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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1971, p. 1

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Ran Out of Time After -40 Miles It !could be c7alled the tale of two problemis. First there is the problem of, decîding where the new super Toronto International Airport should be located. Then there is the problem Scugog Island residents have in defending their homes and property from possible incur- sion. The two probiems, are'not Ai rport on unrelated; onie of the sites, sug- gested foir the airport is none other than Scugog Island. Its situation, witbin 50 miles of Toronto, and to the- east of Metro makes it particularly clesrable because it conforme to the basic requirement ýof proximity to the urban hub and to the important recom- mendation of the Toronto-cen- tred regionüal report to give, the, SCUg90 eastern areas of Metro some imnpetus for growth. It is wellh endowed 11n other respects too. Tt ie a contained package, of 11,300 acres which would do very nicely for, the expected area required for the airports of the future. And it provides an unexpropriateable buffer zone - Scugog Lake. 1Though the area hâs obvious- ly a lot to give, it would, if UIsE e'O accepted as the airport site, receive a lot ini return. Sucli as an infusion of $400, million the estimated cost of construct- ing a super airport, Or the resulting economic growth as supporting industries become developed. Or the rncreased value of land i the area. And, adds the Scugog Island residents. the new airportý would give in its bounty, ýthe pollution of the lake, island and surrounding country to- gether wîth the disturbance o-1 bird nesting grounds and the annihilation of a traditional recreation and conservation area. 1But the problems resulting after the airport bas been built are nothing compared with what the plannersmust face TRNTO PAGE TWO> VOLUME 117 16 Pages,ý BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12C 1971 15e per Copy NUMBER Il Ro ute InAntiqiue Toyoung men from Chule, on a trip through the Americas, stopped in Bowmanville Monday afternoon at County Chrysler-Dodge Ltd., King St. E., for a miner repair to the vehicle that has carried them all the way - a 1929 Dodge. f rom 42 to aska Roberto Schmidin and Ariel Betancourt, both " ~~23, natives of Conception, Chile, have been on the Thisyog team of walkers in the Kinsmen sponsored Walkathon from here road since October 1967. They hope that by the ïo the Si'ck, Children's Hospital in Toronto on Saturday would have completed end cf the year they will reach their destination M_ the 45 ile rel'ay hike, but after 40 miles it was decided it was late in the day. Alaska. 'eyhad done very -well and they were picked up. The aduit teams, from sev- (TURN To7 PAGE TWO) erlclubs in thedisrict made excellent tîme, with one team from Bowmanville -___ -__ _____ finishing fin first plae. Those in, the above photo are, front row, left to right, MichaelVoesDna Bruni; back row, Harvey Webster, Chris Chipman fl ~Bonnrie WVoodw,7ard and Danny Brock. The local club's pledges totalled approxi-O P A fe a e o mately $500, whîchil0 be used for Cystic Fibrosis Research. ________ Criticizes Darcy McKeough tust NionCstgte&- Ont. Governmenit Mark Pofike Week This week is National Police A variety of' extra equip- Me .j tthe law enforcement agen- from detachment headquar- For ende qcy to C xnt al'lzàunPo% ers1cýes acrose the country and ters inPeterborough, such asý teofficers who man them. the police skiff, scuba equîp- Robert Nixoïa provincialabout225, the 42-yeaýr-old In this area, the Newcastle ment, a radar unit, a porta- prieroledr a tgae he prylae odme theý detachment of the Ontario phone, loud hailers and iden- Proincal Par Onaro Pogrssve onsr onsrvaîvs ee pe i 1 yProvincial Police wîll open tification unî it pas vatîve gwvernment in a Darcy McKeough, Mînister cf is8 doors ta the public on Visiting hours are fo speech delîvered at the Dur- Fmance, for their tenduenciles Frîday, May l4th, to present 2 p.m. to 5 p m and 7 p. m- pePnbin County Liberal Associa tocenrtralîze the powvers of displays and, provide infor- to 10,p.m. tion fund-raîsing dinner beldgaveruiment in Toronto an4 niation about their work. NVigl en lne May 4th eingthe econ in Bowmnanvxlle, Saturday to revert to polîtîcal rhetor'eicbth omnîledte I'îa n Maý jeth sar eenngindelîgil,- ttw H ola n q uet ment, according toa spoes- MIM Spaigto an audience of f have felt 4 at nde man." cfMcKeough ricua, .M...... siteshavin an eec- Nxon sid, "he pwr fni an~HOLD INN OPEN1NG jîîaro.Itmene o ouretrca otlt.local government as well as; This Thursday evenïne. fee wil e cared orany Te Dpatmet f Lnd the provincial governmenýt L roul 5 tf occcTha ric oute d,. we take to go ta Alaska?»-rielhave journeyed from their homeeC hltoCnd oneplnnig n icncîg o ad orests issues a yerny bae, be' enralzed V', /S[ aa -nlot CutyIn omryteBetancourt out cf the driver's seat wi.ndow, in the antique Par, were on thieirwaagn.Crl cýamping in the -park grounde. pase cosing $10 w1jh is uenePaki Aco Nobrihway Resarn o ssCounity Clrysler's Katiene Jamies, left, and. lier Corporation ii r oitappr nld feI he The charges are $1 a day for good for, entry into any pro ecionable way A1'f cQerer'8 inqst Il edHihdp1-3,juts utilTrs okelAiladI-n Boe obadnwDdefrt,1i plcnicng ~dcither$2~50or vinlal prk in ntari free r. Nion sai thatarllWenelda Matwe f fOoo ilhl n fi agtrTrs okel re ndfend Rbeto racinwDdgsfri The cirsdyntqe-bth S30 o arpnof char-ge. It does not Icud cKogh ore than an y;Bwavil oweal nocal openîng under new Schm idlin, pausedin B owm ,anvileMndyater-noon turned th em don.'Tecrilkeam neArj theo h1ght fr c ampin, othe death 0f Rosei Harold Wan- 1-'1Wownership. Free eoffee and te get a minor relpair to the water pump li their 1929 ad i trcspol oîý hn thehihe rteappyig orovr-i$b cmpng (URNToPAE W conmaeri1al p.r Fesoadonuts will Deserveci teail"Dodge. After a short interlude, the travelling pair, whio te m-eet and m ake new friende," Leeson, Cobourg, was presîd- p from, severe multiple injuriïes dI ( Bell Telphone A plies enruteeBe'pExplaiseGov'tPositi- For PIncrease .in Rates Here Bua ton n hdayeP BefPrdces irViw Bel Caad ba aplid e pevîlig i Ohaw. forbuines hon) ry 7th this year. HELPFUL - Someonle furm this area, who cowns a th[J Caadinanso to rTe asicusinss tewephonecrsnt esor t o- r eedet)The one-engined Chipmunk new. Ronson lighter he or ,,,,ke probably bought from A Tiso o a nrae Ii b n busyncharg eol o p1(e ný r e-quart arune me-ilewas rented from Oshawa Air- Hoeper's Jewellery here, lef t the items in a H-ooper's a n tOt W a'Ci C I 7 Lelephone rates tor Bfowmn- from $00ta $1250; the (ýTURN TO PAGE TO port to perform aeria tut shopping bag at the Queenr's Gate Restaurant in Tor- vi le 5ubscribers,. motbly raite f'or idvda for a. crew filming it from the eno ver the weekend. The restaurant thoughtfully TeapiaindaeApirsintoudisfrn$48 AI 'ROSO UY poses. It was to be shown ai phoned Hooper's te see if they might be able ta n '30, 1971, will ak at least, 60 to $55,5 two-partiy resident, If you iare tikn about Ontario Place, Toronto. Dur- identify the owner. They'll be phoning agaîn on. 1l o ' n - Bel Cnaa poesmn.Thre20cents to $4.00; and the-Peterborugh - be warued. nthe ours vewoftheinqulckt- îas i e r hefreflon hc ih The Northumi-berland I/Ur Though the cneîso a ebiti rtcin ia ne assuran ce the CTC wiill multi - party myonitbly raeTeOntarIoPviclad-beflm ndooud Hooper's Jewellery. anBe rdcsAmca-10frii, -a BefPrdueriAsci-Oboto00famesattending cr o0 etrc1mpre grant Bell's requeet, would aecend frYni $3,35 to police have stLarted their eslides taken at the scene of t t t t t tion debatdteqeto ftemeigidctdta eiesi reeHd -f acce pted, h'owe ver, th-e 1$3?60. Provincial sales tax (5 %) aircraft patrol of iHighway the fatality. They made ne ACTION - If You aren't planning te watch th, national f arm marketing on the bill wae a good instru- TUNTPAEW> iztegrupngfr owanile sovr ndabv rte qotd.15/5.An te Cthe recommendations. One mem- H ok Thureday evening at New- ment te, help unite Canadian ,\ill be adjusted from thfel No change in the mYileage' have been good. Over the b,r of the photographic crew, N aei hcg nTusa, caetlc's St. George's Parish farmereadrieterer- WN OTR RZ presýent group sevenlee to chare icntml-da ti ek 106 m Torietrla passenger in the aircraft, there are two places i the area where there will Hall. ing powers, the cattle, pro- Ms d mt fL.~ grupeght, the samei as that time. The chresr0cet abbed for speedinig. survîved the crash,___._ . oeitrsing activity. At Bowmanville Th pfciamttrd- ducers adamantly and vehe- Bowmavle asntfe High School, the Drama Society will bie present- cueeed was - le the federal 'etywntdn a thet last, wee htsehdw Luram Lb rl od F n asn, D e ceede for the Kinsmen Club's Cystic Fibrosis whîch provides for national enabling legisiation, which -Gallery ot:.TeW" fundCourtce Sconday Schol wIl prsent marketing boards for farmers, would transfer provincial au- ning tikt1dbe ci fud.CortceSeonar Shol il pesnt a sound and effective piece thority te the federal level, by LanErHdwewh thefr May Fair the came evening, complete with of, legisîstion?, was tee powerful;,and there wonthe$2 elrspie a fashion show, music and classrocni dispinays. àon Saturday,-starting at 9:00 n.m. there will bie D~ a.bcyl rae atCourtice Second:ry in charge, river M~'es vvnen Car Fis O e of te OP's afey Ofice<MurayJoint, and the First Bowmanville, Scouts will be holding a car wash at Slaght & C ooks on Waverly Road. t t t t t DIFFERENT - This column i beginning te take on1 Sa commercial appearance. We suggest in*future they T use the Coming Events, olumn. But we, must pay trîbute te Courtice United Church Who are holding a 'New Look' bazaar Thursday evening. Items te be sold include kîndling wood, a barbecue apron for Dad, a bikini, and free information maps of Canada's ~ touriet areas. There'll be 'the usual> run of superb baking, etc. as well. We might even try to be there for pictures if the bikini buyer.will model it; they, do make for interesting photos, net as gruesome asý ' wrecked cars. t. tt t WEATHER - After a couple cf days of 70 de- gree sumnier weather that makes one wonder if the furnace should b. turned off and the storm ~~i' ~ wndows taken down, we have returned te a ~t. ~spot of rain this morning - but it is stili quite ' .. ~ warm. Let's hope it holde for the weekend and .. "the followng one that will precede the, 24th cf May, the, Queen's birthday. Don't forget te buy a ticket for the Fireworks displays sponsored here by the Rotarians and in Newcastle by the The Newcastle detachnienit cf the Ontario Pro-vincial Polie« vstgtdî Lions Club. There's probably one in Orono toc, second traffic fatality for 1971 early Sunday, m.or-ning ,whbenr a rvnb se help the cause and save yourself mcney in Delinar Ferguson, age 30, cf 1469 Kingston Road, Scarborouglwnouofcn teln u.trol, ranente the shoulder cf the road and flipped o cver three tms h ciei tt t t t occurred one mile west of Waverley Road on HILihwa y 401atbot30ani TREE PLANTERS - If the raffle beîng held by Mr Ferguson was pronounced dead at'the scene and hisboywstknd Bewmanville District Horticultural Society goes well NoTrthcutt Elliott Funeral Home. His wif e Gloria j age9,wsaent Four top Liberals at the Durham County Provin- 'Robert Nixon, Ontario Liberal Party leader and guest on May 19th, the town's citizens may see quite a f ew Toronto General Hospital with multiple injuries and remnainsi eioscni cîal Liberal Association funid raising- dinner pose for speaker cf the night; and Russell C. Honey, Liberal new trees beîng planted on. town property. First prize tion. An estimiated $2800 in damages- was done te the Fergusnvhcl.i h theiïr picture afler themetn concluded. From the M.P. for Northumaberland-Durham. Funds raised will is a Toro power lawn mower that will corne in handy picture above. The first fatafity occurred on April 26th whn;o ltCryeo lefethyt aehr.yanailsn, CoDur.dotorwhogoVowrdshenibeaa omiatinsre eletsacani-niththegrssnrtwng îkemadaftr tda'snajTorntosie frm njuiessusaind iaanaccdet wichhapene onthe40 l~aphHui, reidet f he ocl ibealasocti-oeetons, xpthed ibloiaostalcacandi- prayte r akecrtain yo he a tcet.edo Myllh (hile Dodée New earsi

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