4The Canadian Stafemman, Bowmnanvilie, May 12, 1971 EDITORIAL COMMENT, -Members Deserve 'Every C.ent of It~ 7_ ighly paid commentators on radio ind tlevîsion, well-heeled editorial ÇV-rite(rs, many who have not been doing 1so weil financial1y, and same MPs with tacngu-e ini cheek, have been peçking ïway' with criticismn ever since the gov- e1.r1nment brought in a bill ta raise the saaisof Members of Parliament. Sa fa;r m- haven't said much about it, ex- cept thýat the timing was not the best bcueof the high rate of unemploy- Havng ad omeexperience in the f ineld, we ump i nto the argument- on the side ,oif he MPs, and take our chan- cesý on the outcome. Frankly, this is not an opportune i-lime, nar will there ever be the right timei for increasing salaries. for Menm- bef.rs oaf Parliamen-t. For some reasan, !there asneïer been much of a stir wvhen r.rLovi-ncial legîsiators have jump- cd their raties of pay, untîl in most prov- inces t[hey a re miles atiead of the federal m beswhen length of sittings, ex- pessand practicai-nly anything else by ayof duties and respansîbilities are can~idere , Yt, always when the nat- ýnalld1y elected members have eventual- ly cam îe ta the conclusion that an in- crese hbecame essential, practîcally eveybay esebegins ta scream, Fo),r man.y years, cammittees and indvidalsat Ottawa have been trying tao camne up with some methad af bring- ing MPs' indemnîties into line, with rerunratanpaid in other sectars af heecnonmy. Sa far, nobady has came uip with aq w,-ý,orkable and acceptable soelutioni. Sal, ftheaniy method has been talaeit, alonie year after year until tih, situiation reaches cuisis proportions a nd x»any MPs discover, that they are suffering great financiailasses by serv- ing their country and constîtuents com- pared with what they could be, earning in their own businesses. When there is enough grumbling amang the members, of aîl parties the governmnent cames to the conclusion that ýsamething can now be doue withaut the opposition mem- bers trying ta make polîical capital out of any propased increase, and brings in a piece of legisiatian ta increase the îndemnities. Rightly or wrongly,, the gavernment assumes that if there is na strong apposition, in parhiament, there won't likely be real problemsfrom the general public. While the increases are substantiai, there are severai things ta consider. There hasn't been 'any increase. since 1963, and the main point, that there pr.obably won't be anather, for f ive or 10 years. Taking these facts into con- sideration, -we have no hesitation iu sup- partingthe government's proposais.. It should also be, remembered local- ly that the territory ta be serviced and repuesented by aur Member of Pauhia- ment Russell C. Honey, was almost, doubled duuing' redistribution some years agô, with bis duties substautially increased at 'that time. If's the aid story, if you are goiug ta obtaîn good men or women ta serve as MPs or MPPs, and expect them ta be at your beck and eallday and night, you are gaing ta have ta pay well for thase services. And ifyou haven't been through the processof an election and pauiamentary service, we, can tell you, it's a wonderful experience and a great way ta keep fuom growing aid, atany price. Does Faster Cet You There Quicker? Haveyauefe.wuduewatching anot r motorist waigrapîdly in and olli.af(eavytnaffic, whetheu al tht isk ireally saved(limOthers won- de-red the sam thinig, -and now a series Ef ess roe he lime, you s ave is sa imnail that it isn't worth either the effort ~-Or thedagr Deciding la settie the question once zpnd( for aIl,a tire manufacturer and a bilidpr Of rcsa instruments equip- ped twoý identical cars with instruments w 1hicb waujldi record every driving de- lau ecodedwere the number of lmsIbe driver braked, and how hard: baw ma crs e passed and howý many pssd im, anid totali driv inglie. Bath ca~staýrted on A 1,000-mnile trip, over 1-.ilf of itau roaSsimilar ta nur ex- preswas.Tne first driver was given ins tructions t, a.ke the best lime he c nuId, passing heevrpassible and iing as fast as 'he feitL he could. Driv- Pr Flumbe&r wwasladto relax, avaid ail risks and just 7move wlhth,--rest of A tbusau mies aayaf ter cx- Zcliy 20 houirs and 12 mjinutes of drîving limneihefast diIver tpulled up tla the finish ]ine-. Just, 31 minutes later, the nillierdie arrived! In spite of the n a ny risks !,he first driver týok la gain limc, his average speed was less than iii miesa hur.e had ta make four panic stops,. and nppiied the brakes 1,335 times. The uelaxed driver made no panic stops and only used the brakes 652 limes,.less than haîf as oflen. He passcd, during that thousand-mile trip, 645 other vehicles and was passed by 142. The f ast driver - and Ibis is hardly the right word, because remember he ouly gained haif an hour ouI of aver 20 hours drivîng-time - passed 2,004 cars andl was anly passed by 13. He passed more Ihan'thue limes as many cars as the relaxed driver. The impat- ieut driver also used 10 gallons moue gasoline on the trip. FIRST A FRTEND.. THEN A HOST! 1"First a Friend . . . Then a Hast". That is the slogan of the Ontario Motor League this holiday seasan, The mod- cru hast knows many of his guesîs will bedrvg home - and he wants thcm la get theère safeiy. 1He is considerate and doesu't push drinks on bis guesîs. One way ta make it easy for guests ta drinik only as much as they waut is ta have a self-service bar. Guesîs who mix Iheir own usually have less patent drinks and fewer of tbcm. 'Be remembered as "First a Pniend" by your gulests. Sugar and >pice By Bill Smîley DON'T SNEEZE AT RIGHTS 0F SPRINt< 1t's only when you're dying that you truiy appreciate living. And 'm, dying rîght now. Do't scoff. I mean il. You'll be sorry next week when Ibis columu ap- pears as a blank, white space with a heavy blaàck barder anound il. I don't want any eulogies in Ibhat white space. At least, notbing lîke: "Here lies a noble soul Torn from this earth befare bis lime; His, words were notbing But his soul sublime." No,- I don't rcally waut that sort of thing. Although il was my first sugges- lion as I lay, gasping for breath, trying lu, choke dowu the rye and hot waterý and honey and leman juice Ihat some- body had suggested la my wife migbt save me. We, compromised, after some dis- cussianconcerning how mucli a letter lhe tombstone man charges. And I will say this for my wife. She wiped my forehead and buougbt me cups of tea wbile she sorted l1-rough my insurauce policies, We settled ou: "After al Bill knew He'd die; Sa do yau.", Il wasn'î quite what 1Iliad lu mind, but I don't quîbblc about these things, and I did lîke tbe last hune. Also, wc saved $367.80 on the lettering. That's almost enough ta buy au aulomatic dish- washer. Let's put first lbings first. There's been a lot writteu about the rights of spuing: poetry, music and stuff like that. To be dying of the 'f lu is ane of the rigbtsof spring in Canada. [t's anc of the few inalienabie rigbts wc have lef t. 1Oh, there are other rights of hpring in Ibis country, but lbey're becoming polluted, like cverything cisc. Tbere's the right ta go trout fisbiug A MacDuff Ottawa Report Qui"t the, Up'ta uow, the New Demo- cratic Party of Canada bad succecded lu building an image quite different from Iliat of the Liberai Party and the Couservalive Pauty. This image was based maiuly on the fadt that tle NDP alwaS's seemed ta -care mucli more about ideologies and principles than electians. This image may stililibe quile valid even Ioday, but some- hvfoiiowing their last leadership convention in Ottawa, ane bas the clear impression that the leaders of that Party want ta quît preacbiug. From the opening mome- ent unlîl the end aofIthe con- vention, everyone could feel that the New Democrats, espechally those from On- taria and Saskatchewan, werc really hungry fou pow- er. 1Consequently, so as te not diminish Ibeir chances, they weue quite wiliing ta do just about anylhing lu order la build an, image as a strang, viable and moderate paitical force. Ail those wbo were nal supportiug Ilie ideas spansared by the Establish- ment and wha tried te figlit thcm wcut down ta defeat. For the lime beiug, Ibis, may be fine even if it's hard ta swallow in some cases. But once the provincial edec- tions in Ontarioanad Sas- katchewan arc over wbat happens? Tliey are stili fac- îng the same problems lîke that of scîf-deteumination on Opeuing Day. This was once an in- definable and inexplicable delight. Now- adays, it's about'as tbriling as climbing onto a subway train at rush hour. There's >the right ta go out and shovel and sweep, back auto the road ail the sand the snowblawer>bas tbrawn up on your lawn during the winter. This'has a tendency ta pall after the first fîve or six years. There's the right ta cheat an your incame tax. This used ta be day rîgerre, as we used ta say, but so many peopfle are doing il now that it's passay, as we say uow. There are ail sauts of other spuing rights, like giviug biuth ta twin lamb s, going for a swim as soon as the ice goes out, or discoveuing that youu kid ýhas quit univeusity a week before the final exams., But we're not al cut out for these things. They're saut of spotty. The only spuiug right that lias not been inter- fered with by governmeut, big business, labor unions orIhe wameu's lib is the ordj.nary Canadian spuing right of dyîng from the 'flu. I 1tbink it's probably the last spning right we'il have in perpetuity. And I think it's fitting that we should. . Practicaliy anybody can die of practically anything these days, accord- iug ta the experts.,Aud they're probab- ly right, though I have yet ta know an expert ta be rigl1t about anything. But ta die of the 'flu every spring is somethîng that's faiuly preciaus ta us Canadians, anct I hope the advertis- iug agencies don't catch on ta i t, or tbey'll spoil the whole daleful business. Can't you see the ads? "COME TO CANADA FOR A NEW THRILL! IN- STANT INFLUENZA!" Probably spon- soued by "drink Canada dry" and "relax with Canadian club." The Yanks wouid flock in. Don't let them. Lets keep something, for aur mess af pattage. I'm dying of the 'flu, aud'I don't want a buuch of tourists horning in. Preai fou Quebec. IRiglit uow, the NDP bas no policy on that subject, except that àt is against Iliose wouds and thal il will study the problem lu depîli laler on. Iu moue Ilian anc way tle leaders of the NDP may udalize iu the future that Ihey would bave doue bel- ter, bad lliey esolved 'this question iu Ottawa., ,Wly? Because self-deteu- minatian is ual Iliat mon- stuosity tbat some dcpicted. Some may waulta argue fou bours ou Ibis but tle fart, remains that seif-deteumin-' ation and separatism do ual mean exactly the same tbing. Wbat does il men? Sim- piy Ibat a collecivity has the riglit t deteumine ils future, This is a funda- mental riglil and as long as the decision is laken fueeiy and democratically no anc aoulside t ha t collectîvily sliould lie allowed ta oppose At. If you look aI it the ollier way, no anc should oppose the Marîtimers if they wisbed to unite their provinces. This sliould be Ibeir decision and Ibeir de- cision alone. The same for the Western provinces. 1Some New - Democrats may say today Iliat Ilils is fine witb Ihem Ioa and then argue Ihat wbal lhey were reallyagainsl was tle Que- bec resolution because il meaut auaucby. Tbey may go as, fau as quoting Ibeir own resolution wbi cl says thai the U.nit'y af ibis coua- chi ng tuy cannaI lie based on force. in fact Ibis could iead ta a very good argument was il not fou the fact thal a candidate lu the leadership race tried ta buing anx amend- ment especiaiiy la clauify Ibis sentence, That was tbe Broadbeut ameudmeut and of course il was defeated just like the Quebec resolution. Suuely ou Ibis ane the iNéw Demo- ruaIs sbouid bave taken a 11111e more lime la tbink about il. But the fact is Ibat lliey were more interested lu acquiring a sluong fedenalist image Ilian by. anythîug cisc. Their puablemn may be solved fou the moment but like tle officiai resolution sayý, il wil bave ta be deal wilb later ou. Tbey did ual realize'il aI all dur- iug that weekend lu Otta- wa, but Ihey may be lu for some very serious trouble. Very seriaus because il is ual the Liberals or the Con- servatives but the New Demacrats tliemselves wbo iudicated that self-deleum- ination meaut separatism. And il is Iie New Democrals and ual the Liberals or tlie Conservatives wlio vqted. against il. But somneday wlen those electiaus are past, tbe bTew Democrats, lîke many allier will wake up and reahize Ibat, il may not be sa awful afler ail. Wliat will tbey do then?1 One of-fil e resosiiioe f my ofieas ,DcputySpae of tbe Hause of Camonsis ta assist The Speaker iu reprwesenting the Caniadian Parlia- ment in ntr-alimetayexcbanges. Tbse vsswl panliamentarians from ifeetcount 'ries, arcý on a panliamen- lar leel s distîinct fro)m the goveru- menta or mnisteilevel. Thcy are represent.ative of the Mlembers of Par- zliament fram ail parties, as contrasted ta govemumental or ministenial visits wee1the exchangcs arc essentiahly betwvecn Ibose wb-fo happen ta bave gov- e-mmeula.i, respýouibilityN at the particu- larn im, lu lJasI ee'sReor1Imenlioned sarne rt bbc ighligbtJis of aur recent vilîtt' Romaiawbrewe field lalks wih ur opp,_osite members in the Ronmuiauparliamnent, as well as with thePrsidntof Roumaia and two of biis IMini'sters. ILasI ce we h3ad as Ottawa guesîs iheý Spe-aker and seve.ral MVem-bers of the -OHIN M.,AE EDITOR-PUBLIIRER Indonesian Pauhiameýnt, and Ibis week lu Ottawa wc met witb ,4thc Speaker and Members of the Finland Parlia- ment. These visits are useful in thaltbey pravide a medium for an exchange of ideas about the operation, of Parlia- ments in aur several counînies, as wcll as an exehange1 generahly about the problems faciug Lus as legisiators lu aur respective Parhiamenits. In the conversations held in con- nection witb Ibese visits ance is im- pressed with 1,bte respect lu wbrch Canadians generally and aur parliamen- tary syslem lu pauticular is heid. This is'ual ta say Ibat wc have any- reason for complacency or smrugness a bout aur institutions. We do feel, bowever, Ihat lb eue is a willinguess la associate witb Canada as a country that remainsun- aligned fromIn he s0 callcd "big" powers and a country with wbom an exchauge of ideas can bc made ou a basis of equality and mutual respect. Dur-hacm County's Great Family Journal Established 117 years ago in 1854 Alsa Incorporatiug, The Bowmctnville News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News £econd class mail. registration number 1561 Pnoduced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario PATRICK GOULD APvTG. MANAGER Phone 623-3303 GEO. 1'. MORRIS BUSINESS MGR. "Copyright rntdox p-ety rights aub ilt the image appectrig on this proof. Permission to rpdueiii who 'eo',lin.pGrt and ina cny form whatsoever, pcrticularly by photographia or offset procsa n opublcatonmuýi et obotained front the publisher and the printer. Any uncruthorised 'Mrdcto ill b. suýbjeCt to recourses in law." $6,0 year - 6 months,$3.50 $8-.00 a Yeari in the United States rictl!y in advance Alhug vpry preanuý'tton wilt hef, lken toa void error The Conadian Statesmnan acceptle cdveztis. -b mit colunre on the s eeodn that it witt flot ho liable for any error in ony advertîsement pulihe ereunder unles a proof of such advertisment , i requested in writing by the advertiser 'nLetredt Th> (Canadian stateeman bu.siness office duly signed by the cdvertiser and wîth Buch er , r corrections plainly noted fn writinig thereon. and fn ihct anse if any error se noted te not corrected by The Canodian States'Man it- liobî1ity shait net exceed such a portionnef the entire cnet 5",euh csdrtfsenent as the $Pace ocpe by the. noted ,error beers ta iii. wýho19 epace occupied ROTARY.,FIREWORKS DISPLAY The Bowmanville Rotary Club will present a lire- works display on the grounds of the Bowman- ville High School on Vic- toria Day, May Z4th. It is a yeanly event which lbas delighted c itiz e n s (young and old) 'in this com- mnunity. HOSPITAL DAY, MAY lZth, Today is'Canada Hospital Day. Who canes? Your hospital canes, Do you, care? Gîve a care. Support your hospital. Millions across Canada will today. Why? Recause they care, 25, YEARS AGO (May 16, 1946) Dr. and Mus. Chaules Mc- Ilveen retuuned to Bowman- villa this week after spend- ing several montbs in Van- couver, Dr. MeIlveen was interning at tlie Vancouver General Hospital and liasý been called east to receive bis discliarge from tlie Army. St. Paul's C.Q.I.T. met witli a fair attendance. Wor- slip seuvice was in charge of Peggy Piper and Rose Dill- ing wbo took tlie' theme as "Mother's Day", Capt. Jolin Jury, wlio serv- ed oveuseas witli the Can- adian Army and since VE- Day lias been teaching at the Kliaki College in Enigland. returned to Canada this week aboard the Ile de France. Capt. Jury wi]l be staying with bis aunt, Mus. j. H. R. Jury, Silver Street, for the summer montbs. Tlie, sip's plaque, two pianos, and otber items sent to R.M.C.S. Bowmanville, were ta be sent back accord- ing ta word from the Com- mander. Meantime, tliey bave disappeared. Council bas asked Charles Stephen- son, M.P., ta try ta locate tliem. The Ontario Gazette, Ma.11, announces that the Lieut.-Governou of Ontario lias been. pleased ta appoint Pbilip Williams, Newcastle, Ont., ta be Bailiff, 2nd Di- vision Court, United Coun- ties of Northumberland and Durliam, Dr. G. W. Milieu attended tlie Canadian Public Health Association meetings in To- ronto last week. Conguatulations ta Edward Milison wbo ueceived lion- ors lu bis fîrst term exam- mnations of tlie Business Ad- ministration course at Uni- versity of Toronto. >Mu. and Mus. Harvey Joint' spent Sunday witli his par- ents, Mu. and Mus. George Ailan, Lindsay. Mus. George Kueig, Kings- ton, visited ber parents, Mu. and Mus. Chaules Carter. A MAN 0F THE WORLD Notice, lu I Coinîhians 3:2, lte splendid comprchensiveness of the Christian dlaim. Al l hîngs, says the Aposîle, are yours. Notbiug lies outside the spbere of tbe Christian religion. The field, as Jesus himself said, is tibe worid. Ail 1if e is holy. There is no distinc-, tion of sacred from secular. Paul, Appol- las, and Cephas represented what we caîl the secîs of the Cburcb; but these sects are nat alternatives f rom wbicb anc bas ta choose. They are ail yours. The sects are, as it were, cross-sec- lions througb the lîfe of the growiug Churcb. Eacb is true whcn seen, as il were, crosswise, but each îs partial lu ils relation la tbe expanding growtb. They areail yours, if you are Christ's. You are ual ensnarcd iu thepettincss of denaminationalism,. You repeat lte great confession: "I believe in tbe Hoiy Calboiic Cbuuch." Nor is il the Cburch alone thal is yours. Tbe world also, wîth its iudustry and wealth, ils poverly and care - Ibis loo is yours. Christianily. is a would- religion. The Christian is lu the truc seuse, a man of Ihe world. And life also, witb all ils work aud play, ils joy and pain - Ibis too is yours. "I arn the way," 'said Jesus. The firsi tille given la the Christian religion was I The Wy" Chrstianity is a way of life. IAnd deatb also is yours, wîth ils pain and mystcry. This is the victouy wbich overcomes death, even yaur f aitb., And Ibings present are youus; the world is la you ual decadent or hope- less. The Christian is an optimist, ual witb Ibhal easy assurance which refuses 49 'YEARS'ACGO (May 18, 1922) Mr. and Mus. J. K.X <u motored from the city an spent Sunday wïtli her par - ents, Mr. and Mus. C. N. Ruse, Carlisle Avenue. Mrs. Ed. F. Weekes and sons Jack, George and BiliY, Toronto, are visiting herj mother, Mus. W. L, Key$ and other relatives here.- Mu. and Mus. Wm. Peaun were in Toronto uecently. Mr. and Mus. Ernest Clarke and baby Mary, Toronto, were guests of her aunt, Mrs. W. W. Dickinson ove-r Sunday. Mr. Wiliaud Stevers ;and Miss, Aima Stevens, Toroni- to, visited bis father, Mr. F. N. Stevens, on Sunclay. Mrs. Papi neau and son, Oshawa, were recent guests, of her sister, Miss Carrne Lathuope. .t Mr. F, H. Morris, Mont- real, Que., lias been visitîng bis parents, Mr. and Mus. J, R. Morris, BeechAvenue. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mut- ton, Oshawa, uecently visit- ed bis parents, MVr. and Mus. W. G. Mutton. Miss Hester Buimacombe spent Sunday witb lier sister, Mus. Rd. Snowden, Osbawa. Mu. and Mus. M. Jaques and Mu. and Mus. Smith Kelly, Toronto, were guests of Mu. and Mus. Geuald Tai- cott over the weekend. Mu. J. M. R. Fairbaiuni, Chef Engineeu of the Cano adian Pacifie Railway, an4( son Jack, Montreal, Que., were recent guests of hbis cousin, Miss Faiubaîun. After 10 years of faitbful service as Chief Sbipping Cleuk at tbe local Goodyear plant, Mu. Robert Gueenfield bas uesigned fuom this position. Ris co-workers in bis depautment puesented - hîm, witb a silver mounted umbi ella on bis departure. Mu. George Gibson lias gone to Cobalt Where lie has accepted a position. ta sec cvii, but wilh the1 underslanding of if e wbich justifies his judgmeýnt that - "SIep by step since limie began We sec the steady gain, of man," And finally, thiugs ta came are yauirs; the creatian of the better future, the realization af the iels' dreamn. We are saved by hope. "Greater works than these shail you do, because 1 go ta my Father," said the Master. The most pressing peril wbich be- sets religiaus people, I feel sure,,is not tba.t of flagrant sins or of intellectual denials, but the peril of provincialism; the danger of mistaking a great subject for a small one, and of side-lracking oue's religion on some special switch of experience, as thougli il were a way- station instead of a terminus. Life is nal like an acean fueighter, divided by wateutight bulkheads int different sections, in anc of which wtt do aurwak and i n the ather of wbich we say un prayers. Eiîher the wbale ol a man is religiaus, or noue of hlm. A departmentalized, ecclesiasticizcd, prov- iucialized reli gion i.s the first evidence of a decadeul Cburch. A dislinguisbed politician lu a heat. cd compaigu is said to bave telegraphed to bis fricuds: "Claim cveuything." Thal, iu a mucb puofounder sense, is precîsely the summons whicb Cbnîstianity makes on life. AIl Ihîngs are yauus. The wholc of life 15 boly. Religion is ual a province, but a commonwealth. Ilt camprehcnds bath bbce Cburch andf the wanld, bath life and deatb, bath, 1he present and the future. Tl'le would is anec, and ail of il is sacred, and il is ail yours, if you are Chnisî's, as Christ is God's. J1~Corner -or £Poeis THE MAN 1 DIDN'T KNOW Sa straug, so bard, and impeîuous Swas he Sa handsome and young and proud af me Sa ma ny limes lie scolded 50 This man af stone I didn'l. know. Ahways rough, neveu tender I bhouight Wondered wby, neveu the have 1 sought, Always bard for us ta sec even lhougb This man af stone I didn'I kn ow. Sa proud af hlm'wc weme Ibat's Imue But neveu damed tel bim bow il gmew Sa sof t the hearl lie neyer cared ta show This man of stone I didu'I know. And s0 ilt seemed if e passed hlm by ,Wibh hardly the lwiukhe of a friendly eye The war, il changed him, sa Ihey say And for uincty one yeams il seemed hé paycd. That tower af strength, the golden bain Thal man af stone, Ibat once was there The brihiaul mmd, the jaunty pace Has ail chauged uow, VWilh the aged face. And now as he lay s'o pale and weak' Anîd as I kissed Ibis aid man's cheek Wilh tear in eye, be was,, heard laçsay Kiss me uow; don~t leave me Ibis way. My 111e.I've ivedain d you wonder why I chose for the world ta pass me by But the swelling lu my heart, I could neveu explain To a family so proud, and sa I remain, Sa 1 say goodbye,no anc must en,, For theme's a lime la lîve, and a 1,Ùme ta die And sa lie lef t us wilb eyes sa, sad This gentie aid man, who was my dad. -Barney Boisvert, R. R. 1, Newtonville THE LIE He promised me a wauld Free fuom ànguish and anchored strain 0f twa young loyers Splasbiug lbrough a fountain af youtb. Undyiug action and evelasliug love. .Two sbadows dancing on bbe moan Wïhispering on a cloudless night Flickening of two Iwisted lives. He pramiîsed me a if e wîtb purpose 0Of understaudiug and patience Two spirits reaching for the stars Aîdiug bis ever>y emotian He puomised me bis 11f e. He lie. 1 --Suzanne Sheller, 159 Guelph Street, Oshawa Ithe Di and Distant Past From the Statesmnan Files Religion for Todaye by Rev. Gordon Smyth Report from Ottlawa By Russell C. Honey, M.P., Ploc 1, vp cote m-emai-jusi donc, -0,