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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1971, p. 12

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G,1ilshave no moniopoly au hrlbratron. Wat about guys too? Should't Ibcy belîberat- cd sud llowed ta do the thiugs Ihat girls normaily do? TI-e logic is difficult la, ig- noe f..alter eil, if the girls are gaîng ta be llieiaîed, wbhy ual the baya alsa' Ta1re the achool systeni foi xepeWiit scange force keepa the industrial arts sud hiome economic classes segre- gated fnto maie sud femnale? The aucswci, af course, is tra- BuF ln a day oai coroclasm, traditions bave few secure places. And surely ual iu the ech-ools. Eveu lu Bowmanvillc, whcre traýdition is shli a way af ifbI, hagsare crecping iuta, the achol ysturwbuch are suie taý shat ter sioreparents' beliefs about social, 1dccorum. Sucb as the switch the boys sundgirls flu grade ighit class- es !lý uIawmavillic made dur- iug the rmonth af FcbliuarY. The boys look the normnally girls-ouly homne econouilcs class. The girls, edounir'g gag- gld sudendr's capes, 31vePt mbthe- indus,ýtriel arts cîas- roani il wevs an exercÎSE ta test ,-he validity of the tradition wbicb puts the boys sud girls 01n separate techuicul study sý,tresms. And, by gum, il was beginuing ta look e bt shakey. T'ne girls laok ta wood sud ineta workÈih astoundîng aclt.And the boys . . - wýell, jusýt askir heir niothers who is startiug la use the homne sew- ing-mracbine sud the kitchen range. Said Dan MacAthur, tcach- ib afiIndustrial Artsaet Cent- ral IPuli1c, >wbeîe algd eigh-t suensfroniBwmu vý7illd- take Ithi-r techuical train- i rls ýare, ou iihe w alse aresive asd oallenimore E71eativ7e Iban 'ihe bos; o e ., clthat- the Ipportuiity ta vent their crcsýtivity lu Ibis arcashoud beofferc-d ta From War Days li Aax Plant Àjaxý lus lown aIof12,000 "cae m beîng 30 ycars ega ben trie sod wes turued here a munition fsctary thet ~sta bie the «arsenal af the ~rlurcicis"durîug World During Ihe four years Ihal ÏDITL (Domndin Industries ýîimited) ocperatcd, residents ~îf owmnvllansd aies com- î,te îIy ta wroîk lu the 'fi e hlfi liug plant sud toni the we-;r effort, Ait Iis pïotint lme wbile îmaîsare-,fresb sud people -ýionc la reminisce, the Ajax ',,-.istorical Board is making "n appea lta former DIL work- eire ta lo or donate pictures pd suan sp hahs af those days ef qua!,rter èeulury sud rmare The B-roard plans la select -niebe"tf snch contributions of ae-pictorial hlstory af Ibis ,7niJilrelativcly n1ew comimun- À,The Board would bc pleased tn hear from' interested par- lissu uch commiunications .uudcoriribhion a'photos budbernade la M. Jack VikrAjax Pub'lï_c Libraîy, PRIt VOWLES 1EATING SPEILS PHONE 623-7591 21 HOUR SERVICE 01, Gfag & Eletrie Furnace &Air Condition Installa- tions - Central & Wiadow Units - Claie Hecla& Fiudlcy Equipment Free Estimates BugtTerms Available ITeS NEW! DINNER BOX 9 PUECER REGULAR BARN' GIAN MT BARN' Geraldîne McMurdo, thie horne ccauouca teacher, point- cd ta ber ehl-boy dlass. It was obviaus they wee enjoyîug themselves. And wby ual? Areu't cooks sud tailois pic- damiualely maie occupations? The excbange from bath teacher sud pupil stanodpoînte proved inMmeuseiy aucceseful. The, girls learî'ed about woods, metals, leather, acrylir plastic sud veneers; the boys about fooda, lable-settîng, sew- xng, sud household eppliauces. The girls made leatbcî chok- ers, did wîrc sculpture, made plastic candy dîshes sud wood- en bowls, sud dabblcd ilu mai- quetry (inlayîug different cal- ored veneers ta make a picture or wali plaque). The boys cooked up e mneal af flap-jacks, made bot dog spccials, scwedvests, peunants aud apache scarves. "Everythiug was uew sud dîf-fereut," bath groups re- meîked. "We neyer ha ve a chance ta do such things et home". Until uow, But what about the parents? Whst wes their reaction ta the exchange? The studeuts' reports wî mîxed. All their mothers- ap- peared ta bli lu leiaIthe new nragrsm. But the fathers "My dad tbinks if ii s funny ides," saîd anc boy busîly try- ing ta thîcad a ucedie. 'II haveu't told my father yet," saîd another resolutely. "And 1 don't tbink 1 will until he asks rn first." The students are bouud ta learun another streuge lesson about hf e. Traditions die awfully bard. B LACI KSTOC K Ladies Auxiliary Grant. Scout and Guide Mothers Mrs, Gayman, Wayne and Meeting Donnie, Gormley, attended the Baptism service and were din- On May 6th the meeting of ner guests of her daughter, the Ladies Auxîliary Scout Mr. aud Mrs. Glenn Grave and and, Guide mothers was held f anily. at the home of, Ruby Van' Mrs. Reg Bouudey, Port Per- Camp with 16 members pres- ry; Rev. and Mrs. V. M. Par- ent. Minutes and carrespon- sons, Janet, Marlene and deuce was read followed by ydMsCorn Ga the Treasurer's report. Moved Lya, MreSuny dGnr by Reit Post, seconded by gham, we r. Sanday din er Jean Adans that we :0Y nay Klly esand grlsn. Ms Grl outstanding bills. Carried. Pat llY ud r's ys. erge Sleep expressed her thanks ta ahrsDy uprgct everyoue who helped -in aiy of Mr. snd Mrs. Neil Baîley way at the Father aud Son and family were Mr. sud Mrs. Banquet. It was then asked il Grant Thompsan, Nestieton, we wished ta go on as a joint and Mr. Jack Curtis, Auxiliary. Ail were in favar Several fram this area en- of doîng sa. June Wilkinson is joyed the presentatian of willing ta allow her telephone Dustbound In, a Victorianl Par- number ta stand as a telephone lor iu Port Perry High School referral service re - used on Thursday eveniug. uniforrns. Asked if there was Mr. sud Mrs, Les Bushfîeld, anyore înterested in typiug London, speut the weekend stencils for Brownie Sang Col" wîth her parents, Mr and Mrs. lectians with the resuit that Murray Byers. Other weekend Ruby Parsons kindly affered guests were Mrs. Eruest Bel- her services. The Cuboree 15 yea and Nancy af Broute. being held at Port.Perry, Mvay Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cham- 29th this year and auyone brsnadsn isMro wishing ta attend should haveBerladbn an eron, weekeudio a very good1 time watchiig the rdup we wekn variaus activlties. It wss tlier guests af their parents, Mr. announced there was a > ,,à and Mrs. Joe Bradburn and for used, uuwanted Cub or o. Scout scarves ta help replace Md week callers af Mr. aud those last or misplaced by Mrs, Gerald Kelly sud fsmilyI sameaI the boys. It would be were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, appreciated that anyane hav- Bobcaygeon; Mrs. Gardon ring such would let us know., Kelly and Leigh, Burlington;, Pat Sleep reinded us again Mr. snd Mrs Rassa Fax, Dal. about ssving Canada Psckers rYmple and Mrs Reg Baundey, labels. It wss decided ta leave Port Perry. discussion of chocolate bars Guests during the week a& until fal, There will be lia Mrs. Roy Taylor were Mr, and mare meetintgs untîl the fal. Mrs. Harry Pollon, Edmocnton Repeating af the Mizpah snd Mr. and Mrs. Carme-ný was follo-wed by a deliciaus Neilso à af Wsrkwarth. lunch and a gay social time. Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mr. andi 1Ucw Mrs. Arnold Taylor, Diainuce The Candace Unit aof the snd Betty Jane, along with Mr. UCW- met at the home of Jean and Mrs. Garuet Murra-y, Caro- Kyte with 14 members and hnie sud friend of Maniilla and six chIldren in attendance, Mrs, Jas. Farder aI Port Perry, Ater cofiee and a social tïime, Mr,sud Mrs. Lawrence Mc- the unit leader l'eggy Larmer Laughîîn, Lynn and Brent were opened the meeting with a gtîests at a Mother's Day fam- reading. ily gathering at'the home af Donna Kyte led in worshiP Mvr. and Mrs. Harry McLaugh- an the theme «Uuderstanding lin, This gatheriug was a belat- Youth-" readiug flic 23rd Psalini d brthdsy usrty for Mrs, and ie estîude fra ;t, Farder who celebrated her book I'God ia for Real Man", 8th irthday during the hsd A commnitee wa5s et UD ta wîiter westher. plan the Dessert Lunchean on MsRoTalrhdape- May 25 wheu Mrs. R. Sheffleld, Msrrs onayo hdaes- Presideut of Oshawa Presby-atsrrs nMte' a terial will be guest speaker.- a phone caîl from her son 1Joan Paisley gave the pr og_ Auson who is et present with ram an Youth. Followîug her iwfenCafoi.Asn interesting talk, given mostly called on Suuday from. Laos fram her experience wîth Angeles, California. youug people, members joined Sunday luncheon guests of in a hively discussion. Mis. Ruth, Wilson sud Mrs. In, the United Church the- McQuade were Mr. sud Mrs. Sacrameut af Baptîsm Was ad_ Lloyd Wilson, West Hill; Mrs. miuistered ta the followîng S. Lockyer, Brooklin, sud Mr. children, Frances Joanne aud Mrs. Allan Wilson sud Grave, daughter aI Mr. sud Suzanne of Nestîcton. For Mrs. Glenn Grave; Esther Mother's Day diiuner Mr. sud Jaycc Kelly, daughtei of Mr'. Mrs. Lloyd Wilson treated their aud Ms Gerald 'Kelly snd parents sud two graudathers Breulda Carol McMahonu,'sata dînner aI the Bonfire Res- daughter af Mr. sud Mrs. Ted taurant at Liudsay. McMahou. Duriug the service Mrs. V. C haplîn, Oshawa, Mrs. Gladys Thompson sang a was a Mther's Day gucat af lovely solo. Rcv. V. M. Parsons ber daugliter Mr. and Mis. delivered a thought-provoking Vernon Asslstiue sud f amily. sermon on "Standards for Guests duriug the weckcud Living", af Mr. sud Mrs. Wilbert Arch- Mr. sud Mrs. Ted McMahou er were Mi. sud Mis. Elmer sud f emily were Mothci'5 Day Archer, Jim sud Iriend af guests af her parents, Mr. sud Whitby; Mr, sud Mrs. Don Mrs. Harold Larmer snd Fleming sud Janîice of Osh- GORGEOUS .SUCCULENT 3 deliclous,, golden brown pieces with iwedge frics & cole slaw 9pieces delielous golden brown chieken 15 pleces delîious golden brown ehieken 21 leces debiceon golden brown ehicken 1d,35 1 .50 TR AIL WA Y £S NACKXB A R INEWCTASTLE, ONT. 987-4637 2 miles east of Newcastle Boys Learn Sewî,ng u irls Run Lathes 2The Caiiadialn tateSmýAn, EoWinanviIe, May 12, 1971 Boys Learn to, S->ewadC.k Girls û,,perate Machines As Grade 8 Pupils Switch Julie demonstretes the finished product taher son, Aune Hooper sud Stue Ricard. Ail the students ini classmates, from the leIt, Brende Prout, Debbie Harrîis, t he hhree pictures attend Vinceut Massey Public School Liz Reid, Lynn Williams, Bannie Rendeli, Sue Robert- lu Bowmanville. Lessons on AIhe sewing-machines proved e big hit manvilhe's Central Public Schooi. LeIt ho riglit, TedI with grade eight boys who switched with the girls Shantz, Peuh Jackman and John Kocîje, make their home ecoilaioncscs --for ant ogpr-- tBo-jonveste- < rinihe rmachines. borne <Violet), and Mrs. James Thompsor- (Doîotliy), bath aI Bowmarivî1le She is also survived by 24 gîaudchildreu and 51 great- gîsndchildreu. Mis. Henning rested ît thre McIntosh - Anderson Funeral~ Home, Oshîawa, wliere a privý ste family service was held on Mondsy moruhig. Palibearers were six gr-and- sons: Regîuald liennîug, -Ra- aid Graham, Donald Osboriie, Noei Henîug, 'Edwsrd Heu- uiug, Gerald Gibson. Interment was iu Mount Lswn Cemetery,, with Rev. William Piercey officiatiug. G. L. STRONG Thle desth af George Laine- Strong occurred on Wednes- day, April 28, 1971 at R.R. 2, Pantypoal, Iollawing an fi- uess of one month, He wss in bis 69tb year, Sou of the late Join Strongý sud Eliza Fowler lie was boruý Iu Mauvers Township, Dur- ham County, an Octaber 1, 1902, ad attedcd Lotusýý Public' School, On ,une 29,1 1946, he mnarrîed the formei Elsie Mildred Knapp whoi pîedeceased him. Mr. Stroug lived all of bisý 111e iu Mauvers Tawuship except for the lsst two years whcu he reýsided wltli-Mr. audi 1 4 -ud a- - _- At the saine lime the grade eight gi ris took over the boys industrial arts elass. 1 ere Jue Melroy m--ak-es a bowl on the wood turnfing lathe. aws sud Mr, snd Mrs. Vincent Archer af Bowmanville. OÎ U A i Ail are glad te kîiow thatMR WLIA HEN G Mis. Archer ig wcll eîiough te oWLIA ENN be hom e again Iîom Aer stay Allenl, Mr anid Mra. Murr'ay in Part Peerry liaspital. Bycîs, Mr. sud Mis. Les Bush- Mrs. William Heuniug, 720 Mrs. 0. Hll speut a few' field, Mrs. Ernest Belyca sud Cedar St., Oshawa, dîed ou days lu Toronto reccnîly as Nancy, Mr. sud Mis. Ivan Ssturday, May 8, 1971 et His- guesta af her twa brothers, Mouutjoy, Mr. sud Mrs. Brysu dale Manor, Oshawa, at the Rev. and Mrs. Clarenice Fer- MOuntjoy, Miss Judy Maut- age af 92ý guson sud Rev. sud Mrs, joy sud Mr. Carl Gýlbank, Mr. The daughter af the late Merrill Ferguson. sud Mis. Frank Hoskmn, Mr Mr. sud Mrs. Josîeh Persan, Mr. sud Mrs. Gleénn Larmer, sud Mrs. 'Rau Haskiu, Mrs. she wss born in England, July Douglas sud Cîaig were week.: Harvey Grahami, Mr. sud Mrs. 20, 1878, sud had been a end guests af Marîon'ls mather, Dalton Darrell, Misses Nancy resident afI'Canada -for 80 Mis, McDougald sudt other sud Leanne Dorreil, Mr. sud years. relatives lun the St. Mary's Mis. Stuart Dorreli, Mr. Rau She speniL Most of lier hile ares. Martyn, Mr. Larry Hoskin, Mr. ni Newcastle, moviug ta the Congratulations ta Mi. sud Jini Carnaghau and Mi. Gerry Cedardale district af Oshawa Mis. Ilay Moutioy <nec Deb- Hauke. lu 1942. She wes a member bic Rombough) who were Miss Leanue Doîreli bas aI Cedardale United Church, marîied an Ssturday lu the very receutly commeuccd ber Mrs. Henning was prede- Newburgh United Church. fuither studies et Guelph ceased by lier husband William1 Mi, sud Mis, Brysu Mount- Uiversity. iu 1956 sud by one son, Clar- joy, Guclph, were weckcnd Mi. -sud Misý George Bry ece, guests aI their parents, Mi. eut, Dwayue sud Julie wee She is survîved by three' sud Mis, Ernest Swsîu sud Suuday gucats ofIlber parents, sans. Leonard E, sud William,, f amily, sud Mr, sud Mis. Ivan Mi. sud Mis. Dean Ormiston Oshawa, sud Gereld of Green- Mouutjoy, Judy sud Linda. af Brooklu. ,waod, Ont., sud by five Guests af the Mountjoy- Suuday vîsitors af Mi. sud daugbters, mrs. George Grah- Rombough weddiug t New- Mis. Marwaod McKee were amn (Rose), Mis. Gardon Lak- burg were Mi. sud Mis. Bruce Mis. Ed Lawson sud Bruce, iug (Aiý thea), sud Mis. Wal- Mouutjoy, Gary and Paul, Mr. Jauetville, sud Mi. sud Mis. lace Gibson (Marie), ail of sund Mis, David Hudson and Bill Wauuan af Oro=o Newcastle; Mis, Clarence Os- ttrcts40in ronol Dug MclfItt, NDP canidi tionw-hil e Joe 3uricb, Pro- date for Durbamn Counity lui fessar of Pahîtical Science et the next Provincial Election Waterloo University, outlied wss well pfleased wîtb bis tbe bistory f pahîtîrs sud the election campaigu meeting changes wbîch bave developed ld luOrono on Suuday, duriug the pst few ycars May 2nd. Il wssbis official withiu the province. kick-iSff af bis campaîgu u Mi ofainusekigt preparation for tbe Inithcomi- M.Mflb nseaigC ing election, yet ta be au- te gatbering,,referred ta the nounced by Premier Davis, ieffciecy sd lack of de- cision by thie Couservatixe The election workers' chool Goverumeut; iu Otaro, A held et the Orono Public case in point, be said, was the Scbool was atîendcd by some eimînation af tbe fisiîing 40 sooIpoitrs. The session licence Iee thîs year by Darcy Iwas beld betweeo 10:00 a.m. McKeourli. He said this <wae sud 315 p n libte first place a "uisace The "sebool" dîscussed thie tex" sud that Mr. McKeough pîaposed election ceuipaign bcd said il oniy îaised $1.6 sud issues wbîch are expected million sud bad cost about ta develap during tbe cein- 10% ta administer sud collect. paîgu. John Brewîu, Pro- This veir thie gaverumeut re- vînciai. treasurer af thie NDP moved Ibis tex but did safaler sud s candidate for Scar- tbey bad mailed licences out borough north ' outlined bis tla their agents sud aller views ou tAlie provincial elec- thousands af licences had been Faid. Now the gcoverument iS Mis. G, Brillon, R.H. 2, Pan- 1faced wîtb the freI typoal. I-e wes e fermer and sundthie rosI af admînisteriug cautînued for mny yeai's u1tigbisbîngie wil reatly ex- Ibis occupDation, and was Ihen ceed thie 10% fi gure. employed for 10 yea-s ,n.dhj M. MaIl att also stated Cht thie Department af Higbways. lthie fermer sud small business He retired foui yesrs ago, man is facing thie saie probi Thie deceaseci was s member lem. Be îeleîred tanauilu of B a il y d u ff Presbyteriau tensive sîudy made by lte Churh, sud wasi dia e m- NDP. wbicbrerommendp"d ber of tAie Orauge Lddge et some changes ta boler the Lotusý finaucial position af these Iwo Surviviug are seven step?- groupe. ch ild en . iV ri G& B rittan H , s i h r a r a (M ldred), M n. R ,BaYfoi'd ed saor thre a ide grand (Phyllis). Danel, Muray, lneed foreterbuai afod sud Clilford, Stanley sud Eau lowitr asfrbt The funeral wàssbeld on groupa, Mr. MalfaIt saîd bath Fîiday,; April 301h fromIbe lAie fermer sud small busiu- Norîbrutt Elliot F u n e rai cssman weîe lAie first hune af Home. Bowmanville, sud wasidefence against uuemplaymeut conducted by Rev. J~. S. Gil aItAihe local level. christ. Intermeal ,wass !lu Mr. Malfait said lic was Ballyduif Cemetery, ouite plcased wit h t h r. Pallbearers were Messres. rbooi" sud wàs surprised at Bill B Ittou, Loren ce BillIon, tAie feeling that is beiug ex- Bruce Knapp, Charles Kuapiî, pressed by the genpral publie Ronald Taylor,, sud Wayne towards tbc New Demociati* King. Party.-Orono Times. A, L, WEARN LTDO- PHONE 263-2291 GEO. STEHN 138 Wharf Road, Bowmanville Phone 623-5410 THE PAINT THAT BELONGS kEMI COAT OUTSIDE WHITE OIL or LATEX Menufacturer's Sugg Retail $15,75 specia$9~99 ai. SUPER INTERIOR LATEX WALL PAINT Manufacturer's Sugg Retail $12.35 Specîal'ý' $7199 Ge Mc r --,-g rH a rd i 95 KING ST, W. PHONE 623-2542 T Subdiiin !ow1i caunI a13 pýroved twvar sud six facing Prospect prpsdplans af subdîvision Th"ce praperty is presently bieing used by the Bowman- lu is rgula metingaI ay ille Pony Club as a place ta Srd. practîce rîdîug. OruF is au ares looated south The other ares is a parcel ao rt Street between Scu- f laud lu the orchard nortii gag sud. Prospect, eucampass- af Jackmau Road sud almost iugfli entire aiea af the directly il he with Fourth lar-i er vanklin estate prap- Street across Scugog. The et.The proposera are 1atik plan was oresentedita the sud Ben Laniers of 435 Ridge- Bowmauvîlle Planning Eard way, Oshawa. A total afI12 by Bob Carruthers. Fourteeti bouses are planued for con- bouses are planncd for con- struction, six faciug, Scugog'structian. 'HCKE ByO.S N -A C K 2 succulent, FREE PAC K golden brown picees U jLimit of 4 - Saturday, May 15 Only ýl i . -l BOWMANVILLE

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