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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1971, p. 5

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W ins Piano Hon! ient in the LMmria Hsitl ms o ors owrn Or 13 Bb Lxii _g Mnrn 1 tn have ,îjveu to Boltonwer Bob lias been epodfor1 uithe past couple of months. Mn Sid Hughes is a patýient uin the Sunnybrook Hos-pitail I i "~ Tor onto. IMrs. David MacDonjald spent A * ~ ~ theweekendin Toronto. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cooper of I Agincoui-t visited Mr. and Mrs. F. 0 Cooper on Mother's Day. jMr, and Mrs. Geo. Jacks of a......................}Markhnm, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jacks Jr., and daughter Sher- rie of Scarborough, spent Molher's Day with Mrs. Cath- erine Seal. Mrs. Enri J. Taylor îs a pat- lent in the Mémorial Hospital, ~ Bowmanville. Miss Patsy Hardy, Bowmanýi- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Barry' Rohi- rer and Tammie of Lindsay;i Mn, and Mrs. 'Terry Hardy wer'e Motber's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hiardy. iMrs. Viva Els Mr. and Mrs Toke Weîsbrod of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. BilîlHale Jr. visited S'~'~'Mrs. Catherine Seal on Tues- day afternoon of last week. Mrs. Ida Plumb of Willow- dale and Mrs. Geo. Morton were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tarâblyn. ~ ~ 'Rev. Basil E. Long. B.Th, baptized the foliowîng eight children at the regular Sun- day morning service at the Orono United Church: M~' Scott David, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. David Allison; Steven IRalph, son of Mr. and Mr&. Fifteen-year-old Lisa Samuel, pictured above- a Ei ar ihle be grade 1l student at Bowmanville High School, a chi eved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. top marks in her division at the recent Kiwanis Music Donald Henry; Marilyn Yvette, Festival held ini Peterborough, scoririg first in the duhe fM. o r.Dn 18 and underPan solo Mcuh LuaLy, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Alan' Plummer; David Kent, son' of C "N 0 N EI Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Tamblyn; Michael Francis, son of Mr. W1 and Mrs. Francis Tennant, and Susan bynn, daughter of Mr. and Mca, Johannes Vander- Mr. and Ma1-ak SBrysoniar of Agincourt vîsted Mr. veen. and dagtr l oraville;!Carl Ternant on Sundny. Mr. and Mrs, bauren;ce Sher-11 Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ruth- w:n and child epn were Moth- erford and Douglas vîsîted hef er' Da Sudayvisîtors of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wellîng e Ir i1~ ors Mc. and Mrshs. Taylor. ton Adams ofLbakeshore, New- Mrs. borne Atkînson of castle, on Sunday evenîng U J Whitby visited hler parents, Mr. Tom Lewis has ceturn- [10W ree Une l Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnson of ed home from the' Memoril Hîllcrest Lane. Hospital, Bowmanville, In Mrs, Wnx Robinson, Mr. andi Mrs, Wmn, Mercer of Ken lai;ýo' g ,N :0 Mrs, FItlmer Hogg and Kîevîn Mr. and Mcs. Glenn Hanse of ent Satucda1,y evening wîth Newcnstle; Mrs. Halstead Th _ntro Chiropractic M and Mcar, Ed Hogg and Coatham and stbn Tom were Association bias, îssued a miem-î family at Bailieboro. cecent Sunday guests of Mr, orandum to its members urg-i Mrs. Marshall Chatterto and Mrs. Ted Coathamn anding chiropractors to refrain and Mc. Orvîlle Chatterton family. ,from billing for services over visited Dr, and Mrs. Keith Mc. 'and Mrs. Eugene Touch- the present OHSIP rates paiçl Taylor, Bonnie and, Nancy at brM.adMs hs a-,for chicopracic care for the Bramptonon Tuesd ay of lastý,lor were amrong the Saturdayla g ed, a n d impoverished m7eek. evaning dinner guests of Mr. patients. Mr, and Mr.. Les Dnrch of:and Mrs. Farewell Blackburni The Chiropractic Associa- Scarborough; Mca, Bob Coop- of Salem. ýtion, stating thatJ these groups CANADA'S LARGEST DRY CLEANERS NOW OPEN IN BOWMANVILLE Next door to Beaver Lumber BOUSE,SOTSIT SWEATERS FOR A (except heavy iipper types) , SPORT COAT, SUIT COAT.,,- .0LIMITED 2 pc. LADIES or MENS SUIT, .1.29 TMEOL n.mfl~Q TIM ONLY -.. ~ DUFzýýb pan, Upt* pets Y' -r*ESSi (2 pr. plain dress & lacket) --. 1.29 JACKETS (FUR TRIM .50 EXTRA) (incîuding Heavy Zipper Type) .98 LIGHT or HEAVY TOPCOATS 1.39 RAINCOAT....... .59 MAN MADE FUR COATS....1.98 SHORTS ZIP IN LININGS .... .4 CHILDREN'S-SNOW SUITS. .98 BLANKETS (single) ....,....98 (double) .,,...... ...... ........ , 1.49 BEDSPREAD .,,,,,,,..... 1.98 SNOWMQBi3LE SUITS ....... 3198 OFF 1HE REGULAR PRICE Car 'Goes Out of Conirol, Hîts Three Trees The Canadian ttsnn o'vle, May 12, 1971 Mr. and Mns. Larry Broome, gujests with Mc,. and Mr,ý Guelph, wereSunday supe Bruce Montgomery, Hpmpýoq guests with Mc. and Ms r.W .Omso.Ro Lloy d Broomne and boys. 1 1 Mr, and Mrs. McCarreil, lin. Mrs. Doug Ferguson am< Mc. od us.Tom estnkeChristine of Newcast le. U!1 and family, r and Mrs. bre iI Hnriand McCarrell and fam: ud-getaw1 c n lly, all of Peterborough, ware iMns. Bruce Tink and famtl', Sunday guests wîtb Mr. nndý Miss N-an Alun. Toconîni Mrs. Wesley His nnd family.~ visited her sister, Mr. aný Mc. and Mrs. Ken Koox, Mns. Wesley Yellowlees, o) Princeton, Mc. and Mrs. Brian Saftrdny. Mr, and Mrs, Ali Knox, Oshawa, and Mr, nod Allun, Bownianville, w e r Mrs. Grant Down and fnmiiy,î Sunday tan guests with thi Sun*derland, w e r aSunday Yellowlees. 1 1dinner-guest.ç with Mr, and Mca. Noble Metcalfe, DI Mrs. John Knox and Nancy,. and Mn., George Werry d Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knoxj Oshawa, Mr. aod Mrs. Johf visited with Mrs. William'i Jimmo and family, Mr. anie Knox, Faîrviaw badge, on Mrs. Owen Fitzgerald anç Mother's Day. ýMaria of Bethany, MIr. aný, Mrs. Donald Colwill, lJawn!Mns. Shea and Lori Ann o: and bisa of Guelph visitedi Lindsay, Mr, and Mrs. Garri' with Mrs. Dorothy Pnscoe;,Kennedy and Bobby of Wh and famiiy on Sundny. : by, Mr. and Mrs. H. Guppy Mr, and Mcs. Rossweil Page Peterborough, Mr. and Mrq visited with Mr.,and Mrs, AI- M. Enmerson of Bellevîile, anq lison McQuinn and famîiy, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wercý Tycone, on Sunday. were Sunday guestis with Mi1 Mc. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and Mrs. Edgar Werry aný and famliy were Sunday sons and Mcs. Helen Wercy' - p On Saturday afternoon, about five o'clock, a spec- tacuilar one-car accident a haîf-mile east of Garnet Ricknrd's f arm on No. 2 Highway, sent two men to hospital, skinned the bark off three trees andwekd an automobile. Gyshent Koese, 25, West Beach, Bow- manville, was the driver of the westbound veh icI!intha apparently went out of control and veered backarids into one or more of the thcee trees shown in the top photo. Later, from the damage to the front left side o)f the car, it must have been turned around to hit aï Jeas one tree from a different angle. Bowmanville Ambu- lance Service took both Mr. Koese and a passenge, Ern est Reid of Oshawa, to Memorial Hosp ital Rid w as, not seriously injured, but Koese was tcaciisferred ito Toronto Genera] on Monday, suffering some paralysis fromr the waistdown. OPP Con stable G. Brunton wa the învestigating officer. ofYTrone Mna vnn usiSO LIN ABcy mny Mcs. Rob Roy was. M. and Mn. F.. Spires- weîe bheed was ithe officlating dytagetwt c n pnesent.ed with gutwtFwith clergymn anýd Mr. R, Bruce'Mci: ClarenceBry of he Pene rseMr. and Mrs. KaithMce Taylor nipreta the certifi- Mteý a iioswt in appeît of -her rite iwersgor, Oshawa, Whila thece tha lcatps af Bnpism and MrsiMc. and Mrs. Everett Cryder-j in pprciaio fo be malySpires also visitad with, Mr. Bruce Tînýk reýsented each man wperM. and Mcs. John years of dadicnted service t o,11 our community. On July 31, Victor Crouse, Windsor. chilri wti a Bible on bahaif Laer and famiy, Mn. and' 1920, Mci, Boy received btr ida Unitad Churcbe was of the con gregation, T-IeIMrs, Gea. Bttner and girl, certiîcatp ta ieach pan.wei filiad onSuay May flowpecs at the front Of the Mr. and Mci. Helmner Fraitag, This annîvenaary passe ,w1hen the Sacrament of uhurch wAec In Memnocy af nnd boys, Mc. and Mis. Keni quîetly due ta the modesty ofj Baptisrf was given to Carnie the, lata Mci. Ida Westlaka. McMînn and family, 0fosU-11 Mc.r and Mni-. Boy and their Joanne Browes, daughtec of piacedthera by Mc. and Mns. awa; Mn. and Mcs. Kelth Cr- famiiy. But we cannot aîlow Mc, and Mca. Barry Bcowas; Frank Westlake and famîly.ý derman and girls of Zin1, Mrs.Roy' acheyeent of: Terny Donald Keiiatt, son of The choir sang the, antilani and Mn. and Mrs. Sam Car,, Mcr i. t oyes' active par- Mc. and Mci. Donald KelletI; "MY Mothers Faith'". Bey. and Mu. and Mus. Boss Cny-' avecs fifty adyeacs' Loghactaeiveitpar-jr- ticipation in music go by Cns dwc ad WslyLuhdgvaaftngi-:derman and family. withut ffenng ur cn-fJohn, ions of Mn. and Mci. N. mon for Motbac's Day cailedi nadMi Bs ost grâtulations and wishes for EguWry e.J og Mr" and family, Bay Bidges. wae cantinued enjoyment in berj Master Carniecoc Smales, weakend guasti with Mc, nndý wouk Mnr and Mci. A, J. Hoar's. Oshawa, apent the weekand Mn.Blpsavs Sympthy h exenad t. M. and Mrs. George Bain' u'tb bis cousin Catherine Mci. Tom Fleil, Columbus, the inte Mn. Oliver Beckatt'siof MÏisissauga wera Sunday Baker. Mc. and Mus. Barry Mr. and Mns. Donald Kailett famiiy. Flowers were piacedj guesti 'of Mu. and Mci., John Cowlîng, John and Glan, Mr. and Terry of Bowmanville. in the church foc the SundaylSmallman. and Mns. barry Weish Of Mn. and Mus. borne Kellatt, mnorning service bin ovin M. Bowmanviile, and Mr. and Miss Penrl Leach and Missi memoy a thi ath ngM. and Mca. T. lasnaMci. Bon Baker, Oshawa, Lois Ashtoni ware Sunday On hehaîf of Tyrane corn- prget fhe aetM.ware Sunday tan guaits with dinner gueits with Mu. and muit, ci A J Har per d Ms. oser parnosdMn.Mr. and Mcs. Tom Baker nnd Mrs. Daug Flatt and f.amiy. sented a clothes hamper andiBooklîn. 'friy.M-adPc.Bn.Bom n. pair of piilows ta, Mu. and' M iss P enn beac was Su- adK1 lBminile n Mn.B. mit, ad M A Mci. Edîth Murpby was Knowiton pcesented a clothes Sda geit of arad-jye, tara n M c. a n.dosuglasMrc, Kyte and cidren, Nas-' ba Mrand cupi nd su aues duheMs ai y Fraser. Sadness bas ýagain camne to1 At the Sunday morning sec- or village on the passing of vice thnee babies wece bap-! Mr.ToPils.Mna WFR FmP 1 tized: Bradley John, son of o m Pgbcha h ellipi. oda iMr. and Mus. Alvin Johnson; '(meorn aing h ad theamifor Mn.andnMai ecatry ornihbis hip. Sympnthy h exten'd- REG R' andh annon Male, dn ughter of lue o aligndhr ig G G O RSZ I M and es .lesa ie aghtof dtabs i n'adfa-R E AT Mc. ~ ~ ~ ~ e nn c. ele ol. ie. Jean Abramis visitadGA Dan't forget the Sund ay bar famiiy ln Belleville dis- Scbool Annîversary this Sun- tcictý Preacher, Mn, Stan Crookali. Mu. Jack Messingar,Tono.U ST LG O A famiy gathaning wns wece dinnar guaesti oF . FAdýF heid at Mr. and Mci. Donald and Mci. Neil NewtonluI IIII . K L Davey's on -Sunday_and at Fiday.,Tbey are the aïi1ctitir-U'% R- AR dicectors of, the Orovo Yauth! are in dire need of heaith Theatre, ' with beaivy rubberr baçk services, requested its mem- Mrs. S, Gable visited Mc. becs ta accept the OHSIP feeand Mns. Fred -atern. withoîît billîng any additional Man d Pact.noenOano. charges ta thase patients. tn. ded Mcie S. Gobdie Ant OHISIP benefîts caver onîy tned a 3ObtbWing An- Mr $5.00 peu visit for treatment. andvens rd eeron ofker , ý-3 9 Cucrent fac schedula of the nd a lh. Gro eSn Ontario Chiropractic Associa-Mday ndbt. Paul Wolscht P U . 0 s A A tion calîs for a $700 fea par a1fmlMan let 'Office visît fou chiropractie and fMi. H. Moun A ndbRODU,' crane, No change in the pues- famliy, Maukham,1 v i S i t e dRCDUCTS ent ichedule, set ln Novem- thibrheMcan Mi.B bec, 1968, is anticipatad, OCA terbohrM.adMs . heaquates i Toono sidHaming, and mother Mca. b,l todquresi ot a Hamîig, on Mothec's Day. 1 The executive of the associ- Mr. and Mci. Don Reanl and ation is concarned that these famiy, Mr. and Mns. John P I T n groups may ha danied the King and chiidren. Grean-i services of their members due bank, Mr. and Mci. Bon Ring,' to rising health cane costsý Oshawa, Mr. and Mus. bQ WHERE CAN YOU USE OZITE? and recogrîizes that paventy il Phillipi and famuly, B3owman-ý a major cause of sickness. ville, Mca. Balph Davay and'W EE OYi E The Association, also con- famiy, Maple Grava, Mur, and W E ED O E cerned about the inadequate Mci. Gardon Million and, spinal cace ceadily available family, Newcastle, vi sit e d, ta the youngsteri and the their moiher, Mns, beverneý ane ies ofFea sponin Eaf. a ndr orMci nth ec ahm M seîtg rei asponrîn a TayiMrfan M altera..mA E ination Clinics in certain visited Mc. and Mns. Boy c àq - :î r .ý_ a..reas acroîs Ontario, These Bnhm, Saintfieid, and weuee wil be held ducing May, supper guesti of bis brother , 95 ING S% T. W . 623 -À wxhiîuhhbai bean df;signited: as Mr. and Mca, George Bahm,1 Posture Month in Canada. Greenbank. Corne One - Corne Al Spreicg0-me THIS WEEKEND AT Golden LCrisp Fish and Chip Store BU Y O N E Ord;i'rt Ge( Second Order at FRIDAY end SATURDÂ Y ýj iýjMAY 14 ai-id 1.5 ONLY We also have -Chicken and Chips. So Wlhether Gardening painting etc. Stop for lunchi or* supper at GOLDEN CRISP TE S AL, NG STRONG' OZITE INDOOR-OUTDOOR r ING ON ÂLL OTHER BY O0ZITE SinH A GS 1!1 USE YOUR IMAGINATION rTHE BEST BUYS?7 H AR DWARE 12542 HiAL F P RIC E six greut colors 2.9 9 sq, yd.e BOWMANVILLE 22 DIVISION ST,. - BOWMANVILLX

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