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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1971, p. 11

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Choi'rs Reciprocate B.H.S. Band Viîsit to' Woodstock Two choies froro Woodsbock Secondary Srhooi iistedBwmnvileon Frid-jay and put on one concert ~Or the studýents of B.H.S. in the school gymnàsium Suring the afbernoon end another for the public et the lonhall in the evenîng. The!-hoir consisîing of a girls' group number- ng 50 wnd a boys' o! about 30 - were peying a return vit, rerçîiroraîîng the B.H.S. Band's trip t Woodstock on Aprîl 23-24, _________ ____ The local high schooli band peiefoiemed in both concerts. Music teacher Elliot Tremeer said he was pleased with thbe response for the evening show,, which was attended by ab-,out 175 pope In the pictu,-re: above thebo' choir, on thie right, isr en'tertaining B[I{.S, Students w-ith one o! thp e fouLrý sýonýgs iscluded in ils program lfor the fterrnoon1 JAQ £~U2O 9'tQ.w Jt~2Wt~2flf Mr,%. Bruce Trilisori, Editor Costs J'umps 10 $638 s th Counci! Increases Grant nc tr To HeI p Pay for f-ireworks Necatl-Rpceve Doujglas iApril 29th, wlth âail members cil. A letter was te ct sent r Ouirninpinam analCouncillors Ipresent, tbey -met witb Mie, te Mie. M. Pedwell, Presîdentjse, Mvarg, Brerefon, Frank HaE Jenkins, Manager of bbc 0f the Newcastle Lions Cluib, Af Glray\ anal Fred Coucb mnet NewcestIc P.U.C., who report- askîzng bimn to bave reprceen-ï on MVondaýy îevenin nCouincil cd that tbc developmnb c f atatives of bbc club mccl witliý Chemibers for thecir regular ncwý weli was urgent. On1 rounicil to discussa muLnic1pal Fý meeting.! cou nilis inistrucitions, thbe projects. A sewage notice wvas ec Themiute1c1bb lstt regu- Cler-k was te write a lelter drawn up and alws le be given CJ lr meeting anal two sisecialaskîdng tn have Ibtis project ite two newspapers, te be print- C( metngvceip reatI Vi thspeedea-!L up. Thie P-l...hre dbybbcone offcrýing bbc s' At hetistspcil eein, ights as instriicteti by Counr- before Ihe paper was prileal. On May 511,1-Lcouncil rmet1s again, ail mnembers present ta Tbcy made a motion te hiave la 15,> ota aeparated on Nortbh h J7 l wýcast!e Street, suhject teapo'a.f Dcaling with tbc budget, By- ti i ~ 'La w 71-12 was gîven lhree Sc c~oc a! indreadînga anal carrîcl. ts la hi bL-e s n t e nobeal that hsya* Residential mili rate remains bbc sanie as lest year, 108.7 a' Newrasble - The tickets for, sec that nigbb, anal you just wibh bbc Commercial rateH alie Cl-arke Orienbee-ring Dýanc a aat1 igdee. cgo miii lessa[than leist T ,ire besng ieketdi up anal tables Congratulations to Mi. Deug- yeeie a, ïaigrservedi. Tlhis promises a ak2 b o b eu These thiece meetings weree tý e lca 90oodltime, ead et bbc tiful Mothers Day cake, made' apDroveal as read. s,n) e ime t 1hos cof you ttend nldonateal 10 the Cui--Scout Under Petitions anal Depu- ai bngar hipng e enl ur Mothers Auxiliary by Mrs. tablons, Ed. Maer was fiie5bcr Ingbrigyunses ew-!Doreen Lake. ta spek, represenbing bbc 21 rin.Itsrell omcbinig to Speeking of Môthers Day, Newcastle Lions Club. Hle bav Caadarepresenteti, btac oteroa speciaeîy asked for $100 le be donateal y wcrhavang our very own pneasn wîhrNa cis c e m by counrîl towerd the 1971 f( ecjreresenicd. Le's ',assure b1er eat,"h s wrof o erFireworks Display. LasI ycar'a d thcm thel wvc are 'bcking on ber-î speciai dlay. Mrs. Billcisplay cost bbc Lions Club f( ocel v worry abouli,.v.atoteir ae Ibis ta ils te share $520 wibb council donatîng f( wiearjto rerau a ily ý,wlanal witb you, writtcn by Braci. It$75. This year, however, tbbc+i cofibablicsy. aLill ;n reeda, "Miobbies hep you witll'prices bave gone up, as bas ï] their' bomciwork, tbey buy almoat cverytbîng cisc, anal n T1711choiday weken rm- foodi. Mobliers arc beautiful, bbc diaplay wili cot $638. In- 1,acs ucb foim vryn.Fr tastegeta bn htas-mucb as lb was a commun- il rnany, tbeyc are go0ilg out of bappencal ta me yt" lby effort. council agreecal b ] town, for aliera,, thecy arc sbay- Miss Debbie Battems, BowthIe donation. ing in teWn anal bjaving crm- 0"v-ewa g t !Mak Asking for permissin pany. Stuck for smeaig v iln e wahaner etothe kh blItheir usuel tkaw et the]£e F do? Wcil, iy rmucb deement, of Mie, anal Mies, euoe Tilîson carivXal bbc first Mndffay Îlu ýhe requcat fer enother, Lions o unlyAugual Mr. Majer vas.,aise Dance bas licen complicti wibb, o udy given bbe okey on this. p teolic helal on StreMy Pleese telephone yeur social Evercît Vierb eut. Buildingv 22nd. Tikets aire n ,wave_-tnews imb 987-4213. Inspector. asheal foie permis-b elle. Anlta canti th weekcnti, On 'April 26th, the Pioncer sîon te give Bill Stoieka a a muchbihggcr anal be,,tter fir-.Button Club beidt Ieir meet- building permit te buildal works display bl-(inevrbefore ing, fcaturing chine buttons. tbiece-car garage on bis Drap- bas been plenneti foie you blyTbis was helti et the home of erty, Council agieceal, subject tbe local Lions Club. A col,-IMrs. Verena Santierson of te approvel f-rom bbc county ieccion will lie aken et[ bbc Jancîvilie. The meeting epeneti enganecra, who would bave ta enîrance te bbc parký, ne set 1wlth this pocm: "Growing old approve access a t hat- par- pt rieviewa ou ,îl-L. 1Butlisnet tee lied, it's just e sim- tiruler pieccof propeieby onc keep in md bbc frieks you plc case of daily getting useti Mii'Sre eil asbee inighJt liuy if tbe wcrental it, anal faciag it witb Grace. on County Roati.wa bbc butndrealfs ot dollars orthAdnitting anal withoul regret, The Correspondine iws cf litter anal bcauby you will thet wc bave reacheal that age, next tealic deait witb. ___________ -when we et plain necessity The firat was a 1 11cr frr13m Comingventsmust leer. tte artleur age. Ver- 'Robert anal Helen Brafltiig, _______________________ied hobbies serve ta kccp our of Newcaatlc, sctakine permais- minals anal banals nost active, sien tO operate a Fia anl CUE - SCOUT Tbey help te make retirement Cip caîering truck bu thej a great deel mere attractive.' village. This wes laid over BOTPTLE DRIVE This meeting proved al e until bbchncta eetig ive quite a-liveîy anti moat inter-à conc l acanetedawt MAY 15-thestinganc. There wcre buttonls, lFai ltter)of inerucflt Startig 9:0 a.m.ta be solaloietradeal, xcbang-, tram iseMncia lann ied or Consultantsnne wcref ,b il Pleae beve aoui r balle auctioncal off, others werc tu hola iurneal ov-1e h wbekre itrâ_au b srel dcal. Mrs. Rankîn of Aredie, mnn hireal li Newrasbl;te as1 i4Nova Sella, sent in some te thir consultant. lie auctioneal witb Mie Mc- A lebîce from A.V.P. E Kague doncting buttons t e letrusions asked ageÏin for wat LIONS CU solal with bbch proreeda going ci- expieining tha;t nol Menly into tbe funal. Plants tee were did Ibear rempauyv neecallths IflIAItnhc actoneti sa that tbe clubs but aise Cusltm Glass nepxl F ~ finanrial state was well boosted al te ei. Bing soubh cf 401 to eneble Ibern te meetctr- wbcre ne bown wvater la te I~tI U rent expenses. At 12 oclock, date made .available te tbemn. DISrLRJ bbc ladies enjoyeti their own bbcy esked wbren tliey would box lunclicon, the tee anal des- gllana l i they arc net 10 sert provitica by tbc bostess.gelb whet information tbey1 BALL PARK At one o'rlock, tbe stuy of migb give thora, about alter-i chine buttons wes odce natives such as piping lb frenin Ncwcstlcby Mies. Sanderson wbo show- tbc lake. cd many samnples e! whisbles, Council lied writen O.W.R. MO ~~~ pie cruat, domne, huilaeye, fisb C'. prie uIbs utte eyc, anal many others. Mcm- deciined bbc extension untl B MLA yV 2Ai, bers then sbowed their carda. new wtcr ,sulplyr wes made1 D II One, a china igloo, as quite e evailable. With the leIter1 1scarce type o! butbon, anal vcry firom bbc A.V.P. wes aise an Sterling aI Dusk expensive. A club member an.swcTr thcy ht i froni bbc f rom Romer, Michban, Mrs. .WV.R.C. sbowing bbcy 100 Collection aI Park Coleman attendeal bbc 'nebting bcd been ilu toucbi with thein. anal diaplaed many beautiful The Cicrk was Iheni nstnicteal Bring Your Family buttons. The next meeting wiil te write the OWRC ta re- lie et the home of Mies. W. ucw their requ est cf isach- ___________________ aldwîn, Brooklan. ing water Soutb ai 401. Anali Phon. 9&74213 ýe wou-ldinôalso wrýiPte MrBen- on of A.VP, ad-vising hl-im hey were looking into thne The Boa)rd of Edu-cation ask- ;i couincîl to mecet with t[len- or iscuýssions that mý 'riight1 oove beneficiai to both, Caik- gý for an even-înig malWith im-reetîing to follow, among e items of discusion wvouid )e regionial deveiopmnrt, the ea5on fo)r closinig emalier holfinanices, transporta- Ao and otheýr itemis \hicln îoldprv of interest. The Dept. of Social and amily Services have dleclar- ,i June 2Oth to 76th, Senior 7itizens Weekr. Newcastle ou)incil agree-d to ailso recog- ize that, week aýs Senior itizens VWee-k. Sooter M obile1 Portraii studio bas asked permissioî, tosolicit buasiness in tih e vil- [ge, but fe-els thne costisî toc ig.The by-law,,, states $3E lr a1 permit, and nroecp îons; are -Made- Ifrhyaet ulicit. in Newýcastie, they wiil have to pamy the full cost. Theo Bureau nf Muinicipal Resparch is holding a S,ýemîn- r, May l5th in Oshawa City [ail, beginning at 8,45 a.m Those wishing to attend are to notify Oshawa right awa3 s a luncheon is beîng provid- d. The Association of Mayorý and Reeves will hold thelJ onvention Ma,ýy 3Oth to Juni nd. ,A letter from the Oronc routhb Theatre, retceive,,d latE îor the April. agenda, was reaë during the meeting. Callini for auditions and application for April it -was reported tha: hýiis had boen) advertîsed ir he paper so that the le- nainder nf the letter woul, ust be informatio.n. Offer ng anew expanded progran bhis year, J -uly 3rd to Auigus «Iq t,vl wittwo major sho; mre, a new version of Pete Pan, the other stili to be de cided. The rInstitute of Chartere( Accountants report on a tele vision series that has alread: begun, This series deals wit] 'Running Your Own Business and hopes to serve a usefu iurpose dealing witb the tYP of problemis businessmen ru] nto. lrromn the City1 of St.Ct armnes was a lett er to a] councils showing- their resoli ii- re regional governmefl ýsking Newcastl&sý supporti ý hey agreed. They did suppoi dhe resolution and letters wil iep sent out according to in Structions from St. Cati arineas. in a letter from E. R. Loye kin, acting on behaif of Joli De Jong, hie asked whethe Ciouncil had decided on th ciosing of Andrew Street (bE tween Manver3 and MiW St, Coun cil haven't yet corne t anagreement and w iII giv Jt more thought. Mr. DennisHasy Sunsf Bldbeing present in counte and having sent in a letter, b askedî for help from the cour cdl in seeking some meanst stop continuai fiooding in hý home during the spring thai and throughout beavy rair and thunderstorms. Mr. Ha' sey e-xplained that the pror erties around hlm are ail but up higher. His famiiy invar abiy stand în the back dooi way during a heavy rain, bal ing out the water that rui into bis home. He expiai cd that somne of the wat( aiso ruais from the back( his property onto properl owncd by the Reeve. Ree! Cunningham explained he wý unaware of this and woui certainly check it out, askî; that others in council che( it with hlm, Hîs near] neighbor to the west, now rai ing bis driveway, makes h retaining wall on that side little or no use. WMile sympathy wîth him, Counc ________________________________________*don Browneil, Diana., Bertha The Canadfian Statemnaaan onl, May 12, 1971 IBrownell, and Roy Charles Cub - Sco ts NewIBowneil, children ofMran Mr. el ronll Crst1 were her sisters, Mr. and Mrbn and daughter Tammy spen plier Dean Wright, son of Mr Mel Shiels and family, New- the weekend with bih ise Newcsti: Panning for,?his e ajon ffr o as adMs Ken Wright, Joh* market, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson, Lon-. a beautiful warimmrsySa mnen1frth bst rai th Steperi' Jffery.son iMr. Fitf Oshawa. S un ,day don,-Ont. fMes Nancy umnd urday, it tuMnid u justtheandMrsGary Jeffery. Tedînrguests were Mr. adLoiRoes pntteweek-.ý opposite, but nithr termPrkadTop Ot, Junior chonir rendiered two MUn Ken Wright and boys cnd wîth tei ara nil unr north cidwjn cui pea~ mkeyorsef vat-numer. heSenorchirKernnyand Chr,.istopher, Base ci, MAr, and rMes Jlmmy e a hie, Fathers, lr;heIp ,l,-,, Inumed ,TheSenie Change thepln o dte-r ra rk, iase tcihd a sutale Mther'q Daýy Swe mmcd grop of CubScout ý- 'AiM.JonRu r. and !Mr,A hrMaie xetteewsmr Mohrs uxiar henphn Sote mSehen lr1 ilti n hesoopa rt.tiMartin Rd., were Sunday news, utithe crrnepndent the held ,their hae sl oui so noffer your hel,. Our pastor gave an appropi- i, nner guesta w7ith their dau- ddint have--,tune. doors on Stra artrnfon The PneWod erb(y Raýce aie Mter aysrmn ger, iMrand Mrs, Maurice Congratlatin..ito Mr D le'id onthe wstlawn of, the is, l eh' eld le th ie L1s a 7[h, MapI Preson ad boys, BowIMnn- Vie otwel n ýeaching -on Monday, ville, 83;1 irhdywhiciiwaýs Comaxnty allg rou d , Cntr, owmarvýllli1e, Satur Grove . I.are holding a; they -Verad n bcsl eî mechana art1 or t th% Tpperware ,demionstration ib Mrs L C. Snawden and bM, ceIebra3ted by a lamaly gath,4 de,« Hthýa, he rC E. Hall ntat 0 mnuAl Bo Snodcnwere uncen g,ïwîli mm rrIena abhdan s atnncied ManyNcwcasle m m c ity all 1lad(ies of the commity are evenn ine uat lbneghraaa ttii tbaksareexendcib te ry 30arn rady10icave by nvte. er daugbter, Mr. and Mr Tor. and Msh EL%.hak Cub and Scout NMothes whinth, provîed cars. Kitncrial nied.JhHbndgOhw. r rnonn M.adMr.Rs bak drnging in a total cfIbisyearrosi 75e. hs o'UCW meigo hr-Sam Castle, PeteborogAUnadMs Gay n $2745 Wth peia thans 0 ntein te acean ~da, Ma.2OH, 8p -,a as a Sunday aiternioon al ate avn Nwate Mr. orenLake h hkd ihiga kit maît ret urr)h . .Hll rof M7rs. LrC. Slowden 'Mad wer undy ving visi.ýtors R beaut1ifuil Mother's Day cake the kit or pay Ille 71c. Boys Mies. Denis Pieka rd, Mas. Mr BovSerec wib her ar evns i',a for a draw, wbioch aiedan_ absenrt tfrom iast MLýonldays Gary Pitkard and two dauign- Bobrs. C oden recen t- rs. lR G.areen, ltar ot'her $38,45, adding anoher meeting iiTeieesed ian thas ters, Monîica a nd Robyn, L.teCahSory etan $63190 toward the Culi-Scout sbold get in toueh lwif ut Mr. Bwmnvllwecre Saturd Y Dr~Clee naW bu rîi to1Otawa Te vwin- miéi rdpi kup yoar kit.dînner guests with tieefor-' 'ôjg, c ncr of tl'hs cauetifu ckew£if a airnbl t or o'STersparentie Aïr, asn esdy, is'i ing the Tweedsi- Douglas Wle fSnc bswt h îb nodrRG reanurRsoy Euve. DrwlRng ibe winn brotih-rirncie or nelghoor !Mr. and Mrs. DonBros Me.RbrJriecla tiktwas V Jo[aai fcn i se.Hw ver a and Mr. Robbie Brooks spent ormly gtbering nASunda Sicaro ug asni odehpnd icet the boy's Tad iiîteweedwt e ohrfor' ber son, Mier, ii ie.,,OkRpE NN/IA I ScboNwar e audyfo rv ibrsedigbspr-MsIle anr ÏV[asrmg GodcJriM.See IpeAfN2 on bbc cake bimself. he later1e 0 . o twAbosuniesa lu On Studaeeenngth 3nd Mr, IPhl Jr (e-)8b- Ve =9t F/tE r mreeting, Not having a fit ithAse of bmrother,0sholVisted br sciMr. and awa, Mr, and Mies, Jrviie re n o iapecptibeath'Stir1ieng. lnd and Mie. Phltp Jarvie l 1At iMonday nîglitsCu inaterlwtowor-k on a Cuba MýVrs. CyrliLukeOshewa, leaving -for Atrica. Guiesiîs mneeting, Scoter ,fG Ce o)r gp Cbarandandbis hre so', cr. leaeIaide y he ulsw PsaSuniday Visitor wtith ber were Me.ondMe. obr coulsin. ies. Roy VanCamp, Bot'well S r.,Mi-. Don-nie 1p2 Mark, Mre n lh~ aeLn.BtwiMe n is o John were aeLn BontroducedMr, 1ie MAPLE GR vE- M evening Mr. adBthelJr.,Mie, and Mies, macke Aoo e b moe t ronîo MsFred Wright and dauigh.I(- teart Jarvie, wbere aI bbc Jresent lime ters Barb and Beyv vsitedtM- adMe.Dni ikr threar n uaScutrSympatbly cfthis commiun- witb Fredas father, Mre. N\or- wecre Su.ndaysuprget Crand ar aidMis sos wlis aextended toMr. and maen Wright, and sister Mies. wlth ha o n IfeMe tRsane telit ewasle.l M.Dawson Beekett and L. J. Bradford, Osbe-waý, They and Mrýs, Wayne Plekard, waal anonesleCb llfmlaa i te eaieas a iit with Mies. L. au)ghter Angelaan so leet e bc Community Hapll1 the passing ofni'er Beckett's M.Kcibh Toronto, and Mass Timmy. Miondeýýy eeinMay 11J l7t eheMarguerite Wright,Stlney Mas.Aflan Snowden a c- H R E 4:3 p., wbb bo luch Our pastfor beld a bptisal Creek, iwho were visitng Mie. companicdJ by ber sister,Mi.' and ift cens. his mout srvice on Sunday, The fol- Wýright eý nd ýMr.Ba-aford la and JMrs. Reg Tyo f Ogli. ESO P RTNE wmIl cover dbbc ost ot gettng ioQngchidren werebaQ,-Osawa%. Mra. 1Kcibta ileavjing awa, on Sunday visted theiNE R lot th Bomaviie Zo, izd: ise Jayne VanCamr;pfor a tour iGreece anljdlmotherMMsE.H.Wuiçi 1 RON 093-4206 p)lus a coid drink, FN extray pH or oe foreiedInt bc arkSIniVanam; elnGr- era with Me. an M-s.WiightM-ndMeRon Rgr funda Drivers tn and frni thb zoo are nreeded, nplease- contact dthe lders ,if uar able ta dr I case o ein TCdVLAE'F N WC SL the trip vol be postponed, until a %ater time, andal bbca regular meeting helda t 601. A bottIe drive bas been At the request e! 1th. e undil (o! 1h.Village o! Il is proposes! to rai-,b ecsayanulrvnu o h planned foýr blil coming ,Se,'-: Newcesle th. Ontarie, Water Resources Commiission slles provideti frona thePoncsege works as fol- urdey. Cuaancus a re )dhes investigated the possibility of ntaln within thse lows: a frontage sewer rate of 40 icents per foot pej r aum o to nec ;t lreaIl lands -whieh abkit ona or con1sept te tise sewý,ers dsrbt 1 mccpl at bc omnuni vllae a1seagc orks pojet e b.owied by thse abc,a netincharge o! $32,54, per pannuan on ownerls or, Hal nifrin Ai 9:00 a a,, - - -- --- . Proieo ! O,( ntariî, consistng o! a collecter syste6 aoccupanits of ads For wlaich a swg evc oneinl refe it ht has ail piaiean reatient fecilities -wheich illprovide a major lb. is provideti, a 295 per cent urhageonth wlc projeIt/, acf cicylli-rn{Irf' pjwith,Î scwage service. If îs low Pr"- o!domeel.Sieusers of! thesst antil netles.*limas 295,I e b1ad] no syin the niater-.nenýrjlpsc Wk ia e et prvddpictures of eaec ee ecntec uiswrsa netmtdcs !dustrwialusers o! 1he .ssena ' to bbc amount 0rf. f weteCr wib$,9,.Foierviesprovided from ithese er ,il lies on bis propery anal coun Mspreposd te impose an estmaled service rate of ,. aMstne hr teei onelo e1h rpst seae woks but Ihere i la ecnncin lie wAtef wnrùks cil uggatedhe ein boucb cents per 1000 10 aons o! sewvage accepted from tise 1h. chargeforsag ricnraîyecvrt w ahanegnerfrbep uncpliy ogte wt h.fotaerteadco-Are i srhrg steb eevrd ylseipsiino 'Ifeelinig he rmigrlith e blitlae a e oniy-wle b1 srfageisi on0 e who wouild have adivice necýtion charge ;as sel forth in th. fourth paragrapi a ftfntage rae of $98.4 dvideti by te frnAge o! snc fo t e iantor.isru. Tis foo fonag rate d ees n et redunce or liul at for bbc stuaný . 1berce!. at1ny ot er fontage t s im poseti ù r p rtefor nr At tha lie ih arrunts The project wi11 conihit of bbc foîlowîng works waler works. rtso rpris swg There bcîng no tir remportinitiaîîY l optigts fotg cagsepoiin hhlcmae wsbmîbtebb helbh reort The installation o! sanîtary sewers to ho construct.V i frrtise exempt;in or parial oeemption froma, a fotfrentag 1 those wisbîng te view il. tbe ncd ns follows: Zîieemptioi, ie oflbowinor manner rbuilding report -sbowed four ONFROzTOai r.u.On »te muth aseonnerlt Ibt ucin0 pwemits onssu rPvone )fora Interseton cf streetsof 100 per cen-t o!d 1h. filnkago anti dwlfng, n or a tio roof Aercw Sîrlcel Beaver eStreet Andirew Court retebn rf,:Dreselu lb.casnfç~ agla rhrgir Thiece reedingc were giaen pprox. 151 &I.portla yshpei os _May be maIcte ý lute foot fnaeraeta adpassed teo a by-law an Arîbur Shred Ring Streel o!dKlng street olarisAe olf] be eagal hrosms,4 hai n poitînjg audîbor Duwo ndcreard'e thesiuatonvaluead prfca ar eaoui - Cmpay fr bc Cmmu iBadwn Street ape.30fnrhCarolineSrc os scma'd !hohr lots t3ajuat iùsn fnage Sityý, Hall FBoard, Aen Mn- o! Geo(%rge Street careon A aîr atiequlitable baýss ~ gmetBad, RecreatFU-ionI Sre!l 5 f.n'lh Rhr îre a a lot j Yrfoi u enf -tff rx<atml frotae ateIht tllrwsewoutihoebargýfeable thereo'pý, y r- ;e ýg so .1 'tI [y th il e in a- it. if h- e- n e 'e- L. ve ýet il he a- ls il- it ri- i- ns e or ras ild ng ýc by 's- his ol in dI] BAYDON Caoline Street Ciiurcb Street Ring Streetù Beaver Street approx. '411>fI. seulsh of Robert Street Mie, anal Ma-s. Deiber iýM-ero. ,0f. at e lin.~ ~ ~ ~ i- " -vllNY, pn EalwatralStreet Cliurci S'treet apo.20fes tfew deya w\ýlth bas m-other, e! Beaver Street Mies. W. Meýrlin, anctiMie. anti Mrs, John Potta anal fcmrflly Embly Street BýalIwin Street Beaver Street MIiss M. Boumei, -tOsbawaox 20ft ws visibti dMie. aal Mies. . Jo c George Streetl %ManveofRoaldwxi200Street and al temily ,on Suuiay'. Mie, URey PlewBîleoo Gos îre ii tetapproz. .250 fI. cs Ma-_1"qg 7ui'Onasen nî o! Beaver Street Ashbton, Ronaleiti cut Ray "rc B _g Steet approx. 1050 fI. West Artisur Street Suniay ahainer geî c io! Baldwin Street fandMly MnvrsRoti Mii retapprox. 400 ft, norbis Mnie. anal Mies. RusseiMilStrento! George Street dca-mn, port Hope, wr Mnapprox. 300 fI, tiertis day' evng elea 1t frMil Street Robert Street e! Monroe Street Mr. analMies. Wýlbr Brg- Monroe 'Street Mill Street Baldiwin Street cIl Bomevile, cr Tus-Robent; Street Sunset l Bval Beaver Street day visitera w tllh ber mother,) el o t et B l w n S r e Mies. Aluce Thompac Wiao Sret Batii Srel Mill Street Weckcntivsîoe WibMies. Thonipson wcvp ...-aeMes' unetBld, Robert Street Lniseview Rond ER.Tliompson, Mn, antio. 55 Mies.s F. A. Osmonti, MieD. K. Sunset Bîval, Lnkevew Rend o ae.55 i. mest Tbompson, BomavilMe.e LkviwRo* R. B. Tbmpnisn, Hapto ,iLakevtew Reati Sunset Bival. Suniel Bival, Mie anal Mies.rM.'bVar- <os-lb section) (eaI o! subdilvision) (west o! subdivision) son, Lcske-rra lie ý l- Tbompson, Trntoý,spnbc Lakcvicw Rond Sainset Bival Sunset Bîval. weekend with bas m-,riotheý,r, (seulS section) (east o! subdivision) (West of su bdivision) Mrs, Tbcmrpson ie, anti Mies1 Leurie TbcmpsniantiAge] TRUNK SEWERS Ennakllnwerc clcse Mies. Tbomipson's.auro. 50fI. P, tis apprex. 550 ft, nortis Mn.ant MisR. allgbr nsemen ! To)ronto Streel o! Toronto Street anal femiiy, Ajexý , wcre Set1- Sr ap iex,5A fI. nortisTrh oSre urday ahaner gucats cf Ma.reeturc, ooTentoteSSrree andi Mes. Roy Pabeeroýn, oantii tre fanhiy, the cesin, Mies. Roy Lasement Thonbo Street Clark. Street Patermon's birtdey. Mn, analMies. ivan Sha-rpi, approx. 650 ft. wesl Linde anal Janet, annuaIllea,180 fIL West of MiliiStreet calieti on ber prnsMe laieSreet ppex Rond allowance be- and .Ma-s. L. Ash ton,- on Sun-!, o! Mill Street Imecas lot 28 andi 29, day, Molber'a Day. Conce-ssion I) Mr-. Bob Joues, having spent a couple cf weeks Pai1bis11Roati dallowtance .sot home, returneit nice beweeiLLot2' Clareke Street aof . 85 f. su Bey on Mniy 9 !CaeeSre Mr anti Mies Arthur " LTre-oa- lc I'-h ýeb wan mweie Salurtiay eeigapox i etis Rnd lioaae visiters at Mieý anti MesJ-17asemrznt o! Clarse St. (Rond cession 1 antp o Poîs.Allowan-ce bctweence29 Brkd Font Mie. and Mies, Rosa, Ashtin Lot 28 & 29, Cone. 1C) cesio anal Grant cailed nou Me. antioceso Mies. Floyal Becketi ati BRoalAllownnce apprexý,ï.1050 fi, Marie, Enniskilien, on S__un- bctween Lot 29, approx. 350 ftmewest erAy (STP day. Concession 1 anal o f Rond Allowance locatf et n is Ma-. analMies. Arthur Reend Lot 29, Boe between Lob 28 & 29, coriswest cýorner o! were Mobbei's Day ainner Front Coesio Concession 1 Lot 29, Broken gucats o! Mie. analMies. Clay- Front Concession) ton Read' anti family, Bow- manville. together wîtb sewers fron tise main semera- te the lot Unes. Ma-s. W. Martin. Me. analTisree pumping stations are te be censtructeti; tise are: Ma-s. Delliert Merlin analMr. J. Potta wcre Seburtiay sup- Pumpiug Station Ne. 1, is locateti appreximateby 4 Baldwmin 7per gucats of Mrs, G. Fergu- anal George S[tets. rson, Oshawa. 7 Mr,. analrs. Charlie UGar Psalmpig Station Nïo. 2, i- locateti approximlately 2600 feet rerti werc supper guesîs cf;,i' vest o! Robert Street on 'Suenset Blvdl. sMie, anti Mie Afreti Garrard' 1anal famaly on Mobbce's Day ýý Punmping Station No. 3 Is locateti aiaproxinsatcly 26 z(ce Bill Poîts spent Salua-a west o! CimirhStSreet on Robent Street. witb William T rcwin. tbchc carsion, Wlliams 141h bUIith Treelment wl b. providet ii na 280,000 gpti oxidain d day. 9 Mr. W. Blacklin, Ni sewage treatmnt plant leenleti in lietoh strer o! fBlackburn anal Deug Paterson lot 29, Broken Front Concession lanbis. Village o! Ncnsaýtlo iwalked 17 miles in bbc Walk-ý with an outfaîl provideti labo Lais. Ontario. a -thon e week ago Seturdey.1 -umieient latslil rostgearg e a esa't i tao!lts iýt bilding rpoes n fi atieastal C) Wisere a lot, otiser than a corner lot,. has twe gylimii.ýs az abut on streets describeti above andth ie size antli nature o! tl ol Is sncb tisaIany or ail o! tue m orIin lu ncstreelst, are net requireti, a reduction la respecj 3tteo! biserks tisak are net requireti, se long as tisey are netrrt i may aise b. matie ïin befoot fronînge rate bisat molti oles'ise bo ehargeable thereon, sufficient te adjust bfsfotaech4argeý on a fair anti equitable basis. d)> la th. case o! lots that because o! tue pnature fo! tie tr rain or tise elevalion o! tise semer, do asoltiem-rieeam benelit as other landis nhutting on bise sewepr, ardsala may be matie la lb. fooit frenlage rate wlaicisoiems woultibc h. argeable tiereon, sufflcent having regard leý thse benefit deriveti as cempareti wth ollier lt, eaIdjsýI4 tise foot frontage, rate ong a fair anti equitablebss e) The reduclion shah ho atie y detiucting firoan lisetta frontage o!ftise lot hablete tfie annual fotM ont gerate se mucis liereof as ýeis su icinltlemais.thelispropeýrres- bien, hut tise wiole o!ib le lot shaîl he? charge imils tise annunî foot frontage charge as se reduceti. On tise basis o! tisese levies a hofime cne teti lich.mae works, antilanving an assunseti frentagýe o! 66 feeýt, woulId pny tise followlag amounts aanui-allyv after connection han been matie te tise proposeti sewage ïvorks. * 6ý6 foot frontage. aI 40 cents per foot $264 Canection'Cisarge 2.5 295 per cent surebIarge on annaia mater bill o! $33.36 9.4 TOTAL, m157.38 A home net cosasecteti te tishe r morkzs aihaingami assumnet frontage o! 66 feet would uray tishor wra mnI annually after connection bas been milatie tetis pepoet sewage morksa: * 66 foot.frontage at ("S8.41) M9.1 cnsper foot 9984f * 66 foot frentage ut 40 cents per fool 26 (1.40 Cesanectioma charge325 $157,25 *The aninual frontage rate of 40 rcnts per foot Iwiliibe bascej on a minimum foot froutage of « Ifeet for aUi lands and. e maximum of 100 fooýt fonag or ,ope 'aiy-deln n Pgr7icuituralIilndt. .Any ratepayer may, wtl tet Loedysatr h irai Wý publication of thîs notice send by prrepidost tOýý th-e Clerl of ili 'Village of Newcastle, ai, the address ý-.Lvea be1ow-î notLie iu ntn'ing statifng luis objetion tlaevch prva1rt thrc inapoitiloof 4thec.sewage rates, The Ontarlo Muiipal -Board naay apirve fteagenn between the Village of Newcastle and the Ontffo Watew Resources Comm.ission wiâth respect to t-he proivision octh se-Wage service and miay approve tfie imPOsiîng o"f the swg rates, but before doing soe. my ppint a tile 2aa1dplace ;for a public hearing .vhexi aiy objections wTI be iýcvasJidere&5 but notice of sncb bearing wvii be givea ùn1y toithoseprsn who have givea notice of objectioiia s _provied for ufbove. Plans, reports nd esimantes may e i:pe îed t Th-'eofficu1 o! the undersigned daarng Isnsheunrs. DATED AT NEWCASîTLEandira n ib~ IaIhï th da t4 May, 1971. P.O. BOX 134 TOTAL

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