Spring Forward "- Fal1 Backward VOLUME 117 20 Pages BOWtýMA NVILLE, ONTAUZO0, WEDNESDAY,- APRIL 21, 1971 150~ Per Copy NUMBER 168 Day-iight S-aving- Time begins this weekend at 12:01 a.m. Sunday. Attractive IJale i k of Tow Hall's secretarial staff, is ail set to turn the dlock A\head?' Thatsrgt Remember the old saying, Spring Forwaýrd - Faîl Back- Tird, he, ,ock incidentally beIngs to Jim Marr of Marr's -Jewellery. It is an eýxact re1c of the commion dock of a couple of hundred years ago. There is only ne hand, weights are stones, the cogs are wood. The time, is controlled by two lJttie weiýghts hanging like a set of scales on the escapement bar on top of the As Simpleas AB C Noted- Chest Sren etil Damag To the Body by Semoking "INo Smokng rensd he sig on the door tÎ t7hecuchr- ception hall pak at Trinîit y United ,Cur-chlii m Bowman,ýjville ATould hAve dared toviolate sucli a ~îrocripion. The eeting was ponoredby hIe local uni of the Ontario Cancer Theyla ja lîstened to thc dfoctr a noted chest surgon rom Toronto, talk about smoking and what it Three very good reasons, he can do to a person's health. suggested, for a person to What it can do is as simple break the habit, as the ABC's, according to Dr. Take arterijoscliero)sis,. When) Delaru,_e, a person smokes, bisher That's not the prîmary rend- workis harder, the èdoctor said-. er h's referring to ither- The nictine stimu,-late-sth 'i's thie medîcal dictionary heart ,batfastra, as whrelte'-n these three etrs osa rop in tempra-ture at speli outf the deblitating if not Ithe dîlstal ends of the body lefthal dangers -of arteriosýler-!(iges toes, etc.). The blood osis, 'bronchitis and cancer. 70UrNO AGE TWO) 'Oroo Furmner 'sSeep Vunish finto101Thlin Aior r arwrg i~ Thonmas Gratton of R,R. 1, reported the loss of 15-ab ror rtw i g htOrono is having ýa tough time over a period of days, be-ý keeping bis flock of sheep in- tween April 6th - April 9th, MxCarruthbers, M.P.P, tact. In a report to New- the O.P.P. believes, Duhain a recport froni castle's O.P.P. Detachment, Eac-h Dlamb apparently ha Eas Quens arlk announced to- Mr. Gratton dlaims - t have a tag on lits c ar. One sido cril day-i tiret separate commun- last 50 animais over the win-~ bears a number in the 400-500 the it etegrants to the ter montlis. series; the other bears the se TonsipofCartwright, According t O.P.P therels initiais CD.a Teeinlude: Cartwright no dlue what lias happened If you've been seeing lamnbs Tonhp Conimunity Hall to the animais. "They have and sheep, in places 011cr 650,Colemnan Park $668.00, simply disa pp e ar ed," al than your sleep. Mr, Grattoný tist PBëlckstockA\r en a $2966.00, spokesmian said today. j or the O.P.P. would be most a; maiga ttal of $4293.00.l On April lth, Mr. Grattonlinterested. l Expect Solution To Bu-s Problem Un Near Futureý Rlay Preston of Parkway Crescent, whose deputation in February sparked the town council to look into the St. Joseph's Separate School bus problem on! the crescent was back in council chambers Monday night to ask councîllors if and especially when a solution would be forthcoming. Couneil twu weeks ago had heard a deputation frorn the Separate Sehool Board suggesting that the town open up a road adjacent to the School which could serve as a turn-about. The suggestion was roundly standing the question. rejected by the council, who Mr, Preston repeated his later in the evening.introduced question again. a by-law which proscribed "We are takîng it under against parking of buses in consideration," the Mayor said. front of the school. Just before Clerk-Administrator Joseph the by-law was passed, a Mcllroy volunteered that the counillor noted it said noth- Separate School administrator ing about parking :on cî ther had called him shortly after side of the school. After: a hlur- the last meeting with council ried debate, -the by-law was and had, said that his Board set asîde and the whole matter was trying to work out some- crumbled into silence. thing in using the small road "Do you feel you have given allowance next to the school the Separate School sufficient as a turnabout, time to catch up with a solu- tion?" Mr. Preston asked coun ci We have given them $ 3,4 S rpu Labor Leader Eale eii Swithes ides The municipal corporation Switche Sîdesof Bowmanville operated at a slight profit in 1970, showing Bu Sil \/5a surplus of $16,615 on rcit Ken Hooper, chairman of The excess pared the ý$23,144 Bowmanville town couneil's deficit which existed at the negotiating committee (labor beginning of last year down to contract matters) for the Cor- $6,529. poration, reported to Council The town collected $2,029,- op Monday nîght that, after 950 in revenue during the year, three sessions, he and his with $ 1,332,636 coming from committee have arrived at a taxation, $575,171 from contri- satisfactory agreement with butions from other govern- the town Works Department ments. and $122.143 from other employees' union local, sources. He would not give out any Heaviest expenditure was details about the contract until for education - $679,7 17, fol- he talked over the proposal in -lowed by Social and Family detail with council; nor would services - $233,729 and pub-" he say just wben such infor- lic works - $233,610., mation would be niade public. An oxtractfo h c Only last month 1Mr, Hoop- couAntants' statemnent -Thorn,ý-, -iý, p resîdent of the l ruu Hliel&ChristensoInI uonlocal at Goodyoair wsIappoars in this aweek's,, pap-ý Uses S"c.rewdiriver HoId Up Bene,-facto--r A man apparentrly naa hurry tu get home lef t bis car wlxeu il gel stuck on Lambs Road on April 16th, weut over te theý nearby Highway 401 and hltched a ride with a passlng motor- It. - -Near the service centre east of Newtouville he held hlm up by holding a screw- driver to bis throat, took the car and drove to Port Hope where il was aban- donod. Robert May, ZR, of R.R. 1. Cobourg, was later appre- bended and eharged with robbery. PERFECT CRIBBAGE RAND CJlay BHirst of King St. ast, Bowmanville, playing -bbage with bis wif e Judy te other night achieved the îmîng impossible. He had 29 hand. We wonder what, the sta- stical probability of getting 29 is? Anyone care te ork il ont? Night Painters HoId Art Exhibition Nig-ht, school airt studeut, Mrs-,. Verne Johnson. Iî art teacher of the B;owmianville Recreýation Depart-ý hýriesbr cily paintiing c)f an old barnl te hertace mntshides art claýss loks on. MIS. jîenvan Nçi:est c ntrewile Mrs, C(af9 Rnl sL (URN Tu PAGE TWO) Orono -Area Man Hurt 'In Car-.Tractor Crash. Seventy-two-year-old Carl Power of R. R. 2, Orono, The accident occurred on Taunton Road aboutIone ile received multiple lacerations and bruises to his head, east of the Darlington/Clarke line, Mr, Pow7er was- face and legs when the tractor he was driving was in- admitted to hospital inBowmanville. Dama;ge ïo both volved in a collision with a car driven by Howard vehîcles was estimated at $500 each. Mooney of Petawawa on April lSth at about 4:14 p.m. Rush of Auto Accidents Puts Several in Hospital Thrce mon wcre injured injuries. Hnsikr was JnonEadBuiCke of Osh- when the car in which they1 trealed for a handci and back 1awa was admîýîittd 1 hospital wore rîding crashed on the injury and released. bore wiJth chest and shl sou.lder 401 noarr Waverley Road OnI Damage to( the Car wvas t- ijre hnthe car ho was April 1141h at about 9-12 p).m. ïmatýed b P I$80. diigrolled ove on i gl The driver Eric JosepliB- w siaamo ee d ay i2 ear Solina Rond on -)d f Tcoronlto, and pse-mîe18 Izira.tIo~îlA~llttb at abon 10.20 p.e-mî gerýs Fr,(eerîck George Lugh- abe hecrInllbtey The a cidrent cau"ýsed ani- lir ofWemuh Nova lScotlia ee ii i:,big au- Matd$200 daages ý1l i ande:e Dudly Edard ands HidgtIc ar, andment on _gway an - -dS ý Cr i OPAET PiCi~i UIent oq11non Aprill7th àt bout b:b were taken to hospital ili Bow- pm manville. Beand and Laugh- 'dop lin were transierred to Tor- eivdop Joseph .Gloe rec-ý ontoGenraltheformr wth evedabrasions to bis face an vd onto enerl, te fomer irght knee and Thomas, Wadelp back and skull injuries; and the lacerations- to his scalp anld latter with neck and shouldekn nthmiap er amagointohtu velîcl wa BITS 3PIECES TIMELY - We can't help wondering if the selection of hymns at Trinîty United Church's service Sunday morning was intentional. The calrndar listed a vocal number by the Junior and Youth choîrs, "God Loves a Cheerful Giver" which was foliowed immedîately by the offering. Another hymn "Rîise Up, O Men of God" wvas quite timelytoo, because when the fire siren blew, quite a few of the firemen did just that. Guest preacher for the Lay service was Dr. Keitb, Slemo-n who recalled the Past, Present and Future of his church. t i. t t ti WALK REGISTRATION - Plans are going forward for that great test of shoe -leather, the Miles for Millions Walk on May lst. Registration forms may be obtained at several of the schools, the Recreation Department office and the Fire Hall, This year, the walk apparently doesnît go through Bowmanvîlle. It will eut off at Harrnony Road to give the western, Ajax area an oppor- tunity te view the pooped participants. t t t ti t SUPPORTER - When the Red Eagle Junior C's were playing in Dresden on the weekend, they had a surprise supporter in Mrs. Nora Hornick, a former teacher in thîs area, now retired in Tilbury. Obvious- ly, ber sympathies are stili wîth Bowmanville, main- ly because some of the team were once pupils of bers. She brought a busload of youngsters with ber and they cbeered loud and long for the Eagles. t t t t t NO MORE COVER - When Scouts and Cubs, in the Maple Grove area finished their paper and bottle drive on Saturday, they loaded a truck and it was parked behind the church, the con- tents completely covered with a big tarpaulîn in case of rain. Corne Monday morning, it was dis- covered that the costly tarp had been stolen. They believe they know who took the article, but will do nothing about it, provided the item îs returned intact this week. t t t t t CHANGE -' Strikes us as quite odd that aîl of a sudden, Red China is appearing in the news as a much bappier place than we bad been led to believe, with Chairman Mao as a great leader, Those ping pong players certainly seem to bave been impressed to the point wbere we are supposed to forget tbe past, People are peculiar. tt GOOD WORK'- Congratulations to the ladies in the Courtice area who raised $91.43 with their home baking sale for the Red Cross, insteaci of canvassing. And to the Grade 10 students at BHS who are cleaning up the grounds as an Environmental Science project. t t t t t MISSED .-The Cubs apologtize for missing some (fýof the homes on Elgin Street on Saturday durwing tLhe bottie drive. t tt t t INACCURATE - An unidcntified woman phon- ed on Tedy telling the Editor about accidents that had happened at a local plant, suzgestîiu the place wvas f alling down. We have checked and report thtour information is net in accord wt brstatemlentb. esfimated at $'500.> AUDITOR COMMENDS CLARKE The Townshîp of Cla rke regîstered a surplus of $20,000 ýn its 1970 budget. Township Auditor Walter Pope commended Clia rke Council for sound money management and suggested that the surplus be placcd «In a revenue fund that-could fin- ance tax errors and cut down borrowing. Approve R Asking Prc RECOVER STOLEN GOLFPOE that ideýntfy the gees stol foîn Erinli and a'bout a y ea3r ao vwr e- cerdApril 151t,11, & busJh nearZin, hepol)eà week was a cash regîster, -whi ias akhefil rom Erlul lastSeistonIbr 6th, Itwas, fouind by "a g rou f children iIx ja M d l't eaIr 5edar1Pak, oP.as o Help Pay for Police abl'y dîslýribulecd?saigpoceoss Vie towni of Inigersoîl doesn'lThoy (injgersoîl)JI felI Ih1-at lhink sio. And~ neither doos t the ecost of poîigwsbecor. towni of Bowmanville. ing an ureasonaâble burdJen onk Thie local council conicurred thec average taxr:ýpajyer, Tb'eýe Monday rugIt, with a resolu- noled tînt. in î'îrurltmuîcîpalï- lion passed by Ingersoil coun- lies monnies need nt beç_ set cil requestîng thantheb Prov- up lai their budgets for police ince of Ontario make available css yet die item wa becoîti- subsîdies 10 ur.ban munîcipali- UNTOPAEW> Total Hts $4,43-4 Mark Lucky Peterboro ugh Man. Wins $ 2,117 in Legilon D raw Thecrnionthly Branich 178,' Royal Canadian L-egion Wel- f are 'Fuid draw vas niiade at the monthly dance in the Legion Hall on- Saturday night. A bew hiîgh of $4,434 in monihly total sales wýps readhed, and as this, total grows so do the contributions and donations from Brandli 178 to assist in- local- drives and projects. Mrs., Noma Lambert, winner of the door prize draw, was asked to make the selection for the winner and pulled ticket No. C3266 from îthe drum declaring Mr, Jim Mc- Donald of 651 McKellar St., Peterborough, as the winner of $2,117. Geo. Dunlop, a Branch 178 member who seems te le having another itroke of luck, was the' seller of the ticket and received $212. (George sold the second prize ticket last mont'). (TUPN Yro PAGE TWO) Prepare For June 1 Census Preparations are now under- way lhroughout D ur ha m Counly for the census lIaI will begin on June lst. The Commissioners are now ac- cepting applications for census representatives la the various municipaliîies. Thc appoînted Commission- ors are Port Hope and' the South Part, of Hope, Mrs. Audrey McMahon, Port Hope; Newcastle, 'Clarke and North Hope, Harry Wade. Newcastlç; Bowmnanville and Southi Dari- ntoMrs. Jesse Van Nest, Bowmanvîlle; balance of Danl- ingtor, Mrs. Judy Hilîs,, En,- niskillen; Manvers, Cavan, Cartwvright and Mýillbrook, Mr.Margaret Becr. R .R..1 Bethla ny. Çensusfond ill bho dcliv- er~don ay 5th h [omnesla Dance Chmions Comîing On Fiday evening and Satur-day afternoon, of this ,eek Bowmranvillea's Figure Skating, Club amemberS will hold their annual carnival at tbhenawben dihe iguest staýrs wvill be Ginnie Gec and John RaîtEi, Nvc Danice h pinàf Canadla. The oca clb embers have fýbeen -working hrd and are ailradyto preser a temedou o on a ýCircus themne. Ticketis mra- obtai.ned azi t Rerat Office or theý Arena.