Attractive Models Show Fashions at Lions On Monday of this week, Geo. T. VanBridger, Manager of the Bowmanville Public Utilities for the past 24-25 years, was suspend- ed indefinitely from his position. Assistant Manager Morley Watson was appointed Acting Mcqagcer in his place. P.U.C. Chairman William Mor- tison issued a statement late Tues- day afternoon stating ,that Mr., VanBridger's suspension had tack- en place because of a succession of incidents over a considerable period îndicating a serious lack of co-operation with the commission in carrying out his duties as man- ager. Mr Morrison also stated that the commission had given this problem intensive consideration before arriving at a decision, but regretfully decided that it had no alternative for the future success- f ul administration and conduct of its af fairs than to inform Mr. Van- Bridger of the suspension of his employment. No specific incidents were mentioned as bringing the matter to a head, nor was there any sug- gestion that anything else was behind the surprise suspension. VOLUME 117 Catl er M M'.- - POSE., azard efor Are Newcastle Outario Provincial Police are concerned about cattle straying ono the high- ways in thîs area and urge farmers t puy extra attention to their fences this summer In the past few weeks, cattle have been founvd grazing on and near the 401 as i asses through Bwmanil Lions ll long Quite an adaptationh eue migh he look of today. The clothes. Clake towviship rember Monday nigi, Apil say. In the middle Gic - which included a varied bou- The cattle are a constant disturbance, an OPP lt Sa will teir vives. They na- Dodd wears the latest tique line come from The spokesman said, and pose a potential threat to ere treated te a mnodelling thing in bikinis called a Clothes Horse in Oshawa Ac- passing motorists. w put on byShason Hoskinjbubble bikini. "Itshec' cording ta Sharon Hoskin, you But it is net anly cattie that dni s should keep anA six nmodols ori h-er Osh- said Mrs. Hoskin. lt sueily is. don't have ta be a teenager te a Öhand Scooi n the The gýirl on1 the righit is Mari- wear today's wide spectrurn awr y u o hr r ht alde oa eftinda Gisent shows what lyn Roman. bse demonstrates of clothing styles. The styles William McElwaîn Qf Oshawa found out te his cha- cun be doue witis a denun why ot pants ane sucis a are io every woman O.K. grin early Sunday morning. Whîle driving along tretch fabrie. Tiseesult is, popular garb. Why, indeed. girls, slip into those hot pants, Highway 35 in the vicinity of the Mosport turn-off Mding te Mrs. Hasin an The pants are suede, the swea- put the bikini lu your purse ho hit a deer, kîlung the animal and causing about aatation of tise tarner iook er abeige body-rîb knit - and $50 d ee t e ar m $50 damages to b1s car inDrainae e r m Soution Yet Presentxedat Counicil Session os r m n TU Je -1"1Ar e, un1 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1971 15# Per Copy NUMBER 13 Industrialists Entertained By Mayor and Council nrrxklanc, n,4+1,TTiýWTnrqhïn M-. orTu 10Nler O 0 1 P a t WEU aSl oni hn- onn' al ielte e r V Lhbes Monday nih ta ask f outh ned the ie es e ca anu derai parlamnts, and otnoî hlie qusto e wo sison d nîishis cauncil meeting. TThe problem sret fe ti nnar an had been decuded Boaxd vas aigadoi ccagd' We wa an Indstriai duno r teasesse hw mucis îibiiy Whereus tise town undeniab-j Mn, Brown' sepont are incam- on tise Sepanate Scisool Sus ed wiuth tise staternent "tise tewn ut the Flying Dutchnman where rectifyng tise Sîipson ly secured Rounds one and twa, plete," Mr Locke told cun- probem probleun is sft1 Seing consîd and his staff had prepared a delicicus Sfît r ts engineer Chanc ciors Tise qeseuts ain heekun WAKEd Tea Wa dg iae tor ay n"Therefrtin decsion era msomeawavcfarreeretugtisen1'rPreston a isnr casia t Wthe itocnaeo tecsswh dre ther et o Conilrferd o ete tkngpac.Th Satr, satn t80 Counril, and second wîth con-e taken thise matter aI t obuses ra ung theirat resi- e R te PAGE -Woe lMayer .rHobbs a naîrmnaIthu rproblem.sBrcwn TURN TO PAGE epWOs dential crescent, w Z Libety adzKig Steetstoete Cytie ibroisrTewB Ge t-er gi esac etrepreatntthe MANY IMPROVEMENTSeRSysspokesHan for iMunicipal offices aitttot week's paper), Moday nigist Town Hall ure undergaîg n muisfrasltinas-v Selonged ta prînciple protag- fc itngwt 9uuplc-c a ncîlrs o uaftia s enîsi, ,Jack Lackse, owner and tion ai fretshpaint ma tg oue'te udestooisat I S managerci L &L Tool shauid bigiten up tcise un- vas invalved and whetisertiy WAKRCa'hepwdrigf these o k. - M - InMn Bnwas repart, L & L teo o tf u iios, had auy questions on tise mat- uaufcurr re' bhidafths wlsthat are O ;Ta a sl al apynot te menion tise pigeons ber. mnwlsta r - tt>tise, lîc's sisare cf-tise conts wihave doue tiseir best ta Cauncili eferncd ta a letter tuaikingtplace. Ibhfis Saturday, starting aI 8:00 a. - - in cornecting Ilhc drainage pain ieobsd al dfeitis eai cisool egttasa vo wulkers each from Kunssen it praien. iepiBoad l Peerbnouis isîisClubs in Zone C wil] be deing a neluy walk frein -i y-.- Stan Loveli Speaks ai C ofC Meeting jLibety and King Streos to the Cystie Fibrosus Tise B tore Teachers T an Jobs Education Be,"g vesod CO IO uverSOi When We eed Tradesme f According to Staney Lovell, Oshawa Chaiber of Com elementary system resulting current member and former merce recently, there were 84 irom a declining birth rate chaîrman of the Ontardo vacancies in the elementary of the latter half of the six- Dufferu-Simcoe Mem County Board of Education, schools, and 1080 applications ties, er of Parhament. Bruce S. a surfeit of applications has on hand responding to these "Thos eidren who creat- eer wil be guest speaker at been received for teaching openings, 860 oft hen coming ed the need for the expansion D ti eN ber- positions in the County for fron teachers' college stu (TURNN TO PAGE TWO) u Beef Prodý;_,ucers next September. dent who are just entering - be heid l St George's As of April 14th Mr Lo the labor force. CANADIAN POLICE WEEK hrsday ay cah o7 vel said ln a speech ta the Similarly at tse secondary From May 9th to 15th, ill hae erenev more than 2000 appIl members of the public are ethng wr h t re ce ANNOUNCE HOLIDAYS cants had been seen by the invited tovisit the facilities, c ftisefani products market- FOR GM Caunty Board for 73 'positio'ns of the Ou1tarlo Police Force g egislation presently be Ernployees at General expected to come open this where they Il Pbe weleom- e the House of Commons. Motors of Canada's Oshawa fal. ed and taken on tour of the Mr. Ber is the Chairman of plant will be taking their Mr. Lovell sald that the de facilities. They will also tlje House ofCommons Agrih annual twivo-week vacation mand for teachers bas been discuss the functions of the culture Committee and a period beginning July 19th reduced because of a signifi- force and the role they playî tive of Bethany. and July 26th cantly lower enrolment in the lin today's society, OdFellows Attend Church Parade At St. PauI's Chutch ale g - n n ,eut nihes of Firéèc N tiî Ceuo .pb lay a nu re orya alo eon ingul~e 66% liipeudeul Oder af Odd Fellaws lîeid asqTsepayad ws edby tiseRya anaia nnal churc - parade to St. Paul's United Legior pipe band Ç Fo ng the service they marched to theÉ Toronto, to raise funds fer this costly children's disease. Bowmanville will have three teams in the race, and they are lookirsg for sponsors. Call Ralph Whyte ai 623-5252 if you would like to help. t †t- i t t ERROR - While on the subject of fund raising, we inadvertently closed ont the Rotary Club's Easter Seal campaign last week and now hasten to make amends. We have learned that tihe returns so far this year are some $2,000 less than lu 1970. An advertisement on page nine in this edition pleads for more public support so the Crippled Children's work will not suffer. Leave donations at the Bank of Montreal, please and hurry! t t t t BLOOMERS - In the Blackstock news, there us story about a UCW meeting. We were puzzled to read at the conclusion of the story that there was a sale o baking, slips and bloomers. What, no Hot Pants? t t t t TESTIMONIAL - This Saturday evening, Nor- man J. Allison of Bowmanville will be the honored guest ut a Testimonial dinner lu Niagura Falls, d b the United Rubbisr Workers of Canada of which ho is the Canadian District, Diroctor. Air. Allisen leï,;retiring frem hie position on July Ist of tis yeur. Hie many Inoende and ussociates in this area will wish hlm better health and a happy retirement. t t t t - PANCAKES , You may recall that a few weeks ago the men aI Oron United Church undertook tO serve a pancake dinner following the morning church service Apparently, everythîng went well, with the men realizing that it was a great deal of work and the supplies were costly. However, their effortsdid realize a net profit of $230, which is probably much more than was placed on the collection plate that day. -r t î t HIISTORY Reg. Willatts, who recenîly pur- chsed tie house at tise coruer of Siver and Churci Streets wus rummaging around in the attie and came up with a box containing treas ares that helonged te tie late Minnie E. Jennings, whsose namo will ring a bell with mauny of isor Fermer public sciseol pupils. Included were a number cf Ladies Home Journal nagazines, and a ladies' elothing catalogue around 1899. Sur- prisingly enough, may of the hatsand other items shown are coming back into style. There w-ere aise her Normal Scisool examn papers frons 1896 on whi sis did vywell It is hod tis '4 e os a a t d M VED-sRed rewaslqarterd bh been lnyved frai-n ensernceSîeeýtote28 D vision -wbere tise l-llrud Msîc Stre as lecatod. Tney recontly un consulta tario Wate Lsie a U bera ck on ehd wmanv lie Public water filtatio plant here mmission has been In a meeting on April 22nd tion with the On terature and adiice were r Resources Com- exchanged but no decisions out constructing a made alLeader e n n w -ter system - itheboro ing money directy, have th t over t the towu, or have the O.W.R.C. take overthe enti eoperation nra th e Council members ntend ta discuss the suggested ehod durîng.their ext Comt of-the-Whole meeting At present, water is being drawn from the ake and from wells and treated with chlor mue and ammonum suiphate to nake it potablee e : COt Enjoying Visi b anada Robent Nixon - Thu! Saturday eveun, lise ---- Durhar Provincial Liberas Assn will sponsor a dinner tat the Lions Centre here at 6:30- wiseu tiseguemi speaker,.willl Se- Bob Nixon, Provincial -p - leader of the party. A large crowd from the constituency s expected to attend, MOTHERPS DAY ON SUNDAY Sunday, May 9th will b observed as a national day e n he - a aten tIah has grewn streuger and 1 $ mr sinifi cani as eachs bîî ea passes Ift all began 05N wh Ana Jav o Phlladelphia persuaded the eit fathen te declare a j speciai day fer iother, GRASS GROWING RAPIDLV John Roudall, the r rep nat h As the cool weather re- Scatsh AssociationIYoung Farrs wo has be es ù w r t p'!'ýýh le torcaî, ra, lus e s dadlost rf a t y ea d er thriough. Ljwnmower was enjoyig his ip immensel through th caun repain shops are trying te ad is lookîg forward to seeing ther parts f Caada ïr, a»with th d1eumd.- befCrertuan"oetaSotud e