Phione 987-4213 Senior Choir Wins Trophy -at Festival Theto senior chair with three-part chorus whîch iop iedl the recenit Kiwauis Music Festival iVa8 from ~wcasl Pblic Siol The large gnaup, pictur- ed above7, acbièved 88 pr ce 1anthein performance, Fish and Chip -Shop Opens the second highest mnark a wvarded to any group in thel conipetition. Tihe youngsteýýrs5 received a trophy tokeepl thfle Kawartha Kîwivanis Trophy, for school chorus SSA. SoclIanc1 q)ronal/ M.Brýuce Tilison, EJItor Newcastle - The N1-ewcastle day, May l5tli, tetnigbo Yei erton UCW i Hckey Mothera hockey team rnodern and old tie dninjanîrle adis ta wîth t-heir coacheiýs and cheen- round, square and whv]ateveWbiii ncudda leades noyedan erd of the else thene is. There laalwys bewayShonin P sesnprty or aura even- somnethîng new beirý-1njing adde meng t the spacieus and the 'Aley Ca;"Gade flndthe rcrooni ni tbe Ted Matins. hey'll rpla3y watt adinc A good isewas enjoyed f7by prefers. Jaimes Lowery -wîll Cngaultinst Y i who look fonward ta mo-,re the featured idlritMa bnon nwfr d good ises rint flasbe1rny the calleradteMhetî Copt nesof ail is, you are nî rdeXiadG Vinal Newcastle owîetodescmoabyTalstuetatndyC laind G ide oined wîth ina rprieCs ixtaeý gt r neenl NwateCuba and Scouts'i s ýons wi ens diai ogaiain 'S atud ay vnn we heyaedt sueyouir qsra ae aa h traveied b bus Courîce ton, The lbcal firemn vil! 'l ngbr9t it IýSecondaïry Sehool oi 'ri the Sig.n bu asreyua tedy a r îha aboti t and pa 'gthe \vwonr. oua 0 r 1the Clank e 0nilntee rs0 Eow andr1 1ïMrs.F li, denful eventing ithey jyed, ta Sween thîs aiýnnIer. sonr Fai iad fl Cuba are inow-, planninIg atP if you Plan ta ry e epwr alr nSn ta the zo-o, %when the'y meet lumni out aI the kjier oh MadMs e two weeks tue aIt five p.s. er'a Day, tire Cu -Scout Moth- eewekn us on Mndaynxgh lufront I esor xiiay hveat leastAr oa. the omniyHll ih a aIteanwrAttend box unc. Mre dtais wll heFak sl,Saturda, YMay LZ BT Weare aorryita repo that goodies a alte we Mesns, F iJAack1,Chard and idPe c toothed mebeiraI he 1kmý- OnPndry) A ýnew fisah and Ch-ip establishmient op n i i JýTamnblyn are bath hsial l. nngteE.ea ~tetNrhi Nwcale yesterdaY. Call'ed Toe~btaepesdt eotta h o ir rdCippto neya _r Iaci i ,goýv-,d yTAý'YPn 1;a nd doîný-g vweLl. ng Tedyand WensdydanJan ilous l~e opnathd y Jantice Riekard, bath oi Newvcastle.1lu TheMiesfor MliosWalk ýof thisýweekL, qwas;pPenpatfenobetewa the -picture boeMn, Waltonl serves his two nrstonStdyfuda numben Saturday as a trial run, and all favrie usomes ..hî wî eAure ad 1-yanol ~fNecatl yung-sters ea- rau ouI of fish this la. Nat neal- Ma. and Miaý, ,l 1u so in ç. Thrernsh wisrehlbtfihdcise ly taningoutbutndai îng put ,,thow many pensons cott and boysvît treadingb haim.-.-So-e may yet mnight learu they wene open, hier iterani au in Enýlr7sbstyle. If, will be open TucAda atray be oiIne W tus teinthey were by no n'eans pre- son, necentlHy. frori Il an -1:00 pm.except Prîday when t \will stay efforts and'l their b[isýters wer'e paned but aller ta look afler MrmGreKuo 4nnanr extra twa ou, ,:ý-not la vin. 17a date we have those that were tunned away fronii Port Hope lIas OlDen eane1-thatMiss ao Dwy- Saturday with thein ýhest ln A. Gilînore la ase NECASTLE BýOWVLING Hubýen 237, A. Peýarce 230ý, eran ad Miss D.e1-bb i Shener service and their beat la fish Bani-ter came home t NIOnd'ay Laidies M. Wnter 227> 1B. M-adilI 219l, made~ the fuil')0 miles, sddand chips fram their opening also. J. Stere 26î3, T. Langstaff ,S, Powell 218, J, Sikma , 214, GriaydIen Molore and Bnrian day onward. Il was really Mn, and Ms L. , M Kent 252, B. Major:I, aleD.4,J.Pwel 0!,ikos orth the wait, having known M1vr. and . Werer >2V6. 1. BrOWn 241, K. NMercar B. Wîl1ks 204, G. Henry 2203,! The Clarke Oieýnteening ýùthat Saturday'5 Chef, Murray wva, were wîtiih nr , yvvatson 235, I. Pattoni J, Tannant20n3, G. GRay 200. daýnce rl be1-1el onSaitr-lWallon, was ope n oigKnTe nStn 2341, C. Duguay '232,b ar row124, J, Httonu221, P Mrcer 213, D. Forth 212, B.1 Il. Iri n 2, C. MPlcerinM20,1S a e c>to l Ws f ti l A\w a d M. Wse 199.,NM. Major 194, N.Williamns 18 8, G.Coucli 85B Lake '85, P. MNantel 18,C. Ki-elangen 182Z, B, Sta- : pen18,M. Burley 130, M. Gannad Y179, J Aldnread 17. Men 200 P 3and ovr B., Wiliamýs 299, B, Leýwisý 26-,,IR Suilffe 260. D. Pa,-i îtabrook 2 56, M. He!,-nny 250, J. ruton 249, G. Cowvlîng 237, ý G. Watson 2135, J. Knela3ngen 23, W. Flîntoff 232, L. Tay9- lor 228, G. Kimrbaîl 223. D. 1 Harnîs 221, P. Adama ý;220, G._-'l Kup ery 214, E. Taylor 207,1 E. Cowlîng 2102, Newoxiill Ldies G. Hughnes 24,3, L Willems 23,H. Cali 214, A. Holien 22I.Vogels 21ý2, L, 1Henny 28V.Gray- 193, H. Willems Tlhnrsday Mixed FLws289, B. Glaxtville 'v \, ercen 245, T. Gardon 2 M, . Leýwis 236, W. Fonget 2'P,MCoc 221, A. Farrow ~~ 194, . MaeGnegon 193, J. . Mitcell-87, B. Mongan 185, àffli~ * M., lIbbotson 182, E. Stephens Y. Jenkn 2i, IM.Henry 29RGoi23H.M Mur'-A nu ~ En 26,T mly263, M Bnifet 20,AjPeer 239 D, The AiIey Cats 9 DO p.e sut. MCÊ 1 PLAYING SQUARE, IOUND aud MODERN music Featuring Jamfes Lowery on flic Fiddle wifh *, Mac Ransberry as tfic Callen FOrR RERVATION CAL 987-4449 or 997-4472 Pr isesi Bar Pnivilages - Ciif deale mem-berS Toronto de tnp ta Science MnA. Clare 'ur mgthe trn for am . làu Mon. Mn. abd ih Baker so nt ths For two-room Salejm Public School every class per centi. Then the junior boys chair (pictured below) was, a xipner aIt he Kà ns ui esiahi ee- rvdt Iboys eau sing ...and igwl o boroui'hl. Finaltire grade aiyp re ntw crldrn pclur- scoig an 86 per cent mark and first place in their cd aove) won,-e , jqpttoj, with ýa score cf '4 categry Promoted tb Sergeant wîth bit idea r'! getting thinga started, having phoned aheadA aur onder the Edilo's f amilyj w n mong saeeaoftheicy n 10eninoy a feast aI the, heat fish and chlips fo'r Str d-ayv niight's suppn. A3 for the- kiîd- iu the ares;, wha were, etrngfor s-ecnds andi thrs hey;'ll tell ,you h!o w goodildla nie et .or eyba ilLennartd whineely elebrat- cdq1 thecdin0hwdignier 19 ntsry. il'r Whil youne dAnPair mentaway migt aswel aul NewcastlýeaHJuveni ilr en r 5rqnd a tend e Satur- day pracutic, sy oB a0 19d as aI JaMarlaI. wo'e tound e the le ft a hr ther yeas ae que bh c udi ibi-s fairt l i -nglen meg- ha hiPr od a rinthase If bhey arelp oryUnmryain sonflhou ashra h bv be-vrautadlu.5eteddt Co-inbudlaties lafBrend sudr i Try--lalfoea o isLesf asum'r' rne aalesud Srnpby is sxî2t endé l Lame- Str ig,,fo --.-l a Gel Cash Today For OId Applianfces 8ST AT E M A N CL AS SIFIED S Phone 623-3303 I i hi J.~U..tJ HARVEY NOT ICE VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE,:, At iflieqi f4 e lcmCucim cillgeetIflapepth rle fi aeaayanlrvnefifi . Newcastle fi nal Wttheuce evcs rvdafemfi rvnca eac9ak stI b4as investigntrï licp ilt tinstalling w'thin e7 flic- village aa swvage wonks pojetý e ie onby fi the ,acnncio hrg ! 3.4 paYnu o eS 4'y and tramn aiiiswil iipoiea major flic seargsla provlddq, a25prn ucargenouflicwater > .~.. 11 ~ . ~ T MI! tdoesti useracf iba .a yýtam sud nul lem-' flan 295k p,*- part c b vage VA wagceeyvom gceIfé lwp nt srchAarge on tfl.c aer bill ido! flic4cmmercizlal sud l 1ocdteconstruet sncm"h arksaan esfiated cost e of ti ueA ies ysîem. $,9,0,For srie rvddfro-nt ha-lse monks1,14f i5 rpsdt impoe n sftFedsevice r-ate Of121M3 n Instanes mk lee tor l aconefln ficpapoa cent pan141,04gallomsns et seage accepteci frottii ficcharg;e fer sae sevice 1neruiall-y rýcvera4 y fle, n>uniipalf yfoge l-il fi otahe rate idan cti-matr ih uchre afa ha eeocrb yific tuiposlflonof neciopchageas set forth iunfic 'fourîi aagaliafooýt froutage ra-te o! 3198,41diveeldadby the fotg !s landa, Tiis foot frontage rate lde'cs nef nadueor ~luet lieront. ay potlier frou#age rates imposýed on propertie§ for0ge dlî Th pa clmiIturss chli ellwicmarks ma ýzter -m or ika. %ii juif ~ ~ ~ ~ T Pll:l omigficfotg chrea rovisioý1ýfk jUn H lic ma SAdc treet- ArtiurhStreet EwardStreet Emlly Street George Street George Street Bing Street Manvara 11usd Miil Street Mouron Street Robent Sftreet Wilmot Streel Suaset Bird. Sunset Blvd. Lakavîew IRoad <notit section) Lakaview Rond (Southi section) TRUNK SEWERS Easment Churci Street Easemant Clarke Street 11usd ailoweueet lielmean Lot 28 & 29, Concession I Eassmant Road Aliowauca betwcan Lot 29, Concession 1 sud Lot 29, Broken F'ront Concession Bcarnr Streef Ring Sircet o! Rinig Street apro.35 fnoril lnlieSre o0f George street aoln "ft opprux. 10 f. notitRobent Street chureit Strec King Street ChureliSt reet Baîdmin Street .Manvans Re Mill Streat Beaver Street sPo415,1b. soufli Street aproxý. 250 fI, euat O! Beaver Street Beavar Street approx. 200 ft. mast e! Baîdmin Street approx. 250 lb. eaIt od Beavar Street approx. 1050 ft. wast Arthur Street o! -Baldwin Street MIII Street Robant Street Mill Street Suiisel BIvd. Baldwin Street Robant Street Lakev¶4ew RoatI approx 40finnth e! George Street auprox. 300 fIt. iortlb of Monroe Street Baldwin Street Beavan Street Miii Street Lakeviaw RoatI approx. 550 fI. West of Lakeview Road Sunsal Bird, Sunsel l3lvd. <eat o! subdivision) (west of subdivision) Sunsel Blvd. Sunsel Bird. (east o! subdivision) (weat o! subdivision) approx. 950 fI. nantit epprox. 550 fI, nortb. of Toronto Street is! Tonante Street epprex. 550 fI.nantit Toronto Street of Toronto Streat Tenanto Street apprex. 180 fI. ment o! Miii Street Clarke Street Clarke Street approx. 650 fI. Wes of moii Stneat <Rond allemance ha- Imacu lot 28 sud 29, concession 1) apprex. 850 fI. Sentit of Clarke Street approx. 850 fI. sentit R ,4', lm neli- of Clarke, St. (Read cessvion 1 sud Lot Ahiomnce clwae 29 roken Front Lot 28 & 29, donc, Il) Concession apx,1050 fI, approx. 350 f. wast weesterly (STP o! Road Allowanca local cd ou the belmieen Lot 28 & 29, nonlhvaats corner of Convession I Lot 29, Broken Front Concession) fogether with semars frein bhc main semens lu Ilie lothUes, Threa puntping stations ara teble conuriesd; Iliese ana: Puinping Station Ne. 1, la locatedl approximalely aI Baldwin and George Streats. J'umping Station Ne. 2, la locatcd appnoximataly 2600 feet wasî of Robert Street on Sunset Bird. Pumplng Station Ne. 3 is located approximabely 260 feat west fo!CituncliStreet on Robent Street. Treatmenl miii ha provided in a 280,000 gpd oxidation dibeli sewage trealment plant located lunflic nonflimeal corner o! lot 29, Broken Front, Concession in tae Village o! Newcastle wiit an ont! ail provid.ed îmb Laka Ontario. redutio on nerase u fic c> ase >'o! tn-ýflagua rIrY lr Iy-sapa lot ma li mad lufli foo frntae rate that etirlewonld lie chngab e hreon, ufcenhve regard tI e lc itaton vluesundapnlcalaes!so lotsas ompre mili ther lbsta adjuaýt Ifs frona chargeOe afai sud eutll ias b>wlere Alt afor nLy reason 'wholl"y oPlu n rlunOf1fe buildng pupos , areýduclition maýy bli ae lu flic oo f~otag rte itI ohawls wUl liech abe tfitreon 5uMcicut te adiust R ifs f rae cag scrpndw ltaI o! lots fit for build4ing puîrasas on afairsueqtaa lisis, C) Wlienc a lot, otitr Utita s omer lot, lias Im liuets hz abut ou atreef descnrbad aboansd tflic arisd nature cof flie Clot l snb iitafau'y or al ! bbc erl"f" in lu auditree ara netrequýir-edl,ardubin respect 'of !vlic mrks th arout raquiîred, se loiig as tbeCy anc n'I«e aqrtd, nmay Ii- lieate lu île foot frontage rate fliat -m'01114 ws~b chneal heneoin, sfilatgta adjus Ia rnacag on a ýfair sud Ieuitable basisl. d)> il, the cas o!lotsthaIt bcsao!f lic naturYe e!_4flic te- raýin or flic lvai o!f th emrýer, do n ret drenIve tha aip, benefit 7,a othr !;ndisaliutfintg ounbe ewrs aduto ma.y haime del hbbcfootfront ae rte hict obanis wou4id bha changeable theraun, suàffieent bvigrtgar4 ten the banffdi drd as compsred iiliolien lofa, te ad0jusf thi fe fon rate on a fair and equilabla ias a) TVi eAdcion shall ha made by deductiug fron flic îtotal frntege o! bbc Ml abla toteicannuel foot frorntage rcatp su mdli heýreof ns la sufficient fa make ltae propar reduec- lion, buit flic mhole o! bbe lot shahliab charged witl ihfli annal footi froinlage se raducad. On fleýic liaiso!fthesevias a home cennacbed f0ý flic mater wonks, sud lavînga asumcdfronlage o! 66 flad, wndpsy bbc !olluwing aiiunýts annuâily affan connectian lias beli made lu lte pnopos-ed semage monks. * 66 fout frontege aI 40 cents per, foot$264 Cunnaction Charge 32.54 295 par cent surcharge oh annuel water blli of $33.36 98.41 TOTAL $1~7.35 A home not conuected la flic mater mrk sd having zan aasumed fronlage o! 66 lad mwould pay flcfolwigamnf aunually aller connaction bas beau madea olu ficpropose!l seaga monks4 * 66 foot frontage aI ($98,41) 149.1 cents par foot$ 98.41 66 * 66 foot fronlageut. 441 cents par foot260 Connlectifon charge325 TOTAL $157,35 T> haannual frontaga rata of 4 cents paer fot w-m-1 ha bima on a minimuîm foot frontage o! 646 fet-r ffoýr il la1nd!ýand a maximum of 100 foot frontagë fer one famnily awliisnkl agricultural land. The connaction charge may ha prepaid l In calanar yaa lu wbtcb sncb sewage connaction la installed et a cato!f30 A n atpayar may, withln twauty-oîie da"s afle r fir5k nubicaionof Ibi5 notice send by prapaîd poat itei Clark of b Vileageo! Neweastle, aI thea addre-sgi van below, a notice lu wrîting stating bis Objection b scb pprva or ta the ïmpositio-n of the 'sawaga rates. The Ont ario MunicipalÊBoard may ,,pprove f!Ir, agreaitent between the Villge e! fNewcastla andel Ontario *Watev eoresCommission with respecft ta flic provision o! the SawagC srvie11d -my Zapro17Va Ihe impo"sing o! tha e Cwag rates, but bhef ne doing se t ïmay ýappoïit a lime an lace for a-publie btearnig when auy objecinswill hbe ceonsiatrA, but notice o! suli hbea-iig wMl-ne given l - teÎ9those pnsons wlio have gIvaen notice of objecti as providedl for aboya,. Plans, reports aud etiats ay be ins5pcct;d at the office o! the undersigned durwing businces bouns. 1IATED AT NEWCASTLE and itirIpulsle Ii tb day. o! May, 1971. Village o!fecsl PAO. Box 130 NEWCASTLEL, OtLfanie t' ~i~k >~ -~ Sgt. Beverley An n Gilkes Canadian Forces, Headquairters on April 1, 19'71, annourîced the promotion f rôm iCo-rporal to Sergeant of Beverley Ami Gilkes, daughter of Mr. axd Mur. Charles Gil-kes of Newcastle, The chevron% are beï-ng presented in this photo by Col, W. R. Thonlpson, Oral Surgeon and Comnianding Officer of No. la Dental Unit at Treniton. Sgt Glkes enlisted i ' Sept. 1961 in the Acrcuý-tJing DÈpt. and chariged to, Denta AssistaËt Ja. 1, 19,68. Postiiigs have includedStJen Que., Wi1nipeL, Toýr- onto, Goose Bay)-, Larao (- years), andsiyer at Tren ton. She has junt rc~e word of a new postmg to Lalur, Germniany, e-ffective Augustf 1971,. The Canadliar eýtatesmar4 ý-waàVMzi, NaY 5. 197 PO0NTy POOL-L Mr.Ji Co nc hran'ile was the7 r fan-tiy. Tl-i- 1fatheir hostess at a showr Sturday Lameî- trong, paed aa evening for Miss Veinua Coch. . sulddenlY last week ind a rane, w-hose marriage to Mr. buried in Ballyduff Cemneterny Allen Reid takes place later On Friday. The late Mr,. this ionth. Strong had been a rujral mail. Mr. and Mrs, -Andrew Sutch carrier in the Pontyp7iool diat. Jr. took over the store, fors..n- it for several year and ha;d erly Bradley's, this week. then worked for the Depa-:rt- Good luck to Irene and Andy nment of, Higluways until hià in their new venture. retirement a. few yea-r 2 ago. An excellent crowd attend- Mr. and Mvrs. jim M cmullep ed the dance in the Chamber have spent a few days.- recent- of Commerce Hall on Satur- ly renovating their cottage oni day night' Members of the Chandos Lake. lcl"$iillclîibers" Snowmo- We extend a wanx ecfl bile Club attended, after a to'Mn, and IVra Orville Chall.7 b-anquet beld at Noone's -es- ice and daughters hoa±c taurant. now permanent residents P Mr. andl iVIs. eim Curtîs and Our village. W knrow t]iat' MnII and Mns.' Lloyd Brown thýey will be an assert to ouý were among those attending commiý-unity. the Bethany Bowling Banquet in Millbrook Legion hall last Ftiday evening. Music was supphied by Faye Adams and ~ "'The Country Hits.Cor, gratulatîons to Alta for win- nîng the trophy for high triple *Ft4"'4': i for the season. Mr. Kenneth Haîf yard of 4N /F/'& Iroquois Falla was a viitor F",q,Y 'V(FO/ND this past week with Mr. and Mrs. ÇChf f allis. eA4IN Sunday, May 9th is Farnuly Sunday in our church. Sex- t eral bapts are to take place et this service.AM17r/00 E The syrnpathy of the corn- MT EXLi muîyis extended to Ms 4dTNI~r Gordon Bntton and ClifI -Xi-app and other miewbers of,~ 1