IStore staff held & shower At the home of Mns R. Hayward. An Open Hou se was held E at the homne of the bide's parents on April l4th. 0 Out-of-town guests attend- ed froni Toronto, Peterb or- Ê' in sougb, Lindsay, Colbngwood, and Ottawa.i4 WESLEY VILLE Smelt were running freely in Port Britain creek last week wîth fishermen able to SOÇC-;e'II MAYNARD 1 bridegroom is the son cf Mr. get an ample supply in a few and Mrs. Harold Souch cof minutes. Wild geese stneam- Bakes f yellow 'mumns Starkvllle, i cd by during the latter part ~na dSt. paul's United Teofcaic lrya f the week, thousands cf ChuchBowanvlle whn Te oficatig cergmanthem making a lacy pattern BovoývIe hnwas Bey. H. A. Turner, and ars h k.Stra' MisTrudy Grpice Maynard the wedding music wa s play- wcome thesyhelpeudabrin and Mr. Al1vin L1, Souch ex- ed by Mr. Ross Metcalf. along the flowers which were i-hanged] marriage vows on Given in marriage by her later than usual in many Saturday Apil 1 0, 1971 at fathen, the bride wore a for- Places. ::I0o'oc i the afternoon. mal gown cf white satin peau Mrs. Harold Austin present- The rie i- the daughter Of de soie with fitted bodice ed some cf the 4-H work at Mn. aqnd MVrs. Ken Maynard and scooped neckline, and the regular meeting cf the cf Bomanill and the the full skirt flowed ino a Morrish Women's Institute graceful chapel length train. held at the home of Miss Clara A white velvet choken witb a Darke on Tuesday nfternoon, cameo was worn by the bride, May 4th, Pearl Austin who ~ and bier waist-length veil feul was responsible as leader was :7 from a crystal tiara. She una'ble te be present. - carried a cascade Mrs. Laura Williamsun Of white carnations and Zorina Toronto visited with Mrs. ~ roses with baby's breath and Harold Beeve last week, ~ ~ ' vy. There was a fine attendance Mrs. Jaek Broome was at Welcome United Church matron of honor for ber sis- for Family Sunday, May 9th, ter and the bridesmaids were wîth Bey. J. Ramjit in charge the grooms sisten, Mrs. A. as usual. During the service 'fVandrunen, bis sister-in-law, there were five neceived into » Mrs. James Souch, and an- the church thnougb baptism. Sother sister of the bride, Miss They were: Miss Diane Lynn ~ ~TLee Anne Maynard. They Britton; Anniette Laura Wood- WllaLis VAOUr wone identical A-liste gowns ruff, baby daughter cf Mr. and cf orange ice peau de soie, Mns. Abert Woodruff; Wm. Ronie R a andi the empire-waisted, floar John Bntto-n, baby son cf-Mn, length gowns were hîÎghlight- and Mrs. Wm. Bntton; Steph-, Worth? esi by a split-front, white en Ray McHolm, baby son cf lace ovensklrt, Thein beasi- Mr. and Mrs. Roy McHolm; A m ns hoe is is castle-and dresses wene orange !ce pili- S ha rl1e n e Michelle, baby casie cme ighr hes bats with matching veil- daughter cf Mr. andi Mrs. Jas, cBt iescrehge hs as ing andi their cascade bau- C. McHolm. Buwih thenew Kem per 1 sur- quets were of yellow and, Mns. E. Banrowclough spent anice Owellîngý,Approximatoryou white Divinity Imums. the weekestd with hier daugh- can figure eut in a few easy Tegomsbohr r ter, Mrs. E. Karvonen and stIeps just how much your home JmsSuhwsbs a family in" Scarborough. is morth.i andi usbering were Mn. David - Caiyu Kemprer Insuraice Maynard, brother of the B R E O agenIt today. Hiel give youth bride,an Mr. James Hendry. B R E O newýapproxwmatorand can help Master Russell Maynard. brc- vou brng your home insurance_1 ther cf the bride, was ring Mr. and Mrs, Roy McDon- p -te ,the amount ,you ned 10beaner. case ef Iess., Remember it can The necep' be eostty Ie have youir home the Royal1 uinderinsured, Cati or write,, Hall. wbere t neceivesi wez Une dress r nu~'~'.Jg~ coat, white corsage cf carnations. t ther assisted chose a 1 dress witb and corsage ~" ~4white camnai Befone le; wedding trip the bride c crimp suit John MoMllan cessories. Ai roses comple SCHOFIELD-AKER rlig es Lîmited Mrs. Souch 10 King S, West A sales cli ion Stores, t Bowmanville 1 Salem, Vinc Phon 6234403 Ontario St. Phone623-403 and Bowmar esPhone 623-7752 The' groom ,apresýenting ville Public LumerentMuue cauay Cmpn~manviln Hig employesi at Prier te b bride was showers giv Vandrunen ToronO 116Soueh; Mrs, ê dision of Kemper Insurance Mrs. Lorne Walker ani Tenry; andi (-Drî Cl,)ea ners 'C "Do youm have the same trouble with 1have With mine?" Whttrouble?" "Why,,re's no end to it, She constan met for money, mnoney, money, and then moi "And bat ees she do with ail the "Weknows? T neyepr give lier any.2' cL-oTHEns CARE HINTS: nirt and grime have a eutting action on Î: mients frequently and remember drycleani diit and grime. BOWMANV1LLE KINSMEN CLUI Saturday, May l5th. - John HE CWLEAIl C'*TmlS 84 KING ST. W. Ce#LIANMER "We Specialize In Shir A'IT 19411 tiful ordir and with cred: roof 1 eI E.xchange Vows in St. ....'."... . . . .. PauI's United Churc'h, Mrn and Mrs. Alvin L. Souch are shown in the above photo as they sign the registen following their marriage in St. Paul's United Church, BowmanviUle, on Saturday afternoon, April 10, 1971, at 3:30 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Tnudy Grace Maynard, daughter cf Mc. and Mrs. Ken Maynard cf Bow- mailville, and the groom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs, Harold Souch, Starkville. McRobbie Photo Mrs, Catharine Dimgmnar, du ý The Canadian Statesmani, Eowmanvîlle, May 12, 1971 ector of Regional Libraryl,- _____3 Services iniPeterborough, Shel u I wll talle about the ways and, %t means of setting up a Town- like to have a representat v^ froni ail over the townsliip. . 0 o r-Y O nl% à%% It i to be held at 8 mn ati the United Church in Beth-' Over the past -xxeek and a _ë IV r Ani1versar'My hall the ladies 'of theý church have put a lot of effort into, To mark the occasion cf their grooià's0 lapel by their daugh. the painting of the walls and 25th wedding anmiversary, a ter Carol ceîling of aur church base- surprise party was held in Gîfts of maney, silver 25th ment. Next week the men honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur annîversary cream and pîtcher, will take over with the sand- (Sonny) Sheehan at the Royal and beautiful mirror were ing and varnishîng of the Canadian Legion Hall on Sat- presented to the couple by floors. The kitchen will belurday evening, May 8tb. The Messrs. Everett King and Pad.' finished off after the floor is hall was beautifully decorated ,ly Welsh on bhalf of Mrs. completed, AIl volunteers ýare for the happy event. Sheehan's mother, brothers welcome.1 Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan were and wives, and sisters and We've decided to have Our dinner guests at the Geriosha husbands, They also receîved church supper on June 25th, Hotel Rib Rôoon, Oshawa, cf a îoveîy vase from Mr. and The treasurer's report was their daughter Carol and son-~ Mrs. Nîcohshen of Oshawa given by Mrs. Yvonne FallÎs. in-law Don and upon beîng who, because cf îllness, were Our next meeting will be held taken to the Legion Hall after unable to be present. Mr. in the churc.h on ThursdaY, dinner were greeted with a Sheehan's gift to bis bride of June 8th, at 8-00 par, Mrs. standing ovation and slnging 25 years ago was a diamond Violet Anderson will be look- by the 150 relatives and frien ds ring, and her gift te the an- ing after the devotional nier- wbo bad gatbered to offfer niversary groom was a stîrling od, Our meeting ended with their best wishes. Upon enter- silver cufflinks and tic taclç the Mizpah Benedîction, îng the hall the annîversary set witb the Legion Crest. bride was rresented witb a The evening was spent daste- corsage cf yelbow roses by her .n ewnefjmsepo sîster, Mrs, T. Masterson, and vided by a dise jockey froni .Bowm anvîilie a yellow roebuonir a the Peterborough radio station, place in he anîverary n conThlunr'.wih a durie th m w si Ir m i tion was belsi at guests cf Mns. T. Bailey on B ETH A N Y Canadian Legion Sunday evening. 1 tE TA he bride'smother Mn. ansi Mrs. C. Cooper,1 aring a lilac A- Onono, werc Sunday visitons AtteSna onn feincniugeu9tO TeUtdChc om r wîth matching of Mrs. W. Bryan. Atte-naConn fent otnigeuain h ntdCirhWmn accessonies ansi Mn service tn the United Chunch fhnougb to cdlIlege, Boys who met, In the Sunday School hallT wht adpi~ani and Mrs. Wm, Virtue Bev. David Ncthey officiatesi are athietic neyer becomne on Monday night wîtb Mrs. Thie grndm'smo- wît family, Toronto, visitesi for the baptism cf. Tracy drug addîcts." Herb Coppins presiding ansi 9 1 to recelve n ans y . W ra nSn Lynn Porteous, daughter cf A plaque froni tbc Mineor reading a pe Pree. cnip ac Pelng OhaaMn, -ansi Mn. fsay Porteous; Hockey League was present-Mrs. T. B. Jennings nease tba- turquois ores M M .Baly Andrnea Francois Evans ansi ed by Gordon Smith te Levi Minutscfp eviou e I nav acesorescallesio r. .Bie dur- Terry Roger Evans, chilsiren McGill, coach cf the Pee ansi corespondence hc cfiens wasiigte kn. of Mn, ansi Mns.J. L, Evans; Wees, Geralsi Hubbent, assist-inuds a 1er of btiks :îosMn. Balpb Grace, University Connie Fr an c es Egglcston, ant oabaniB Il CaShe ni.o Pentypool U.C.W. for. ýaving on thein of Waterloo, is spending the dacotacchMm.aasi iimaager.i, the travelling Bible, ansi the ite Nova Scotia, summen vacation wîtb Mrs. A. Garry Eggleston; Louise Wil- The 12 teani membens dssepasrpcuréf-h àonnesi a yelîow (Grace ansi Mn. ansi Mns. H. son, daugbter cf Mn, ansi eeGeoyHgPu newly adepted fosten chilsi, wit witeac Grceans fmil.Ray Wilson, Clarke, Bob Stevens, Stephen Vo Thi Ast Minh cf Vietnam,h corsage cf Zenina Mns. B. Davey attendesi a MsCr ot sgv h emented bier tra- bridai sbowen for Dianne Mns. Ross Hall ansi Mrs. McGill,, Roger Vcwles, Mich- - Mrs.Careporteosgvei emble. Mn. and1Hackney in. Bowmastvillc on Cora Fallew, Whitby, wenei sel Smith, Philip Finney, financil epnt areresdin a unay venng.Sunday guests with Mn, ansi Sten TneKnHbet Mrs. Henb Coppins, Mns. tt.,~~ Bomnil. M.aniMS .Gtheil, Mn. Carl Smith. Bcddie Dew, Bobbie Cashen, Frank White ansi Mrs. Carlp 3t.,Bowmnvile. r. nd Ms. . Gae 1Ponteous gave a report of the lerk with Domin-1 Oshawa, wcre visitons, witb Her many friends arewish- Danny Daniels. Skill Shop on prcsgram plan- ' le bride attendeS Mn. and Mrs, A. C. Stephenson ing a speedy recovery to MIrs. Ralph Lunin, president cf ning they bhaS attendeS in ti ent Massey ansi ansi famiiy on Sustday. Caec el h Sa na-iMilbreok Miner Hockey As Clarece Nels wh is î- -Peterborougb. Membership i Publc Seool Mr. ansi Mns Leslie Taylor tient in Civie Hospital, Peter-1 saciation, with bis son Balp wsrnwdlr h aa iville High Sebooal 1n June attended the wed- bonough. Jr. wene aise prescrit. sieni Mental Hlealth Assoc.E attendesi Stark- ding of Mn, Donald Power cf Mr, ansi Mmi Cnighton Foliowing the dinner, Mn.Adaaonc$1,0 ilbe Sehool ansi Bon'- Cookstown bt'ld at Bannie, Carn ansi thein ehilsinen David Plager visited with Mn. ansi givenate ist le.10s,0ndingae gb Sehool. He is Ontanio on Satunday, May 8th. andi Lynda cf Picten spent Mns, anciS Sanderson, locl bo to a mp Quin Modig General Motons. Sna il m niM. BtarAhei Lac andi $5,00 to the Bethany 1 Boss Carn. Association- Athîctie Assoc. A bale cf s hen maniage, theS-yget ihMs, h ein titeA honoreS witlh LON~G SAULT MSunrday guetw sth Mr, s.1 aTiheletaymteetig tAs used ciathing will be packed1 en by Mrs. A.' nS Mns. Ted wader n. wekcato meeting than sfo for beasiquanters on May 20- i and Mrs. James Mr. and. Mrs. Wmn..Johnson 1amyofB lidley r.ansitheek oml Vcti Hpla yon21. Donations may be left In I Cliford eidand nd inda Jaetvile; M n s., Allan Bristow, Wbitby, wcekend, A display cf fine- te hrhktnn Craga; Mms. Editb Fletcher, Miss Jean ansi Mn. Mn. ansi Mrs, Douglas Gra- wonks will be beld in the A Smorgasbord Salasi Sup-a ci Mrs. Charles John Johnson, Oshawa, wcre ham, Omemee. Geralsi Bris- Athîctir Park on Friday per is planned fon June 2nid. bhe Dominion Sunday guests cf their par- tow, Lakefielsi, Mmi. Rhonla nigbt. On Saturday nightý A committee was appointeS ents, Mr. ansi Mn. Bert John- Jobnston,, Peterborough, thene will be a dance inSt. te get estirnates of cast fan sf J on1 Presentation to Paui's Parish Hall with music pain ting cf tbc Innter ansi0 L U. andi Mrs. F. E. Alexand- Mr. and Mrs. Reid by Faye Adams Band. Sun- exteior cfflhechcunch, eB wmanvîle, visited their Mn. ansi Mn Wlly Rcid day theme wîll be speniail se- Mmi. Adidison Scott led tbe your wife thatMr.iayoaettnnoon Sun- were bonaned guests at a vice in St, Paul's Chunch at worship service cf seipture yourMn. and Mrs. Ted Kisisioan. community party in St. Paul's 11:30 arn. in charge cf bbe reading, hymn ansi prayens Melodie, Mrs. Jobriston Kisisi, Parisb baIl on Saturday nlight joint Young People's Grcup. ansi gave a talk on Christian Gcodwood; Mn. andMMn, F. o. ansi wene present cd witb The Monday (24th) sports Life. "Life for the Christian îtl ken nggngSmith, Bowmanville; Mn. ansi matching sets cfleather lug- activities will begin with a is celebration ansi tle Goosi fttlykeep ,, g in s. J. C. Cook werc Sunday gage fram their many friendis. parade at 12 o'clock noon News is bbc reason for cela- ~emnysupper1 guests cf bbé Smith's. Mn. ansi Mmi. Reidi have solS freini St. Pauls Chumch te the brating. The Church sheulsi mony ougiv M. nsiMm, . Bke wietheir grocery business in Athletic Park. beadesi by the speak ouf conccrning moral- plcasantly taken by surprise, Bethany anS aie ieaving nex't Insman Cnescendo's B a nd ity. WorIS conditions- are dis- Sunday evening, wben on ne- week on a tripi te Englansi fnom Peterborough. Entnies tumbng andi alarmlng. News- turning home from having and Scotiand. ta visit with ne- of floats, cars, bicycles, etc. papen beasilines are some- been suppen guests cf Mn. ansi latives theme for two monthi. anc welcomed. There will be times frîghbcning. ThrougbifA Mns. E. Marin, Raglan, fcunci Gordon Smith rend the ad- races for ail ages(ansi sevenal alI the Bible is a good guide 'abnies. Brush gar- a numben cf thein neighbors, dress wisbîig tbem bon voy- softbali games during bbc af- for oun troublesi age. Let us irig removes dust, frienssansi famiîy, prescrit to age ansi exprcssing thanks ternoon. A concert in St, face the future with Hope bclp celebrate thein belated for their many community Paul's Parish Hall on Monday ansi Faitb." 3Oth Wedding Anniversary. efforts during thein 10 ycars nigbt will featume thse Peter- Thse membens were diviSeS ýB AUCTION They reccîved levely gifts ands say ia Betbeny. boroughi Liftlock Chorus ansi Inta four groups anS ,cacis a social evenirig was enjoyed The gifts wcre preseniesi other musical talent. gnoup eut heasiines from ,armer Farm by ail. by Frank Marticisenko, Mmi. Congratulations were ex- newspapers dcplcting wonîd Mn. ansi Mn. W. Vaneyk Hrani Coppins, Mms, Earl tendeS to bbc Bethany Hoc- conditions, These were diviS- accompanied Mn'. ansi Mr$. Weathcnilt, George VanDans, kcy Teani wbo won the Scu- cd Into thnee categonies pnav.- LLEJohn Varieyk bo Kemptville cri Allan Johnston, Mn. anS Mns. gag League Cbampîonshîp. A ing that despite bunger, dis- Fridey ansi were guests at tise Jack Neals, Mn. ansi Mmi. Jim dance wihl be bels inr theÎn ease ansi poverty, there are 1 v I E graduation cf their' eldest Klaepfem. hion in June wîthpresenta- still thase wbo cane enough Ngransison, Mr. Willie DeMilie, Hugli Hagan cf Norwccdi ticri cf awards. to do samething about It. Bowmanville, et Kemptville enterteined with several mu-i Thse Park aommittee ne- Gos's Spirit is stilI ai work. l Em:RS Agriculfural Ceilege. sical ýselections. Music for poted new guard rail pesti The riext meeting whîl be 2-50 Mmr anS Mmi. Chas, Pen- dancing was previded by Ro- ai the Park, riew fence On iselsi June 8tb at 1:30 p.m. tLaundering" noori visitors with M nI. ansi anS Gary Debbîel bîcachens anc to be installesi. Mns. W.1 Vaneyk. Martichenko read a peem cf Tl-nited Church Wonmen P N Y O L ber cwn composition., Mn. Reid expresseS their' otp 11 .cW sincere thanks for the giftsý For The oymol .cw anS the iappiness tise, hadi The May meeting was helsi -Soundi througb frienidshlp Srprinci ad inhe church basement with -C ri( establishesi in the community. r- an attendance of seven. Mmi. North DurhamC ' Manie VanBeek presidesi ansi Softbail League .-Summer ' ride, opened bbc meeting witha The Norths Durham Softball Mofhcr's Day pocm followed League belsi theîr Springi by a prayer. meeting in the Manvens town- , ' A npw cxbub- We were next favonesi witis shphall at, Bctbany, ' enance cf fein- a poem in our devotional per.- - - Officens electesi fer tbc lninity ansi teS callesi "Service Supreme" chJ yar are Lloyd Curtis of t'Oanbi by Mn., Yvonne Fallis, ansi a I ' ' Behiebomo, presîdent; Ken. romnd veny appropriate cric. too, for gBlair, Millbrook, vice-pnes- - fashion awaits Mthen's Day. We. were al -dent; Edwin Chalhice, Betis .. yeu ilow in given the opporfunîty cf flîp- Vany, secretarv-treasurer, - our Bridai ping thnough aur "Travelling * There are 25 teares entenesid - vom kl- Bible,' whicb Bethany UniteS in bbc Lcague including tise r Churoi Womci3 prescriteS ta Men's teami, Pee, Wee ansi . ;k lly creates i s et ticr Apnil âtb meeting. CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD you Misiget boys, Senior ansi Jun- . , by New frcm the 4tb Commansi- find everything to furnish the homne beau- Ion girls, fnom Omernele, Beth- 1 î omorrow's ment, "Honoun your fethen any, Bleckstock, Jenetvîlle, designers for anS mother as bhe Lord your Jy Cinpeteroomgrops decoato coGoS commandcd you." Thse LyCoplterom rops(dcoatr o. elverton, Pontypool, Cavan, oa' rds nated and prioed for every budget), rugs Millbmok anS Bailieboro. i tdt bde. thougbt fortise day is: Today drapes tomth stereo and TV7 to relax Hockey Banquet May we 1, will stnive to ise an tn- iappliances to make life easer... a nd a MVr. anS Mns. Levi McGill sgeta lec ntoeaon e li pant ft hebdgt. alunero e rtertained tise Mîlbnook- Pee a sugget Our hymn cf tise evening was il la t ft hebuge,. al ndr ne Wee Hockey Teeni with a apitct "Mothcr's Prayers Have Fol- ý at Cherney's! Corne and see. Fatisen and Son banquet on Please cali us Iowed Me." Satumday night. Tise team 7511 Our offering' was taken upi warn bbc Consolation tophy at tisis time and then flicl for Mncir Hockey oven Hast- minutes cf tbe lait meetingl ings in fise finals this year. D A J ' were read ansi approveci. Bill Plagen who plays de- BL A LP S A thank you note was ne- 130ING ST. E. fenie for tise St. Louis Blues ceivesi for flowers from tise ObOSHAWA. in tise N.H.L., was. the guest LADIES' W EAR LTD. families cf fisc late Mmi. Peanli 728-1641 speaker following tise dinner, 72 SIMCOE ST. N. 'Neels ansi also a tisank ycu' urging ail parents ta stand Oshawa ýnote for tise lunch biset wasý bebînd tisein ehilsimen In tbhe serveS afterwerds.1 atisîtc field. "It Ih a ges Open jMns. Barbera Adems, gnoupi ShI' t l9~nTîrdyas rdy tbîng for boys te becon g tn Mon,-Sat, 9-6 --Fn. 9-9 ronvnocftsBehn W- 9-6:00 Monclay, Tueçsday, Wedstesday and, Satnrday lebes. Hockey is an especiaily AUl Day Wed. h en'sionstit ue sen to ari, _____________________goosi sport fc it has mucis te ______________ lainfoLue11 aha VVA. News The regutar meeting cf Bow- manville WomenIs Institute was beld Thursday aftennoon, > May 6tb in the Salvation Anmy Hll. The meeting openesi by singing "O Canada" and the Institute Ode and repeated the Manv Stewart Collect. Mns, Flintoff nead tue ninutes cftht' last meeting andi were approveri. She then gave the Treasuren s report and reasi the correspondence. Bell Cali follewed and was answered by giving our fav- mrite colon President Mns. Vlunday reminded us cf the District Annual te be held in Solina en May 20tb and a short discussion took place about'a bus trip. It was de- cided eacb ene shoulsi brîng awritten suggestion, as toaa place te vîsit, te the 'next mîeeting. Next meeting wîli be June 3nd at Mns. M. Wise- man's cottage. Mrs. Flintoff and Mns. Wise- man attendesi the Officens' .Cerence in Guelph Apnîl 27th-29th, and Mns. Flintoff gave us a geosi report. She told of the diffenent speakers and discussions. One speaker urgesi women te use their skills and talentp no niatter what it was but not te neglect their families andi homes. Aise work te get new membens for oun Institute. Mns. Twist was conveneri fon the programme ansi askesi ifrs. Black to give ber paper on the motte, "Industny keeps tbe body bealtby, the ,mind clear, the heant whole ansi the purse full". She then introducesi Mn. Wmi. Briffett fnomn Newcastle ta fell us about his' one-man industry, the m.aking of stain- esi glass memonial windows, He told us be served a seven- year apprenticeship in Eng- land and followed that up witb thnee yeans at nigbt school. Hie worked in Englansi for some yeans befone cemning te Torento. He startesi bis wonk in Canada by advPrtisîng in the Anglican Chunch paper ansi soon bis work was known ansi he bas work fer months abeasi. He bas donc considen- able work in Montreal, Pem- broke,' ansi sbowed us a picture of an immense window he d for Luherri Curc inlunch houn Mr. and Mrs. Shee- Water.1'oo, Ont. Itwas wbile han servesi anniversany wed- lie was doing windows for ding cake te ail thie guests. Newcastle Unitedi Church he and bis wîf e lound a home, Friends and relatives at- there tbey likesi, and being tended fnom Detroit, Mich., tiresi cf city lie decîdesi te Picton,, North Tonnwandla, move to Newcastle. At pres-, N.Y., Toronto, Wbitby, Osh- cnt lie is woî king on windows awa, Peterborough, Lindsay, for the Baptist ýChurch in Port Madoc, Orono, Newtonville, Hope. People correspond with Brampton and Bowmalville. hini and where possible bei visitsthem te find eut theiri Announce New wishes. He makes bis design andi sendls or submits fr their HIeaiug Substance:, fo anglandtwshich, he hrnk Ple is the best. He bas hundressLk s fe cf shades ini eveny colon. He1 showed us a small round ofhisadrm&ag mw window, a br'autiful example hnorhisndeiadmgdtiu. of bis work, showin g the many A 'renowned research insitute han. colons and shades he uses. He foundi a unique hiealing substance explaînesi how eacb piece is with the ability te sh-rînk, hemor.- cut separately an d the pro- rhoids painiessly. It reieves i hnr cedure of putting thern te a.nd dnscomfort ij2 xninuea îmý' gethen. The lead Re uses for greends up hesiing of the î"juedý, joîning comes froni Southamp- iniflamesi tissue. ton, Ont,.In case after case, while gentfr Depending on the size cf te relieving painactual reductiem- window il. often takes monh (arikge) took place. te do one. He bas bis own, Most important cf alrsta kile andi it takes as long9 as. we-restheronghthatthisîiprov>.-- four days te fine the pieces. ment was maintaies over a perso4i- Mrs. Twist expressesi thanks of many months. te Mn. Bniffett-, and Mrs. Mun- This was accomvfished with a, day said' how imucb we ap- new healrng suibstanice (Bie-Dyne>' preciates im coiring ta us. which qmnckly helpa hehal injsur-e Lunch was servesi by nieni clle andiaiiuae growth of nsw' bers of the gnoup with Mns. tim Porter con vening. -New Bio-Dyne la ý-ofersîm cîný- i -ment andi auepo îtoy or nfl&di GET CASH TODAY rprtowÏ aalcg FOR OLD APPLIANCES Prpaatin £iAsfottîaldag THROUGH rfne CLASSIFIEOS 2nd &3rd MDRTGAGES' 24 HOUR APPROVALS CALL COLLECT TO 10 PIM1 TODAY FORHEFL COURFTEO-US SERVICE 1-(-116) 366"-gs8e EVENINGS 1-(416) 231-81416 PROMPT INVESTMENT COUP, L 330 BAY STEEFT. TORONTO 1, ONT,ý A singsong in a children's home-, Kids ,from broken homes Iearning the joy of making music. With a guitar.- ,and gentie help.,and happiness. vies, you can buy happiness. For others. Now, Today. Give t The Salvaton Army Red Shield Appeal. give to Thie RedSil BLITZ- MONDAY, MAY 3lsýt Diations mnybe f orwarded to-E: Rd hld APPeal, c/o CaiaImperinl Baiik o« Commerce, Bwnnil or 20 Centre ýSt., Bwnnli .: 7 1 During the l-