p The Canadian Statesmaft, Bowmanville, Apr., 21, 19'71 REDEADLINE Tuesday, 43 . 623d3US Births Cards of Thanks In Memoriam Coming Events Articles for Sale, Articls orS e Articles for Sale Wated to RentWokW te CûC2OMES-George is happy Many thanks to frieènds GREENHAM -n-îving - -Po-ntypool Anniversary, Sn- NEW bicycle, 24"% TelephonelFIVE-piece bronze-toue din- BOOM Sprayer, fit any trac-,PASTURE for 15 cattie. Cail CUSTO rereoa n 2o anouince the safe arrivai and relatives who sent cards. mory of a dear husband, fath- day, June 6th, il a.m. Speak- 623-5363. 16-1. ette suite, swivel chairs, good tor. Cail 263-2157. 16 l' 1723-6180. 16-1 triming esnberts -fi istý'er Katherine Dîanne, paid vîisits and showed concern er and grandfather, Charles H. er: Mr. Gerald Hofstetter, ÏWATER orsale and deîveredjcniin n year old. CalS Esrwadbrî î~ ATR fr eîfnefreaestmts eehn -1bý5. 12 ozs., on Surdiy April in other ways while I was in Greenham, who passed away m'rinister of the Janetville Call Cflff Pethick, 62321 987-4276 Newcastle. 16-1 1rse di tuR ihwtrMra yr 2-50 54 4,~171 a Mmorîal Hospital, the hnapi1til. 'Specia1 thanks Api-il 23i, 1966. cag.1- 38-tfIHEINTZM\/AN piano, Colonial Newcastle. 16-1* Blackstock 986-4983, 16-1 BABY ITN atdWI Bowm,,-anville. Proud pareuts to my doctors and nurses. Jitst as you were you will~ pca vr audy1'aFO ea .Ak rb maternity clothes, size ,-pick u n eie hkrn a'e -Bruce and Lînda (neel Janet Graham. 16-1* 1always be nîtaî therFishad hip1i1/275.FOe 623-244. Ak,12; formai, size- 12; baby TWO boys' bicycles, 24 and '25-50 ACRES workable land. bigbcyadndgocre you an at 9c 1-1ývariety clothes; light fixtures 2" iisbiyl,2" 2 alDewllgrjano 6337.1- mnýternity staff. 16-1 1 would, bke to thank the niemory. y Ace eturnt.cOpenTek 1 Ph6e98-478 1-1Dke Street. 16-i 725-6210. 6l ____ Osawa kiClbau Pr 2Ee rmebeedbs îf edsoly _ ltfBBXcanaeecelet on EWaniUedPat fr il18H, VIRUE tthar TRE edoobbususne USOM wrk pouhig GIBONWaîerand Lynda Wees for the barometer, ther- Mabel and family. 16-1* _____ _-dition. Phone 623-3905 after'maes f an serDrrts anor'r:ailso .PgEini's othidcbyJn 1.Alcovn-seedinblnpî oedg. (rîce Tyrreli) are happy to, an- mometer and bygromneter, and - argaret Lucas of Bow-430 16-1 I . .ing. ali D Terillegr lipTioto-tîller.- mnvll FbresprsetsRanges. Paddy's Appliance size 14. 263-8450. 16-1,ecs omnil ra ano 2-20 64 noucethni, a1o*theirJalso for honouring me at the WESTOVER, Thomas F. C.mnil Fabri rsn IEuedoi atsT4 inat .uOh 222n.1- dapughter Leanne, on Tuesday,bDanquet, 'Passed away Apnil 20, 1969. oneFashionhone6abn888cs",hoApr7913328 6tf ONE-year-old CCM 10-speed _____ Apnil 13, 1971, at Cvic Hos- Stan Bal 16-1 Within my beart8 p.m., St. John's Parish Hall'.n esn hn 2-88a Poe5932 6 bicycle, seîîing for $55 (cost l LCRC FncrSrie pitlé,Peterborough, Ontarlo.,l- You'IlIalways stay. :Refreshments. Admission sl $1, :0 NEfaese.î tre,$1) hn 2-33.1- otFcor evc eo o 16-1 lI would like to thank rela-1-Lovingly remembered bv . 16-1" SMALL Ford tractor, in ex- good pine lumber, approx. Su tives and frîends for cards,lM 1* St ons nlca pî. el condition. Gerald 20) x 30ott etmdw TDBKRSrie new BLUE Budgie, vicinity Of Wright lcsok9641 AnlcnSry.t, ob or o STDBKR evc , Brown and Queen Streets,168 MAINT-To Audrey and Mert. yisîts, gîfts and flowers dur- -.SpePrsh Hall, Black- KXelly, Blackstock 986-4257.- and cleaned up. Apl Seland Nse. prts.6r6ha0s.._Phone_ (-e ~d nMmrilHs u " tay in Port Hope Hos- !WESTOVER, Thomnas Frank rstock, Saturday, April 24 fro'm----16114623-23 9t 623-3093. 16-1* WATRw1sboe,0"te pHial, Bowm-anville on Friday, pitai. Special 'thanks to Dr Cares-In Ioving memory of 5:30 p.m. Aduits $1.75, child-lLARGE size camping traîler - 16-14Y* WRINGER washer wlth pumfpWHF Canad Drlng Cmny Apnril 16, 1971, a son, 9 ibs. E. L. Wrathall, Dr. B. W. a dear father and grandfath- ren 12 and under, 75c; pre- excellent condition, s p a r e 'AE 9 otnna aatimier, good condition; also !HT Persian female, spay-1Oshawa hn 7-04 e ,8 oza., Jonathan Christorher Spilsbury. nurses and staff. ;er who passed away Aprîl 20, school, fiee. 15-2e wheel, mattress and step. and headboard. Bo-Peep mat-120-gallon water heater. CGalid'on ct e.o hri rS (Joni), a wee brother for Brent Edna Eliott. 16-11* 96P9. Pa623ten etîtn -5M. 16-1 tresses 24 x 48 and 27 x 52. 623-7175, weekends onîy. capped person. in vicinity just Newc(te hn B~SI PlandoaDtnansteThank1a to f NwcDr.e Siemon nd matrnity taff. W ~ , l the bok of lfe aremany Uited C h u r c b, Saturday, I JOHN DEERE (40) withý Chairs, bookcase, space saver -1- et0 ecate laoI5t hndto expressks ouDr. I- temokofifae ApninPhone 987-4456 Newcastle, PTRLus&SnCn 1hak-yu o or ela i0f hehapy ayswe 24 t p.. or he îogh udculivtor$aso5nd.wa5lmpaaN$155.T.JW TroLaw Mwer, _______ 6- st1'iou1u Hoe uiler 16-1f cerapdas e Lindsay Song Spinners "Show- lLennox 'oit furnace, 65,0001,Murphy' Co., Kig West-Bîk-Bor-Stead _______tîves, friends and neghboursl knew, time", also a bake sale. AdultsýBTU. 987-48.16-I ý623-71 161'1"-595;2'-945wier. MAYAR-Dve ndWedyfor the gîfts and weil wishes And recorded in love are the Ë bidenSC 6* asePRD PO tc last. J-Mac Equipment Hepva eu Frpcs Phe62-7, i~vune th saf arriai ther e recet vVed Anthai0- lesnsFerguson plough, 12 lnch bot- 1Lifetimo guàrantee, 3-day Co.134 KiiglSt. E.,1Biwrnan- bus drîvers. Cal8BraaS. onavle ër Jares, prio nl o Sxît h Wediug nni- f a ondrulddlieWodi COMMsninty Centre toms, three point bitch trip installation. For moefor- James, Aprcol9thnv rsary.Emerson. Sdy isd n i Iv.Lr- ONSTER BINGO .C~b eam. __623-5485.,16 imation please write Advor-! Cars for Sale 16-2 PHOTOcpîgan iio 17.Pnoud grandparents, auIte .Sdymse uaasm-tiser 194, c/o The Canadian -_ graping okcpî y Mr. and William Lewi ~~~membered by daughter Anne SVRLgo sd 5rn-TREpatples xei and Mn. and Mrs. Ken ma yN .'exL Monucy that wilI fit No. 4 and No. 6 mauvilie or Phono collect ma ke offer. 263-2649. 16- ou'd re d. Caîl Omonuof v&edpoetr o naid. Spe-cialthanks f0 Drs. friends for their gifts. card'î, Mary-Anu, Thomas and John. 7-.45 P.Mý Cockshutt 'spreader. Orval 8568.14'7G Lyîo~ 983-5803. Joe Foddema. 16-2sekr. Cl omnt $.~i1veter au Hubbad aud'visits and kinduesa fe, me 1-'Hindman, 263-2659. 16_1 BS2 kS ý,fateyrity Staff. > l6-1* whîle in Memonial Hospital., RED BXCELATRuNltymie WITNTG MACHINE 1 withbîaick inyl top. Excci- IPRESS operators, Must be 25 Busînaevce a ____A special thanka to Dr. H. C. OSH AWA graELN(aTs and y m len~t conditionî wîth Depart- or over. Apply in person to 1623-,31.161 Aufossi, 3rd Floor Nursing %f'ý-'EMEL TLjRY riLot n lly n eto rnpr etfiae.Crpy Wo rd MeARON-ToBi adStaff a'nd Physigtherapy for M N ME T'h'ni n oe-Rae'gao uk.AsWaatt SL eto rnsport72certificato. uvpy Wo rout,16-2TSSal nin Haýe1 (nea, Muldrew) in Me- ail their kind help. cueioac u.cof straw. Phoue Newtvil BRAND) NEW ZIG-ZAGS ---t---:-7------rno 6 al Wlîn re îcu moi-li Hositai Bowmnvi.le, Ms. Jon D.Caver. 16- * M RKEBSWilluse sldes and music. Ail 786-2247. 1- for just $85,00 1963: PONTIAC 2-dr. Parisi- REGISTERED Nurse's Assis,,-land dlxoy l aumw o rdayHospital, 1971vjl, a ______yJuhnpeope aCaaduers.uit- OTATES, N. 1 mal Se-Frae Home Demonstrations 'enne blue, good condition, aut required. full or partonrsbogtcc.Wka snWilliamn Paul James, 9 1 wid like to thank ai VRATN RNT d nîaArl2,8ocok bago and Cobbîers, suitable, 728-7708 includes stereo tape dock. 4 time. South' Hayon Nursîng ship slkouprcs-Of 11. 2wou, booer aoriur representative ivili caîl at Knox Christian ShoSu speakers and two dozon tapes. Home, Nowcastle, 987-4441. standig 14LbetStS. a brother for ad m relatives and frienda for r home with designs front gog Street. ShoSu for table and seed, $2.25, for REPAIRS and, SERVICE ýPhono 623-3893 alter six. 16-1 15-tf Bus. -20,Rs63-7. Ibac-ý ha tD. Af12 oza ndi myisduig yihhyon mas. ct r crate--- Spcui hakatoDr Afosivisit u nunusdrn ythe memorial of your choice. Durîhomld aopruuity 1-1 7pho.nbag623-2 Bouma foie11-i 250 C.C. '69 YAMAHA. Caîl COMPETENT w o m a n or an afnit taf 1-IsDeltay n Memoia ospDt. 1AýB Please eau Frîday, April 23rd at 10 ale, USED books, magazines our showroom and inspect the aduit. Applv Advertiser 198, BRN THERTELL-Wayue and Jarene seandau yusfs0adsRafB MR, R. C. SLEE. Bowmanville amrniyUiedCuc. bought and sold. Morgan Self complete lhue of Hoover Pro- Livestock For Sale cl/o The Canaduan Statesman,Tenh g (nec Sutton) ara pleased t RndFie, and Tnures oandsff3003 leu Tnityanted Chnch.Antiquarian Bookseller, 86 ducts. See the exciîng Hoov- - _ _P.Bo19,owavle ýmýuaethe, birth of theur ou iraas d hird or s 2-38 resre udbrgitea Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, cm Washer-Spin-Dryer in, ac- TWO week old calves. PhonoeO Bx19,Bo6-iie SPICTN daughiter, Marny Jane, 7 ibs. wl a megncyo. 16-1* 'DTTTDR!DGRANITE table and bake sale. Pnoceeds Phono 723-7621. 16-1 tion. Oshawa, Hoover Contre. 786-2968. 1-f1-'ISALTO Barb Johuso. .IJ.LJL' "-" for ES.T.A.R.L, 6-1-- EPwned olv n Pozaý, ou Moniday, Aril 5th at __ CO. LTD. - PORT HOPE- BARN beama, big and smaîl, Wc carry a complote lune of PINTO'mare, Western broke HL anef0lvRiif . Il RWMAVL OhawaGeerl osîf-.A My sîncene thanka to ail 73 Ontario St. - 885-5216 Mîni-Cinema III presents roof huards, box stalîs and replacement parts, for 'ail 623-5352. 16-1 hliokf redeycupe NO 9Y AL s;ister for Timmyv. 16 1 my famîly, relatives and INSCRIPTIONS ADDED TO WaIf Disney's "The Love Bug", stanchions and 2x8, 2xl0, 2x Hoover Products, ý344 King St. 1- -- r part timo help. Write Ad- - eîhbur frletescada.-: NiSONS Towu Hall Auditorium, Bow- 121s. Also concrete slab silo, W., Oshawa, Phone 579-1161. NINE Hereford s t o ckonsr. vertiser 197, c/o The Canadian6370 rr thl cningri and giffa during my stay luin _____________ Î anvileFdaAnl3h.1he62-6. 16-1 _ ____--1-tf 623-2242. 16-1 Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- - - . ~~Memnorial Hospital, and thanka s 704ad9:0p.. FiiOOT 11/4 inch TV tower IDEAL mat criai for pole barn TWO good youug niding hors av-e,1- AC U G S Marriaes to'îo UCW or flowers. lmadBad Doors open 6:30 p.m. Childrën structure wî'rh ahl chaunel or shed: fhirty foot fir frusses os four an uoyas4 BB-Sitter, 5 days par week, O]IL BRES-FRAE Mn.andMrsFred Cowl Sinceré thanka f0 nurses a- __5e suet .0,ut 61 antenna installed for $48,95. with posta and purlins; feu Muat selI. 987-4948. 16-1' transportation provided;foCENI ara haýpry to anrnounco tha staff of the Thîrd Floor, also ALL meals and laundry sup-- Special on colour systoms. by I welvc and ton by sixteen pre-achoolers; from 7 ar. - PLUBN EAR engaýgemrent of thaîr daughfer Dr. McKenzie, Rev. Snelgrove plied, 5 minute driva to Bow- Cm oS.Pu~ aqe hn Roy Andrews 623-2006. timbers, f wo and a quarter WESTERN broke horse includ- 4:30 p.m. Write Advertiser HN HA TO lanre Aiin, tfo Mn. Wayne adRv ht o hi iia avle nRyo ra Room for Roasf Beef Dinner 6-tf and one and three-quarter ing tack, 9 ycars old, good for 195, c/o The Canadian States- ~oula Pedpson0fMr I LotieTod, 16 u mae r emla noprfeene.this SaturdayArl2,63 YEWIES descladoors; uew counter top, old heginner. Phone 623-7888 man, P.O. Box 190, Bowmau-2625 Paeden -andi the lafe Mn. Caîl -ICahi 263-23,96. 16-1 p.m. Sponsored by Si. Pau1's cs eitrdaa'his generator and pumpa, plate ;.fter 4:30. 16-1- ville. 16-1MalAdes PatinTe arigef0tke W ol ietitakalCouples Club. Adults $2.50, filrises o , sed, , cairsg1ass-,uinety-fotur by cightv OLDHrfr uî,qal-CO eurt o etaurant P.O.Bx4 omnîl Sac n 7,tumday,- a22, oun frientis, relatives anti JursifcT±o bd 515.Hices fvileDsconunt rentais, service. and fhirty-eigbf by thirty- i___ 0t p~~ce Ofl e for doua-$1.50._Tickets________iscoun s.Opn ue- egt.92-11 r23 ac ontes.n Durham Farms, opening lu May on Righway -___ 19,7,1 in 'Trinufy UýntfetiChurcb igbrsfrflowers, do--_ _able from club members -- day, woonosoay, Thursday. Bil egh 92A531 r 20 aven ConcesPhono 8, Clarke, West of 35-115, south of Orono, form- Rereato at 1 o'clock. 16-'fions t oOntario Hoant 'Funti ACCOMMODATION available at the door while fhey last. Hamilton, Brooklin 655-4179 knz983-9164 vnîgll5 Poe -59. 11-01-1 i prie ncgood wagoMst, fuit and a special thanka to Rev. for up or heti patients. Reas- 16-1'i _____98983-51. 111-10 crly N o way, Mus hfuxlal Mn. nd rs arlRah wiHR. A. Turner anti Morris Fun- onabie rates. Appiy South I____ 6t ___ ___ - IRGSEE afAa od im oiin eehn tp unouce hefothcmîg ral Chapel for kindncas show-n Hayon Nursing Home, Ncw- SNYIEPR ONE large record and storage Used Tractors Iiug, fivo years olti, Englisfi9 1 01 62.tpune evc mariae o ihen dugteat -the fumer of the loss of a icastie. Phone 987-4441. il-tf rack, size about 8 feet long International Rarveaf or 414 anti Western broke, boat offer I ComrciladDmi r dean hushaniiq anti father. - O SEbIG y 4 foot wiie,, Seve-n rcr isl wilth hoader,- rocon- Phone Orono 983-,5639. 16-1 'WAITRESSES requireti for Douglas-i- D Mrs. Abert Norman Rîepairs ni, i'h sections ln each adrasnrAlint,~ 95; International full and part time employ- ereato -Mikoo Cutbetso, ou f m. andat Sheila. 16-1'- -- - LThur5Uay Ngt able. Also Gîbson lighf gaugo Harvoster B414 diesel $2095; IF you are buying -or selling meut for restaurant opening PooRlTSE Tvrs. 'Alle-n Cthrs The-4 electric guitar strings,, reg. International Harvester 300 llvestock of any kunti, cail in May0 on Rughway 35-115 as-6-57 i Safray, M-ý av plc8. 1971, st m aml WachRparg7 $5,00 set, now $3.25; Fonder utility with pl' h$15 u Ivan Johnson & Sons, Live- ýouth 0f Orono, formerlyNghs-6317 _rnîy UîttiChc, 1 reatve,,riidnani Yih- Ccrtificd Watehmnakar of RED BARN îcncrc &rî,rg 3,5trainl RarvesterSuper stock Dealers anti orden h uy- Northway. MVust b pheasauitLndrH dw e b 'lc. 61 ors for the many cards, gufta, Canadian Jawellers' Assn. 0 sH A W A 1set, now 53.00 set. Appiy 11C" wiLh scufflers $995; Inter- ers, R.R. 1, Bailiiehoro. Phone and atftract iv e. Telephone ________ 6-l" flowers anti visita during My --- -- Holroyti's Records & Music, national Harvester W4 $595; i705-939-6855. ___ 4-tf 1-983-5601. 16-2__ u EETI stay in Oshawa' General Ros- Marr's Jewellery C.U.P.E. Local 1206 Union 28 Division Street. Bowman- Ford 9N with yrui odrHRFR iRîti PLCTOSwi on- - ISO Mm onWerry, Bowmian- pital anti since returuîng home. * Dance, $2,00 couple, University ville. -16-1 h$895. y oa ear-REOD ailfwoyeaoldeivetPPICu ArISll8tbfoirh [(-1a, Ot aio, announces the To Unit 3 for theur kintinesAvne I.OF.Mmra OATS -- Stormont, S io ux, J-MAI. EQUIPMENT CO. sokraeer anti beifers. cai-etaker of Cartwright Park C(retvW r 1!(rthcomiiing imarriage of hiem to Rev. Warti anti Rev. Arscott __________ -t Temple, Cobourg, Ont., Satur- sokrser daughter Arnna Marie, f0 Allan for their visita.i- day, May 15, 1971, 8 p.m. -Garaniotey Barley- 134 King St. E., Phone,623-5689 Sale every Saturtiay. George and Coleman Park, View Lake. CUpBORE-ADIIN 'Denat-Tompson, eldesf son Mar'orie Staînton I Coing Events 12 p.m. Purchaso tickets from RetFigsat rc.BwîfvlaA coa,7821 ae tfe rmMy2 oSt. ofr Mm. antiMrs. Kennefh S. 1____________-Mr. W. F. Malley, 147 Seugog A__ _____ nd Vrnl,16-1 lock. We tieliver: l-.--5-7*,6. ,Apphir in writingstinNE HO STC 11o- sn.R- . o1, o .în ____Dance to CutyadWs-S owavle no e-Saronac, Eluar. Brome-- Sana- ,.7,-age anti salary expecteti, to FRTEBS a0_ný o 2 oln rn Music by "Willîe anti be'sr migaotecul toga, Magne7 Enan anti Can.1 O E SPt Mrs. Harolti McLaughlîn, R.R. Qnai.The weting fo takcThe leaders anti boys O! Daughter", Saturday, April 24, smay bi16-2 ercopl.No. 1. Timothy.-Clumax andTi FREE Pts ,Ylaks o ULIK GEN1C-N1 - ION e12 o'clock no in Trnnty express thanka f0 ail whocoe.ll* DntmsaMrthnP-OchriGssniohrsei BLACK AND WHITE parties. Cal_623-5363. 16-1 WOL ïUnit cd ChunhBowmanvîlle. ept uSaudysbtie anti1- DntmssaMrto a- rhr rs ndohrse1-MORE MONEY ? l6 elpased St riv.Tanka f te MUTnD Y! cake Dinnor, Suriay April supplies. Eanhy Seeti Corn Color and UHF DOG Meat, beef, fresh frozen, O.A.A. SUPERVISOR 623~3o 23-67 bakitiet anksho nthei hDYf _25 o hett inl Main Hall stitl available. Phono 986-4331,REETO eut, 18c lb. Modern, heateti neetis full or part-lime people. 28 ueatns a entlantths who cionateti SATURDAY, AFRIL 24 of Orono Uniteti Church. Fresh Swaîn Seeti Cleaners antiECPTO boartiing. Ravelberg Training to0 beip meet the demanti for'___ . 1- ecit 1 a emo neydTothe popl dnonae RedNKLINoPAKviileee.syrup, sausage anti cof- Dealers, Blackstock R..No. 2. Ail Towers School, Onono, 1-983-5016, OntarioAuobie soca irny oth epeofSosrd yBwavil e.Servings commence at 13-7 are 1%4" Hcavy DutY corner Taunton Road and Righ- lion memberships. Pleasant, E alla n M dyApril 121h, 1NwlsteTm 'wy15 2t infe, o aigwr.BGEN RL1EAR !97L, Emneat Joncs, aetî, yuifyu4av5,yhttc elasal, 10e,.by 10 a.m. For ln- p.m. or until ail are serveti., SA LE No 'experience, nocessary but WE RPI H L boovtihuhnt o Voltor baskets please f elophone formation cail 623-5847. The dipuer will ho sponsorot IECLR VDA H TE atdt By acri.For'fuît information orVlel2-28 6-l* 1 l*Eanti srveTV hyAi-e mon of L AD, dt By aca s ~Bassft Jns oa ate f 1623-7208. Grono Unitt hh mn aid for the purchasars of, -contact Don Polishuk, 12001 REA NAL RTE Mary Anuo Jamtedanti Jummy Bid*ý LOAD, 8' cetiar posta, must ho Belvedere St., Oshawa,, PhLonRBeSO ~le oo enbrother d May we express, our sincer- TRENTXVAY of church funtis. 15-2 New Farni Tractors - Balers l 4" or more. John Hayes, ý725-8402. 1-31 I irlt MGee(Vry) st appreciatuon for i-ho fwo > ------ Forage Hanvesters 1.1. 6, Bowmanville c roln 6544. 1- br.'Vlý, ate elt inluoîr honour n OnTOURS I"Moaêr CditionrsREAL ESTATE CAREER A T AE o$hwA I rs. BrieHl O SE BINGO andL GROVE LIVE meaf rahbits for reliablo Waneti, full fime real estate RIG TIET AT 12rdewa ani MrasBe ntc.Ri-our Twenty-ffth' Wetiing VICTORIA HOLIDAY THURSDAY - 745 and um Wrofchncroes o '7bas8earetoinfr ato on- 1, K '~t,1-fAuniversary. We thank our SPECIALShncsbse nS-fagn orBwanil ae. 1 îlreatvsan aut vieib-ely gftrs 2EC A +1-i Oh M' e tbJamount of purchase --phono 613-473-2175. 1-2 Joîn Canada's largoat realfor.1B0 a laatvst oeygfs Ma 2lst to expre 30- Oshawa MnrSpo ..00 Offer eprsJune 3,'1971 BTExperienceti manager i-o helpl AW NC Dane Atane- anti carda. Special thanka bo to ,IUBILEE PAVILlON J-MAI EQUIPMENT CO. WnmFrRn o.Etahl oass At Rospîtel for Sick Chîltiren, Our two -immediate famie NEW YOR1K CITYOSHAWA 3-f14inStE.Bwanla (MERCURY OUTROARDS) R MtenctrlCalqck draw on commissions. - ioÔto n unta Apni 1 (on sos)an atilwo gelp- NSHVILE,- - Phone 623-5689 Al Sizas 623-5170. 16-I Member of most Real EstateDe TI S 1971,belovti ifant augbar cdin niny wys fogivous~ NSHVILE, C LMER ____16-2 1Au manti Fibreglass ISKI -DOO storage. Newton- ,Bad.CnatLodG m î ofMargaiýret anti James Law- i-is memnorable occasion. Alan I TOURS ____AimnmLoe, FR1, Vice-President, H. -n,RH 2, Newcastle. Reat- Haroîti anti Gladys Ashton. WWVAJMOE SEED GRAIN ' ville Mill, 786-22-44. 15-2*'Keith Lt d,, Realtor, 181 Eîg Eigin r1/ ti ai- eNor~thciutt Ehioti-- 6-'A JAMiBO cs VRgiE Vcora Wekn I TP ULIYC mper TrraiIrF i HE-m1o4outnAvneE. oono35,RpV wa blt o Teda. ntr1hef8iy_!1-h lt Ms. Jue lhto1il \A ~- 1Fu- inA0 SARIAteaf r :3.161 Ahoo18-33. 1- "Open Rouse"', Sunday, May lat EvaPeal eas wshtoProc-eds, gift for new sehool ratunning Juna 24th SweetUitY Rosei 2, ' c. ttehm mai-urity levaiewehrlUss LIMITED numben o! rentai Contraci- formis and seeti is now availalaiTrsor-Oic n2i - Moclc, i-iahoma eepes -en iereAlkb____1- eatunig visi i-o ransf For more protection fnom 6 f or $1.25 units available now for seas- ~o M, ni rs ToasLe-anti appreciafion i-o relatives,AietsgtangiBn! discase losses - Buy CIOP on. Rooma include TV, bath.,4- nati, il Street, Newcast-le, frientis anti neighhors for i-hein TRENT'WAY- andi Jasper in i-ha Rockias amdINuRAC ot sltl ahad]ar hwr eehn.Fyn 'von Iibeoccasion o! their 601i hougbtful wontis o! sympatih, TOURS on Vancouver Islandi andi in-INsURAN p cre - Cosa iltile Csh ntiCary n wr torInn F2ying3.Mortgages -W(ate BeýctçigPst i euding 8-day Cruisa i-o Alaska a 10 a ar al CARNATION DucmnMtnI,62-3. _____________________________ t-)èae 3- carda anti beautiful floral'i-o o -ei isde.. led R B u e Taylor , 38.41 __________________fnrîhutes, donations i-o the heant CLon TAPDE psann. d hltrd .DueFLO'WER S-O - ci o r n fonainandth-e m any acta AGRsTMPD asg.ENNISKILLEN 1.1. 1 BOWanNVILLGA, mL Personc-)o!kîineas shown us li-bte CANADIAN ROCKIES Fo33nc iinnr ihfil2324 ~ DIVISION STREET apanîment. 4 roms nt bath, M RGG ON "HYIENC uplos,(Hbb n a ! loving mothen anti andidetails, write or telaphone: 62-741 63-577immdite osessonuhei-ti igots .maîtipotaîi ngrantimther. We wîsh i-o YELLOWSTONE PARK MR. ALFRED ALLIN -_______ 15-3 __ 16-1 Cable TV, froc parking. Ap- 1thank Dr. Spelor anti ail the 3ARTESBwavle-o ply Tom's Miik, 53 King St. E., aywrhhl ~pailsehti1veop jlt tafbuihoi-id toro te. ARTME owavila-orAtils ro SleSowavile 53 nyw15wil-aue #pnstaefliri-hSix samplesn25ef-theCreighton & PearceaTraval - ___ pieI1 Sxsrq1,?5,PeferhoroughCvu Hospitali GASPESevcTonilOtao TWO-BEDROOM grounti ftoor 24 samiýpes $1 00l. Mai Orenfor all their kindrneas. Speciali MARITIMES AND Srie hnhlOtno T R AC T ORS F O R S A L E i apantmenf, sopanate cining A V LAN IN VE STMENTS ,,Depi.T-28.Nov-Rubber C. thanka i-o aîî those who ne- NEWFOUNDLAND 889-56 143 16-1noom, fnitige anti stove, cent- 0VKn t . sa -Bx91, Ramrilton, Ontl. 1-52 mambereti motibeýr wbshe MOOSONEE ISLrl ls ocuce n was lpatenthosîtlsi-ores; $135. Phone 623-241 Cards of Thak ey pcaiannk io QLEBEC CITY MGET CASH TOD165,17Y Pontypool U.C.W. 'for i-ho CALIFORNIA .MssyFrgsn,15 15o 63355AStH6 1- Eeiga eeTd at oltsy 2852 t ihio tbak eihhraioei lunch serveti at -ha baI1l, For furi-har informai-ion FOR OLD APPLIANCES EXCELLENT CONDITION - LOW ROUIS fOrNE o!00anright'mresrbest, 1 anti ids foir cardaatiaio tothe Mackey Funenal contact THIOUGH Ifarmt , 0aceÇon.4 o or MmesbaseOnal Mrgg "f~wer tinîn mvstailuHom--e for i-hein thoughfful- JURY & LOVELL TRAVEL ST AT E SM AN ALL-GREEN SOD GROWERS o o 6 o.4 o abr !teOtroMngg rkr soito ShG spîrtal aISo i-brd floor -nurs- -nasa andti-ho Hev. Daviti 19 Ring St. E., Bownv la viinog c74nt rin p i-t es anti'Dr. Ferg-u.son,. fothyfr hicomeforting Phe6238 AsIED Oshawa 723-4471 i-o5-67 Frank Neabift, O'nom, 7 herer L~gton 1~1~Phones î-a - Pon3-318O272-974Spatimna Rd., Toronto 4, Ont.ý