'Ehe Canadian Statesiman, -Bowmanville, Apr. 21, 1971 ~Production of mucous, Doctortk Tw!st sang a duet "Alone" day <'allers with Mr. and Mr.1 ,family'o o atWdes ____________________Delarue told the -audience. 1 P while Mrs, Blair showed pic-I C. Vice. <day. I need is produced and it col-~ Mr,1- and( Mrs. erb Curtis verses. This was the begin- and Mr. and Mrs. Keîth Cry- Brucean Shrl eeSu- I lecs in he bse ofthe lngs.re:ently returned fromi a mot- - ning of a very effective wor- dermnan were in charge of the dayguss ihMrIsa j ~~below the coughirig beit, or tnip to Florida. ship service. Mrs. Ken Shack- last card party oi this season. Hardyan Stle, idsy i P o v i c ia C o rtwhere the body cannot void it. An excellent crowd attend- S L Mleton gave the meditation There was a good crowd andi Mr. ai r.Mk oc~ p r lv in i o u tThis yellowy soupy sline s ed the Chamnber of Comlerce A "Canicer" Blitz wlll be and Mrs. Matthew Marchant Euchlre prîzes- were won by and fa<lo croog -~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ f t Ifrie dblttn i-Rlho audy ngt edl hs mmunîty next, read the seripture lesson. Mr. .FltMrs. Dl. Pascoe, I were Sna usswt ~ neo n ow anlle and Hyiand and Br-yanph yl Mc- Mond[ay evening, April 26th.1 Worship service closed with Mr, Burney Hooey and Gary: and Mr.Lrr pre r eases. Kay held the winning ticket Be sure Vo welcome your can- pae n h eeiton'Pso.Tecryn prize, sons. M idyArl1,191 He went with 1Mr. Angi toi fined $100 and costs,1 or 10 As the saying goes: "Dyinx on the 50-50 draw. vassers when they call. Iafter which we enjoyed a was won by, Mrs. R, Be st.'Ms .A ritno Judge R. B. Batten presid- the Newcastle detathment anid days.. There was an automat ifrasoeSniaFlisj aaipn Mr. arnd Mrs. Ken Fletcheri social time. Prîzes for Lýost Heir werel Brookîi n r.auMs e ihAssatConA-reported this incident. Con-ree months' license suspen-' Finally, cancer. When a Sada.alsi familyin Mr. aitnd Mer son Daid won by IRussell Gordon, Rita OrvilleJako of shw Xd withAsint on Aergt- bl Ctbly LtP un a person smokes, the tiny hair-!thîs week in th Bahamas. aegadHgis o mtsnadwr udydne u~ ~4rny , tuinto, eogestbl Yrd, o ptol, sion. Consae Legate, like prcese wic kepth Mr. and MsCalsBS lthr Mrrie Davhi-d!lT1T Huans Drew. mts n witer. n r.Brc i ~ TlitLegal Aid duty couin- received the information by observed the vehîicle east: gane LJr.J.JJ.s.&s Missh Chalen Aird ia ar Mr. anti Mrsrle Harve 'Fechein-icMi el. Puils ,from M. J. Hobbs radio and pursued the bus o bound on Taunton Road west lungs dlean become instantly have returned to their home ga- O IARnyDe.wt Sehol obered urngthe the Hope Clarke Township of Liberty Street where it paralyzed, the doctor .said.,after several months in Van-' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Welsb radMs elyYI rMcen oven igh ges with lowee Mr.fmlyvie ýscGù xn rning, ve duig ne. The vehile was regis- turned Into a garage parking Continued smoking causes the couver. Mr. andey Mrs. Sherley Mar-ecn vrngt uetwt lwe. Borin ronae.gRR ,trd .SokBohrO-lo.Te die tge hairs or cilia to ha burned The new home of Mr. and ichitto spent the weekend ,lowlees and Murray were Miss Catherine Baker. Mr. withMradMs.Hry Bl1ackýstock, was finied $40 and îllia, and carried a load of when he walked and smel naantth fet ei o bigbit This Hedr1 nDyoOi Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allun, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cowling, urday eeig costs,ý,, or forig subtanes Iofoin youse rav ong rom sit orfg th ac . reta Bowmanville. John and Glen, Mr. and Mrs. IEldad hrisrienx ~ onicio frfalig o iedonto to Coîborne. izer readings of .20 and .1 offrisbtneI hseî ntest fteAd Mrs. Marchitto' remained Withý convictin for fgilÎag toyield nd gril subtanceMrae andceMrs.tRobhmr, Eakinlier LarryerWenshr. afdBowmaRobrtleakSundayy April of5ownawille benaa the right of wvay Janluary 16. The driver explained that were taken at Newcastle adfore*ig suancs, ae caer-A w Su t oer .hc undhrduhe n family for adfmyPrHoewreFwere Sunday guests with Mr. 11:15 an laent h Constable Jerrett,, OPP, in- tbis bus was six feetý longer the charge laid. inducing aguents the the unA aond last Tear aae loge visit.ang vestigatin g officePr, found that than .the one ha usually drove, George Sheldrake, 407 Nia- acdi h ulu ftel-g Mr. and Mrs. Orvilla Chahl- Mn. and Mrs. Sam Buttery, Sunday callers with Mrs.~ n r.TmBkrV ee hnei ie a Mr, M lhelws orhilhd pwr tein VogrSretDnnieca- celîs may become changed and ice and daughters will soon be Miss Marion Buttery attend- Helen Werry. brate Catherine%5 birthday. -EldadCGIT wllhv bound on County Road 57 which ha was not accustom- ed January 26th wit cretanfr teceliaJkl moving mbt Pontypool. They ed the Provincial Barber-' Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, Messrs. James Baker andý theirreuametnstr- t aeinto Hyde, int a cancerous will take up residence in the shoppers Spring conventioniDale and Brian of Enniskil- Herb Tink were guests at the-igo ody Arl2ta and cbservad a vehicle stop- ed and the defrosters were less driving, ,pleaded flot tumnour. -hy : 1ofe wednnt :0m ing thonuc ped at "lie intersection of the not; working, causing the guilty., Suzanne Haffuer was As the saying goes: "S8mok.- apent C eiaratersb.a eerbroghonSgura le wre Mru nd se Courtice on Saturday. i16t~h Concesion Darlîngton windows tofog very badly. westbound at 40 miles an ers bave everythîng! Lung dis- Den, artoer.fth d eveninr. gue Saketnan hs. wîth Mr. and fMrsy. audyvstrwihM Town h s, Th ar, ien ea t haoso 1in was $10 ad20hoNe Hgwc40astl ot83 ..i f ss hao ieae -.. torytohar0nhedat .Dvi haketuan ha.Lagad n fmly atrayvsiosOfh rA boun an statedto coss Wayne Douglas Fogg, RR. 4e Ford Cortina. There was back in your smoking habits en Staples), who passed iaway beau able to procure jobs inu, Suuday callers with the Laug- ware Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Tay- M f' right in front of Mr. Michael. Bowmanville, p laa d ed not blowing snow and a strng is going bo take you out of in Lindsay on, Saturday. To Toronto. maids. lor, ,Enniskillen. S u n d a y le The collision resulted in $1000 guilty .of careless drîvîng wiud gustlng fromn north to the danger zona, you are, ac- Mrs. -Bob Brown, a sister, and We were pleasad Vo have as ý,A number of Jr. Farmers geuests with Mr. and Mes. E.i damnage Vo Mr. Irons' car and January Slst. Kenneth.Gour- south across the highway. cording Vo Dr. Delarua, sorely 10 other relatives we exteud our gueýst speaker Mrsi. Auguslfrom this community visited Crydarman were Mr, and Mrs.ý A60t Mr, Michaal's. ley was eastbound on Hîgh- She hadl twýo girl friands wîth mistaken. Everyone, whather the sympathy of the com- 'Blair, of Bowmanville, xvhoi the "Sugar Bush" at Mii amrFatgan ad ieadEs A joint chbarge against way 2 whan Mr. Fogg passed bier and obsarved a tractor hae smokas oua cigarette or 10, munîity, showed pletures and gave -an tbrook on Sunday, and are and Mr. and Mrs, John Lagerl INDOOI UO O t arlRa nanFoyLi-him just west of Solîna Road. trailar approaching fromý the haif a pack a day or thraa is Breuda Van Wieringen, of inteeesting commentary onî looking forward to the "Hay- of ýOshawa.1 u f' on 1brought a fine of $50 and it was snowing, ýthe road was rear. Sha heard a crash and by smoking, increasiug bis Toronto spent the weekend the "Passion Play" whîeh rida" on Saturday, April 24th Mr. sud Mrs. Don Thomnp- Rbe akdCre costs, or four days. Thiý was icy in spots and had a foot- glass breaking. The frn etrs f otatn u of tha wîth hier parents, Mr. and'Mrs. thay had the privilage of at-i baginning at the home of Ken sou, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Reg.$55$37 sqyd laid because tbay usad a wide strip of snowdown the broke Off and liar car swarv- forebodiug ABC's. Harry VanWîeringen. Harry tendrng at Oberammergau,! Ashton. Ken Sparkes, Oshawa, Mr. bu.ilding on Lot 35, Cones- centra. The Fogg vebicle kapt cd onto, the uiorth shoulder It's as simple as timat! bas beau "out of circulation" Garmany last yaar. Mrs. Ken! Mr. and Mrs. Bill Laveque and Mrs. Art Youngman, Ty- lev lsi sion 5 of Dariuglon whicm rigbt on going off the road but.she managed te coutrol it 7frteps ekwt bc hcltnadMs resfeelin NorhOhat were Sun-udMada MsDupe VIthgipr had less than five feet Of and mbt the soutb ditch. and brought il baek outo limae d le roube Weeln hoetr hael uoerh a Knukyget ihMs a iLab sidayard in contravention 'of Constable Gaylord, OPP, lu- teavIelad portion., Thare ThiCWtf otpo ofjye a the ovar Ken tucky Mr.st sud Ms erlastHckh.____ a o7ihpb-a.M.A .vsiaig'ofcr adtewas struck again on the laft .hrc ar*antnuhecimmRâç'i c a. twn rshlpbyl e. A. c.harga.lingé officr, laid lhe, sidean su he pulled outo the ChurchC D in arefining the catIr ,(RMPGEOEnd. aday on Thursclay lsst vîsiled FREE -Atatv ~al H. trie posauta. carg. JdgeBaten aidha n ud afiishng imeflor CROMPAG1oNMrM. Leslie Wright, Basa Lina, jwith Mr. Archie Cation at the William Lackey, 'R.R. 1, had no maison Vo -doubt Mr. shouldar and stopped. A trac- Fotecuc asmn.AY ee-er-l eeaLn ugrHmTrno Bailîeboro, pleaded '.ot guilty Fogg's explanation, about lime te trailar pulled up - ahead ( ROM AG fNE th chcasmet. sAny- Sivan-yCar-origd Toeshp Lyuhome from Guelph University.IugrHoTrno. pad whehrynbyo lt of caraless driviug Dacember driving conditions sud bis ap- and a -second, -oueahead of . 1 RMPG N) oawobslm esae rea atrgtTwsî,Gulph, started lu work atI Mr. sud Mrs. Was. Hi1s Thasesdscrsfotr 2nd. Benjamin Angi, aast- plication of brakes sud dis- that again. mng .an incraasingly onerous -beir heip would ha graatly recaived a bruisad back wben 'Stocklay's on Tuaesday. ansd family visited wilh Mr.' bargain o iemnho bouind ou Higimway 401 OP- misad lime charge. Constable .McLeod, OPP, oua in urban centras'- te lime appecialed. ,sha vas bit by a car as she Mr. sud Mes. Wayne Wright' sud Mes. Harland McCarrehlApion uraiarry ' pela oms ut Prt, t- onicio fr aiin V fouda are en i lmepoint where urban councils lIy newsy littla item last ]rode bar bicycle in the vicinily suad daughlae Pam, St. Cath- of Omemea Ou Sunday. 1 pi oi tmted b ps Ant Parsbund ylCondli fr ofway sl - tr fuukd o la detite must curtail taxas for general week about lima errant driver of lima intersection of Highway armas, speut lima weekend Me. and Mes. Lloyd Brooma onyBralo bus ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ srie wilhcoddit ieadl ieo 3 u oîs aewr rs. - l provida funds forl who was in collision with an- 7A sud County Road 57 oniwitb timeir parants, Me. sud and family wera Sundav sup- -Ld bime service or e timer tabee bakfre ou api 1inh et 4:48 pamd Thas Mes.e G.r Car mud Me. sud Mi.prge ihM.sdMs psîglana, forcing iim te or seven days, for Henry T. trac tor trailars. Judge BaIle polîing lime lown. cle e lbcfrdo pi 9ha :8pm hMs .Cr n r n r.prget ihM.adMg dria ete he holde su Kritof. Contaba Yrd, oserad ha fl Ou oft~ The action cama as s resuit me. Apparently il was oua driver of lime car was EdwardI Fred Wright. ,Wallace Munday, Oshawa, 1742BrkSIW tb elrhan dro bac. sHafllerad KutOP, Caid stabl arga floteed gilshad douofiedo f e cu dad yte - of thosa "minor" accidents in Arthue Wood of Port Parry. I Me. Tom Van Camp, Guelph' Mes. John Knox visiled South f41-6889 x4hsre ut-ust ha somnethîug dent atlm nescino u bsria esubesalary mcreases mucb, higmar lioued. JusI in casa you ara treatad aI hospitl in Port weekend et tome witm bis ~~Wreng~a witihsteig H u er s Ionterseoa Es- aduth lu ismd Ha nlfthan limose guidelinas set dowu stili wondering wbo lime un- Peery sud releasad. parents, Mr. and Mes. Sami WvaVehcd as imae bus, passad limated damage was $75. settlemaut cf damages loe a ytha towns counicil for the ftuatpendivide lif was -An BoMaie womu, Mties. MTau Cmpo B eas Lina. a -priot.*rmer car sud, iii doing so, Driving su MG wast ou civil court sud dismissad the ofther emuploasolime saff il e imppu ld hae ifal is una M abraysons usand a Mrws Malo Veals spaul ae fs î 'lorced il complelaly off into Highway 401 at 7 p.m. Feb. charge. ofhiiog vru" sai attention was Aguas Man- possible back injuey wheu lima sister, Mes. Carol Leard, Oîîa-.Is i r o tim riim shuldr.19tb w ilh out lail lights Robert Edmunds, 792 East- Councillor Prout as lime cor- gan. car sha wss demviug wenl outi'wa. Mr. Anigi, wateimiug bis brougmt a ,fine of $20 sud borna Ave., Oshawa, plaaded rsodnewstbe n fcnrlo iha e bu 5mmeso h ,chance, myaniaged to0 pass the cests, or four days, for Jur- flot. guilty of- failing bo ce- cnuresn oudanca w s l e su ontweoTll ou rsnl Higwy la- tbou 45 am b arsn of time 1bus sud stopped et the juuc- gen Hubu, 10 Graylay Ave- main et lime scena of an a in îeap o unils oîac lwaau. Theui'sd et onvilaC.E Holl fa ri g.Iel rin i te COOIN .ion of 401 sud 115 whera hae nue, Scarborough. cident Decamber 51h. At tie2 pevl oas A the au aocurred:1 CE.rc Halof ceebapa Greva atlemrptied unsuccessfully te George 'Ellsworthm, RH.ý 2, a.m. Maureaýn Wood was pro- p.m. Damageat ler car was ber 0f birtbdsys sud wedding flag down lime driver. Arthmur LîsIe, chargad witb driviug ceeding east ou Hîgbway 2 est1 Ie by OPP le ha $1400. aunivarsary, inciudiug Me. sud tel, driver of lima car fore- wimile hsviug more than 8o wi agilfind just s of C our1I icm A oal of $1350 in damags Mes. Jim Holtby wmo wer 1eli >on' rit. lRejects Pai*ntelrs asmad .rh c e Scl s zbieauo h soulim shouldar, milligrams cf alceimol in lo10 lieOsbawa cAt hmîs, PAEOE was caused wimau cars drîvan ceiebeating 30 yaars. Congrat- b~ad bis wiýfe copy dowu lima millilitres of blood Oc-lober westbound car approacmed m- ~ £ Â jby George White of 34 Con- ulations. S license numbe cf lima bus. 4tb, pleaded guilty sud waswith high baams on. Il tuen- ReqIuesrfo ridI The nigml scimool students, cession Street, Bowmauville Miss Mary Aun Doyle, ___________________________________ ed into bier lana,.-causing hec collaclivaly callad lima 'Nigml and David Kornbluin of Osm- Guelph University, Guelph, 18"' Portable (compact) ........ .$51 àto swerve Vo. tha rlgbt. The Painters', held an exhibition awa, coliidad on Higmway 2 is spending a few bolidays et wastbouud car struck bers Bowmauville Town Council of timeir work in lima Bowman- aast cf lime Bowmanviila towu'home wîtb ber parants, Mr. 24"' Portable (2 wheels)........ $88 sud preýceedad ou withou bas tuened down a request ville Public Lihraey auditor- limoils on April 101h aI abouti sud Mes. Stel7, Doyle, brolb- u .... stpfn.Hr crwssu um recuy.Ms oflime 40 3:50 pin. No injuries weee ce- ers sud graudmoimar, Mes. 24 Fldn Baece. ....1.8 ELiT E sîopiug.y Har wssd an plng AscainfrteR dpeople egistaead in lima lwe porîad in lime mîsmap. Cecil Jeffery. H~~~ ~ e ASKIN &h S1L m 1ta0 foot ni1rim Children to financially assist night classas bad works ou, Mr. sud Mrs. Beauk Barn- 24"' Cordless Rotisserie (with odl 54 caeUIS EL Sdingh esstîk Gooda, pro- lima greup's pre-scmool sud dispiay. Some of thme cimildeen um, Oshawa, wee Suuday Charere Accuntntsgirs hat swev oft the aduNo rainwas gin or limaed inMrs. Reynolds' css waer MAPLE GROVE afteruoon cali-ers on Me. sud No ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u Mes.o wa Ie o hsc sCnyAkîsn g ei efr.EET I STARTERS souitb shouldacr Vo evolýd heing decîsion. Time correspondance .11 of Saim, wimoa cr-h a emeber -- Dayligbt Sav- Mes. Marlon Veal ou 1 Mou- - OFFIAES ENT1RE OHAANC hlV by lima we.sthouud car. Ha fo lima Association dtd an SPiîsn g Ce efr.EECIC ( 'ladR rqpainting of a jug bangs beethig naxl Siunday; eue services day eveniug atlaudad liatheEIL-- - 38 OFFICES ENATRE CA OAA C Sbadec asd saw a fl.ash Msrcm 81m sud labled in lime Mes. Johnsou's work. Thea exz- will ba on fast time. nual Civîc Hospital of Nuesiug - of higimîs lu bis raarviaw ragular meetiug oA couneil iiionicud15panig, Congratulations 10 Me. sud Dine iucluding bakt25 ?ATES ODNw. 1BiEin, F.CA IA. mirror. At the first oppor-hbto nld 10piigs BUR R.WTRCA uuity hae turned his car sud on March 151h, was racaîved motyoltog ihafwMs ra ac neCtyayars 'Thea gatbering sud din- IH E FL D precade L.c wimareS h..1and filad witboul comment osllrcools andug citllagfw es. ri n tHaick (na Car-m Dnerwshl ack lH2avenT. LU f pod ie girls pinnad inia bad teconîl Some sculptures warealsso ou emaga. They will raside ini Me. sud Mes. Caries Crydar- SPECIAL 32-oz.. 4 9 c ý oud h grl inedisi h Asoitin a faît wiay.To re sud colges. pry ow nima e cau mer- an uuer ws eî I ok aan. Ieiata asme sude lim thei fe'alla sold during lima weak-iong Sympathy of Ibis manniyGulh sd n daueimtrs Susan PHONE 72 -7527 - tha car lu lieman dte Hai re de using lhia maciîîy spa.Tma panlsg warne d Bomuiha o mmu Guaip spullmafis f CHARCOAL were caiad, ar rmBwsvla ieasbowing. The uigmt scimool art Iexuddt Mc.Emrdays of Ibis waek witm bis Costbe eral O arin e h cas fo apaainthr classas, wbicm Mes. Van Nest Wilbue sud sou Gordon, Of parents, Mr. sud Mes. How- a * >-~~~.. , - ~vastîgstiug bfÎer ad tiahaietwnfrau ane beau conducliug lima past amonluia udn ard Cryderman, brotmers sud SPECIAL ----10 lb. i b swy. a fundgrat ca load ffierfew years in the Bowmauvilia xu fbsbn u ftmr sisler. places of chroeansd at Whael At prasant thera is oue High Scimool, consiat of 20 1 les-su as lu w ail oter reatvs Mr. sud Mes. Frank Cruick- BRIQUETS - h ise hic malhed hatcimid ateudug lma leublmesons beld during lime wintarEr wskuw byqie5sh-anik, Ajax, were Saturday "i lsn rm aca en r-cmolwei rmBw moulims. Tima studeuls axperi- nubri u omut. evening vîilsi wlm lmî - '~~~~ abaudoissne fou a 'ncary siud - auvhl sud lier rem IBr meu wîtb avery'* kind of art4 Thea papar sud bottia drive sister, Me. sud Ms .P PCA 0l.95c' h rod. cbek o ta icnceIrie and fr em aucrr î fot aud daimble lu such pur- o Sardy y Cus udSwallow. On Sunday Me. sud ur lad chek ofime wuar. e tanled luo lime Glubole ut s asr sadcsigsdSot e mg ucess. 'ters. Clifford Swallow viîited - - NexI day. Cousleble M enrTraiuiugCnlr placIer scuîpturing as i Ori37 b.o ppr erabr broimer, Me. sud Mes. Wm. hony, PPwasou ulyaI u aditon e oeraintlim more lrsdiîîonal ails sud collecled, besides a lot of Ashtoen, Caasarea. limey Na was on delc t aths In scdiiooso limeAoia- waîarcoîors. bolîles. Anyona imaving papars Misses Darlene, Vaierene -when time accused srrivad in lion provides a home car, Thmis yaar lime cIss as ea th pickedrp eefore Je sudaerleMis Burgcs Ehie- raspousa le s phmone eal Ha progrem, s recrealien ro raîety mucb a women c affair. îzîim, t 2-7,9 orx dri ape ve, ea Ja zrr Ms Naucy Wiia, y__ said limai after ha j ile sud iplnnge uîa Three. nmin started but ail Hoog<>, C,~~0 orDcSMieGevwaaSua 16 hrt. - BowmanviLi tTur led pag plannieng resideuce.w bfo compltn Wood 623-3405. Tbey wihi gel visilors witm limir grandpar- C. Stwat. eaii ia Overn lim ypage Ibairen workece lima. course Lethe. wo m pacson or par- anIs, M . sud Mrs. Law e ce Ove th b s e as ore by an foliowad timrougm wîb ail les- th i o k t e c u s .L s e rt o m nsons wbo lifled lim a Is pauln W hie . loal gro upre lim Osma risu sons, mainiy becausa, Mes. ceveig lime bottles t lima 7 L imiîi gru ted Oaa lime Van Nast helieved, bolb Iluair back of Mapla Groe Cimuect, yc e 1' iaswr eurollad lu lime Saturday avauiug, pleese re- £ ~~City of Oshaewa sud lima publie ous ie Tm omnille tr ll iapaefo br aI lrgeKiwsnîs club kiudlY loauad il wa Ran Ne qusin COMPLIE SERVICE ~ lie art geoup lima punch wîll ha asked. Net s vary nice R D PT OM P ET S RV CEoase wi timr paint- timing le do after lima beys imad (PROM PAGE CNE b o hii i worked se bard le galber time W.wl xaae grade sad lsy asphait n vaccels mu lima fingers, tesThe~mgwr iplyd rcetl ormed Plue EE LT yu personal driveway or patio. etc., begin te spasmn lius mak- Prý,OM MAG on)~eI RdeCe HunIers Associa- Dv P E N IA I-Y ing lime beat work barder le IAEOE RdeC Gursted orninsipbysklidpunp lime blood past limace oh- Oren prz8a wn e pa mei ie cu n DUE TO THE OVERWHELMING RESPONSE peronnl wth ha steI auipcni steucmons. Time nieotine aise ticket No. 5029, drawni frein Q N G fr8pmMay 1, 1971. U.K.C. - - ~~~~~~increaces lime fatly acids in lima drum hy lime Branh Eurules must bave plus peints O U EETNWCRSEIL uafltr ±nu.'. ai C,ÂC.± generail fui ccodane ' reoluioner te Bwmavile Twn ounîl, mamhership meeting, Thurs- prba-- i'islry". Wa ciosad. witb Mizpam options. Finished i robin's'egg Nýue with complementarywhttoan accrdncWith a rsltoofteBtn'nîeTw, ucl day, Apriil 22nd, or, Y'. edicinucm~e ay matching blue interior. Must ba sean te be beiieved, Til s fbrough time efforts utoOa 2 engrsfo h Lic. 486-O0lA. - ------ --- --------NY 99 Daylight S aving, Tîme wMl b. in effect in the; Town of 5omniî enezflC anm& sdlmasd Maple Groe FETR SECA owranîle i limacg hee ticketsý FEAUR anezer timat, su.cb donation are pos- Cmri copne ylmî from 12:01 a.rn. cibl, sud 1V le boped Ibat Ze.~i MMla p arsdf,RsdM. 1967 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4-DR. SEDAN eau continue te huild sales SCHOFI ELD-AKER D. HI, aise sccompanied in Ibismonlbl draw. imîîadby coma et timair parents, paid Slant 6 cyl. angine, radio, nica original car, low mileagaaaonr «b i Lhs mnthy drw. îmieds visit te thea Fred VicIe'r Mis- -Finished lu red mnaple metallie, matching ced interior. SU D Y ,A PRIL £ 50thoth Timaukowinch7 gore 30 King St. West sien ou Suuday aveuiug. Upon Lic. 542-77A------ --------------------------------------------------- -- ONL$1 9 a.m SNDA, CTOER~,,.,~,are now displayiug tickets tue! Bowmanville arrivai tbey made a tour. of 111 .. UDA, COBR31st 191 lima building snd then attend-1VstOrDaehîan spcOuOh until 12:01 sale~~~~~m1 - Aharuetby's Peints,! Phone 623-4403 cd lima cimuch service wimeu iinu;elrhp n npe u te GobaDeu's Haudy Shop, Bey-I Ras. Phone 623-7752 miss Estmer Crydarman suid DEPENDABLE. USED CARS ýudy, prl25hwîîbeo DyîgtSaig ice ou's Smoka Sbop. Kan's ,representing Mr. Tarry Russell sang a duet,' Sunay Apil25t wII e aylgh Sain Tie.Man's Wear, Hoopar's Jewel- Lumbermens Mutuai Casuaiiy C0mp8n< acempanîed by Mec. Eduia ley & GifI Simop, Frank's Laird. Rav. David Harrie J. M. McILROY, A.M,C.T., Varialy Store, Lanidar Hard- preacmad lime sermon. %aff ware, Cliffesl C 1 e s n e r s, Remember lime Teenagers CekAmnsr orFairway Food Meeaket, Nici- teavelogue when Me. Arcmia Clek-dmnisraor os Motors LVd., Brewar's R acyOsmwilhashow- y. Tow- of 1o3nxanvilla tpau Store, B o0w m a n v ill oot1 ing slides in Eb(iea Cburc 219 KING ST. E.,HN 6328 - ~ ~ l~ c- a fiino epricrne on Calfornia,o April d. 1.