nt Tu âCnaelian Statesmani, BwaviîApr. 21, 1971 Southern ieaf blight this sum- li hlckey'haneutadeanewcfmlyaema lea 6 odyfTher-ruto nteeua mer. i ~~n Newcastle. Several trophies new baby colt. the majo raon frte d' Boar Preminum Foliey nvers1c j h eldat tedComurnt lwthe tearvio hi rn inlv o 91wsctda M OnflI ewreprseteodrig he Miss Wendy Wilson return- creases, Discontinued I drnner, andi afterwards there ed to Royal Victoria Scbool of rh an A ic N ~ isthe Boar Premiurn Policy îsr~ua meeting of Manvers 13. danciîng, and the music pro-~ evening, after spending 10 D rh ïrN eýés, - it ha ds bnieen aof cth trfetlan1 Ar M rA heth lowaf of Lt 0,n. as ara odcodfrNrig are nSna ON beig dscntîued of Township Council, almm h allownmeo Mnvrsvded was terrifie. Couples days holidays with her par- 31st, 1971. A boar purchased ec.iT alter that date will not be bers were present exetTwnshiD under the Employ- attending the dance froni ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson, by Bo Wat eliiblefor preium. Deputy Reeve John Payne who ment Incentive Program 1971 this neighborhood încluded ______ by B b W tt eliibl fo à remum. i'sii in hospital. The Reeve, will be offered to Cartwright John and Helen Sinclair, Joan Assistant Ar iIutu Representative Also the Durham County <Harvey Malcolm, presided. Township to cut brush on the and Stan Couch, Mr. and Mrs. GOOD TAX NEWS griutraPork Producers has discon- Communications received Coleman Park project on the Robert Stiles, Linda and Pete FRCAK tinuied its program 0of fînancial and deait with were from Co- Cartwright - Manvers Bound- Heasman, Blanche and PaulFOE CAPITAL GRANT the program, mnium of $3000.00 per fa rmer tested boars. usigpriso te el Anavtîret'fr arw.hpwl b peetdwtl EXPANSION Firstly, Section A deals wîth less% any amounts recervinvorfurther information -nqutesyticemis ion to si l n adertsee fr ad erow .gua othyme-shîp wîlls beirs e .Tc whiPIR Fo lter ices n avesWabe l Ispcorad h rglaomnhr ee male ui hî caoThfFR thAeO OBl 31Itwsanucdo ac am Dang n a tiassssB-aprdgrm oresnasofst- Township; Sandwood Estates Sprayer Operator wth trator ing of the Group Commîttee rate in Clarke will drap 6.52] NUAC 1,197l, that the Capital Grant Structures. The amount of ance May apply on one îm- above, contact th, Ontarîo De- Ltd re releasing of four lots will be placed in the lacal for Brown's lst Cubs and mils for resienia aepay-j Progýran for tarmne-sbsbenassaneaa-al ne' thi9 provemnent or any combinatiori partment fAgiutranfooer ae abe oSidr- newspapers, Scouts was held last Friday ers and 8.040 for commercial Contat: exp)andcd There re four section is 40%, of the rost of ofiprv ens Food, 14 Frank Street, Bow- tion* Health Unit monthly re- The mijîl rates for 1,971 will evening at which final plans and industrial. IAR OR A Secion1~iiels it Fildmanville, Ontario. Telephone port, Northumberland an d he held at the same rates as wcre made for the banquet Property owners in Kendal 6331 r6335 SetonBdel wt Fed62h-3348 or the office in your Durhami Board of Education, in 1970 nameiy 95 milîs for comîng up this Saturday will receive a 5.707 mi62c-33 IGS.E uply. em an-morn te dc Mach ____________de-___ Mc R G R' N S OSiuly. Te :amourirtof the notification of first payrent farm and residences and 1.06- nigt an crease, and in Orono one of1 iî1 01lmprovement(s) up tb a maxi of $31,324.00; Writ to bbc erties, Kozub were at Massey Hall on !Mmo 1500 e am Township of Manvers and Rod-f The Dcpt. 0f Highways will Friday night to hear uow !mucin Cinvo,0lv eFrm fa-. 1L n erick E. Porter joîntly, in con- be contactcd ta sec if a sign Anne Murray. Seto novsFroV-nection wîth an accident on could be secured to denote the Ysedyth oa rownies also assists to 40% 0o f cost of!E se M e i 7A. Highway iast summer; De- Fine Hall on 7A Highway at along with their leaders Miss mpveesuotamai9partment of Encrgy and Be-Btay Elizabeth Kozub and Mrs, immo S,0.0 e fresources Waste Management - Hawse as well as saine par-F L5c T rorapproval of roposed Ciieswroe9 eioriBranch re Disposai in Lot 6,OW 'Sents. lourneyed ta illbrook limpoveent inst c otai- Ctizns t te LonsCentre Con. 1; notice of abeFyvausdin Mrae STNADHO EC dfor the April meetîng which scbool ib be held in Lindsay, B O N i s apdle Srup ing mstd a - Se ionD EveNCfEc was opened with "0 Canada" Sitting of Court of Reviîio XtwLbaedreov e frmb appe trbees, aade STOCK FNCE 9 l fl m i o ri ssD covr ted ejjvith Mrs. B. Trigg playing the in Bownianville for minor oeyfo h apdtes n !G, 209 ai-icd 40 roilroa 20m rollols es T eeigbe b piano a companiment. changes in 19 71 f ax roll, De- !for Mr. Roîf Mich e, wbo spent bhey alan wene lucky enoughi ________________________ anly20 od rilsonly itres. e b eRgble the Dr.and Mrs. Angui Blair partnient of Highways re bal- ýlast week in the Memioial to be served pancakes toppedt only 726 $1.42 petramd ?,wner miust apply, and have sh dpcue fcnietlac f17 odSbîyr Hospital, Bowmanlicl, but with the finisbed product. M NYO 42ë $1.39 petr md 8tBhe atfected trees marked Europe and Scotland wbere b muto 36.1 e who returned to hîs home on Visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. 82B $1.25 per rod, prier to cutng. The amounit betahbe at etm e amnt of Fînancial7 aD-Monday. D RMU 82 $187 per od Bof assIsperta netavamaleimu500ion holîdays, and finîshed up Commercial Affaira ne Bethel Mra. Linda ileasmnan who Doreen and Johnnîe Gordon 1D 948$229perroi ARBD IR pr tceuoto mxiumOf 'the cveniog wibh the Easter and St. Aiban's Cemeteries, as been spending the last and children froni Orono. U'AL_ ECEPST 1 bX 80 roda $113.5 $00.Thaon 5 i essage as shown wîth Pic- Canada Dept,.1o Agriculture few weeks in Canipheilford Vîsîtors witb Mr. and Mrs.QU IT x 8 rdsadd95 itin to heands oBse turcs of the Passion Play at ne Hables Clinir for Manvers with lier parents wbuie con- Zulauf on Sunday were Mr. V' wi cis- 1,9ec 6J X8 oa $495 to1 AadB Oberammergau. Township in Falof 1971, De- valescing foilowing recent and Mrs. G. Naccarato, UL I 7' with clips- $1.59 eaeh 88 lb. x 80 roda $16.75 l The new prograni will corn- Miss Vîvian Sadier,acprmetoMuiplAfia surgcry, is now at hiec home Miss Audrey McLeodo 9,wl iu 19 ahmence on April 1, 1971, for the companîed by Mrs. Albert re Incentive Wonk Prognaini0f here, and la slowlygtîgTrno pn h ekn ~ it lia 198eahROSCObck lobb si g fttngTorwto M, anMathe Wilson. W 1RE FR-M GATES penîod un to Mardi 3 laI, 1979, [Cole, sang "Were Yeti Thece $.)oPrcapita to be made un b,'notesigo hns ihM.adMs .Wlo.B W A VLECS 1"x4 à ild$29, GALVANIZED GATES Capital improvemnents bebween Wbcn Tbey Ccucificd My~ of 60% wlaercpet n There was a speciai meet- On Saburday evening relatives CL OLC 10' x 4' fani filletiApril 1, 1967 and Mardi 31, Lord?" whîle bbc pictmres Of 40% registerecý unempioyed- îng at Brown's School on Set- and frienda gathered at theAkOerorfr6 -3 1 12' x 4 fatm filled $31.75 10' x 4' alated $28M00 1971 "an be included n tic bhc Crucifixion wece shown, Dept, of Higbways approvel urday aftecnoon for the par- Wilson home for a card party, AkOeao o 6 '14' fan filleti $35.75 12' x 4' siateti $29,20 ýfinal prograin. The requmre- and she again sang and led for sand, gravel adoiigenta, at whicb meeting Mn. Lucky wînncrs were Mrs, rDa 168.4 16' x 4' farm filicti $38.75 14' x 4' alabeti $3585 ýment for a gross income of tbc aînging of "He Lives" coabcact. Bean i nfonmed bbc parents Elaine Doty and Mr. Dennis j' x 4' farm fîlled $4475 16' x 4' lateti $3815 1$3,000 stîli applies. while the Resurrection piclunes Mr. Paul Davidson of the that as of Jonc 301h, Brown's FerguSon ad bhc consolation Treat Your Corn Seed to Kili 'were beiag sbown, and wc ail Waste Management Branch in Sciooi wooi.d be closed and Ipreîze uwes won by Mrs. Fern1 POULTRY FENCE 1 Secd-borne Southern Leaf jîe e îgn n bcKnao office cailed on the 1 egînning wîbh bbc Fali terni Brunt. chorus. This was very ep- Councîl, and dîscussed tbc n September tbc pupils would Mrs. S. VanAlystyne, 11Zîngs- 1848 - 10 roti mol -------------- $2.12 per mod i Blîghb spores propniate as tic meeting was tiree Waste Disposai Sites in be bused i n to Newcastle ton, la visiting witb Mr. endlCL ~ T~A -2060- 10 rot moll $2.35 per raid by H. Wright, on thc Tuesday alter Easbec,,the township, 'Sciool. M'-s. Geo. Stephensoni. FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUSSRVC 111848 -10 rad roll 3,8pr i Croan Suecialiat, Lindsay ,and il made bbc Eastcn mes- Cucl irvebcacin On Saturday evcning bbce Mr. and Mra, Rosa Boyd and Southern icaf blight wes a sage more raeieecngfui takeni at Millbrook on Marci SNOW FENCE vey scrîous corn dîsease in A short business meeting 151h of acceptiag thc tender 50' li x4 "higl (mc) $2,25the .s aat earcaui~took place at bbc lunch limelfor sa'd, gravel and ouiIn 100'roll x 48' higli (mcd) $12500 bcavy.y.ldas es cin g -wh1ie '0oe bc e 100 rol x48 hih (e $2.00ihacas Wie thses dîsea tdlwsbip ar od ctb le a conjunction wti Cavan, Southi i Ilwshp aoun thetabesandMonagian and Mllbcook Mu- i rals, i ern dieeae d i mdhdtke atu te TcConu nd e b GALVANTZED WIRE spreed ito Soutbeîr' Ontario a ota'of sink was giv7Pn te nîuùpalties. age1lb,. 10 lb, coilsis bb season, and causcd lutielprograni. Final Aid Training Course he- 1 9 43c 3.30' 10M75 jeconomie oas. If, la expecbed iag consîdered by Manvers 12 4c 1350 10 95 Ithat Southern leaf blight xi I Township Voiuatecn Finefigbt- 14 '5 .0 15 acpa Otari 1ai hisB TIes yan, cîther blowa in froni A severance granted la Lot, 68 5 c5.90 15.5 hece.S again, or devcboping Guesta witb Mr. and Mca. 8, Con. 5 for a 371/ acre paccel 75- 5M1.9 heef r onioverwinteîng Eeni Weatheilf lest weekend of land il a bbe cbanged froni _A _ spores left on lest year's conwcMndMrFed Ls-Sommer Use Onlybo Permi- r r s e CRINLIK ALA ZED (0' relis) stover. How senjous Ibis dis combe, sae,Lynda and Sien- aneat Home Residence as bbc 11G X 2" -13G x 2" 'case becomes Ibis year lergely i-y Lyno Sailas, al of Scar- road la preaently bcing snow-p 3' 1'ugh9 $16.90 $11.25 Idepends on how eariy la lie bocýoug , Mc.ad Mca. Lloyd plowed in tic wînter. $½' high $1,95 $12,95 scason tbc outbreak occurs. Cptxbdg. Lottery tickets ta be sold hcbyrpttatnmyoio: 4> lûgh $21.95 $15.75 Soutbern leaf blîgit spores Mr. and Mcs. Cecil McGill, iby Co-Ociated iArts SercesrTortie n Re evenTowncs hipo le, 5, il-i$79 1.5 have been fourd la amali Toronto, apent bbc weekend Tonviibep. itdl avr oprtono i oîsu fCab,1. Tic financial transactions wlnicb hav. on ne 6 hîgh $795$8,5 amounts in about 20% of bbc wth Mr. and Mc. Vincent Toh nî acptd Orono, Ontario. ra notice ave becu wîtin tih oe ro i 6 hgh$331.951,1$22,50 seed corn lots examined Ibis Jackson and Mn. and Mrsca,* Tifeheeucl pe mSad- eelme.myncpaîy VINYL COATED FENCE STAPLES 1 yeer. Most of our sced corn Bruce Ryley. codertîfîe chequefrni$ ad3Getlme:0.0c0all was produced lnaereas- wbere Mc. and Mrs. Joh n Keenan 1odEttsLd o 3500 have compicted iny exenlolalion of the books and .2. Tic audit bas been conducbed inacracewt (56',rfq1h) 7/s" galvanized ýblîgit was present last yean, Jr, Bradley and Douglas in lieu of Lots 48, 49, 50 and records of Ibis municîpaiuly and its local boards and tbc instructions of the Deparîmente Mncia lin o at cxoaaedtoinfect recen a fLidhaveiîi M n 5,a u d mont.to$be5r0- commissions for tic ycar cadeel Decemben 31, 1970, aad Affaira. '1G 1 ~lb,.5e 5 lb, $2,40 en o wsexonsed infec- eenan f Lnday av be 51 a a uMr. pand.in this connecion I amn pleascd ta report lie foliowîng 3 i iaca tlmet rsn aryfc~ec hg 1,5 25 lb $995 d by bibI spores wil netMrs. EdisonMcGîîî. ndRik. a w d-en workcnieted' for your consderation:3.Teincalstmns eetft c72hg spromîised te10incrase c- position of the muni cipelily as at Deceie 1 90 3~' hgh $2,95 grminle an prodce a lant Anon Ibos pacthebcstorage taýnk j 1wish tb gratefully acknowledge the assistance and and lic reâults of îls operations for bcya ne ' hgh 1lb. 45e - 5 lb, $2,10 wîth tic seediung. However, hem Womcn'a lastitute 7Oib Treu2,0rn0ed b SandwoodTonsip Esteteaësh sqf. o tatdae 6'1 ih - 25 lb. $8,50 - 50 lb, $15,25 ela maîl percenlage of biese Annivcrsary Banquet on Fri- Lbd. when lie Rond and COR CIEWîE nfected seedliigs will suc- day nîglil were Mn. and Mrs, Watec Systen' are teke-n aven .ONCI IEivve,. and produce, a corn Addison Scott, M. and Mr.ý by the Townshippon Manver.« STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Temporemy Loauis __________ 2040 2 4" x4" h y 100 fi, ,. ýplant, Thc disease wîill tien Jiro Kinoenfer, Mr. and Mrs. The owner of lhe Kangas Schcdulc 1 Tcmporary boans on bebalff of bthwbi gefn $2.5 dcvcbop on Ibis plant, and Charles Wood, Mca Hector pronosed subdiviuson is ta be Tis achedule reporta lie Corporations oneration mn aily amnount ba $210,000. and lie balacof304. BLACK WIRE ~~~under favorable conditions, Morton, Mns. Vincent Jack- notufîed lhi il ii be ncces- money ern'ounts for lie yean, wîtb comparative emaunts saaniurdonbafaIicOooPle gauge Lb, 10lb, eE vnulbiply and sared tb oler son, Mr. and Mca. Thomas aary to farward $100,00 u o 961en sonTcreeusrhw n gete il alae fo r e 96ond pi-lfogfat icOhV 1 b. 1 h o '5planîs and ta neîghbourîng Jenîngsaend Mrs- Ross Cern, order be coasiden bus suidi-1 detail on aciedule 1-1 and lie expendîlures are detaiied awsapovdbbcOnnoMuipaBod q2 40e 3.25 10,25 fielda, W e anecocncred laI Recent guess w ti M nr and vision 'and 1t a cure le srv- on cedule 1-3. for tic ar e- ent t h e Ontpielo ve ivAee 45e ~~suci an outbceek fi-arn seed Mca os ec-w r c. uces of a Conslting Enguneer 4453e 3.50 10-50 borne 'spores wa,)'uld ceuse e Frank Prussek and lier dau- ta edviSc lie. municipalty on CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SR1EET Other Accounts Recuveble--------$3,5 16 3 36 10,95 moci cachier and thua muci gbbccrs Valecie and Karen Of tic mabler, Seheduale 3 coasrcual osuto udyta eat 16 60e 4.95 11.25 :mor c acnius cpîdcmric tien Willowdale, Mca Mariorle Ed.. A severance us ta be grant- Tic assels liabilibresanad soi-plus of lie mi'n cipalîty m nts ccunts o 2,659 an sundryacuaso 170e 11:95 iwe wouldexpect if tic diseese munda, Os-hawa.cd HoeceHeeliptanti or il ond- reenu, cpitlad5rs.reanidw *3694 5.5 riinte forn poesblwnshfraeein, d esporeseslpteselborlown SehevnuoaitlondleeMeearting $,64 GEENL W ENCE 50 andi 1001 rn-ls only la froni bbc U.S. A ulcmeigwshl eeapoe.Pasfrt£ coasolidated on achedule 3. Tice ssets are dctaîled In A pubic metin washeldwcreepprved.Plan fortir chedule 3-1, ad bie iebîlîties and surplus are detaileel Accouets Payable and Acmued Liebilitica- $2737 P-ceper 100 feet ige D bl A producl bas very rcceaîiy at Grendvucw Sciool an Mon- tl-'ird school were sîarled la on sciedule 3-2.____ fiil obeUnder tic sick leave beneflî plan, unusdsc cv 36 hgl, 11gauge $2,5$4.5 been regîstered whîci wîll day nigit witi Mr. John Ste- 1967 and tie achool wull be- $15 $15 ki spores prescat in doranies, bhc new Pruncipal of the o-ffmcally opened Seplemnhen The assets on schedule 3-1 reflect lie tollowîng: cen accurn-ulate and employeca new bcrn1ntle 42" bigh, il gaugc $31,95 547.95 seedThis should elîmînale LI.E Weldon Higi School in 1971. This new school la bu'l ahmnnetontnuaina evc Thihiss ua aa -jI istngofsur are ùvcloiyttsingeniofsorcen 0anvqLndcycedun JM. ac- baccmmoaI 37 aTdhes ccoant Reelebl TiforbîîtyforIbse ccuuiacdday boli Ou ag,Î1vnoy tinet àTi pouc ofmcarlv indwao wîdlMbe bbc.ne arvice- a w m lk 87ytopen wtb Due from tc Federal Goverament $1,100, extent tint iey could be lakenincs bya of fencing items. Please dnquire fer informoation itflo D, Taheîn o ld b. prne incipa l a- guthe seakvie-nd. bot 50liii f pnîl ithl-Tn mutncral nle ftxs 1,9.Tcotlnîgrnsdprmn c a0Saemployee on lenminatuon of emnloymetaone c o n c m n i n y o u a p e i f i e f c n e n g p e j e c-v F s o n s d e a l e r s l a I i s a r e n T h e m e e t i n g w a s a re c c n g d i n g c n b e a d d d o n bt ec s -o n l e O r o n o P o s t O f f i e w a s r e c e î v e d uto f$1 2 ,0 3 . h dro etnd i n c a s 1 2 5 e e a The powder us mîxed witb Ibrougi lhe effortfu af bb commodabe 1250 studenla B1Y carly in 1971. onof$,5-hdearrsof12 A Ui coi-n seed befoce plantung et Womien's Instbuote mcinibei-a meana of a-n oven1hed pi-alec- Due roni lie province of Ontario $ 66,920. accounts of $7,926. make up tic balane M-etn Lown Bu-'id-;eiçlIte rate of 3 î/. ozs. ni Viïtafla xvio fecl tbnl Ibtece waa a for Mr. Staples showed floan This emnouat is muids up as foiiows: LocalBoards g f 5~DB. per 100 lis, of carna eed. number ai timga nceded clan- plana of bic newsrchoal wiimui Balance of 1970 rond subsidy- $62,000. Sidl fsre ealtcrsiaa u 9 h lding Doo.r 15 Treatrneat is net expensive - fyiag for tbc Bethany puffils ncludes autoend rarnpentr. Provincial ahane of Seexaaineta ofsic sLoci Bads.t RIL SPaIA t e seeding -rate ai 15 lsI via have been efendng L-C- aon. hom e econ ai c ie - ea, w clar n ym n 442,r no H ydre ofy t e lor l on Wate m ys e ~~L - - - ~ acre, cost would be about 16éc V.I. and 'ha xiiino atndte icai soo for cleclcculy, ablOr gat50.e ed rlu, s wOe a bcresl.o5icyer te chnooe from. doas not-control inscrIs, ad la nLindsaey wbicb is opening commercial and busneacas669ÛTePsrcoftenns 1;1fh s________________________ an yau shauld also use a pro- un September. Mca Addison clessroan , eai-ange igymna- isadsrls swl stersl duct suci as D-L for wîrc SScntI, W.I. Presîdent, chained aluni, cafeteria, plus on)dinnny1, Taxes Recevable t 2707 ions ion tiche,ar ai tic above two oaeora wo-n ad sed aggt cn- heleetngite weler syslem a liability bt e t eni a a 19nd 1edmaat cn' ie ec ng.clssanonm a ad individueld Taxes receivebie ai-e siown in rdeta;il ane areRsevComsinf*7,6.bsedtrtre Mcli, dep . and beceme vice- music pEogNaEi planaed, al a princial la 360, bliougi Art wiii be aviable Revenue -fromn Taxation - - $ 667,751,Gnciovcmn $3,1, OS *Mr. J. M. Merlin, -lia is at as an option. If 'a iaped tiat Contribubions fi-on- otier Govemements 1 ,1oo. Protection ta persons and pcopcnty2490 present et Pcnetanguisiine as football and othen sporaswil] rvnea nal 2~ Public Works -----29--1 , *g * g aa gMati. Dept. Head, Proivdvecomnprto liocrn 'Ontario--------------------- 1' Senilation and wasle renovel . ,243 hia elemcnaay and secondacy lbm as the yeer uafolds. Tich LiecendPrmt--1,O Conservation oi iccîti .--8--7 "'e- aciooiing aI Chesley, hi B.A. armaI clours, have co rneutl Rents, concessions and fcancises 152. Social and Feniîly Services 3450 O t Queea's University. He et e studeat-principal mec - Penalties and inlereat on taxes .19%590. Recceaton and Community Services1245 èq, taugit Math. et Brampto ing and lilewieedj iclaeu ,3.Financial Expense ~, ___ 033 frn 99-5win emvdpupe,_ Police Village rates , 794 O S O O ~ S ta P1n59a65uihn e amop. Qesins c- cîxvrd$1,025,979. Ocono Waler Syslemu-958 -, . - -. . e -Hed. LasI year lie stantedulte easîly bet e bath Counly rates . ___, 902 I Pcincîpal's trining andj mea and f i snted laICoal nitducaning.- - - - -460 11iii e vice-principal aI 1. E.1 vwheaeN7e progrema bhange omnîyPanig-' Oi6 Wceldon la Septomber. j ome tuef uuay gl (,top insurance Agents ir h is Area M. Stapisa egan hi, n- euli ljfci ddhe. Hope-I Exess nfrevenue aven expenduur marks by iilliiag la somefoily bia c lie lroned oIfor tie yean r691 R. BRUCE 1TAYLOR ENNISKILLEN PHONE 263-2741, buildigo a ai-ýi thi n-ed for aswameneoef-l i oe 0599 BEV GRAY R, R. 1, PORT HOPE PHONE 797-2206 Ia Victor'aCub.Ti16 emr lxbece y- Excesai revenu vc xediic lie L.C.V.I, buillfe cconu tern, for tbc year 1970 691 modale 1250 sbodeaba, was Mca. Kelîli Adaîne i-s Surplus at bbc begining aifbichee132. badly overcrowded, la 1966 cd ticeIlianka oai bbcparents,ý fie toxvrm audents wr-nt tfa b Mr.Staple8 and Mr. Merlin 'îSurplus allihe cnd ni tic yeac 1970 2073 I afggered siift, By 1963 ii for their valochle informa-____ weunworkabie andPotabe in,