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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1971, p. 7

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___________________________________ *anid M". Hsrry Ferrler of TootMr. and Mrs. Eddy Mr and Mrs, Verne Lowes R. (.S, c ia ý rson i R 2, Peterborough. Mi- Mil1 ton Terry and Mrs. Johe Br Pho e 6 3-3 03 otored to Sarniat v1 î Phne 63.303Ifriends ofMîiý _Pirrd, Mrand i Irs. R. Hawes an-d her son Mrs. W. V. Prîce, Bîlly and 1 ay ood returned last Satur- Laura, lslîngtoil, vîsîted wîthi from a lovely three-week1 the former' sîster, Mrs. A& E. acation in Bermuda. !Bîllett, last week, Tbey also BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Roniald Hall o& alled on Mrs. F. Kersiake, Chathamn spent the weeker'diSunset Lodge, TheI-iennujal Banuet th wtith his.,-iother, Mi-s James Mi-. and Mms.C. A. l41ewson, Durham ont ho r H-all, LibertyS.Not. Mrs. Jan Earle, Port Hope, Mr' Club was eldi in the Rucreac,,-- Mi-. Gary Baker, Sir Sand-iand Mrs. Don Yen and f aml tion Centreý, Blacksto -k, o ford Fleming College, Peter- were dînner guests on Good Wednesd.ay evening, April A4 -borough,sen the jekn Friday with Mi,,, TmBtery. at 6:30 flpm.o More than 100 with his f amily, Mi-. and M rs. TIhe occasion was Don and person, sat down to a de- J. Baker.Joan Yeo's fifth weddingani licious roast beef dinnrpr versai-y. pared and served by the la Mr. and Mrs. A. Roger Mes- diesoth lktc UCW dows spent the weekend in ý .ase.viî Mi. .y .o t. lakst.kUCW.-. -. --. --. - -- - Londn vsîtng hei so cal Webber were Mrs. Donaldý Head table guests inckided u-s--- daugh-iter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Powell ndfmyWo- Club President William Sla- Rager Medos stock, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bea- ter and Mrs. SIater, Mi-. Gar- The East Durham District Women's Institute,(G stS ak);M. Mr. L. B. Nichols bas i-e- cham and f amîly, Dunudas, Mi-. net Rickard, President of thebrtdis7tAnvraywtha aquta te DuamEsDit;MsC.EiotS t urne home alfter spending and Mrs. Jim For-est and Ontario Shortborn Club, and Unted isChch i Mllroosoary idaybaevetgAprith e Durham East Dist.; Mrs. R. MiotS Easter wîtb bis son and daugh-jaîY Ottawa, and Mrs. Bert M"s. Rickard, Mi-. and Mrs. rr uhmEs it;Ms .M ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- Webber,' Manitou, Manitoba. Joihn Rickard, Shortborn Las- l6th, The head table, pictured above, f romn right to lef t, Director Sub Division No. Seven; Mrs. las Nîchols, Kingston, MI-. William De Mille, son sic Queen Miss Audrey Moore includes: Mrs. L. Challice, District Director, Cavan First Vice Pres, Durham East Dist.; Mr Don't forget that Daylight of Mr. and Mrs. Harold De of Cameron, Mr. aind] Mrs. Branch; Mrs. L. W. Hughes, Second Vice Pres, Central retaýry-Treasurer, FW.J.O; Mrs. A. Blar( Saving Time begins at one arn. Mille, Liberty St. North, has Davîd Beath and Mi- and Mi-s. Ont. Convention Area; Mrs. Burton, Secretary-Treas-PesDra Eatit;Ms. .Be this Sunday, April 25tht Rem- completed bis two yeairs at John Carnaghan. Pc. uhmEs it;Ms .Be eme hî % thet f theIKemptville College of Agricul- After dinnerasi-sg!tr, Central Ont. Convention Area; Mrs. Dinon, Presi- ham East Dist. 3mbr thSing fothe ime tural Tecbnology and bas now was led by Mi-. Russeill Os- dent Central Ont. Convention Area; Mrs.'A. Zoeller, ~i-ar o "prig frwad." joined the staff at Shur-Gain borne accompanîed on tbel___ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes ofCaaaPcesLdTrnopio yM .LreThm- Blackstock, Mi-.,and Mrs. Wil- I Ca t nadteLdTornton. ao Mrs. lvnLoidTopfv son Abernethy, Bai-bai-a St., nTrinity mlnied hutch i B-roaMi e li a rd rlFi rst .Secreta ry Attends lUth Anniversa r viere Sunday dînner guests ofnetSna mongArlB mnvlepyd seel Mr- and Mrs. Jîm Ahernetby. 25th., an informai reception of numbers on the piano. welcomne will be given for the . The speaker for the even- Mi-. ai-d Mrs. Arnold' Ander- church organist, Miss Gaîl îng was Mr. Ken Hare of Aît son and their daugter Joanne, Tbompson, oloîg h Canada who spoke on th,> Kingston, were weekend guests churb service. All members pi-ogi-ess made in commercial of Mis. Morley Vanstone and oftecnrgtina- nîe aviation over the past tbirty Miss Barbara Vanstone, Beech to attend ad metMs years.- His talk was illustrated Ave-nue. Thompson. Refreshments will wlth slides. Mi-, John Blakely'of Toronto be served. Mi-. Gai-net Rickard -poke . ---- irent the weekend with bis Mi-, and Mi-s. Walter Wool- of somne of the work of thel son-in-law, daughter adlywr oordget t Shotthutn Club at the Pro- grandchildrei, Mr. and Mrs. A. dinner given by their f amiîy vin cial lvladepaie Meraw, Donna, Dan and Peter, at Rockbaven, Peterborough, the role that tbe bceed could Sautbwny Drive,.nteocso fter4t play in the modern cross- If you have been away visît- edn nîesr.Tbey breedlng program. lng or on holiday, or bave en- were aise privileged to bear The evening concluded witb f tertaîned out-of-town guests in their snIa odc h a number of lucky draws for:-- y-our bornes, please let us bave Kiwanis Bonachord Chi fp-rsdntdh oa nd - the, information for itemns in 25 voices on TV channel 12 last ,county merchants and clu)b thîs columon. Just dial ý623-3303. Frîday, Aprîl l6tb. members. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Me- Mi-ý ( George Young, Higb On Tuesday, April 20tb the Kee were Easter Sunday Str-e, returned homne n United Cburcb Women of gussfhrsitM.Ed _Mordayý from a 10-day vsit Trinity Ucie Cu-c hldLwson adB-cJntil wvith be siteri-n-law, Mrs. T. their General Meeting witb n ABillon and daughter Cath- the topic for the meetin be- adTuesday evening guests c~ f Mi-. and Mi-.- Alvin Bruce. erirne, Rilkenny Farms, George n FrWme ny.'hose Port Perry. Saturday evening t0vwn. taking part included Miss Mil- gUests of Mt-. and Mrs, Me- - At the morming worshivp et-- drsdBariley n deer Orshw Kee were Mi-. and Mrs. Btih vic inTruîtyUnîed hurh Mss ariyn dgeeyOsbwaWannan of Orono. ,Icesi Sunaynted unir antGeneral Hospital, Mi-s. 'Farl On Faster Manday, Mi-. and 1P.o u C heJuiortd eThompson and, Mrs. Geo rgMis. Neil Bailey, Howard -and congregation with tbeir' rendi- Wad.Tara Lyon visited Elaine's tio of"Go Lvesa CeerulWord was received this week giandmotber, Mt-sWW H. liverof"Go ovsa-he tbat Mr-. Carl Pickard, Kings- Jobosion and Mrs, James ville, died suddenly on Satui-- Naylor of Peffei-law. ____ __________ dyApi 1th e as~ Mrs. Sandy Dawson, Flori- î Sbrother of the late Albert da, ber daugbter Mrs. Cath- St. OUJI Pîcardof Bowmanville, and erine Burnie, Toronto, and an uncle of Mrs. Stuart R. Mrs. Dawson's gi-antichildi-en, n te Ch rch Jaes, Howard Pickard, Mrs. Anduiea andi Richard, Cooper Vnite Cli rchLou Dewell, James Pickard of Oshawa were Easter Mon- Miniaer:of Toronto, and Mrs. Jack day luncheon guests of Mrs. i Riisev.H . unr Dunri. Mr. and Mrs. James V. Bailey. In the afternoni k .H.A.Turer,. vîsîted theîr son Norman and they ail went ta Lindsay t B.anA.,t .D family in London on Monday, visit Mr. and Mes. Naysmith Among the guests at the East Durham District first secretary. East Durham Presideni - Mr. r eesf Mrs. James attending the, Henry. Upon their returri Women,' s Institute 7th Anniversary banquet in Mili- Ruth poses with Mrs. Sowden beside thb A.R..T.,AC..M. Pickard funeral on Tuesday ml they called on Mr. anti Mrs, *:45Sa.- Chvireh Sehool Kingsville. 1- Roy Cortien, and were, along brook Friday was 90-year-old Mrs, T. G. Sowden who cake. Mrs, Sow den is the former Ethelwyr Last weekend Mi.-.dtiMIS. with Mi-. and Mrs. Roy Cor- was onie of the charter inembers of the Bowmanville was borni and raised in Bowmanville. Lî il a.m.Douglas Maritn, Mr. anti MIS. dti, evening dinner guests of I'ýWomren's Instituehnilfa orjç.in 1900 ai-cidits in Newcaý,stle. MOJr NINGC George Purdy aid Keiîth, M ïr. and Mrs, Neil Bailey and __ ___________ f WORSHïP Town, andi Mr. and Mis. James family.___ M direction, of carefluilig ý -fVc atn Oshawa, were guests Baster Monday ca]let-s ofAlrd linB bitnt aredurng ervceof Mr. anti Mrs. John Martin, Mi-. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly z ~ E . ~IAîeiAln 1115fl ý!Englehai-t, Ont. While there and family were Mr. and Mrs. 'M " W ~ UMi-. and MIS. they attended tbe weddîng of~ E, R. Taylor, Mrs. Farl Tre- and family r Mr. Harlan Martin, son of Mr. wln, Enniskfillen, anti Susan HIaoton Church News "A nxicty anti Hope" was a wý,orst and we shahl meet you panieti their c R EHOBOTH anti Mrs. Peter Martin, Engle- Shemion of Haytion. Miss Nan- Rev. Lougheed, oui- supply sermon that made us ail sit no mare'." along witb oth hart, andi Miss Fi-ancoise Caron, cy Harness, Oshawa, was a ministei-, returneti to the up and take notice, For who The choir antbem thîs week the, Tartan EI Chis,tian Reformed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aug-ý Montiay supper guest. Sunday pulpit on Sunday and useti of us remember that the 37th was "Fîght the Gooti Fight". leader, Miss Ir Church ust Caron, Earîton, Ont. The c.aller-s of the Kellys were Matt, 6:25 ta 30 for the Scrip- Psalm says "Rest in the Lord, This seing helti a simple Oshawa ta Chrhwedding took place in St. Jean-. Mi-. ant Mrs. Ray H-odson, ture Lesson. His sermon and wait patiently for hlm: and strengtb. The divine power Competiions .curez Street Baptiste Church, Eariton, Sat-~ Lynda, Cathy and Philip of -Fret not thyseif". It's easy te ofa music like this bas a wav eti Second. Mr. lItllstr: A niday, Aprîl 17. They also Br~ookl~nety were Katby Keuning, Lesie ,ay, but bard, sometimes, to of awakening the soul of mai las White and e.nte:visiteti their brother Tom wba On W'dedyeeigte Wright, Janis Dorrell, Bar- do. Rev. Lougheed spoke Of to beautiful, inspiring thoughts- Gooti Friday wv Rev. . Vandeuflerc, is convalescîng in Englebai-t regular W. I. card party bad bara Swain snd Marie Van getting on the wrong path un of what is good and tî-ue. mother, Mrs., B.A., B.D., M.Th. Hospital. 15 tables wlth the following Camp. Wînners of the mucb life and how we worry about Under the capable leadei-ship Bi-antford. Sunc Phn63747Mi-. and Mi-s. John Bird i-c- winners: Ladies' bigh, Mrs.1 coveted Speclal Provincial that, or oui- jobs and family. of Mi-. Douglas Dewell the Mr. anti Mrs.I rhon 6237407 turned ta their home, R. R. 2Z, Velva Bailey, second Mrs.lHonours Awards upon the He spoke of getting on the choi-rtiid an excellent job. family were Jý Peteborogh, n Mai-chntMuio gents' higb, Mervynisuccessful completion of 12 wroi-g train one finie, ad Satn udy pi 5hDe andtim WORSHIP SERVICES Ptro-igh9b uio trigsnaArlzt ie nifi after spending the Gi-abam, second Stanforti Van pi-ojectg were Leanne Doi-rell, how he worried he'd bie laugh-we cag to DST ani W kndg 10.00 a.m. months at Cleaîwater Becach, Camp. Bill Hopps receivetiJaneAguCao ei-ydt at until he found in talk- churchansevie S a and Mi-s. Thor 7:00 p.m. Florida. Sînce their return the door piie. The next card Carol Wotten and Norma igta otheî-s that they had follows- Hampton 9 arn., Zion family were Mi hom, M. ad Ms. Îrdhav patywill be April 28. 1 Wotten. Many mothers, grand- donc the samne tbing. People l:oanEdd1:5am he, rtinMi-. anti Mrs. it-t hav Sunday evening a fn mothers and other interested make l11e bard for themselves, Sunday Scbool is unchangeti. Gack to Rdo ton Terry anti family, Anrdiew, gi-ou~p of the Hi-C group along Blackstock ladies attenddi they fight theii- jobs, get up- kMle' Dm1 1310 adj Steven, Candy and Patti Anme with their leaders, Mr. and the Fashion Show in the aI- set over lîttle complications, Sunday, May tMbe' aof Oshawa, Mi-. anti- Mus. Wil Mrs.Rs ufat eno.Tenx -H project and woîîy about small mis- Day. Any Parents wishing ta Eve-ry Sna 03 ..lsFweDer n ai rKnLe edt the will he Dairy Fare anti will takes, always brewing temp- bave their citrnbpiei Wecm"of Cobourg, Mr. anti -Mrs'. ITed Colwell Nigbht at ;ii-irce-,begin In the faII- when ail esta in teapots. Life can be please contact Mr. Laverne "Everyone Arthur Brown anti She i apofi St.. United Churci A wou-' girls aver 12 will be weîeome. bard for it is f ull of frustra-, Clernons 263-202,a in n Coboui-g, Mi-. anti Mrs. Henryl derful time was -enjoyeti byl On Tbursday evening the tions, friction anti disappoint- Heni-y Haas at 728,3558 anti MSmitb of Peterborough, Mi.ahi. Tbe Hi-C wil be in saa Pebyey o h ments, It's bard not ta worrya t Eldati Mrs. B. Tink at charge of the morning wor- Uniteti Chut-ch met in the over your family, anti be con- 263-2319 not later than Aprilb sbip service next Sunday Christian Education Roorn of ýcerneti for them becausee 25th. luwhen the nevý organ wil he aur cburch. uutanti tension of ou The ist Hampton Cub Pack ST. NDR W 'Sdedcatei. ues spakerfor At he nitei Cui-h ]pi-osent day living tend ta [are holding their own paperý tliq specialsevie i..e.uûayaspcilndcio e.mnthe great vu-ue0fanti returnable hottle drive on ""HSI URCLIGMr. anti Mrs. Bll Fergir-n n oward S.' Swa rtz B.A. LL înIg a tes anti bazasi- on April Noral or Dry Re. . .Ward a'ofyMi. ani Ms. Gan itsrIL... 28th in the C.E. Wing anti 61/ or. "TIS15OU CLLNG> nt oys, wdersu nty ger-. 'wuld appreciate a gondti urn- Suzg. s SYca ui yguson and fsmlly, Toronto, wishes to announce ounit as they have been work- 11 Onpecial inuaboutby7îif--bard ta make Ibis a'suc- ~ j ORffwK, it nsxlaturs ao t37 lsk-the openîng of his practîce of cessful event. 1 aRSEROHOWSKY,sfpranontic Csi , leandoftenBlackThe ampton Home andiMY stock Clubs 1, 2 nti 3 atten 'i1O45 aa.nsd also in the niorning service the- estn DuAhaemn nScoo ogairtinis sponsor- Aag for issDay belti at the Maetwen 7:0 ani 9.0 to belp for Relief cgegtoa eefofoMisThompson SnM.Puli Jho, Hohhs£ ai-aise funtis for tearn sweaters. aheais C lonaionl theptsion enorPulivicelHipChildi-en are ielcometi, fr-e. nipaii folowrigth woshp srvceton, where the Enriiskle-i Mr associaion with Ro-nald L. Swartz, ac-omnpanîctid by a parent anti2dr CH.URCH SCHOOL HOURS 4-H- Club acteti as bosts. W'elf .. g..ýame roomna will he set u-p for L conie was exteieti by Mis. RAL.B hem also hy the Grade 6 19 Juiors,. intermediates sud Seniors will Ineet Karen Fîtzsimmons, HI o m e P at 9:45 am Economist, During the alter- under the firmn name of pil:. Kindergarten, Beg-inners, Primary Departmnentà noon the speciawards werre Mrers. A I laicard -e presenteti with aIl sncb -, tournelI recnl fi-and te will meet during church service. awards beng recevd b7 Iswande.ÔThe., tour o oonuat h lclgirls - uie nalsor-150includeti Les Angeles, PBlackstock.Cogaua 261/2Kn St. EatSan Francisco, Phoenix, Ani-I Meetingsfo Discussion and Fellowshîp thons, girls. Win1ners aI Ca u-n- ~ Es Tel. 72-41 zona anti the rnagnificentl unth Hme.I o1sx -i1 Oshawa, Ontario Me.igturwsune h inteRre.t oorAw,ýartis, upon Lh Grand Canyon. This vcry iri- The Canadian Statesrnan, Bowi Rogers and Michael of Toron- Mr. and, Mis. Raiph Ballard X::-:-e-..ý and famîly spent Saturday V with Mrs. Ballard's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Appleton 0f Whitby to help relebrate Mr. Appletoni's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard and family were Sunday supper .i~ guests of Mr. aind Mrs. Frank Ballard at Colum bus. Recent visitors with Mr. and-Mrs. James Smale were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Griffith of Blyth. Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mî-s. George Potter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frpd 1Elliott and Laurie, Enniskilh Ion; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pot ter and Melissa, Oshawa-, Mr. aýnd Mrs. Roger Roberts, of Courtice; Mr. and.Mrs. Law- G. Ruth, Presý. rence Moffat, Oshawa; Mr. 3ecrtar-Tras-Michael Pidgon and'a friend ecrtar-Tras-from Toronto. lorrison, Board Miss Terry Shackleton of .M. Thompson, Bowmnanvil]e was a weekend rs. Miller, Sec- guest with Mr. and Mrs. Perey ndSecnd iceDewell' and family. td, ~ ~ ~ S ScnVie Snday visitors with Mr, ýrs, P.R.O. Dur- andl Mrs. Steve Artym and family were Mr. and Mrs, Ross Spicer and Eric, Oshawa. Sunday supppr guests with Mr. and Mrs. S,;teve Artymr and family wereý Mr. And Mrs. Ted Brookham, Nancy, John, Oshawa. Miss Jeanne Mot issette, of Oshawa. was a wrekend gue"tý with her cousin, Miss Lynettcr- Hol roydi Sunday guests witb lvMr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd and, Lyn- ette were Mr. and Mrs. John Moîîsssette and June, Oshawa, and Mr. Pierre Morrissette. Quebeec Mr. William Holroyd Mr. Richard Cowle, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wheel- ock, June and Ian, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hans- ford, Danny and David, Cale- - ~ don East; Mr. and Mrs. Dou,£r Armstrong, Paul, Wendy andý Todd, Erîn, were visitiog their- pareni)ts, Mr. andl Mrs. Elme( Mrs. Gordon he Anniversary n Sparling and ýater, she livedý Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville. s. Douglas White' recently accom- daughter Laurie ter members of Blues and their renie H{arvey of the Bramptoni where they plac- 1and Mrs. Doug-1 id family spent vith Mrs. White's C. Warrack at nday guests with D. White and Mri. and Mrs. .ily, Toronto.. ie#s with Mr mas Rogers and r. and Mrs. Jim SINE ,DROPS per99 MRINE itiseptit 00TE x M'PONS List 49 it1.59 ~91C OFLEX sic rem 4- 94etla Spe flanville, Apr. 21, 1971- -Richardson, Caledon tocd brate their father'a 8I9th birth- day on SRturday. Mr Leslie MacKirnin of Guelph also was a caller. Mr. and Mrs. Wheelock and f airily also visited Mr. and Mrs. 1.S Wheelock, Orangeville, on the weekend. This Correspondent cati be reached at 263-2985. Philos- ophy, while it sootheg the reason, dampens the ambition.- Bye, now! Mrs. Allun of Newcastle,,, Mrs. Adamson of, Orono an-d Mrs. Billett of Bo0wmanvile>' were Monday qupper guestiç with Mrs. T. S, Moîrntjoy and- attended the H-ampton U.C.'W. meeting wrth ber. INDOOR HEATED SWIMMING ~ POO à%L Forget Winter ENJOY A REFRESHING SWIM FOR THAT CHANGE 0F PACE Mon. t Fri. 7 to 9 prm. $1.00 per person at the MOTOn IMP Liberty St. S. at 401 Phone 623-3373 ,cial p~~eA 1A Phone 725-1912 Open Mon.-Sat. 9-6- Ail Day Wed,. 1E SPRING COATS - SUITS ENSEMBLES - PANT SUITS Frii ý9-9 e r PRICES EFFECTIVE TO APRIL. 30 We reserve the right té Iimit quantkities4 ANSODENT Effervescent Denture 1Cleaner Sugg. List j 98C 7 C BUFFERIN Tablets 24's Sugg. List f 59Ce4 SOFT & DR THE NON-Sl'ING' ANTI-PERSPIRANT New! Unscenited 7j oz. Mfrs. Special I~ CREST Tooth Paste super Size Regul1ar or Mint- 16C Off' Mfrs. Special ListE FLUSHA BYES Toddlers Sugg. List PAIN? C-2 h ith C -2 Tablets 100's £ Sugg. List 9 1.39 CURAD "EC-ONOMTy" 6013 f Sugg. LIst 69 98e 09 RESDAN Dandruff Tireaitil(ent White ain HAIR SPRAY 2.5%M eSpeia Extra 13 Ja4r, TuibeC or Lotion 99 ALEX McGREGOR K'S LADIES BLACK WEAR LTD, ALL WEAT1HER COATS REDUCED I01ýQtO 50%--l LIIE QiJANTITY - SALE STARTS APRIL 22 BE EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION BLACK'SLADIES B LA ( KSe WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 5 KING ST. W. PBONE 923-5792

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