Mi-IKietes Dipay Spin F shon thanked by Mrs., Howard Tht Canaclian Statesmani, towmanville, Ar1,17 il Pontypool, were Sat-ý The Petèrborough Presbl n urday ve5ning viators at MIvr tery Memorial Travelling Ëi- ! aW !! Da Social C& ÉPersonal Mlë 'vit R. HOWe&s. bo A rsne eri' es W I emirrblrsof, PontypoolUCW Sanre e-ivedc with thanks by Phone 623-3303 ti p famnily. terpeidnMs a ir were weekend vi~ tors with ~ . VanBeek The Bethany branchvv th Wa 15 Bin the . Saintns.had received it one year ago Miss Bonnie Ormistonl ig Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Robin- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker g Faispent the Easter son and Michelle, Chambly, and Scott, Bowmnanvil]e, Mr.~îo h avngop I ara Fal,.Qu. .éc r.Rbislad r'MrayMrhl rnaking the présentation, MsSpreaéd o f R e elio weekend at home. Hue, rsiedMrppRbinons nilMr. Mrry Mrsal Mn nt MsDeekSienusparents, Mr. anti Mrs. George anti Andrea were Suni i anti Sarah Jane wére in Ottawa Meeks, East Beach, anti alsoening dinner gulit of Mfr...~~. eqoe rmteBbe Wa sBhn h ped M ael at eaets~ over Bster eekend his arents Mn ad Mr~ Wm. ad Mrs Clarece Avry ,,and a poem "Fr.iendship". ,0f Rebellion" is the featuretiqetoaldeiga nr~ leverMrs. Thoelmas JenningaMr.wnd arAdresnd ms. alconvention quebein MrRn r ar aDu obinson, Brown Street. ,1George Lealdbeater andr Wsadrsi fa oveto big lt Mr.an msCay acou M. ndMr1 . enKelyan presented with a Life Merle held from April 23rd-25th inednttid-rgad"or' aireturneti Saturday from A Mr, andMrspiKe KellyindtLoekOMNNairanti thir team rée4's holiday in Bermuda. boys niMs Hugh Kelly mates too-k the Jr, e ' unadcriiaeI h eliCleit o niodr Mn hnig were, dinner, guests in LindÎsay L e a u e Caposi f~~. appreciation of her Il. cational, School Adtrunol odrwehrti generatio a elyb x -Mis oflnRoch- manilIiý fr 1.o-i. 'ià yars of service as past pre Oshawa. MisHlnWardere wiRe h hMr. anti Mrs. Ralph Kelly rBoMranville for :1970-71 fFiskien ester, N.Yspent the holiday on Friday. Mrs. Ralph Kelly' Fuels defeRtin-g NicholsM .N. IO- .. ~ . et eceay goplat-MBn Savilli, oerer o perncgtucodins1oe weekend wt ber auntMISS and boys visited Mffrs. Hugli tors. Congratulations, boysad oibrn-uscl'a- h M Wllmott. ..... i:- ~e swihbiheeimn ino Jehovah s Wîtnesses, the timefthenif ,th, Vi. nt Ms.~ R.Bd Kelly on Tuesday nmorning. Miss Doreen -Trewîn, Ot- .,, metwing.MrHrlti Whimantie tî nou mn o-ase0i1srtle îhai Mr. nd rsW. . EgerMr.andi Mrs. Don Ct-amp -meeins.wa, anoldWhieiaMerhi.a E.iceeTrew anwn ati f k twratraydInE r gest ,i .. ' read the citation anti Mrs. day anti atiteti that he expects humangvennt On y his coterMrs, W. A. Etiger, endi guests of bis parents, Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. E, R, Taylor, M .%.» '" '4obtRye prsneihelbwm 0,5villeatesrfr e t-Gdgo rimnIi or oti-,)dFrîiapy.ad à eg rm Fretie r , anti s.Earl Masters, . . 't,. ebrîi pneri y 10-dïàthesoR. tdm cncp wt heSt O i anti Mrs. Reg. ~~ramp, Mr. Mrs. ~~bv~" ~ " Miss Patti Preston gave a tredygteig in"sîiMSvli M1rs. Wm. irdeo Beillk Avenue. Mrs. Cramprte- Cindy anti Trent, Bowînan- c..~.io vilelsl uet f ersite atitunei it hr onant vll, er sonayevnignd ville..............................iao nsruenal "heSi brothefr -11n-laM at1 daughter.in-law 'for a holiday dinner guest at Mr. anti Mrs. ..,. enPaatDne.A wa rAd A f'el 1 L. J.Mcogl in Cleveland. . R, Vite, .T X'».. . ..o1i serieolw~ O l r Mr. anti Mrs. -George Bray pastel>ekedguss îh MVr, antisr F.EWright, hyscrtueeso ani Pe&GatO Lmteiowtofhe ecveib guess lstdM guests ayrs. ithan Bate te e zGatOlLite ows of Toronto 1were usslatM.anti Mrs M. L. RoengkMiss Betty Wrighit settea e yMs onNa fWîb a enaadt oni h te w e Fritiay of Irs.George W. King St. West, were Dr. anti weekenti with Mr. anti Ms. s" atiMle r ry RJhnley, wîtf th otry atosupply ow rde om ik uls itîltn James, King St. East. Mrs. J. P. Mayberry anti their Frank Spry anti famnily, Ro- al l HryRly ijg d',r Mrand Mrs. K. Nîcks, Lisa three chltiren of Washington, chester. N.Y. Mrs. Spry te- ~Mrs. Vincent Jackson receiv-wimanvil mipl buildcings Aerof17cpt aloat anti Brin rercently returnetiDC.Dr. anti Mrs. Mayberry turneti home withthem'for a 0Mlng the asterThn-ffr .yith fue outforthe comniong A. HSurokofonw hc l at an f miy re shotlM rtu n-.îitH'erb Coppins presiti m eeting ail specîfications in - Tender ee o e ei i h froma tw-wee holday t ani faily re sortl retrn- isit ed or te buines sesion fuorti i thetendrinel.srgueascoucnl eetig 61 SiPtrbrFloritia ing to reside in Canada. Mr. ant IlMs R. Howe anti4nte edrcll eua Mate Pu]OtiSOlof A recent ssuè of the Oshawa famhily spent Suntiay evening aniqoeiapem "Ren The company's tender of April 5hhlii oni a I",aSo welcomingh ii1.5_prglo a h bmesi h or os Osae ssenigthswekTme arit apoo hwng with Mr. anti Mrs. Donald n h wïi, his grantiparent, Mt-. four or five girls -in the second Pierson, Oshawa. ........_....._tos________chinlu anti Mrs- IRalph Ormîson. y uhm Coege secre- M. and rs. Donald reg,, ' ts preenaoit hlchi ncld \TiItstuig h ekni ailsiecFrga .,n of1 anti Leslie, Glen Burnie, ;Md,l inette models, lef t to rigýht: Coninie n-ir, Donna Whyte, Ruby Wood from St. Paulls Anglican1 ou c l E nd r e with Mý,rs. B. V. Hoar, King the girls was Miss Matireern spent BEster holida3's with, ward, Marlene Macklin and Mr ln oefrpoorpe ly cRobbie. Churrh, .ii St. East, weré Mr. anti Mrs. Tighe, tIaughter of. Mr. antiý the Sharp familles. rTIl eAtl Haroldti Clmens! of St. Cath- !Mrs. Murr-ay Tighe, Orcharti Miss Doreen Trewin, Ot. The Kinette Club 'of Bo- ble there ,,a a dligtfl a- A light luncb of dess erts. anti MinutePs of previolus meeting'Ra arés. vwBlvd. twsetteweeda mnil et aho hw; sortment onf sprîlng shoes ani beverages was enjoyeti by ail anti the> correspondence which s ibIIl - In nn 'tir, apdntiMrs.MrîayPt-es- Mr. anti Mrs. W. W. Bagnell., home with her parents, the et St. Joseph's RomanCah boots, prov-itieti by Ellîs Shýoe ir attentianre. 1 icltiei thnks for a ,,ît M s - u I t~ JII~E coltn(J indv Treins. h onWednedaystore TheKinetes sle. tck fromn Mrs. Ray ayPorteous ýn -n cot. usa ati inySt. Sc'ugog Street, spent several E. n, olir Chut-horeietasoe h ietssot ikt nnucmn faSîlSo Caterne, pet aserwih dyslet ee wththir Mr, anti Mrs. TedlWerry March 31st. The setting l'orthie show wancemnîioracir Policer l "lýhl l son-înk-w ntil anti family were weekenti The Mary C. Shoppe proviti-l"Moti, Moti Worlti of Fsin thýe wardrobe tiraws. Mrs, to bie helti in Mark St. Chut-ch 3 o1 Mien. '..Coýc e gtsos roni Ms R uet o r.atiMs.Ry tateauincdit narray with Mrs. Muntiay et 1the pianPanirs.Mar Hrrion 23CanernSoîey4metig t Te twnhipofS.îtic oveno inCouri.PUde who wintretHlwo Oakvl Mrantia' iidM. Ms.of D. BnKd, Tronto,emothuieeiMr.thMay Bunt, tMeroccasion.oTe2tablesndi Beh, loritia, re ow et ant ilMs.Canton Bagnel et Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Key, San- miss Metlene Mecklin, Mrs. playeti large colorful flowers, reoies ofte$00wa Mrs. Carl Potteu gave the belas written to the government ber of amncplcuc teir- Fummr home et ow-a Orengeville. tire anti Peuh, Agincourt, Mr. Donne Whyte, Mrs. Connie'dishes holding mînts endi an iaclil Msle-ýnrqstgamdet tthIl e manvhie each Mt- ani Mr. BdWillttsanti Mes.Vernon Retz anti Wiseman anti Mrs. Ruby Wooti- 3ssortment of bright serviettesDo î'zs Wer on by McDonaîti reportet for, the Police Art which woult give mission. Mrs BayonStnso, a] clMr.ad Mth ,E 44th ttsingRay, THuntsville, -]Il anti Nlr. warti. The loveiyottt er hesaeia ecrteiWthDaneCwlMrteCoe rinihi omite.I wli getr otrli plce i s loopoedote o- ander, w s vstor ý)lst(weannive rtr quit l Su-BertWiarnamakrSecarveadornet i wth very exquisitellarge anti small brillentcol- Hiltie Huigens anti Betty Bell. j greedtitodonate $100,00 to contract negotietions, ire Comisoceigte watd be- iser Ms.tt ayAr,-eekththi fm-*ere Sunday reliera at Mr. A. jewellery, compliments of oreti boxes anti flowet-s, ilh Il wes a very enjoyable the Boarti of Stewards to The township's council wants'powerunerScin3() f ,itlMt éaArl1. thteran Sharp's. HÏooper's Jepweliery store, To sl sweg lampa in theco ,-r-levenîng anti aIl present seem- help wvitb cbtn-cb finances. f0 have two of its memnbers the Artc ne noare- Harris'on, Rrown st., ani louy r iîttwoi e- Mr, anti Mrs. F. W. Werry complete the motiels' ensemnet- eflectîng colored i lghts1. reti tobave a very good tinte. Plans, were ýa te oPack, e sitting on the police commis- m-ents htaebnîguo Oron reativs.ient in Mémorial Hospital, wasq were Fritiay dinner get bale of useti clothing for mis- sien anti only one other ap- the coucloeha uit Mrs. auraShime, Peer-bouight home by ambulance r'nwr nMyat opitt yte Letnn-laiy for the oca0 oreturning 1with Mr. anti Mns.Grant A in orkiiMYadt ot- b h iuea aiy hoouh wsa iietflnorm afterwaprd. Cngaulations tolWiliems, Port Petry, LnM ln h L iin s posra Silati Supper in The onhp elatt Thrsia f es ee t un M at MsWlltt.Mr. anti Mrs. S. Lamb antilE une, lin Yelverton Commrunty iice under tepeetlgsaip da ith Mr. iý,antid s is Obrntw.famîly were Moniay dinnet ber nierriage to the late Mr. thle rounlfapuiraîy Adm nti Mrs. Snell. anti Miss Gail McDonald of LmBlibr.jiIru e m Lamb, B* lT1,orn. 1 1906. Ge rge . Wilson on an.a 1, il rvreifo xri~ Cavel Srhooi of Nur3ing, uop nt]xerioleaaywr aSiay evenoyîng ne u u ii I UI Ucharter member of Yelver- the costso oîîgo h î wiih ber pa re, r e- wMrC Velverton Il C.W.met anston, U.C.W, anti was always crea ses o c ot.- BelevlleusentBatethee 'endiof June. Kathy's guesta of Mr. anti MmseLloy ar aets vr nti untîlad MthLlodThursdar]y afternoon April istactive in chut-ch ant ino- Tbe tw fBwavl~ Bnt parents, Mn. anti s.C.Preston, Bowmnanviile.Adéuainroîeen --ien smr motitOitÏteteCC cc1tthhte0'f nduiylf uigte6-d el t Mn. oen L teen. Osborne, have televeiword Mn. anti Mrs. M. Stainton euainfri b e-jvsmn (m-eipret;îtîgt h LCAtee tte oeo i.a t ars uot f mre dîgte Rn8I-gtiti el herne a.We h Mt,,isa Breaida He i l Vc that they arriveti in Madridi were'Suntiey suppet- guesta of tral Lake Ontario Conservation thaý,n the safety of the citizena gation jHowa;,rd Mlom tyaa0 aneilf sln atrwsdsu.eii o~ toia H4,-oital Schicoolof Ï-î'S- anti wilremain ia Spain until M.at r tîtn Authority met dhBowman- 'in the rommunity."'4Or am I giving li aa pae on thbis occasion as hath permitteti. She will council o pî teucl ing, London, Ont.,-a- itii niext week anti wilh thea' -go to D.at r lakWryvleTonCurlo pnil! Counril though they agneeti to the Authorîty ori-e own" Mr. i owbray 0, f ûOsha b ogrmmeeihr tmmesereit nos hel, parentMn ni r.C. France. D n i.Clr er,5th torisicuisa anidexplain rhJutige Doddts in rncipielhe seiti turaing twrd(hewa areaho soe nCStaYeivlro for her seifleàs Seltfleeteesuto. HennfrBse ekn.Mn.,Jim Hall, Trent Uni-,JEohn iabethr.ant isPetryjfloodi pleain ng . were aggrievei by wht the-ylcouncil R1ira as;13she sawý, it duiing their cotrbuion to this commun- jýanti M ýrC. a it-s. G. satiay iteouh isptHanewich, Oshawa, w e re Counl lied ilittie untienstooti feit wes e Jack of proper not-1 Jutge Doddts remenket i te eravisilt there. Thtýmem- ty. at r.OviQak Mr.ani Lýrs Fý aser unayit hs rad-Suaiay guestaof Mir. anti the implications of such a îiraetiof fime Of CLOCA'siflooti plin ani uisition bel,,, eliciteti much înterestîng Mrn. 4A.OralQuc Jamnieson spent Gooti Frida mothenMra. James Hal, Li- Mits. B. A. Werry. istutiy anti thus hati requeste i loot plain mepping prograi. bas to be establisheti by pni- information fom Mira. Mo0w- enbush ant i Glforti spent theT th metng bray whvio was introduceti li weekeod with Orval's aunt in D O EHN witb- their ott-i-W anti ety St. North. Miss Taylor of Mr. antiMrs. J. Kinsman, temetn.RBob D)yktra saiti thatiority. jMn.Ble erl nidl ohseUSA ister, Mn. ati Mra.C. L.. Up-'Toronto ,spent the holitiays LIse anti Robyn werêe BatnJutige Dotiti of Oshawa, cmuncton btween CLO- "Pet-hphre la n bige- thaneilMomant rsntet wth aRongstrtUAtin.oBte' AOTYU pepr, iPeterborough. ib er siter, Mrs. Hall, Mn. guests Suntiay evening etichair man off itheAuthority, CA PantiBowmaaivillebha'ti heenItion on the Authity to buy itaianldemento iy ira e okyT paesa Mn atiMt-. amsGraham, ant isr. Perey Taylor, Ton- Mrs. S. Kinsman's, Courtice. att spicplaoese ot nita tws o ni i loipen ad urjpney ina obra w aageoce emt) fos r ing eEUCTO Gar-field, Gordon anti Gregory no îiei i îtt niMn. antiMra. Sandy mooreIfor the députation whîrh in- the enti of 1970 ta onî sapaýtent imrpossibilîty, t encowr a Valleyfield-, Que., were holi- brother, Mits. Hall anti Mn. Shirley Rd., were recent rail- ýclutietiSta hteRsune asmte wr f hotplanCOA himndecl arýet3i. vitet intoparticiat on theltrophy of this erea for fwo viioswt alr nFia.program hby Mn.Lot-na Wil- conSrutive yea.The final wt di dyweekend vstn wtPaloorniiy ts with Mn., ant]i Mrs. B.Tre- 1Manager ofrCCAIniaimpig e usint h TeAtoity tioes noIso ptogramniconvr for the of the to cufofars estls.oneligSr Mit- Gtahem's aî1itMt-s. F. Goot Fiia"y guests wifh, n.mmbrif the Authonty's Autbpnty's roght o deem m'kef hePflooP SýcoîttLibery f.« ot«-fh. M in antilMs.A. Roger Mei- Rerent suppe(r get f fexecufiive coifitee. IPInls as Fonlain uiîhou it fý pmeetlain- dy.lwSupayemtiin PortiPet-t-ro Dr. anti its. K. A. _gjleftti0l5,Paul-antiMorris. Park-,Mn. anti Mit-. Iepn Shartp Jutige Dotds explaineti that 1the ebeinig a public lenr Eeyn h W5i iWf' iec a bev emo saaWoiP--Cuslo anti Mra. A. . Billeff were ila way Cresceat, er n.aniwene Mn. and Mra.. Donail on oftheconcerna of the fit-st. He feit that pe-sof- sturml wth it." I by the rm-embera in me- ducts. After a show stant in Toronto Gooti Fitay to visit It-s Roger Meatows Jr., Lon- Gregg anti Leslie, Glen But-- Authority was the(- problem of fecteti by such tairto mot-y of two charter members, whichi the Oshawa feam picklEDE1A Mrs. Fred fJ. Billett hoins don manditSJhnnrhruc , Md.,Mn.ani its.Rdocs foin'nithhthsle s ht ptfe ani ivs. BevaWilson anti Mri. Len e el1-up two goal.s in it-st perîit,EVNN reroverinrom sneyl roKm niSann i- hrp ab niGrin temmeti from the dîsastrous tenih f ppeal. Tornf Weten ospf i. anti Mits. Bruce Meatiows, Mir. Mr. anti Mits. Adiam Sharp, lHurricane- Hazel whirh strurk Jtige Dotds saidt taMiond ETHÀNY MeCabe. Plans wene madtief the Bethany team gainiet mo- Torsto erSdaderueseratn HospieotBw Mn ni r.Wan eketSfenOtaalo i 5. plai apig aeipy ac!attend e bus trp f0 points f menfum fe w111 hantiuy by ea etToEeig wifbe Mnay ntiMr Ftkanvîhle, Min, anti Mrs. Ron anti Penny. "n oih hsos e "ite t afot1lin<- The Bowling Alley antiintereat ir Toronto. 7-2 mat-gin. 'wbMr nÏMs rnkn e h orifa bae lmo rspwe ttbpdiscussion eaecn ag -c.Ba-tPlebaeeelsli cbosunshMira. Thora-heOgawa isotem as i Apai pil1 Jemviesonwer.nanti Mits.Greig, Oshawa, mits. George Miss Mary, Bradley, Hamp- learndfo a htAi fe-i(- 'ý etuatondb ' n lb oti i.Toa ogd ihmsotn si Jon Moeanti jihi of Ketio edwNwathat i-,tn Ms hiteLr-ix, ne hd fom haelowea that 'i is ro,"lthe Jute ai"NoRestM.art owed by-n ani Atendris unHwaalent-y Thel ofhawa teamew Mn. antiMina. Don Jamieson oiarl E. Morris, Bowmaiî- Courtire, Mits. N. Cohacuit for flood plain lards," he tolît that! Once floot plain lards toMn. anti Mra.Ivor WiI- r ail Mira Hwti leo- bthruh-cre- isdeercmen 7tand.. t Osaw. ndMe. Chatm-vil-les hank cohm.MMiran. VeraiStaphesncon-abthroughfinjurieswh broker anti Oshea. ntiMit-. Mry arn vile. Bowarvh]e Mn.ant.Mi-s:Rthe Countil.aebe shchetie, h- liaimco . ee o e OF- venetiite Devotional thaf apraineti wrisfs anti a broken BO MA IL Min, anti Mits. Garret lRick- Griffir were. Sunday evenîng} Over flie years, lie saiti ligatior of thie municipaîîtv is session the anti of this month, HIGH SCHOusnsssesin.bi.OeeL aan r n Ms twrtdne uet fM, ti Minriuspogam av antiea ndlisnofhîrg fi, o Mina. Vanne Stronglies n-Fure-a services for Mira. One of the stars of the game IPrestonr 1neturneti t-cently fnom W. Giffin, Heatheranti Dale- developed yscedg uh ihhwtemii undhm rc Pt-i(r'_v Wlon eehl bswaYletnsVuh I4 H1ollS awaiie-en Isoarti, oalfatnaheMr.wath Mit-.atiRa. T. anrtis. Iornegulate floodi plainMsoulti zone flic lard." ough hospîtai. week from Mackey Funrt-l Gill Who talliet tbree fimea HaaianIlads alfona er wth r.ad rs . anIn1965 CLOCA formu-1 Recourras Manager ,Stain Mr. anti Mra.VincentJerk- Homne inLindsay anti wene anti pînket up e roupie of Thesevc isfe U nited CIiurch anti Phoenix, Arizona. The in- Taylor'a, Bafielti, rerently, lafeti ifs regulafions ant iniiiWhite explainati thaf bis offie son spent thea weekanti on, Aconducteti by Min. Getralti assisfs or so as well. Wcll dorecofdnil-adn Miitrteresting tour was under the Mit. antiMra, C. Stainton Ï 967 untierfook mapping Of !has kept flic towr apprisec, 0f bus trip to Wasbington, D.C. IHofaletter with tempra- en- lads in a. real trami effort, of Minister: ~~direction of Min, anti Mits. Aif. anti famihy were Saturiayjfhe floot plaina in ihis at-ca.l CLOCAs décnsions nespectîrg Mn. anti Mra;. ]i, m -,tombmentinteS.Mr' s FakGsbgnS. Itevq. -H. A. Tfrier, Allun. When they were ini cailersat Min, anti Mra lwyn I"hMifiufy a rty-tmuplisapigcuc l eua i the S. MrysMira. rnk Gl o SashergrS-.poimnts B.A.< , B.D. Califot-nie, Mn. anti Mra.Rick- Dirkýey's, Bowmaaville. "Tneg f0fiou ut whene the lodpanmapnhave solti their home hecreIMuoeme îfni ia fOoohf rSniye-ncsay Mr.R. eteff, Bakn M t M rt t-f Mfooi woucnc Juretge "n Met-ch ltli, 1964," lhe anti are moviag to Porfiancu. Wilson, the former Maljryening by 'plane for Houlant Oraaflls anti vsied r. and r. Mr. anti M ira. imMOfoo plains wre the sii"c etedrf eua- Ms oraSihBriEvaline Flerk, vwas a resýItef0vsit her mother there. A.R.C.., A..C.Me o San Diegb Mo. heBa- nat nt amhy Mn.ani-ata "heanwc wsf0ma fontoai1uncialtia n patth weknhewthhrj_____________________________fier___ et- fomerBowenvlleMir. Hrb ootcraî, oxvfheat-a, spaially fthc waten- flic at-ca In Miay, Bowmanvl parent, Mn. antiMira. Carli 9:45 a.m. l huehSeheol resîtietsantidin Bke ws manvilia, werc Sundey aflercourses" repiieti that fhey woulti en- Smifh. forsvalyeara or The noon visitons et Mn. ant il eeMina.thta lo dre h Relain.ihtril1 Ms il e.m Canaden Steesmanstaff. F. W. Werry's.Heepintflaafotdts th rgutos.Te M-.rt i-cWly M11ORNING__________ plain lard was any lard which maffer was refernedti 0tebv ot the irGorr tore arnti thrs. DourMaayl , iavmefont ta toso e et lippoet Lvlt.__________________________________S_ W1ORSHIP Duigfi ekM rwould be flootie.ili a sfonm of Lieutenant Govarnor for hicanti Meat akethel new Mra. E. R. Taylor visited Miti itersity of Hurricane approva i o cil. In July oWneS- taka possessioncI on lInfant cane ciuing service ENNISKILLEN antiMina. Jint Abennthv, lMrlt. Hazel certreti aven if. 1965 ai int h courf, a -It ____________________RodBoManvihhua of r llHeme lthinansify areregulation f0 Bowmarville anti Wordlis em ecevt ciMr%.________o-_________of ___________ j r,1967, wlcn we liatiacouin- baeeof fic teath o o-ne B.78 REOOH lard anti family anti Mits.1 rare (there ba ve heen ofly fw0 ý erna ppirg, sen t a copy f0 fleicSi ssor, sonn of the laete in. Lyon sprt te wek-suirh intense storma in the patf t ngne-. ni ia Lv isno Bt-Pries Erffoective>Tri Aprit OF _t Roui a a arîngton Townshpanp >.il Ufloodplain landis wcrc rot c o- o ver i ve- uuLrpiu^4ntu Ltty S jLS 9 Organist - Miss Gail Thompson 'Y s mlinpepetf DeJ hre E, RYo Jý%'SIM O marnieti Sept. 24, 1927 in trame mnamasuning apoten-,aeab.i million pepo h riea______________________ UNAAPRIL 18, 1971 Bowmeovilc. ,She was a t-c-fiel sform danger. are about six7 million olinia-1.9 11:0 a., Du inn Rece s adent of Oshawa anti disftrict "The standards ara set on fiea. 4ozSig.Lt13e7z.ug.Lt1 PEPSODEN a.m D rn ,R c s il e la lcwrs nw eotei Dr. Thonipson, wbo withj TOOTHFPS ANNUAL LAY SERVIlCE Mina.-Fneemar la ssut-vivat sform jr Soutliern Ontario," hilS wife art tht-e chiltinNotubiat-D-hm ylerucatJmsToa-MnWicasrt."HelaacpeenylvngiBt- SUPER SIZE Batn elaan- t o reasGndon (Tny OSl i teîn.Poecinmutniy ec 1,29B..for.LS Mr.Hnywill visif Roumnanie Mrna.Joan Shulimen of Os-be giver for flooting resuilting Tiiy Clae aBTA .99 a stteontrpriae-aa sn odn Tn)ad rm j m of that sz. (Barch. of Theology) et Wea-Ne!DeTeente " MY CHU RCH - PAST, PRESENT fat-y receas. They will acrom- Donald, bath of Oshiawa; is- An Oshawa investor, t-b aiotrn Urversity befone going NRew!EL E BBBEc AT H A DF T R "pany House of Commioas tens, IVis. John N a pi1 eS Valtri, waîs rot appy. He alid 1f0 Indue as a missionary foclBO OSLTE U B AN UTU ESpeaker Lucien Lamoureux (Meary), Peterborough,, Mn. boughf lard in Bowmanville a tht-ce yeans. Jr 1956 lie ne- FAMTL Y SIZE antiMra. Lamoureux. Mi. William Snowdion (Carey), fcw yeana ago la an arma whicli fut-mati o Huron Collage, 4. VAçn .Afý flicCHSf00 ý0RS h House of Commors, (Maliel), Osliawa, Mit-. Hazei ciel but whirh CLOCA regard- grec in Ph iosophy anti spent LIST JI1 B,-SJ3GG. LIST9 Junor, ntameiaesand Seniore wiIl meet The Canadiens wihi lie offi- Winfen of Toonto; e brother, cd as flooti plain. Ha wontiered 1one yeaer e lcCethetirai of 1.2 et 9:45, amn. ciel guesfts of flic Roumaniar Meredifli Curnan of Oshawa; liy lic lied rot licen ativisati!London. Lafen et MirGili Uni-I1 govaramnent bywill holti anti ciglf grndchitirer. o lcb fi ono b A i~vraify lie obtaineti fut-thenl Kindergarten, BgnnrPrimat-y Departmnents meetings wifli flicCliairmeni The late Mina. Freemnan resf-ftown's engineering consultants, t-iegneas of Master of Sent-ad. PRESCRIPTIONSIDA.R EDE will 'meet during chut-ch serviceý. of the Roumenian National As- ed t affli Armstrong Funrtai Prorfor & Retifrna. Hea lea Arts anti bis P.H.D. inPi- sembly, flic Foreigni Miniaf an, Home, Oshawa, The funrte litown for rot planning, cd Indue, wherc lie rameaineti ciels. The trip la planeact f0Sefu rdey, Apnil 10, et il arn,, "flic auflioity rouit comae ant i unfil 1970 sanvirg as Ptinni- M.eetings for Discussion ;%nd Fellowship permit soma tinte for frayalliwth flIc Rev. A. Lavis of miaka cettain rulca whîch no, pal anti Teechar at ýBishop's, DRUGS in thé Home,.. withir Roumanie fo enableflic Sinroe Street Uniteti Chutrh oaa knows enythîng about". Collage In Carutta., 5PHONE 62îT5792 Canadliaen ofamiliarîze fhem- officialing Interment was ï e th e l~Authorif _y pp T-a i Thespeaker was fiuîtodu- 5KN S.W ________________________________________sélves wifh that country. àMount Lawix Cemetery, ýLuo buy f his town?" ha akc ed hi' Mits. Bat- iAgue anti.