12 The Canacdian Statesmaii, Bwmnlle, Apr. 21, 1971 washable ~Affier ottot~ictrs... lo a travel4ieppy elecifofl et styles l1~at praelicaily fake oGre et ~ee1 We~ve lftuetrated .nly t~ et fotw feabbons km aseorted swiny rastels, S~zes 12 te 20 hi Ifie group. l pea cae e t 2u.3r erid Luideýr fcep. White.SresAi4-36; R34-38. ii lcr-briefs Featurc-a tummfýy cnroticot croîcti andc ~ "ovule"bru SpeciailPucseeh2 7 Contour '"plunge" bra. White only. A'4-36; B34-38. Net llustrated: Fameus maker under- wfre bra. White and seft tan B-C 32 te 36. eaccl 2.79 Comortblecasuals for 'Sprig lhrough Suimmer from Footwear Fash ions! Styled with rasdh-ees and liard soles - perfect for indor a<1 utdoor wear, Assortedplein and fany sylei ncludimg reptl and wet-look trini, Golockurs înclude bom<i, red, yellow, white aneot more! Sizes 6 te 10 i the sefection. Special Purchas,ýe each 1 5 wltfi a~ue$ab e ttch stps and elasticiZed breating inserts for maximum comfert! White enly. A34-36; B & C 34-38. b- ru and bkn e Spedial Purchase set .3 Candy stripe stretch nylon set in pink/white oýr lue/white. Bra lias adjustable back open- ing. One-size. 520 for2. S-atin finfish nylon sheVt fut lip with eyGlet trimi, each ~ ~ on fitted bodice4ý and hem, White-sizes 32 to 38. Net Illustrated: AverAge length with lace trim. A dreamy collection etf short length gowns &t a 34t42 pçce, yeu canI¶t afford le missiInli the selection' are 'assorted es-aefahrics lni' a Variety of -re gli gee set feminine stylings accented with pretty trims. e Many colours to choose from. Sizes petite te A ne iron blend of 65% ple4ran'd 35% cotton textured fabric with lace trimn. Assorted oversize i the group. colours in sizes S-M-L. ucetate double kuii ~ 2PC. 1loungers - Reg. 15,00 set Ç~~N Celeurful navy or mauve printed top hs 4 back zip, self belt and high neck Slî White pants are slightly 14ared. Sizes S-M-L. Button front shifts have short sieeA-- -Y shirt c.-,ar, breast pocket and self tie bell. ..I Check or floral print. Sizes 10 te 2u Reg. 1.00 each7 I the seection are stretch rtylon, nylon tricot or Antiron bikinis and nylon/antron briefs in assorted styles and colours. Sizes S-M-L or oessize to fit ail.