Hoblis would would lie given authenity Va jein with the otior Mayers autbonîze emergeucy food an in the reglon in declening the fuel ta a maximuma ot $15. day as 'Miles Fan Millions Welk Day' la this area. Council quickly ccurred3 wiVh Vie proposai durni 1 D5'og las rognear meeting ot ,Mrci (PROM PAGE'ONE) 15t1, ta tel liaim somethiag else. "I mey have ta get soe- $500 million chos net grow on oaa ta fillinl for me that a gooseberry bush.' day," the Mayer seid Wryly "I replied te Mn. Duaautg ta the bemused councillers. and said, 'I admit that I don't kaow what kind af bush maney PLAN HAMPTON grows on but I de kuew this ADDITION . .. if a war liroke eut tomar- Plans for an addition, cest- rew we would sdon flad eut'. ing $261.773, te the Hampton " 1 ve te sese it appen. i Junior Public School woelived te see ris build and man dlscussed at the United Caria- the third lergest mendiant ies Board et Education meet- marine in the froc world. I lag ia Cobourg on Merci lived te sce us supply se maay 25th.. goads and services te Great The addition Will prevîde Bitein that by the end et the ane more class room, a kin.Iiwar they cwed us $1,000 mil- dergartea it lpiae on . . . and we caacelled the trance, a librery nesaurce "h outydd;oel conter, -eagenenal pilrpose1 -"Tienclantry dothe îeIn. rooni (auîditoriuai), healthwa h ianotetî n unit and guidance conter. its history. ','And we did ît witheut ber- The new facilities are hep- rowing eue daller. frem .eut- ed ta e lie ady for use bYlside sources. September, 1971,. ~~w i Vbcuew Ancltct t Ieplan 'S bad a planned eonaay. John Lang. "Suroly if ive could cailect our finaciai and matenial ne- rIITrIsources te wage war agaiast c'RTTT'T' Hitler," ho said, spittiag eut the heted na-me, "wo could do Mn. and Mrs. W. Vaaeyk the samo Vo wage wan againat wene Sunday lunch guesta ef poverty.", SMr. and Mv-rs.,J. Vaaeyk and The audience rase up fromn famîly, Tyrone. their seats tbuuderîng1 ap- 1Mn, and Mrs. Ir. O. Smithpieuse Bowmanvilia,_ wene Sunday The leader had speken. Tomn- supper guests et" the Smitîs. my Douglas looked' wlumsical- SLouise Kevacs eateteîned Iy satisfled by bis remanks and f ive cf fber girl frieuds Setur- liythe ,cnewd's reaction Vo day aterneen te bier birtb- tien'. day penty.. Mn. and Mrs. p. Thora wasne donlit about Ercogovac and C r anna atheir devotîca te lia,VIeaia Sophie Kayacs were aise sup. whc hed led thein party, the per guosta. Mns. R, faderai New,, Demecratîcs, sînce 'Rewe, Chippy, Bowmaaville, its inception la i 1961. and Mn, and Mrs. C. Baker And there was ne Idonlit that ,were Saturdey eveniag guests. ia retirng frcm the leadership Mrs. Sophie IKovacs speat tie Mn. Douglas bad aay intention Sweekead witi lier famîly. about leavîng wth, a wbîmpar Mns. Peten Ercagovac and .,1- . et iedst net ln Oshawa at Auna, Mr&, C.Kayacs, Judy eny rate. alid Louise were Friday sup- Hea gave flhc 330 party mem- per guesta etf Mn. and Mrs. bers who lad turned eut fer Karen, Toronto,, and attended Vie "Farewell Tommy Deug- "Disneyland Panade" in Maple las" dinner and cance on Set- Leat Cardans ln the avening, urday ail they could aven bave SMrs, George Armeur, Miss hopad for. Berthe Armaun, Hampton, Mn. Thora were Vie refeenes and Mrs. Genry Cornmsh and about Vhe stateofethVe ecoa'omy. baby, Tynone were Sunday "IV is lu an unholy mess . . suppen guest fMn. and Mrs. the governmoat's moactery S. Crnish and girls. and fiscal pehîcies hava creat- Mn. and Mrs. Cordon Bak- cd ae veitable nigilitmare et or, Ann, Ruth and Carry et- nnempioyti'eut and inflation. tcenrded Vie "Johns" Family The counitry is sick". Wiaten Raunl-on ln Saline Hall, Thora wene disqrieitîg forea- Suaday attornoon and aven- cast1s 11&.1 "Thora îL'social change in j vwen, ley provided a vivid mccoueit of the personalities of the-, group. Aillcf these things,' and many more, are skillfuly wrapped up intoan attracive package. It bas been iisuggested 1-at the Group dvlpda tvly national school 0f Painting Rand that tbey paiînted Canadaj from coast to coasýt. Hwvr the great mai crity ef thecir works were done in Ontario, Several neyer ventur'ed outý'- sie. Even Jackson admitted he disliked the West and found it unpaintaýbie. ln adi- Sdi 'tion, ail ef the group'sa- tivities were centred arouind Toronto - there was lti attempt to be representaitive 'lf allof Canada untillae years. The Group's pictuires in 10r, Laughlin's gailir were re- cently dsr bby Paul Beýn- net, director cf the Robert McLaugiýhlin) Library,, as "the cream of the crop, amen gý the. finest 1 have ever seen". These-ý particu] ar pictures have neyýler been on public dispiay. eAithougli the Group's crea,â- tion -of a national art has ai- ways been considered, their fgreatest achievement, it aise restricted their creative ex- 1pression. Ra,ýther than look 1inward for a personai vision, efor the m iost part the artistg reandcommitted to the ex- teral orld and a well-de- fedsubject matter. Aillut tee misconceptions -about the (,rouip grew up in later years when they were con- ýerned about creating a Can- 1adian art tradition.: They -have littie'bearing on their -earlier actîvity, wben their maost significant artistic con- 2 t ributions 7werem ade.- ~fanfo attend... at Bowanv hl High School THURSe, A IL lst 7 to IO p.m. *AUDIO VISUAL DISPLAYS* RCMP DISPLAY *MODELLING SHOW* CANADIAN ARMED FORCES' *HAIRDRESSING DISPLAY* DATA PROCESSING EXHIBIT *LIVE ENTERTAINMENT* AND MUCIH MORE Everyone Wel come THIS ADVERTISEMENT PARTIALLY SPON SORED BY TutE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS KCinsmen Consignment ANIMAL, VEGETABLE or MINERAL WE WILL SELL THEM ALL HELP THE KINSMEN WITH COMMUNITY, SERVICE CONTACT- Il. Webster 623-2612 -L. -Tiuk 263-2176 GAS - TUNE-UPS LU BRICATIONS MECHANICAL REPAIRS DON'S SHELL SER-VICE 180 KING ST. EK PHONE -623-5662 DON PLAIN - DON McLACHLAN FOR $19,95 LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 19 KING ST. W. ' BOWMANVLL PHIONE 623-5941 Your Spring Decorating Store CHIECK OUR NEW SAMPLE BOKSFOR 1COMPLETE LINE 0F Sunworthy Wallpaper Dealer forBeann-or INTERIOR and EXTERIOR PAINTS Zog,& PAINTS and AB8ERNEÎTY> WALLPAI'ERS 35 KING ST. W. PHIONE 623-5431 NESTLETON The l'latter