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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1971, p. 8

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f3 Thecanad!îan Statem¶nan, lomnvlle, May 12, 1971 IT mA WET - BUT If Di- happened te be driving past the Bowmanvîlle country Club Saturday - particularly late in the afternoon, when the rains were really cornng down - you would have ceen nearly 90 golfers squishing along the fairways. It was the me's opening field day and the weatherman,e who had promised a continuation of warm sunny weather, itar Bo m L a u C mpe s S a ci hadn't cooperated ta say the least. New head pro, Bob Burrows was telling us afterwards, '"- <A ', that he was really impressed not anly by turnaut - but by ~ ~ ~~ ~,/A .i"W the enthusiasni of the Country Club members on such a damp ' day. da.The Statesman sports edîtor was one of the openîng day . .. ,......: glfers, and while we hsd a fine time in spite of the' ~ -.., c'ioîture, ws must confess that aur enthusîssm began ta wne ovuer the last thrse hales, when a guy could get downri ght, The hesoecf Hugh Milligan, Steve jenkins And ïen1 f~swît essi d1staiced thý e ±st cf the fIeld, wthan cpt- eonn"- ýi as, -1 1 S13S ýý -7 èo ~ b a~ttl ht w a Ve à t~ièg1n o~l ~ hkr491 u n s e r y à d aA o.._ Widis WS:siikneG~1~~tt~te Bs as i G yJ hBb lato And k_'nad TedF ltt-, leb nih â -si-e Tcp-ih wet out l L A D Ejr A -IN T - j-O n S a u a M y t, th G o dy àf B wli g ua f r t e ea w sfrO m lý 1ef t t o rg h t, P au l, R e nau d , LAIE LA ~Lage ~d hat ài-ul aqut n pesnatanc Freel lakurJohnl Stainton, Jack Dunn, Tom Pr BhButnW a~i tois2litblh gI êiik orizès at Cntt'ia Hll ueen Stret. ' WnigGtceladCr nclke, day NightnffMixed Bowlers D hol loigB anquet Girlse d~S'ceing hýeld ËZit i ta 7:30G, The eînie wilcni f1 hÈ îet ,ôur Mhehne and coaccval Tfèd Ms- ad Gecr'ge Joiêé put uteefitrô their po--ciiipreparatioAnfor uherir hme opener sgahst port Hope anAmey 24h, 15yer rcr ~Ôm1-lâltiies, ýa right-hahdhrlr bý Tb lu he ui~id md êfihmhe±'~bu ~rùghaitthe-, Mcuuhd, RWanDyfonaghuèane er cFis n S nI itielder, whHlé ,George lrw-twh, hMti't ténfiUch âdiôh lthe us ki, potehng Mbicseaoith, bu hndabtGuy 7,ffl h,é Ithe lasu RallnwU. é payag aâc wih endl tis urmer, Pitchor Jrîa, M,-wx,1, , -, d o-nifllea"A "crossey sftd Dn MYMS. er sa awill nct hnbackTwo Iê mrtfoaLtté Bniitit wll a p~'ig ti*thé E2ectraOe. igi haad huý-rler, Cue'esbrne, ana cf e beat in th1-e Imu aiya hifeldr Pt *ail, héttél' ,,ýerlas, Yèm*ii etî -r té aniwo' h uauoaii bî êa ils Smda , Wlh thé ttsii1tc 'j'siA pw-y i at Th OiatteregCÎf-iî léhà1ffing -4 dancean Sat>urdeyý ai héNett~tl Twit1*fl The coSi h 1fféurilr s 1.ap,,er coule wtthédacescedxld agel uîtdOiw&5a t 8:1. Inianely sClaýrhe (0,risntee2riafg Chîb isho-w t11q top vèr-îl aub i twdneréLait *èèh, Diaita 1aitaldéiind -~ ~ ~~~W2n LaaCtsô mNd iît nêi »têuiléî, Dib for vthl champleshipachievniait, Dianp w-Oiýtthé e iait Junio Ladis eaînianhl~ w-iléLuas wae hnénithér Of thé eno Mus'ecanadien Chamrpiesp lea ta roinOit±'o las ame or s-o wII aéOera'hefamêèt The Rumilao lg aupeThe fô1lôwing évépum wwrté heM ite anné banquet a a-, od a i UrPéft Saturday. May tEw-bsn a flue pÎf,iau, MaPel pv~ -t re- turkey supper vwmeerveed hyseetd ; ohthe Y. M, jae~s the Ennriieincadiés n iél Trohy by l.MeGli ý usue lîih stndar, tè m ve Remod, D, Wood ____M_ 3___0__,M-if ý 1-1ThFll by C. R iieelit he pCooxtiies, CriU Cobé,1e Cool5e, D naYlr, B11e COne i C. iodda st's J(r Mi le . acs, ht'estcf thc Levtilng j wvassEt-tdancing o G îod opdM4 e W*u.Otwens M0 long St. E,Bomnll fi Weekly Rp Weeék o ve s 9r cls Blth-2 at tml Min peretas 4 RET LSSAE&RVC 723 -0011 420 SICElS OSH9AWPA On St~ venng, t Mmoral Prk lubou~e as trys a iniviual rizs, hey refro eet tu manyaw~ds erîpr~entd fllolngtheannel lgh, Mriln lichrds Dae RynodsGail Milison, Ti an Wn thlâhtoh drsevdatitv Members fthePCaad an Oder c oestens wih idiîdalirphies as ell as the large ans for Bowling Leagup opetdter ésno Stra ena onptto Team members included, froni night at CentenhilHlQenStet lhte n Weit ic ght tla aknCapt. Ron Brock, George nualbanuetand resntaion f pize, Tha tam Marhal, SeilaBrok ad Genn Prout; absent, Jerry came fit in the cveraîl a aso nd Iwsre p'-esented Flnk. arlingto Soc~er c e ules IlDaveyr; 1971Seasn cln, Jni PtterJr. Phone Mn,7-Zio3an tHrpa ner Tia: :5 ., nîl232 Wed. 9-Courue iTyran lai an 7:5 tere ~Set, 12--Coure etZ;o dl cancelled gamea ta Ham-pton ?et ian Mn 4Cutc iSl .1 pser ma paye St, Zon st Cauiides yrnsE ap Éght ()gaeoucf ls 2Tyase Slm Mn.2-aa et'qCoun. -tice yoff ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S gm.SaeaeHapnSe2-ALSTAR Garas ,nypraesa maibe pSet. 2Zion a Salie iMon28-AL, .n VwriigtaMcetr Elmpton ai Tyran ns -iHampt'n ai Countice Wed-Saisat Salera Aident net ltrte1 Mn.1Cur cctSaeaHmto iZo i afier a garas, JoueM' gus Presient oalee, -ain iTyas J L, VicezPrsident , Ra1h- Salra ai sZin BSt2-Tans at CourMesý Serear -TraCrr,' Set. i-Cocuea m pt Hmtnai'soal iMon, 5-Courfies ai Zian Wed. 7-Saler ata Tyrans Salineai tCourtie Sat, 10-Tyrans ailZian Saler aai'Hampton Mon. 12-Zian ai Salna Wed. 14-Hampton ai Tyrans Caurtice ai Salema Sat. 17-SalineaiatTyrans Saler ataiZian , Mon. 19-Courtice ai HaraptIn Wed, 21-Salera at Salins Zian ai Hampton Set. 24-Caurtice ai Tyrans Salinsai tHamaptan Wed. 28-Couruies at Salins SalemrataiTyrans Set, 31-Zion ai Tyrans Hampton ai Salera Auguat- Wed. 4-SaolinsaiZiMon Tyrans ai Hampton Set, 7-Saler ataiCouruies Maple Grove Ladies Leagus Once agafn an enjayable Lauise Gruyter - - és6 sason cf bowling, Is over,' June Davey 163 The, Champions were M. Olive Hanesa 164 Bradley's team and Runners- Marg, Wiltan 163 up C. Johnson. Rutn Waad -- 161 HIgh-Average - C. Johnson 207! Shirley Bubar 160 High Double - - K.' White 543 Gwea Bennister 160 High Single M. Mena 333 Joan Russelli--- --- - 157 M.I.B.- - - S. Bubar 17 Irene Bothwell 1t Over 300 Club - M. Menaý Evelyn Curwin 333, C. Johnson 313, Bettyý Helerie Siaiker ---- 147 Piper 306, Jean Bothwell 306. Beverly Wiggaas -, 148 Insiead of the tradiioaal Norma Debo ---- 145 banquet and trophies, on Ma y, Sharon Norrîs 144 6th we jouLiwyed L Toronto li Junior Sehedule 1971 Sesson to Ed's Warehouse for clin- h May ner and on ta the Royal Alex- E Tues. 18- Salins at Tyrone ander Theatre where we sawV Thurs, 20-H-ampton at an amusing camedy. We trust Courtice everyone snjoyed tnemselves a: Tues. 25-Tyrone at Hampt'n and hope ta ses you all in the tI Thurs. 27-Caurtice at Salins fail 2 June Average% Tues, 1--Salns at Hampton Carole Johnson .... 207 Thurs, 3-Tyrone at Courtice: Muriel Mann ___ 19 6 Tues. 8-Tyrane at Sauina Karen White 191 Thurs. lO--Courtice at Betty Piper --- --190 Hampton Myrt Bradley ------ -- _187 Tues, 15-Hampt'n at Tyrane Jackie Alexander __ 187 Thurs. 17-Solina ai Caurtice Ann Plazek -----186 Tues, 22-Hamptan at Solina Ruth McMillan ___ 182 Thurs. 24-Cýourtice at Tyrane Shirley Hogg 182 Tues. 29-Salins at Tyrans Carol McLean 180 JuIy. Jean Hashili 178 Tues, 6-Tyrans ai Hampt'n Marg. McGuîrk ---__ 1771 Thurs. 8-Courtice at Salins Clara Hegerman 175f Tues. 13-Courtice ai Joan Stevens 1"4' Hampton Audrey Hurrie .174f Thurs. 15-Tyrans ai Salins Joyce Hogg -- - -- 16 Tues. 20-Salinsai Hampton Marilyn Logeman 16.9 Thurs, 22-Tyrane at Courtie fian Bothwell in~ Tues. 27-Hampt'n ai Tyrone Marg Metcalf 167 Thurs. 29-Salins at Courtice Tues. 3-Courtice ai Tyrans. Recreation Thurs, 5-Hampton ai Tues, 10-Hampton at ina Reviews fý Lands &Forests lésident Angling Licence Abohishecl As, recently announced by fthe Provincial Goverament Iresidenta of Ontario do net naw frequire an aagling licence, Aay persan Who is la possession f & 1971 Resideat Angling Licence may have ths $3,00 tee refunded ia cash by pre- sentung ths licence tb any brancicf the fellowiag banka la Ontaria:- Bank et Nove Scatia, Bank of Montreal, Ca- nadien Imlperial Bank of Com- merce, Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank and Province cf Ontario Savings Office, The redempiion periad by these banha will commence an May 6h , 1971 and extend ta July 301h, 1971 inclusive. Persans who have alrsady niailed their licences tai Queen's Park, Tarante will be refunded by cheque. The ca-aperation of Banks bas heen énlisted ta, facilitais s apeedy-refuad. Thé licensees naine end mailing addreas on the licence must, be complets and legible when présentsd ta lie hank. Mals residents aver 65 years et age should nais tiai ths rýecently untrodueed free Sen- ior Citizens Anglhng Licence la ne0 langer requîred sither. Pnrsn ,vîshîng t a te 1,ameli forpersoal usé ai tifs tiraec year may do so wiih- out e licence of any kiad pro- - vided a dip net nat mars tien six feet by six feet square or six tet ladiameter la used. If a seins net is used for smei than the usuel Resident Licence ta Tae Smelt for Personal Use (tes $1.00) is still requir- ed. What Prie Our Osier flerd? by C, O. AI MasPadyen, Orone Prom actuel obssrvations-1 during tie periad January 1 te Aprîl 6, 1971 by Conserva. tien Offleers la the Lindsay District, tic total deer hill by dogs came ta 5l* This figure is 40 mare deer ihan for the satire year of 1970 tram ths saescause. Alsa ta hé includ- ed la ib is figure la the tact liai thase liai were dos would inereese tie deer herd by passible twins ssci. Prom tuis figure cf known hilîs you cauld actually surmounitich figure et 56 deer ta a passible 100. Rscently, s charge cf a dag found runaing et large la Cavan Twp. and killing a deer wes laid betore ths Court ai Bowmeaville. The ewner stat- ed thai the dog la ta hé des- iroyed. On tuîs hasis lie Judgé set a finseto $100 and casta, It was aIse atated liaIatay furtier charges cf ibis nature braught before the Court would warrant e fine cf $500 upan conviction. NewuviIIe- Starkvîlle Bowlîng League Thursday, May 6ih Averages Doris Toraphins 211, Gaill Milîson 200, Darothy Stark 189, Joye Stacey 197, Elsias Marchent 184, Rorie Woods 180, ýGrae Farrow 179, Maris Trira 177, Olive Hendersan 173, Delares Walhey 165, DaIs Foran 165, Pet Milisan 163, Jean Pallerd 159, Pensy Johnson 158, Cathy Lambert 155, Coréen Barchard 154, Peggy Milîson 152, Pst Hedg- es 151, Marg Gulland 137, Sua- an Mechis 133. Higi Sungle-Gaîl Milîsan 293 Hîgi Triple-Gail Milîson 739 Hîgit Av.-Daris Torapkins 211 200 Gamea Gall Milison 293-263, Doris Terapkias 286, Elaine Mar- chant 264-215, Pat Milîson 259-249, Olive Hendérsan 236, Delores Walhey 232, Grace Farrow 230-204, Darotiy Stark 228-217, Joye Stacey 223, Cathy Lambert 223, Dals Games Wîm Tyron e t Sna I Gne inger 50 Wed., 1 I-Zion ai Salera Aluspice 49 Hampi'nataiCaurtice Nutmeg ------ --411, iSet. 1.4-Zion at Ca ltice, Playolffa eginnexi ek 1 sii anee o fmare players ta take part in the Boys' Pes Wee Basebal League. This is for boys 10 yesrs cf age and under 13 years. Thers wIil be warkouts this Seturday mornîng, May l5th, st 9:00 a.m, at the Vin- cent Masssy Sehool. Giîrls'Softbsl There is also a. need for more girls for the Recreatîon Girls' Saftball league. This is for gIrls 7 years and under 13 years for Bantani, and 13 years and under 16 years for Midget. There wIll be prac- tics games this Saturday mcrnung, May l5th at 9.00 s.m. ai ths Central Schaaol grounds. GET CASH TODAX THROUGH STAT E 8 M.A N 0oWopen Irene Bannister -1.19 ,iarg, Barrabaîl 1336 Cay' Burton -- , .15 Vinais Brown ------------ 134 Anyaae la the Maple Grave aree îaterested ini bowling this feill caîl 623-5154 or 623- 821L Gutboard power for anything fram a dawdle tb a dash! Let us show yau how great the gding cari be, Johnson-styleï 25 hp-pwerful enough for skiers 20 hp- portabilHty plus power 91/2 hp - Most populer fishing outboard 6 hp - with f un rF-N- gearshidt 4 hp - with 3600 Steering weighs only OntrjoS ports North of Orono Phone 983~5444 Make reservations now PHONE 623-3373 Tennis Racquets availeble ýfor rent Court Fees SINGLES $10 per houi DOUBLES $2.00 per houi Llberty St, S. ai Hwy. 401 USED Ur Ur Bowmanville 1970 MAVERICK 2-DR. COACH 6 cyl., standard transmission, a real economy unit. Lic. 9944A. Balance of GM Faetory Warranty 1969 PONTIAC PARISIENNE' 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatic and power. Lie. 3149A. 1969 CHEVROLET IMPALA SEDAN V-8, automatie, power steering, radio, white walls and discs. Lic. 23365A. 1968 FIREBIRD 2-DR. HARDTOP "'400" V-8, automatie, double power, bucket seats, floor console. Be sure to see this one. Lic. 39691A. 1968 PONTIAC 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatic, double power. Lic. 708311. 1967 BEAUMONT STATION WAGON V-8, automatie, power steering and brakes, radio, white walls and.dises, Previaus owner's naine on request. Immaculate condition. Lic. X43154. 1968 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE 2-DR. HARDTOP Fully powered, executive driven, This car has ai the necessary options for luxury drivinà includîng air-conditioning. See this one. Lie. 708381. 30 MORE GOODWILL USEDTT CARS TO CHOOSE FROM!ý les King St. K 623..3396 1 ý iu- 1 --j- ýý vvrw M4.wuisil j! There is stîll a neetî fnr , r ý-33q 1 m

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