10 The Cai~adian tatfIi owmanville, MaY 12, 191 urhmnAric-ew by Bob Watt Assistant Agrîcultural Representative Durham MPP Plants Tree ai' Brkelon 5, 197 Son Susar et Pi ceivec he mr VTIEAN - B1JRA lheir vsil 10 this area. The liiîgs. Th,'/ bave fui ai 55 At kswill be: May 24, June 7% darase i!edigrta a FXHNG C2~e2 J1 , o 9,ialaboratory lest!s ançd fe4 hil O The -r j lrgen -August 2, August 16, AuguaithIis is probably lîwco)n pareId be e'u7n ol te 1530 and Septanîher 13, Eîher bo field condiltons. and r ~eaa c g wîf h gr nlIe Monday, Tuasday or Wednas- T he ructionla edi ie petrt pndaP'ro day' of these weaks wili be rtae îa greater a ig a o elieo araThis Pothe actual visitation daya. iplanitng speeds. F arme Onal ovrmn îruhgrwr les oe hs aes points whareng itaflo th ûal aprmo fso thal if you may wish the Caibatoesoudb ao AgicltreÀn Food, se that apecialists assistance duî'ing made, afomjiln a es iî ns howudont otlser- the season, you will know oea rourîd I10 thei îel d, Churc liin îl e hehnce i MiX wseb~ xerecd amwhaas to make arrangements. -Do nol exeed 33 Mr.ie gîvnCHECK YOUR CORN par, .ou .niî .pd Sli .2 r Mr.KenKno, afourh- SEDN AE page 0f the drive wheels1 may(In yýIAgiul1a Economica Research workers have indi- ha greater al higher speeda1. [font- Maier ~ ~ ~ O aIb nvriyo'cated thal whcn "Vitaflo DB" -Inspect thei planter pae fG1îelp1, wlio Ïsa h ::"Ie IIne M, sused in addition totrin -, for buildiup of mlatai tala v1i-1 asdMsJhiKnxo -aP scîie - o DbPu i lling iIpprýis kf.ecsaiy ton a Ie Sperise o!the a planter box trealmant lhcra claai plaIes vihequal Pau'ta prganfor, the p3rOv-ince. bas bean a dacrease ina seed- of methyl hydrate and 'ae Ke w l bve a niumber o ing rate due 10 a bld-up o! or with windsheld AasaM 'er lnti working wiîh'huas chemicals on planter plates. anlifreeza, -br-11-ii heProvince te "Vitaflo DB" is a fongicide -Paeespalr eoi se~c tseuranYen ths sud' recnsane as a lntr requent and mou iacn al~o th boat acsfailias., seed trealmeait againat Sounth- aormiig cleaning Ihýanplt ifyo hikyou would liearn leaf blight, on corn seed-ijplanteras. tb~~ axperience o! havîng uî-f Alex Carruthercisi, MPP for Durhamn, attenided anfreo liesuntwud en pTe'cbnI an, yeu ppe iste yourArbor Day celebration aI Burketon Public Schoo1on, rulsmending fencas, ikigup scatterefuser (?II, wewnuffippe iate ow ixelii % May 3rd, and commemorated lte occasion by plaoting .. and ltae inevitable, palo trees. "As this tre osnîl i 623-3348 and i av a trea -- what aise? Students collected around iîmin nurtures and grows," hie btoise !Il(-0dren poinlinoi îng your iaar.Tiere R-'-1VIl1 - a wide circle as ha îecallad. lhe days whao hie was a tisa greenu ash ha woold boena c aplîanting,"n beo thrinformation ara,.j student like tem and bold of ltaeimsportancea of Arbor 1(10 do 1 hope you childrari will] grow" For Mr. Caýr- abeln tIse near Ifuture. u TI ai.I mat a ralroiiie f cho --rthra ccerb roesoiteflsn os11o, O ider Pupilswil bt go fising, bo go hiking, or prIt-aps tb lie in tise itack and, b Arbor Day was obviously a happy experioncar endo tisa num e ff. VVih1 e yard under a warrn spring sunr, Toc)aro lisrrhalf-day TBCC>SPECIALISTS Id aaen nfqinl ~ l5e 10"d' ,'D T'r r Vr rea VISITS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ es - aysn q as1< irerotsenslvea ,. R iesolium." nfslPle n ao M. "rnc heidow, Tohacco inig the study o! religion Sise stuet a el dx - ! Stedso Catarnd Meti-an Cao i-pý,ý)iil tro , ilDelhi, bas imdi- Shirley ,Tapp told a joint aod ispîpa leaciesraiscovar A il WoodwlardoMnis Donad fpcaia lgintss year, lise meeting of tise four counîy whal stuidents are thig. Mr.ad, Mca. Js ilmer aind toacoaeiaît wl a eaate scisool board and St. 1uIi thara la a waaknass in &"à roviiice îouînlyviatisgourars e Pte'sHigIs Scisool Board tia ipthd Somems a clasa IbsJQ~ growers.recently. iwiil discusaoritgwhcs faiy I alnddonSn Tobaa'co -.t, ra- o edea the ta beas ntrs c- ii ay WI assat Whio re----~ S'"" adora lacisare not aah f l I W. Pardon on Sunday for d-ii ý'k 1 uerishwereal toMca.hescCarl, hesPardon,%M»1 tIe ntri DnatoeulO! "Religion tescisers everywhere surine classes sud teachers find lv e io n l-erpNK ~ RViioa i Mrs Cand Mi,M11 cala isud auloni te coos as ai ad.il Alo, tIs laesso apth anoeI rsd Mca, Lanny Coeper jigre'uîmma sd Fod in Bow- seem tohe Isaving a Prifcîtt e dsuson n haonfesBwm i unila63-38by 10 a.rn. aI tise higi.sacheol lavai' be-ýimoving, she addaa, "Jeansno villeomA un Moîdayof tie wak Of cause these tudents, lise first Mdm msr îeM 4ICalr iMa iyFc "TVir tube ba is 10, îaa c hrist, Super Star", (aaa o 'allen S a M re Roy si PON . adolescence, non longer acceptib s sd isa apad ~Mrs. Carl Fa'row andBuc as tact orltrutIs wlat a teacsr aprst r ocre bhis, 'but il is a WaY t10 Bnwinaî1ýiîcllcfTown CoumîcîlMndy 'ieC fý t t.Cl(1;1rfnmDwnve sy.hYoung people". Tt a i dysaydrc and St, C 1, flîain Ilin eeio il vas 'gravaiy con arn Mr. andl Mrs Chas Graisu Site Tppteadrfhe ayofîslpngsudntegI dfedwiînu cmmnta ea i asunaî rprsnftin d botith ropet t saggi, roo'nihm n 11 1 religions educalion daisarimant Crsing esg ronsm-e nie Nî:ýag lra reguossal coun îg ragional gevernmata ý-Mrs. CI',ane on Sýçu at SI. Pei'ssaid "Tisera have ti. aih os riol et oîunfo se Ctytfe cil ibas beauaeni io fr n uber parts no! ihe Forr dinîs benchanges us tie liite sii 0hitamas add1oCtaiea svhlcis pi-opose hacrtir of thaeainl tu rvic.saieigsc to ius-l e oaouSna o! thse Young, in tisaway tisay ehampe Te h Genrl nurne hp1listacister, ati - Jasus Christ, Super Star wasIgional goverusment aude1 îi sl tmîîo i s 1îd tiaITh>is isse-asdefi)itfe reIn ecM.adMs e lhm PIRE wxdATMBL ion andaswaa-. Typeo ques- Dlitlth eoneurtlusad, sha pointedout lthe theo- uthlts ainscîalyi Ie structure "a-ppear le bave lion bo flu ares, wiis, liselt nd Shiiley, B'oc kîîi U11tp fcate- logical weakoesses bil b al su-jaffect are craitirally examinad, certanbsc ala wibOiawa Aresannn n iaDbi ea ,Pr INSURNC hiasr is nol enougis for Ihem. det,,n i aycmlTs aarslto e aei ntî'atsdis eelopepnt Sludy antpri£l gaHIIp. spthtie waekend i ls Sldnswonld refuse il ..V.b oa better umdrstanding o!f vis Oshawva rcily Iouncil'a ýpraclirai sand, ti implest1aimm, rialpase in tise dîscueisaKs irra Cesstaa tley would seaoalenil'heasinoChit. cnocnoimenueelha 1reSoltod in anquaifi.Sns wh 'b may nor ma' notl Mc. rtcId Mr's, C I ra arid HARYVO1fA 1Tise tact students are quas- Two petioda in tise six day1whan il waa bablad :in lisir dupliRatien and raad~i- pell ýegîiial geverosetifamil',ro, ai(ropnc 8331 r 62-290 oning is goodi, se, added.i cycle ara alIolîed 10 tise each- ragular meeting alo sed onicraasinig ss here ____bz M"« Bea Jone.sý and Mca. 3 IGST. E. Tisey should question and ig nofi-eligion, "Tiss seamaiboreeno BOMNVLE doubt, but be open iabouit t. sufficient. If studanta are given M,* ed a Motisara Day dinner in I icuson iscs snsdmore parioda, il will ha difficut . ....M Brighston. for tisans Ic accept. Fron5 a t Iisemnil issoq1rjiio f tise, teaeiser'asbaoldPetnt, twO pet WTAr-aabiibts ioda ara sufficiantly drairtIag.1TIse waely uia 'ry lne iefmivdaMe tNecalwo I lid asMlhre ntr Cs s "Tiera is non comparisen be-1 a iedints hl iI r adMaW ooN--W VaeN o r u 1 s enedy1vnn twean thse teaching ofreligion lttals Wnnswaacateonudy.MRs rosdamly, Vugrs asine nwr(po FU EiLelmenaryand secondsry isigisi la e' school7". Jtise bý igiser grades d M-.Gay îes a.adMa e- TnpiasMsdMr a roM-Ia tl i ift. il ias ra a prsaned iffa-iow, Cha-rryl1 Cornias; Isigli adr! motsa Ma-a. Ausiî -__ man, Georg 0lled cIn i u r ly la~ Trsea ciA.enwr Moffatt; lone handa, Ma-s, wilis Mr. an Ma-s, BonyTmp saad ha tisoughtisî ei w Hazal Farrow. kîins andfaiy leigte atso!terMisa Carol Hendarson spent Ma-s 3Jorlla Chard Anid i asthy re ldrt v eekend witis hec cousina, girls, Newcssl, aeàpn MONY O umt aPfrt "I don't think su Hou SiMacse lîebr us ii dent are goiaag to be posisedi , i cW laeBîgs band, Jak, 7a iiMi eia 10 accept bey: ~Mr. aULT rsne eîia meil odnd supalc wii M- ili Rbr Wlia a l, I tiokwa byfn Te an0r.AtsrCmiel e rsts nyoehpio irigbt ansureranytIseynha tFlaboruieo udya -csrcso motJalue.s FUL-J.smam" M.Sn.Ms RsHBl ospeiteal',Dy 'dntwn oacp htihudrByspalafw M- n c.W ednu' __ dava lasI xvaak with Mi, ana~~~Lttlen~ Robet Mnîday an i Th ladvda c-taeimn, Ts AT ORON ind, thAR ndMr. ArthuMa-a.mospikber fl aî he M-. r i ibiedo- is htsectsv îhPnic tp CAIL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýy OLC Ma-. nd Ma-s. Lloy TaPo et-eron SandyuIon, isglen and fmilyc and Ask Oeratr fo 668341 t Onren thlîl Ibi bma M-. and M-s Raod Bulayc, friands iny Winpean i or ~ ~ UE Dia 1t68i34 oorate tiebothauns rdeoays;Mr su Mrs E.haoie-. and M a . Clre 1 ParkDua-ng lse ays waPlas -borougis Mr amnd Pared lad aMoiya o! Oscoda, fais- W. Pters îySakpec-eMa-. anditMca. C. Gilmea-,f iind-iMîcisiganafI ly- AeT tIe rnORK Ser a-idfrs lieranatndledimb alitcll É.aIcheel andit xcuif î-. c was-a. CALL US TO-DAY ~~Ma-. an LodTaylorèr unitr aoolo ts e n SaaIKda ihi, ro bea-n, andw su.l-7 pa o y a-isv n-nfudpisfaia-n s i-ar b-r o 68341o Ëo. ise operaîlon e is lua-dy vei. aolMa-. afrind n !Maa b-mi ssgs'ohrdgWdaT-c d, e îsaaeadcfr FOR, PROMPT, thRTeU SERVIC atuiin th Ma-.nrt r and Mrs. P.Gl E.s boîerg Maad,,.Pà io Farce or ia 166-331- -o ark Driiiye ap cE enîtliebrouad aead dina- ndfrIs m.cco M-s Iew wntrsthy av Oter i- cllageMs.C aII ak Cid Cichnt.arwo unly ~ * nracg. taii dîear us ise aiît 8l'fi asucesfuMcocesin and il oodaI a-andMa- Cnt ro ts MiaM salrr aedKor g sellaur M o-1 nd look tdenb pae enb Mc nda- BrkliarManNaîl Marilyn Ma-s. aToydlarurei Portsud Dan sh-t CALL is TODAY ater te cIp!ýat!i of He ia, Fa- day .Ma-s Godon ris p-- n tisshpe-ad osor Ma- OSSRVC Iiand Mrs B rs hus wekenibiregmtsr aa o~~1. Ma-s B h Rn d od Orinr wnn n berparnt, M.sd aoeidentsýisf(ý iare yyorth b.unis gues î a-s. Ma-s. insto Stak. lMai yo-ur eesa you earsSeif-deence iSthe B aroCawl Tusedal, Portand Ma-. Oh awaas a-a aWltliolie fr;wok owasnFday aorlwGordon Tri - h at edsrvc I hle- D ,±BJ1 ..,i'fî-, ' - IMr. and Mas, WEisihe ot kedwi Iii )l, - - ---~~ F Tocooto spam ih lier akr a oIMRCAL AN R.0 siM nd Nioes. -.Tik Ma- Elîad r, Al. VnDnicia Ira aîlndg Scottor is p.1 thndb Mr. ill Red, Neursabl, were yeem h, McarCns, AMd.and Ma- . JisSourIs coyBrian on Apr.l.2,.1892.. 1ýýes yor an. sl ff1fýnceu heis is pranlts D, a linglOnmeoFas lsean forrve 11 vîn, Wealeyviliof vfraybedobat daia 3ter fbs aI ila 1pars enMa, ad -,ten y a ri Mn î iea------ Ma- sud Mca. Haian Casural, i-en ana- 10 great-guaneeniteiren.i Leslie, Hever~ley and Jeftary Sise urss pradeaasad hy onoi w ara dînn-em guesi s aI Ma- idaugisbea- Doris Pauline; ivr LievvNallowcll's. Suîîday. sistars, Violet, Rose, Edits,l Misas Marilyn Tuair a aamded !Sarais and Emýima; tisa-e asisower for Miss Sisaron!iscotise is GeoimgP, Fa-ad and S Dunlop o! Toronto at tise Jack Hill urio dîed Feb, 1971, ýkJ ltd(i f/Z\ home o! Ma-s. George Dunlop, Mca. Andaîsonrei:stad ai tise Y an ene G dO ai~l~ ilFO~O~rno, lastweek. At mistreug Funeral Hoeeif uï e16o Cada veninîg visulers tMe7, aI '1:30 p,, nteýiment M Rv Litl sKerid l in Gi oveîd Cem.rney, Rok O ~~~ M W. Cayeu,)I anîd iali rhsDr. Gnîge îae re.Mn; John, Port Fercry OT [VR BCKEITT Dw and Arvilla- Boman- towing an ilinesa cf vîlý, Mrs. Lamb (Jennie;, Sweeks, the death of aîitehoro, r Bekeit, agd ,5 Ais soi vng aire " 1ed at OshawaGneabrtrs Norman adCîfi2 laia on Wedneqda, My JdmoîonAjtpa and odo Oshwa,27grndjihîren and n of the lae Thomas ý,adj281 grlga dhlrn e rna Beckett ha was born ids hihîe e was alm ort Ferry wheîl" e re pedras hy a twin siter j hs ducation. In 19021nFbui ,16 îaied the former Edth Telnrlsrxiewah1 Wehber who predeceased1 ini Dcember, 1956. 'OnFra, May 711i from t i deceased was a farmer - Morri Funeral (hapel. Bowý- reiîro-d 25 vears ag emivl. and wasrndce ài alateanfor 27hy 1 G, K.Ward. Inter- am! then in Tyronere nt was inBethesda Cerne- nîhe)r of yeaïs. Forietev nine years Mr. Beckett Mn.beautîfuhl floral trib- led at 9 Silver Street, Bow lIr fon elties Irien1s ville. Thse deceaised a dogaiatosattested tu nernb-r of heietbe esteern ut -hich the de- Beeet is~o'~îed~ Plîearta were Messra-, hide:Mrs, TR. (1Me enyFnd on .Yd Daw- eChiilliwark Car ekrt JrkHoldatock Zeln;Mrs. A, ro- Flowr haes &a Mn', t(Greta), ,evl. ak.'ary Wan, Toml.i p rinc!n TOWNSHIP OF CARTWýR.IGHT1 Take Notire - TfIE ATRIH MUNICIPAL (4AReAcGE UJUMP one baU Mile East of 15ektck for the vse of RESJDENTS OF CARTWRIGH-T ONI4Y. This wii be atrictly ei1iorçed, No dead aninmeaisa1osý ed 13y OrdEr A. LWEARN LTD. FINI IV NOT Ic, G0E1egaxjçe* cmk of icuatlser or woodgrkrun in-a .paddeéd ta-îsoumeént panai thal aa-cund for conivenîenice. hb a wid, ntisaI ivîll longe-. 1 Luywurv 'oua- choîca of ra-tel lolsacy coit;-M un diatnctiva pattera-ed çloth or supple, easy to kaep dlean vinyt M'a MONUYMII FsSWiFPl'KF oser bn ave a alid dr v ,r a in c, Sei n b1-\ky,3117 1 r-127e*