-- and Mr-, rona)ld White andý j ( Y lMai iree i- iii, llKh, Tr RISI aml a Impo.Pdgon, Toronto. Iwe, rnen~ n yu onto, and rs.GeogeW. i'. Mrs HLasMTusda eqnig ,lhMr. end Mrs, Lei ll4unt ariioatieripoesyeyu e erwoth M1 JandIM, . A, ri w aarily pand iMr'and Mrs. 1en seuls, y o lh LtU 4 , Newa r ,melPlp arnd Da and te.fustbîrthdy parets gia;anarets. ao Mrs. Jm Roges snd ichalerMr.!". Courux, Kedal an Bdgcr rcscotrand Mss Mar Mr, ad Mrs.Ron Lue and ronrnr Mran rsR B Bon tnead ls i sf d r p<frhi so Didlý, who a ra rnprns n Rv oot.M' n r.GenCye-inPetBokIn .! Mo1 famlrs wer Mrda nng rHAW e rtu'e fomthir n RGilber't for a fcw daysbs i e irod nMa th'li ouhedco e a ti of Sunday x ýIlv l lýIipios wt rmno shw.M.adMste'7 D,s ioner gei ih alr it i. ad r U IES Q I i;vacation spent i aaoawc.hefi1iwigget:Ms o ii ar,"Tile Mother suMi s.iamU Sala wec A\ oroxalid baby S cor! Mi'.adM Al W. Pe îI Jh oaiPr cr. IJL U UI l FlordaMi.sudMiiDonld er d f-aîrînin M, bonad Hr- fJsu , ieadir1. fithe sci'nh 1, Mr 'Mr, sdMs o Sois wic supM r gA, ayKedl cr i' nd AM red o'a ndli. adM rs rue aut Mlr. and Mis. Fau >ae aavci'qlý eeSatîidvecn iiai, Whodac M'ao uefrm tk 1 6t 11friy, Pîcun, M ndwl i' n rsB orux eser m ndAfc o n aniy atnc h ef Osaa .r odyîgguests of Mr, And Mis. JîniM rsAlMajnîouM An nd 46 o5. eLolighil MM.DaîdSI111nales sd Ml- Folowhu h ciiteîn Blo. hitnigorSni o b suera Po vi ý 1o 7iÎif.Mi', L. B. N ichls:,l Abei'neihy wbo weuc also' wMis Bob Mavjeriîistl, lj fTanoiî Jodi cMr ir, LoelIice npew frh-n Bléi, sisutos wii when speakng ut Mothers LorleIlSlesl(îh w11,1d 1, T DthsyyntStyc alki,1M ofather ilioi a\Iiceyliehrw, tephe Brudi, at radessix, rC51 rirh CarliFIe AIve. Sunday evening guesls of MisdGy o n M iladDy od neu-ten M ioc o ooi Ms c odact i'.adMs.'d fly Iý were Mothpr's Whitby, and spe tflcb al 11bScnl n'ea ~n ne f he îgue kahngand Mrs, Kenne dy Gray Mis. Jeri y Ackford andRob- to1ries wrhîe b Cnaia bschs-ndnga feux da -Y s Ped CIrfd)talrtaýýi ned-Dy caner-wthMr'. and ance ofMohe'sDaY vusifýilig adohritrs p os thwek, the snain 0 Oonbic, Petiborough. bumorit Stapheri Bu Ler ea- vstrg v 1 ufe upr ii a i s.M che iceOsha3w.j Mr. aud MkisN . A 1-urst at Cater ne oa ivas iave- Mus.A. Wl-iarnuîord,'roi M. sri M. r r Tr r Mn -mth,[- a h I sperial cday scd Mi'. suid MIs, pb elyii ih MrI' sud is. Ha'l he aýnd oy, fis, Cli dn- F{ammrond aod fanlryFou l'l ieiage uIF fP MlisStacey's "packed whfth fisýhing get M.sd r.GirlnMi.ad r oer ritAm i, DMr -and ir 1eWlrp ut Mn.-)diMs lougas t0 ,ate12v.i.a Ruh ely o unay VIs-.,Frark White ad fanlily, qy11,l orit a ohrwanivr odof nrVarwjlh i'.an is.R M. sd Ms A oîprgi ibM'. and MVis. Sna nteSpnOR 1 hie f.u'e. day, Oshawa, ber 'l llI d 'l r P( nia 1i lbl' L Il Couou su Soituxre rIl usre Elitit, Ini i i r b blda ie iveAudi fcno s s IsIIng ,i l 1eak lu Iit}lanuuI lhofi u hme ioub.Aihr s ntud-,Ant ra iie lune1, u i t at Te SatemanOfice itbberpar nt, u i hta~î~-ocîeerfDn îrc n i leîîm naid elei.Bwmnule fmlY ion Ohetspp i CRogi Rbets Curic, i'.upn stht voiii. scso TYPEhr 1-mo Th n $20 0 un the recn wit er -itu W lk r. Store s d.a uusCi1iranog ai Ryor rva om f ey e uln'lfg e.aux beldhy the ArfGlelary nOsbawa M. ctd Mis Rua Turnr iurciou w'hy.mor looked l lu~ewn T-Pro.M,. uMrM-,'lu Msp'spru tewekedwîh herfiedaudtby u u dw Mi. nd MSA. b 4 Tiyf'rgrl i frirliu Eastt, o picil, cu ad us CI A t j'CI n m ev acuemC M otb i"s ay g a n f i '. parj bents, li'. fod r isthe C. dI taî ay Bo , w o f r he he hoi s lecnon ws au ia H oy îisu aon clîgor t. n Su I. tourMy cars bas eau bead "My Faibe's$topenaPdsfurnsP PatulTorono day Tmîs oW wîh earl ifhc nStorprîresl aLsudihich lrens ymu s I n 7 rr 1-i- thFr ilr lecirshaw, hvnicmmacdtyaui.Cileu t K, ingsu, he vcr ppuut M Mr us ib lir sn sdJi. ad M s ap hýfIlrd ;ld Jhl 1IýI Dagt.ru-A, r Mii'. and Mus.i riis ;Mn agnd bs tafI., MeC hrollagele nsahid Re bu- 1. Ws illWdala lliay nîeliigi uuugcla îy Kaso, a sitn hacide o h atsi Bicher, Caib yn snr Cohn ,iailfs orgeandMI Nman wS'fua ie SarI aIau f a Flown i belsi Mis siy sbA e boudWigt saua is a dmuserdf hecida whothwralbapisaof paensM.l i . C :aaiuc etoav, spc dn ser a iyon iungstond M \,is. antJ. ut i sd Ms t e e 1rii ~s andmu hlia hu e. auîd Mis, Byîn Msus of sMs. Gsotb Duviso u; Judy d alt u ami. e fis o s-rd Do'ttoge t gxe us i stoe l' , M.eea lneisty, Mes. Ja'-cume R.ffiveJohn Mi'v. Lsugd Ms reide ohid cal]if yîî ave eau wayThunen Py, ascompleied alla hmsio tMr u rc lf olesno oi-rviho taehenaie u t-bsfnl enadlapeety i.Jbî .Jms Dvd M.s d Mis. Cllff oult e to n g i. WaN i iAie wifh bis pares, sud M ,Rifk Ili y, s eu i. sudcffi y Wng onim Mry Ieli, o Fu.ch iems foribis oluui utaiTetluu ush.u us n-unR irho ob t admi.and Mrsl. oWaioam Mc dauhir t M' ndMis Do hBraor. uand an('ofsiai s. James ll S taha us; of an so ut Me.sudheMis Roy eaulTle. hows wiuai 0 Duîasunerth dretin t anac ,ic.ndaugsterd<,,ithMi. Couroux. er bpis Mo f r sedde a t urir-outest, twrles f0 place wr i mazýlcrn Chiislauu Fan i S n a Mi sud Mu-s. M ugori B ry Miss LorMr.ainedW î, aIl' Fî'w bud l wre f a bevlhyafIrrh hîladKlh n gfi Ici' t Mi.and Ms G ioGeorbetDa:wn et), l r-i)Iin au1\"ISi.,als nie.oIsycng regatin on Moted s Day.t Whie oncesin S W stKihy Blkevi, Iîd i ul .TeOh a o f CMuiE aha 1, ousi r iycratur- 27 wîh a Brbelo ut il by a sue uuis ut IyMis u Jangfmes ani.em "Glad andia, bay wred ailrsort dera as Bas Is.1-ers deuhuiig.Kruiii!lvlylu Wluiehe Mais, . B Ryulsnis Tom RîulnjIi ors, eII Sugarin lcu n:r-lccýilsop rsîo andccBrucenis, Co ud glus.n 0 or hiaveord. fnriperl tB Jo:MuBî îoasu u.sug hnudE.ls ngls Evai Mr an M aaCl Gide Nle I--in ues awakndgus:buieShldî, ribmufMi.11ugl n Eu ,Mi Roa e ooir, racdive ir hoi Brooks, Hourad sud Murav.ihe -il îlIjlwîuug-hIldofeMu.Paul a Bro rk Joephni V nleg Ili Miss M. im Mis. Leslie daugii u Rit i. n d MiLanSoni o M.sand Mreen Pas-i I~ ~~~~~~o May a efre Brris SuoS. sdal, an( Kcniie Eiaui Nr ofaDaoce ab iky hit geuguIa'l. PrtM. n Mi ivyîuigheut HMi,1sud1M s. d TieSoMtliai', Sh rJak 'rey, Dcil M uyDulrr Jeil. SaruIa odDuga71irs,'am 1 ii.son, Kaihyr. ani s, JoAun ýfAho.D.. M ii, rr'ýuid-eF i e eaimoia erpen'I-, sou ut Mi su d rofMi. fi sig co pae h PilOS1rle Ln ,NlrnW ["uaIln oa lar fi Atlmoi- oiitMind MslwrDhi Cuiu h Ia TOIiuu, bsimetuc ','arksn, oDa l Wohitel;, af. Miihl rdaur rr hl'i. selndMa. T euo Atsohu es. G ri r, M I lo h ils iter e'1pe t Taunrjy fWR' ton. Mesr"T' , Head sd Mr.l,-lims. ou hesefur aw rs. You .ack to (lo on May ol au'sT\ ay> vi Sti u .iLn.Ta îldy eerntaugiïe-aroii euty u i ai 11Oild 0Mi. ainBunorsweîuugî wuh thi rsde uee an- ours t hise Leaer sr a- P, ri rl budy1)3 i cr acumsdfaîlNs ioux a anro v evletahligsd lackop 111 W, 8. Weynleore» l onudM. u iMs Gt couofSothCo 1 ceSeuoh igu u yuh sd fe elionIj udfamu, ' iPr- op.al drce b aprnia, rl aî u onig w lu I'ý !!ri aere ut.Miss ehia theseryounis eus re Me Nîmn ribi Ms slelinsonib ilan nulis ara f- the iosi pr DHýipa u l iss MS. Fao ntai'-s at isfaclilo to (hem. Su TRINIT UNITE (HURC aimaIwiî ance Awnnpeavsagivethsaledesriu a fruit dri N , u e eaerjf, leas oe Te Uîe Chujqia iGRf ur4e TBrokusori rwer atiil i-u i'euls. il exrs e-1 hue h yW mî ll m a SUNDAY, Al 1-11 1971ii>- ire ime cvei i Idau rre su. humi utMi i, Si-dc ai re.c - a n ed i ioîmastMarol rMa pi a ..l h E sud Cake Daeonsi ng lemo aI 9:45 a ni J ~ f~Ouý 1t, fm 1,aId ha ýfar yu M' u Ms o F Mileet<, i tn a hrh 1-i; .E-sr lma te mehi omr tvos ua rionby D vîl iephen s .ý R rrguesis ut n ui i s. Jaa 2,Oomu sdih lce us. aia'an amMilheull Ii i y n gela Rîraideot, y unlsv callrs 'wii hMe. ju)y Ist, famu;lyIroielMi'. sud Mesli bell Gainlic om t Vtsloum-Cgir' a Bîde y, Bouprni U N I T ErD C nH UR C HTi AIut el.ui and rifogrrîtisVilla wMi', a rdg. . Yeu T utrMrbe.luA rurI I ,ig u ruioi u i.sud Mis. RauntryBal-! M nI ou Ieurîen151h.rsaih i'day er upa [i1ý, an Mrs. L ur- tertiriedteove th,îblym sudaniuvly. - aL MaMi sd Ms.HusranSumll 5unday1Mu 0a.mu oue aiouiisesd ing ofsta u Mn, ta nd Mis. l Suiwieto, inriTir Bînoknd MdTTmmyGTalor su goirsBouman M AY Bo - ss mýy or opý.a 1l drcted by th p iipal, illell qomp -a y tm in ,Ar Osore lae b ei m i-aiir ut fle e 111E MORN NG lSr iV -ICE lunanl"'d inmrlni tipaao , Me a riMes. ti.hedM c pBianohuand ia s uun of, in i M s. Bdi i I r ~ 3 1) E nI dauu g Mis s C.iboiuli -sssr c ao a ilea if t i it. Mi ss a Ss enter-'sautPiaiouu eb, Mi'. Suly DIiiitreal (form-efly ef St, a1'îil.B-mmnuul> sudyNuc5eYuan vlsiarr Slo Mi Fisir Pa-ocoutCouuitiuss MU .ST PAUJL'S SENIOR auid JR. CiHOIRs sdCdi îsru i-n Ss rînc, guaesle wrll Mu-s. A l<cilewriurc cral's ai Was aienthuergusawih Caiciois uu Rusei SiinMi'. sud Mis. Laverue Cia- 7;.3 0 P, .Inia nCus urre the Bey sund Mri. THE VENIG SRVIC MixandMi- . Tîîilor-Ca rel sbawa, and Mr, THE EVENcoloSMRVsol mis il4Dtanri dMis CuI Clarke, Wil- aum faiuuyWoovmle isitcI lianis Poinmt. Mothei',s Day SPEIR ai1-eury aî sc allers ware Mr', aud Mis. - Mu.aril us. -teuuy Pat Archie Keili, Oshawra, sud' Rev~Lyn~e d~m BA.B.DM $ s-ledai Wllim Dii' nIMr. George Pascua, Saura- Bruhaiuî. Sairk. Mi. suidMes. La- Herny fre y i rLa <ýn Unitad<Toronffto) M rdMs .iu.i iar en lemnis sud Mns.A. b. Mi. rilMes asi1,Shw sl Bauchard wera Mnlhails Day Roui luksrn si1s.sveSun 1Pi-oui sol Kimi, Bowmaluville;- CQURIUE ECODAfl SUH ILCHOIR ïlai vîurs aI Juns Sfai-niou's. Mr'.Bavenly Camoeron. Toonoi,î il\ SN METCNILF,ý Orgaux is. Cîse-ke Mo'isie, Oshaura,1Wr*eaMaihei's Day visitons aiý 1~1U. urss aSuvdy vuîi aiKeiiis Psy Camaron's, R,3 U 1 UXTO GutarSianl's.Mis. AI Platelier. Mris.1B Mi m,'0. simd Mis. li-lMulDilliusg, -Rownianvilie, Muai MR, MIK WOODDrunusGaýisahReras S. Surîdy. nna ece(nt visiiora aiRa M.sdMis. AI'i B iadl dCamaîou's. H ito:Miss SluMansM. fcmli, Pmuve. visî5 KEN T . vGG e. 1I.p-re amhu. i T dai Wes Csrnieron4 onu Broos ad Tomy jMuaDonýSuîîdiy. n