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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1971, p. 9

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Stan Dtunn Re-elected President Speci If Aeetin Legion ffi*cers,,E'euie A, speial meeting or the Presîdent, Maurits Annaert; üng and ta wsby unan- gerlmembership of Branch Padre, -the Rev. H. R. (Bob) mu vote that Branch 178,1 17, 'Royal Canadian Legion, Hayne; Secretary, Gil. Par- Royal Canadian Legion, would was held on Sunday alter- enteau; Treasurer, Clarence non ga th at 2:00 p.m. for S. Oke; Sgt.-at-Arms, Bruce grant three $600 scholarships the purp-ose of electing the Berry. Executive-Irene Whit- to the three highest standing new officers and executive ney, C. AI. Green, Jack Baker, students in the graduating foûr the coming year. Harold Kirtley, Bill Gray, classes of the high achools in The new officers and execu- Jîim Bruton, H. Bob Brown, the area, Bowmanville High tîeshown below wll be in- Alex Joncas. School, Courtice Secondary s,talled in office at the general Teeofcrswl aeSchool and Clarke, High nîembership meeting on May their specifie duties and chair- Saehool.Suc gnts rwoud h 27th for their terni of office, mnhisassîgned to he mde rm mnis asd Ist June 1971 to May 3hst 17 ansr hps mot.tete monthly in the Welfare Fund President, Stan. L. 172 lte i te onh Draw being nhlocated_ in the ~Ist Vice-Pres., Bd. Majer; 2nd One order of business was Branch Program a Youth, Vice-Pres., Jim Pair; rd Vice- competed at this special meet-, Education. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson Wood and Jodle of Weston, Port Buarwel and the groom's caled at the Fkatten Funeral Mrs. Helen Cornell, Toronto; aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Parlours, Fenelon' Falls, on Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Emerton Ivan Rohrer, Stephanie and Sund ay, in respect* for their and Lori, Backstock, Douglas of Nestieton. Ail were cusin the late Mrs. Eva Mr. and Mrs. Harry Me- evenîng dinner guests of Mr Thurston. Laughlîn were hosto to a and Mrs. Steven Shaw in M1r. and Mrs. George Don- Mother'5 Day famihy gather- Toronto. neral returned home from îng on Sunday, Guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bro-wn,ý Floridia on Thursday alter Mrs. Elizabeth Forder, Port Oshawa. visited recently with spending the past six months Perry, Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mr. TMr. are Mrs. Grant Thomp- there. Wehcome home! and Mi's. Arnold Taylor, Di- ýson, Mr. and Mrs. ei Lee, Deb- anne and Betty Jane of Black- Mrs Robert Sadier, Bow-a biAe and David spent lest stock, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet mianvihle spent the weekenidE weiýekend with Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Miss Carolyn Murray with ber son and daughter-în-Ê- VIctor Johansen aýt Mlton. and friend of Cresswell, Mr, law, Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph1 OnD Saturday they visited the and Mrs. Lawrence McLaugh- Sadler. Other Mother's DayC WÀild Animal Confine at Rock- lin, Lynn and Brent, Nestle. guests were Mr. and Mrs, Ian ton. Here, on this 200 acre ton. Scott and Charles, Corbyville;E (apporoximately) enchsure, an_ Mr .and Mrs. Robert Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. George Sadler, imals hive in their natural en- of Lndsay were Sunday ev- Brockvîhle, Miss Vivian Sadler viomn.The Lees drove ening dinner guests with Mr. and - Mr. Robert WetherallC inut did pot leave their, car and Mrs. George Bowers, Ev- Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. ndthey were delighted with ening visitors were Mr. and Richard MacKenzie and Claire. theý antics of the monkeys as Mrs. Wallace Trick, Lindsay. On Sunday evening the Mac- they,ý scrambled over the car Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shaw, Kenzies visited wîth his par- top.Toronto, were Friday over- ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Mac- Latler on Saturday Mr. and fight and Saturday guests o! Kenzie in Toronto. MArs. Lee and family visited hier parents Mr. and Mrs. Ivan eSincere sympathy is extend- "Toronto 'international Airport. Rohrer. e to Mrs. Eric Michna and Fromn the observation tower Mr.. and Mrs. Jim Dieks, family on the death iflher thevý saw the jumbo jet 747 Karen, Jobnny, im and Paula' husband in Port Perry Hos- landingfer a flignt from o! Cold Lake, Alberta, are ýptal, earhy Wednesday, morn- Vancouverî. Wth a crew o! vîsîting wîth bier parents, Mr. ng My5, The funeral serv- 18 en ncipacitv for 365 pas- and Mrs. Reg Haines at ice was held in the Church of sengers, Cie L ,anding was f] ,aw- Caesarea.1 the Immacuhate Conception, hes.Mrs. Norman Irvine and Port Perry, on Friday morn- Mother's Day viitors withi Mrs. Allen Irvine, Bowman- îng, May 7. i. and Mr.nHward Lee and ville, visited on'Tuesday with Sympathy is also extended Clifford were Mr. and Ms. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Heaship. to Mrs. Percy Huhbert, Black- 1Wayne 'Weston and family, ýMr. and Mrs. Marwood Stin- stock, on the deatb of hier bus- 1urketoni; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. son, Windsor, were Sunday band in Whitby General Hos- Y'rown, Stephen, Stewart and cahiers. pîtal early Monday morning, 'Sherry MLvn o rf lBowmanvîihe, Sunday visitors with Mvr. May 10- theNei Le ad he Lorne and Mrà. Wlfred Vine and Court Lady Snowblrd Le- famn-ies o;f Nestiýeton. and famihy were' Mr. and Mrs. On Wednesday evening, May Oýn Sunday thù Lawrence Stan Atkinson and son, Mr. 5, Court Lady Snowbird held Mal5'colm family attended a and Mrs. Reg Middleton Thel- a social evening in the C.OF, famlily gatherin g at the home ma and Bruce, ail of MIvssis- hall to whîch the publie were of Mrs. Malclmi's mother, sauga; Mrs. Charles Vine and rnvited, Three prizes for Mr. and Mrs. Richard Col- John o! Whitby. 'Unwrap the Parcel" contest Ins, Scugog Point. visited for On Saturday, April 30 Mr. were, won by Marg Lee. SuÀndav dinner with Mr. and and Mrs. Ivan Rohrer, Garry, Sandy Day and Maureen Her- Mrs. Neil Lee, Debbie and Stephanie and Douglas attend- man; "Scatter Brain" contest Dlavid. ed the weddîng o! Mrs. won by Lynda R.eid, hucky cup A belated "wehcom-e hom-e" Rorer's nephew, Mr. Larry and saucer by Marilyn Cool. le extended to Mrs. Vera Dely and Miss Janet Breseier edge. Mo.(untjoy who spent severaql in Delhi when 300 guests at- In the penny sale the, wîn- weeks, in MemorialHoptl tended. Mr. Garry Rohrer ners were: Jean Bolan. chlld'à Bowmanv1lle and who cnvel was an usher. Following the hat, apron, mitts; Irene Train, osced at the home o! ber broth- ceremony the bride and groom wrîting paper and e-nvelopes, or and sister-in-law, Mr. and eft for a Florîda honeymoon. necklace; Carol Doyle, gloves, Mr.Cecil Slemon, Hampton. The newhyweds arrived back cup cakes, bracelet, book-, Mr. ad Mrs. Charles Br-iggcs at Toronto International Air- Sandy Day, ketchup, cup cakes, 9)! Toronto returned to 'their port on Sunday, May 9. Greet- tie rack, paper and envelopes, Nesýtieton home on Friday. ing them at the airport were purse, puzzle; Dorotby Lee, Welcme!the bride's parents, Mr. and Fresh Start toiletry, cup and Mohr5Day visîtors with Mrs, Breseier and th e ir saucer, peppermints,, Marg Mrs. Norman Sam-ehîs daughter, the groor's parents Lee, writîng paper and en- wer Mr ad Mrs. Dan Mr. and Mrs,. Mau:rice Dehýýy of velopes, brocbh, toîlet set; M Maureen Herman, skirt, fancy dish; Ehva Green, hobby pins; TH1E ROTfARY CLUB 0F ;HA AAnne Lee, Avon 'powder, doîl; 'Su e Fowler, bikini panties; 'il a il ynda Reid, perfume; Marilyn elcones YO TO Iooledge won the Surprise W -ý- Ice P%-tes 'You fic Itsj Pckage. Three games of m m Foresters' bingo were played eA 9 M AM M OTU th Jean Bolan winning the AN NUAL A MO H rst and thîrd and Sandy Day the second. Bveryone enjoyed t h is "Gaines and Fun Night" anud the financial aspect was quite I gratifying. U C T 0,, NAhi members provided lunch and a social time was enjoyed, OSHA A CVIC UDIORIU On Scoutlng News (0-SAYV ClÊýC UDIT RJU OnSturday, May 1, the X, Thornton Road South Pine Ridge Car Derby was held in the Scout Hall. Port Perry, when the, unattached S-ATURDAY, MAY i Sth groups o! Cubs competed in 1 their own group. Winners ini 10:00 a.m. Cartwright B Pack with Cub- at master Welts and assistants David Adams, Arnold Wil- Friday night, May 7 eight Cub packs o! unattended groups competed agalnst each ote.Those competing were aort Perry 3, Seugog 1, Can- nington 1, Manvers 1, Cart- wright 2. The winners were: CarwrihtAPack, (2) Wil- ford Perrault, lst Cannington, (3) Jan Griffiui, Port Ferry B; Nows the time to thik about somne relief for next 1(4) Neil Williams, lot Cart- winter. Every Texaco fu rnace is designed to ensure the wsigt 1:) ByGbsn complete combustion o! every iast drop of oit.And ci PoD egn C(),Gary ion, means the most heat for the least money. Easy budget mer, Port Ferry A; (3) Jin, termsý avallab1e. Wilson, Port Perry C; (4) Geta Bruce Arculus, Port Perry C. e Best ah-round car. Law- A. . EAR LDOrence Wrighit, Mnes L._________D Saturday at 1:30 p.m. the Enniskillen 263..22491 eaders' race was won by: STEPHEN FUELS lot Cannington; (2) Rickey Bowmnviie 62OME1 Wilson, let Cartwright A; (3) Barbara WIfelts, lot Cartwright B. D eain aul Saulnier, let Clarke Atiees in 4-School Track Meet Winners of the- lth annual West1 Durhiam Higli Girls',division winners. School Track Meet held Monday at Clarke High School, In sunny summer weather four sehools - Clarke, are pictured above. They are, from 'the left: Linda Bowmanville, Cartwright and Courtice - cômpeted ini Ellis, a grade 10 student at C.S.S., winner of the Junior the ineet which was hosted by Bowmanville at the, Girls' trophy; Richard Borek, a grade 12 student at Clarke High School track and-field grounds. C.S.S., winner of the Senior Boys' division; Randy Clarke High School was the meet wmnner with 341 Wright, grade 10 ýtudent at C.S S., tops in the Midget points and recipient of the school trophy, held by Nei Boys' field; Neil Brennan, grade 11, Clarke, winner of Brennan and June Robinson, above. the Junior Boys' award; June Robinson, grade 12 at Runner-up was Courtice Secondary School with Clarke, top Senior Girls' athiete; Lynne Baliski, grade 288 points. Bowmanville scored 202 points and Cart- 10 at C.S.S., Arlene Keatley, grade nine at C.S.S. and wright 105. Lily Woo, grade 10 of Clarke, al tied for the Midget __________________________ Fi11 the Freezer iîth Pickerel, Reg. Willatts, left, and Bill Purko'of Whitby hdquite a weekend'as iay, be seen from this photograph. They tok advantage >,of the opening of the pick- erel season by matoring to the dam at B obcaygeon, mhfere, wîth anioth'er 1'50. ta 200 anglers, they spent Friday and'Satur day nights, pulling in these beauti-es. ,On- Saturday, they ectually caught 27 f ish, b ut had to givý,e some a-way ofê throw themt back in, as- they had reached their lîm it. The biggest one they caught wel 1ihed ih at six pounds. They were using six 1 b. t'est Une adJg hures, 'the only attrac-~ tion the piekerel seemed ta like, Trage dy also struc ýk îiii the area when one ish- erman, in a cane, fpped the boat in the fat atr nd drowned, Part Ferry, (2) Marlon Sims, and members wereaskd t tmeting. let Cannington, (3) Walter cantribute baking, ec B- Mrs. R. W. Jackson, rin e Welts, îst Cartwright B. ýpra!fessioiial 'maniner, gideýd Fohcwngth rae ofeereaved famuies are ta be re-ithe biddîng ta higher thn! and douglinuts were served. membered with crsaduulamaounts at the annueLl Cuboree carde were sîgned fo:r ute iiplant and bulli auction. Mrs.l OuSaturday, May 29 thel Mrs, Grant-Tomso eprt rat limso-w"thqcp Cuboree will be beld in Port ed that she lies cmpetd he'able clerk., Bveryone was Ferry. Bach Pack us to have lactivîties o! e Tieton W.Ir-,. for most generous and graciaus as a float representing 100 years the past 15 yaswîc lleach competed for the item in Part Ferry or 60 years o! be forwn-rded àta theý District, O!ferý choie and Mrs. Jack- Scouting. Three bande wil Mrs Rchr Davison, in sonade encouragement here lead the group from Master well cliosen words, spake o! nnd there- as she noted the Feeds up Queen Street ta Lila, Mrs, Ceeul Wilson's îoyaîty ta baýrgains they were receiving. north ta the Community Rest the Women's Instutute, the The hcpraceeds tapped previous Home and west ta the Pair varlous offuceg that she hdocaions andwr eygai Grounds. Cubmnaster Walter (now District Dîrectar) nind !ig Welts willI be chairman and biei hospitality, when, onA The, officers nssisted the will introduce the guest speak- numerous occasions she was hastess in ser vung a deiciaus er the Honourable N. Cefik, hostess for the meetings. Since lunch and Mrs, Chfford Clarke IM.P. Mrs. Wilson le leaving aur expressed the appreciation ta This information lins been communîty Mrs. Davîson pre- the bostess and to ail who con- submitted by Culimaster Walt- sented lier witb a cup and trîbuted tao a pleasant and er Welts. saucer (the trillium> as n tang- profitable afternoon. Nestieton W. IL ible reminder o! lier many Mrs. George Bowers wîhl be Thereglar meeing o!fruends, Mrs. Wilson express- hostess for the& June meeting. Nestleton Women's Institute e irapeito n ir _________ wns lield at the home o! Mrs. pleasure in ber association Milton Pisher, Caesarea, an witb, the Women's InstîtuteE IZ B T VL E Wednesday afternoon, May 5. and boped ta continue to be In the absence a! the Predi- active in the organizatian, dent Mrs. Walter Welts, the Plans were made for the Mr. Weston Banister was lst Vice-President Mrs. Chas. District Annuel at Sohuna, May the speaker et the church Earnshnw chaired the meeting 20. Ten ladies submitted theur services. Mrs. G. Greer (Bar- and extended the welcome. names ta attend and Mrs. R. bara Walker) bad lier clace The minutes of the April Davison and Mrs. G. BowerÏ !rom Courtice Scliaoh, who meeting and the correspond- of!ered ta provîde the trans- sang twa numbere, Bveryane ence were rend by the new partetion, enjoyed the service and ap- Secrtar, Ms, as. ygede he otin deegaes re:preciated.the numbers by the Secrtar, Ms. Js. ygede Te vtin, deegaes rý:sebool chldren as well as Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davîcon, Mrs, Cecil Wilson, District Di- Banister. treasurer, reported o n fin- rector; Mrs. Malcolm Bmer- ances. An executîve meeting son, Mrs. Charles Earnshew On Wednesday the Women's v-as planned for Tuesday even- and Mrs. George Bowers, 5ev- Institute met et Mr. and Mrs. ing,, May 11, at Mrs, M. Emer- eral ladies volunteered bak- G. Marris' home, About 15 sans, ta plan the programmeslîng, mam, etc., for the "sale" attended. The President Mrs. for 1971-1972, Port Ferry Hos- Itable ta help defray expenses. Rocs Beatty presided, The pital Auxilipry Tea, Mny 29, j"O Canada and W.I. "Grace" roll caîl was "Wliet we think ,from 2 to 4 was announeed iconcludeol. tis part 09 the we are leaving for future work today". The minutes were rend and approved. IPlans were made for aur 6th 'Anniversary on May lBth. We plan n bazaar as well as a tea, Memnbers fram 1911 ta 1920 bave been invited and later The Canadlan stateffman, Bowmalivlîle, May 12, 1871 - I members are also, welcome. Lunch was served by Mrs. Morris' group. It was Citizen- shîp meeting. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Provost, Lindsay. Mrs. Brie Beatty is home from the hospital, Mrs, Stan Mercer. has been in Cobourg Hospital but expects to get home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Don White- bred and girls, Oshawa, were with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mul- drew on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, H. Thîckson had Beryl, Suzie and their. Mr. and Mrs. John Curriee, and family, Port Hope; Mrs. C. Quantrili and Mr. Ray Quantrill, Oshawa, were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrifis or, Sunday. Gel Cash Today,ýf For COld Appliancegs through STATESM«AN C L A S 1F 1E D Phone 623-3303 HIGHWAY 153 OT FORONO, (Formierly Northway Restaurant) iJPbc, served lf rom -5 ,untl à8 p. OUR CONTEST WINNER Mrs. Enid Arscott, Bowmanvïie will be presented with the $20.00 Cash fri:. at 6:00 p.M. f~*@dy~ p~hraîh~d goe~~ pioe. ~PoIyg~a~ I~ ~ ~g~oed fr.â~-bb~Wk @f The Guody@Of 1h £ I~bh~ CE~V~ A eet f * j * S j j * b~ b A f

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