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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1971, p. 10

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10 TheCanadian Stale-riln, rowinanvil1c, May V9, 1971 by Bob Watt A'ssistant Agricultural Representative PAIY l INC V S comiig spring ani summer. and also taethtvacation C0110VETITION The wat er will turi n brigbt1 that you hiave promised your- W haebeecl-ol e ~ gree'n when fluorescine is put iself and your family for a tueDuha County Mk in it as a preliminary test, and ýlong time,' C mttethat there will be it will turn yellow whfen thel There are many young aDar Prrncess Competition lampreycide is put in it. - Neith- people who would like the for- Durham again this year. er of these two treatmeiints wi]l opportunity to help y ou. We, The- competition invoîves a~ alter the stream's conjditiion as at he Ontario Department of peanlinterview, ýa. speech far as farm stock, catti.e, hors- Agricui1l;- tureandFoodl in Bow- concrnîang some aspect ot the es, etc. are concernied. manville ,%ould be glad to daeiriridustry and also the The two compounds are not hear from you, if yiou need aculmlking section. toxic to humans in any waY.,summer help, as we do get ,ne conipetition is open to '['le purpose of thîs prograin Irequests from young people for nygrsbetween the ages of is to control the population help in locating vork. 16ad25. If any girls are of lamprey eels wich prey WEED CONTROL interesied in r enter-ing this on inany species of fish. RECOMMENDATIONS comý ilpeiltion or vho w,-ish more SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Noxw that pianting is well i~om tionheyshioufld con- FOR- STUDENTS uinder way, it xiii soon be t ~la(t thi ,oalmme of Once again this summer time for increased spraying 1tcComut Milk Cmmteehere -wili be a large niumber to be done. One publication The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o winr0 hs op-o oung people that xiii be that you may Eind useful la t$tonwii b abe o cmptedesiring wiork, to earn money the "1971,Gideto Chemîcai aI he .N.. help finance their educa- Weed Controlu". M1ost faim The cmpetitin i ll tlion. It is hoped that every- SuL1)iierS in the County have h-1cd onr Thursday, Juy22 in one who possibly can help out copies; of this'publication, or- 4ieNecasleArena at 7:00 will do so. This would be a it ma, be obtained froni the good summner to get those On)tarlo Department of Agri- LAMP E EL CONTROL Jobs dune which y ou just nev- culture.& Food, 14 Frank St,, 'N 1LOCAL STREAMS ' en ulnlm ud haý Central Lake Ontario, C,)nsrvs-ti on Authority bas plr- n advýisad that the Ses apnyControl Unit ut the I CandaDcp. f Fishi-res anid ~oatywili be treaing Bttî LydaCrck, Oshaxva Crack B c 151' ,-At tha regular IfnoyCiekBowmanville 'Maysmeeting of Manvers Crack and thain tnibutanies Troxnsbip Council ail mem- wývl ampreycida during the bers wene present exrept Dcputy Reeve John Payne who GeneralhinsuranCe FIRE aInd AUTOIMOBILE INSURANCE lis iii iu hospital. The Reave Harvey Malcolm pnesided. Communications nccived aud îead xxena an application foc land severnu rnoni Don- ald Archer, Mca. A. Robins ce lana intopropenty; Depf. uf Municipal Afa-se.,balanice of 1970 Basc hlter Grant in the amount 0f 94,0 aia Gr-ec Gr owyne stn sate for bridge nocth utJanat- cocniglots, Haualth UL nit monhiy epor, Dpt.uaIMunia- Brauich ce Halot Lot 6, Con.. 1, MONEY ON DX PREMIUMl QUAITY FUEL OIL BOWANVLLECUSTOMERS CALI, COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3341 or Dia! 1-668-341 CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOJJS SERVICE Sringtim DUM7TAKF rCHANCS WJTNA I.AKY EXHAUST 1 "~STANDARD" "PREMIUM" Caricn es a ie Heoane.IeaVY- Top-of-the-Jn e m41er wth double q805C e I osIer Rho1. Poiboas.steel stell, leavy zincc oaîeg;p. Fuly oui poot edr. uaranleed. - MKE EAR STANDARD PREMIUM U1he1-. Pon-1c4 64 4.98 -Î 95 Dl o:ac6.cyi. '5 68 4.98 9.55 Clue,/Pntic 8cyl.'6569 .55 10.35 DoldgePy. rl 1 6 8 6.25 9.45 Dodo/Pym.8-yl.'6568 6.50 9.95 - Vha1/Drt6-y. 6066 5.40 -8,55 WESS 0R3 ~WA VY- II1Y BA TTER Y Uould Shis btter Sai wlfl-si 6mon (flt rely dcag),w sI tapoai nEE.,ivjL)ld jE fao Ui 3 noohuwe ,.sal replace ýtEon poita as.Yu- payonlyforthe time edr1 CHEVROLET 2VL ISOOGE *v FORD METEOR- GURN PQNTiAC ECAE PLYMOTIl OST MDE03 ilAMB L ,R Western Tire & Auto Supply F. Alvin Boyd Limitad ,35 KI NG ST. W., PHONE 623-3134 BOWMANVILLE Seriîce Dept. and Store Houri MON, UE., ED, HUS,.. o Beef- Producers Want No, Part' of Bill C-176 rooni choira, CGrades 7 and 8,1 for jhforn chîeIchion.. Rural Choirs Salen. I*bioic Srhool - Ga- Newcastle Puiblicý School -; oska Trophy for s c ho ol Gay Vianonial Trophy; Ka-choirs, grades 1 aud 2. 1 wartha Kiwaais Trophy for! Spacial Award col chorus S.S.A. Vinrent Massey S c huo o1 MtcasCornners School - Bowmsnvîllo- Charles Allen Kawartha Kiwanis Tcoophy Mamorial Tnnphy. eY p.7 e5 Ar L.W E A'RN fLTDýl'71K. ENNISU1LLEN, ONT. PHON',E 263-2291 )Bowmanvilie. Phone 623-3348.1ii I Bruce Beer, standing on the right, Chairman of Aluin, standing on the lef t. Principal protagonisti àe C r cthe House of Commons Agriculture Commîttee, an- Graeme Hedley, is seated in the middle. Mr. Hedley, sers a question from the audience in a recent secretary manager of the Ontario Beef Producers - 0 THE ONUI Dept. of Highways re expro- debate, on Bill C-176, a faederai proposai to form nation- Association, argued strongiy against the inclusion of Y ipriation of part of Bethel ai marketing boards. The debate, calied by the North- beef producers under the Bill. Mr. Beer. a native 'ofe Cemetery for hîghway pur- umberland-Durham Beef Producers Association, was Bethany, is Libaral M.P. for Peel and Parliamentarv eE poses, list of lots created re- 'held in the St. George's Anglican Parish Hall in New- Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, Bud Oison. , cently in Man vers Township castie. It was chaired by Association president William and a number of accounts. Manvers Township garbage pare tied in recorder solo,! dumps to be reposted with r ~p I a e t n A epesnttie f el N~ DDW"p ~ ~ ville - isi place in piano solo, Canada called on the counceil 18 years and undar, E T I E and discussed the charges fo p AIu t 1 1IMark Munday of Bowman-lF R IIE the six fire telephloneCs at ff5 M'~ 1 ~~ C~C I f lvle- r lc in oo Janetille. ~ ~ 555 II~1J 5IL~p 1~~M V~4 E Il years and under, S R AD N Messr. Grer, Gliowy & an Munday of Bowmaîî- Assor. %wil Lbeengaged 4to liook arter the( drainage and water The 2thavînua Kiwlanis!Girls (two part) chorus, with [ School - 2nd place School1 ville - 3rd place piano solo, systîion Monk's, HM i t he Mus ir Festival bid April!84 par cent. Choir (two-part chorus) wjlh 9 Years and undcc, ~U A U A Erin. Elizabeth Nicks ofC" fEI CAI LS ;developer's expense, if th-e l4th -24th lu Peterborough Vinrent Massey Punblic 84 per cent; 3rd place two- Bowmanville - lst place -gil' matter la to proreed. Tbe hbas demonstrated that this' Srhool - lst place Recorder part chorus with 8t per cent.l,, 10 eî, n ndr Towîîiship ivili taka over ad- J'area can and does produce itsi Ensemble, 13 years and un- Mapla Grove West Pub1î lce irssoi years ad - CEEflC'si ditionial land for road and f air share of musical talent. der, wlth 86 par cent; ist'Shol jn place o g udr'. soo, l yasan wate sytemon pprvaiof Treeindvidalswontopplace Grade 8 Classrooin Choir with 84 per cent; 3rdé aeln eclyofBw cotîsulting enginacers. awards in their fields ut mu-1 Choir, with 87 'par cent; lst, place Classroom Choir, gradesl manvilla .- ist place violin' The Township Insurers are sic, the Vinrent Massey Pub- place Junior School Chorus,, 3 and 4, with 84 par cent; 3rd sl,1 er adudr i to ha contarted re an arnl- lic Schooi Junior Choir wasi with 90 par cent, place grades i and 2 choir, place violin solo. l8 years and Srigtem dent on the llth Concession deamed the most oufîtandlins' Courtire Highway Public, with 83 par cent. under.thema and the matter of fance dam- choir perfornmance lu the fes-'School' - 2nd place, grade 1 Mitrhell's Corners Public! Awards: business is agi aga from excess snowýý and tival, and a numbar of area and 2 choir, with 86 par cent., School - lit place, grade 11 Violin -i1Rp'd Traem snow ploughîug. srhools won firit, serond and Courtice North P ubliec rhythxm1 baud with 85 per Madeline iVlrklay lluwmain Thetonsipwil îv athird place prizas lu thc-ir Sho r lctopr cent- lit- place two part[ ville - Hunt Brothers aa grant 0f $10,00 par hall team divisions, chorus, with 83 par cent, eh orus, wit 7prcetVn oalSria (25;sls' lu ail bailt~ams in Mnver87OSpth cndit-idul awards M.J.eHvibs Snior)Publi 1o4 nship atican in an MadaîOf aterkdviley ardscho. . ol eir ulcplace grades 4, 5 and 6 S.S.A.i tray donated bv J. LillirosC, i1e Tomýhippaii(iptin, i au', 8 ho. - 2nd p lace SA.B. with 87 par cent; 2nd place Vca orgaized negu il the town- suatfoMCmrlPb iMxed Chorus, grades 7 and shlpden la 1971Cen8rwth 8ubrlcentClassroom Choir with 86 par ,Iauîire Starl - Janctville - A sevrareh o a rant- Sho, took top honors vui cent; and 3rd plae Grade 3 Kawartha K ixw anrti s Club rert ii e ed o Dnal Arherfora lt Shoo, Ea Eizaet Lockhart's Public Srhool "elsron horwf 85 parý ($50); silver tray donated hy -- . a Lt lontvioldplace, Recorder Ensemble,, cent. M.adM .Glmi.NEWCAST1LE 100 ft. _x 5i-l iit. nti C thiksga de5 19 n t. unioMrs Ch oa l,(tra1ilar tohawldonth sainie chool, serurad two 13yeaýrs and under, with 84'Idvdas NA I or o o taierfirits lun girls solo, singingpar tcent; 2nd place Recorder Janice Starey of Janetviile -I oufiaNTARdIySOoo Oc-shi and a Janetviîîa girl, Janire!solo with 84 par cent; 3rd 2nd place Oratorio, solo, fa-1 Kiwanis Trophy tor mixed pak ha nw oue 5 r-Starey arhieved awa.vrds 10paeRcrerslWih8 maie; lit place mezzo soprano,1voica chiîrs. PHIONE A 10supiraoroedls,). l.School Choira A~~~~~~ iywwspse ost rtrosls aae parce. dryShol- 21 yaars an under file 1971 nnillil fo !r the The Vinrent Juniory Cut r eodr col Nancy Allun of Newcastlei Vinrent Masser S ch o o1,8-71C ratas, Junior1 lat Mixed Voire Ch or a 2 nd place ia recorder solo, 1IBl mavie iansTo tbwahi. he ve~llton~ hoi ataiedthato ma~cS.A.B. Wlth Id8 par ceut. years and undar. phy for Junior Scbuol Ch'oru.~ ship rate for farm nd eai- -90 par cent -awarded to St. Paul's (Bowmanvilie) 0ac roto Ooo-3rd PtrsnTopyfr i- detil rpetiashaIl ha any choir la the 10-day fasti- JuniorcChurr Choir, 15 n Paterson Trophy Io_ 95nithe sanpieiil 1970 val. Thay, wera presentedyaradunr- dwih8 aadi tha com)mercuial rate shaîl with the Charles E. Alla ipar cent. ha- rcdued une mîli f0 iVemoriai Trophy, donated l ae Pbibcho i 105 nus. ha etebooug K W O ~Place B-oys,' Choir, village and IA sevaraýnca xv'iii ha grant- Club for the moat outstand- rura,ý1 withi 86 par cent; 1f Pd to Peter Ta to, sali ail ing choir performance, place Juniior Choir with 84' ý- la'nda hiea owns lu Lotý 24, Con. Local winners are, as fol- par cent, a 3 an resrve13.9 acrs wth lwî:Newcastle Public Srhool - buildinigs. f Lm ~ord Elgin Publia School - lit place Senior Choir (tbrea' A Resolution received r2d place, Grade 5 classroom part chorus), with 88 parl the City of St. Catharines choir (two part), with 88 per Ucent; 3cd place Senior Choiri was endorsed, xs-lereby the cent. (two-part chorus) with- 85;'oora ssta hni ore o m w r otefns Citxr of St. Catharines la pres- -O0n ft a 1ri o0 Strat Pueic pa cent 0nl pr f a Regional School- 2nSplae, e n bior Ctri-g-nass, diff en I hvest iw r to hefn t Governînent lu the Niagara. M1ap>le Grove East Public utn rss ifrn peophe to rs,) -area and it la the uotention dfeen ed.W îhvrTr o u of thesaid City,-of St. Catb-l N9 O LdfernledsthchvrTroyub armaes that Regioni Govýùern- Whi sw yw aem w r o sure it wîII give your gi !ment as they fîind il. is net o-t A h Sunday' Mothars' pool prasent ware Kay Beggs, best eut possibleowes fa efficient or econoînical'to Servira, Rav. Northey ýEiiaen Mucha, Mýildred Bro wn-, ail reasons. etc psîl, erate. Therefora the Town- baizeý d 1Daniel Tîmothy, son ýDiarnue Porter, Barbara andiTh a wes î fy ship of iVanvers concurs with of Mc., and lVicrs. Rusell EvanslMadelina RamiltonMca. Roy' No matter how nui or how lîttie aToo osutyu itc ,the City o1 St. Catharines and Tenrance Wayne, son 0f Cochran-e, Ilildaý, Barbara gasayudav utaTroha teone tinig:uitc thai. the Ontario Govanumrent Mr.Cad n Tom ILoward. Donna Cochrane. and o av oct T r a h ha îequested lu 'irthdte r unior Choii sag asits c. ud rs,,aoCo iinright mower for you. (From rotary You don't have a lawrî. reimp,lmnatî ut futhrth ha "ylVotr'sVoM. n 'iS. Don King andy regona goermen unîlthalu heafrt2noovi Karen Li:as famjilies utosh0ýliaaand Mr. succes,or fiua of th. Flrence, daughfter of Mr, antdad rsRyHaitnwr prset egoaiGoerm u Mr. Bruce Seizer waschist-Sada gust-o-M--ad-c- rýau lha properly aý,issead Y ened. w(tdý ust f adMs their, performance over a, The Explorera und-xen thaiiBagsad mly ORO SPORTS'MAN period of tuae. fMc. antI Mca. Bernard Neals A Supplementary Road By- 1aadai Msp 0f MWa.leNalFinný-ai uî family visited Coihing- Riding Muwýer, law la the amount of $71.000ün iaPtWakcaahl wood and Wasaga Beach onAco atra-ein was passed.~taî eredsl nhetewaed. rider wîth trartor-type Accounts la the muto c asmn ii a Tracey Bradley en.etindcontrais (separate ciufch $1.31,6wee cdnd ai ay. Thay bave edîted an brke, Irx $17xt166meeg f oudd1bhoukawhîch willlalso be on sevecal of lhan friands Fridaadyrk). he wlihhedJu8,17. sala. To tenminate their yaar, to beip bar celebrata hanerft- speeds forward plus, a Nlother-Daughtar Banquet irtdysn tno a part on atuday o clebrtelreverse. Easy cutting tu be heid on Wadnesday pryo audyt eabaahih dutat (1D91T~AD lVay 1ih at tisa New Dutch bis sixth bintbday. Cuigtnad's t 26" o OITUA.LL Oven Restiaurant. Mca. Andy Sutch Sr. and iCtigwdh f2'o GVRS . MOlUN1.JOY At ihe fusai rard party fMrs Geo. Van Dam motored 32", 5 or 7 H.P. with Ea. hibyth sasn el l Blldufof tl antford un Sunday tu visit optionai electric start on Aresidentu îh als acr eethaîr mothar. sinc 193, rs. Labls o etchr we7 H.P. Township Wnsince 1913s Mcaar srr t eprttra Gertrude Mountjoy died MaYpaydWimrwaeLais W aeaorlueottit Bagging attachniant Bt, 91,atte shw Can iaU. Gordon Kirk, Nornan Carolyn Porter, dsughter ofi optîonai, ana Hopitl staran imas;Bnoxvn; ganta, Barrie Prestoa, Mr, and Mca. Carl'Porter is'a Wywi hnyucr JbnEvans, Spot prizes, patient in Rosa Manoriai Hua-ý of four moutha. She lived ai taney Wri ig ht Donotby pitl, Lindsay.- Sha suffaredl rida for as ittia as RH.1, shaa.Fallta. back injuries whan throwni Tha former Genfrude Felecia W nagadt.eport tlhat muni a horse. $5.5TR I Langmaid waa humn June 6, Dala BsBdluk catuctwed Fýrni Richacdaona' Nur'sary recn ________________________________New fromn 1887, ln Darliugton Township' opta!DnrnSevatcve nora rnt- ~The. Fiesta thedauhta oSthalat Wa- home for the waekend but had Ynabec Govenet for 400 -1OLtha o Qerab Mryanda (Ani)1"-TOStAW ta ndMryHuah(nne o reîu1nn ho Hospital forc00saadiings. Wilfred bas hadian21"S sugaiad was marce iCippled Childcen for forthera double shift wocking 10 ill TRACTORS throe arcE at er huasa eb 26 19f. ealen!En enis a- is 'ordar and many otheca i Toro has the most 4-cycle Bni She ss meben0f ad-faut son uf Mr. and Mca. Mec-1 that ha bas rccivad. ron United Church and 015 vin Blight was rclaasad froni comipiete lina of iawn angines (w the officiai hoard of Kedro-nlhospital this waak. 2 thavtsa ,8,,and Opti conae)b UnTited Church, a chanter Sorny 10 say yourcagulan ae5 ,8 0 n pinib imnihabr of Kedron Uni'ted co-rrespondant, Jack Payne, l Ca k C u 12 H.P. mnodeis with availabia. Church Woncn, aPf!a me- stili hoapitalized. Our tboug,,,hts cuhtting widfh,, fiom rcssa ber~~~~ ofteUie hrhW-aawt oJc.dnn pproves Tender 25" 10 42" (ail with ,men, sud was also intarestadyour pcolonged ilînas, . optionailhagginci and a Iu craffa. Sheawss pre deceas-' Savaral fron this ares at- Clarke Township Councill ed by han usan, ha iste îended the Milhcrook Bowling approved tbrea tenders opan-i copiefa mie of J.EaetMutoyTa 4 aqethl utaRc ed during its meeting held in! attachments). 1961. Haven Motel, Peterborough, on Orono May 4tb.Yucnfeleult n 1Th e,ý:,di uvvdb rdyeeig eseVn Oua trom the Durham Fac- grass-cutting task with a txvo danghtars, Mca. William Dam sud Leonra Strong w~on mc ony C-prfv r antatr Macregor (Elda), Coboronk; 'iwo of thea many awards pra- mws lCheount o-rat 3696,aw tac IMn. Hugli Gaunon (Bessia), santed. !rrepna-iin hetownship- IOshawa; ona son, Perey, Easti Pontypoul n'as also r or furnglat ro $999 iWhithy Township; two sisiteri, saotad at the Durhami Proxr I Anothar n'as fron Munici-> în Iawn itrac. y, you can be Irass the very you can~t f an mean on!y I~ ESTA Mower. Torofor 1971. ý s available in ais--- 19", 21"', elf-Propelled. Ail equipped with 'gs & Stratton vth automiatîc Iggiflp kit r. as iow-as $119.95 -STOP CENTRE FOR 'UR CROP DUIREMEN,!T,â in whose E R FERGTILZE R X TIRE Lt AUTO SU PPLY LTO. j Box 249 ne - Outarie

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