The Canadian Statesinan, Bowmanville, May 12, 1971 Ç/3jts anci JkÎeces HOSPITAL DAY - We hope to publish ini time, so you'I be reminded to tour the hospital tonighte to see the fine faclities. t t t t t WEIRD - It's liard to figure how the Chicago Bllack Hawks, af ter rornping over Canadiens'in their first two gaines ini the windy city, could change into the underdlogs'during the next two gaines in Montrëal. It will leie nteresting to -see if they cau corne back to their earlier forin for the next twc> gaines. So f ar, both teams seern to be real homers. ,F(PROM PAGE ONU- ,,he Inilster cf Municipal Aff airs, had take- n mta bim- self and the provincial De. 'patnerit of Municipal Af- faira, the final decisions in planning. Ue bas ccentalized assess- mnent of the province," the 1,ibeîal leader recounted. "Hec lias, undetaken lte iniphai- tion of regioaal gavernment. He lias been assoclated with broad changes i the admin- îafration of thre achool systern wldh mi iore titar anytbing else have taken the paower ta decide from tbe local corn- mnunity and centralize.,it in Torpulto and Queen's Park." The ne-al cbeck, the >real balanice i the deniocratic power, Mn. Tixon sald, ls the rernedy that lies witb us al to changet]2p government if we are not Satisfed with if, 41t, la mucli easier ta throw out the _Reevem and the Coun- cil or fhie Mayor cf the cor- poration thaan h is ta dismIs mr ±e Ontario premier and bis gove-rament,"' he said. 'We feel local government "ispnobably the safest as fan as demnocracy is concenned." Mn. NiTxon reserved bis n trongeat ciitlcl-sm for wbat - lie conidered the "irrespon. sible" a;tatements made by Mn. MeKeough reeently' on "-",&e mtter o!f te province receiving a greater power over the tlax dollar, Mn. Mc- Keough lad said that until 'flie rmoney question la aettled thilere éouild be, a delay in con- stitutional negotiations. T-he Liberal leader felt that Mn, McKeougb's "qujerulous -"r'letonic ai bakmi, n Wparned thiey , ld "se-verely __carngedFeder'a!-Proývinclal H e polnted ouf that the ~~ýrpe laga snl ource oA re- venue for Vie provýinial bud- get omasfromîleFederal govenumrent asuid Intiniated that the Davis govennnient 'was nct lnterested la telling the publci flu act. Aceoring fo Mr. Nixon, 42 per cent er $,8 billion of, frein fransfedr pyet rn "IfI afleessence 0f de- nicaytae no bilevel cf goverument spends the Inoney, fIat cames from tbe taxes we pay," lhe said, Mn, Nixon told the audi- ence that fhe province must chew ý,political philosophies wheu deallng with 0Oftawa. "We mstdeal govern-nt fa overinent wîth Ottawa, nort parevty)tapaty"1 T-e saîd fIat Ontario, wltb oe t ird the Population of Canada but one laI! the, w,;ealth lias an a dvantage and responsaiility whicin caïn lest lie carnled out by a coopera- j eelves as fIe keel Cof corfed- erafion," lie remarkel, "and glve aom eadersbip telte ethei pro(vinces in a respan- Cle-arly hc ees o blieve Meconsldered WhliTn Da- visn aandon fhe cicicen and egwar iquestion b be C-10 wlIech wald è.give On-ý fèara authority ta seize and des,-roy pouebraughit la from cthen provinces. Uer, voedthe federalý 1eg9iJaation ontained in bMI C-17,6 wlïch oud fort national mreigboards for farin praducers, and suipports ïf nof only as a politician but, as a -dairy fartmer withi a 260-1 acre tanm in Branrt as welIl. "lWe may be residents of Ontarlo," lie said, "but we are citizeus o! Canada." In offening, an alternative fa the people_ of Ontario, Mn. Nixon said that the Liberal phiiosophy occupies a 'mid- dle-of-the-noad' p osit ion whîch is Ln response ta what tle province needs and wbaf Il needa now." lie talked about three basic l'liberal" princIples la bis addness. Fînst, there is the pinciple ta decentralize. lie said lie would like ta sea fIe powers of the Ont aria Municipal Board reduced. lie wondered wby sucli departments as Land and Forests, Agricul- ture, and Hydro bave taelie situated ln the heart of Ton- onto . . . wby not in areas outside metro? le asked. lie feit if was incumbent upon the goverament ta, returu powen te fIe people and ta increase ifs sensitivity ta wbat the people want and ueed. "lWe could start with the cabinet ,... and tenr il away,"ý be remarked. The second principle lsaa bluepnint te descnibe the -spe- citie reforma nequired la gav- ernment, Witbouf ment IouiAg particular points lie said that lie and lis party bave "cane- fully and fhougltfully de. veloped alternatives la al areas of goverament te meet the needs of the conmuuity' as ls* 1' lie said fIat lie be- ieved ln the refonni of muni- cipal systems and o! takIng heavy cots away fram, local assessment to largen gavera- The third pninciple 4s wbaf Mn. Nixon called a neturnuta l8th Century lîberali: ne- cognlzing the role and im.- partance o! thie indîvidual. lie said that aithougli unions, associations, groupa, etc. bave stroug political views, when if cames ight clown te the vote, ti hle indivIdual who wihl decide. The Liberal pal- icy le inculcafed is an ap- proach tetagaverient ual of man lai mass but o! mndlvi- duals ïa saciety. On bis chances of winning the next provincial election, Mn. Nixon pointed eut the' sweeping changes made in the ast elections lhi New Brunswick and Nova Scotis. "TIt eau lie doue," le con- cluded eonfIdently. En Route (FROM PFAGL ONE) They bave been, travelling the ent ire, distance in their anique car, once ow-Ped by Robent o's grandfather and prevîously uaed, as a taxi iu Coucepcjon, a city cf 175,000 locafed 250 miles soutb of Santiago. According fa fhbe travellens, more flan 500,000 miles bave been, registered on the car's odometer in ifs hfetime. Since leaviug Chîle 'the car basgone througl tbnee totons9 and bhas nequired a number of minon repairs., But al in ail, if bas beld togethen nemarkalîy well. Gaiîy decked mwfit-' more flan 450 sticens and an asý sorfed collection of fine depant- meut emblems and badges, the car looks lice something ouf of a- musum or circus. the sfonyaf the trip la mapped ouf an the body.,Two bullet bales in the , igbt rear tell the tale of a narrow escape trot. ban- dits in central Colombia. A Kinsmen banner above the left rnning-baard givea 'a distinct Canadian touch - fhe two joined the organization during' flair visit to Nova Scotia. 1 Their association' with fine;j departments la basic. The fwo1 were voluateer fine figlters inu Coucepcioni. Wlene aven theyl go their first cail Is fa the local lire brigade, which învariably supplies them, with a place ta stay . . , and a convivial bas- pitality ta make their stay welcome and enjoyable, There bias been no dearth of hospitalîty from Canadians, they said., Since arriving in Canada in May 1970, they have taken out- landed immigrant papers and have journeyed ex- tensîvely through the maritime provinces. They wîntereà ini Montreal. "For, three' reasons," said Ariel. "Our car engine blew up. It was ton cold f0 travel. We bath gat engaged." The latter reason, they saîd wvryly, propelled them on their journey. Neither eally wants f0 set- tle down, yet, that is. They are obvîously having too gond a time; and, as quasi,-amnbassa- dors for terCountry performn an excellent job. They have humor, wit, and keen, interest in what f hey sec and do. Who wouldn't - driving a 1929 D dge - topsped45 M-ph ini a spring and summier jour- ney across the land? tRoberta and ,Arl.el were mechanical engineering atu- dent§' at the Universîfy, of Concepcîon. They said that they thought up their trip dur- ing a night out on, the f own with some of their friends. '11 bet we could f ake that old car and drive ifta the United States," Roberta had told them boldly. One of their friends was a newspaperman. The next day, there appeared in the paper, a picture of the two wif h the old car and the story that they intended ta drive it ta the US. ,They couldn't back down after sucli publicity , Sa off they went, fogether with two other fiends, up the narrow caast of. Chile ta the rorthern free part of Arica where they worked for abou.t six mrnnhs; then east inta the Bolivian alto-piano and over the high Anides into Peru ard Ecuador - a-real test'fan the ScIn Ecuador, the pair encoun- tcred robbers who stole about $600 wort h of their goods, In Colombin they met wlth bandits again, However, wlien the foursome fold their. attack- ers they had not a centavo to their names-, the bandits gave They bean po May 196 a boat Panama, the Pai They through roadsa a Costa IF Tiving ir Tiajuana year. 1Whlile were iri dent. On Anather, Chule. 1Robert on alar about fiv as diesel ta saveý pair thel a tour sta-tes. In ed Canad Theiri wil tai Ontario, Huron a Prairies, Cneek w the 2000 dusty Tt iorth ta Thein necessity, Last Su Pet erbori arrivedi ta nof than thai Their - lencesý, tI erous ta statemen 4"You Ariel saI Theya fthey go. Ard tf ready vpl ed'- 0ynt tIf you 1 the splat se'Ie it. ,-ramn ning twc Let Kramp's Furniture atty 0: beautify your homne Q ack prograin with Harding Carpets haclh\v ess, Mar Gibsoni. Mrs,1 of ACKULAN1 Pembrok sq. yd. F. A., KRAMP Ltd. FURNIURE & HOME FUIRNISR.INGS 3741RINGST. . - BOWMANVULE Lîberals For Fùnd As PreIu4 The Liberals of Durham County congregated in- the Bowmanville Lions iCenter on Saturday night for a fund raising dinner, highlighted by a speech by provincial Lîberal leader Robert Nixon. About 220 persans attended the dinner whic.jh was pre- pared and served by ihe Hampton United Churcli Wo- men. The head table guecsts, in- troducedý by Mr. Ivan Thonip- son, included Mrs.Thmsn Mr. John James, formner fed- eral Liberal member of Par- liament; Mr. Ron Goade, 3rd Vice-President, Durham Pro- vincial Liberal Association, and Mrs. Goode; Mr. Ron Sproule, President Pine Ridge- Haliburtoni Liberal Associa- tion, and MOrs. Sproule; M r. Roger Iirkpatrick, President of Northiumberland / Durham Federal Liberal Association; Mr.' Robert Nixon, Provincial Liberal leader, and Mïrs. Nîx- on; Mr. Russel Halney, M.P. Northumnberland/Durham and Deputy-speaker of the House of Commons, and tMrs. Honey; Mr., Ralph Hills, President Durham County Provincial LiberalAssociation, andi Mrs. New Teacher 1 New Aslrpovt ,arnived lu the Canili-1 <P(ROM PAGE ONE) )rt of Banranguilla ln uow, The decialon o! whare if 68 and put fie "car on wlll le located la politîcally, aud sailed for Colon, socially sud aconomically a awbere tley ne-joiaedi bomb. au-Amenican hîgbway. To ease thee hast when the conflnued nontliwand bonib explodes tha goverumeuf lCentral America ("fler is considering ai lest five ai- 7r terrible lu sauthenný tenate sites - Mount Hope Rica") and Mexico, air- Miss Cafliryn Joan Etdlier near Hamilton, Oraugeville, an fhe U.S. by xay of, daugîter ef Mn. and Mrs. Arn- Georgetown, s floating airport ia in Auguat of fIai ohd Etcher, Orchardvlew Blvd.,maored about 20 miles out o! Bowmanville, bias comnpleted Toronto barbon on Lake Ont. ein California, the faur ber course ait Peterborough aria, sud Scugog Island. nvohved lu a car' acci- Tendhers' Collège. Sitelbas ac- The concern, of course, la )e of thet was killd. cepfed a position at Ontario aven land spaculaflon. Thte hast r, iujured,, returaed fa Street Sdliool. titing the goverament waatsis a land-buyiug rush, ria and Anael cautinued Queen's Park sud Offtawa ne. They worked fanr h ad cousidened freezing land Iv manths lu Cahifornia ai theflve sites witii expropria- el, mechanica in order tion laws but fehf if would le S.euough maney ta ne- unfain 50 discarded the ides, eir ald car, titan left for p f Iustead fhey w111 likely freeze through fihe easten real astaie in just oue o! the an May 1970 fbey enter- <PROM PAGE ONE)i sites - presutabhy fhe mosf ada. sultabla one - sud bold pub- phaued ruteoutaide the base rate bouudary lic hearings on ftle ares chosen. present pandrueanea, will ramainftha saine- Apparently if the dissent is ie fIen tot souflen The' ne-classification of the loud sud long the choice'will flathn nonfli, around tawn's rate grauping is due be dnopped and oua o! the ne- aud Superion lufo fIa ta an increase lu flie number maîuing four sites would be, su ad acroas fa Dawsou of telpoe hc omn whlere they will start v lephonsries hacveowan- sseîected on the same basis. 0mile trek aven gravl il uanbr ave mcs The decision for the site la roads heading funflen fn on s toîl-frea lasîs. a joint oue îefweeu lthe two tite Yukon aud Alaskca. TIn a survey undeniaken i y levels af gavarament, FaderaI .traval la slow, b Bell Canada ou February 28î Transport Ministar Don Jamia- y, yet îy chaice' fao. 1971, thte number o! telaphoues son however lias said that the ;nday they apeut lu in Bawmanviîle's 'exfeuded- final word tust la left witb )rougIt. Monday thay ares service' ('a.a.s.') raaclied the Ont aria gaveruimeuf he- in Oslawa. Thay lceap 53,044. Tihis iucîuded 46,146 causa if would la neapausille fixed scliedle othen teleplioues lu Oshtawa, 1,029 lu fan supplying access ronds sud ItL decided eacl day. Newcastle, 1,022 in Hamptan, ailier services f0 the airpant. advenfures sud expar- sud 4,847 ln Bowmauville, Provincial Transport Minis- hey sald, are fo nut- Town subacrîbers qualified fer Charles MscNaugiton said :n ecount lu mny generai for fhe group seven rate just hast Thursday la Taronto f bat. ift. as long as the numbar Of an auswen o! some sont would can rend ail about if," phoues luif îs e.a.s.' waa la- la macle "perliapa withiiî a Rid. fween 20,001 ta 50,000. Once week". are ,wnrting a book asfte number exceeded this Meanwitile people livin~g range by more than five per within the 50 mile radius o! .,ey laýva tha le ai- cent, then the company could Toronto are waiting expect ed- icke-d oul. It is paint- apply tatae CTC for an adjust- ly for au announcemant. fIah front o!fite car. meut tu the, next gnaup. H uions abound declsrnug au [ook canefully i irougit' The uexf range, graup aigit, array a! speclous facf s. fiter o! decals yau eau cavera an 'a a.s,' wbene a tale- One, heralded in Port Penny phone sytet includes between sud Scugog fie past faw iChIle ., with love'. 5U,01-100,000 planas. weaks, assures fIat n land ______________ Sinca 1961, the numben o! treeze ou Scugog Islaud is in telephone subacrilens lu Bow- effect. 'EI.VE'RTON mauville lias increased about "N11ot sa," said f wo Pont 50 pan cent - frot 3,254 ta Penny raI estaf a offices on ,May meetng o Yeî- 4,847. Durnag the samne panîod, Mouday. UCW. waa ld ai Oshawa'a count jumped about "If la only n rumor ... with- cioua lame o! Mn. sud 75 par cent - trot 27,241 tu ouf foundaion,"/coufirted Mn. Ifour Mýoon.5e îu eet- 46,146. Hamptou'a telephone Chandler, clark of spacioWj, sopened b-y Prasident count weut up tram 697 fa l'- sleepy Scugog township. 1oirire Stînso-n in due 02l I 0 arsa.The imluinency o! a freeze, viit coninibufians for Siaca tbe Newcastle systet even if itearsay, las got tae ozaan îy thea melers. wss taken over by Bell Canada isîsuders up lu arts. Most o! rd coa1sisted a! plan: in 1968, if las lncreased Iram fte 587 permanent resident s ao vents, a banqluai on 850 planes ta 1,029. sud 500 awuers o! cottages au [h aud anui-ai Garden The Bell application las no fhelieslaud ara decidedly agaluaf on June Il. (Watcn bearng on ftha rates in force the proposal. Comirug Eventls for de- lu Oshawa, Hampton sud New- Wity? la13tter). Mrs. Ors casile. Emcb of these munîci- "Progresa!" said oua o! the nbush codcneued tîe palifies bave flair awn dîatiuc- Port Perry ra estate agentsa 0- a saell-s Fo! poatsive axfendad-sraa services. succîuctly. eadinga A d elicloius Newcastla's rate sisys île But if ruas deepar .titan tit. se eved î y j'fia hast-sane - ai graup five - wîfb According ta, Cliffard Red- ry Mooreansd Beruice a business 'phone charge Of tan who operafes a dairy ~$8.30 par mouthsud au ini- fart ai fia aoutb end o!fite R. . Dvidan o! dividual nesident chiarge Of island sud wito is chairrnan f &e, Out-,la curreniy ,$4.30 a monfth. Hamipfou's rate an ad lac cammitt-ea formed w1ilfic-ber niece Mns. - group seven -- whichit t oppose the airpont on Scu- enucly sud Teýd. Bonnnanville's ratine ai unes- gog, if would ruen the anà o! ra Jy MlcaniHo-eut - wîll remain uuclanged. a century-long fanming.opena- mp an sd rN1any Ta-'Oshawa's rate lsanmd wîll con- lion hae and bis fauiily before :ad früni ýDon Milla f otiiiue fa ha group eigitt. hlm have dedicafed, tbemselvea île weecckend wlth Benl Canada rates ana thit f. Esîlcohi. ýane no.ugboulttaeir ares o! Ha feels taeairpont, would G ea I 1 ofafefier openations - lu Ont aria, Que- cause a disaster fa the ecalogy Id an appraprîalely bec, Noribwest Ternitonies sud a! the ares, sud points ýuf fihai ual3j' sermnon an Moil- Labrador. the manablanda arouund the ywiih back-ucp music There ara 17 rate scitedulas southaru end o! île ilhad ara Girns' Chair augmenfad, in ail, ranging froin group fwo natural braadiug graunds fan ely dfuef lby Pain Stin- ftn«ough fa gnoup 11D. 1 many bird species iucluding àJenuifer McGill. Hesideaf s lu a place sucht as the relafively rara great hlue Caineron, Ontario, anjoy t ha larron. (Tiare is apparenfly SOFTBALËL SEASON lowesf raie - $5.80 pern mont b only ana othen neafing ares in uîgî, se ix~for a business phane sud $3.60 ail of Ontario fan this hind)I hay ghtesx pr montit for au individus] Ris commiffea, cansiafing o! iron SftallLeauerasident oua - but ihen fiera about 10 pensons frot Part 1frthe season under areu'f more flan 1000 phones Penny, HRach, Scugog sud ýhsat Memionial Park in fteir entine ares whicit the Cartwright, la lusy gafhaning Ellis Shoas wiuning telephone sulacrilers cau cahl information ta fortn a brie! ta st game 12-5 fram tolî-1ree. preseat s dîssenting vaice if sn Fuels. 1a the nighnt- Marichat dwallars psy the fhe island ia ciosen fha airpont ýgame ws s horteued top rates - $19.15 par mont h site. te eurfew, with W- for a business lina; $7,20 par Somte o!fiaheatudias sud pre- sbating Whsyfa's mont h fan an ludividual resi- dictions ftey are conceraed er 6-5. If the dent phone, about are thea contamination o! ,r doesrs'tfofrce eau- Companed fa fthese uhere la îhe laka (at preseut taeaen- ru, thene 'will la resson fa beliave utïngs in est a!fal] lakes iu fia Ka-wnl- tOisigbf, ý4atng ai Bownianvîll, could te a loi iha gnaup accordîug ta Mn.ý id aganm Thuraday, lwvrsaa 4- *Hedruan), fhe effect ontae bird population, the determin- stion of mrigratany flyways, and fhe affect o! the aîrpant,,noise (Noise Exposure Faracast) ou the residents lanfthe area. The Audubon Society aud the Federation o! Ont aria Nat- uralists unequivocally support the committee. But there are sfrong con- trary forces. Ontario Prime Minister Wil- liam Davis said la Mardi lie favored Scugog Island fan Vfie sirpont site . , . thougit of late las clianged his stand snd is now nos-committal., Ab Campbell, Mefro -chair- tan apparenfly said recently that the airpant would beý locafed near Orangeville ,on Part Penry. The MPP for Port Penny area, Dr. M. B. Dymond, per- soaally f avons Scugog Island as ftle most suitable site lu the Port Penny area. 1The Ontario Count y Council votad 29 ta 15 in favor if an airpont "eat o! Yonge Streat" wbicb puts if squarely lunftlei Couuty's îap. The Oshawa Area Planning ltdiy a.eetay, gt..ineô UU LU govennment's positian andi reasons for tintroducing fIa Bill. To Mr, Beer if was as sim- pie as uighf and day - the Bill was a goad one, tbaugit if may naf lie a panacea, and should la, passed. lie said sc0 with punch ,and undsLunted entbusissm. But if was an uphilI fight ta convince far- mers, especially cafflemen, ofl the value o! such legialatiajË.i "The Bill, soie say, bhas1 causad a lttla ripple . . well,à that la puftin:g it mildly," be quipped. The Bill, If passed, would regulate marketing and ex-ý port o! tari produce amoug the provinces and' ferritonies.i If wauld have lte power to asfabllsb quotas sud enforcel national marketing prograîs. The purjosa o!fte Bill, Mr. Beer sai ,' was 1"te simply brnug the provinces together ta confrout them with the marketing problenis they are facing at this présent i,- nient. 1" If wauld graup farmers tagether and give theni a ria-11 à"% and Developmepnt executive recommîttee bas discussed the prospect of an airport at Scu- Raisin g Banquet upport fo K a ï-il u ul1q uThe Central Ontario Region- al Development Council lnaa nesletter dated April 27th Je to Nomin tion said that in recognizing the d'le tv-- Nm ï* ntim-an essential thrust of develop- ment created by the airport His; Mr. David . Rickard, --nd avoidable7: It is time to have location, they assume that the Vice-President Durham Counî- another Liberal government location must be east of the ty Liberal Association,, and Ini Ontario, new proposed Highway 404 Mrs. Rickard; Mr. Frank Ric- Russell Haney, M.P., spoke (wbich would lead north fram kard, a former federal Meni- briefîy,. paying- tribute ta Toronto sweeping along the 1ber of Panliament, and Mrs. Harry Wade and the late eat aide an Lake Sînicoe). Rickard; Mr. Bob Dykstrýa,ý Glenholme Hughes for their But where the airport will Reeve of BowmnanvilLle, a311 ttndn work in th 0ar o sanyane's guess. . the Mrs. Dykstra; Mr, E, R. Dick fy., government's problem- stîli Lovekin,, secreta&ry - treasurer Hesdththetm ha begs an answer . . . the Scugog Durhami Caunty Provincia1le ai tatforfni hdisianders' problem remains un- Liberal Association, and Mrs. c for people ta re-assessrste Lovekin; Mr. Harry Wade, wnieretheOneari gvern- A reader of the Port Perry Past President of the Durbai n t a lain he. Star challenged the whole con- County Provincia beal "It is finie for a change," Icept of a new international air- Association,, and Mrs. Wade;ý lie asserted and -quoting New-'port., Dr. Ian Wilson, eastern,, direc- castle's Ken Lyàil, said 'thel "Does the Canadian taxpay- for ýof, the Liberal Party 1-f natives a're becoming rest- er really need another Inter- Ontario, and Mrs. Wilson. less." rnational Airport near Toronto Reeve Dykstra gave a wl "There might have been -_ especially when one ilq al- came fram the town of Bo- c-loncern six montbs ago for zeady being planned uad manville, and Honi Sprouleiwbich way the nex-rt election cf Montreal?" the reader asic- extended greetings tram tbe would go in the province," hie ed in a Letter ta the Edfitor, Pine Ridge - H-aliburton Lib- said. "We know now however And, another- question pur- eral Association. it is not gaîng fa the New îues an ýanswer: IlIs if a fiar, A music interlude flowdDemacratice Party, bu ather far better fhing the aîrport dinner with Doug Dewvell on fo Robert Nixon." planners are aboutta do than piana accompanyîing vocalist1 Mr. Honey said that thie they have ever done before? Ross Mealf. Al Bragg andj winner of the comîng election . .is it a f ar, f ar better world Douig Lu-2ton, a popular 'Bow- will be that party whieh best they are leading the people manvîlle -pair, performned also, delineates and defines the into tha.n the people have ever playing and singing a variýety! issues. known before?" of folk so>ngs. "ýThe people are concerrned~ Aye, there'st the tub. Ralph ilîs gave remnarksý about the- qualiities af life," froin the chainman and callcd lie said, "and wîll no longer upon Frank Rickard to speak, vote for an umbrella prograni Floef Mn. Rlckarcl, an octogenan- which. only sketchily ouflinesi ian, recalled the histony of the solutions ta today's prab- Provincial Liberalism, in the lemis." od c r province and polnted out thrat The people will want thei since 1900 onfly t1wa Liberal1 issues definitely descrîbedli (rROM PAGE ONE) governments lad ascendied ta and expressed, lie malntained.1îey, secretary manager of the power in Ontario - ne in Dr, Ian Wilson of Cobourg Ontario Beef Producers Asso- 1900 with the Ross gavern- introduced the major speaker ciation representing the, Can-I ment and the other in 19341cf the evening. adian Cattleman's Associa- wlthý Hepburn. "In presentlng R~obert Nixon tion, the cattiemen had been "An, ald man thinks of to yau," hie said, "I present a assured by Agriculture Min- things as tbey were; a young real alternative ta the people ister Bud OIson that they man of things as they are," ' of Ontario."1 would be exempt from any lie said. "The yaung today Mr, Nixon,, whose address authority under the Bill, have a lot to think about."' appears elsewliere, was thank- Bruce Beer, M.P. for Peel His conclusion was un- ed by Roger Kinkpafr.ick., and Agriculture Parliamen- PHONE 728-7527 mai 1 tional authorlty with the[ the goverrnment pnd asic power to do Iie thîngs thAl thein for if. UntIl then, basf provinces want îone nowr as a cammadity does notned he explained. 1maÉketi!ng legislation, He feit that cattie praduc- "If te day cames when w ers sbould be included in the shouîd need marketing legis- Bill, and regarded Mr. Olson's lation then if shauld be treaf.. statement supportlng, the cat- ed separately... like 'the Lemen -s wishes for exclusion Canadian Wheat Board and as a miîstake.. Canadian PDairy Boardae, "The Bill had been referred he said. ta thie standing committee onli' e regarded the enablilngý Agriculture when Mr. Oison legislation as seducing" ' made bis statement," lhe said, beef producers and expre-, "No one bas any right ta sa apprebension about the wbat should be done wbile ers contained under if.-ie,, the standing con-uîttee , i said there wa5s no spec; rie discussing the matter." provision for a vote ta teýst Mr. Beer 'considered that the majority reaction toaa tbe caftlemen bave no real mfarketng agency &jroposal, justification for opposing the (Voting is a provincial re- Bull~o trogly.TheBIî1,. sponsible and outside the Billjsrisdiction.aTha national a Permissive one, lie poînted uidton fa ntolp out, and requ ired 51 per centagnyoferaatoiy, of the cattlemen vatînig in favor of it before tbey would U be included under it. rH U S H Hie said tbat the Bill wouîd be eroded if a graup sucb as I sociation were excludied,lS He argued, that the B!il: MEN'S %hes had a thorough gaiii, In leathean pikn aven ,-with bis com-imittee.eradpisi travelling the length Pand sde- loafer or fie breadth of the counfrv a bad310 witnesses and 210$ 29 hours of presentatians - enough verbal matter ta filll WOMEN'S 43 volumes of proceedings., isn uerC'Iptr Since the Bill was first in-pgkn ud or atr troduced to parliament on, Marcb 17, 1970 (if was knowni $ 0 9 as Bill C-197 ln that sîttîngh, about 30 amendments bave wih heels - leaîher been made. "d The Most important changes o isi ud made were' two safeguards: $1 ý, tha t a marketing agency $12. 5 u would not be farmed unless a majority 'of the producers l» F IS were in favor af it; and tba the agency council would be fanm producers.SH E Mr. Hedley counter-ed itha if national legisiatian is 49 RING ST, WEST, wanted by the beef produc- BOWMANVILLE ers then they wlll go ta___