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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1971, p. 6

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a-- dîiui 'I et cfaltravs Her-1e îs the way lhe stated the 1riitiaIroblem. "We P,(ixad> a choice; we couldtr shply sit. back and lot fix. Province try to handle all pub- lic eervices lu the Province or we could say no." If wva- apparent that the 29 mnunicipalities whicix made up tixe con i f Lincoln and Weland whicix wouTld form the re--gi on were quite determ- iued. and able te gay "no", They rea!ized,- Mr. Campi- bell pointed out, ttEfixe responsibities f0,,accommon-1 dýate the apparenlyVoppo'Sîug forc-es of nwi n worti- wjhile cquialify o! ife deruanrd- c-d the eIsta3blîsixmeut o! sfroug poiticai machin ery f0 achieve those dual ends. The slutîiofo!course l ai' in reaching a consensus. sud s- is plain, rig1u lIL" ueh controversy over thei When the ds had leared] ýton of the region, ît Isfolllowîvng seven years of in- jjrr a Thite lphn, o tense discussion and debate, a bri heast, nolr th-e p.(, government structure eeg oius of'fspr-ing theorigts and ed whîch consisted of 12 u- lit5 11ad Corceived. ncplt~ fUr itCieS, six lhat itisý, according totowns and two towvnships) Cam-phell-, ite beat -) and a regional councîi of 28 ______ V__________ memibers plus a chairýman. The, MMfinal compDosition included an a ppoinited representative -fromn !each niunlicipality (the head of each nmunicipial councr and 16 members directly lect- cdon a1ae irelatedtoth ppato f thle ae uii paItyenre8enteçi athe time, 8such a istructure ~ 0f gettmng At the problems. Btsaid -Mr, Campbell, toteproblems in them- ey HaDsoexst i eer It did rnot nmean that Mrý.ý ~~~~~~~~~~ Doio neetmt emsgarbagewud b d:iageevn snal ir ckPd Lup tWice a week ini- caue. teaýd of once, 7Nether did ili menthiat therýe would be a ike dama ge thouhot heeools and othecr instjitu- r hoe . coely isin the'areainto show- obmoerit1y. And it s-up ob. crtainy didnot mean ha , LOS[ON th cost o! govej,-rnment would hifeqlenhppening ,ibut suddenly plummnet downwaivrd, Ply dîisatrou3s deISPite' the larger economies Furtl0f scale which would resuit Thrthr Infrmaton Cal inthe creation of the regio. "The tsystem can oly go so( *far in rvdn heaies, mes InsurancMr. Campbell said, -people working within the systemn U~~J'have to complete the task and ~" LmIWUdetermine the polipies sad ggn~yPriorities for the region."ý M Ki»,g St , E.. Box 0( One of the thigs the sys- n lvkfitem did was delegate responsi- rmanvlIe Outrlo ilities to regional and area municipality goveruments, To the regional level went, ar- tellroads, water supply, sewage treatmef-ýnt,, social serv- iecapital borrowing and plcToithe mncplte wený1lt wter distribution mis ffik Re4eertilsl of w;4ter, lol sew 623-493banrenewal 7anddelomn seeelocal parks and Play- mngwM-lWgrounds, operation oM ibrarles, -FURNITURE- 3 ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNJSHED FOR $5 99.95 NO DOWN ?AYMENT L'oW MONTHLY TERIMS BOWMANVILLE 26 KING ST. .POE6330 kfw aboutuanew Texaco fumoe? W-telate than nover. CW etr now *-On -we ~eiMotse tati~t !à-e vy rcrelaced Utha[tu;Id fusnee.A ne Teaco orcd afvriace is des.gned to ensurethecpe a CP-Co'MbUsli4qMof eeyls rpof cit And N! rmeanstix5le rmotýhattrtlhe Iasmone, Eaybudget teintus avifa bie A, L, VWE ARPl L TDP, Eniekillen 263-22911E~ STEPIIEN FUELS itreethgfnga-dclaig tintc ne) ocle efs P lias beenc ad atinr * -ea15 lke gîvîngbînt elephant Tit ta-kei a lot o! e, a gr-Eat deal of effort, mcix patience. eynic nmay say, why bofix- The baby vwll pn)obarliy lbino; a pesslmiiist may I go ahead! btit w i pob- i bc iibou;auOptim- --miay pr edict that if wi -lli lie ny ilht fwl On ou')o!thesa th-ingi. écenly, JocihniiCampbe11, wiman of th Rgina ficiafityo!Ngaawa ý5 hawa tn gve ebeso Central O'ntanlo Joint BoangRerd a gimpse o!f j ffping produced wvheu nr iowas ,formed o ry 1sf, 970. The important fthingtene membar in slthis is fixat' aeven elephants learu te walk su ad wheu thix'd .lo Girl Gý-uides- Hold Bazaar on Bank of Montfreal Steps 1 1But lu carrying ouf fýixer- - sponsibilities, wel tiat ws iïs, and will al.ways ha up t thei people wifhi t ix sstm Mnl. Campbell remarked. probflemsti flixe regional gov-ý rnmnent system Mr. Cam-p1-,eli -was keepîng tixem f0 himeec!.! Noue were [,udd 0 inbi addres. Ard whapn eha hd *completed bistalkieha suggest- cd tn bis au1diencethat "Ii wo"(ufldbh, mucix mnore interest- * ing« te. learn !rom their ques«ý-ý tion., whaf you as "usdr" fyouilce, have heard o! u iprohlenxs sud 'how they hv O een, intertpreted t Ou. Sonm o! t1hesaesto/n swvcra are given helo-w. Q. Is the,29 mnmber mcnil a >geed workabîle couneil? Will thera lie any change? li tthe future whený1 muinicimilitier grow, ti1 reprsenafin le re-dis- A. Mmerh0will change accordinig to population. Thae1' 1Mayor ro! escix minicipsl3ityý sits on council sud is f1ixe oniy1 raprseuttiveformuipa- tics with .a.Population o! l'ssý fl-ian 10,000. When a populaý- tion cf 20,000 ile ec n fo,: each succeeding 20,000 lu- creas,oe.mtj'e representaý- five from thiat ajrea will i oncounil. Q. De yeu ef-c lat tie.'29 merubfr councmil Îs cuber- A, No, thie comrmîttea sys-1 tm (there are fouir - tln * iànce, planning, social seprvices and public wor s eused with a preat deal o!fdixate'r, sotbtcommittreem tig are long. Q. Do yon feel after ae year of regioinalgvrmn fiat .yeouhave become furth- er away freir flic peopile? A. -No, council chiambers ar :somefimans j a m ru e di n o W. tMore people are iuv7olved lu local govarment. Q. leon.eofthfiebjcie otregional goveriimenf te( control fthe simzeoethfe citie? A. Yes. Q. 'IDierder toa 2lay flic feas o f rural people sheuld net enty a 10 per cntin- crease or decrease in taxes ore siowed wf1 heic alance beigd ri 0e veýr t region? fax base. Q. 8Shoffld neU0rbaa aveis * ce te the defence 0fr ural atreas regarding ibe iii f0A rural areas. Twomui- paliltias aCtually' receved fax rebates. Education coqts mrake yp 70 per cent o! taxes. Q. î5 iftee oeariy ïte give an indication cf iiow popu- lation ferecaet le working?' A. Population growth has1 fahlcun short o! our projection.1 Populatio-n le hold1ing ifïs own. Q. mWere fierc. aur gv- A Fort1 'Brie pind Port CoI borne are fixe oui' areas haiv- ing goverument lcnfvsfor ý iîndustnial development. (Tixeý Province did not prom-ise fixeý rego nqay incentjý-ie r if was !o-rmied, orsic) Q. Hwvlong wil t e beeeregloual goveýlriîmeit beemes cconomlcally eas A. Prasenflyl' fiera s om duplicafiîon. Tha region bas-ý4 rmore than 600 mlso! roadse, 200 miles io! wh7ich were. Cty streefs but become regional roads. Sewer andwae serv- ice.s are charged back fo,,fixe local mnricipaif y. lIfcould ho f:ive years beforixe -rreal econom'offx mrgoal goV- eruni-t îljeavideuf. Q. WIiy doe flicMayO 1<Mayor -Delby vBUckilali et Li (intwn) blame the mwedia for prom-otiiig reglonl ai, governien asago t ing? A. Befere >regiol gýoveru- meut wsestab)ilied fxeprs was ver favorable buctsic iven much cvnaeto fixe miisakes ruade. Q, Are 7011 iu apoiti l pints 0 f view in lcregieli as expressed hy mullicip)ali- fies? What are flic, areas of cenceru? A. einlgonveprumeuf les "Onta-rio Place wîll- offer the: hepst enrai nent valite Northi Amertica," saîd the Ho- orable Allan GosaMn m isso rice o naî PlcTrnto. i 1, U "Admiission is 1G for adrjuitls, 50 ceýntsfo tuens 25j cnsorchildiefro m to 2 ndthse under 6 are f0 be admtted fre,,âsidMr rosa,"aind Ontarjorei dents of r65 and o ver will re- application at the site," The ne admiission prîce: will eal the visitor to, see every mlaiatraction at On- tarl'o Place at no extra charge. Thisinues 1Cinepherp1e, iheý 800 - seaýt theatre wer our major w ý fsî1n w ,il' be shown on t'he spectaclar hat ilficere-l tir 60 x ý80-ftootdsreen; Hom by t h e Watersa colorf_1l look acree vîewof _Eastr O- tarl; "he earNorh",foc-! usnonthelan ndpeople o! that Ontariogo n.Als the Christopher Cha pmrantifil m on1 Ontario, highly-acclimiiedl at Osaka's Exp 70 will be shown, <Ontarîo Place Pavillon, four pods that feature exctig unique sound-and-visual - hibits thaitfell the story of Ontarlo and its people, Gn esis", atoa-eviometex iising three-dimensii-,or1a filmn and sound fon how th actalphyicl.formation o!i Business ireclory 'WM. J. IH. COGGiýýNS Cbartered Accountantý 11) Liberty St. S., Bowmnnvll-le hoe6293-3612 WILIAM C. HALL B.C-OMM. Chartered Accountant; 36-1/2Kirg St. E.. Oshawa Telephone '725-6539 Chiropra »Cii Off i ce:Cirpac 1.5 Elgin St., ucor. 0of Horsey S~ Office Hur:Byapotmt JOHN H1. TAYLOR, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 11 Frank St., Bowmanville Telephoiqe 623:-5140 Office Hours.: By appointment DR.. M.rLUDELL, DDS DR. %1P. MO4iNT . OMERY 752 King St. E. Bowmanv106 Office Hours: 1amto6pys 9a-l6 Ced Sa Wednrday ad Sun ay OfieePhone -62790 DR. e W LAMuto, ome S Bom nvile rofesoa lg 222 KingSt., -Sute 106 Office Hours: B ponmn Telephone 623-73492 ISn. us.ura rs -F L if, Ato.5 Home Tiuranee :Ouftario; "Explosions", wxeneý fixe viewer wifnasses 300 yeans o! Oaroegrowix; "Ontarloý Stla, n xpE1 eneea thaft m1akes fixa visit0rerhcomepaý part o! tI) ane sd avants ýh i seeiug, sud "Challenlges",ý w 3c howv lu n ii a,ýbning' way11 how Ouf 0narne as me't fixe challen-jges o! the past and Tre-! late-s also te tfx future. Thie Pavillon ;aIse offers sP yoix!hul look Pt OntÈanie. 216 firee- mrinuf e colon films muade hi' elemeu an sd iighix seool Eacix filrlm eu a re l-selcctedl for veig As a finale te fixbe Pavillon -visit, fixe viewer watchas a film about Ont ario sud ifs cblidren, vwith, a cast o! almnost '35.000 childnufromn acrose fixe proviïnce. The Forumr, 800cpcty oufdoor amnpifbtrhat -c, wx daili' lire performa.nces ill feafure, a widie spactnrm o! efýerf'alumeutj,inudgTo ron"f oSym-pixoni' ýon1certs3,fok dancing, ballet, pop sud rocki jaz, atona;l cltralrope, cixhoins, bauds ur ioce o! new tale'nt firruave'art o! ufalo.Safurdai'.menu- ings, Te oumsrpertori' fixcafre will present c nosiësu modlem , pîys. Wcsf lslaud Stage-, an eut- door eneirent ares wixcre programs o! rcock sud folki mulsie 1will be prcseufed. Sixownxoile, a travelling stage plaffor-n, also on fixe West Islandl, eafuning cbildi- STARKVILJJE An 014.Sale Bihl Tixa fohiowing le a copi' o an- old saie bil wich appear-, PCd in fIxle Cienosq Clipperi Times. Tixe bUt is 93 ycarF, oId suid wîll bhe rad win l- tece.Having 7seld mi' farru sud, Jifending te miore te MiFsouci, I vil)l! icîlatpuiblie acin1 mile wcsf su-d fou r miles sourtixo! HaTrisburg, Ky., on 5sf urdayý, Sept. 'M.' 18 50, fixe foliowig (dEscrihed properti, fo wît: oua buck ýniggar, 25 yeans, we, ihif,210 tbs.; 4 niigger weucixes froru- ý18 fe 24 years eld; .1 ige boy 6years old; 1In rigganý ixa,1 fine sled, 65y of o oxen, broken; 110 ex yekesýý wvith hickory ow, weo carts wif h 6 incix tires, oee isaddle poni' 5 yaars oldý, 1 Fida saý,ddle, 3 double sixvel piows.-, 10 sud 12 incixes; 251 gallons e!f whisky lu juge, 'l00o gallons apple cider, 2 barrais e! good songlim 22 barrels o! soap, 2 banrels o! kraufd, extra; good nigger wiip, 2 tons o!1A fobacco, 2 yesrs 'old. Sale, will saa i s10 sharp. Termeý ca,-sh, I need fixe monci'. Sub- miftedbhi' Russel Saveri', R.,1, Newfouville, fouud lu olid photo album. ENFIEL D M1r, Albert %!iiii 'h-0ha fix Uîvesii'o! Waferleo, isi sfayiug a !ew days wi 'tix 1hie faýmîli' bafore flying te ba- ouga, Sask., wixere he a bas m- ploymant for fixe summrer. 1 Mn, sud Mrs. Ed LavenderY,! Ken sud Earl, Toronfo; MTr, Nelso3n Laývender sud issJ oaln Lavender, Oshawa, Mviss Xathy Bickci, Qronio, vere visifcors atý fixe baveuder home, SMme. T. Taylor has, beau visifing af Mn. Les Jofixneon's, West 1Hill. Mn. sud Mns. Wallace a Psea were weekend risit ors wifb friands af Brussels. Mn. sud Mne. Morley Gilnoy,ý Brookiîu, wera visitons 1wif hf Mn. sud Mns. Fred Samis. Mn, suid Mrs, Roi' Hartcruan, Eut arpnise, wcre Weekeud visifors af Mn. Allan Taylor's. Tixosa wixo have au aar funed int o bird songe ihave a freat cvrn spring when fixa migrafori' birds linger for a few dsys fo give a sampla o! tixeir beautiful seldoru Ixeard songe, àsud I don'f mean fixe wild geese. stagecnaff worksixiop. Cildreu's Arcs, a"vlae for i'ouugsfers, wixerc fixai' can waf ch sudi participaf e in kita-i mskig, mdalboat ulig sýculptu jre, ptt eri', eais ing, under fixe ircto(o! ex Floatiug Aqua-Staga, a cotl throuh fix si ' a nais, ca)rryin)g cuenaien sci as: Dixiand bands, jazz groupeý sdTrinidad steeli-ibiqud, Tixera il ssbh(sroi songs f0 folk tunes sud sîng- alongs, Magicians, jugglens an d clowns wil enfentain visitons luj se-veral areas tixromghout fixe complex lui addition ote xee enter- taiiument sud exhibitioni at- tractions, fixe visiton sud bis famii' eau enjoy senes (o! pan klands, beaches, lagooinsi sud4- canais, sud a quarter- ml-long, promenadle on top e!r fixa seawall adjýoiniug fixe Maria. Restaur;ate an d snac-k bars wi]1 bca locatad convAn-ienfli' fiogiout fixe 96-acre site, plus plauf'of picuic space wîth barbecue Outýarie Place, located ou LaaOntanie, soutx o! Toron- to'sý Exhbition Park, opelis Mai' 22. __ 'P IkeGivngBirth to an Elephant! pys5 bmagara Regional Chairman ph ensc, di cd at4 the OSuaua ci'beA 56223FI3 (OLOR YOUR HOME with BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS IIERE'S EXTERIOR PAINT AT ITS B EST!1 Rtequires onlY oe Coat for rn:st Stanard 12j.0 ga I' veJ mX The Sign or *fr L¶S 0-iou Quiality Paints PAINTS aîul WALLPAPER8 PHONZ 623-5431 BOWMANVI LLE s OPENTHUIS SUNDAY- For Vour Shopping Convenienice WE ARE' NOW SOI!? MIXES ýZ 7 DAYS A WEEK lAruw TENDER VITTLES7 TOILET TISSUE z" 1000 am, - 6:P00pmsO N J KER$ CANDT 3 -1 ' GREEN BEANS 1971 < Drop in for a frac cup off coffea any lime Suixday -,.,.4 b T à Q MAW f&S~ ,t 1 11 UT I I I I s Il I .~. B 'I v s J ' 'V SUNNY MORN SIDE BACON 2 TABLERITE WIENERS 2 TABLERITE SAUSAGE ~ 2' $1 PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CALIFORNIA BEAUTIES STRAWBERRIES CABANA BANANAS A TROPCAL7 MAT 12 t. m 111 UE Il »UNItfflUAnTIs TRNASL[FOR M SWEET MWIXES, BREAD & BUTTER QOR SWEET RELISIf UGA Pickles fehe lived at 384 Lakeshore "eray22,A 1895 at Campobellt o, NB, she was dS K*nMen ýe, daughter o!'fthe late NMr. Bead!and smnenJohn CharnbrsSix. Bowmanvile Kinsmn( Club --ws redecpeased hy heîr members ixed their anulhushand Ernest Stephern hi elect ion o! officers on Tues Fbar,198 day, May '4tix. lmost o!th offijces wera ixo(tly coritte(cd The decaased e ur vd g with the balloting cniungfredaulgiters, Mný'. Hian far into fixe nighýt. os (Car-oline), Hartlend, Thlose elected v' . N.R; Mrs. Clifford mcCarron dent PLloyd wbere resi (Marlon), Pick ering Beach;, Pmd" K nChbiejý, PstM S. Donaýld Mlnts (Ev- V JýPr es nt K e in C ip m a n st ely n), . T om o nt ; fou r sn , 'Vice--Pr, Bob )Abbott, Scr-. amsBomavile R tari' JiiuLaverence; Treasureranlý R john HT-armer, Registrar John molni sud ck, Oshmwa; 221? McMyililan, B u 1l t1 n Edio rncide and 10 glrrt Wiay,,n p ixrehDi rectors gadcilrn Tom Wilsn, Bob Faîi, Jus- Mns Stephenson rested nt in Mturrai'; Hlrr' ebr heArsrgFura o , John JmsStan Duinn ad shaiw8, Whoeesoervcewas BehtSnwdn.ield in tixe chapel Mýai'5 ,at 1: 45 p.'m. ' emu was in oîc)jint Law-.emtri.Capt. OBITUARY iNorma1ni)Coiesofficinteî. MRS 1W C.STEHENON GET CASH TODAT I TIIROUGII1 Fou iug leuthy llneijFMATEi 1N 1 The Yieaw Bank of Montreal sfaps were put te good wares atfracfed mnany cu.stomers duning thie dayý. al- use on.ilSaturday monî½îug wheu mamh.err s cr, f fixeThird thouix fhewethridnî'f halp an3iThose on duty Gïi Guides Companly cýf Bowvmnville held) theýir included, from leftf to rigihf,Lt. E. Fraser, Sandra Cain, Bazaar and Bake Sale there. Af thi's fime, n io report Sharon RPigby, lyena ýMcFarIane, Janet Bragga and ont the resuits bhas beein re-ceivacd, but n doubt thecir HRebocca Evanis. ingmint niswauniing over _______ _______ ixae site, playing a-nd sînging "-2 1 iv -i ABERNETHY'S âà )KING ST. W. Fab-ulous O.,ntario Place Announces Admission Price

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